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Quarter 4, Wk.3

Making Generalization

Name: _______________ Year & Section: ________

NOTE: Write your answers in separate

sheets. (Yellow Paper)
Unchanging Values in a
Lesson Changing World
What I Need to Know
Specifically in order to gain a full grasp of our objectives, try charting the
course of your journey in this module by keeping in mind these learning targets:

 Define what are generalizations;

 Differentiate invalid/faulty from valid/true generalizations;
 Recognize signal/clue words to use in making generalizations; and
 Make valid/true generalizations.

What’s New

TASK 2: Let’s Discover!

“…money as the only

measure of success…”

Base from the picture given above; write ten (10) sentences that talk
everything you know about money. Before the number, Write TA if the sentence is
true to all and write TS if the sentence is true to some. Then answer the process
questions that follow.

_______1. __________________________________________________________
_______2. __________________________________________________________
_______3. __________________________________________________________
_______4. __________________________________________________________
_______5. __________________________________________________________
_______6. __________________________________________________________
_______7. __________________________________________________________
_______8. __________________________________________________________
_______10. _________________________________________________________

What bases did you use in

listing down the things that
you know about dogs?”
“What do you think do all of
the statements that are written
on the board and in
your notebooks have in
“What do we call these
statements about a group of
people or things?
What bases did you use in
listing down the things that
you know about dogs?”
“What do you think do all of
the statements that are written
on the board and in
your notebooks have in
“What do we call these
statements about a group of
people or things?
Process Questions:

1. What bases did you use in writing things you know about money?

2. What do you think is common to all sentences you have written above?

3. What do you call to these sentences?


4. What bases did you use to judge if the sentence is true to all or TA?

5. What bases did you use to judge if the sentence is true to some or TS?

Generalization is a written or a spoken statement in which you say or write

that something is true to all of the time when it is only true some of the time. It is
when you make a statement about all or most of the things, people together, you are
making a generalization. Therefore, a generalization a broad statement about a
group of people or things and it states something they have in common.

Some generalizations are valid or true and some are faulty or invalid. Valid
generalization means true, supported by facts, agrees with what you already know
about the topic, uses logic and reasoning, and proven with several examples. On the
other hand, faulty generalization means false or invalid, not supported by facts and
is usually uses these key words: none, all, always, never, everyone, and nobody.
There are some words that signal or give us a clue to recognize
generalizations. These are: sometimes, always, never most, many, all, generally,
seldom, and none.

Faulty Generalization Valid Generalization
1. All birds can fly. All birds have wings.
2. Chocolates is everyone’s favorite Some people like to have chocolate as
dessert. their favorite dessert.
3. Everybody loves popcorn. Many people like popcorn.
4. Only teachers wear glasses. Many people wear glasses.
5. All cats have brown fur. Some cats have brown fur.


A generalization is defined as a broad idea that is applied to a group of people

or things. Often, generalizations are not completely true, because there are
examples of situations wherein the generalization does not apply. In this respect,
generalizations can be compared to stereotypes in that they are sometimes

What Is It
Task 3: Let’s Practice!

To help you make a generalization, read and complete the table

below by writing inside the box your own generalization and supporting facts based
from the excerpt Maria Cristina: A Falls Like No Other by Louella Abulag
Maria Cristina is a falls like no
other. The notion of serenity,
reflectivity and relaxation is evident
thus; we can feel God’s presence.
The cold west wind whistles as the
beautiful creation passed by. The


Supporting 2.

Task 3.1 Do what is asked.

a) Maria Cristina Falls is Iligan's

greatest heritage.
b) Maria Cristina Falls is one of
Iligan’s greatest heritage.
c) Maria Cristina Falls is always
believed as Iligan’s greatest

Question: Which statement above

makes a good generalization?

Reason: ____________________________________________

What’s More

Task 4. Practice Pa More!

Read each sentence. Write Yes if the statement is valid generalization. No if
the statement is faulty generalization. Underline the signal words that are used.

1. Some people are afraid of ghosts. ________________

2. Few of them want to become successful farmers. ______________

3. My students are typically responsible and respectful. ____________

4. All students got bored during the class. ___________

5. Everyone is obliged to do a morning exercise. _____________

Process Questions:

1. What did you use as bases for answering YES? Explain.


2. What did you use as bases for answering NO? Explain.

_______ What I Have Learned

Task 5. Find Me!

From the pool of words below, choose the appropriate generalization to the
following descriptions. Write your answer before the number.





__________ 1. It includes healthcare workers, police force, military personnel,

and logistics drivers directly involved in COVID-19 response.

__________ 2. A situation where more cases of disease than expected happen in a

given area or to a group of people.
__________ 3. An emergency measure in which individuals are restricted from
certain areas in an attempt to control exposure or transmission of disease.

__________ 4. Identification and tracking of people who may have come into contact
with an infectious person.

__________ 5. This includes masks, face shields, gloves, gowns and other
coverings that healthcare workers use to prevent the spread of infection to
themselves and other patients.

__________ 6. A family of related viruses. It causes respiratory illnesses. The

coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is formally called SARS-CoV-2, which stands for
severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.

__________ 7. Your body's ability to resist or fight off an infection. Your immune
system is a system of cells in your body that help you avoid getting the disease and
help you get better when you are infected.

__________ 8. A worldwide spread of an infectious disease, with larger reach than

an epidemic. Until COVID-19, the last pandemic was the H1N1 influenza outbreak in

__________ 9. When a person shows signs of illness. For COVID-19, that includes
cough, fever or shortness of breath.

________ 10. Not showing any symptoms (signs of disease or illness). Some people
without any symptoms still have and can spread the coronavirus. They’re
asymptomatic, but contagious. Fever, cough, and shortness of breath are the main
symptoms of COVID-19. Call your healthcare provider or a UVA clinic if you have
any of the symptoms.

What I Can Do
Task 6. It’s Show Time

Write your own generalization based from the procedural text below.

To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, follow these easy five steps

Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or use

your elbow when you sneeze or cough.
Often wash your hands with soap and water for at
least 20 seconds.

Always clean and disinfect surfaces around your

home and work place.

Keep at least 6 feet between yourself and others

if you are in public.

Wear mask properly.

Generalization: _______________________________________________________

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