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Centro Cultural Colombo Americano

Independent Work
Lesson F


Student’s Name: Yusseth Vélez Gutierrez

Write the answers to the exercises in the video lesson that your teacher assigned to you.

1. Look at the photo and the caption

1. What do you know about this animal?

I really don't know much about them

2. How would you feel if you were the diver? Why?

I would feel scared, they are very dangerous animals

3. Which animal would frighten you more: an octopus or a shark? Why?

A shark, it looks dangerous

4. What do you think might happen in a meeting between an octopus and a shark?
Maybe the shark will kill the octopus


b. Match the words in bold in exercise 2a with these definitions

a. To use patterns and colors so that it’s a difficult to be seen - Camouflage

b. The place where you are and the things that are there - Surroundings
c. To allow a liquid or gas to escape - Release
d. Animal that kill and eat other animals to survive - Predators
e. A large container of water to keep fish and similar animals in - Tank

4. Try to complete the summary of what happened in the tank. Watch the video again to
check your answers if necessary

The spiny dogfish shark is a predator, but the octopus is not its usual prey. If it was, the
aquarium staff wouldn’t have put them in the same _Aquarium_.But then, dead_sharks_
started to appear at the bottom of the tank. The _staffs_ were worried. But then they
discovered that the _octopus_ was attacking the _sharks_. Nobody had expected this to
happen. The octopus was more dangerous than the sharks.

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