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Good day Paulinians. Welcome back to school!

I know that you are eager to learn new things for
this school year. To provide you with opportunities
to learn while staying in the comforts of your home,
I will ask you to use the Teacher-made Learning
Packets in Art 1 so that you can explore on your
own the many wonderful lessons that need to be
uncovered, learned, and applied. You will be
guided on what to do as you go along with the
different self-directed activities per lesson. At the
end of this course, I expect that you can create and
publicly exhibit a variety of visually appealing
artistic work.
God bless you always!
Life Performance Outcome: (SPCEM-OBE)

Hello _________________; Pauline peace to you!

(Write your first name}

In this quarter you are going to grow as a molded Paulinian with

affirm values and you will say to yourself “As a Christ-centered
Paulinian, I am courageous, resourceful explorer and problem
solver, demonstrating my creativity and charism.” (LPO 2)
Essential Performance Elements

This program intends to fully enhance

your performance using your unique ideas
and resources to suggest new ways of
deciding things.

Performance Standard
At the end of this quarter you will be
creative in making portraits of yourself, your
family and your favorite pets which show the
elements and principles of art by using lines,
shapes and texture in your drawing.

Content Standard

As a Paulinian, you will be able to understand

the lines, shapes, colors and texture, and principles
of balance, proportion and variety through drawing.
Most Essential Learning Competencies:

Week 1
Explains that art is all around and is
created by different people (A1EL-Ia)

Identify and explore different kinds of

lines, shapes, texture which used to
create in drawing of people, places and
things. (A1EL-Ic)
Week 2
Uses different drawing tools or materials-
pencil, crayons, art pad, or other local
materials to create his drawing about
oneself, family and animals as a means
of self-expression (A1PR-Id)
Draws different kinds of plants showing a
variety of shapes, lines and color
Diagnostic Test
A. Identify the different lines. Write the letter of the correct answer before the

a c

b d

______________1. Arc

______________2. Diagonal Line

______________3. Zigzag line

______________4. Vertical line

______________5. Horizontal line

B. Draw your school using different basic shapes. Add texture to the drawing to
make it more attractive and beautiful.
Preliminary Activities:

Opening Prayer:

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. (Let
us do the sign of the cross with respect)

A Religious song will be played.

(Please click the link: )

Let us end our prayer by saying together, Glory be to the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Recite the Paulinian Affirmation for this lesson

“As a Christ-centered Paulinian, I am

courageous, resourceful explorer and problem
solver, demonstrating my creativity and
charism.” (LPO 2)
Let’s Trace It
Connect the dots

In this Lesson, You will be

an artist. You will use
different lines on your

Competencies Carry On
- Explains that art is all
around and is created 1. Describe the picture above. What does the
by different people picture show?
- Identify and explore
different kinds of lines,
2. How did you form the picture?
shapes, texture which
used to create in
drawing of people,
places and things.
Isn’t it amazing Mary
when you connect each
dot using of lines and
form it into any object like
the picture above?

Well Rex, to be honest I

have a hard time in drawing but
after what we did, I can carry on
to draw first by simply using of
lines to make it also like a real
one. Let’s us just not end here,
lets learn more about lines
around us.

Is a mark connecting two or more dots.
Do you know that you can
Why are are
veryin see lines everywhere?
the garden

IT There are lines

GREAT IDEA inside at home.

You use lines There are lines in

when you draw the garden.

There are lines in

the School.

Lines are one of the most important elements

of art. You use lines when you draw.

Do you know what are the different

kinds of lines? Let us learn it to Mary.
Kinds of lines

There are straight lines. These are all straight lines.

Horizontal Vertical Diagonal

There are
curved lines.

zigzag arc

wavy spiral
Lines may be thick or thin.

Thick line

Thin line

Aside from the above

examples of lines, we have
here more other kinds of lines
in which you can use for your
drawing to make your work
Fantastic! I have learned
so much with you Mary.
Thank you for showing me
new lines which I have
never seen in Kinder.

My pleasure Rex! Let us

have our simple practice if
you and our friends with
us can remember the
lines I have presented.
Let’s Go!

Self-Test or Group Test Assessments

Let’s Practice
A. Directions: Connect the broken lines. Name the kind of
lines you have drawn.
B. Children like you need energy so you can do a lot of
things like write, sing, read, and draw. Below are some
healthy foods that give strength and energy.
Direction: Use a pencil, crayons, or oil pastel from your
art kit to trace these healthy foods.

Let’s Apply

A. Now that you can identify these lines, you can draw a great
artwork. Look around you and try to see different lines. Draw
your pet or an animal that you would like to have as a pet.
You are doing a great job in drawing
animals! Now, try to identify the lines in
the picture.

Directions: Identify the lines in the picture. Put a

check mark in the box for your answer.

1. The sun is drawn using a ____________line.

Curved vertical horizontal

2. The legs of the little girl are __________lines.

Vertical horizontal diagonal

3. The arms of the little girl are ___________lines.

Horizontal diagonal curved

4. The lip of her mother is a _____________line.

Diagonal curved zigzag

5. The sea is made up of _____________lines.

Curved vertical zigzag

Let’s Reflect


What can you create using straight lines

and curved lines? Why all of this is
important in drawing?
Keep in mind
Lines are everywhere.

A line is a mark that you create when you

connect two or more dots

There are straight lines and curved lines.

Lines can be thick or thin.

Look Back
How are you doing? Draw a star before each
learning goal.

I can draw different kinds of lines.

I was original and creative. I did not

copy my classmates’ work.

I can Identify and explore different kinds of

lines, shapes, texture which used to create in
drawing of people, places and things.

I finished the independent activities on time.

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