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Talde zenbakia: 10

Asier Etxeberria Rodriguez

Nerea Brizuela Bahamonde
Iker Almaraz Urrutxua
Joseba Fernandez Elordui
Imanol Urgoiti Elorriaga
Ander Gonzalez de Mendibil
Talde praktika 8: Ikaskuntza autorregulatua ebaluatzeko tresnak

Aplikatu zeuen buruari 3-5 ikaskuntza autorregulatuari buruzko ebaluatzeko tresnak

eta komentatu LASSI galdetegitik ateratako profila, deskribatu beste tresnetik

ateratako puntuazio interesgarrienak eta lotu emaitzak klasean ikusi dituzuen


Ondorio nagusi bezala ikusi dezakegu test bakoitzak gaitasun, ezaugarri eta kontzeptu

ezberdinak neurtzeko balio duela, honela, egoera eta pertsonaren arabera test bat edo bestea

egingo dugu.

Strategies Checklist

Learning strategies are skills that require practice, that improve your performance, and help

you to be successful in college. Some strategies you may already do well; and some you may

not have heard of. Use the following checklist to evaluate your preparedness.

Effective time management:

___ Do you know that you will need a system to keep organized in college?

bai. Unibertsitatean antolatuta egotea, funtzeskoa da kurtsoa aurrera eramateko.

___ Do you know how to keep track of your assignments? orokorrean agenda bat eskertzekoa

izaten da, hala ere, nik ez dut holakorik erabiltzen.

___ Are you able to organize your time to include both study and fun? bai. denboraren

kudeaketa anitz bat eginez, eta ikasketa orduak aisi orduen arabera antolatzea ondo dago.
Aisialdia sari moduan erabiliz, askoz gustorago lan egingo da esfortzuaren ondoren saria

datorrela jakinda

___ Can you keep track of everything you have to do? Ez, esan dudan moduan ez dut beti

egunera eramate, baina gehienetan bai

Working effectively with learning styles:

___ Do you know what your learning style is? ez oso ondo, orokorrean materiala irakurri

barneratu eta gogoratzen saiatzen naiz, baina oso funtzeskoa iruditzen zait informazioa


___ Do you know how to use your learning style in class and when studying? clasean ez

ditut apunteak hartzen ikasgaiak ez badu eskatzen, hau da ematen duguna luburu edo

apunteetan badago, irakasleak dionari atentzioa jartzeari ematen diot garrantzi handiagoa.

Effective textbook reading:

___ Do you know how to read textbooks with a purpose?

___ Do you read actively? bai klaserako irakurketa egiten dudanean, azpimarratzeko joera

daukat, modu honetan bigarren aldiz irakurtzen dudanean, ideia garrantzitsuak hobeto

aurkitzen ditut

___ Do you have an effective method to use when too much reading overwhelms you?

irakurketa sdelektiboa egitea irakurgai osoaren alde garrantzitsuenak irakurtzean datza. modu

honetan, garrantzi gutxiagoko datuak omititzen dira.

Effective note-taking:

___ Do you know different methods for note taking? ez. orokorrean notak hartu beghar

ditudanean irakasleak esaten duena apuntatzen saiartzen naiz baina arbelean dagoena

kopiatzen bukatzen dut eta ez naiz irakaslea esaten denaz ohartzen

___ Are you aware of which method works best for you? orokorrean ez ditut notak hartzen.
Memory techniques:

___ Do you know about different memory techniques? ez asko normalean informazioa behin

barneratuta eta pare bat aldiz errepikatuz geratu egiten zait.

___ Do you know what memory technique works for you? bai aurrekoa, hau da, behin

informazioa barneratuta eta pare bat aldiz errepikatzea

___ Are you aware of the need to practice and over-learn? bai, birpasoa da, ikaskuntzaren

funtsa, hau da behin datu bat barneratuta, denbora pasatu eta berriro bueltatzea gogoan dugun

edo ahaztu dugun jakiteko

Preparing for tests and exams:

___ Do you know how to prepare for exams? bai, azterketak prestatzeko behin materia

guztia jakinda, azterketarako galdera posibleetan edo zer sartu edo zer ez den sartuko edo zer

daramadan hobeto eta zer ez.

___ Is what you’re doing effective? orokorrean asko ikasten dut (ikasi=aprender) notetatik

aparte pozik nago klasean ikasten ditudan gauzetaz. batez ere, azterketak pasatzen direnean

nik ikasitakoa gogoratzen dudalako, ni baino nota hobeak ateratzen dituzten ikasle askok

gogoratzen ez duuten bitartean.

___ Do you know how to work in study groups or with a tutor? orokorrean talde lanetan lana

banantzeko joera dago, baina konturatu naiz nola lan talde batean pertsaona batek

nagusitasun paper bat hartzen duenean eta lana denon artean egiten denean asko ikasteaz

aparte, besteen ikuspegiak kontuan hartzeko eta lana bera hobeto ateratzeko ertabilgarria da

___ Are you aware of the different ways to study depending on the type of exam you will be

writing? ez asko test azterketak besterik ez ditugui egiten unibertsitatean.

Test-taking skills:

___ Are you aware of the general strategies for taking tests?

___ Can you deal effectively with multiple-choice questions?

Learning skills training can help you reach your goal.

Galdetegi honek, ikasterako orduan, ikuspuntu ezberdinetatik begira, antolatzeko moduak

ebaluatzen ditu. Hau da, talde lanak irakurketa aktiboa, oroimen teknikak edo notak hartzeko

teknikak. Galldera sorta bakoitzean, esparru bakoitzaren tekniken berri ditugun galdetzen da

eta ondoren zein teknika erabiltzen duen.

Study Habits Checklist

Read each statement and consider how it applies to you. If it does apply to you, check (Y). If

it does not apply to you, check (N). The purpose of this inventory is to find out about your

own study habits and attitudes.


___ _N_ 1. I spend too much time studying for what I am learning.

___ _N_ 2. I usually spend hours cramming the night before an exam.

_Y_ ___ 3. If I spend as much time on my social activities as I want to, I don’t have enough

time left to study, or when I study enough, I don’t have time for a social life.

___ _N_ 4. I usually try to study with the radio and TV turned on.

_Y_ ___ 5. I can’t sit and study for long periods of time without becoming tired or


___ _N_ 6. I go to class, but I usually doodle, daydream, or fall asleep.

___ _N_ 7. My class notes are sometimes difficult to understand later.

___ _N_ 8. I usually seem to get the wrong material into my class notes.

___ _N_ 9. I don’t review my class notes periodically throughout the semester in preparation

for tests.

___ _N_ 10. When I get to the end of a chapter, I can’t remember what I’ve just read.

___ _N_ 11. I don’t know how to pick out what is important in the text.

___ _N_ 12. I can’t keep up with my reading assignments, then I have to cram the night

before a test.

_Y_ ___ 13. I lose a lot of points on essay tests even when I know the material well.

___ _N_ 14. I study enough for my test, but when I get there my mind goes blank.

___ _N_ 15. I often study in a disorganized way under the threat of the next test.
___ _N_ 16. I often find myself getting lost in reading and have trouble identifying the main


_Y_ ___ 17. I rarely change my reading speed in response to the difficulty level, or my

familiarity with the content.

___ _N_ 18. I often wish that I could read faster.

___ _N_ 19. When my teachers assign papers I feel so overwhelmed that I can’t get started.

___ _N_ 20. I usually write my papers the night before they are due.

___ _N_ 21. I can’t seem to organize my thoughts into a paper that makes sense.


• # 1, 2 and 3 - Time Management

• # 4, 5 and 6 - Concentration and Memory

• # 7, 8 and 9 - Listening and Note Taking

• # 10, 11 and 12 - Textbook Reading

• # 13, 14 and 15 - Preparation for Tests and Exams

• # 16, 17 and 18 - Textbook Reading

• # 19, 20 and 21 - Writing

If you have answered YES to two or more questions in any category, please help

yourself to the free Learning Strategies Handouts.

Study Habits Checklist test-ean neurtu eta ikusi nahi dena da test-a egiten duten

ikasleek ea zer nolako ohitura dituen ikasteko orduan eta modu honetan ikusteko zer ataletan

hobetu daitekeen strategia berriak probatuz edo ohitura zaharrak aldatuz. Hori guztia
Ikaskuntza Autoerregulaturako balio du, hau da, ikasleak berak test-a eginez ikusi dezan

zeintzuk dira atal ahulenak eta indartsuenak. Horretarako test-aren erantzunak zazpi atal

ezberdinetan banatzen dira denboraren kudeaketa, kontzentrazioa eta memoria, atentzioa eta

apunteak hartzea, liburuak eta irakurketa, azterketerako eta probentzako prestaketa, libruruak

eta irakurketa eta idazkera.

Kasu honetan, test-a egin ondoren ikusi izan dut nere ikaskuntza autoerregulatuari

dagokionez eta erantzunak interpretatzeko ematen duten jarraibidea kontuan hartuz ez dudala

atal batean ere ez baiezko erantzun asko eman. Baiezko erantzunei erreparatuz pentsatu

dezaket zein atal edo puntua izan daiteke niretzat ahulena eta kontuan hartzekoa nere

ikaskuntza autoerregulaturako eta orokorrean ikasketetan aurrera hobeto egin ahal izateko.

Kontuan hartuz emandako baiezko erantzunak eta pentsatuz nolakoa naizen eta nola

funzionatzen dudan ikasketei aurre egiterako momentuan uste dut denboraren kudeaketa eta

azterketak prestatzeko orduan ditudan zailtasunak izango litzateke atal ahulenak, nahiz eta

atentzioa edo kontzentrazioa kontuan hartu dezakedan baita ere. Uste dut atal hiru horiek

elkar lotuta daudela eta bata bestean eragina duela, bata bestea pixka bat okertuz. Denboraren

kudeaketa azterketak prestatzeko denboran eragina du eta denbora nahikorik ez badago

azterketak edo lanak prestatzeko atentzioa edo kontzentrazioa bikaina izan ezkero ondorio

txarrak izan daitezke.


Test Analysis
Following a test, analyze your test-taking skills. Answer Y (yes) or N (no) to each question.

Did you correct any answers? Yes

If so, did the changes help or hurt? Help

For the questions that you guessed, did you beat the odds and answer correctly? Yes

What strategies, if any, did you use? Read very carefully the question before answering,


Did you study the appropriate material for the test? Yes

Did you follow test directions accurately? Yes

Did you answer all test questions? Yes

Did you make use of any hidden clues in the question? Yes

Did you make use of language clues such as “a/an” in multiple-choice questions? Yes

Did you feel trapped by time? No

Why or why not? Because I plan how many time i’m going to spend with each questions

Did you engage in any pre-writing activities? No

What kind? Were they useful? No

Did you catch any obvious errors when proofing the test? Yes

Did your method of study lend itself to this particular test? No

Were you prepared? Yes

Did you have difficulty with test vocabulary? No

Did you ask the instructor for any assistance during the test? Yes

Did you accurately predict how well you did on the test? No

Where did most of the test questions come from (text, notes, etc.)? Notes, books...
On what items did you do the best (true/false, multiple choice, short answer)?

Multiple choice

What items gave you the most difficulty?

Short answer

Emaitzak begiratuz, orokorrean test-ak egiteko arazoak ez ditudala izaten esan dezaket. Hau

da, denbora aldetik ez dudala arazorik erantzun dut eta beste alde batetik galdera guztiak

erantzuten ditut. Hortaz aparte, hainbat estrategia erabiltzen ditut: galderetan gakoak edo

pistak bilatzea, denbora planifikatzea eta banatzea galdera bakoitzeko, galderak bitan irakurri

etab. Gainera, konturatu naiz orokorrean prestatuta joaten naizela hau da, ikasitakoa testen

galderekin erlazionatuta egoten da. Test-an arazorik baldin badago, beste estrategia batzuk

erabiltzen ditut hala nola irakasleari galdetzea adibidez. Hala ere, emaitzak ez ditut inoiz


Test honek, azterketarako edota probentzako prestaketa aztertzen du. Horrekin batera,

azterketak egiteko estrategiak erregistratzen ditu galdetuz ea gakoak bilatzen dituzun,

irakasleari galderak egiten dizkiozun besteen artean. Denbora, galderen ulermena eta

estruktura (multiple choice, short answer…), azterketaren aurre-prestakuntza eta itxaropenak

egongo lirateke aztertzen diren aldagaien artean. Itxaropenak emaitzekin erlazionatzen du,

galdetuz ea nolako emaitzak espero dituzun.

Where does the time go?

Where does the time go? Sometimes it seems like there aren’t enough hours in the week to

get everything done. That may be true or it may be that you’re not using your time as
efficiently as possible. To assess where your time goes, complete the inventory below, and be

honest. Most of the items are done every day so those will need to be multiplied by 7 to arrive

at a weekly total. One item may be done any number of times a week so you’ll need to

multiply that one by the number of times each week you do it. After you have responded to

all the questions, you’ll have an opportunity to see how many hours remain during the week

for studying.

On average, how many hours do you sleep in a 24-hour period, including naps? 8h x


On average, how many hours a day do you engage in grooming activities? 0,5 x 7= 3,5

On average, how many hours a day do spend on meals, including preparation and clean-up?

2h x 7=14h

How much time do you spend commuting to and from campus and how many times do you

do this a week? Include the amount of time it takes to park and walk from the parking lot.

0,6h x 5= 3h

On average, how many hours a day do you spend doing errands? 0,4h x 7= 3 h

On average, how many hours do you spend each week doing extra-curricular Activities

(working out, groups, clubs etc.)? 8h

On average, how many hours a week do you work at a job? 4h

How many hours do you spend in class each week? 16h

On average, how many hours a week do you spend with friends, going out, watching TV,

going to parties, etc.? 20h

ADD the number of hours per week column to compute the number of hours you are

spending each week engaged in daily living and school activities. 127,5h

Uste dut, galdetegi honen bitartez pertsona bakoitza ze ekintzetan ematen duen denbora

gehien ikusi dezake, hau da zein den denbora gehien kentzen dion gauza eta honekin

beharbada aztertu ahal da zein ekintzari dedikatu behar dion denbora gutxiago. Ebaluatzen

dena nagusiki test honen bitartez da: Denboraren kudeaketa.

Nire kasuan (eta segurazki kasu gehiagotan) denbora gehien kontsumitzen didan ekintza lo

egitea da, egunero lo egin behar ditudan orduak lo egiten ez baditut ere asteburuan zehar falta

zaizkidan orduak egiten zaiatzen naiz. Beste alde batetik konturatu naiz denbora nahiko

ematen dudala nire aisialdiko gauzetan adibidez telebista ikusi edo lagunekin geratzen

klaseko lanak egiten ematen ditudan orduekin konparatuz. Denbora gutxien hartzen didaten

ekintzak dira klasera joan etorriak (unibertzitatetik 2km-ra bakarrik bizi naizelako), zereginak

egiten, “recados”, eta nire burua txukuntzen.


1. I concentrate fully when studying.

Not at all typical of me Not very typical of me
Somewhat typical of me Fairly typical of me Very much typical
of me

2. I am unable to summarize what I have just heard in a lecture or read in a textbook.

Not at all typical of me Not very typical of me Somewhat

typical of me Fairly typical of me Very much typical of me

3. I try to find relationships between what I am learning and what I already know.

Not at all typical of me Not very typical of me

Somewhat typical of me Fairly typical of me Very much typical
of me

4. I find it hard to stick to a study schedule.

Not at all typical of me Not very typical of me

Somewhat typical of me Fairly typical of me Very much typical
of me

5. In taking tests, writing papers, etc., I find I have misunderstood what was wanted and lose

points because of it.

Not at all typical of me Not very typical of me Somewhat

typical of me Fairly typical of me Very much typical of me

6. I am able to study subjects I do not find interesting.

Not at all typical of me Not very typical of me

Somewhat typical of me Fairly typical of me Very much typical
of me

7. When I decide to study, I set aside a specific length of time and stick to it.

Not at all typical of me Not very typical of me

Somewhat typical of me Fairly typical of me Very much typical
of me
8. Because I don’t listen carefully, I don’t understand some course material.

Not at all typical of me Not very typical of me

Somewhat typical of me Fairly typical of me Very much typical
of me

9. I try to identify potential test questions when reviewing my class material.

Not at all typical of me Not very typical of me

Somewhat typical of me Fairly typical of me Very much typical
of me

10. During class discussions, I have trouble figuring out what is important enough to put in

my notes.

Not at all typical of me Not very typical of me

Somewhat typical of me Fairly typical of me Very much typical
of me

11. To help me remember new principles we are learning in class, I practice applying them.

Not at all typical of me Not very typical of me

Somewhat typical of me Fairly typical of me Very much typical
of me

12. My underlining is helpful when I review text material.

Not at all typical of me Not very typical of me

Somewhat typical of me Fairly typical of me Very much typical
of me

13. When it comes to studying, procrastination is a problem for me.

Not at all typical of me Not very typical of me

Somewhat typical of me Fairly typical of me Very much typical
of me

14. I set high standards for myself in school.

Not at all typical of me Not very typical of me
Somewhat typical of me Fairly typical of me Very much typical
of me

15. When I am studying a topic, I try to make everything fit together logically.

Not at all typical of me Not very typical of me

Somewhat typical of me Fairly typical of me Very much typical

of me

Lassi testa ikasleen ikasketa estrategiak eta teknikak ebaluatzen dituen tresna

baliagarria da. Uste dugu test hau diagnostikoan eta orientazioan oinarritzen dela. Izan ere,

pentsamenduen eta jokaera inplizitu eta esplizituen ebaluazioa kontuan hartzen du. Hau da,

esan dezakegu orokorrean ikasleen ikasketa prosezuak eta hauen jokabideak ebaluatuak

izaten direla.

Emaitzei dagokienez, 1., 3., 4., ,6. 8., 9., 10., 11., 13. eta 14. galderetan ikasleek

ikasterakoan duten motibazioa eta jarrera ebaluatu nahi da. Hauetako baztuetan guk ez dugu

hainbeste motibaziorik erakusten eta beste batzuetan, aldiz, ikasterakoan eraginkor jokatzen

dugu. Era berean, motibazioa eta jarrera oso garrantzitsuak dira ikasteko eta irakasteko,

hauek emaitza akademikoetan pisu handia dauzkate eta.

Bestalde, denboraren administrazioa kontuan hartu beharreko aldagaia da. 2., 4., eta 7.

galderetan hau ebaluatu nahi da ikasleengan. Gure emaitzei erreparatuz, hirurak puntuazio

ertaina adierazten dute, beraz, esan dezakegu ez dugula denborarik galtzen baina hobetu

dezakegula. Hau da, ikasitako informazio kopuru berbera arinago ikas genezake.
Lassik ere ikasleen kontzentrazio maila analizatu egiten du. 1., 5., 6., 8., 10. galderek

aldagai honekin korrelazio deigarria erakusten dute, nahiz eta ia item guztietarako

kontzentrazioa beharrezkoa den. Emaitzei dagokienez, orokorrean gure emaitzak aproposak

dira, hau da, kontzentrazio maila ertain edo ona erakusten dugu ikasterako orduan. Hala ere,

item batean puntuazioa kaxkarra izan da, “not typical of me” erantzun dugulako, hain zuzen


Azkenik, informazio prosezamendua ebaluatzen duen testa da Lassi, nahiz eta aldagai

hau neurtzeko soilik item bat adierazgarria den, hala nola, 12. galdera. Informazio ondo

prosezatzeko hainbat teknika erabil genezake. Informazioa laburtzea edo eskemak egitea

teknika hauetako batzuk izan daitezke. Gure erantzuna “fairly typical of me” izan da, beraz,

ez dugu arazorik erakusten aldagai honi dagokionez.

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