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I. Choose A, B, C, or D: (15p)
1. ............ swimming requires very high levels of fitness, as well as ability to move gracefully.
A Simultaneous B Synchronized CTimely D Coordinated
2. The front layer of the eye is called the ............ .
A eyelid B cornea C pupil D eyelash
3. Pete says he doesn’t need to study because he's awfully good at ............ .
A jamming B cramming C cramping D ramming
4. Arthritis causes the joints to become swollen and ........... .
A inflamed B flaming Cflammable D inflammable
5. She didn’t go to university, she got her MA through distance ............ .
A schooling B learning Ceducation D teaching
6. Following her collapse from exhaustion, the doctor recommended lots of bed ............ .
A sleep B rest C stay D leisure
7. The races were cancelled because the race ............ was waterlogged.
A ring B rink C tarmac D track
8. A:“I’ve had a ............ pain in my side all day.” B:“It’s probably indigestion.”
A whimpering B nagging C pestering D muttering
9. In order to carry out this experiment, you need a test ............ and Bunsen burner.
A tube B cylinder C hose D pipe
10. The operation left him with a small ............ on his left cheek.
A line B graze C injury D scar
11. The doctors think that there might be ............ bleeding.
A inside B internal C innate D ingrown
12. Carol won’t be back at work for some time, she’s suffered a ............ breakdown.
A mind B mental C psychic D nerve
13. Dave’s been involved in a ............ accident at work. He's been taken to hospital.
A wrong B bad C faulty D critical
14. A: I liked the music to that film. B:Yes. The ............ was written by Elton John.
A script B lines C score D writing
15. Go through this document and ............ any discrepancies with a colored marker.
A show up B stress C emphasize D highlight
II. Underline the correct word: 15 p
1. He’s so rich, he can afford to buy whatever he fancies / fantasises / imagines / conjures.
2. Gable's theory pulled/took/attracted/engaged a lot of interest from the scientific community.
3. He followed the trail of clues until it came to a dead finish / end / conclusion / line.
4. The patient most probably contracted / received / obtained / acquired the disease when he was in India.
5. She had a distinctive / separate / identifiable / specialised look that set her apart from the other models.
6. Greg rarely goes out, he spends most of his time sunk / immersed / submerged / captivated in books.
7. To be a good vet, you have to have a thought / stroke / handle / feel for animals.
8. Flip / Flock / Fly / Flick through the brochure and see if anything takes your fancy.
9. The suspect claims he was made/convinced/pressed/coerced into leaking the information.
10. They haven’t selected the candidates for interview yet because there’s a build-up/back-up/backlog/backing of
III. Use the words in capitals at the end of the lines below to form words that fit the gap in the same line:(15 p)
(1)_______________, Mars was thought to be the most likely planet to harbor life. There HISTORY
Is a reflection of such (2) _______________ in popular culture as expressed in literature and film. BELIEVE
H.G.Well’s The War of the Worlds was the first major work to explore the (3) _______________ CONCEIVE
of the ‘extraterrestrial invader’. A few years later, even (4)________________ astronomers KNOWLEDGE
advocated the possibility of life forms on Mars. (5)________________ , Mars began to take a CONSEQUENCE
special place in popular culture. However, this does not (6)_______________ its unique role LITTLE
in the history of science. Specifically, the (7)______________ of the movement of Mars by Kepler DOCUMENT
led to the formulation of his three laws of (8)___________________ motion which laid the PLANET
foundations for the (9)____________ of Isaac Newton. Like no other planet, Mars has left a(n) DISCOVER
(10)___________________mark on human imagination and thought. REPLACE
IV. Rephrase the following using inversion: (10 p)
1. I had hardly begun to apologize when the door closed…………………………………………………………………………
2. I have seldom heard such a talented singer……………………………………………………………………………………
3. If John had known that she liked curry, he would have brought her to an Indian restaurant
4. The artist rarely paid any attention to his agent's advice……………………………………………………………………….
5. The restaurant cannot accept animals under any circumstances. ……………………………………………………………..
V. Writing: FOR AND AGAINST ESSAY . Write your essay on the following topic: 35 p
Some people believe that children shouldn’t be given homework everyday, while others believe that they must get
homework everyday in order to be successful at school.

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