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Heather Coulter



ESOL Strategies File

Strategy My Plan for Use

1. Predictable Routines and Signals: I plan to use predictable routines and signals

Reducing Anxiety to save time and to let students know what is

expected of them. I will also use them to

reduce anxiety so that students know what to

do and when, have routine, and feel they are

fully participating in the classroom.

2. Total Physical Response and Total I can use this in the classroom to introduce

Physical Response Storytelling: vocabular and have students respond by

Integrating Movement into Language drawing, pointing, picture sequencing, or any

Acquisition other physical response that encourages

involvement and verifies understanding.

3. Modeled Talk: Demonstrating as you I plan to use this strategy to reduce anxiety

Talk because students when shown what they can

do, can can respond to what is expected of

them. I can also use it to model talk for and to

explain procedure s and concepts to ELL’s ,

and to help ELL’s interact more successfully

with peers.
4. Visual Scaffolding: Providing I can use this in the classroom by using
Language Support through Visual photos or images, interactive smart boards,

Images and videos that allow ELL’s to retell stories,

ask questions, allow oral presentations, and

promote oral language

5. Realia Strategies: Connecting I can use this in the classroom by providing

Language Acquisition to the Real real objects that can be seen, felt, and

World manipulated to connect vocabulary to real

6. Vocabulary Role-Play: Building I can use this in the classroom to have

Vocabulary through Dramatization students learn vocabulary through role play,

acting out scenes to create experiences and

connections to words.
7. Collecting and Processing Words: I can use this in the classroom through word

Making Vocabulary Your Own collections, active involvement, and

vocabulary journals to build vocabulary

8. Manipulatives strategies: Using I can use manipulatives in the classroom to

Objects to Connect Concepts represent real objects, to demonstrate

concepts, interactions, and problem solving.

9. Read-Aloud Plus: Using Strategies to I can use this in the classroom through use of

Support Comprehension realia to support story understanding, discuss

stories and relate to life experiences, and

compare stories through use of graphic

10. Moving Into Reading: Using Multiple I can use this in the classroom through read-

Strategies to Foster Comprehension alouds and shared reading, or to orally

describe something from the reading.
11. Close Reading: Engaging with Text to I can use this in the classroom by teacher

Improve Reading Comprehension modeling and questioning by teacher reading

aloud and stopping to ask questions to

demonstrate thought processes.

12. Repeated Reading: Using Script I can use this in the classroom by allowing

Writing and Reader’s Theater students to expore material and writing

scripts, becoming familiar with a text through

repeated readings and converting it into script

to help ELL’s become more confident and

13. Scaffolding English Writing: I can use this in the classroom by providing

Matching Instruction to Language gradual sequential use of writing formats. I

Development can have students participate in writing

activities at their language development

levels, to express ideas in writing, and write

paragraphs on specific topics.

14. Reporting Back: Verbal Practice in I can use this in the classroom by using

Curriculum Connections visuals that illustrate the steps and supply

vocabulary to scaffold vocabulary and steps

for students to report back to the teacher or

15. Leveled Questions: Adjusting I can use this in the classroom to use leveled

Questioning Strategies to the questions to reduce anxiety by having

Language Levels of Students students respond to questions appropriate to

the English language level of development

and demonstrate understanding orally and

16. Bilingual Books and Labels: I can use this in the classroom by providing

Supporting Biliteracy Awareness books in which the cultures are depicted by

stories with samples of common expressions

in the first language added, or by labeling

things in the classroom in English and

17. Sorting activities: Organizing I can use this in the classroom by providing

Information into Categories hands on experiences with manipulating

pictures, letters, words, and longer texts to

provide practice in making decisions and

differentiate concepts.
18. Cloze: Using Context to Create I can use this in the classroom by observing

Meaning student reading behaviors, grouping students

for instruction, introducing cloze with a chart

sentence, prepare a cloze activity to meet

student needs, identify appropriate words to

fill in the blanks, assess student growth and

understanding, and add technology.

19. Verb Action: Teaching Irregular I can use this in the classroom by keeping a

Verbs Through Experience chart of irregular verbs displayed in the

classroom to help students remember those

verbs and to provide subtle corrections.

20. Syntax Surgery: Visually I can use this in the classroom by identifying

Manipulating English Grammar a problematic sentence, writing the sentence

and initiating the “surgery”, rearrange the

words, practice more sentences with the same

pattern, and delay the lesson if it would

interrupt communication to make English

syntax visible to students.

21. Checking for Understanding: Using I can use this in the classroom by checking

Questioning Strategies to Differentiate students understanding during the progression

Instruction through use of checking for understanding

questions or through Everyone Responds

22. Learning Centers: Extending learning I can use this in the classroom by introducing

through hands-on practice centers, documenting center work and

assessing progress and understanding, and

adding technology such as computer centers

so that students can practice new skills.

23. Communication Games: Creating I can use this in the classroom by making

Opportunities for Verbal Interaction activities more game like so ELL’s can

practice communication skills in a low stress

environment through activities such as barrier

games, information sharing, inquiry and

elimination, and rank ordering.

24. Cognate Strategies: Using the home I can use this in the classroom by

language to support English implementing activities such as Raise your

acquisition hand, Highlighting words that have Spanish

cognates, using sticky notes, expand

meanings, sort cognates, and identifying

multiple meanings.
25. RTI for English Language Learners: I can use this in the classroom by monitoring

Documenting and monitoring student student progress and using the results of

progress and the effectiveness of assessment to inform the type of

intervention. interventions, modifications, and

accommodations needed through end of unit

assessments, leveled running records, spelling

tests, and anecdotal records.

26. Preview/Review: Building vocabulary I can use this in the classroom by using

and concepts to support understanding support materials such as realia, visuals, and

activities to introduce vocab and concepts,

teach the lesson, review vocab and concepts,

provide additional practice and assess and

document student interactions.

27. Story Reenactment: Making stories I can use this in the classroom by reading the

come to life story, having students retell the story, students

making or gathering props, and use props to

retell or reenact stories.

28. Repetition and Innovation: Exploring I can use this in the classroom by using a text

a book to deepen comprehension that can hold interest over time, helping

students understand the structure of a story,

playing with substitution words, creating an

alternative text through innovations such as

story quilts or puppet plays.

29. Language Focus Lessons: supporting I can use this in the classroom by identifying
English vocabulary and structure a misuse or mispronunciation of a language

acquisition consistently by keeping an anecdotal record

and checklist to document a performance task,

and then plan a focus lesson to support ELL’s

in refining their use of language.

30. Graphic Organizers: Visually I can use this in the classroom by involving

representing ideas, text, and students in constructing a graphic, discussing

connections connection, and providing additional practice.

31. Advance Organizers: Getting the I can use this in the classroom by using

Mind in Gear for Instruction expository or comparative organizers to

present abstract concepts before a lesson to

help learners make connections between

existing knowledge and new info to be

32. Guided Reading: Providing Individual I can use this in the classroom by teaching

Support within a Group Setting reading in a small-group setting while

providing individual coaching beginning with

a book walk, then multiple readings of the

text while moving between students and

coaching them on decoding, self-monitoring,

and comprehension strategies.

33. Cohesion Links: Understanding the I can use this in the classroom by helping

Glue That Holds Paragraphs Together students to understand the formats by

explaining the meaning of pronouns, ellipses,

conjunctions, substitutions, and other abstract

references in text and spoken language by

breaking down sentences and reviewing

34. Language Framework Planning: I can use this in the classroom by using

Supporting Academic Language and language framework plans to pay attention to

Content Acquisition the language frame work of lessons to provide

clues for ways to support ELL’s who may

have difficulty participating in the content

area classrooms.
35. Free Voluntary Reading: Nothing I can use this in the classroom by encouraging

helps reading like reading silent, self-reflected reading of enjoyable

books on the students’ independent levels. I

can incorporate this through website sources

such as Scholastic and Bantam book.

36. Culture Studies: Learning research I can use this in the classroom by

skills and valuing home cultures in incorporating projects to build classroom

one project community and engaging students in culture

studies through research and personal

37. Microselection: Finding Key Words I can use this in the classroom by modeling

and Main Ideas and having students practice finding key

words and main ideas in a text, and then

practicing restating the sentence.

38. Read, Pair, Share: Working with a I can use this in the classroom by having

partner to negotiate meaning students read in pairs and then stop after each

section to answer “who, what, where, when,

and how” questions related to the text through

narrative and informational formats.

39. Attribute Charting: Organizing I can use this in the classroom by using

Information to Support Understanding attribute charting to visually organize

information to support students’

understanding of the attributes of the concept

40. Integrated Curriculum Projects: Using I can use this in the classroom by integrating

Authentic projects to integrate content content area studies around an active learning

knowledge project so student learn vocabulary and have

experiences that demonstrate use of

knowledge in multiple disciplines to complete

real life-work.
41. KWL and Data Charts: Researching I can use this in the classroom by using KWL

and organizing information charts to help students explore what they

know, want to know, and what they learn. I

can also use data charts for students to record

knowledge they gain.

42. Collaborative Reading: What to do I can use this in the classroom by using

when they can’t read the textbook varieties of library or textbook with info on a

topic that cover the range of reading levels

and meet the needs of the class. This allows

all students regardless of reading ability to

participate in a group research activity.

43. Cooperative Learning: Group I can use this in the classroom by providing

interactions to accomplish goals structured group work in which each member

of the group has an assigned task and

provides opportunity for communication,

planning, research, and oral and visual

presentations in the classroom.

44. Learning strategy instruction: I can use this in the classroom by helping

Acquiring self-help skills students develop metacognitive strategies,

cognitive strategies, and social/affective

strategies to become responsible for their own

success to monitor their own understanding

and identify, plan, and implement ways to

help themselves.
45. Multiple Intelligences Strategies: I can use this in the classroom by providing

teaching and testing to student- instruction in the multiple ways that students

preferred learning modes. process information effectively. I can also

design centers where students can practice

new skills in multiple ways to build on their

strengths and provides opportunity to

experience new concepts and vocabulary.

46. Multimedia Presentations: Oral reports I can use this in the classroom by using media

for the new millennium such as audio and video equipment,

computers, and internet to research, publish,

and make classroom presentations to

encourage students to share ideas through

visuals to add context to the language and

47. Small groups and partners: I can use this in the classroom by arranging

Interactions to enhance instruction students in groups based on their need for

instruction in a specific skill through skills

grouping. I can also use peer tutoring so

students who have achieved certain skills can

work with a classmate to help them acquire

the skills.
48. GIST: Exploring tough text I can use this in the classroom by having

students work in cooperative groups but read

sections of text silently. After reading, the

members of the groups work together to

create one sentence that summarizes the gist

of the text to create summary sentences.

49. Tutorials: Closing the achievement I can use this in the classroom by

gap incorporating elements such as warm up,

lesson for the day, independent practice, and

daily quiz.
50. Combining and scheduling strategies: I can use this in the classroom by combining

Supporting learning through strategies to support learning, scheduling

differentiation instruction, providing meaningful follow-up

and practice, and incorporating small-group


Herrell, A.L. & Jordan, M. (2015). 50 strategies for teaching English language learners (5th ed.)

New York: Pearson.

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