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Tangent = touches one point on

the circle
1. Force that keeps an object in a circular motion.
2. Friction force
3. a. Gravitational force
b. It will not orbit the earth because it does not have
centripetal force

4. In order to orbit around the earth, the satellite require

centripetal force to remain in circular motion. The centripetal
force is provided by gravitational force.
Chemical Energy = particle bond

GPE = height from the ground

Kinetic energy = movement

Elastic Potential Energy = elasticity

(difference between length distorted and original length)

Thermal Energy = Heat ( Temperature difference)

Nuclear Fusion = Combination of particles – producing nuclear energy (fuse)

Hydrogen + Hydrogen -> Helium

1. Sun and fire

2. GPE
3. Elastic Potential Energy
4. Less (less movement = less kinetic energy)
5. Huge ball of fire is from nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion, particles fuse
(combine) to produce nuclear energy. This nuclear energy is converted to
thermal and light energy.

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