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Name: Martinez, Leslie Year/Section: 2E

Course: Bachelor of Elementary Education Date:

Write down three What are your beliefs What are the List down counter-
adverse experiences in about the event? consequences, or evidence to the
your third digital How do you interpret results, of your beliefs? negative beliefs,
storytelling. it? How do these beliefs the causes of the
affect you and others? event, or the
Response Response Response Response
On the third digital In our third digital Well this belief Having a hard time
storytelling, the story, I have motivates me to looking for signal
problems I have encountered the learned and
encountered is the: topic geology. I understand more the
1. Signal believe that this topic about geology, it
lesson is very catches my interest and
important because it I think as a future
involves studies of teacher I should learn
our surroundings and more about it so that
we as humans. someday when I
Studying geology become a teacher I
makes us understand have also something to
more of the world we partake with my
live in. students.
I believe signal is not It results to a good
a hindrance to thing, even the signal is
success. poor I still manage to
pass the video on time.
2. I’m not good at I believe everything Well as time pass by I The thinking that
editing can be learn if you had a little knowledge what if my video is
put an interest, time about editing now. not good at all
and action to learned
3. Sending my I believe even if the Thinking positively is Patience
video because it signal is poor, it will like praying, the loading
takes a lot of still be sent. Just pissed me off but I still
time, loadings think positive. waited and after a few
when sending it. minutes of waiting, I
manage to sent it

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