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Class: AIA01

Term: IN0420
Teacher: Moira Lizarraga
Date: May 11th

Topic 2 : Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people
prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Use
specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Mankind’s first important need is eating. These days people can decide either to buy it
or prepare it. Some people prefer homemade food. However there are others that prefer
restaurant food. Personally I agree with the idea of preparing and eating at home
because you can stay in the comfort of your house, it is healthier and saves money.

Preparing meals at home allows people to stay in the comfort of their house. They
don’t need to dress up with any special clothes. Such as, when people go to an elegant
restaurant and have to dress up with fancy clothes. Moreover, when you are in your
home you can also choose where to eat. For example, you could be eating dinner and
watching Netflix comfortably in your bed. Apart from this, You don’t have to deal with
traffic, especially when it is the peak hour. As you can see, eating at home is quiet

Homemade food can be prepared as healthy as you want. When people cook their own
meals they can control the ingredients, substituting sugar-free sweeteners and including
more vegetables. In the same way, if you control the ingredients you could avoid any
allergic reaction, making it safer than in a restaurant. Another point worth mentioning is
that prepared food is more hygienic, when you cook you know how to keep your
ingredients as good as you can. To sum up people can control their meals, making
them safe and healthy.

Cooking and eating meals at home is cheaper than buying it. People who prepare their
meals can manage the portions they dish out. you can eat more and save some for the
other day, that could not be done in a restaurant without increasing the price.
Furthermore, when you cook, the ingredients you bought can be used in many meals for
many days. For example, Tomatoes could be used in spaguettis, pizzas and any salad.
Last, You don’t spend much money when you prepare your food. if you don’t go to any
restaurant or food stand, you wouldn’t need to pay any parking ticket or gas. All in all
homemade food saves more money.
In conclusion, preparing and eating food at home is good for people because it would
allow them to be as comfortable as they want, control their meals to make them
healthier and spend less money. Everyone should reconsider this idea especially the
ones who try to stay healthy or with a short budget.

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