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Roll#102 M.



To Model 5-Bus Power System Using PWS

 Intel Based Computer
 Power World Simulator Software


Single line Diagram:

Single line diagram is the representation of a power system using the simple symbol for each
component. The single line diagram of a power system is the network which shows the main
connections and arrangement of the system components along with their data (such as output rating,
voltage, resistance and reactance, etc.).

Power System Bus:

A bus in a power system is defined as the vertical line at which the several components of the power

system like generators, loads, and feeders, etc., are connected. The buses in a power system are

associated with four quantities. These quantities are the magnitude of the voltage, the phase angle of

the voltage, active or true power and the reactive power.

Roll#102 M.Subhan

 Load Bus:
This is also called the P-Q bus and at this bus the total injected power is specified, i.e., the active and
reactive power injected into the network at this bus. Magnitude and phase angle of the voltage are to
be computed. It is required to specify only P and Q at such a bus as at a load bus voltage can be
permitted to vary within the permissible values, i.e., 5%. Also phase angle of the voltage i.e., δ is not
very important for the load.

 Generation Bus or Voltage-Controlled Bus:

This is also called the P-V bus, and on this bus the voltage magnitude corresponding to generation
voltage and true or active power P corresponding to its ratings are specified. Voltage magnitude is
maintained constant at a specified value by injection of reactive power. The reactive power
generation Q and phase angle δ of the voltage are to be computed.

 Slack, Swing or Reference Bus:

One of the generation buses in a power system is chosen as slack or swing bus. At this
bus, the magnitude and phase angle of the voltage are specified. The phase angle of the
voltage is usually set equal to zero. The active and reactive powers at this bus are to be
determined through the solution of equations.

The swing bus is a fictitious concept in load flow studies and arises because the I 2R losses
of the system are not known precisely in advance for the load flow calculations.


 First I placed a bus bar 1and rated the 15kv and named it as slack bus.
 Then placed a generator 1 and with the input and output rating of 624MW
and 590Mvar.
 Then placed a generator 2 and with the input and output rating of 80MW and
Roll#102 M.Subhan

 I also placed a load with input and output rating of 80MW and 40Mvar.
 I also placed a load with input and output rating of 80MW and 40Mvar with
 Attach generator 2 with bus3 of nominal voltage of 15kv.
 Insert transformer and transmission lines with following parameters.

Parameters of bus, transformer and generators

Single line diagram:

Practical Scenario:
Roll#102 M.Subhan

Given Parameter unknown

Voltage= Active power=
Angle= Reactive power=


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