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A cloud of great width and an altitude of between 2000 and 7000 feet is called
a) nimbus
b) nimbostratus
c) stratus
d) cumulus
e) stratocumulus

2. A device for measuring pressure of atmosphere is known as a:

a) Windscale
b) Compass
c) Barometer
d) Blip
e) Shaft

3. A fire started in the main engine room of a vessel when at sea. Both main engines were
stopped by the crew. The ship had full electrical power supply during the event due to having a
separate auxiliary engine room. The crew used CO2 and water to start the fire, which was finally
extinguished after about 4 hours.
Which of the underlined words must be changed to get a correct meaning?
a) at sea
b) stopped
c) used
d) start
e) finally

4.A male passenger, Selçuk GüneĢ, aged 35, has been ill for three days. His temperature is 39
and his pulse rate is 85. This is a description of a ....................................
a) doctor’s state
b) nurse’s state
c) patient‘s state
d) pupil’s state
e) customer’s state

5.A receipt of goods shipped on board a ship signed by the person (or his agent) who contracts
to carry them, and stating the terms on which the goods are carried is known as …………….
a) Bill of Health
b) Bill of Lading
c) Bill of Bulkhead
d) Bill of Sale
e) Notice of Readiness

6.A safety message is sent whenever ………........…………….. .

a) There is an important navigational or meteorological warning
b) There is an urgent message about the safety of a ship
c) There is an urgent message about the safety of a person
d) Immediate assistance is required
e) There is loss of life

7.A ship‘s position may be found by a ……………………………….

a) knots
b) navtex
c) GPS
d) cable
e) gmdss

8.A vessel overtaking another ………………………… of the overtaken vessel.
a) must keep clear
b) must alter course
c) will be kept
d) shall keep out of the way
e) follow

9.A vessel which is able to load and discharge by itself is called ..............................
a) self-employed
b) self-serving
c) self-made
d) self-sustaining
e) non-self sustaining

10.A vessel which is not made fast to the shore, at anchor or aground and not moving through
the water is ...
a) A vessel underway and making way
b) A vessel underway and misled
c) A vessel underway but not making way over the ground
d) A vessel underway and stopped
e) A vessel which is disabled

11.A vessel which is used for pulling or pushing a disabled vessel is known as a/an
…………… .
a) Tug
b) OBO
c) Reefer
d) Dredger
e) Icebreaker

12.A VHF message isn‘t made up of ……………………………………………..

a) Ship’s name and call sign
b) Ship’s position given by latitude and longitude
c) Distance and bearing from coast station
d) The name of the master
e) Ship’s next port of call

13.A wind which first blows from South, then changes direction to blow from the South East,
then changes direction to blow from the East is said to be ..............
a) veering
b) backing
c) clockwise
d) freezing
e) funneling

14.A wind which first blows from South, then changes direction to blow from the South West,
then changes direction to blow from the West is said to be ..............
a) anti-clockwise
b) deliberate
c) swelling
d) veering
e) backing

15. According to COLREG 1972 and its supplement, the master is not obligated to be on the
bridge himself;
a) While checking whistles daily
b) While mooring
c) When there is poor visibility
d) While berthing
e) While passing through the restricted waters

16. According to the International Code of Signal, the statement ―I must abandon my vessel ‖ is
symbolized by means of the code letters ……………?
a) AE
b) BF
c) DX
d) HW
e) ED

17. According to this clause of a charter party, if loading operation is performed on holidays, time
spent for loading ............................ ; otherwise, these days ...........................
a) shall count / shall not count
b) shall not count / shall count
c) is permitted / are not permitted
d) isn’t to be included in laytime / are to be included in laytime
e) should be excepted / should be accepted

18. Acil durumda tüm merdivenler ve çıkıĢlar aydınlatılacaktır.

Correct translation of this sentence into English is;
a) All stairways and embarkation stations shall be illuminated in an emergency.
b) All stairways and exits shall be illuminated before an emergency.
c) All stairways and exits shall illuminate in an emergency.
d) All stairways and exits shall be illuminated in an emergency.
e) All stairways and muster stations shall be lighted.

19. Air draught means the same as ...............

a) weight
b) length
c) height
d) width
e) size

20.―An oil derrick‖ is …………………………………………………..

a) a platform where all the needed machinery for drilling is mounted
b) all the equipment needed on the ground
c) where brokers and captains live
d) a machine used to dive into the sea bottom
e) an experienced greaser

21. Arrival message does NOT include ………………………………..

a) nationality of the ship
b) call sign
c) position
d) last port
e) destination

22. Atmospheric pressure is usually given in ………………………………….

a) minibars
b) minimum
c) millenium
d) miles
e) milibar

23.―At its 20 th session in November 1997, 1MO’s Assembly adopted resolution A. 850 (20) on
―The Human Element: Vision, Principles and Goals‖ and, at the 21 st Assembly in November
1999, IMO passed a resolution whereby the prime emphasis in the Organization’s work was
shifted away from developing technical standards and towards the human factor. Resolution A.
900 (21) ―Objectives of the Organization in the 2000s‖ pays particularly close attention to the
importance of fostering a culture of maritime safety. This was deemed to be the Organization’s
prime mission in the early years of the new millennium.‖ According to the above paragraph, the
resolution adopted at the 21 st assembly focused more on than.
a) developing technical standards / the human factor
b) the human factor / developing technical standards
c) the organization’s work / maritime safety
d) maritime safety / the human factor
e) the previous resolution / the one of the new millenium

24. Auxiliary vessels do not include .........................

a) cable layers
b) ice breakers
c) floating cranes
d) harbour tugs
e) fishing boats

25. Bir teknenin diğer bir tekne üzerine veya rıhtıma, iskeleye yanaĢması;
a) Alongside
b) Berthing
c) Portside
d) Starboard
e) Afloading

26. By means of radio, the captain of a ship can talk with men in other ships or with men ashore.
…......., or if bad weather is ahead, he can be told of it in time to change his course.
a) TV is a means of entertainment
b) Because of it, captains keep the radio under their pillows
c) Phone too, makes communication possible
d) Whatever, the captain should maintain his course
e) He can learn if it is safe for him to go on his destination

27. Careless and improper handling of cargo during loading and discharging operations,
improper stowage, fastening and lashing, improperly laid dunnage or lack of dunnage
altogether, insufficient ventilation or lack of it and poor separation of cargo may be considered
as the main ones. The passage is related with ………………………
a) crushing b) pilferage c) leakage d) damage to Cargo e) ventilation

28.Cargo gear ………………………………………………………

a) provides ventilation in the holds
b) sometimes called manholes leading to the lower compartments.
c) protects the weather compartments below deck from waves
d) is a vital concern both for good seamanship and for the seaworthiness of the vessel
e) is used for purposes of loading and discharging

29.Coal shipped in wet condition ..............................................

a) loses weight
b) gains weight
c) weighs the same

d) has no loss in weight
e) has no difference in weight

30.COLREG defines a ―vessel turning‖ as a vessel .................................................

a) making no move
b) making a small alteration in course
c) making a U turn
d) making a large alteration in course
e) not making any alteration

31. Communications within the ship are done by ………………….. .

a) VHF
b) Radio telegraph
c) Radiotelephone
d) An internal telephone system
e) Loudspeaker

32. Complete the following message with a proper message marker: ― ....................
Obstruction in the fairway‖
a) Warning
b) Request
c) Information
d) Advice
e) Instruction

33. Dear Sirs,

I regret to inform you that due to the stoppage of the separating valve of the bilge manifold
some water from the ballast tank on port side was pumped overboard together with the oil
contaminated bilge water from the shaft tunnel. The cause of this contamination is purely
technical and totally accidental.
The CHIEF ENGINEER OF THE M/V . . . . . . . . . . . . .
This correspondence is an example of
a) bunkering order
b) notification
c) damage to the ship
d) statement of sea protest e) resume

34. Depth from waterline to vessel‘s bottom is called;

a) keel b) air draught c) draught d) freeboard e) underkeel clearance

35. Displacement Tonnage of a ship is …………………………………………

a) The weight that a ship carries, when it is fully loaded with cargo,
b) The amount of water spilled out by a ship, when it floats at a specific condition,
c) The total volume of all the closed spaces of a ship,
d) The sum of all weights including the cargo,
e) None of the above

36. Dredging operations by the M/V Gate from 10 Oct 13:00 hours to 11 Oct 03:00 hours in
position 15˚ 34‘N, 061˚ 29‘W. Wide …………………………………………………..
a) channel needed
b) berth requested
c) assistance required
d) distances indicated
e) cases covered

37. Dünya sıcaklığındaki son değiĢimlerin nedenlerinden biri de ozon tabakasındaki deliktir.
The English version would be ............
a) The late hole in the ozone layer is partly the result of changes in the world’s temperature
b) Due to global temperature change, you can expect a hole in the ozone layer
c) One of the reasons for the recent changes in the world temperature is the hole in the ozone
d) One reason for the hole in the ozone layer is nationwide change in temperature
e) The hole in the ozone layer was the result of a sudden change in the global temperature

38.Fire-fighting equipment …………………………………………………..

a) should be regularly checked.
b) might be driven
c) must be drawn
d) is loaded
e) is used for keeping liquid for foods

39. For classification survey, the following is to be kept on board and made available to the
surveyor on request
a) Class certificates and other documentation of significance,
b) Reports on previous surveys performed,
c) Approved drawings,
d) All the above,
e) None of the above

40. For maintenance of class …………………………………………………

a) U.S. Coast Guard controls must be performed by the Flag State,
b) The periodical(regular) and occasional(extraordinary) surveys must be performed,
c) Inspections by IMO officers for the ship’s documents must be performed,
d)The shipyard must control the ship ,
e)The Port State Control should be performed.

41. Going through water by force of wind with the help of the sails is known as :
a) Navigation
b) Steering
c) Propulsion
d) Sailing
e) Manoeuvering

42. Hydrographic survey information is used in the making of ............. of all scales.
a) charcoal b) charters c) charts d) chalks e) changes

43.―I am not under command‖ means ………………………..

a) I am not unable to manoeuvre as required by the Rules
b) I am unable to manoeuvre as required by the Rules
c) I am no different than what I was before xy
d) therefore I can keep out of the way 2015-09-05 13:06:58
e) therefore I could keep out of the way --------------------------------------------
44.I am proceeding at reduced speed.
a) Geçitte ilerleyeceğim.
b) Limana ilerliyorum.
c) DüĢük hızla ilerliyorum.
d) Hızımı arttırıyorum.
e) Puruvamdaki gemiyi geçeceğim.

45.―I am sinking‖, ―I am on fire‖, ―I am not under command‖, ―I am in collision‖ and ―I a
are all ......
a) pilot request messages
b) way point messages
c) anchoring messages
d) clearence messages
e) incident messages xy
2015-09-05 13:08:09
46.―I have herewith the pleasure in informing you that my vessel is in all respects ready to
kaza, hadise
commence working as per above in accordance with terms of mentioned charter party. Yours
faithfully.‘‘ Master
The above mentioned remark takes place in a/ an
a) notice of readiness.
b) bill of lading.
c) letter of credit.
d) negotiable bill of lading.
e) time charter party.

47.―l need help‖ may be followed by ………………….………..

a) What is the anchor position for me?.
b) I am sending a boat for you.
c) I have a long tow.
d) I am aground.
e) I am altering my course to port.

48.I will attempt rescue by breeches-buoy

a) Can kurtarma varagelesiyle kurtarmaya geliyorum
b) Can kurtarma varagelesiyle kurtulmaya çalışıyorum
c) Can kurtarma varagelesiyle kurtarmaya çalıĢacağım
d) Can kurtarma varagelesiyle kurtuldunuz
e) Can kurtarma varagelesiyle kurtuluyorsunuz

49.―Ice-breaker assistance is suspended until favourable weatherxyconditions,‖ means

a) When the weather conditions get favourable ice- breaker assistance will 13:11:55
2015-09-05 resume
b) It is suspected whether ice- breaker assistance will be favourable--------------------------------------------
or not.
askıya almak
c) No ice breaker assistance will be available even if the weather conditions elverişli
become favourable.
d) Ice-breaker assistance will be provided until favourable weather conditions
e) Ice-breaker assistance must be received by the favourable weather conditions

50. If a wind is going to freshen, it is going to ……………………………………………

a) change direction
b) lose strength
c) gain strength
d) change name
e) stay the same

51. If collision is imminent, which one of the two power-driven vessels

has to keep out of the
way? 2015-09-05 13:14:41
a) The one which has the other on her starboard side --------------------------------------------
b) The one which has the other on her port side yakın
c) The one which is faster
d) The one which is slower
e) The one which is newly bought

52. If immersion in water is necessary, you should enter the water

a) Quickly
b) Suddenly
c) Gradually xy
d) Immediately 2015-09-05 13:15:59
e) Fast --------------------------------------------
kademeli olarak
53. If the weight of a floating ship is greater than the weight of equal volume of water
displaced by the ship, the ship will ...........
a) float b) tilt c) list d) sink e) capsize

54. In certain fairways you must maintain a speed of ten knots exactly. The name given to this
speed is ……
a) quick speed b) heart attack c) fast speed d) increased speed e) fairway speed

55.―In cold water the skin and peripheral tissues become cooled and then the deep body
temperature falls‖
This is called as ..............................
a) drowning b) hypothermia c) hyperthermia d) shock e) immersion

56. In these circumstances it is difficult to assess the damage caused

by the collision. In Turkish
you would say ................................................. 2015-09-05 13:18:48
a) Bu koşullarda çatışmanın hasara yol açıp açmayacağını tahmin etmek zor
b) Çatışmanın ne gibi hasara yol açtığını bu koşullarda açıklamak zorbelirlemek,
gelebilir saptamak
c) Çatışmanın yol açtığı zararı karşılamak, bu koşullar altında çok zor
d) Farklı durumlarda çatışmanın zararını karşılamak ve karşılaştırmak çok zor
e) Bu koĢullar altında çatıĢmanın neden olduğu hasarı saptamak zor

57. Intermediate Surveys are ……………………………………………………

a) More detailed(details extended) Annual Surveys,
b) They fall due,nominally 2,5 years after the commencement of the class period,
c) They are made whenever necessary,
d) (a)+(c)
e) (a)+(b)

58. It is required to use the capstan to haul a line. The order given isxy….....
a) To take line to capstan to heave vessel alongside 2015-09-05 13:20:02
b) To take line to capstan and heave away --------------------------------------------
c) To weigh anchor ırgat
d) To take the head line and turn it around
e) To hold the line and wait near the capstan

59. It usually occurs off the ship, but as stolen cargo can be unwittingly accepted by the vessel
and as sound cargo may be subject to theft after discharge, it is usually the vessel which is
blamed. Losses due to it are very serious, especially when foodstuffs, liquors and soft drinks,
expensive clothes, tools and spare parts for cars, electronic equipment and precious stones are
being carried on board ship.
The passage is about . . . . . . . . . .
a) chafing
b) collapsing
c) pilferage
d) moisture and sweating
e) rain damage

60.―Last night, being the third of the month May, Mr.Selim Yavuz, the pumper, went
ashore without leave and came back this morning. He did not turn out for work when

ordered at 7 o‘clock. For this reason he is fined a sum of day‘s pay.‖ This is a report of
a) offence b) penalty c) defense d) accusation e) acceptance

61.Leave the odd sentence out. HP_HP

a) Radio as the primary vehicle for maritime search and rescue has2015-08-31
been instrumental
22:39:13 in saving
countless lives. --------------------------------------------
b) Its first known use fort this purpose was in 1899 when a lightshipbuinsorunun cevaba
the Straits of cDover
denmişusedbaşka y
radio apparatus to report the steamship ―ELBE‖ had run aground.
c) However Morse Code transmission will be eliminated.
d) At once a lifeboat was dispatched to rescue the crew.
e) Since that time many significant technical advances in the use of radio for navigation and
distress have made life at sea safer for the modern day mariner.

62. Lifeboats should be taken ashore, inspected and tested. All the damage, if any, should be
repaired. Lifeboat winches should be dismantled, overhauled and worn parts renewed. Hand
brakes and mechanical brake should be checked and adjusted. After completing the work, they
should be tested under Chief Officer‘s supervision.
This passage is part of .................................................. ....................
a) deck department orders
b) repair specification
c) miscellaneous
d) engine department orders
e) plain letter

63. Many types of bulk cargo are liable to shifting and therefore special precautions must be
taken with such cargoes as grain, some kind of ores, certain kinds of coal, broken granite etc. It
is necessary to see that the bulk cargo is well trimmed. A load of barrels should be stowed bilge
free and well blocked off to avoid it.
This passage is about ..........
a) handling damage
b) crushing
c) dust damage
d) leakage
e) shifting

64. Master transmitted a distress alert ............. Inm-C which was quickly acknowledged.
a) for
b) through
c) via xy
d) beneath 2015-09-05 13:48:59
e) beyond --------------------------------------------
yolu ile, üzerinden
65. Merchant vessels do not include ……………………………………….
a) sport crafts
b) reefers.
c) auxiliary vessels.
d) divers boats.
e) dredgers.

66. Mist is announced when water droplets in the atmosphere reduce visibility to between
a) 100 and 200 metres
b) 1000 and 2000 metres
c) 100 and 200 kilometres
d) 10 and 20 miles
e) 100 and 200 miles

67.Morse code, flag signalling and radio are ....................................

a) three main methods of fixing position
b) three main methods of taking bearings of land and sea marks
c) three main methods of navigating safely
d) three main methods of communication e) three main methods of taking assistance

68. Navigation in coastal waters is known as ………………… .

a) Pilotage
b) Plottage
c) Cruising
d) Sailing
e) Taking bearing

69. Navigator‘s sea map with coast outlines, rocks, shoals, known as ……………
a) Charter party
b) Chart
c) Charge
d) Charter
e) Clearance

70.‖No matter how sophisticated navigational aids and safety devices become, no matter how
automated, computerized and mathematically planned become the voyages of vessels, the
element of human fallibility will always exist and will remain the prime cause of collisions in
navigable waters.‖
The above quotation emphasizes the importance of …………………….. in collisions.
a) sophisticated navigational aids
b) automated vayages
c) human factor
d) computerization
e) mathematically planned voyages of vessels

71. OBO carriers are ………………………

a) auxiliary vessels.
b) auxiliary cargo ships.
c) special cargo ships.
d) mixed cargo ships.
e) war ships.

72. On 25 August 1994, SALLY STAR, a Bahamian Registered Ro-Ro passenger ferry was en
route to Ramsgate from Dunkirk and in a position about 6.5 miles east of Ramsgate when fire
broke out in the main engine room. The fire was caused by the failure of a bolted flange joint on
the low pressure fuel system to No 4 main engine, allowing flammable fuel oil vapour to come
into contact with part of the engine exhaust system. Initial attempts to extinguish the fire were
unsuccessful, mainly due to failure of the auxiliary generators and the emergency fire pump and
despite the injection of Kalongs into the space. However, the closure of the engine room
ventilation and fuel oil systems effectively starved the fire of fuel and oxygen. The fire was finally
reported as extinguished about three hours from the onset of the emergency. The incident
required the co-ordinating role of HM Coastguard Dover, off-shore fire fighting teams from Kent
Fire Brigade, RAF and HM Coastguard helicopters. A total of 85xy non-essential crew and 17
passengers were transferred ashore by RNLI lifeboats based at Ramsgate and Margate. Tugs
2015-09-05 13:53:14
and other vessels stood by the SALLY STAR which was finally towed to Dunkirk for repairs.
One crew member suffered an injury during fire fighting operationsaçıklama and was evacuated ashore
by helicopter.
The passage does not explain;
a) the reason why the fire broke out
b) the reason why the initial fire fighting attempts were unsuccessful
c) the place where fire occurred
d) how the crew member injured during fire fighting
e) how the crew and passengers were transferred to the shore

73.Person to work with electricity should be …............................................ .....

a) untrained and incompetent in technical knowledge
b) unfamiliar with technical knowledge
c) disabled and incompetent
d) trained and competent with good technical knowledge
e) extremely illiterate

74.―Piri Reis‖ gemisi Ģimdi tanıtma iĢareti çekiyorum.

a) Vessel ―Piri Reis‖ I am making signals now
b) Vessel ―Piri Reis‖ I am making a significance now
c) Vessel ―Piri Reis‖ I am making identity at the present
d) Vessel ―Piri Reis‖ I am now making an identification signal
e) Vessel ―Piri Reis‖ I am now making an identifiable signature

75. Portable rechargeable battery operated lamps shall be available in some important points.
Correct translation of this sentence into Turkish is;
a) Bazı önemli noktalarda şarjedilebilir, portatif bataryalı lambalar bulunacaktır.
b) Bazı önemli noktalarda Ģarjedilebilen bataryayla çalıĢan, portatif lambalar
c) Portatif şarjedilebilen pilli lambalar önemli noktalarda bulunacaktır.
d) Bir kaç önemli noktada şarjlı portatif lambalar bulunacaktır.
e) Şarjlı bataryalar taşınabilir olmalıdır ve bazı önemli noktalarda istiflenmelidir.

76. Port state control officer said to the Master of the M/ V Rose that the ship got detained
because of the absence of the lifeboat inventory.Which of the following conventions didn‘t the
M/V Rose comply with? xy
a) SOLAS 2015-09-05 13:55:27
b) STCW --------------------------------------------
c) LOADLINE eksiklik
e) ISM

77.―Port to Port Shipment: The responsibility of the Carrier is limited to that part of the Carriage
from and during loading onto the vessel up to and during discharge from the vessel and the
Carrier shall not be liable for any loss or damage what so ever in respect of the Goods or for
any other matter arising during any other part of the Carriage even though charges for the whole
Carriage have been charged by the carrier.‖
According to this clause of a bill of lading, the carrier shall not be held responsible for any
damage to thegoods
a) after they are loaded on board the ship.
b) while they are loaded on board the ship.
c) while they were taken to the port on trucks.
d) which occured during any part of the sea voyage.
e) likely to appear following the discharging operation.

78.―Received by the Carrier the Goods specified below in apparent good order and condition
unless otherwise stated, to be transported to such place as agreed, authorized or permitted
herein and subject to all the terms and conditions appearing on the front and reverse ‖

The above part is taken from a
a) bill of loading
b) notice of readiness
c) passenger list
d) noon position report
e) ship ullage report

79. Report if she does not ………….. the …………

a) tyres-reply
b) reply-tyres
c) break-rules
d) wheel-answer
e) answer-wheel

80. Request details of station in convoy.

a) Konvoydaki istasyona ilgi rica ediyorum
b) Konvoydaki istasyon hakkında bilgi rica ediyorum
c) Konvoydaki istasyonu bilgilendirin lütfen
d) Konvoydaki istasyonda bilgi verin lütfen
e) Konvoydaki istasyon hakkında işlem yapın lütfen

81. Routine details of the voyage, any loss or damage to the ship or cargo or any related events
are kept in the ………………….. by the mates during their watches.
a) The official Log Book
b) The Scrap Log Book
c) The Engine Room Log Book
d) The Ship‘s Log Book
e) Manuals

82. Safety communications must be concerned with two subjects. They are ……………
a) meteorology and first aid
b) channels and publications
c) navigation and communication
d) grounding and towing
e) navigation and meteorology

83. Seamen who do NOT understand each other can communicate by using ....................
a) signatures
b) silence
c) signals
d) sibilants
e) solidarity

84. Ship A has Ship C ahead of her so Ship C is ……………. of Ship A.

a) Ahead
b) Astern
c) Abeam
d) On the bow
e) On the quarter

85.―Ships‖ in general are classified into the following three types:

a) warships, merchant vessels, yachts
b) passenger ships, merchant vessels, yachts
c) warships, fishing vessels, yachts
d) passenger ships, auxiliary vessels, yachts
e) cargo vessels, merchant vessels, yachts
86.Ship‘s position can NOT be given in .................................
a) latitude and longtitude
b) bearing and distance
c) reference to a navigation mark
d) rapid and unambigious method
e) electronic position – fixing references

87.Signalling by using hand flags is called .................................

a) sophomore b) semiphone c) semaphore d) sphere e) siren

88.―Sorry‖ and ―Thank you‖ are ..........................................

a) announcements
b) clarification
c) conversation control
d) polite statements
e) channel switching

89.―Stand by‖ means that the information is ................................

a) negative
b) affirmative
c) not immediately available
d) not proper
e) not heard

90.ġamandıranın kuzeyinden geçmenizi tavsiye ederim.

a) Advise you pass East of Mark
b) Advise you pass West of Mark
c) Advise you pass South of Mark
d) Advise you pass North of Mark
e) Advise you pass Northeast of Mark

91. The content of any letter of protest prepared and signed by the master is to be ……
a) kept in a locked drawer on board the ship
b) taken to the court by the master himself
c) passed to the owner / charterer or their agent
d) published in any regional newspaper related with the topic
e) checked and corrected by the chief officer.

92. The following four stages in a VHF exchange are in the wrong order. Write down the letters
of the correct sequences.
A-Agree on a working VHF channeI
B-Exchange messages
C-Terminate xy
D-Make contact 2015-09-05 14:04:17
a) BACD --------------------------------------------
b) ABCD bitirmek

93. The force or speed of a ................ is measured by an anemometer.

a) precipitation
b) hail
c) fog
d) wind
e) pressure
94. The forepeak tank is used to
a) store fresh water or ballast water.
b) store paint, buckets, ropes in.
c) divide the vessel into longitudinal subdivisions.
d) stow the chain cables of the bower anchors.
e) determine the ship’s carrying capacity.

95. The four (4) types of merchant vessels are:

a) Passanger ships—Cargo vessels—Auxiliary vessels—Fishing vessels,
b) Warships—Cargo vessels—Auxiliary vessels—Fishing vessels,
c) Passanger ships—Yachts—Auxiliary vessels—Fishing vessels,
d) Passanger ships—Cargo vessels—Dredgers—Fishing vessels,
e) Passanger ships—Cable layers—Auxiliary vessels—Fishing vessels.

96.The Gross Tonnage of a ship is .................................................. .

a) The weight of living spaces and navigational spaces,
b) The weight of cargo, passengers and provisions, measured in metric tons,
c) The total volume of all closed spaces of a ship in ft³, divided by hundred (100),
d) The weight of fuel, fresh water and water tanks in tons,
e) The amount of water spilled out by a ship

97.The instruction ―to single up‖ shows …...................................

a) The ship is ready to leave the quay or berth
b) The ship has completed the operation
c) The ship has departed
d) The ship is underway
e) The ship is abandoned

98. The main aim of the Classification Society is ........................... .

a) To provide quick and cheap construction of a vessel
b) To design a ship
c) To put limits on the ship’s dimensions
d) To pay for the ship construction
e) To observe if the ship is seaworthy and is capable of carrying the cargo she has been
designed to carry

99. The maintenance on board is the responsibility of the ......... and the men in his charge.
a) Captain b) Chief officer c) Second Officer d) Third Officer e) Chief engineer

100.―The master of every ship carrying hazardous cargo other than in bulk- whether it is, or may
be, explosive, flammable, toxic, health- threatening, or environment polluting- shall in organizing
safe watch keeping arrangements take full account of the nature, quantity, packing and stowage
of the hazardous cargo and of any special conditions on board, afloat and ashore.‖ Considering
this rule, complete the following statement in case the cargo is ………………. , the master must
consider …………… while arranging .
a) hazardous/ the nature, quantity, packing and stowage of the cargo/ watch keeping
b) bulk / explosive, flammable, toxic, health- threatening/ the stowage
c) special/ health- threatening or environment polluting/ the full account
d) on board/ watch keeping arrangements/ any special conditions
e) carried in bulk / any special conditions on board / watch keeping
101. The mechanical barrel around which lines and wires are turned is a ..................
a) buoy
b) barrel
c) capstan
d) captain
e) waist
102. The Medical Report Format for Seafarers is filled/completed by:
a) Only the Captain,
b) Only the hospital ashore,
c) Only the Doctor ashore,
d) By the Captain and also the hospital/doctor ashore,
e) All the officers on board

103. The most modern kind of lifeboat, dropping or falling into the sea and which is covered, is
a/an :
a) Inflatable life raft
b) Freefall
c) Lifebelt
d) Liferaft
e) Water proof life boat

104. The M/V Yıldız got loaded at Port of Izmir with dried fruits and left for Lısbon. When arrived
at the Port of Lisbon, she was detained because the Master‘s Certificate was Master Certificate
not Unlimited Master Certificate.
The detention was attributed to the incompliance with the requirements of
e) ISM

105. The opening to the hold from the upper deck is called a/an …………………………
a) hatch b) boom c) derrick d) upper peak e) iner bottom

106. The publication in which the medical codes is found is .......... .

a) GMT
b) Safety message transmission
c) The International code of signals
d) The local newspapers
e) A well-know magazine

107. The purpose of a ―Notice of Readiness‖ is to ………………………………….

a) inform the related party that the vessel is in all respects ready to commence loading/
discharging operation.
b) note that the charter is ready to sign the relevant document.
c) notice that the parties have agreed on the readiness.
d) specify the full account of the nature of a charter party.
e) inform the master that the consignee is ready to receive the goods.

108. The rudder fitted at the stern of the ship is turned by a ..................... .
a) steering engine
b) figure
c) compass
d) report e) watch

109. The starboard bow is the area

a) on the right side of the stem.
b) on the right side of the stern.
c) on the left side of the stem.
d) on the left side of the midship line.
e) on either side of the stern.

110. The space between the holds and the bottom of the hull contains ....... used for ballast
water and fuel.
a) tweendecks
b) double bottom tanks
c) cargo-carrying compartments
d) fore peak tank
e) aft peak tank

111. The term ―vessel‖ is different from the term ―ship‖ in that the term vessel is used for
a) floating craft smaller than ―ships‖.
b) floating craft larger than ―ships‖.
c) some floating craft used for sport activities only.
d) huge tankers only.
e) ―warships‖ more commonly.

112.―The weather was supposed to be nice today, but we were almost frozen to death while
doing the ship‘s maintenance.‖ can be expressed as .....................................
a) The weather was expected to be cold today but it is not
b) The weather was not very cold today as it was before
c) Although everyone hoped for a cold day it turned out to be nice
d) The weather was terribly cold although it had been expected to be good
e) The day was so nice and warm just as we had expected before

113. The vessel which has the right of way is known as ………………….
a) the regulations
b) more safety
c) a higher certificate
d) the standing-on vessel
e) their message

114. There are certain medicines on board which you can only use when:
a) Captain orders you to do so,
b) You think it is necessary,
c) You have medical advice by radio,
d) The ill/injured person wants you to do so ,
e) The shipowner gives you instructions to do so .

115. There is a vessel obstructing your movements.

a) Ġlerde hareketlerinizi engelleyen bir gemi var
b) İlerde hareketinize kasteden bir gemi var
c) İlerde sizi takip eden bir gemi var
d) İlerde sizin hareketinizi bekleyen bir gemi var
e) İlerde sizinle ilgili hareketli bir gemi var

116.―There is no doubt that the scope of a pilot‘s duties have over the years been clearly
defined. That he has exclusive control and conduct of the ship is seldom disputed, but this is
very different from having command of the ship.‖ It is implied in the above mentioned quotation
a) the scope of a pilot’s duties has ever been doubtful.
b) no rule has ever clearly defined as pilot’s duties.
c) a pilot has the conduct of the ship he is in charge of navigating. xy
d) a pilot has both conduct and command of the ship he is in charge2015-09-05
of. 14:12:18
e) a pilot’s exclusive control and conduct of a ship has been a point--------------------------------------------
of dispute
ilgili, ilişik
117.There shall be clear instructions relating to the operating of the system.
Correct translation of this sentence into Turkish is;
a) Sistemin çalışmasına ilişkin açıklamalar yapılacaktır.
b) Sistemin çalıĢmasına iliĢkin açık talimatlar bulunacaktır.
c) Sistem üzerindeki açık talimatlara göre çalıştırılır.
d) Sistemin çalışması açık talimatlar olmasıyla ilgilidir.
e) Sistem çalışmasıyla açık talimatlara bağlıdır.

118.―This is to certify that before/after loading/discharging, all cargo tanks were inspected
and found empty and dry‖. This is an example of
a) Notice of Readiness
b) Letter of Protest
c) Dry-Tank Certificate
d) Job Application
e) Deratting Certificate-Deratting Exemption Certificate

119.―This is to notify you officially that vessel ………. under my command has arrived in your
port on ……. At …………. hours and is ready to discharge/load cargo of ……… kilos of ……..
as per clauses and conditions of the covering charter-party. Master‖. This is an example of a
……………. .
a) Notice of Readiness
b) Letter of Protect
c) Bill of Lading
d) Bill of Health
e) Bill of Sale

120.To amplify voice ................................... is used.

a) aldis lamp
b) loud hailer
c) gong
d) drum
e) low frequency


This is to certify that Mr.Walden has worked on board the ―BEAUTY‖ as a captain since 1995 .
He has specialized in the Far Eastern container trade. Owing to his great experience in handling
the refrigerated goods, we found him and his services very useful and we can recommend him
to be employed on any vessel. He is leaving us at his request and we are sorry to lose him.
This is an example of a ...........
a) job application
b) accident report
c) survey report
d) testimonial
e) incident report xy
2015-09-05 14:14:01
122.―Underway‖ and ―making way‖ ……………………………………..
a) are nearly the same başarı belgesi
b) are not synonyms
c) mean the same thing xy
d) are no different from each other 2015-09-05 14:14:48
e) are exactly the same --------------------------------------------
eş anlamlı
123. Visibility is reduced by fog.
a) Görüş mesafesi yağmur nedeniyle azalmıştır
b) Görüş mesafesi kar nedeniyle azalmıştır
c) Görüş mesafesi toz nedeniyle azalmıştır

d) GörüĢ mesafesi sis nedeniyle azalmıĢtır
e) Görüş mesafesinin değişmesi bekleniyor

124. Visiul coded signals and radio-telegraphy signals are printed in ………………………
a) National code of manners
b) International code of signals
c) International regulations
d) Worldwide magazines
e) Multinational regulations

125. Watertight bulkheads do not ……………………………

a) provide protection against fire.
b) prevent odours from passing from one compartment to another.
c) prevent leakage between the two adjacent compartments.
d) divide the vessel into longitudinal subdivisions.
e) store fresh water or ballast water.

126. What association below is not true?

a) GPS-atomic clock
b) Dead Reckoning- log
c) Celestial Navigation-sextant
d) Satellite Navigation-LORAN
e) Piloting-chart

127. What is the function of Navtex device on board ?

a) It receives only news on sea meteorology and records them
b) It receives only navigational warnings and records them.
c) It receives navigational and meteorological news and records them.
d) According to the information transmitted from shore – based radar stations, it always
indicates the position of the vessel.
e) If the position of the vessel is filled up in it, it always indicates the position of the vessel.

128. What part of a ship isn‘t in accommodation spaces?

a) boiler room b) galley c) crew mess d) laundry room e) cabin

129. When a message has been received but the information requested can not be obtained,
say ― ‖
a) No information
b) Say again
c) Message not understood
d) Message not requested
e) Message not received

130. When out of sight of land position is found by ..............

a) coastal navigation
b) metaphysics
c) celestial navigation
d) definite landmarks
e) previous experiences

131. When steel is in contact with water, air or salt solutions, it undergoes a chemical change
known as ...... . 2015-09-05 14:19:54
a) Coating b) Bitumen c) Rusting d) Cement e) Deteriration--------------------------------------------
132. When the engine refuses to start, which of the following situations cannot be a reason?

a) No fuel
b) Starting air pressure to low
c) Air in fuel line or pump
d) Injection nozzles not working
e) Overloading

133. When the second mate caught a contagious disease .................................

a) the doctor advised him to stop complaining 2015-09-05 14:21:23
b) he was taken out of the sick bay as soon as possible --------------------------------------------
c) the crew lost hope when his condition worsened bulaşıcı hastalık
d) no one was allowed to visit him
e) the doctor gave him a check up and found nothing

134. When two vessels are meeting head-on, they both ..................... to starboard.
a) Collision
b) must alter course
c) follow
d) musn’t alter course
e) receive their message

135. When you are going to request Radio Medical Advice, you must have some
information ready. These information are:
a) Routine particulars about the ship and the patient,
b) Particulars of the illness and the results of the examination of the ill person,
c) Diagnosis and Treatment,
d) Problems and other comments,
e) All the above.

136. When you cannot understand the message received, say ―...........
a) Message not understood
b) Stand by
c) No information
d) What you have said is not understandable
e) What is your message?

137. Which of the following can not be a defect a light might have?
a) Destroyed
b) Damaged
c) Unlit
d) Off station
e) Expensive

138.Which of the following cannot be categorized as a distress signal

a) A flag and a ball below it. 2015-08-31 22:52:48
b) A signaling mirror. --------------------------------------------
c) Raising arms. başka kaynaklarda c olarak kullanılmış
d) Smoke signal.
e) A rocket parachute flare.

139.Which of the following messages is not a distress message? HP_HP

a) 80 miles northeast of Cape Town engine broken down Require tug assistance
2015-08-31 22:54:36
b) Gale warning southwest gale force winds imminent in sea areas--------------------------------------------
the Black Sea.
bu soruda
c) 37.18 West 26.32 North fire in number 1 hold ship in vicinity. Please stand notby.
u kaldırıp soru sormuşlar
da d demişler ..
d) Ship holed in engine room. Sinking. Request immediate assistance
e) Man overboard. Help with search and rescue

140. Which of the following messages needs to be corrected ?
a) ―Instruction: Do not enter the fairway‖
b) ―Information: Visibility is not expected to change in your position‖
c) ―I will use my own tow lines.‖
d) ―Question: May I proceed along the ice channel ?‖
e) ―Warning. Obstruction in the fair way‖

141. Which of the following procedures is used while abandoning the vessel ?
a) Urgency b) Security c) Distress d) SOS e) TTT

142. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

a) The bridge is generally located amidship extending from one side of the vessel to the other
b) The bridge may be also situated aft or forward on a vessel
c) The bridge is made up of the wheel-house, the chart-room and the radio-room
d) The bridge is always high up as the ship is controlled from there by the captain and officers
e) The bridge functions as the heart of the vessel

143. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

a) If there is a new crew member who joins the vessel, he must be trained within the first two
weeks after joining the vessel
b) All the life-saving equipment and appliances must be in their correct places and order
c) If there are any passengers on board, they must be trained on how to use the life-saving
d) Drills must be conducted as if there is a real emergency situation
e) It is not necessary to lower at least one life-boat into the sea when there is an onboard

144. Which of the following statements is not correct about tallying?

a) Tallying is the process of counting, checking and recording of cargo when it comes aboard
and leaves the ship
b) Tally clerks are responsible for tallying
c) One group of tally clerks are employed by shipper whereas one group are employed by ship
d) The Bill of Lading is important as it states the description of the goods, quantity, marks on
e) It‘s not anybody‘s responsibility if there‘s damaged cargo on board

145. Which of the following statements about finding a ship‘s position is not true?
a) A ship’s position can be calculated by a technique known as dead reckoning
b) When in sight of land, the navigator uses the techniques of coastal navigation to find position
c) To find the exact position of the ship, a compass bearing can be used
d) When out of sight of land, a ship’s position can be found out by using the techniques of
celestial navigation
e) It is not possible finding the position of a ship by means of satellite

146. Which of the following vessels is to give way to the others ?

a) A sailing vessel
b) A fishing vessel
c) A disabled vessel
d) A vessel not under command.
e) A vessel underway and driven by force.

147. While using abbreviations in shipping forecasts, the capital letter R denotes :
a) Showers of rain
b) Continuous heavy rain
c) Heavy rain
d) Intermittent rain
e) Rain followed by mist

148. Yangını önlemek için tedbirler alınacaktır. Correct translation of this sentence into English
a) Precautions must be done to avoid fire.
b) Precautions shall be taken to prevent fire.
c) There shall be prevented with caution.
d) To prevent fire, some cautions shall be taken.
e) Fire is prevented by some precautions.

149. You are running into danger. Fog bang ahead of you.
a)Tehlikeye gidiyorsunuz. Önünüzde kesik sis var
b)Tehlikeye gidiyorsunuz. Önünüzde sığ su var
c)Tehlikeye gidiyorsunuz. Önünüzde enkaz var
d)Tehlikeye gidiyorsunuz. Önünüzde kesif sis var
e)Tehlikeye gidiyorsunuz. Önünüzde mayın var

150. You can anchor until there is sufficient water.

a) Su yetersiz onun için demirleme
b) Su derinliği yeterli olana dek demirleyebilirsiniz
c) Su derinliği giderek azalıyor, demirliyebilirsiniz
d) Su derinliği yetersiz, demirlemek tehlikelidir
e) Su derinliği kafi yola çıkabilirsiniz

151.―You have caught my fishing gear.‖ is a term used by a ..........

a) passing ship b) ship aground c) vessel moving d) fishing boat e) protecting vessel

152.You may navigate by yourself or wait for pilot.

a) Kendiniz seyredebilirsiniz yoksa pilot gelir
b) Kendiniz seyrederseniz pilot bekleyebilir
c) Kendiniz seyredebilir veya pilotu bekleyebilirsiniz
d) Kendiniz seyredemezseniz, pilotu bekleyin
e) Kendiniz seyredin yoksa pilotu bekleteyim

153.―You must shorten your cable to three shackles‖ is an order given by a pilot station
a) when the pilot boards the vessel to take her from waiting anchorage into harbour
b) after the pilot boards the vessel to take her from waiting anchorage into harbour
c) immediately before the pilot boards her to take her from waiting anchorage into
d) immediately after the pilot boards her to take her from waiting anchorage into harbour
e) it has nothing to do with the pilot whatsoever

154. Your navigation lights are not visible.

a) Seyir fenerleriniz görülmüyor.
b) Seyir fenerleriniz çalışıyor mu ?
c) Hangi seyir fenerleriniz arızalı ?
d) Seyir fenerleriniz neden görülmüyor ?
e) Seyir fenerlerim arızalı.

155. You are in the leading line.

a) Transit hattınız uzun
b) Transit hattı üzerindesiniz
c) Transit geçişte baştasınız
d) Transit hattı uzuyor
e) Transitte lider olun

156. You are running into danger.

a) Gemime yaklaşmayın.
b) Tehlike var.
c) Tehlikeye gidiyorsunuz.
d) Yol veriniz.
e) Geçmeyiniz.

157.A: Do not follow me B: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

a) I am stopping
b) I will not follow you
c) What is your course?
d) Full ahead immediately
e) Must I take tugs?

158.A: Full ahead immediately B: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

a) Stop your vessel
b) I am going full ahead immediately
c) I am stopping my vessel
d) I am increasing my speed
e) I am slowing down

159.A : Go ahead : (Follow me) B : . . ……………… . . . . .

a) I will be ready to help
b) I am going ahead (I am following you)
c) I will be followed by vessel
d) He will go ahead
e) Will you be followed by vessel?

160. .............and .............. are used as distress signals.

a) speakers – aviators
b) asmoke – pigeons
c) rockers – voices
d) flares – rockets
e) navigators – passengers

161. ................. is NOT included in a radar identification message.

a) destination
b) addressee xy
c) sender 2015-09-05 14:37:37
d) position --------------------------------------------
e) course/speed alıcı

162. ................................mevkiinde monte edilmiĢ akıntı ölçer var.

a) There are oceanographic instruments moored in position ..................
b) There are current meters moored in position ....................
c) There are drilling rigs installed in position ...............
d) There are speedometers installed in position ..............
e) There are cable laying operations in position .............

163. What is the validity period of sanitary certificate? a)6

b)3 months
c) 1 years
d) 2 years
e) 5 years

164. Because Log books are vital documents, in the event of ...... orxyshipwrecks..they
should be well protected documents for this events .. 2015-09-05 14:40:41
a)an accident --------------------------------------------
b)drills batık
c)berthing operation
d)routine jobs
e)fire drills

165. without a calculator or computer programme..diye baslıyor sonu sight reduction together
with nautical almanac to solve the celestial.......
a)body b)meridian c)var d)azimuth e)triangle

166. what is the Burthen tonnage?

a)light displacement
b)loaded displacement
e)net register tonnage

167. During navigation, navigator shall be refer to both texts and ..... ,example of text sailing
directions,list of lights.Example of table sight reduction ?
e)stability booklet

168. izbarconun tanımı yapılmıĢ(eye or loop kelimeleri geciyordu) hangi bag denmiĢ
a)Reef knot

169. GMDSS Log book konsolda gorunur bir yerde olmalıdır......?

a)authorized person
b)inspection c)easy

170...... are used for pipes, ship's funnel for insulation?

b)heat-resistant paints
d)plastic paints
e)epoxy paint

171. the radio log book should be keep clear to the radio for ...... by any authorized person.
a) filling in
b) an easy access
c) inspection
d) drills
e) meintenance

172. The success of emergency response depend on............ by voıce and by radio handset
between team leaders and command area…..

a) Cooperation
b) Coordination
c) Chech list
d) the quality of communication

173. What is not used describe a mark is IALA system?

a) Shape
b) Distance
c) Colour
d) Top mark
e) Light

174. How to lower pressure than its surroundings is shown?

a) LP
b) L
e) H

175. Which is not charcteristic of liner trade?

a) liner conference system
b) designated ports
c) hire for shipment
d) fixed schedule
e) published rates

176. Which association is not correct?

a) cirrus low clouds
b) cumulonimbus -thunders
c) cirrostratus layer like
d) altocumulus ball like
e) altostratus

177. In which case is the IOPP Certificate of an inspected vessel NOT invalidated?
a)An annual survey is conducted fifteen months after the date of certificate issuance
b)A 15 ppm oily-water separator is replaced by a 100 ppm oily-water separator
c) The ship is transferred to Liberian registry
d) The required oily-water separator malfunctions

178. Reduce swing as rapidly as possible?

a)steady b)steady as she goes c)steady on her route d)midship e)keep the wheel rapidly

179. The power produced in the cylinder is called.

c)break horse power(BHP)
d) indicated horse power(IHP)

180. ................ Leave odd sentence out in the tender vessel

a) Angle and period of roll is large
b) Rolling is smooth and regular
c) Less severe stresses up on hull
d) GM is small for type size nature
e) general cargo is likely to break loose due to jerky movements

181. epirb le alakalı bir soru vardı sörvey esnasında sörveyör epirbin aĢağıdaki hangi özelliğini
kontrol etmez
b)hru exp date
c)düzgün yerleştirilp yerleştirilmediği
e)406 mhz olup olmadığı

182. Leave the odd sentence out

I- Mental iilness must be taken seriously
II- Have two people to walk the unsound person on the deck III-
An unsound person may kill himself or other people
IV- He often thinks that his friends are trying to do him wrong
V- If the captain does restraint and control the mental patient, and the mental patient does kill or
injure himself or others, the captain will be held responsible
A) I
E) V

183. Although you had been informed about the bad weather conditions,you ignored it and had
an accident.You say as a regret………..
A)I feel dizzy when I have a few drinks
B)I should have the ship overhauled before setting out for the voyage
C)What if the shipowner gets worried!
D)Why on earth did not I pay attention to the warning on the radio?
E)It is useless to listen to the weather reports.

184. Line may have either a left........or a right.......depending up on how the strand are twisted
a) Lay b) Twist c) Side d) Way e) Hand

185. Immersion suits help reduce the ……….......... of body heat and shock on entering cold
water, immersion suits are critically important life saving appliances.
a)temperature b)loss c) d) e)

186. Paints and solvents on a vessel should be .

A) stored safely at the work site until work is completed
B) returned to the paint locker after each use
C) covered at all times to protect from ignition sources
D) stored in a suitable gear locker

187. What is the generally accepted method of determining whether the atmosphere within a
cargo tank is explosive, too rich or too lean to support combustion?
a) Use the open flame test on a small sample that has been taken from the tank.
b) Send a gas sample ashore for laboratory analysis.
c) Enter the tank with an oxygen analyzer.
d) Use an explosimeter.

188. Your vessel is issued a load line certificate dated 29 April 2010. What is NOT an acceptable
date for one of the surveys for endorsements?
a) 28 January 2011
b) 29 February 2012
c) 26 September 2013
d) 24 June 2013
189.A Stopping device in special areas for stopping:
a)loading and discharging operations
b)discharging ballast water
c)discharging oil
d)unintended discharge of chemicals

190.Life saving equipments highly ................................... for define

a) Visibility Color
b) Orange Color
c) Blue Color
d) Black color

191..which is not a publication to be kept on board?

a)İnternational code of signals
b)İnt.bulk chemical code
c)İnt.gas carrier code
d)Nautical pubs
e)Muster list

192.Normally, portable water systems are connected directly to the .

A) fire-main system
B) feed-water system
C) freshwater sanitary system
D) domestic water tank

193."Cribbing" is .
A) wooden blocks or dunnage placed between a deck load and the deck
B) the chains and shackles used to secure a deck cargo
C) a crate in which a deck cargo is packaged
D) cardboard separation pieces placed between deck loads to prevent chafing

194.In the stowage of deck cargo, "cribbing" is .

A) placed on deck to support the Cargo
B) separation pieces used to keep cylinders upright and steady
C) shims for stowing baled cargo
D) nets placed across the hatch opening to keep the cargo from falling in the hatch

195......the safety navigational ....and watch

a)For /during

196. Ship identifcation number ... obtain

a)Ship constr.
d)Load line
e)Register survey

197. How is the intensity of a light expresed in the light list ?

a) Nominal
b) Luminal
c) Geographical
d) Meteorological
e) astronomica

198. Your load line certificate expires on 27 May 1988. The vessel is surveyed on that date and
is found satisfactory. You are sailing foreign the same day. Which statement is TRUE?
A) A new certificate must be issued before you sail.
B) The existing certificate is endorsed as valid for a five year period commencing 27 May 1988.
C) The existing certificate is extended for a period of up to 150 days.
D) The existing certificate is extended until the first foreign port of call where a new certificate
will be issued by the local surveyor.

199. To perform the Heimlich manoeuvere: 1-

Stand behind the victim
2-wrap your arms around his or her waist, 3-
bend the person slightly forward.
4- make a fist with one hand
5- place it slightly above the person's navel and 6-
grasp your fist with the other hand
7-press hard into the abdomen with an upward thrust 8-
repeat until the object is expelled from the airway. 1-
Stand behind the victim
3-bend the person slightly forward
2-wrap your arms around his or her waist 4-
make a fist with one hand
5-place it slightly above the person's navel and 6-
grasp your fist with the other hand
7-press hard into the abdomen with an upward thrust 8-
repeat until the object is expelled from the airway

200..................... issued by company or designed person, ISM Code regulation

a) DOC
b) SMC

201. which is located in the tonnage certificate?

a) deadweight
b) net ton
c) grosston
d) volumetric ton
e) deplasman

202. which of the following ınternational code of signal including statement?

a) emg-distress-injured-damaged
c) safety comunıcatıon-helthh
d) health-meteorological forcastle

203. Cargo s.f is 1.2m3 (40cbft) what is the name of this cargo?

204. is an effective extinguishing medium in an enclosed space.

a) co2
b)dry chemicals
d)foam systems

e)water monitors

205. As the heat increases, hurricane begins to swirl in a counter HP_HP

clockwise motion. The
average life of a hurricane is only about 9 days. Water, not wind,2015-09-01
is the main00:20:07source of
death and destruction in a hurricane. A typical hurricane brings 6 --------------------------------------------
to 12 inch downpours
resulting in sudden floods. Worst is the powerful movement of the başka
sea-the kaynaklarda
mountains a seçeneği
of verilmiş
water moving toward the low-pressure hurricane center. The water level rises as much
as 15 feet above normal as it moves toward shore.
The counter-clockwise swirling of the hurricane is brought about by ..........
A) the low-pressure area in the center of the storm
B) the increasing heat
C) the trade winds
D) the power of water waves
E) the high-pressure area with the storm

206. maintenance of the ship is the responsibility of the chief officer and his men in his
charge.they must protect the ship from the damaging effects of ... changes in temperature and
the action of waves.
a)oil b)bunker c)any liquid d)salt water e)fresh water

207. bill of lading is a .......... document and implies the owner ship of cargo
a)ınternational b)customary c)negotiable d)certified e)secure

208)-Solas chapter 12 requires loading instrument in;

a)Bulk carries b)container ships c)fixed production and units d)mobile offshore drilling units
e)All of the above

209)―circulation, vessel,artery‖ Yukarıdakilerle ilgili;


210.A narrow band direct printing equipment is a?

b)morse telegraph

211. What document is issued after the final check discharged cargo at the port of destination?
a)Cargo manifest
b)Mate’s receipt
c)The outturn report
d)Fixture note
e)The disbursement account

212. What equipment for fog signals is required for a vessel 13 meters in….
a)whistle only
b)whistle and bell
c)bell only
d)bell and gong
e)whistle , bell and gong

213. An international air pollution prevention certificate can be valid for:
a)1 year
b)2 year
c)3 year
d)5 year
e)it does not have…

214. Classification covers the ship‘s:

a)hull only
b)hull and machinery
c)hull and machinery including all electrical installations

215. ………… is the carrying capacity in weight and it includes the cargo the fuel water diye
devam ediyor
a)the deadweight
b)net tonnage
c)gross tonnage
d)net register tonnage
e)gross register tonnage

216.which is suitable for minor burns treatment? HP_HP

a)hold the affected area under hot water for at least 10 minutes 2015-09-01 00:32:11
b)make the casually as comfortable as possible, lie them down --------------------------------------------
d olaacak
c)ovner the burn with clean inon flufty material to project from infection
d)continue to pour copious amounts of cold water over the burn
e)take the casually to clear atmosphere and clean them

217. During Port State Control Procedures, there are certain definitions, to limit or authorize the
port state control officer (PSCO), executing his/her responsibility. Choose the correct answer: A
Port State control officer is :
a) The Administration representative of the flag state
b) The senior command authority of the coast guard of the port state
c) A person duly authorized by the competent authority of a party to a relevant convention, to
carry out port state control inspections, and responsible exclusively to that party
d) A person who meets the relevant conditions set forth by resolution A. 739 (18) and has been
delegated by the flag state administration
e) The captain of the coast guard boat

218. "The International Code of Signals" is available in …. languages.

A) four B) five C) six D) seven E) eight

219.…..... shows the description of cargo

a) cargo manifest HP_HP
b) bill of loading 2015-09-01 00:33:53
c) master receipt --------------------------------------------
d) Draft survey şüpheli geldi bana
e) sof

220.harmonized sorvey hangisinin kapsamına girmez.

a)antifouling convention
b)solas convention
c)marpol convention
d)load line convention
e)dangerous cargo

221."the day-of day time ...gibi sonunda short-term variation;
a) forecast
b) meteorolgy
c) weather
d) synoptik meteorolgy

222..Before using a fixed co2 system to fight an enginee room fire,you must ............
a) Call Master to engine room.
b) Wait for shore support.
c) Evacaute all engine room personel
d) Close Quick Close Valves.
e) Inform shore authorities

223. for maintenance of class

a)u.s coast gurasd controls must be performed by the flaf state
b)the periodical (reqular)and occasional(extraordinary) surveys must be performed
c)inspections by İMO officers for the ship's documents must be performed
d)the shipyard must control the ship
e)the port state cont. should be performed

224. Geminizde bilinçsiz yatan ve ...... Ģeklinde hastalar var bunların aciliyet sırası kanamalı,
solunum yetmezliği , bilinç kaybı Ģeklinde olmalıdır.
a) bleeding
b) freezing
c) uncondinuous d) e)

225. what is the validity ship construction certificate or ship examination certificate ?
a) 2 years
b) l year
c)7 months
d) 6 months
e) 3 months

226. If an object blocks the airway of a person, what first aid method is used to remove that
A) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation(CPR)
B) Artificial Respiration
C) Heimlich Manoeuvre
D) Splinting
E) Rescue Breathing

227. The word ―exact‖ in the second sentence means

A) accurate or correct in every detail
B) capable of being accurate over details
C) precise
D) to force the payment of
E) to demand; to insist upon having

228. The word ―material‖ in this context means ― ‖

A) anything out of which something is made
B) cloth
C) belonging to the world; not spiritual
D) essential or important
E) equipment

229. The purpose of the writer, a captain, in writing this letter is to

A) exact a wide sort of information.
B) create a worth while and practical course.
C) thank the Institute mentioned.
D) select an assistant harbour master.
E) be a material factor in being selected as an assistant harbour master.

230. If the survey reveals that a vessel‘s class has been affected;
a) There is no change in class
b) The survey is repeated in one (1) year
c) Class reccommendations will be carried out, within the time limit given by the class
d) The ship loses all the classes
e) None of the above

231.―Laytime for loading and discharging shall commence at 13.00 hrs, if notice of readiness is
given up to and including 12.00 hrs, and at 06.00 hrs next working day if notice given during
office hours after 12.00 hours.‖ According to this clause of charter party, if the notice of
readiness is given at 13.00 hours on Friday, lay time for loading and/or discharging shall
commence ..............
a) On Friday at 13.00 hours
b) On Monday at 06.00 hours
c) On Saturday at 06.00 hours

232. Vessels requiring a health clearance(at night)should show a ......................,where it can be

best seen.
A) A white light over a red light,
B) An orange light over a green light,
C) A red light over a white light,
D) Two red lights,
E) Two white lights

233. Which of the following equipment can not be used for Fire Fightining?
a) CO2 Fixed System
b) Dry Chemical Powder
c) Hand Flares
d) Fireman Outfit
e) Fire Alarm

234. The most modern kind of lifeboat, dropping or falling into the sea and which is covered, is
a/an :
a) Freefall
b) Lifebelt
c) Liferaft
d) Water proof life boat
e) Rescue boat

235. Surveys required internationally and/or by the flag state both, include:
c) IMO Codes
d) ILO Conventions
e) All of the above

236.A cargo manifest is signed by the..............

a) Master
b) Shipper
c) Consigner
d) Consignee
e)Steaward’s Company

237.Solas 74 convention has different evalution levels for different passages wich of the
following is nor an evalution
a) Length of the ship
b) Purpose of usage
c) Number of the passengers
d) Tonnage of the ships
e) Owner of the ship

238.A ships size capasity can be described two ways linear dimensions or ...........
a) Tonnage
b) Length
c) Length overall
d) Draft
e) Width

239.Vessel X is sinking she prabably

a) Firefighting equipment
b) An escort
c) A lifeboat
d) Making a lee e) Bunker

240............... is to elliminate the heat a side of the fire by applying something that will absurb the
a) Smothering b) Cooling c) Smouldering d) Prevating e) Diluting

241. The nautical almanac contains information on sunrise ................. moonrise and moonset ?
a) Swells
b) Sunset
c) Atmosphere pressure
d) Ocean basin
e) Weather

242. Which is not a method of giving a position on VHF?

a) Reporting to a navigation mark
b) Giving latitude and longitude
c) Reporting a point
d) Giving the bearing and distance
e) Confirming the speed

243. For the carriage of the goods firstly the shipper or agent sends a ................... to the carrier
to book his cargo. The document includes full explanations and facts of all the cargo
a) Booking note
b) Charter party
c) Sea report
d) Dock receipt
e) Boat note

244. Bill of lading is a ............... document and implies the owner ship of the cargo
a) İnternational 2015-09-05 17:17:12
b) Customary --------------------------------------------
c) negotiable ciro edilebilir

d) Certified
e) Secure

245. An instrument used for measuring the .................. of the air is called a hygrometer
a) Pressure
b) Heat
c) Air pressure
d) Speed
e) Humidity

246. The ability an object to float can be defined by

a) Displacement
b) Gravity
c) Stability
d) Buoyancy
e) İnclination

247. Old ............. nautical charts should never be used for navigation.....
a) And torn b) Cheap c) Or uncorrected d) But redable e) or inexpensive

248............ is an offical record book which is used to keep information about a journey such as
the ship's speed heading, port of call, crew complement, and events on board ship
A) A noon position report
b) A letter of confirmation
c) A log book
d) A draft survey
e) A letter of protesd

249. Is published weekly informing marines of important effecting navigational safety including
new hydrographic information changes in aids to navigation
a) The notice to marines b) The nautical almanac c) Planning guide d) The pilot book
e) The sailing

250. Nautical chart based ........ by issued national hydrographic office of more national country.
a) Land survey
b) Hydrographic survey
c) Deep tide water

251. Which is not weather precipitation

a) Sleet b) Hail c) Halo d) Snow e) Rain

252. What is not included in the category of deck machinery?

a) Windlass b) Hatch over c) Bow thruster d) Steam generator e) Life boat engine

253. which fire extinguisher can be used all types of fire but it is not cooling effect?
a) water b) foam c) halon d) dry powder e) halon mixcure

254. muster list posted before ship sailing

a) engine officers
b) deck officers
c) engine crews
d) each crew member
e) cadets

255..............................a signal announce indicated for safety?
a) all ships
b) all ships all ships
c) pan pan
d) securite

256.which of the following ınternational code of signal including statement?

a) emg-distress-injured-damaged
b) maneovring-comunication
c) safety comunication-health
d) health-meteorojıcal forcastle
e) safety

257.A vessel not having a "Seaworthiness Certificate" or of wich the part of it is over
a) Can carry cargo but not passengers
b) Cannot carry cargo
c) Cannot carry passengers
d) Cannot operate commercially
e) Cannot sail

258. What peepens the channels and clears the muddy bottom of ports, canals rivers?
a) Pipe layers
b) Icebreakers
c) Dredgers
d) Reefers
e) Bulkers

259. What is not displayed on a nautical chart?

a) Latitudes and longitudes b) Deviation c) Variation d) Shoals e) Lighthouses

260. which is international agreements is related toxic?

a) Solas
b) stcw
c) imo
d) marpol
e) imdg

261.A coaster was on a journey in a fjord. Early in the morning, when the ship was to change
course, she collided with a small lighthouse. The reason why the collision took place is
unknown. The foundation of the lighthouse was circular with a flat top just underneath the water
surface. Its diameter was bigger than the diameter of the lighthouse itself, situated right on top
of the foundation. This construction causes a rather sharp outer edge, which could easily rip a
ship's hull. This was what happened - the ship's hull was ripped open and she sank within
minutes. Two persons on the bridge died. Two other crew members survived although they
could not reach the survival suits which were kept under port bridge wing as the ship
immediately listed to port and put them out of reach. One of the survivors managed to launch
the starboard life raft. Another crew member was down in the mess room and threw out a
couple of life jackets. He did not manage to get out of the mess room. The investigation found
that the hydrostatic releases to the rafts had not been properly mounted. If the starboard side
raft had not been launched manually, no raft would have been released.
We can not understand from the passage ………………..
a) why the vessel collided with a lighthouse
b) why the vessel sank
c) why the vessel’s hull was ripped
d) why the crew member in the mess room died
e) why the two other crew members survived

262. The angle of altitude of a celestial body is measured by means of;

a) gyrocompass
b) log
c) parallel ruler
d) timepiece
e) sextant

263. Which of the following is not Life-saving appliances ?

a) Liferaft
b) Life jacket
c) Life Boat
d) Life Buoy
e) Life insurance

264. which can be taken if owner does not comply with class requirements
a) renewal survey carried out
b) annual survey carried out
c) need a new class

265.……………muster station a gelmeden önce tüm ventilation ların kapalı olduğunu, kapıların
kapalı olduğunu, emergency fire pump ın çalıĢtığını vs. kontrol eder demiĢ.
a) chief officer
b) second engineer
c) safety officer
d) first mate
e) 3rd officer or 2nd officer

266. What do you call an experienced and qualification survey?

a) marine survey
b) harbour master
c) coast guard
d) port survey

267. The ship's safety comittee should include;...........,safety officer and all respresetetive
personnel for safety...
a)all crewmember
b)the master
c)the chief engineer
d)all ratings

268. If the survey reveals that a vessel‘s class has been affected
a) There is no change in class
b) The survey is repeated in one (1) year
c) Class recommendations will be carried out withing the time limit given by the class society
d) The ship loses all the classes
e) None of the above

269. After loading cargo, cargo manifest is prepared based on the ............. it describes the ship
cargo in terms of packing weight, quantities, shipper name, consignee name.
a) Bill of Loading b) Damage Report c) Notice of Readiness d) Statement of Facts
e) Protest

270. Personel ............... or in survival craft being lowered should remain seated, keep their
hands inside to avoid them being crashed against ship side.
a) On board
b) Standing By
c) Monitoring
d) Taking part in
e) In a rescue boat

271. Depth are measured from chart ....... which is related to the local sea level.
a) Datum b) Information c) Line d) Scale e) Symbol

272. Leave odd sentences out

I- Tornados are funnel shape tropical thunderstorms which cause enermous damage II-
Among all the fearfull storms tornadoes are the most frigtenings
III-Wind within tornado funnel can reach the deadly speed of 100 mile per hour IV-
Thank heaven, they are short lived. If they were not the damage unbearable V- It is
not unlikely for tornoda blow up the buildings on its way
a) I b) II c) III d) IV e) V

273. The emergency ............. consist of seven short blast followed by prolonged blast
a) Drill b) Alarm c) Ring d) Procedure e) Response Plan

274. You are running into danger.............

a) Dangerous wreck reported at the approach channel
b) You can dropped anchor emergency anchorage area
c) alter your course

275- Before departure "rectified" equipment

a) inspected b) Corrected c) Deleyed

276................... barometer doesn't including liquid inside, without - unlike mercury barometer
a) Aneroid
b) Mercury
c) Minimum
d) maximum

277. The ..... weight of each liferaft will not exceed 185 kg.....
a) Total b) General c) Local HP_HP
2015-09-01 01:02:01
278.When received a message from a VTS station "Instruction. Alter Course" the
recipient survival craft için bahseldilmiş
combined olacak
a) Has to alter course 2015-09-01 01:01:35
b) Does not have to alter course --------------------------------------------
c) Is not permitted alter course başka kaynakta e denmiş
d) Is free whether to alter course or not
e) Must wait for the next message before altering course

279. For ship's good condition demostration ................................ and fitted, resposible person
and charge of men
working - keeping
a) Maintenance b) Repeair c) dry Docked

280. An abandonship drills and a/an ............... must be hold within 24 hours of leaving port more
than %25 of the crev have taken past drills on board in previous month
a) Fire drill

b) Man overboard drill
c) Steering drill d) e)

281. When abonding the ship what you get from the other side of lifejacket ?
a) loose clothes
b) warm out clothes
c) water

282. Deadweight tons weight but ............................. volume feet cube

a) Gross Tonnage
b) Gross Register Tonnage
c) Net Register Ton
d) Deadweight ton
e) Light ship

283........ used main as an agent for A categorized fire

a) Halon
b) Dry powder
c) Foam
d) co2
e) Water

284.A .............. report written and record when someone is witness of it

a) incident
b) ISM
d) ship
e) bunker

285. Wich statement is wrong regarding the bill of lading?

a) İt is issued bye the carrier of goods for shipment
b) İt is document of title of the goods
c) İt is a negotiable document
d) Ġt is issued when the goods have been discharged
e) Ship's agent draws up the bill of lading and the ship master signs it

286. Old ............. nautical charts should never be used for navigation.....
a) And torn
b) Cheap
c) Or uncorrected
d) But redable
e) Or or inexpensive

287. During the survey, the vessel's structure support systems, equipment and
electronics are inspected and ...............
a) Examined
b) Repaired
c) Replaced
d) Tested
e) Fixed

288. If cargo damaged or ......... shall be made

a) Claim
b) Marks
c) Write

289....... such as sailing direction light table and almanac
a) Nautical charts
b) Nautical publication
c) Sight reduction tables
d) Notice to marines

290. According to COLREG vessels should be deeled to be in sight of one another when one is
observed............. from to other.
a) by radar
b) in range
c) visually
d) on course
e) and heard

291. The maintenance on board is the responsibility of the ………………… and the men in his
a) Captain b) Chief Officer c) Second officer d) Third Officer e) Chief engineer

292. The fixed aids to navigation located ashore or attached to the bottom of the shallow
waterways are;
A) buoys
B) lighthouses
C) lightships
D) beacons
E) flags

293."North Harbour, this is Amphora, this is Amphora, on channel 14, over." is an example of
A) first contact message
B) ETA message
C) pilot request message
D) anchoring message
E) way point message

294. laytime for loading and discharging shall commence at 13.00 hours if notice of readlness is
given up to 06.00 hours on friday lay time for loading and/ or discharging shall
a) on friday at 13.00 hours
b) on Monday at 06.00 hours
c) on Saturday at 06.00 hours
d) on friday at 06.00 hours
e) on Saturday at 12.00 hours

295. the document prepared by the vessel or by his agents separately at loading and unloading
by the vessel from tendering of the notice readiness up to sailing from port is called………
a) statement of facts
b) notice of readiness
c) cargo manifest
d) mate’s receipt
e) charter party

296. is shore ………… radar assistance available?



297. Coal shipped in wet condition …………

A) loses weight.
B) gains weight.
C) weighs the same
D) has no loss in weight.
E) has no difference in weight.

298. When out of sight of land, position Is found by .........

A) coastal navigation
B) metaphysics
C) celestial navigation
D) definite landmarks

299. what is your eta?

a) My ETA at lighthouse is 01:00 hours UTC.
b) My ETA is
c) My ETA to....nm from lighthouse
d) My ETA from....nm
e) My ETA is missing

300. Which of the following certificates will not be approved by class?

a) tonnage certificate
b) ıapp certificate
c) safety construction certificate
d) load line certificate
e) doc

301. If a wind is going to freshen, it is going to ……

a) change direction
b) lose strength
c) gain strength
d) change name
e) stay the same

302. Navigator‘s sea map with coast outlines, rocks, shoals, known as …..
a) Charter party b) Chart c) Charge d) Charter e) Clearance

303.―Reduce swing as rapidly as possible.‖ Has the same meaning with

b)steady as she goes
c)steady on her route
e)keep the wheel rapidly

304. is an effective extinguishing medium in an enclosed space.

a) co2 b)dry chemicals c)sprinklers d)foam systems e)water

305. Lubrication oil viscosity in an operation diesel engine can be reduced by:
a) Overloading the engine
b) Increasing the amount of lube oil
c) Decreasing the amount of cooling water
d) Combustion by products contamination
e) Fuel oil dilution

306. Prior to port arrival, a diesel alternator , turbo alternator

, and all the full away procedure should be done
a) Will have to be started/will be shut down/in reverse order
b) Doesnot have to be started/will have to be shut down/in reverse order
c) Will have to be started/will have to be started/in right order
d) Will have to be shut down/will have to be started/in reverse order
e) Doesn’t have to be shut down/will have to be shut down/in right order

307.A propeller turning clockwise when viewed from aft is considered rihgt handed and most
single screw ships have propellers. A twin screw ship usually has a
propeller and a propeller.
a) Right handed/right handed starboard/left handed port
b) Right handed/right handed port/left handed starboard
c) Left handed/right handed starboard/left handed port
d) Left handed/right handed port/left handed starboard
e) Right handed/left handed starboard/right handed port

308. ships are fitted with bow thrusters to improve

manoeuvring capability.
a) any / its b) some / them c) some / their d) all / they e) all / its

309. Emergency generators are placed --------------------

a) Near the machinery space
b) Above the bulkhead or freeboard deck whichever the higher
c) Midships near the engine room casing
d) Above the deep load line
e) None above

310. Supposing a fire caused by short electric circuit within the equipments is
categorized as a fire and will be extinguished vıa
a) Class A/foam
b) Class C/chemical powder
c) Class C/CO₂
d) Class B/foam
e) Class A/chemical powder xy
2015-09-05 17:31:35
311. It is prohibited by law that the discharge of untreated sewage in--------------------------------------------
restricted waters. What
word can be used instead of the underlined word? bence cevap a
a) insufficient
b) raw
c) refined
d) separated
e) contaminated

312. It shall be the responsibility of the to prepare the boilers for

a) Chief Engineer b) 2nd Engineer c) Boatswain d) 2nd officere) Any above

313. Following questions 7 to be replied according to the text below:

"Having just obtained the institute's harbor master's certificate,ı would like to say that ı have
found the course extremely useful and worthwhile.The questions exact a wide sort of
information if answered thoroughly and provide an essential grounding to anybody wishing to
enter this branch of the industry.Seeking information for projects enabled me to make a number
of helpful contacts and the fact that ı had completed the schema was certainly a metarial factor
in being selected an assistant harbour master with my current employers ı woul like to thank
institute, the parties involved and my examiner for creating such a worthwhile and practical
The world "exact" in the second sentence means....................
A) accurate or correct in every detail
B) capable of being accurate over details
C) precise
D) to force the payment of
E) to demand; to insist upon having
Following questions to be replied according to the text below :

314. The purpose of the writer,a captain,writing this letter is to................

A) exact a wide sort of information.
B) create a worth while and practical course.
C) thank the institute mentioned.
D) select an assistant harbour master.
E) be a material factor in being selected as an assistant harbour master.

315. for extinguish a fire which is not true

a) Smothering
b) Cooling
c) Remove fuel from fire
d) Break the fire equation
e) Put a heat dedector

316. For classification survey,the following is to be kept on board and made available to the
surveyor on request :
a) Class certificates and other documentation of significance,
b) Reports on previous surveys performed,
c) Approved drawings,
d) All the above,
e) None of the above

317. changes may be made to the scrap log but the official log is considered
a)so b)but some c)and no d)and some e)and any

318. the.......issued as an acknowledgement of the shipment when the cargo is loaded to the
a)draught survey report b)sof c)sea protest d)mate's receipt e)time sheet

319. all specifics and facts regarding the vessel's current condition and .......... are covered in the
marine survey conducted by the surveyors
a)only machinert
b)only inert gas systems
d)the hull e)crewmembers

320. a kind of thermometer the bulb of which is kept moistened while reading the level of
humidity is called.....
a) human thermometer
b) fever thermometer
c) doctor's thermometer
d) dry bulb thermometer
e) wet bulb thermometer
321. training in fire-fighting procedures and maintenance of equipment shold be assured
a) at regular drills
b) when needed
c) before arriving at a port
d )when a new crewmember joins the vessel
e) when there is an emergency

322.a fire can be extinguished ;

a)water b) foam c) carbon dioxide d) sprinkling e) all

323...................... alarm seven short blast and 1 long blast

a) Muster b) General c) fire d) mob e) leakage

324............. survey is a unigue one and a complete inspection off all the items relating to the
particular cetificate before the ship
a) Initial
b) İntermediate HP_HP
c) Annual 2015-09-08 16:15:42
d) Periodical --------------------------------------------
e) Renewal cevap bu diyorlar :S

325.A vessel is tender if cargo weight is .....

a) Concentrated and with the full double bottoms
b) Evenly distrubuted vertically with the double bottoms
c) Concentrated high and the double bottoms empty
d) Concentrated low and the double bottoms empty
e) None of the above

326. Meteorologists are scientists who study .... and atmosphere

a) Wind
b) Weather
c) Forecast
d) Sea State
e) Water Conditions

327. Before CPR is started, you should .

a) establish an open airway
b) treat any bleeding wounds
c) insure the victim is conscious
d) make the victim comfortable
e) all of the above

328..The best know reason for the pollution during bunkerin is occured with ;
a) More pressure
b) first receiving the Bunker
c) final topping off
d) revoming the pipes and fixing back
e) sagging hose

329. the masters of all merchant vessels must hold fire-fighting drills in the framework of……
A) Worid Health Organizatıon.
B) The Merchant Shipping (Musters and Training regulations).
C) Prevention of Collision at Sea (The International Regulation).
D) Maritime Judges Resolutions.

E) Merchant Marine Cadets Achievement

330. 1. A11 cargo stowed open area,

2. cargo wet before shipment,
3. Weight and quality as per shippers declaration.
The above mentioned part is
A) a part of ― master‘s Remarks‖ in a ―Master‘s Receipt‖.
B) a set of clauses of a charter party.
C) taken from a bill of lading.
D) a part of a ― Notice of Readiness‖.
E) a part of the shippers declaration.

331. The vessel which has the right of way is known as . . . . . . .. . . . .

A)the regulations
B)more safety
C)a higher certificate
D) the standing-on vessel
E) their message

333. Classification of ships are made by:

A) Ministry of Maritime Affairs,
B) Shipyards,
C) National Dependent Organizations,
D) Independent International or Internationally recognised Classification Organizations
E) None of the above

334. When received a message from a VTS station running : ‗‘Instruction. Alter course‘‘
The recipient (Alıcı) .................
a) Has to alter course
b) Does not have to alter course
c) Is not permitted alter course
d) Is free whether to alter course or not
e) Must wait for the next message before altering course

335. which is not covered harmonized sorvey.

a) antifouling convention
b) solas convention
c) marpol convention
d) load line convention
e) dangerous cargo ..

337. Circulation, vessel, artery are related to...

a) Bone
b) Joint
c) Ribs
d) Fracture
e) Blood

338. Which term refers to a transverse curvature of the deck?

a) Deadrise
b) Camber
c) Freeboard
d) Sheer
e) Frame

339. strengh of deck will be incerease with adding......

a) sheer
b) camber
c) coaming
d) deck beam breachet
e) funnel

340. Before apply first layer of paint, last particles on bare metal removed with .....Line
a) Flat Brush
b) Wire Brush
c) Chipping Brush
d) hammer
e) Brush hammer

341. the part of the vessel that increases the speed.
a) Propeller
b) Rudder
c) Bulb
d) Ballast
e) Forepeak tank

342. It usually occurs off the ship, but as stolen cargo can be unwittingly accepted by the vessel
and as sound cargo may be subject to theft after discharge, it is usually the vessel which is
blamed. Losses due to it are very serious, especially when foodstuffs, liquors and soft drinks,
expensive clothes, tools and spare parts for cars, electronic equipment and precious stones are
being carried on board ship.
The passage is about . . . . . . . . . .
a) chafing
b) collapsing
c) pilferage
d) moisture and sweating
e) rain damage

343. Which of the following is a cargo handling device?

A) davits
B) derrick
C) bitts
D) bollard
E) capstan

344. Electrical power ........the ship was provided ...........shaft generator.

A) in / for B) of / at C) on / by D) inside / to E) into / from

345. The purpose of a ―Notice of Readiness‖ is to

A) inform the related party that the vessel is in all respects ready to commence loading/
discharging operation.
B) note that the charter is ready to sign the relevant document.
C) notice that the parties have agreed on the readiness.
D) specify the full account of the nature of a charter party.
E) inform the master that the consignee is ready to receive the goods.

346. My position has been ............. by decca.

A) loosened
B) performed
C) fulfilled
D) lost
E) obtained
347. All ships which you meet at sea or in the approaches to a harbour are collectively called
A) jam B) fleet C) power-driven lifeboats D) tug E) traffic

348. Any ............. of course and/or speed to avoid collision shall, if the circumstances of the
case admit be large enough to be readily apparent to another vessel observing visually or by
A) depletion
B) declaration
C) transmission
D) alteration
E) measurement

349. Navigators find his position by using the tecniques of coastal navigation when..........
a) land is out of sight
b) land is in sight xy
c) land is out of mind 2015-09-06 12:52:12
d) land is too far away --------------------------------------------
e) land is invisible görünürde

350.‗cone, sphere, spar‘ indicate buoy‘s …..

A) shape xy
B) location 2015-09-06 12:52:39
C) function --------------------------------------------
D) signals şekil
E) position

351. radio installation survey neyi kontrol etmez diye bir soru vardı
A) Deck log book
B) Radio record book
C) Operatör certificated
D) Radio certificated issued by flag administrator
E) Up to ıtu publication

352. The only portable electrical equipment permitted in a compartment which is not gas free is
a lamp that is .
a) battery fed
b) self-contained
c) approved explosion proof
d) All of the above

353. In the Northern Hemisphere, a wind that shifts counterclockwise is a .

a) veering wind
b) backing wind
c) reverse wind
d) chinook wind

354. Flood current

A) Horizontal Current, after low tide from land
B) Horizontal Current, after high tide from land
C) Horizontal Current, high water from sea
D) Horizontal Current, low water from sea
E) Horizontal Current, neap tide from land

355. The biggest problem you generally encounter while towing a single tow astern is
a) the catenary dragging on the bottom
b) swamping of the tow
c) the tow tending to dive
d) Yaw

356. Your chart indicates that there is an isolated rock and names the rock using vertical letters.
This indicates the .
a) rock is visible at low water springs only
b) rock is a hazard to deep draft vessels only
c) rock is dry at high water
d) exact position of the rock is doubtful

357. Leave the odd sentence out.

a) Radio as the primary vehicle for maritime search and rescue has been instrumental in saving
countless lives.
b) Its first known use fort this purpose was in 1899 when a lightship in the Straits of Dover used
radio apparatus to report the steamship ―ELBE‖ had run aground.
c) However Morse Code transmission will be eliminated.
d) At once a lifeboat was dispatched to rescue the crew.
e) Since that time many significant technical advances in the use of radio for navigation and
distress have made life at sea safer for the modern day mariner.

358. The world "exact" in the second sentence means....................

A) accurate or correct in every detail
B) capable of being accurate over details
C) precise
D) to force the payment of
E) to demand; to insist upon having

359. The purpose of the writer,a captain,writing this letter is to..............

A) exact a wide sort of information.
B) create a worth while and practical course.
C) thank the institute mentioned.
D) select an assistant harbour master.
E) be a material factor in being selected as an assistant harbour master.

360. "No smoking in closed areas"means

A) You must not smoke in closed area
B) You don't have to smoke in closed areas
C) You don't need to smoke in closed areas
D) You needn't smoke in closed areas
E) You aren't able to smoke in closed areas

361. Which sentences is true for Inspections of the outside of the ship's bottom of cargo ships.
a) Inspections of the outside of the ship's bottom of cargo ships being carried out with both ship
is in drydock and afloat.
b) Inspections of the outside of the ship's bottom of cargo ships being carried out only with ship
is in drydock
c) Passenger shipler için 24 ayda bir yapılır
d) Cargo shipler için 36 ayda bir yapılır
e) It is additional survey

362.A major advantage of the NAVTEX system when compared to other systems is that
a) the information can be received on an ordinary FM radio

b) warnings are printed out for reading when convenient
c) broadcasts are at scheduled times
d) a low frequency band is used for long distance transmission

363. Dunnages prevent cargo from loss and damage caused by ......
a) tainting b) interent vice c) ship’s sweat d) caused from moving

364. During loading operation of steel bar, vessels crew recognize that goods have rusty
surface. Master of ship state the B/L RUSTY STAINED remark. Diye devam eden bir cümle var.
Daha sonra tahliye limanına gidiliyor ve yükte deep corrosion olduğu farkediliyor. 500.000$ bir
zarar çıkıyor. en sonra bu zararın neden oluĢtuğunu savunmak ilk baĢta b/l e ......
yazıldığından dolayı zordur diyor.
a) Forklift damage
b) Crane damage
c) Stevadorsdamage
d) Pitting and rusty
e) Powdered rusty whole surface

365. Flashlights used aboard tankers must be ................

a) Waterproof
b) Of the three cell type
c) Approved by the Board of fire underwriters
d) All above e) 1 and 3

366. There are some Certificates/documents which are internationally recognized and have to
be carried on board. These are checked/inspected by the port state control officer (PSCO) when
he/she/they come on board. One of the following certificates does not have to be carried on
board on tanker. Choose that certificate and mark it :
a) Document of compliance, Solas 74, Regulation II-2/54,
b) Oil record book, Parts I and II
c) Cargo record book
d) Document of Authorization for the carriage of grain
e) Minimum safe manning document

367. Which one is the Major advantages of Navtex over other transmission methods
a) It broadcasts in scheduled.
b) It transmits with low frequency and long distance
c) Transmissions can receive basic FM receiver
d) You can read and print message
e) Updated informations can be received continiously.

368."Cribbing" is .
A) wooden blocks or dunnage placed between a deck load and the deck
B) the chains and shackles used to secure a deck cargo
C) a crate in which a deck cargo is packaged
D) cardboard separation pieces placed between deck loads to prevent chafing

369. In the stowage of deck cargo, "cribbing" is .

A) placed on deck to support the Cargo
B) separation pieces used to keep cylinders upright and steady
C) shims for stowing baled cargo
D) nets placed across the hatch opening to keep the cargo from falling in the hatch

370. When checking of the lighting of the muster and embarkation stations and the alleyways,
stairways and exits giving access to the muster and embarkation stations,

including when supplied from the Emergency source of power which survey being carried
a) Safety construction certificate survey
b) Safety electrical installation survey
c) Safety Equipment certificate survey
d) Safety Radio Equipment survey

371.A periodic thorough examination of the cargo gear proves satisfactory. What percentage of
the total gear must be dismantled to determine actual internal condition? A) None B) 10%
C) 25% D) 100% e) 15%

372. Before using a fixed CO2 system to fight an engine room fire, you must .
A) secure the engine room ventilation
B) secure the machinery in the engine room
C) evacuate all engine room personnel
D) All of the above

373. Cirrus clouds are composed primarily of .

a) ice crystals
b) water droplets
c) snow crystals
d) nitrogen
e) drizzle

374. Salling directions are the indispensable compantions to chart and a great tool for plannig
and assisting in navigation and also provide information that cannot be show on a………..
a)tide table
b)notice to mariners
c)light list
e)sight reduction table

375. Which is not controlled by held administrator survey

A) Ship examination certificate
B) Ship construction certificate
C) Ship survavor equipment certificate

377. Which ones can be started automatically for fire extinction?

I- hyrant II-Halon III-Sanitary pumb IV- Portable foam applicator V- sprinkler
a) I-IV b) V c) II d) III e) all

378. The carriage a variety of cargoes between various without salling on regular routes is:
a) time charter
b) voyage charter
c) best charter
d) combined charter
e) gencon charter

379. Which of the following is major extinguisher A class fire .

a) Water
b) CO2
c) Dry chemical

d) Foam
e) all

380. Which is not control during the radio installation survey?

A) Deck log book
B) Radio record book
C) Operatör certificated
D) Radio certificated issued by flag administrator
E) Up to itu publication

381. Going through water by force of wind with the help of the sails is know
a) navigation b) steering c) propulsion d) sailing

382. During loading operation of steel bar, vessels crew recognize that goods have rusty
surface. Master of ship state the B/L RUSTY STAINED remark. Diye devam eden bir cümle var.
Daha sonra tahliye limanına gidiliyor ve yükte deep corrosion olduğu farkediliyor. 500.000$ bir
zarar çıkıyor. en sonra bu zararın neden oluĢtuğunu savunmak ilk baĢta b/l e ......
yazıldığından dolayı zordur diyor.
a) Forklift damage
b) Crane damage
c) Stevadors damge
d) Pitting and rusty
e) Powdered rusty whole surface

383. Which one is the Major advantages of Navtex over other transmission methods
a) It broadcasts in scheduled.
b)I t transmits with low frequency and long distance
c) Transmissions can receive basic FM receiver
d) You can read and print message
e) Updated informations can be received continiously.

384. If is there more thab one unconscious and casualt. You must start first aid in
order of dont have pulse,Have severe bleeding, Unconscious
a) Bleeding b) Breathing c) Vomitting d) Asphyx.

385. on ships, All crew should be ready for administer …………. Learned to resque , even a
second means a life or not..
a) first aid b) oxigen c) meditation d) injection e) pain killer

386. when considering about "At sea maintenance" is concerned with following;
a) Cargo ship safety certificate
b) Cargo ship construction certificate
c) cargo ship radio certificate
d) cargo ship safety equipment certificate
e) cargo ship maintenance certificate

387. initial surveys of cargo gear carried out completely and frequently surveys are made in …
a) Annually
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5

388. Hold, ballast and air dry spaces must have visual and audible signals acc to solas in...

a) Bulk carriers
b) Tankers
c) Passsenger
d) Ro-ro
e) passenger roro

389. During loading cargo , chief difference is that the damage occurred, but the damage had
been written on the bill of loading .what it is called;
a) external bill of lading
b) Damage bill of loading
c) Exceptional bill of lading

390. Which is not charcteristic of liner trade?

a) liner conference system
b) designated ports
c) hire for shipment
d) fixed schedule
e) published rates

391. To sound the tanks and bilges in order to check the depths of liquit in them is the regular
job of a …….. on board
A) Bosun B) Donkeyman C) Carpenter D) Boatswain E) Stevedore

392. Leave the odd sentence out

I- Mental illness must be taken seriously
II- Have two people to walk the unsound person on the deck III-
An unsound person may kill himself or other people
IV- He often thinks that his friends are trying to do him wrong
V- If the captain does restran and control the mental patient, and the mental patient does kill or
injure himself or
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

393. the chief officer isn‘t in charge of;………………….

a) cargo handling operations
b) giving duties to the junior deck officer
c) the work done by the officer the work done by th officer of his departmant
d) the care of navigational equipment
e) ensuring safe keeping of care of navigational equipment

394. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

a. If there is new crew member who joins to vessel, he must be trained within the firt two weeks
after joining to vessel.
b. All the life-saving equipment and appliances must be in their correct places and order.
c. If there any passangers on board, they must be trained on how to use the life-saving
d. Drills must be conducted (Uygulandı) as if there is a real emergency situation.
e. It is not necessary to lower at least one life boat into the sea when there is an on board

395. It is required to use the capstan to haul a line. The order given is ….....
a) To take line to capstan to heave vessel alongside
b) To take line to capstan and heave away
c) To weigh anchor
d) To take the head line and turn it around
e) To hold the line and wait near the capstan

396. By means of radio, the captain of a ship can talk with men in other ships or with men
ashore. …......., or if bad weather is ahead, he can be told of it in time to change his course.
a) TV is a means of entertainment
b) Because of it, captains keep the radio under their pillows
c) Phone too, makes communication possible
d) Whatever, the captain should maintain his course
e) He can learn if it is safe for him to go on his destination

397. When you are going to request Radio Medical Advice, you must have some information
ready. These information are:
a) Routine particulars about the ship and the patient,
b) Particulars of the illness and the results of the examination of the ill person,
c) Diagnosis (tanı) and Treatment,
d) Problems and other comments,
e) All the above.

398.When it is winter, it usually .............. or ............

a) Rain/Snow
b) Rains / Snows
c) Is rain / Snow
d) Is raining / Snowing
e) Rainy / Snowy

399.The vessel ..................... the port when the storm ..............

a) Was leave – begun
b) Was leaving – was begun
c) Was leaving – begun
d) Left – Was began
e) Was leaving – began

400.‗‘Did you have bad weather on the ship‘‘?

‗‘Yes we had ................. rain than the weatherman anticipated‘‘ Anticipated : Tahmin edilen
a) Lot more
b) A little
c) Much less
d) Too much
e) Fewer

401.---------------- hattında rota / trafik yönü değiĢtirildi.

a) Route / Traffic lane.......................has been suspended
b) Route / Traffic lane....................... Has been discontinued
c) Route / Traffic lane.......................has been cleared
d) Route / Traffic lane.......................has been diverted
e) Route / Traffic lane.......................has been closed
402. If the survey reveals that a vessel‘s class has been affected; 2015-09-06 13:16:22
a) There is no change in class --------------------------------------------
b) The survey is repeated in one (1) year çevirmek, değiştirmek
c) Class reccommendations will be carried out, within the time limit given by the class society
d) The ship loses all the classes e) None of the above

403. Which of the following statements is correct?

a) Hard material fires are called C class fire

b) Liquid material fires are called B class fire
c) Gas material fires are called D class fire
d) Electrical fires are called A class fire xy
e) Light metal fires are called E class fire 2015-09-06 13:19:02
elektrik yangınları da artık A sınıfı !!!
404. The carriage of cargo by sea is the principal reason...................................
a) For he existence of ship
b) When cargo loaded
c) If the ship is to discharge at more than one port
d) For he carriage of passangers
e) For he existence of cargo

405. Surveys required internationally and/or by the flage state both, include
a. Load line convention,
c. IMO codes
d. ILO conventions
e. All of the above

406. Which of the following can not be a defect a light might have?
a) Destroyed b) Damaged c) Unlit d) Off station e) Expensive

407. Which of the following statements is not correct?

a) There aren‘t any regulations about sound signals.
b) Sound signals are made of bells, whistless and gongs
c) Lighting means illumination for ships.
d) During day time, in clear weather, it is easy to recognise the approaching vessel.
e) Light signals give information about the type of the vessel approaching and what she is about
to do.

408. Carbon dioxide extingguishers should be held only by the handle and the thermaly
insulated grip on the hose. Otherwise, it will cause ...............
a) Insulation
b) Heart attack
c) Steam burns
d) Ice burns
e) Non conduction

409.―There is no doubt that the scope, of a pilot‘s duties have over the years been clearly
defined . That he has exclusive control and conduct of the ship is seldom disputed , but this is
very different from having command of the ship.‖ It is implied in the above mentioned quotation
a) the scope of a pilot’s duties has ever been doubtful.
b) no rule has ever clearly defined as pilot’s duties.
c) a pilot has the conduct of the ship he is in charge of navigating.
d) a pilot has both conduct and command of the ship he is in charge of.
e) a pilot’s exclusive control and conduct of a ship has been a point of dispute

410. Marine animal with valved shell which atteched it self to hulls of ship?
a) Barnacle (Kaya midyesi)
b) Moss Yosun
c) Fish Balık
d) Algae Alg
e) Binnacle Pusula dolabı
411. changes may be made to the scrap log but the official log is considered
a)so b)but some c)and no d)and some e)and any

412. Personel ............... or in survival craft being lowered should remain seated, keep their
hands inside to avoid them being crashed against ship side.
a) On board
b) Standing By
c) Monitoring
d) Taking part in
e) In a rescue boat

413. training in fire-fighting procedures and maintenance of equipment shold be assured

a)at regular drills
b)when needed
c)before arriving at a port
d)when a new crewmember joins the vessel
e)when there is an emergency

414. enine dengede g noktasının yukarısına bulunan bir yük gemiyi nasıl etkiler.
a)decrease KG b)increase KM c)make a list d)increase KG

415. Which of the following equipment can not be used for Fire Fightining?
a) CO2 Fixed System
b) Dry Chemical Powder
c) Hand Flares
d) Fireman Outfit
e) Fire Alarm

416. Solas 74 convention has different evalution levels for different passages wich of the
following is nor an evalution
a) Length of the ship
b) Purpose of usage
c) Number of the passengers
d) Tonnage of the ships
e) Owner of the ship

417.―The weather was supposed to be nice today, but we were almost frozen to death while
doing the ship‘s maintenance.‖ can be expressed as .....................................
a) The weather was expected to be cold today but it is not
b) The weather was not very cold today as it was before
c) Although everyone hoped for a cold day it turned out to be nice
d) The weather was terribly cold although it had been expected to be good
e) The day was so nice and warm just as we had expected before

418. When you are going to request Radio Medical Advice, you must have some information
ready. These information are:
a) Routine particulars about the ship and the patient,
b) Particulars of the illness and the results of the examination of the ill person,
c) Diagnosis and Treatment,
d) Problems and other comments,
e) All the above.

419. .... is not a part of liferaft

d)buoyancy tube,
e)tırmanma basamagı

420. seaworthnessda hangi item bulunmaz die 1soru wardı

b)total max personnel on board
d)fire equipment e)voyage area

421. which of following is not true when carrying out an intermediate survey of cargo ship safety
certificate, Ģıklar:
a)intervals 5 years
b)radio communication devices
c)issued new certificate after survey

422. Sweat.....vapour(moistened) condensed into ......droplets..below.

a)saturated air
b)relative humidity
c)dew point...

423. which is not a publication to be kept on board?

a)İnternational code of signals
b)İnt.bulk chemical code
c)İnt.gas carrier code
d)Nautical pubs
e)Muster list

424. Which is not aproved Turkish loyd

a)Deck log book
b)Safety management cert.
c)Safety equipment cert.
d)Stabilite book
e)Fire plan

425. Faking a line means ........

a) Bight a line in long b) Coil a line c) Discard it xy
2015-09-06 13:36:04
426. If the survey reveals that a vessel‘s class has been affected? --------------------------------------------
a) There is no change in class roda
b) The survey is repeated in one (1) year
c) Class recommendations will be carried out withing the time limit given by the class society
d) The ship loses all the classes
e) None of the above

427. You receive word that a person has fallen overboard from the starboard side. You should
A) notify the Master
B) put the wheel hard right
C) put the engines full astern
D) sound the man overboard alarm

428. After using a C02 portable extinguisher, it should be .

A) put back in service if some C02 remains
B) hydrostatically tested
C) retagged

D) recharged xy
2015-09-06 13:37:01
429. Mechanical gearing of deck machinery such as the windlass or--------------------------------------------
towing engine should
. tekrar yükleme
A) be open to view so, if a foreign object gets in the gearing, the operator can immediately stop
the machinery
B) have a guard over the gearing
C) be painted a contrasting color from the base color in order to call attention to the gearing
D) not be operated if there is any crew within 10 feet of the machinery

430. Which statement is wrong regarding the Bill of Lading?

a)It is issued by the carrier of goods for shipment.
b)It is document of title of the goods.
c) It is a negotiable document.
d) It is issued when the goods have been discharged.
e) Ship's agent draws up the bill of lading and the ship master signs it.

431.― Port to Port Shipment: The responsibility of the Carrier is limited to that part of the
Carriage from and during loading onto the vessel up to and during discharge from the vessel
and the Carrier shall not be liable for any loss or damage what so ever inrespect of the Goods
or for any other matter arising during any other part of the Carriage even though charges for the
wholeCarriage have been charged by the carrier.‖
According to this clause of a bill of loading, the carrier shall not be held responsible for any
damage to the goods
a)after they are loaded on board the ship.
b)while they are loaded on board the ship.
c)while they were taken to the port on trucks.
d)which occured during any part of the sea voyage.
e)likely to appear following the discharging operation.

432.A victim has suffered a second-degree burn to a small area of the lower arm. What is the
proper treatment for this injury?
a) Immerse the arm in cold water for 1 to 2 hours, apply burn ointment, and bandage.
b) Open any blisters with a sterile needle, apply burn ointment and bandage.
c) Apply burn ointment, remove any foreign material and insure that nothing is in contact with
the burn.
d) Immerse the arm in cold water for 1 to 2 hours, open any blister and apply burn ointment.

433..Unless there is danger of further injury, a person with a compound fracture should not be
moved until bleeding is controlled and .
a) the bone has been set
b) the fracture is immobilized xy
c) radio advice has been obtained 2015-09-06 13:40:08
d) the wound has been washed --------------------------------------------
434. Rorolarda tekerlekli araçları ve konteynırları sabitlemek için aĢağıdakilerden hangileri
kullanılır ?
a) Twist lock
b)container lock
c)bridge hook d) Twist hook

435. map must be labelled with …. and depth information

a ) navigational
b) landmarks
c) datum
d) lighthouse
436. Your load line certificate expires on 27 May 1988. The vessel is surveyed on that date and
is found satisfactory. You are sailing foreign the same day. Which statement is TRUE?
A) A new certificate must be issued before you sail.
B) The existing certificate is endorsed as valid for a five year period commencing 27 May 1988.
C) The existing certificate is extended for a period of up to 150 days.
D) The existing certificate is extended until the first foreign port of call where a new certificate
will be issued by the local

437. Which is about insulation.

a)Ġmmersion suit xy
b) Lifebuoy 2015-09-06 13:41:03
c) Lifejacket d)mob e)all --------------------------------------------
438. For the carriage of the goods firstly the shipper or agent sends a ................... to the carrier
to book his cargo. The document includes full explanations and facts of all the cargo
a) Booking note
b) Charter party
c) Sea report
d) Dock receipt
e) Boat note

439. The function of the bilge keel is to .

A) reduce the rolling of the vessel
B) serve as the vessel's main strength member xy
C) add strength to the bilge 2015-09-06 13:42:04
D) protect the vessel's hull when alongside a dock --------------------------------------------
yalpa omurgası
440. Circulation, vessel, artery are related to...
a) Bone b) Joint c) Ribs d) Fracture e) Blood

441. Which term refers to a transverse curvature of the deck? xy

a) Deadrise 2015-09-06 13:43:24
b) Camber --------------------------------------------
c) Freeboard kan
d) Sheer
e) Frame

442. The preferred method of controlling external bleeding is by .

a) direct pressure on the wound
b) elevating the wounded area xy
c) pressure on a pressure point 2015-09-06
xy 13:43:30
d) a tourniquet above the wound --------------------------------------------
2015-09-06 13:43:03
443. First aid treatment for small cuts and open wounds is to yara .
a) lay the patient down and cover the wound when the bleeding stops
b) stop the bleeding, clean, medicate, and cover the wound
c) apply an ice pack to the wound and cover it when the bleeding stops
d) apply a hot towel to purge the wound, then medicate and cover it

444. Depths which have been measured are indicated by the numbers shown on the chart.
Depths on charts published in most parts of the world use .
a) meters b) feet c)fathom d)desimetre e)cable

445. The carriage of cargo by sea is the principal reason ……………………..
a) for the existence of ships xy
b) when cargo is loaded 2015-09-06 13:44:57
c) if the ship is to discharge at more than one port --------------------------------------------
d) for the carriage of passengers var oluş
e) for the existence of cargo

446. Navtex mesajlarında hata kodu kısaltması nedir ?


447. the most effective cooling agent among those normally used to fight fires is ......
a)water fog or spray
b)chemical foam
c)mechanical foam
448.Dear sirs,
I am writing to find out whether the post advertised in the ''motor ship'' is still vacant.I am 38
years old and have been working as a met efor the past sever years. I got the master's
certificate in 1992 and since that time I have been worling for the Tukish Ocean Lines on board
General cargo , container and Ro-Ro vessels. As I am leave now I can be available for the job
any time. Looking forward to your prompt reply , I remain, This correspondense is an example...
a) testimonial
b )master's report of the voyage
c) letter of exceptions
d) job application
e) exract of log book

449.Faxing is a means of communication ............................ .

a) that worked on a system based on phone system
b) which has developed very quickly over the past few years
c) therefore changes will rapidly change
d) if companies were using it for telex machines
e) unless you determine the name of the receiver

450.It is required to use the capstan to haul a line.The order given is................... .
a) To take line to capstan to heave vessel alongside
b) To take line to capstan and heave away
c) To weigh anchor
d) To take the headline and turn it around
e) To hold the line and wait near the capstan

451. available by either by vhf or by direct contact with a doctor from a port or from
another ship, with a doctor on board.
a) search & rescue b) medical assistance c) bill of health
d) taking a pilot e) helicopter assistance

452. A: What asistance required? B: ..............................................

a) I do not need help
b) you are running into danger
c) I require a helicopter
d) I am on fire

e) Bridge will not open

452.''The Document prepared by the vessel or by his agents seperately at loading and
unloading ports stating all the operations performed by the vessel, from tendering of the notice
readiness up to sailing from port is called............... .''
a) statements of fact
b) notices of readiness
c) cargo manifest
d) mate's receipt
e) charter party

453. Which of the following messages is not a distress message?

a) 80 miles northeast of Cape Town engine broken down Require tug assistance
b) Gale warning southwest gale force winds imminent in sea areas the Black Sea.
c) 37.18 West 26.32 North fire in number 1 hold ship in vicinity. Please stand by.
d) Ship holed in engine room. Sinking. Request immediate assistance
e) Man overboard. Help with search and rescue

454. You are departing from the Heatrow Airport to join your ship in Holland. You are stopped by
a security guard who suspects you.What would he say?
a) Nothing can prevent us from searching you can it?
b) I regret to tell you that your movements should be restricted
c) sorry to trouble you.but would you mind showing your identity card?
d) why have you agreed to carry someone else's suitcase?
e) Can you explain why lam so suspicious?

455. Which of the following statements is not correct?

a) There aren't any regulations about sound signals
b) Sound signals are made up of bells, whistless and gongs
c) Lighting means illuminations for ships
d) During day time in clear weather , it is easy to recognise the approaching vessel
e) Light signals give information about the type of the vessel approaching and what she is about
to do

456. Is it clear for me to enter traffic lane?

a) one way traffic is established
b) two way traffic is established
c) sea and land traffic is established
d) only car traffic is established
e) only land traffic is established

457. If your anchor is caught under a rock , then it is.......

a) foul (dolaĢık)
b) weight (ağır)
c) heaved (çekmek)
d) dredging (taramak)
e)dragging (sürüklemek)

458. Which of the following is not checked daily?

a) whistle
b) Telegraph
c) Distance recorder
d) Compass eror
e) steering system

459. The pilot is now waiting at position..................... .What type of message is it?
a) Advice
b) Warning
c) Instruction
d) Information
e) Request

460. A:Has your position been obtained by radar?

a) My position has been obtained by radar.
b) Your position has been obtained by radar
c) My position will beobtained by radar
d) You must alter your course for identification
e) I do not have a radar

461. How ......... is it from Hong kong to Berlin?

a) far
b) tall
c) long
d) width
e) distance

462. Is there a fire alarm ........... your cabin?

a) on
b) at
c) under
d) onto
e) in

463.Man overboard!.......................... the life boat.

a) Lower indirmek
b) Raise yükseltmek
c) Call
d) Put
e) Sound

464.the cargo vessel the port.

a) large
b) largest
c) the largest
d) larger than
e) the large

465.M/V Chicago Dream , M/V Chicago Dream , You are running to...... danger.

466.I cut my finger half an hour ago is still bleeding.


467.Gemileride insan girebileceği büyüklükteki kapak. a)menhole
b)tug c)flag d)hold e)hail

468. A small cargo ship not suitable for ocean voyages.

a)Coantiner ship
d) Chemical Tanker
e) Coaster

469.The vessel .................... the port when the storm ...................

a)was leave - begun
b)was leaving - was begun
c)was leaving - begun
d)left - was began
e)was leaving - began

470.Foam and water ...........................for electric fires definitely.

a)weren't used
b)will not be used
c)aren't being used
d)isn't used
e)aren't used who command a fleet of naval ships.

a)captain b)chief engineer c)admiral d)steward e)officer

472.Operasyon çarmıhla yapılacak a)Operation

will be carried out using hose b)Operation will be
carried out by means of hose c)Operation will be
carried on using hoist d)Operation will be carried
up using hosa e)Operation will be carried out
using hoist

473.Pruvanızdaki gemiye yaklaĢıyorsunuz.

a)Please get closer to the vessel ahead of you
b)you should get closer to the vessel ahead of you
c)you are getting closer to the vessel ahead of you
d)you are nearing the vessel in the vacinity
e)you are getting closed

474.In which case does each of the two power-driven vessels have to alter course to starboard
so as to pass one another on the portside?
a)when standing on
b)when giving way
c)when meeting end-on
d)when overtaking
e)when offering way

475. ..................I enter the canal?

a)I have lost radar contact
b)What time may c)You
are in the fairway
d)Advice you keep your
e)Do you have any list

476.Which is not a method of giving a position on vhf?
a)referring to a navigational mark
b)giving latitude and longitude
c)reporting a point
d)giving the bearing and distance
e)conforming the speed

477.The true order of conducting an urgency message is: I-

PanPan PanPan PanPan
IV- Required asistance
V- Ship name and call sign

478.Which of the below is indicated by using knots? I-

Wind speed

a)II-III b)I-II-IV c)I-II d)I-V e)II-IV

479.To........................broken arms and legs, it is neccessary to wear................

a)Fall-safety boots
b)Prevent - safety boots
c)Slip-safety googles
d)Protect-hard hat
e)suffer-safety gloves

480. The passenger vessel ............ just................the port.

a)is – entering b)is going to- enter c)was – entered d)has - entered e)had - entered

481. Spill grounding , collision ,personel injury, fire loss, of power are known as ..... at sea.
b)emergency situation
c)cargo contamination xy
d)damages 2015-09-06 14:25:12
e)safety of life --------------------------------------------
482. Device of attaching a vessel to the sea bed, and holding her statioary.
e)cable stoper

483. Machinery apart from main engine in the engine room.

a)main engine

c)auxiliary machinery
e)steering gear

484. Cargo loaded loose and not in packages or containers

c)Chemical cargo
d)Bulk cargo
e)Cargo battens

485. The saving or rescue of a ship or its cargo.

d)salvage xy
e)towing 2015-09-06 14:26:17
486. A weather forecast states that the wind will commence backing. In the Northern
Hemisphere, this would indicate that it will .
A) shift in a clockwise manner
B) shift in a counterclockwise manner
C) continue blowing from the same direction
D) decrease in velocity

487. The heading of a vessel is indicated by what part of the compass?

A) Card
B) Needle
C) Lubber's line
D) Gimbals

488. Denizin /soluganın önümüzdeki 2 saat süresince artması bekleniyor.

a)Sea/swell is expected to increase after 2 hours
b)Sea/swell is expected within the nex 2 hours
c)Sea/swell is expecting the increase for 2 hours time
d) Sea/swell is expected to increase during the next two hours
e) Sea/swell is expected within the next 2 hours

489.Lifting machinery.......................
a)is passed by radio signals
b)can save time on a voyage
c)are derrick and crane
d)give way to sailing ships
e)will have find their position

490. .......................................control the ship form the bridge.

a)the crew
b)Engineering cadets
d)the captain and the navigating officers

491.A certificates and documents required to be carried on board ships, ................ that the ship
comply with the requirements of the regulation for classification construction, machine and
a) carry b)certify c)classes d)classify e)indemnity
492. Ullage is the.......................................................
A) space left for the explosion of the heated oil
B) space left for the passage of the heated oil.
C) space left for the expansion of the heated oil.
D) space left for the diffusion of the heated oil
E) space left for the interaction of the heated oil.

493. Light Displacement Tonnage is:

A) The amount of water spilled out by a ship,when it floats at a specific condition,
B) The tonnage value of a ship,after subtracting the volumes of navigational spaces,
C) The total volume of all closed spaces in cubic feet(ft3), divided by hundred (100),
D) The sum of the weights of hull, machinery, engines, rigging, spare parts, all connected
E) None of the above.

494.Bleeding is usually associated with……………….

a)wounds b)chocking c)heart attack d)fracture e)food poisoning

495.Which statement is not true regarding grain? xy

a)Grain isn’t stowed near wet cargo. 2015-09-06 14:58:13
b)Grain can swell in hold. --------------------------------------------
c)Grain can be secured by shifting boats. ilişkin, hakkında
d)Grain needs lashing while stowing.
e)Grain can emit odour.

496..To put out a fire is;

a) fire prevention
b) fire detection
c) fire extinction
d) fire installation
e) none

497. The is a person appointed by the company and the ship‘s master for ensuring
the security of the ship. He coordinates with ship board personnel and port authorities to carry
out all ship operations with utmost security.
a) ship safety officer
b)ship security officer
c)designated person

498. The significance of a mark depends on one or more features:

a) By day—Colour, shape and topmark. By night—Light colour and rhythm.

499. Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed she can take
proper and effective action to avoid collision and be stopped within a distance appropriate to the
prevailing circumstances and conditions.
a)so as to
b) so that
c)in order to
d)for e)to

500. Ballast kept in tanks seperated from cargo pipes and tanks is called ―
a) Permanent
b) Dirty
d) Segregated
501. Which is not included in fireman‘s outfit?
a)breathing aparatus
b)smoke mask
c)boots and gloves
d)protective clothing

502. If casuality has severe bleeding which is the first thing you try?
a) Applying tourniquet
b) Applying pressure over wound with wad of sterile gauze or other clean material.
c) Applying antiseptic

503. To ensure the safe operation of each ship and to provide a link between the Company and
those on board is the responsibility of . They have direct access to the highest level of
a)Designated Person Aboard (DPA)

504. Which is a solid fire extinguishing method? xy

a)foam 2015-09-06 15:00:48
b)sand --------------------------------------------
c) carbon dioxide katı
2015-09-06 15:00:18
d) halon --------------------------------------------
e) AFFF kum

505. Which is not a smothering technique?

a) sprinkling
b) dilution
c) emulsifying
d) separation
e) mixing

506. Leave the odd sentence out:

I. Montreux Straits Convention entered into force in 1936.
II. All vessels have obtained the right of way.
III. In those days the largest ship of the Turkish fleet was 13 tons.
IV. None of the Turkish ships has an insurance.
V. Turkish fleet tonnage has increased over time.
a) I b) II c) III d) IV e) V

507. Who arranges and organises cargo handling at ports?

a)hatchways b)tallyman c)stevedore d)crane operator e)harbour master

508. Baspike yaglama yagi falan filan konamaz die bi soru vardi hangisinin partidir die sormus
a) P&i assessment cert
b) Tank designation cert
c) Safety construction initial cert
d) Safety equip renewal cert
e) Loadline initial cert

509. The nautical chart holds crucial information such as , landmarks, and
seamarks. There are symbols that describe the seabed, such as the depth of the ocean,
possible hazards, and tidal information.
a) seabed notification

510. Oily rags stored in a pile that is open to the atmosphere are a hazard because they may .
A) deteriorate and give off noxious gasses
B) spontaneously heat and catch fire
C) attract lice and other vermin and serve as a breeding ground xy
D) None of the above 2015-09-07 12:45:24
511. CO2 cylinders forming part of a fixed fire extinguishing system kendiliğinden
must be pressure tested at
least every
A) year B) 2 years C) 6 years D) 12 years

512. When dry chemical extinguishers are used to put out class B fires, there is a danger of
reflash because dry chemical .
A) is not an effective agent on Class B fires B) does little or no cooling
C) dissipates quickly D) is rapidly absorbed by the liquid

513-alteration and ........................... is logbooklarda kalıcı olarak yapılır gibi birĢeydi.


514-Which statement is FALSE concerning precautions during fueling operations?

A) All engines, motors, fans, etc. should be shut down when fueling.
B) All windows, doors, hatches, etc. should be closed.
C) A fire extinguisher should be kept nearby.
D) Fuel tanks should be topped off with no room for expansion.

515-What is the difference between net tonnage and gross tonnage?

A) Net tonnage is the gross tonnage less certain deductions for machinery and other areas.
B) Net tonnage is tonnage of cargo compared to tonnage of whole ship.
C) Net tonnage is the net weight of the ship.
D) There is no difference.
E) Net tonnage is the gross tonnage less certain deductions for machinery

516- What is the difference between net tonnage and gross tonnage?
a. Net tonnage is the gross tonnage less certain deductible spaces.
b. Net tonnage is tonnage of cargo compared to tonnage of whole ship.
c. Net tonnage is gross tonnage minus engine and bunker spaces.
d. Net tonnage is the net weight of the ship.

517-A coastal current .

A) is generated by waves striking the beach
B) flows outside the surf zone
C) flows in a circular pattern
D) is also known as a longshore current

518-When instructing a crew member concerning the right way to lift a weight, you would
instruct him to
A) arch the back to add strength to the muscles
B) bend his knees and lift with his legs
C) bend his back and stoop
D) bend his back and stoop with arms straight

519-You are docking a ship with a single-screw tug assisting on your starboard bow. How
should the tug be tied up if you are anticipating that she will have to hold your bow off while you
stem the current?
A) One head line would be sufficient.
B) The tug would need at least two head lines.
C) The tug should put a spring line up, leading astern on the ship.
D) The tug should put a stern line up, leading ahead on the ship.

520-Placing a lashing across a hook to prevent a fitting from slipping out of the hook is called .
A) faking B) flemishing down C) mousing D) worming

521-To "shore up" the main deck for the stowage of deck cargo means to .
a. weld pad eyes on deck in proper position to secure the cargo
b. strengthen the main deck by placing pillars underneath it in the tween-decks
c. distribute the weight of the cargo by placing fore-and-aft planks on the main deck
d. package the cargo in wooden crates so it will not damage the deck

522-''is it clear for me to enter trafic lane?'' Lane is an area in which

A)one way traffic is established
B)two way traffic is established
C) sea and land traffic is established
D) only car traffic is established
E)only car traffic is established

523-Inspection, either general or partial according to the circumstances, to be made after a

repair resulting from casualty investigations or whenever any important repairs or renewals are
The sentence above is the definition of,
a) additional survey
b) Intermediate survey
c) Annual survey
d) Periodical survey
e) Renewal survey

524-For the treatment of a major burn,

a) put ice or cold water on a burn
b) pour cool water over the burned area.
c) apply oinments or creams to wounds.
d) use adhesive dressings
e)break blisters.

525-A vessel cannot comply with all of the SOLAS requirements due to its construction. Where
will this be indicated?
A) Nowhere; the vessel must comply to engage in international trade.
B) On the reverse of the SOLAS certificate
C) On the Exemption Certificate
D) On the Certificate of Inspection

527-A victim has suffered a second-degree burn to a small area of the lower arm. What is the
proper treatment for this injury?
a) Immerse the arm in cold water for 1 to 2 hours, apply burn ointment, and bandage.
b) Open any blisters with a sterile needle, apply burn ointment and bandage.
c) Apply burn ointment, remove any foreign material and insure that nothing is in contact with
the burn.
d) Immerse the arm in cold water for 1 to 2 hours, open any blister and apply burn ointment.

528-The preferred method of controlling external bleeding is by .
a) direct pressure on the wound
b) elevating the wounded area
c) pressure on a pressure point
d) a tourniquet above the wound

529-First aid treatment for small cuts and open wounds is to .

a) lay the patient down and cover the wound when the bleeding stops
b) stop the bleeding, clean, medicate, and cover the wound
c) apply an ice pack to the wound and cover it when the bleeding stops
d) apply a hot towel to purge the wound, then medicate and cover it

530-A : "Did you have bad weather on the ship" ?

B : "Yes, we had .................. rain than the weatherman anticipated."
a) a lot more
b) a little
c) much less
d) too much e) fewer

531-The S.S. Microwave has been chartered to the Longline Steamship Company. The
Longline Steamship Company agrees to pay all expenses and employ and pay the crew. Which
type of contract is involved?
a. Bareboat Charter Party
b. Lease Charter Party
c. Time Charter Party
d. Voyage Charter Party

532-Your vessel is chartered under a time charter party. Under this type of charter party, your
responsibility is .
a. solely to the charterer for all matters pertaining to cargo and ship administration
b. solely to the cargo shippers and consignees
c. solely to the owner, as under normal conditions
d. to the owner for vessel administration and to the charterer for cargo operations and schedule

533-A "bowline" is used to _ .

a. join lines of equal size
b. form a temporary eye (loop) at the end of a line
c. be a stopper
d. keep a line from fraying

534-A "gypsy" or "gypsyhead" is a .

a. punt used for painting over the side
b. small, reciprocating steam engine
c. spool-shaped drum fitted on a winch
d. swinging derrick

535-A mooring line leading at nearly right angles to the keel is a .

a. spring line
b. bow line
c. stern line
d. breast line

536-A Contract of Affreightment covering the movement of a particular cargo from one
designated port to another at a specified rate for each ton of goods loaded is called a

a. bareboat charter party
b. demise charter party
c. time charter party
d. voyage charter party

537-What purpose does a bridge fitting serve when lashing containers?

a. Ties a container stack to the deck
b. Ties a container to the container below it
c. Restrains racking loads
d. Restrains the container against horizontal motion

538-Your vessel is required to have a slop chest. Which of the following articles is NOT required
by law to be carried in the slop chest?
a. Foul weather clothing
b. Candy
c. Tobacco products
d. Blankets
539-A vessel has a charter party for one voyage to carry a full load of manganese from Durban,
South Africa, to Baltimore, Maryland, at a stipulated rate per ton. Which type of contract is
a. Bareboat charter party b. Voyage charter party c. Demise charter party d. Time charter party

540- The lashings on a stack of containers with interlocking fittings restrain the forces that cause
a. toppling
b. racking
c. buckling
d. crushing

541- The part of a windlass which physically engages the chain during hauling or paying out is
the .
a. devil's claw
b. bull gear
c. wildcat
d. cat head

542- Cargo that gives off fumes that may contaminate other cargo is known as a(n)
a. delicate cargo
b. dirty cargo
c. toxic cargo
d. odorous cargo

543- To determine the number of able seamen required on an inspected vessel, you should
check the .
a. Load Line Certificate
b. operations manual
c. Safety of Life at Sea Certificate
d. Certificate of Inspection

544- When connecting the tow bridle to a tug, the end of the bridle is passed with a ………
a. heaving line b. shot line c. high line d. messenger line

545- At least one reinspection shall be made on each vessel holding a Certificate of Inspection
valid for two years. This inspection shall be held between the tenth and fourteenth months of the
duration period of the certificate and shall be .
a. at the discretion of the inspector, but in no greater detail than required for original certification
b. at the discretion of the inspector, but in no lesser detail than required for original certification
c. generally similar in scope to the inspection required for certification, but in less detail
d. equivalent to the inspection required for certification

546- In which case is the IOPP Certificate of an inspected vessel NOT

a. The required oily-water separator malfunctions. 2015-09-07 13:16:33
b. The ship is transferred to Liberian registry. --------------------------------------------
geçersiz issuance.
c. An annual survey is conducted fifteen months after the date of certificate
d. A 15 ppm oily-water separator is replaced by a 100 ppm oily-water separator.

547- Each crew member has an assigned firefighting station. This assignment
is shown on the
. 2015-09-07 13:17:01
a. fire fighting plan --------------------------------------------
b. shipping articles atanma
c. Certificate of Inspection
d. muster list

548-A "bowline" is used to .

a. join lines of equal size
b. form a temporary eye (loop) at the end of a line
c. be a stopper
d. keep a line from fraying

549-What is the 3 types of frequent surveys?

annual, intermediate, class renawal

550-The maximum distance at which a light may be seen under existing visibility conditions is
a. nominal range
b. luminous range xy
c. charted range 2015-09-07 13:17:48
d. geographic range --------------------------------------------
551-The international shore connection .
a. permits discharge of waste oil
b. allows hook up of fire hoses from a dock or another vessel
c. satisfies pollution prevention requirements
d. allows emergency use of the fire main for deballasting

552-Changing direction by bringing the stern of the vessel through the eye of the wind is known
as .
a. jibing b. running before the wind c. Tacking d. reefing

553.A device commonly used to secure the pendant wire when it is initially passed to an anchor
handling vessel is .
a. pelican hook
b. connecting link
c. shackle
d. retaining hook xy
2015-09-07 13:23:25
554.boĢluk doldurma sorusu cevabı therefore/importance --------------------------------------------
kasıtlı, planlanmış
555.tercümesi 'eğer vardiya daki zabit dikkatli olsaydı gemi catismazdi' careful-deliberate

556.elektrik çarpan birisi sizi duymaz çünkü o .............Unconsciousxy
2015-09-07 13:23:13
557.What purpose does a bridge fitting serve when lashing containers?
a. Ties a container stack to the deck bilinçsiz
b. Ties a container to the container below it
c. Restrains racking loads
d. Restrains the container against horizontal motion

558.The lashings on a stack of containers with interlocking fittings restrain the forces that
cause .
a. toppling
b. racking
c. buckling
d. crushing

559-The region containing 3/4 of the mass of the atmosphere and the region to which are
confined such phenomena as clouds, storms, precipitation and changing weather conditions is
called .
a. stratosphere
b. troposphere
c. stratopause
d. tropopause

560-A towing hawser is readied for service by .

A) spooling it on a winch cathead
B) coiling it in a counterclockwise direction on the fantail
C) faking it on deck in a fore and aft direction
D) spooling it on a reel lying on its side to prevent rolling

561- You are treating a shipmate with a compound fracture of the lower arm. Which action
should you take?
A) Apply a tourniquet to control bleeding then align the bones and splint.
B) Apply traction to the hand to keep the bones in line, splint, and apply a pressure dressing.
C) Force the ends of the bones back into line, treat the bleeding, and splint.
D) Apply a bulky, sterile, pressure dressing to control bleeding, then apply a temporary splint,
and obtain medical advice

562- The beam of a ship is its width at the ........ point as measured xy
at the ship's nominal
waterline. 2015-09-07 13:27:16
A)Widest B)Longest C)Depth --------------------------------------------
2015-09-07 13:27:29
563- Current refers to the . --------------------------------------------
a. horizontal movement of the water geniş
b. vertical movement of the water 2015-09-07 13:28:20
c. density changes in the water --------------------------------------------
d. velocity changes in the water yatay
e.body of water that is dragged with the ship

564- Kılavuzluk hizmeti geçici olarak küçük gemilere durdurulmuĢtur.

a)Pilottage suspended for small vessel
b)Pilottage suspended for all vessel
c)Pilottage resumed for all vessel
d)Pilottage resumed for small vessel
e)Pilotage is not compulsory for small vessel

565- Select the proper prepositions for the blanks , to complete the sentence on that
occasion .
Kelly really was ……. luck it was as if every thing had combined ……… her.
a)up to / throught b)away from / behind c)out of / against d)in to / upone)onto / over

566- The magnitude or speed of current is called .

a)drift b)though c)crest d)ample e)set

567- Select the correct answer from the list of choices to fill the blank.
The ship sank
…………. the heavy storm. 2015-09-07 13:29:31
a)because b)owing of c)due to d)since e)as
568- For the what period time iopp certificateis valid.
a)6 months b)5 years c)3 years d)1 years e)10 years

569- Read the text carefully and answer the questions accordingly. Transporting oil by tankers in
the artic sea is mostly carried out by fleets of nuclear ice breakers and relatively small. After the
introduction of azipods vessel operating in the ice will be able to transport crude oil without
icebreaker asistance new tankers meet all the international requirements related to the safety of
navigation and the protection of the marine environment. so ice is still a challenge but not a
major problem anymore with the most advanced and unique technical such as azipods.
According to passage what makes this ship so unique?
a)it means all the international requirements
b)it can operate at minus 40 celcius
c) it does not need the assistance of an ice-breaker
d) it is able to carry crude oil in the artic sea
e) it protect the marine environment

570- Different dangerous good are considered in campatible if their stowage together may result
in undue hazard in the case of leakage , spillage or any other accidents. Which of the following
measures can be used to prevent above mentioned hazards.

571- Fill in the blank with appropriate word.

The continous horizontal surface of a ship are called

572-A sentence with five underlined word or phrases is given as below for the sentence.
Chose the one underlined word or phrase that incorrect in stamdadr writen Englishmark
The congressman , accompained by secret service agent and aides , are preraring to enter the
convention hall within the next few minutes.
a)within the next b)by c)to enter d)are e)aides

573-A short conversations betwen two people is given below. Chose the answer that most
accurately answer the questions on what is started or implied by speakers mark the answer.
Captain:Which broke the copt machine
Seafarer:I don't know it was jammed when tired it
Captain:it bugs me when some body does that and just leaves it that was
What does the captain imply.

a)he damaged the machine
b) He thinks the machine has been repaired
c) He thinks somebody broke machine and kept quict about it
d) There are inspects the machine
e) He thinks that the machine does perfectly the work

574-Select the correct answer from the list of choices to complete the sentence
All crew onboard must have a feeling
a)off responsibility
b)to be responsibility
c)of responsibility
d)responsible e)resposibility

575-What equipment for fog signals is required for a vessel 15m

a)whistle only b)bell only c)whistle and bell d)whistle and gong e)bell and gong

576-He did nothing sit idle and comptain all the time.
Fill correctly the blank using
a)nevertheless b)resulting from c)but d)besides e)apart from

577-chose the incorrect sentence

a)Let's not tell anyone
b)you are to report for duty immediately
c)could you possibly lend me a hand with this car?
d)Lets go by taxi shall we?Yes let's do so
e)switchboard is to manned at all times

578-find the correct word of the phrase missing in the following sentence.
Hi mario i do actually have a homework to do. The deadlines Monday and i'm
afraid i will have to do in during weekend so i will be quite busy.
a)work b)duty c)job d)assignment e)mission

579.Complete the sentences with the help of choice given below. As

soon as the manager had left the room
a)the unpleasantness of the ocasion has almost been forgotten
b)the intermission was obviously well timed
c)no one else will be permitted entrance
d)the majority have followed suit too
e)the unease of the board members became apparent

580-Anticyclones are usually characterized by .

a. dry, fair weather
b. high winds and cloudiness
c. gustiness and continuous precipitation
d. overcast skies

581-Chart legends which indicate a conspicuous landmark are printed in .

a. underlined letters b. capital letters c. italics d. boldface print

582-A tug is "in irons" when held in a fixed position by .

a.the weight of its tow, its being anchored, or grounded
b.the towing hawser snagged on the bottom adverse current
d.lack of power or an engine breakdown

583-The "head of the bend" is the .

a. top or upstream beginning of a bend
b. bottom or downstream beginning of a bend
c. midpoint or center radius of a bend
d. center line or apex of a bend

584-Examining the plans for the helicopter facilities is the part of a-

Safety Equipment Certificate Survey
b-Safety Installations Certificate Survey
c-Load Line Certificate Survey
d- Classification Certificate Survey
e- Special Arrangements Certificate Survey

586- What occurs when the boundary between a cold and a warm air mass does not move
in any direction?
a-wave-like air mass
c-occluded front
d-stationary front

587-Lubricating oil should be changed on a heavy duty diesel engine.. a-it

has been in a use for a specified interval
b-it gets dark in color
c-a sample rubbed between fingers feels thin
d-it no longer supports combustion
e-its viscosity is increased

589- Every producer of nautical charts must provide a system ..

a-the latest prices
b-the latest development
d-the latest editions
e-the sales

590- Which type of verification Survey consists of an examination of the plans diagrams other
technical documantation to verify that the structure, machinery and equipment relevant to the
particular certificate?
a- initial
b- verification
d-paln approval e-periodical

591- Examining the arrangements for remote closing for the valves oil fuel, lubricating oil and
other flammable parts of
a-Safety Equipment Survey
b-Safety Construction Survey
c-Safety Engine Survey
d- Int. Oil. Pol. Prev. Cert.
e- Oil Seperation and Filtering Equipment Survey

592- Generally speaking, nautical charting takes the form of charts........ or computerized
electronic navigational charts used for the safe operation of vessels around the world.
a-printed on discs
b-downloaded by anyone
c-printed on record card system
d-downloaded software on electronic databases
e-printed on paper

593- The supplement of the IOPP Certificate what type of ... diye devam ediyor a-A
checklist of equipment instaded for controlling the discharge of oil
b-the grades of cargo that ship is permitted to carry
c-The trade routes upon which the vessel may operate
d-A list of underwrites who will assume financial responsibility in the event of an oil spill

594- The hoods over galley ranges present what major hazard?
A) Grease collects in the duct and filter and if it catches fire is difficult to extinguish.
B) In order to effectively draw off cooking heat they present a head-injury hazard to a person of
average or more height.
C) They inhibit the effective operation of fire fighting systems in combating deep fat fryer or
range fires.
D) They concentrate the heat of cooking and may raise surrounding flammable material to the
ignition point.

595- Moulded depth is measured from the.........

a.inside of the shell
b.outside of the shell of the center vertical keel of the garboard strake of the stringer plate

596- When considering about "at sea maintenance" is concerned with following
A- cargo ship safety certificate
B- cargo ship construction certificate
C- cargo ship radio certificate
D- ship cargo safety equipment certificate

597- Inert gas system for the oil tankers is checked during....
safety equipment cert.

598- If you are bunkering and you close off one tank in the line of tanks being filled, the rate of
flow to other open tanks on the same line will .
a) increase b) decrease c) stop d) remain constant

599-A person report to you with a fishhook in his thumb. To remove it you should ……..
a) have a surgeon remove it
b) pull it out with pliers
c) cut the skin from around the hook
d) push the barb throught , cut it off, then remove the hook

600-Which type of verification Survey consists of an examination of the plans diagrams other
technical documantation to verify that the structure,machinery and equipment relevant to the
particular certificate?
a- initial
b- verification
d-paln approval

601.Which type of precipitation is a product of the violent convection found in

A) Snow
B) Freezing Rain
C) Hail
D) Sleet

602- When chipping rust on a vessel, the MOST important piece of safety gear is ……..
A) a hard hat B) gloves C) goggles D) a long sleeve shirt

603- Beams are cambered to .

a) increase their strength
b) provide drainage from the decks
c) relieve deck stress
d) All of the above

604- Line throwing equipment should NOT be operated .

a. during a rain storm b. near a lifeboat station
c. in an explosive atmosphere d. by other than licensed officers

605- The most effective first aid treatment for chemical burns is to immediately
a. apply ointment to the burned area
b. flood the affected area with water
c. wrap the burn with sterile dressing
d. apply an ice pack to the burned area

606- A vessel loads 100 tons of glass jars. The mate on watch discovers that some of the
cartons have been damaged and has an exception made on the Bill of Lading. What is this
document called?
a)Damage Bill of Lading
b)Letter of Indemnity
c) Non-negotiable Bill of Lading
d) Unclean Bill of Lading

607- What statement is not true regarding service ships?

a) Cable layers lay and repair transoceanic cables.
b) Dredgers deepen the canals,clear the muddy bottoms of waterways or ports.
c)Tugboats tow ships and asist large vessels in manoeuvring.
d)lashships are designed to cğ refrigrated cargo.
e) Icebreakers open lanes through icy waters.

608- The quantity of oil in separated water is controlled by a control unit. what sentence below
has the same meaning?
a) Control unit controls the oil quantity and separate it.
b) quantity of oit is separaıİd and controlled by control unit
c)theoil quantity in water is separated by control unit d)Control
unit controls the oil quantity in separated water.
e) Separated water in oil is controlled by controıl unit.

609- slop,sludge tanklarinin bilgilerinin bulunduğu sertifika hangisidir?

b)Intern. sewage polition prev.
c)ship construction cert.
610- What occurs when the boundary between a cold and a warm air mass does not move in
any direction?
a)wave-like air mass b)cyclone c)occluded front d)stationary front e)anticyclone

611- Generally speaking, nautical charting takes the form of charts........ or computerized
electronic navigational charts used for the safe operation of vessels around the world.
a) printed on discs
b) downloaded by anyone
c) printed on record card system
d) downloaded software on electronic databases
e)printed on paper

612-A weather forecast states that the wind will commence backing. In the Northern
Hemisphere, this would indicate that it will .
A) shift in a clockwise manner
B) shift in a counterclockwise manner
C) continue blowing from the same direction
D) decrease in velocity

613- The biggest problem you generally encounter while towing a single tow astern is …..
a. the catenary dragging on the bottom b. swamping of the tow c. the tow tending to dive d. Yaw

614-Depths which have been measured are indicated by the numbers shown on the
chart. Depths on charts published in most parts of the world use …………..
a) meters b) feet c)fathom

615 -Safety Measures For Crude Oil Washing Operations for crude oil washing, the Chief
Officer shall carry out the following safety matters and shall also observe the safety regulations
on crude oil washing provided by the terminal (if any). Some terminals require the vessel to
complete the terminal specific safety Questionnaire / Permit / Checklists prior to granting
permission for approval. In addition, he shall follow the safety precautions as laid in the
relevant section of the Latest version of ISGOTT.
The following shall be not used and isolated prior to carrying COW:
Between tank cleaning lines and overboard discharge or Engine Room
a) Tank Cleaning Heaters (to be blanked)
b) Overboard Discharge Lines (to be isolated)
c) Portable Washing Machines (not to be used for COW and their hydrants blanked)
d) Cargo Sea Chests (to be blanked)
e) all above böyle bir soru yok all above hepsi doğrudur Ģeklınde sorabıleceğinden ekledim

616- should be regarded as a special attention after installing a new hydraulic

a) The relief filters should be readjusted
b) The filters and strainers should be checked frequently
c) System pressures should be readjusted
d) The fluid should be drained and renewed
e) All above

617- During the inspection of the machinery spaces on board for oil and oily mixtures, the port
state control officer ( PSCO) may determine and takes into account:
a) If reception facilities have been used
b) If there is any inadequacy of such facilities
c) The quantity of oil residues generated
d) The capacity of sludge and bilge water tank and the capacity of the oily-water separator

618- What is NOT a treatment for traumatic shock?

a) Keep the patient waım but not hot.
b) Have the injured person lie down.
c) Massage the arms and legs to restore circulation.
d) Relieve the pain of the injury.

619- The rescuer can best provide an airtight seal during mouth-to-mouth resuscitation by
pinching the victim's nostrils and .
a)cupping a hand artıund the patient's mouth
b) keeping the head elevated
c)applying his mouth tightty over the victim,s
d) holding the jaw down firmly

620- Inspection, either general or partial according to the circumstances, to be made after a
repair resulting from casualty investigations or whenever any important repairs or renewals are
The sentence above is the definition of,
a) additional survey b)Intermediate survey c) Annual survey d) Periodical survey
e) Renewal survey

621- Hemlich
I- Bend the person sightly forward
II- Repeat untill the object is expelled from the airway
III- Make a first with one hand and place it slightly above the persons navel (göbek)
IV-Stand behind the victim and wrap your arms around his or her waist
V- Grasp your first wtih the other hand and press into the abdomen

622- The quantity of oil in separated water is controlled by a control unit. What sentence below
has the same meaning?
a) Control unit controls the oil quantity and separate it.
b) The quantity of oil is separated and controlled by control unit
c) The oil quantity in water is separated by control unit
d) Control unit controls the oil quantity in separated water.
e) Separated water in oil is controlled by control unit.

623- Which precaution should be taken when testing a line throwing gun?
a. Never remove the line from the rocket.
b. Fire it at an angle of approximately 90 degrees to the horizon.
c. Wear asbestos gloves.
d. All of the above

624- Swl (load) kim tarafından kontrol edilir?

a) Harbour master
b) Llyod
c) Recognısed oganısed
d) Port authorıty
e) Mınıstry commerce

625- Depth are measured from chart ....... which is related to the local sea level.
a) Datum b) Information c) Line d) Scale e)

626- In the stowage of deck cargo, "cribbing" is .

A) placed on deck to support the Cargo
B) separation pieces used to keep cylinders upright and steady
C) shims for stowing baled cargo
D) nets placed across the hatch opening to keep the cargo from falling in the hatch

627- What is the primary purpose for Digital Selective Calling (DSC)?
a. DSC provides reception of weather and navigational warnings plus search and rescue
b. DSC provides low-cost, routine communications for the vessel operator.
c. DSC is to be used for transmitting and receiving distress alerts to and from other ships or
coast radio stations via radio.
d. This aids SAR authorities in tracking a vessel's position by satellite.

628- Marine Survayor gemiyi kontrol ettikten sonra hangi raporu yazar?
b)an expert

629- gemide cargo planını kim hazırlar?

a)c/o b) c)boatswain d) master

630- cargo havalandirmasinda 3°kuralinda, should a.... ventilation if out of air below 3° gibi
değiĢik bir soru vardi.
a)ship sweat
b)cargo sweat
d)dehumiditfier (harf hatasi olabilir)
e)hygrostatic cargo (harf hatasi olabilir)

631- every vessel should maintain a proper.... by sight and hearing.xy

a)whistle 2015-09-07 14:23:34
b)speed and course --------------------------------------------
c)route uygun
d)look out

632- radio operator must be receving and .............. distress,urgency safety.

a)complying b)relaying c)transmiting

633- gemiadamlarinin kamaralarinda ..... canyelegi giyeceği hakkında bilgi vardir.

a) why b) how c) when

634- Good housekeeping on a vessel prevents fires by .

A) allowing better access in an emergency
B) eliminating potential fuel sources
C) eliminating trip hazards
D) improving personnel qualifications

635- One method of controlling rats on vessels is by rat-proofing. Rat-proofing is accomplished by .

A) installing rat guards on the mooring lines when in port
B) keeping foods protected and avoiding the accumulation of garbage
C) eliminating possible living spaces for rats when the ship is constructed
D) trapping and/or poisoning the rats

636- What represents poor sanitary procedures?

A) Keep and use a separate filling hose for potable (drinking) water.
B) Locate potable (drinking) water tanks as low as possible in the bilge.
C) Eliminate enclosed spaces in which trash, food particles, dirt may gather.
D) After washing dishes with soap and warm water, sterilize them in water of at least 170°F (76.7°C).

637- Mechanical gearing of deck machinery such as the windlass or towing engine should
A) be open to view so, if a foreign object gets in the gearing, the operator can immediately stop
the machinery
B) have a guard over the gearing

C) be painted a contrasting color from the base color in order to call attention to the gearing
D) not be operated if there is any crew within 10 feet of the machinery

638- First-, second-, and third-degree burns are classified according to the .
A) area of the body burned B) source of heat causing the burn
C) layers of skin affected D) size of the burned area

639- For small, first-degree burns the quickest method to relieve pain is to .
A) immerse the burn in cold water
B) administer aspirin
C) apply petroleum jelly
D) apply a bandage to exclude air

640- If a crewman suffers a second-degree burn on the arm, you should .

A) drain any blisters
B) apply antiseptic ointment
C) scrub the arm thoroughly to prevent infection
D) immerse the arm in cold water

641- Severe airway burns can cause .

A) nausea
B) reddening of cheeks
C) complete obstruction of respiratory passages xy
D) nosebleed 2015-09-07 14:27:06
642- The FIRST treatment for a surface burn is to . solunum
A) wash the burned area with a warm soap and water solution
B) flood, bathe, or immerse the burned area in cold water
C) cover the burned area with talcum powder and bandage it tightly
D) leave the burned area exposed to the atmosphere

643- The FIRST treatment of a person suspected of having airway burns is to .

A) move him to a cool location
B) maintain an open airway
C) apply a cool damp dressing to his neck
D) have him drink cool liquids

644- The most effective first aid treatment for chemical burns is to immediately ………….
A) apply ointment to the burned area
B) flood the affected area with water
C) wrap the burn with sterile dressing
D) apply an ice pack to the burned area

645- The most important concern in treating a person with extensivexyburns is .

A) reducing disfigurement 2015-09-07 14:28:46
B) preventing infection --------------------------------------------
C) cooling with ice water geniş, büyük
D) reducing swelling

646- Camber, in a ship, is usually measured in .

A) feet per feet of breadth
B) feet per feet of length
C) inches per feet of breadth
D) inches per feet of length

647- The fore and aft run of deck plating which strengthens the connection between the beams
and the frames and keeps the beams square to the shell is called the .
A) garboard strake
B) limber strake
C) sheer strake
D) stringer strake

648- The fittings used to secure a watertight door are known as .

A) clamps
B) clasps
C) dogs
D) latches

649- The wooden planking that protects the tank top from cargo loading
is called
. 2015-09-07 14:30:25
a) ceiling B) shores C) frames D) toms
650- The strength of a deck will be increased by adding .
A) camber B) deck beam brackets C) hatch beams D) sheer

651-A deck fitting, used to secure line or wire rope, consisting of a single body with two
protruding horns is called a .
A) bitt B) bollard C) capstan D) cleat xy
2015-09-07 14:31:41
652- Passenger ship Safety Equipment Certificate Validity, --------------------------------------------
A) 12 Months B) 24 Months C) 36 Months kastanyola
D) 5 Years E) 48 Months

653- During the inspection of the machinery spaces on board for oil and oily mixtures, the port
state control officer ( PSCO) may determine and takes into account:
a) If reception facilities have been used
b) If there is any inadequacy of such facilities
c) The quantity of oil residues generated
d) The capacity of sludge and bilge water tank and the capacity of the oily-water separator

654- In what do class C fires occur?

a)combustible metals
b)electrical equipment
c)wood, paper, cloth etc.
d)vapour of flammable liquids xy
e)fuel oil or lubrication oil 2015-09-07 14:32:37
655- The carriage of cargo by sea is the principal reason doğru cevap
a) for the existence of ships
b) when cargo is loaded
c) if the ship is to discharge at more than one port
d) for the carriage of passengers
e) for the existence of Cargo

656- Which statement is not true regarding grain?

a)Grain isn’t stowed near wet cargo.
b)Grain can swell in hold.
c)Grain can be secured by shifting boats.
d)Grain needs lashing while stowing.
e)Grain can emit odour.

657- The word ―material‖ in this context means ― ‖

a) anything out of which something is made
b) cloth
c) belonging to the world; not spiritual
d) essential or important
e) equipment

658- The purpose of the writer, a captain, in writing this letter is to

a) exact a wide sort of information.
b) create a worth while and practical course.
c) thank the Institute mentioned.
d) select an assistant harbour master.
e) be a material factor in being selected as an assistant harbour master.

659- Which of the following is carried on board in compliance with MARPOL?

a) Minimum Safe Manning Certificate
b) The Certificate of Registry
c) An International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate
d) Search and Rescue Cooperation Plan
e) Certificates for Master, Officers or Ratings

660-A disadvantage of using chain lashing on heavy vehicles aboard Ro-Ro vessels is that
A) it is easily damaged
B) it is affected by temperature
C) the links lose strength if placed over corners
D) it has high initial cost

661-A disadvantage of using chain lashing on heavy vehicles aboard Ro-Ro vessels is that it
A) can wrap around Cargo
B) is easily damaged
C) is affected by temperature
D) does not absorb shock

662-A disadvantage of using chain lashing on heavy vehicles aboard Ro-Ro vessels is that it
is .
A) heavy B) easily damaged C) affected by temperature D) costly relative to the strength

663- The lashings used on Ro-Ro vessels should be capable of withstanding the forces of
A) rolling
B) pitching
C) heaving
D) All of the above

664- The lashings used on Ro-Ro vessels should be capable of withstanding the forces of
A) pitching and heaving
B) rolling
C) any force of gravity acting on the lashes
D) All of the above

665- What may NOT be used when securing heavy vehicles aboard Ro-Ro vessels?
A) Chain lever
B) Turnbuckle
C) Webbing
D) Chain

666- Accumulations of oily rags should be .

A) kept in nonmetal containers
B) discarded as soon as possible
C) cleaned thoroughly for reuse
D) kept in the paint locker

667- Which statement about entry into a water ballast tank that has been sealed for a long time
is TRUE?
A) A "buddy system" should be used where someone enters the tank with you.
B) Sea water acts on the ship's metal and generates chlorine gas which may accumulate in
poisonous quantities.
C) You should always wear a gas mask.
D) After ventilation and testing, and the tank is found safe for entry, someone should stand by
at the tank entrance while you are inside.

668- Which statement about entering into a tank which has been sealed for a long time is
A) The tank should be tested only once to ensure the oxygen content is at least 14% before
B) The tank must be tested at frequent intervals to ensure that hazardous gasses have not
C) The tank need not be tested for oxygen content if it is ventilated for more than 24 hours.
D) If the oxygen content tests at less than 12% you should wear an approved gas mask.

669- Which hazard probably would NOT be encountered when entering an empty but uncleaned
fish hold?
A) Lack of oxygen
B) Methane gas
C) Hydrogen sulfide gas
D) Carbon monoxide

670- What best describes for how long a gas-free test is good?
A) For as long as is indicated on the gas-free certificate
B) For the instant that it is made
C) Until valves in line with the tank or compartment are reopened
D) Until changes in temperature or pressure affect the vapor content in the

671- Combustible gas indicators operate by drawing an air sample into the instrument
A) over an electrically heated platinum filament
B) where it is mixed with nitrogen
C) where it is ignited by a sparking device
D) where its specific gravity is measured

672-A fuel-air mixture below the lower explosive limit is too .

A) rich to burn
B) lean to burn xy
C) cool to burn 2015-09-07 14:43:15
D) dense to burn --------------------------------------------
A da olabilir !!!
673- Which statement about pneumatic chipping tools is TRUE?
A) The equipment shall be secured to the hose by a quick-disconnect coupling to prevent the
tool from becoming accidentally disconnected.
B) The equipment must be grounded to prevent shock hazard.
C) The chipping mechanism is made of non-sparking material that is safe to use near explosive
D) The needles of the needle-type chipping gun must be replaced when they have been blunted
more than ½ of their diameter.

674- When using a pneumatic chipping tool all of the following are TRUE except?
A) The equipment is not required to be grounded to prevent shock hazard.
B) It is not intended to be used in an explosive atmosphere.
C) The needles of the needle-type chipping gun must be replaced when they have been blunted
more than ½ of their diameter.
D) The equipment shall be secured to the hose by a quick-disconnect coupling to prevent the
tool from becoming accidentally disconnected.

675- When chipping rust on a vessel, the MOST important piece of safety gear is ……….
A) a hard hat B) gloves C) goggles D) a long sleeve shirt

676- Safety goggles or glasses are NOT normally worn when .

A) using a rotary grinder with an installed shield
B) letting go the anchor
C) handling wire rope or natural fiber line
D) painting with a spray gun

677- Harmonized sorvey (3 February 2000) hangisinin kapsamına girmez diyor. a-

)antifouling convention
b-)solas convention
c-)marpol convention
d-)load line convention
e-)dangerous cargo

678- Türkiyede draft markalarını kim onaylar?

a) Maritime Administration
b)harbour and Port Authority
d)Bayrak Devleti

679- To put out a fire is;

a) fire prevention
b) fire detection
c) fire extinction
d) fire installation
e) none

680- Every vessel shoul maintain a proper.... by sight and hearing.

b)speed and course
d)look out

681- Should be print out of...

a)paper b)cd's c)portfolio

682- During the inspection of the machinery spaces on board for oil and oily mixtures, the port
state control officer ( PSCO) may determine and takes into account:
a) If reception facilities have been used
b) If there is any inadequacy of such facilities
c) The quantity of oil residues generated
d) The capacity of sludge and bilge water tank and the capacity of the oily-water separator

683- International Signals Code Book includes signals for:

A) Emergency-Distress-Casualties-Damages,
B) Aids to Navigation-Navigation-Hydrography,
C) Manoeuvres-Meteorology-Communications,
D) Sanitary Regulations and Medical Section,
E) All the above.

684-Make a lee for ....................... xy

a) my vessel b) fire c) spaces d) destination2015-09-07 14:45:35e) overtake
685-Temporary Certificates of Inspection are effective until the rüzgaraltı .
A) Solas Certificate is issued
B) Load Line Certificate is renewed
C) classification society approval is issued
D) permanent Certificate of Inspection is issued

686-A shore is a piece of securing dunnage that .

A) runs from a low supporting level up to the cargo at an angle
B) is also known as a "distance piece"
C) is placed on the deck under the cargo to distribute its weight evenly
D) is run horizontally from a support to the cargo

687- What is the main purpose of dunnage?

A) To act as ballast for light vessels
B) To provide ventilation and drainage for Cargo
C) To secure the tarpaulins in place
D) To support weakened bulkheads

688- In the stowage of deck cargo, "cribbing" is .

A) placed on deck to support the Cargo
B) separation pieces used to keep cylinders upright and steady
C) shims for stowing baled cargo
D) nets placed across the hatch opening to keep the cargo from falling in the hatch

689- Damage to cargo caused by dust is known as .

A) contamination B) oxidation C) tainting D) vaporization

690- Odorous cargoes are those that .

A) are susceptible to damage by tainting
B) are exceptionally dusty and leave a residue
C) are liquid, but in containers
D) give off fumes that may damage other cargoes

691- When the dew point of the outside air is higher than the dew point of the air in the cargo
hold, you should .
A) energize the exhaust blowers
B) energize the intake blowers
C) not ventilate the cargo holds
D) ventilate the cargo holds

692- When the dew point of the outside air is lower than or equal to the dew point of the air in
the cargo hold, you should .
A) secure all ventilation
B) shut down the exhaust blowers
C) shut down the intake blowers
D) ventilate the cargo holds

693- An immersion suit must be equipped with a/an .

A) air bottle for breathing
B) orange smoke canister
C) whistle, light and retroreflective material
D) sea dye marker

694- For an upright vessel, draft is the vertical distance between the keel and the ………
A) waterline
B) freeboard deck
C) Plimsoll mark
D) amidships section

695- What is the danger to people when co2 discharged in small enclosed space
a) electric shock
b) respiratory arrest
c) frostbite

696-A major advantage of the NAVTEX system when compared to other systems is that
a. the information can be received on an ordinary FM radio
b. warnings are printed out for reading when convenient
c. broadcasts are at scheduled times
d. a low frequency band is used for long distance transmission

697- Difference in terms between in tonnes Displacement of the ship in Summer Line and S.G:
1.025, and Light Weight of the ship.
a. Net tonaj
b. Gros tonaj
c. Constant
d. Deadweight

698- Which one of the following organization an act behalf of Turkish Administration? a)ABS
b)IMO, c)Port Master

699- Damage surveyden sonra surveyorler rapor kısmına gelınce parasını ve ….. yazarlar
a-Tıme b-Report c-Repair d-Maıntanence

700- Elektrik yangınları hangisiyle söndürülür?


701- Issued "cert. of classification"

a. Tuskish Loyd
b. Germaniesh Loyd
c. Harbour Master
d. None above
e. DNV (det norske veritas)

702- The fore and aft run of deck plating which strengthens the connection between the beams
and the frames and keeps the beams square to the
shell is called the .
a. garboard strake
b. limber strake
c. sheer strake
d. stringer strake

703- Which is NOT a required entry in the ship's Official Logbook?

a. Sale of effects of a deceased crew member
b. Medical treatment of an injury
c. Inspections of cargo gear
d. Dry docking of the vessel



705. A power driven vessel pushing ahead or towing alongside on the Mississippi River shall
carry ………………
a. two masthead lights, side lights and stern lights
b. two masthead lights, side lights and two towing lights
c. side lights and two towing lights
d. one masthead light, side lights and stern lights

706. A power driven vessel pushing ahead or towing alongside on the Mississippi River shall
exhibit ……………… HP_HP
a. two masthead lights, side lights and stern lights 2015-09-15 12:26:03
b. two masthead lights, side lights and two towing lights --------------------------------------------
c. side lights and two towing lights ibraz etmek, göstermek
d. one masthead light, side lights and stern lights

707. You see the display of lights shown. This indicates a vessel ……..
a. engaged a fishing, making way
b. engaged a fishing, at anchor
c. engaged a trawling, making way
d. on pilotage duty, making way

708. The lights prescribed by the rules shall be exhibit ……

a. from sunrise to sunset in rescticted visibility
b. at all times
c. from sunrise to sunset and at no other time
d. whenever a look-out is posted

709. You are an anchor watch. As an aid to preventing thievery on the vessel you should …..
a. show running lights, anchor lights and deck lights
b. only show the required anchor lights and keep the rest of the vessel darkened.
c. maintain water on deck with fire hoses led out and all purpose nozzles attached.
d. show anchor lights, deck lights and cargo lights hang over the vessel‘s side.

710. A law enforcement boat may display a ………………..

a. blue flag
b. flashing blue light
c. flashing red light
d. flashing amber light

711. Under the rules, the term vessel doesn‘t include ………….
a. seaplane
b. wing in ground craft
c. hovercraft
d. All of the above

712. Using a safety factor of five, determine what is the safe working load for 3-1/2 inch Manila
line with a breaking stress of 4,9 tons.
a. 0.85 tons
b. 0.96 tons
c. 2.45 tons
d. 12.25 tons

713. Which of the following statement (s) is/are TRUE regarding twin pedestal cranes ?
a. Each single boom is of the partial level luffing type and is capable of limited rotation.
b. A slew drive system provides for rotation of each crane.
c. An independent slew drive system rotates the turntable.
d. All of the above

714. To reconnect a broken towline, it is better to use a polypropylen messenger line because it
a. has great strenght
b. is very supple
c. floats
d. absorbs shock by stretching

715. A mean sun is used as the referance for solar time for three reasons. Which reason is not
a cause for use of a mean sun?
a. The motion of the apparent sun is along the ecliptic.
b. Measurement of the time is along the celestial equador.
c. The speed of the Earth’s revolution is not constant.
d. There are variations in the Earth’s rotational speed.

716. An aneroid barometer reading should be corrected for differences in ……….

a. elevation xy
b. temperature 2015-09-07 15:27:44
c. wind speed --------------------------------------------
d. latitude yükseklik

717. Mars will not be visible ……….

a. at elongation angles near 180°
b. from quadrature to opposition
c. at conjunction
d. at opposition

718. Which of the following documents Turkish Lloyd doesn‘t approve?

a. Deck log book
b. safety management cert.
c. safety equipment cert.
d. stabilite book
e. fire plan

719. A vessel loads 100 tons of glass jars. The mate on watch discovers that some of the
cartons have been damaged and has an exception made on the Bill of Lading. What is this
document called?
a)Damage Bill of Lading
b)Letter of Indemnity
c) Non-negotiable Bill of Lading
d) Unclean Bill of Lading

720. when considering about "At sea maintenance" is concerned with following;
a) Cargo ship safety certificate
b) Cargo ship construction certificate
c) cargo ship radio certificate
d) cargo ship safety equipment certificate
e) cargo ship maintenance certificate

721. Which is not control during the radio installation survey?

A) Deck log book
B) Radio record book
C) Operator certificated
D) Radio certificated issued by flag administrator
E) Up to itu publication

722. ................... use many credentials, letters, and terms such as "accredited",
"certified", "qualified", "AMS", "CMS", etc. fill in the blanks
c)marine survey
e)harbour master

723. If is there more thab one unconscious and casualt. You must start first aid in
order of dont have pulse,Have severe bleeding, conscious
a) Bleeding
b) Breathing
c) Vomitting
d) Asphyx.

724. inert gas hangi sertifikaya tabi *****safety equipment cert.*****

725. what is the Burthen tonnage?

a)light displacement
b)loaded displacement
e)net register tonnage

726. Every producer of nautical charts must provide a system ..

a-the latest prices
b-the latest development
d-the latest editions
e-the sales

727. Which precaution should be taken when testing a line throwing gun?
a. Never remove the line from the rocket.
b. Fire it at an angle of approximately 90 degrees to the horizon.
c. Wear asbestos gloves.
d. All of the above

728. Açık guvertelere ve güvertede güvenlik için yapılan boya hangisidir?

Non-slip paint

729. Swl (load) kim tarafından kontrol edilir?

a) Harbour master
b) Llyod
c) Recognısed oganısed
d) Port authorıty
e) Mınıstry commerce

730. Which is not charcteristic of liner trade?

a) liner conference system
b) designated ports
c) hire for shipment
d) fixed schedule
e) published rates

731. Examining the arrangements for remote closing for the valves oil fuel, lubricating oil and
other flammable parts of
a-Safety Equipment Survey
b-Safety Construction Survey
c-Safety Engine Survey
d- Int. Oil. Pol. Prev. Cert.
e- Oil Seperation and Filtering Equipment Survey

732. Lubricating oil should be changed on a heavy duty diesel engine.. a-it
has been in a use for a specified interval
b-it gets dark in color
c-a sample rubbed between fingers feels thin
d-it no longer supports combustion
e-its viscosity is increased

733. Every producer of nautical charts must provide a system ..

a-the latest prices
b-the latest development
d-the latest editions
e-the sales

734. Inspection, either general or partial according to the circumstances, to be made after a
repair resulting from casualty investigations or whenever any important repairs or renewals are
The sentence above is the definition of,
a) additional survey
b) Intermediate survey
c) Annual survey
d) Periodical survey
e) Renewal survey

735. When considering about "at sea maintenance" is concerned with following
A- cargo ship safety certificate
B- cargo ship construction cer.

C-cargo ship radio cert.
D- ship cargo safety equipment certificate

736. The main reasons to coat (kaplamak) the underwater full is for ...... and fouling
prevention. a) Corrosion

737. .......... is an air masses that two different temperature meet ( gibi birĢeydi)

738. Yüklemenin tamamlandığnın onaylanmıĢ zamanı nerde yazılıdır.

a) daft survey report
b) NOR
c) SOF

2015-09-08 12:29:18


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