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CS158-2 Activity #3

Answer the following questions in less than 200 words each.

Read the news (links below) happened about an AI car that killed a woman on March 18, 2018.

1. Who was to blame in this accident? and why?

- After reading and analyzing the two article regarding the self-driving uber fatal crash that killed a jaywalking pedestrian,
it is clearly the woman’s fault who jaywalked. But does not mean the developers of the driverless automotive are not to
blame. They showed premature thinking on lack of prioritizing safety on different unexpected events that may occur on
roads. Also based on the articles, they said that there is a safety driver on the driverless uber in case something goes
wrong. Based on the police report this safety driver showed irresponsibility, the driver is watching the voice while the
incident happened so he did not prevent the accident when the woman suddenly jaywalked. Therefore, I conclude that
the people to blame for this accident are the woman who jaywalked, the safety driver, and the developers of the machine.
They all have irresponsibility on their part that cause the accident.

2. Autonomous vehicle is one of the reasons why several governments are working to have an AI Law. Which else --
technologies -- do you think should also be under this law aside from autonomous vehicles?

- I think all inventions or technologies that may cause accident or damage to human and environment when its system fails
should be under the AI law. Because these technologies are not built to harm but rather to give benefit to the people and
to our environment.

3. Do you agree to stop investing on autonomous vehicles? How about looking at the vision that autonomous vehicles have less
accidents than humans doing the actual driving?

- Autonomous vehicles are far from being realistic today, but its possibilities in the future should not be dismissed.
Investments for this advancement should not be stop, because it has the potential to resolve accidents and traffic issues
due to the similar traffic system autonomous vehicles process that are much better than humans doing the actual driving.
Traffic rules are much easy to apply to these machines through data that its system will process compare to humans
driving a car who often disobey traffic rules.

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