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Center of Development in Teacher Education

Reaccredited Level IV by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered
Colleges and Universities of the Philippines
A.Y. 2020-2021

Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in

Topic: Different Body Parts and their

Submitted by:
Roan Cyrinne P. Barlet

Submitted to:
Ms. Ellaine Raiza V. Mallari

Second Semester
I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to:

a.) Describes the different parts of the body and their movements through enjoyable physical activities.
b.) Develop a sense of Self-Reliance about the functions of their body parts.

c.) Creates shapes by using different body parts

II. Subject Matter:

a. Topic: Different Body Parts and their movements

b. References: MISOSA 4- module 4
c. Materials: 3D screen, Pictures, Box, Cassette Recorder, Music

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities:

 Prayer:
 Greetings:
 Checking of attendance:

B. Review:

Show different Pictures and let the Pupils Classify Communicable and Non-Communicable

C. Motivation:
The Teacher will have a “Buddy(Body) Box”, the pupils will pick one picture from the Buddy Box
and Identify the part of the body that is Present in the Picture.

D. Discussion:

Present the picture to the class. Let the students identify the body parts starting from the head
down to the feet.

Discuss the division of the body in the context of Physical Education: head, trunk, upper extremities
and lower extremities
Ask students to stand up and take their position within the boundary of the classroom.

Arrange the students by column/line for the activity.

Let the students stand, walk; use arms to carry, lift push and pull; hold object and release object.

E. Generalization
The basic movement patterns are:
Landings (from jumps) (survival skills, Braking of a movement, Landing on different parts of the
body, i.e. hands, shoulder rolls)
Spring (like leap frog) off feet, off hands, rebounding: - needs body tension
Static’s (Balance) A state of equilibrium; Static and Dynamic Balance Static’s can be support or
balance positions Has to be felt to be learnt
Locomotion (Running) Allows us to get from one place to another Moving through space on
hands, hands and feet or large body surfaces (swimming)
Rotation (rolls) Turning around an internal axis Promotes body management and coordination
Develops vestibular system of balance.
Swing (Hitting golf, hockey, tennis) Turning around an external axis. I.e. bar or tree. Helps
develop spatial awareness Swing has the same mechanical principals as rotation.
Manipulative skills (passing, catching, holding) Sending and receiving objects Allows objects to
be manipulated Essential for hand – eye; feet - eye; and body – eye coordination.
F. Application
With the use of music, let students move around without bumping at each other picking up
things, releasing it etc. they should stop when the music stops and listen to your instruction
(whether to move in clockwise or counterclockwise, diagonal, etc.)


Identify the Different Types of Movements that are shown in the Picture.

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Ask for a help from their Parents to Record their Children while doing Different Body

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