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The Internet Of Things (IoT) is the network of different devices and other items such as SOFTWARE,
connectivity all things and items of IoT exchange and collect data. IoT allows all devices to be controlled
by sensor or by remote across the Network Infrastructure. IoT is expected to offer advanced connectivity
of devices and items to make Home smart. Devices in IoT can sense the Data from different sensors to
make your life easier. In Home automation such as controlling lights, Television, Air Conditioner,
Washing Machine or Dryer and also Ovens. These all things uses WIFI for remote monitoring.
We can improve our livings by controlling our lights or any other electrical appliance by siting anywhere
in the world with the help of INTERNET. Our devices will inform us if there in no one in our home and
our electrical appliances are turn on due to IoT we can turn off our appliances with the help of Internet.
Now a days Internet is used for many purposes but sometimes our Internet doesn’t work or surfing is
very slow then we don’t control our home appliances with the help of Internet. Then we have to use
different way to communicate with our devices.
In our Home Network we have to automate our home appliances such as Television with the help of IoT
and Fans, Air Conditioners, Refrigerator and Lights. If we want to turn off the electricity of our Air
Conditioner then we have to send a command for cut off the electricity connection of our Air Conditioner.
After sending the command for cut off the connection of electricity of Air Conditioner, our Air
Conditioner will be turn off. If you want that to turn on the Air Conditioner according to Temperature
then you have to install temperature sensor to control the electricity connection of our Air Conditioner. If
the temperature of our room is larger than our limit then Air Conditioner will turn on or if the temperature
of room is smaller than our limit then Air Conditioner will be turn off. Similarly Refrigerator and
Television will turn on by our command or someone want to watch Television then he just have to give
command or sit in front of Television sensor will give signal to turn on the Television. Then Lights of our
home will turn on by sending command or other way if he enters in room then due to sensor signal
devices communicate and then Lights will be turn on or off according to our condition.
Our Home consist of three Rooms and every room is equipped with lights and Air Conditioner.
Television is present in our one room and all three rooms also equipped with fans. Now we have to
control our room Fans, Air Conditioner, Lights and also Television. In our home we have to control water
pump by using Wifi or different sensors.

ARDUINO is a controlling device and is an open source computer hardware in which we write code in
software and then upload in ARDUINO with the help of Universal Serial Bus (USB) cable. Arduino is a
single board microcontroller for building digital devices that can sense and control devices in physical
world. Arduino boards are equipped with sets of digital and analog Input/Output (I/O). Through Universal
Serial Bus this board communicate serially. The microcontroller are typically programmed using a dialect
features from the programming languages C & C++. Arduino uses traditional compiler tool-chains. The
Arduino Projects provide Integrated Development Environment (IDE) based on Processing language
WIFI MODULE is a self-contained SOC with integrated TCP/IP protocol. This can give microcontroller
access to your Wifi Network. This module has powerful enough on-board processing and storage
capability that allows it to be inaugurated with the sensors. Through this sensor we can do Machine to
Machine communication with the help of Wifi. This Module can both the CPU and flash clock speed
double by overclocking on some devices.
TELEVISION is a telecommunication medium used for transmitting moving images in monochromatic
or in color and in two or three dimensions and sound. Television is used for watching different programs
on different channels at a specific frequency. Television signals are distributed on optical fiber or coaxial
cable via Internet. A standard television set is composed of multiple internal electronic circuits, including
a tuner for receiving and decoding broadcast signals. A visual display device which lacks a tuner is
correctly called a video monitor rather than a television.
LIGHTS are electric devices which illuminates when electric current pass through it. Daylights is
sometime used for working during daytime in buildings. But during night-time we uses electric lights for
completing our work.
AIR CONDITIONER is also an electric device which is used for changing the temperature of closed
place just like room. Air conditioners often use a fan to distribute the conditioned air to an occupied space
such as a building Air Conditioner throw cool air inside the room this is because of cooling process in Air
TEMPERATURE SENSOR is a device which is used to measure temperature of any place. This gives
the analog reading and then we convert it in Centigrade or Fahrenheit and use it. This is thermally
sensitive resistors whose prime function is to exhibit a large, predictable and precise change in electrical
resistance when subjected to a corresponding change in body temperature.
RELAYS are an electrically operated switch. Relays are used where it is necessary to control a circuit by
a separate low-power signal or several circuits must be controlled by one signal. Relays with calibrated
operating characteristics and sometimes multiple operating coils are used to protect electrical circuits
from overload or faults; in modern electric power systems these functions are performed by digital
instruments still called PROTECTIVE RELAYS.
FANS are used to produce flows with high volume and low pressure as opposed to compresses which
produces high pressure at a comparatively low volume. A fan blade will often rotate when exposed to a
fluid stream, and devices that take advantage of this, such as anemometers and wind turbines, often have
designs similar to that of a fan.
ULTRASONIC SENSOR is an electrical signal device which emits and receives ultrasonic waves to
measure the distance. It is an active device which create disturbance by transmitting ultrasonic waves in
atmosphere and then these rays strike with any hurdle and comes back to same device then receiver
receive these waves and measure distance or any other thing which comes in that area.
WATER PUMP is also an electrical device which is used to take anything from ground level to higher
level just like water or any other liquid. It is connected with motor which is made up of coil and this coil
moves with the help of magnetic field which is created when current passes through coil and then its start
rotation. These fields cannot cross each other they tried to line-up. When they tried to line up then the coil
starts to rotate.

ARDUINO is a single board microcontroller which is used to control different things with only one
board. All other sensors and devices can be controlled by one device. This device have program installed
using software through computer which can communicate by all other devices. But it has one issue that it
can’t store more data. WIFI MODULE send signal to Arduino to perform different tasks according to
our requirement. TELEVISION works according to his full voltage level but sometime voltage level is
down due to this usage of television will not work. LIGHTS and AIR CONDTIONER can also control
by two ways but when we are using one way then other way should not be worked if it starts work then it
will create disturbance. FANS and WATER PUMPS both are made up of motors if our device’s motors
have some fault then it will not work properly. RELAYS and ULTASONIC and TEMPERATURE
SENSOR have limited range if our range exceed or below its limit then it will not work. Sometimes we
want to control other device but our device problem it will show different task. Sometimes SERVER or
INTERNET speed is slow then our connection with Wifi or our devices will produce our problem. Our
connection security depends only on our PROTOCOL if our protocol is weak then anyone can control our
devices. Our Control devices are also depends on our PROTOCOL because they are connected with WIFI
and all things on Internet is based on Protocols.

ARDUINO have different types then we have to use better Arduino to get our better result in controlling
devices and give required power and install better code. WIFI MODULE is used to perform connection
then we have to use better module which have strong range for connection of our home internet.
TEMPERATURE and ULTRASONIC SENSOR all these devices can also work at low voltage if
sometime voltage level downs then it will be turn off and our devices will be safe. If our Internet
connection speed is slow then we have to install GSM Module, so that we can use our devices with
Mobile without Internet. We have to purchase Strong Protocol connection so that our connection security
will strong and no one can hack our connection.


8 FANS BAJAJ $21.9

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