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Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Cluj

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Avizat Comisa de Curiculum, Avizat director,

Planificare anuală pentru anul şcolar 2021/2022

Cambridge, Kennedy, Soldi, Rusu & Todoran, clasa a V-a
Semestrul I, 15 săptămâni, 2 ore/săptămână
Profesor: Mandik Ioana Gabriela

Unitatea de Competențe Conținuturi Nr. ore Săptămâna Observații

Starter Unit 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4, Vocabulary(V): the alphabet, colours, numbers, time, 6
p. 10 2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5, seasons, classroom objects, personal possessions and S1: 13.09-17.09
3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4 adjectives, plurals S2: 20.09-24.09,4.4 Language Focus (LF): Prepositions of place, S3:27.09-
this/that/these/those, possessive adjectives my, yours 01.10
/possessive pronouns, vb. to be-affirmative, negative,
question words, imperatives
Speaking and Listening (S/L): greetings
Read Talk: What’s your name? Where are
you from? Asking for clarification
1. Unit I 1.1,1.2,1.3, V: Countries and nationalities (p. 144) 6 S4: 04.10-
We are from 2.2,2.3, Language Focus: adjectives describing places 08.10
the UK 3.2,3.3,3.4, LF1: Subject pronouns, Present Simple of the vb. to S5: 11.10-15.10
p. 20 be, Affirmative form S6:18.10-
Listening and Vocabulary (L/V): describing people, 22.10
learning words in pairs
LF2: possessive adjectives, articles
Discover Culture – The united nation
Speaking(S): Teenagers introducing themselves:
What’s your phone number? What’s your e-mail
Writing (W): Giving personal information
Useful language (UL): Capital letters
2. Unit II 1.1,1.2, V: Daily routines, family (p.146-147), occupations 6 S7:08.11-
Are they twins? 2.1,2.2,2.4, LF1: Present simple of the vb. to be & negative form 12.11
p. 32 3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4 L/V: After school activities, A conversation,4.3. Get it right! Activities ending in –ing, learning words
in categories S8:15.11-
LF2: Present simple questions, adverbs of 19.11
frequency, the possessive, question words S9: 22.11-
S: What do you do after school? 26.11
Asking for information about your family
R: Famous brothers and sisters
3. Unit III 1.1,1.2, V: Pets 6 S10:29.11-
Have you got a pet? 2.1,2.3,2.4, R: We have got a cat, Explore: Present Simple of the 03.12
p. 46 3.1,3.2,3.3, vb. have got, demonstrative adjectives and pronouns LF1: can for ability and permission,
Say It Right: can/can’t S11:06.12-
L/V: describing people & pets/favourite possessions 10.12
LF2: (don’t) like, don’t mind, love, hate + -ing
S: My pet
UL: informal language S12:13.12-
CLIL: Science (p. 128-129) 17.12

4. Unit IV 1.1,1.2, V: rooms in a house, furniture 4 S13:20.12-

There is a huge 2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,
R: What is your flat/ house like ? 23.12
garden! 3.2,3.3,3.4 LF1 : there is/there are, Is there…?/Are there…?
p. 58 LF2: the articles a/an; some and any; prepositions of
place S14:03.01-
L/V: Describing your bedroom 07.01
S: What do you usually do when you are home?
W: Describe your favourite part of the house
UL: time connectors
C: Autumn Festivals & Christmas
Round up! 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4, Grammar/Vocabulary: Recycling previous notions 2 S15:
2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5, Reading/Writing Activities: Describe your holidays 10.01-14.01
3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4  A World of Magic: food, presents, family,4.4  Story time (p. 124-125)
 Culture: The Royal grandchildren (p. 136)
SEMESTRUL AL II-LEA- 19 saptamani
5. Unit V 1.1,1.2,1.3, V: Daily routines (p. 73 & 152), school subjects (p.
I usually get up early 2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4, 153)
p. 72 3.2,3.3,3.4, R: I usually play computer games, Explore-Adverbs S1:17.01-
4.1, 4.2, 4.3 of movement 21.01
LF1: Prepositions of time (p. 77) 10 S2: 25.01-
L/V: A conversation, action verbs 28.01
LF2 : Present simple vs. Present continuous (p. 76) S3:31.01-
Get it Right! verbs that don’t take present 04.02
Continuous S4:
Explore: Adverbs of frequency (p. 78) 07.02-11.02
S: Talking about school S5:
R: A description of a future champion 14.02-18.02
W: Your best friend’s daily routine
C: Schools in the UK (p. 138)
6. Unit VI 1.1,1.2,1.3, V: Free-time activities, places in town (p. 154-155)
What do you 2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4, R: An information text S6:
do on Saturdays? 3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4 Explore: extreme adjectives 10 21.02-25.02
p. 84 LF1: Using verb & noun collocations (p. 94) S7:
L/V: Places in a town 28.02-04.03
LF2: Articles: definite, indefinite & zero; question S8:
words, personal pronouns 07.03-11.03
DCV/R: Crossing cities S 9:
S: Read Talk: Where do you usually go 14.03-18.03
with your friends?, Sequencing/frequency (p. 91) S10:
W: A description of a place 14.03-18.03
UL: adding information
CLIL: A day out in London (p. 92-93; 134-135);
music (p. 130-131 & 140)
7. Unit VII 1.1,1.2,1.3, V: Abilities, sports (p. 156) and activities
I can cook 2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4, Get it right! play/do 8 S11:
very well! 3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4 Explore: Adverbs 28.03-01.04
p. 98,4.4 LF1: demonstratives, prepositions of S12:
movement, can – affirmative & negative form 04.04-08.04
L/V: He cannot cook at all! S13:
LF2: Imperative, asking for and giving/refusing 10.04-14.04
permission S14:
Get it right! Questions in the present simple 02.05-06.05
Explore: irregular plurals
S: What’s your favorite sport
and why? Expressing interest.
W: A biography of a sports star
UL: prepositions of time and place
CLIL: outdoor sports and activities (p. 132-133 &
8. Unit VIII 1.1,1.2,1.3, V: Clothes; seasons and weather, food and drinks S 15:
They are 2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4, R: We are getting a birthday present… 6 09.05-13.05
looking as 3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4 Explore: whose? (p. 116) S16:
trainers! LF1: be going to, Present Continuous 16.05-20.05
p. 110 L/V: A conversation (shopping for clothes) S 17:
LF2: Future with will/won’t, possessive pronouns 23.05-27.05
Explore: adjectives, dressing up for special occasions
(p. 118-119)
S: Where do you like going on holidays? Making
UL: starting and finishing an email
CLIL: Geography (p. 126-127)
Final Revision Final Evaluation, p. 144-158 4 S 18:
S 19:

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