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Identify safety p recautions during different weath er conditions.
(S4 ES-IVg-8)

K BI:Taking care ofone’s selfduring different weath er conditions.

A . Subject M atter
Identify ing Safety Precautions D uring Sunny D ay s, Rainy D ay s, and W indy day s.
B. Content Standards
Th e learners dem onstrates understanding ofcom p onents ofweath er using sim p le
instrum ents
C. Perform ance Standards
Th e learners sh ould be able to p ractice p recautionary m easures in p lanning activities
D . Learning Com p etency
Th e learners sh ould be able to identify safety p recautions during different weath er
E. Process Skills
Identify ing, com m unicating, observing
F . Concep t
O n sunny day s, it is im p ortant to wear ligh t cloth es, eat cold foods, not to ex p ose our
skin to ex trem e h eat ofth e sun. A nd we sh ould not burn dried leaves.
D uring rainy day s, it is im p ortant to wear th ick cloth es and eat warm foods. Prep are zip -
locks, dry sacks, and oth er waterp roof covers for our th ings. W e sh ould not p lay in th e rain
to avoid colds. It is also a m ust to use raincoat and um brella.
O n windy day s, do not forget to close doors and windows. W ear th ick cloth es. M ove to
th e m iddle of y our h om e or basem ent, away from windows and glass doors. W e sh ould be
careful with fire.
G . Subject Integration

M A PEH (D ifferent ty p es ofW eath er)

English (Contex t Clues)

III. Learning Resources

A . References:
K to 12 Curriculum G uide, S4 ES-IVg-8, p . 60
Science Learner’s M aterials 4 p p .280-290
G rade IV Teach er’s G uide p p . 327 -329

B. O th er Learning Resources:

Ch arts, p ictures, p ower p oint

IV. Procedure/Learning Task:

A . Engagem ent:
Song:W eath er Song
1. M otivation:
A sk: W h at do y ou th ink are th e best th ings to do during sunny day , rainy day , and windy
day ?
2. Presentation:
Say : Th is tim e, we will find out on h ow th e weath er can h elp us decide on wh at to do
every day to keep us safe.
3. Unlocking ofD ifficulties:
Using definition clues and ap p ositive clues. Select th e correct word inside th e box and
fill in th e blank to com p lete th e statem ent.

weath er safety p recautions

1. A _____________is th e state of th e atm osp h ere at a p lace and tim e as regards h eat , dry ness,
sunsh ine, wind, rain, and etc.
2. ___________is th e condition ofbeing p rotected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury .
3. ___________is a m easure taken in advance to p revent som eth ing dangerous, unp leasant, or
inconvenient from h ap p ening.
B. Ex p loration

A ctivity Sh eet 1

M aterials needed: M anila p ap er, p entel p en

W h at to do: List down below each p icture th e th ings or th e activities y ou are going to do to keep y ou
safe during th is kind ofweath er.

5. A ctivity
Sh eet 2

M aterials needed:bond p ap er, ballp en

W h at to do:

1. Th e p up ils are divided into th ree group s.

2. Each group will be given a situation. A nd th ey will answer th e question after th e given
3. Each group will select a group leader and th e group leader will be th e one to read and
ex p lain th e answers ofh is/h er group to th e class.

Situation # 1: A ngelica enjoy ed sunbath ing with out ap p ly ing sunblock all over h er body .

Q uestion: W h at will h ap p en to A ngelica?

Situation # 2: A lex and Vince are p lay ing at th e p laza wh ile it is raining.

Q uestion: W h at will h ap p en to both A lex and Vince?

Situation # 3: O ne afternoon, Rolando clim bed up on a tree wh ile a strong wind is blowing.

Q uestion: W h at do y ou th ink h ad h ap p ened to Rolando?

A ctivity Sh eet 3

M aterials needed:p ictures sh owing correct and incorrect th ings to do during sunny day , rainy day , and
windy day .

W h at to do:

1. Th e p up ils will be divided into th ree group s

2. Each group will identify each p icture and will p ut a ch eck ( )m ark beside th e p icture for
p ictures sh owing safety p recautions and an (X)m ark for p ictures sh owing incorrect th ings to do
during sunny day , rainy day , and windy day .
3. Each group will p ost th eir answer on th e board.
C. Ex p lanation

W e need to know weath er conditions to keep us safe. K nowledge on th e weath er

forecast h elp s us m ake necessary p rep arations.

O n sunny day s, it is im p ortant to wear ligh t cloth es, eat cold foods, not to ex p ose our
skin to ex trem e h eat ofth e sun. A nd we sh ould not burn dried leaves.

D uring rainy day s, it is im p ortant to wear th ick cloth es and eat warm foods. Prep are zip
locks, dry sacks and oth er waterp roof covers for our th ings. W e sh ould not p lay in th e rain
to avoid colds. It is also a m ust to use raincoat and um brella.

O n windy day s, do not forget to close doors and windows. W ear th ick cloth es. M ove to
th e m iddle of y our h om e or basem ent, away from windows and glass doors. W e sh ould be
careful with fire.

Q uestion:

1. So, wh y is it im p ortant to know weath er conditions?

2. A naly sis and D iscussion

W h at h ap p ens if we do not follow th e safety p recautions during different weath er


D . Elaboration
1. G eneralization

(Th e p up ils will form ulate a generalization by answering th e question)

a. Is it im p ortant to know different weath er conditions?

b. W h at are th e th ings th at we sh ould do and not to do during sunny day ? Rainy day ? A nd W indy
day ?

2. A p p lication

F ill in th e blank th e correct answer.

1. O n ________________, it is im p ortant to use a rain coat and um brella.

a. sunny day b. rainy day c. windy day
2. W e sh ould ap p ly sunblock cream ifwe go to th e beach on__________________.
a. sunny day b. rainy day c. windy day
3. W e sh ould be very careful with fire on________________.
a. sunny day b. rainy day c. windy day
4 . It is im p ortant to eat warm foods on __________________.
a. sunny day b. rainy day c. windy day
5. O n________________, we sh ould close our doors and windows.
a. sunny day b. rainy day c. windy day

3. Valuing

W h y is it im p ortant to take good care ofourselves?

IV. Evaluation

Identify th e situation in each sentence below ifit is a safety p recaution on different weath er
condition or not. D raw a h ap p y face ifth e statem ent is a safety p recaution and a sad
face ifit is not on th e sp ace p rovided.

__________1. A ndrew is p lay ing basketball in th e m idst ofh eavy rain.

____________2. W h ile sh e is on th e beach , ready for swim m ing, Rose A nn ap p lies sunblock cream
on h er face and wh ole body .

____________3. Rina and Ry an are m aking bonfire wh ile h eavy wind is blowing.

____________ 4 . O ne rainy m orning, grandm oth er cooked rice p orridge to feed h er th ree

grandch ildren.

____________5. M oth er is seriously listening to th e weath er forecast wh ile watch ing tv.

V. A ssignm ent

D raw or cut out at least two p ictures for each item sh owing identified safety p recautions during
different weath er conditions.









Prep ared by :


Teach er I

Ch ecked and O bserved by :

______________________ _______________________ ___________________


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