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Author Name r
Title Z
Original File Name 265_4911
Submission/Paper ID 133360
Submission Date 07-Aug-2020 10:52:55
Total Pages 2
Total Words 404

Result Information

Similarity 18 %
Unique 82 %
Journal/Publication Sources 17 %
Student papers 1%

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References/Bibliography Not Excluded

Quotes Not Excluded
Sources: Less than 14 Words Similarity Not Excluded
DrillBit Similarity Report

A-Satisfactory (0-10%)
B-Upgrade (11-40%)

18 5 B C-Poor (41-60%)
D-Unacceptable (61-100%)


1. 1 Publication 8

2. 4 Publication
Thesis submitted to shodhganga - 6

3. 3 Student Papper
Aligarh Muslim University Paper - 1

4. 2 Publication
Hierarchical Organization of Human Cortical Networks in 1
Health and Sch by Bassett-2008

5. 5 Publication
ACM Press the 8th International Conference- Siem Reap, 1
Cambodia (2, by Hishinuma, Naoko T- 2014
The word Fintech is derived from the combination of two terms that is Finance & Technology.
Financial Technology (Fintech) is considered to be a game changing innovation innovations in
the area of financial industry and it is developing at a brisk speed. With the technological
developments in infrastructure and mobile devices it has allowed fintech companies to
disintermediate from firms that are still engaged in traditional financial practices and come up
with their own unique, niche and personalized services. The emergence of Fintech companies
was after the worldwide crisis in the year 2008. These companies mainly combined the E-
finance which refers to all those forms of financial services namely banking, and stock trading
that are performed through electronic mean including the internet and world wide web, social
networking services, artificial intelligence, automation and massive data analytics. Though
fintech companies pose a threat to the conventional financial firms but it also provides ample
opportunities to these firms to build up their own competitive advantage.

If we look at the past five years, we find that the fintech market in India has gained success in
terms of funding received as well as the increasing adoption of fintech solutions by consumers.
In 2018 the fintech users in India stood at 57.9% which ultimately pushed India rank towards
number two if we look at its global position in terms of fintech users.
From the year 2013 to 2018 around 2000 fintech companies have come into existence turning
India into a hub for entrepreneurial activities.

FinTech has led to the creation of digital financial inclusion. The Asian Development Bank
defines the term financial inclusion as ‘Provision of a broad range of financial services such as
deposits, loans, payment services, money transfers, and insurance to poor and low- income
households and their micro-enterprises’. It is proposed that fintech could be the solution for
financial exclusion (Alliance for Financial Inclusion,2017; The World Bank, 2017) they have
the potential to not only increase the financial services availability but also, they are able to
reduce the costs that are associated with in doing so. The fintech industry compromises of
fintech companies and they facilitate towards the development of new digital financial services.
These FinTech companies developed their business models keeping in view the emerging
technologies and by doing so these companies were able to make a huge impact on the
traditional financial industry and also differentiated themselves from those traditional financial

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