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Dear sir / madam ,

As Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “If you can’t fly, then run, if you can’t run, then walk, if you can’t walk, then crawl, but
whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.” Only then do I believe success can truly be achieved.

I am Belbey Amina Nour El Houda . medical student in algeria I would like to put forward my candidacy for enrolment in this course . As you
know that the Bey family name is of Turkish origins and that i can easily obtain the turkish nationality as i have a turkish origins . I chosen
turkey scholarship because of the hıghest Education Standards ; Diploma Programs with International Validity ; Student Focused, Modern
and Equipped Campuses ; Economic and Safe Education Opportunity ; Turkish Hospitality and Amicable Relations ; Quality and Easy
Accessible Accommodation, Nutrition and Transport Opportunities . I chose the profession of medicine as it is the most sacred profession
and it is an honorable and noble humanitarian message. The safety of peoples and the development of societies cannot be preserved
except by paying attention to the health aspect, as medicine is an honorable, great and important profession. And in view of the diseases
and epidemics plaguing our societies in our country, which suffers from the lack of specialists, I will strive to help our society and turn the
tear of pain into a smile of hope, and from here my choice for this profession . After finish my studies in Turkey, I will return to my country
to serve my countrymen and My family who always wished to see me as a doctor to treat them.

I don’t necessarily expect to achieve full mastery in four or five years I spend as an undergraduate, but I believe istanbul faculty of
medecine is where I’ll have the best opportunity to advance in these areas. To expand even more, the open curriculum would allow me to
surround myself with individuals that are just as passionate about languages and sciences as I am. With these classmates I would love to
have great conversations and even participate in research. Attending istanbul faculty of medecine will bring me all of these things, which
will aid me in becoming the best doctor and scientist I can possibly be . Regards to studying at istanbul faculry of medecine , I seek to
combine all the knowledge I have gathered over the years and try to deepen my understanding of humain body and the Various diseases
that afflict him . I have decided to go down this route . I feel that this is my driving passion that will allow me to succeed during the years
that I will be studying at the istanbul faculry of medecine .

I hope that I have been able to convince you of my excellent capabilities and my passionate motivation to start studying medical science at
istanbul faculry of medecine . I really look forward to your reply and to start studying at your University!

Kind Regards

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