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Emergency Preparedness Safety Management Guide Issue Date: June 21, 2018

Supplement 5: DRILL CRITIQUE QUESTIONNAIRE take a few Jninii/es to fill out this forum.

Your opinions and stiggestions will help Ms prepare better di‘ills in the fiilwe.

1. Did the drill effectively simulate the emergency environment and emei'gency preparedness/management activities?YES
If no, briefly explain why:

2. Did the problems present in the drill adequately test readiness and capability to implement the
emergency response plan? YES i2f NO O
If no, bi iefly explain why:

3. The following problems should be deleted or revised:

Reenactment of fall incident was done instead of only enactment, as discussed, Therefore, the conctractor was not that prep

4. The following problems should be a‹1ded for the next drill:

1 Traffic Onntrnl
No First-Aider was present when the incident happened.
Protocol with the Security Dept. must be provided in case of emergency.

Pleaassee aadd aanny othei” comments oi’ ci”iticisms:

Ambulance truck arrival took 10 mins. to arrive at the secne of the incident
though the incident location was very near from the clinic. Arrival time should only

have taken 3 minutes based from observations.

Proper communication protocol was not implemented.

Guide Number 08-001- Page J7 of 47

Emergency Preparedness Safety Management Guide Issue Date: June 21, 2018



DRILL: Emergency Response NAME:Worker Fall from a Ladder DATE: 07/ 03/ 2021


1. Traffic Control 1. Provide Traffic Flow Plan 1. Azmeel Construction& Safety

2. First-Aider Unavailability 2. First-Aiders must be 2. Azmeel Construction&

available onsite at all times Safety

3. Security Protocol 3. Provide evidence that security

protocol has been provided
3. Azmeel and Tamimi

4. Medical Clinic Team

4. Ambulance Truck delayed arrival must include the
optimization of time 4. TAMIMI/AZM EEL Clinic
element in case of
emergency cases

5. Communication (phone calls) not in

accordance with the ER 5. Follow the ER
communication protocol communication procedures 5. Azmeel Cont'n & Safety

Guide Number 08-00 I Page 43 of 47


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