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Draft lesson plan Week12-Sok Saran PTEC _Dec 1, 2020

Lesson plan
・Instructor: Sok Saran
・Date: Week 12-1, 12-2
・Subject: Educational Research
・Textbook: Research Methods in Education (Eighth Edition)
・Grade: Year3
・Theme: “Quantitative data collection 3: Crafting questionnaires”
・Page: The Good Research Guide(p155-171) and Introduction to Research Methods (p74-86)
・Duration: 2 hours
1. Aim: In this lesson, the students will learn about how to make questionnaires.
2. Objective: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
o explain important aspects to make good question items.
o make questionnaire that enabling good data collection.
3. Teaching materials:
o Chapter 11: Establishing the Validity and Reliability of a Research Instrument in Kumar,R. (2014) Research
Methodology: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners(4th Edition). SAGE Publications Ltd.
o ‘Chapter 9: How to Construct Questionnaires in Dawson, C. (2019). Introduction to Research Methods 5th
Edition: A Practical Guide for Anyone Undertaking a Research Project. Robinson.(p74-86)
o Chapter 24: Questionnaires in Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2018). Research methods in
education. routledge. (p.471-505)
o Chapter 9: Questionnaires in Denscombe, M. (2010). The Good Research Guide–for small-scale social.

4. Points of instruction:
After completed the lesson lecture let student teachers great the questionnaire base on their understanding. The student
teachers will working individual and groups.

5. Procedure:
Teachers’ Activities Content Students’ Activities
Phase Ⅰ: Class stability
Greets to students and check Opening ( 5 mins)
- Greet to the lecture
attendance Lecture should make sure that student
- Keep the class clean
teachers Sit in the right place and
Show the attendant list

Draft lesson plan Week12-Sok Saran PTEC _Dec 1, 2020

order. Current student teachers are

present in the class.
Ask the students to answer the key Warmer/Review( 10 mins) Recall the results of the 11th
points of the previous lesson Review the last lesson. week (scales and measurement
Let them confirm the results of the  Reliability refers to how plans that you use) and have a
11th week consistently a method measures prospect of future activities
something. using the measurement plans.
 Validity refers to how accurately a
method measures what it is intended
to measure.
“The process” of the validity and

Ask the students to answer the Introducing the new lesson
questions which are prepared in Activity 1(40 min)
advance by the students Using two questions that students Student teacher talk about the
prepare in advance, this lesson firstly definition of the questionnaire
1-What is important to create a good have students think about the and how to create a
questionnaire? definitions and the questionnaire questionnaire in small group
2-How to make a good design process. base on their understanding.
questionnaire? In this activity, student teachers are After the discussion they will
divided into five group to discuss conduct presentation.
about how to make a good

The student teachers will read chapter

11: questionnaire in Denscombe(2010)
or chapter 9: questionnaire in : How to
Construct Questionnaires in Dawson,
C. (2019). Introduction to Research

Draft lesson plan Week12-Sok Saran PTEC _Dec 1, 2020

Methods 5th Edition: A Practical

Guide for Anyone Undertaking a
Research Project. Robinson.(p74-86)
By the group reading and discussion
they will conduct presentation base on
what they have understand in the
chapter? But lecture will give
information and essential of the
questionnaire, as well as type of the
Lecture check student teachers’ Activity 2( 40 minn)
questionnaires and sharing the lecture will show a sample of the Work in the small group again
questionnaire made by student teachers question in the class then let student Discussion and present a result
teachers making questionnaire. Base
on the student teacher discussion in the

Draft lesson plan Week12-Sok Saran PTEC _Dec 1, 2020

In this activity, student teachers will

create their own questionnaire based
on their understanding from the lesson
and share it with the classmates.
Ask the students to review : the Evaluation and wrap up ( 20min) -Pay attention
process making the questionnaire Students are asked to review the -Listen and note
questionnaire designed process and
type of questions that they have
learnt from the lesson.

Lecture lets students to summarize Closing ( 5min) -Check your own
the lesson in notebooks, and read Review the lesson or warm up in the achievements in the lesson
the next lesson. next lesson. and ask the teacher any
-Confirm the next lesson.
5. Blackboard layout
The main point of the lesson students will writ on the flip chart
6. Lesson Evaluation
Th student teachers’ participation in a group work and the presenters’ presentation. Lecture will evaluate form and
content of questionnaire made by students.

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