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Nama Dosen :

Dr.Hj. Ai Juniati, M.MPd.

Disusun Oleh:

Aly Awaludin


Manajemen A-1

Jl. Karapitan No.116, Cikawao, Kec. Lengkong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40261
1. What is your opinion about eating too much?
Answer :
Exciseve eating will accumulate fat in the body. Especially if you are lazy to move.
Obesity that leads to obesity is the first negative effect overating, and as is well known,
overating will cause health problems, including heart and cholesterol. Gastric acid
problem, overating can also make a stomach ache and gossed.
2. Is carbon dioxide useful for the life on the earth?
Answer :
Benefits of carbon Dioxide, play a role in the process of photosyntesis in plants.
Photosyntesis plants use carbon dioxide and water to produce the sugar and oxygen
needed as food. The equation of reaction is liquid and solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) is an
important refrigerant, especially in the food industry, where it is used when trans porting
and storing ice cream and other fozen foods.
3. How can we reduce the carbon dioxide?
Answer :
Photosynthesis remove carbon dioxide naturally and the role of trees is very large in
storing carbon released from the atmosphere throught the process of photosynthesis.
Expansion, restoration and management of forests can encourage more carbon
sequestration by utilizing the ability of photosyntesis to convert carbon dioxide in the air
carbon stored in the potential for carbon removal throught this method reaches of metric
tons per year.
4. What is the difference between climate and weather?
Answer :
Weather is an air condition or condition that occurs in area or region within certain time
period the weather can change in a short amount of time, which is only a few hours,
weather properties that are fast changing and unsrable, where as climate has properties
that are stable and difficult to change predictions about the weather are easy to do, where
as climate forecasts are difficult.
5. What are the reasons to be a vegetarian?
Answer :
Healthy for longer by being vegetarion, we avoid all animal fat. We know, animal fat is
source of cholesterol which is one of the triggers for heart disease and cancer. In addition,
the body will also get lors of fiber from vegetable and fruit. Life is more colorfull
vegetables and fruit have many colors. The more colorfull the healthy your food.

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