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Dawn of Islam

 Listening and reading comprehensively text of

‘Dawn of Islam’.
 Vocabulary enrichment by identifying words from
an audio and finding their synonyms and meanings.
 Making sentences using the words got from the
 Learning past simple.
 Constructing sentences using past simple.
 Making & performing small talk about past event.

English for Islamic Studies (for Beginner and Intermediate Level of Higher Education Students) – Effi Wahyuningsih, M. Pd. 1
Dawn of Islam
A. Listen and read the text carefully.
The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had been
spreading the religion of Islam quietly for three years when Allah
commanded him to declare it publicly to the people. Allah also
instructed him to start with his own household – those within his own
family. Those among the idolaters could be ignored if they would not
respond to his call.
Muhammad understood HIS orders and went into retirement in
his house for a few days. He thought very hard about what he had to
do. He tried to draw up a plan for the best way to approach his people
and call upon them to accept the religion of Islam.
The news of Muhammad’s retirement reached some of his aunts
or relatives. They became worried that he might not be well. They
decided to go and pay him a visit. When they got to his house they
asked him about his health and told him how worried they had been
about him. Muhammad answered that there was nothing the matter
with him. On the other hand, he told them that Allah ordered him to
introduce Islam to his family and household. So, he had to sit down
and thought about the best way to do that. He had to collect his
thoughts and ideas before he could speak to any of his family and
relatives. He then went and invited them all to dinner in his house
including his uncles and his aunts, all his cousins and nieces and their
children, and even his stubborn uncle, Abdul Uzza.
Then Muhammad began to deliver his message to his family. He
explained the new ideas he had received from God and warned them
about what would happen to those who chose not to follow him.

B. Answer the questions based on the text.

1. How long did the prophet Muhammad spread Islam quietly?
2. How did he spread Islam after that?

English for Islamic Studies (for Beginner and Intermediate Level of Higher Education Students) – Effi Wahyuningsih, M. Pd. 2
3. To whom did he introduce Islam formerly?
4. What would he do if his message was rejected?
5. Was there something wrong with Muhammad in his retirement?
Why were his relatives so worried about him?
6. What did Allah order Muhammad to do about Islam?
7. Did Muhammad stop delivering his message?

C. Vocabulary Enrichment
1. Listen and write the words from the recording, then find the
synonyms or the meanings.
 Spreading
 Declare
 Household
 Idolaters
 Retirement
 Approach
 Relatives
 Stubborn
 Deliver
 Chose

2. Choose five (5) of the above words to make your own sentences.

English for Islamic Studies (for Beginner and Intermediate Level of Higher Education Students) – Effi Wahyuningsih, M. Pd. 3

D. Language Focus


Past Simple or Simple Past Tense is used to show activities which

happened in the past time. In this case, we use: past verbs (regular or
irregular verbs) and past time expressions.
1. Past verb (V2):
a. Regular verbs:
 Command – commanded – commanded
 Try – tried – tried
 Invite – invited – invited
 Travel – travelled – travelled
b. Irregular verbs:
 Become – became – become
 Tell – told – told
 Choose – chose – chosen
 Go – went – gone
 Is/am/are – was/were – been

2. Past time expressions:

 Yesterday
 ,,, ago (two days/a month/,,,)
 Last ,,, (weekend/Monday/year,,,)
 Previous,,, (day/month/year,,,)
 In 1980

English for Islamic Studies (for Beginner and Intermediate Level of Higher Education Students) – Effi Wahyuningsih, M. Pd. 4
 The prophet Muhammad understood Allah’s order.
 The prophet Muhammad invited his family to dinner.
 I travelled abroad last year.
 My father went to Solo yesterday.

Past Simple Short

Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs Answers
Affirmative I travelled abroad My father went to
(+) last year. Solo yesterday.
Negative I didn’t travel My father didn’t go
(-) abroad last year. to Solo yesterday.
Did I travel abroad Did my father go to Yes, I did.
last year? Solo yesterday? Yes, he did./
Questions No, he
(?) didn’t.
When did I travel Where did my father Last year.
abroad? go yesterday? Solo.

E. Practice 1
Re-write some of the identified past verbs from the text, then use
them to make your own sentences.

F. Practice 2
Write sentences showing your past activities (in positive, negative,
and questions).
1. (+) __________________________________________________
(-) __________________________________________________

English for Islamic Studies (for Beginner and Intermediate Level of Higher Education Students) – Effi Wahyuningsih, M. Pd. 5
(?) __________________________________________________
(?) __________________________________________________
2. (+) __________________________________________________
(-) __________________________________________________
(?) __________________________________________________
(?) __________________________________________________

G. Practice 3
Work in pairs/group. Make questions about your partner’s life in their
Senior High School.

Fino : Did you have many friends?

Rudy : Yes, I had a lot of friends. They were very nice.

English for Islamic Studies (for Beginner and Intermediate Level of Higher Education Students) – Effi Wahyuningsih, M. Pd. 6

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