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Lesson Plan (Daring)

School : SMAN 3 Aluh-Aluh Class/Semester : XII / 2 KD : 3.1 and 4.1

Subject : English Time Allocation : 1 x 15 minutes Meeting :1
Material : Interpersonal Text ; Congratulate

A. Learning Objectives
After participating in the online learning process, students are expected to:
1. mengidentifikasi ungkapan yang digunakan untuk mengucapkan terimakasih.
2. Be honest, friendly, creative, and responsible to mengungkapkan tindak tutur berterimakasih.
3. mampu membuat teks percakapan lisan sederhana mengenai ungkapan berterimakasih.
B. Learning Steps
Media Tools/Materials Learning Sources
 Whattsapp, Google classroom,  Computer, Laptop, Hand 1. Ninth grade, Ministry and Culture,
Telegram, zoom, google form, etc. phone, tablet etc. Revised Edition, Jakarta 2018.
 Power Point 2. Module, learning materials, internet,
and other relevant sources.

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Responses

Preliminary 1. Opening
a. Doing the opening with an opening greeting
and praying to start learning -Waalaikumsalam warahmatullahi
-Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
wabarakatuh. -Good Morning miss
-Good morning class -Well/very good, miss
-How are you today -Nice to see you, too
-Nice to see you all
-Ok miss Bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim”
-Before starting our lesson today, let’s
reciting Basmallah together
-Wish by doa we can start and can
understand it well Yes miss, Done
b. checking the attendance of students as a
disciplined attitude to carry out online

-Ok class, there is the absence form that

must be fulfilled. Find out it in Google
- I do, miss/me, miss

c. Linking material / themes / learning

activities to be carried out with students' - Singing contest/ dance contest/ speech
experiences with previous material / competition/ video content competition/
themes / activities and asking questions to poster competition.
remember and connect with the next
material. (Brainstroming)
- Off course, miss.
-Who ever win the contest or competition?
-What contest/competition have you won? - after knowing I won something they usually
said "congratulation"
- Congratulations for winning competition

-Wow, well done . salna - to express congratulations miss

-Next, after knowing you won a competition, -Thank you miss

what will other people say to you?
-Good, sawithy
-Well done, khulia
-Based on what we’ve talked before, do you
know what are we going to learn?
-Good job Khalqi

-So, today we are going to learn to -How to use something, sir

congratulate others on their fortunes and -How do something
achievements, in our lesson called

d. Convey motivation about what can be

obtained (goals & benefits) of this topic.
-In our daily life, we need appreciation from
people around us when we get something
pleasant as part of their efforts to give -Got, sir,
appreciation. -It’s clear, sir
-By learning about congratulations, you can -Understood, sir
make a good impression in a conversation
when you want to give appreciation.
e. Describe the things to be studied, the
competencies to be achieved, and the learning
methods to be taken,

Ok class, now I would like to explain our

lesson today -Pay attention to the teacher’s explanation
Congratulations is to congratulate others on
achievements or happiness who did they
achieve. For example: Winner of a
competition at school, finish assignment, or
anything that you feel needs to be

Dominant language features

 Use simple present tense
 Use polite language
 Use clear and not excessive words

Have you got it?

Any problems/any questions

-Yes, sir/clear, sir/a little bit, sir/no, sir

Core f.Students are given motivation and guidance to

Activities see, observe, read, watch, and rewrite it. They
were given impressions and reading material
related to Congratulations (through
Whattsapp group, Zoom, Google
Classroom, Telegram or other online
media) and asked to respond in order to
maintain interpersonal relationships with
teachers and friends during the New Normal
Covid-19 epidemic. (Literacy Activities) -Right, sir

- Pay attention, please

- Ok students, I have picture for you

- I want two people as representatives to

read this text, anyone willing?
- Okay Please

- Okay stop. Thanks for your

representatives. Now, Do you know this
what is it about?

- Good. Also we can see there is an event in - Me miss / I am miss

the school. What is the event? - Lina, you are a very good story teller. I’m
- Well done. From this picture what should
sure you will win the school’s story-telling
you do when your friend wins the
competition or a race? competition. Good luck!
Thank you, Edo.
-congratulations miss

- Story Telling Competition miss

- Give Congratulations
- Congratulate them
-For have good relationship miss
- For being a good person miss
- Just want to say miss

- OK, Why do we need to congratulate others

on their fortunes and achievements?
- Good. This is in order to keep good
personal relationship with them.

g. The teacher provides the opportunity to

identify as many things as possible that are not
yet understood, starting from factual questions
to hypothetical questions. This question must
remain related to congratulations and
communicate with each other to maintain
interpersonal relationships with teachers and
friends during the New Normal Covid-19
epidemic. (HOTS)
Ok class, I’ve explain about congratulation,
and give you a picture about congratulation
conversation . -Yes, sir
Who can identify which the adverbial of
Good, linda
Well done, Aulia
Right, Ari

Please identify the verbs

Excellent, barkiah and Zahra

Next, Based on the steps, analize the verb

that used!
Good job, Reni/Melisa/Riki/Mellyani
Do you know what they are called
And how about this one “for 2-5 minutes” -The last/then/ after that
Good, Hadi
h. Students are given assignments regarding
the material presented and exchange
information about procedure text and
respond to them, to maintain interpersonal
relationships with teachers and friends during -Imperative verb, sir
the New Normal Covid-19 epidemic -Command verb, sir
Ok class, you’ve known about how say
congratulations to other. Now the time for -Brew/boil/put/add/remove
Before I tell you how to do it, the first, I’ll
-Adverb of manner
make groups into 2, then find out your
Ok groups your time is 1 minutes to do it. -Adverb of time
Before doing it, any questions”
Now you all can do the assignments

Have you finishes class

The tome is over

Well done groups

-Oh no/OMG/OK, sir
i. Students collect the results of the assignments -Right, sir
they do individually/grouply through personal
messages that are sent to the teacher and other
students (through Whattsapp group, Zoom,
Google Classroom, Telegram or other
online media) and the teacher provides
responses and assesses their assignments one
by one (Communication)
-Please upload the assignments by GCR -No. sir/clear sir/
-Right groups, this the rules:
Your exercises is to answer questions about
congratulations that I sent on google
classroom. -All groups are doing the assignments
. Your time one minute
Nice job, groups -Not yet!!

Ok, now please group 2 tell your Answer

from number one -Done!!!
-Wow groups, your answer are very well.
Congrats all.

It mean you’ve understood to what we’ve


j.Teachers and students make conclusions about

things that have been learned related to
Congratulations and respond to it to maintain
interpersonal relationships with teachers and
friends during the New Normal Covid-19
epidemic. Students then given the opportunity -Ok, sir
to ask again things that have not been
understood. (Creativity) -Analyzing and identifying the groups’
-Tell me please what the goal of language features
Congratulation is?
- What must social functions be there in a
procedure text?
-Ok the last, define what a procedure text is?
Any questions?1
Good, class!

-Done, sir/finished/

-Yes sir

-Thank you, Sir/horray/


-Students answer the questions

-No, sir, It’s clear

Closing  Students make a summary / conclusion of the

Activities lesson about the important points that appear
in newly carried out learning activities.

 The teacher makes a summary / summary of

the lesson about the important points that
appear in new learning activities carried out

-Give homework that done individually

Ok miss
-I think that’s all for today. Wish you
understand what we’ve learnt today.
-don’t forget to do your homework and Alhamdulillahirabbal aalamiin
always study hard anywhere and anytime.
before finish the class, Let’s read hamdallah Waalaikum salam
together. Thank you, miss
Thank you everybody, see you next week
Summassalamualaikum warahmatullahi

C. Assessment of Learning Outcomes

- Assessment of knowledge: The students mention one of ingredients and write a simple procedure text.
- Assessment Skills: In the form of assignment assessments sent via WA.

Banjarmasin, 3 February 2021

Head Master English Teacher

Hidayah Nor, M.Pd Nor Hidayah

NIDN. 2024068802 19010203093

Attachment 1

Observe these pictures!

Attachment 2
Procedure text
a type of text in English that contains a goal and steps to create or do something related to that goal. The function of this
text is to show how to do something through successive steps so that the reader can reach his goal.

Social function: to describe how something is completely done through a sequence of series.
 Goal : to give information that we need (e.g : How to make ice cream banana)
 Materials or Ingredients: things that you need to make an object (e.g : the material to make banana ice cream are
banana, milk, honey, etc. )
 Steps or Methods: the information about making an object (e.g : first, wash the banana, …., second cut banana becomes
slice. . . )
Dominant language features
 Use adverbial of sequence or Using temporal conjunction (e.g: first, second, third, the last)
 Use command or imperative sentence (e.g : put the banana on the . . ., cut the banana. . ., was the banana. . . )
 Using adverbials (Adverbs) to express detail the time, place, manner accurate, for example, for five minutes, 2 hours,
 Using action verbs, e.g : make and mix
 Using Simple Present Tense

Example of Procedure Text

How to Make Milk Tea

 1 cup water
 1 teaspoon of your favorite tea leaves
 3/4 cup milk
 Sweetener of your choice
 Small strainer
 Large tea mug
 Teaspoon
 Small pot
 Tea infuser
 Bring 1 cup of water to boil in a small pot.
 Put 1 teaspoon of your favorite tea leaves in a tea diffuser, snap the diffuser shut and put the diffuser in the boiling
 Brew the tea for 2-5 minutes
 Remove the tea diffuser.
 Add 3/4 cup of milk to the tea.
 Return the tea to a boil and remove it immediately to prevent scalding the milk.
 Hold a small strainer over a large mug and strain the tea into the mug.
 Add the sweetener
Attachment 3
Watch the video and mention one of ingredients in the video.
answer key: banana, milk, ice cubes.
Attachment 4
Please write a simple procedure text that includes these elements:
 Goal
 Materials/Ingredients
 Steps

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