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Шифр №
Реєстр №

Методичні рекомендації
до виконання контрольних завдань
з дисципліни «Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням)»

Факультет Суднової енергетики

Ступінь вищої освіти бакалавр
Галузь знань 27 «Транспорт»
Спеціальність 271 «Річковий та морський транспорт»
Спеціалізація «Експлуатація суднових енергетичних установок»,
«Експлуатація суднового електрообладнання та засобів автоматики»
Курс,форма навчання Iз заочної форми навчання
(на основі повної загальної середньої освіти)

Херсон – 2016
Методичні рекомендації до виконання контрольних завдань для
студентів заочної форми навчання з дисципліни «Англійська мова (за
професійним спрямуванням)» розробили у відповідності з робочою
навчальною програмою, ІМО модельного курсу 3.17 (Maritime English), за
спеціальністю 271 «Річковий та морський транспорт», спеціалізація
«Експлуатація суднових енергетичних установок», «Експлуатація суднового
електрообладнання та засобів автоматики» викладачами кафедри англійської
мови в судновій енергетиці Афанасієвської І.О. та Красновською І.П.

Методичні рекомендації розглянуто на засіданні кафедри

03 вересня 2015 р. протокол № 1.

Завідувач кафедри _______________ к.п.н., доц. Літікова О.І.

Начальник навчально-методичного відділу ______________ В.В.Черненко

1. Мета і завдання дисципліни

Дисципліна «Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням)» у

комплексі з іншими спеціальними предметами посідає одне з головних місць
в освітньо-професійній підготовці бакалаврів морського флоту та є
невід’ємною частиною загальної підготовки висококваліфікованих фахівців
для морського флоту України.
Мета навчання англійської мови професійного спрямування полягає у
формуванні та вдосконаленні англомовної комунікативної компетентності
майбутніх морських інженерів у професійно орієнтованому спілкуванні задля
ефективного вирішення ними своїх професійних задач.
Завдання курсу:
 виявити та винайти шляхи та способи ефективного запровадження
компетентнісного підходу у формуванні англомовної професійно
орієнтованої комунікативної компетентності майбутніх морських
 забезпечити різноманітність методів, форм та видів навчальної
діяльності на занятті, що сприятимуть результативності навчального
 вдосконалювати прийоми та засоби комунікативної організації
навчання морської англійської мови у ході виконання професійно
орієнтованих завдань;
 розробити номенклатуру сфер та ситуацій професійного спілкування у
межах означеної спеціалізації та укласти перелік комунікативних
професійних компетенцій, що формуватимуться у них;
 забезпечити тісну співпрацю викладачів мови та спеціальних предметів
задля успішного засвоєння морської та вузькоспеціалізованої
інженерної лексики у максимально наближеному до природного
професійному контексті;
 запропонувати варіанти організації процесу навчання з урахуванням
особливостей спеціалізованих компетентностей та різних рівнів
кваліфікацій фахівців для повноцінного відтворення професійного
 забезпечити поступове засвоєння компетентностей за рівнями (від В1
до В2) згідно з Загальноєвропейськими рекомендаціями та з
урахуванням принципу модульної організації навчального курсу;
 забезпечити творчий підхід до засвоєння англійської мови через зміст
фахових дисциплін шляхом моделювання реальних професійних
ситуацій, що становитимуть опору для подальшого ефективного
вирішення проблемних ситуацій у професійній діяльності;
 забезпечити інтерактивний характер навчання для розвитку творчих
здібностей та професійно-орієнтованих умінь курсантів під час
співробітництва і спілкування, спрямованих на спільне розв'язання
проблем, здатність виділяти головне, ставити цілі, планувати діяльність,
розподіляти функції, бути відповідальними, критично міркувати тощо.

 розширювати фаховий кругозір майбутніх морських інженерів шляхом
формування у них професійних компетентностей засобами англійської
мови, що відповідатимуть конкретним кваліфікаційним
характеристикам спеціалістів інженерного профілю;
 сприяти розвитку психологічних чинників успішності навчання -
комунікативних здібностей, пам’яті, уваги, логічного мислення, а також
особистісних і вольових якостей, пов’язаних з досягненням прогресу у
навчанні, таких як комунікабельність, здатність до співробітництва та
компромісів тощо;
 готувати студентів до міжнародного та міжкультурного спілкування на
основі використання своїх професійних знань, умінь і навичок та
практичного досвіду;
 знайомити курсантів із специфікою їх майбутньої професійної
діяльності, своєрідним побутом, традиціями та звичаями на борту
 формувати уявлення курсантів про кар’єрне просування морських
інженерів, знання та досвід, необхідні для виконання посадових
 активізувати і розвивати у курсантів увесь спектр їхніх пізнавальних
 допомагати курсантам у формуванні загальних компетентностей,
сприяти розвитку здібностей до самооцінки та здатності до
самостійного навчання упродовж усього життя.

 формувати та вдосконалювати у курсантів загальні та професійно
орієнтовані комунікативні мовленнєві компетентності для забезпечення
успішного англомовного спілкування у навчальному, соціально-
побутовому та професійному середовищі, у відповідності до норм і
культурних традицій в умовах прямого й опосередкованого
 забезпечити досягнення бакалаврами вихідного рівня володіння
англійською мовою професійного спрямування В2 (Незалежний
користувач) відповідно до європейських стандартів;
 формувати у курсантів англомовні мовленнєві компетентності у
професійно спрямованих аудіюванні, говорінні, читанні і письмі на
рівні В2 незалежного користувача;
 удосконалювати мовні компетентності курсантів, а саме їх уміння
коректно користуватися мовним матеріалом – фонетичним, лексичним
і граматичним, адекватно ситуації спілкування, цілям і намірам,
соціальним і функціональним ролям партнерів по спілкуванню;
 формувати у курсантів лінгво-соціокультурну компетентність як
здатність до англомовного професійного спілкування з національно-
культурною специфікою;
 сприяти формуванню комунікативних стратегій курсантів, розвиваючи
їхні уміння моделювати свою мовленнєву професійно орієнтовану
поведінку згідно ситуації спілкування.

Місце дисципліни в структурі основної професійної програми

Дисципліна «Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням)»

належить до циклу соціально-гуманітарної підготовки. Загальна кількість
кредитів складена на основі Типової програми АМПС – English for Specific
Purposes (ESP) становить 3 , це 90 годин, з них аудиторних 12 годин (12 годин
практичних занять), 78 години – самостійна робота.
Для засвоєння курсу «Англійська мова (за професійним
спрямуванням)» необхідно мати рівень володіння англійською мовою В1,
який характеризується як рубіжний між елементарним і незалежним
користувачем мовою та передбачає такі вміння:
 може розуміти основний зміст чіткого нормативного мовлення на
загальні соціально-побутові теми (сім'я, навчання, особисті інтереси,
дозвілля тощо), загальні морські теми (морська освіта,
працевлаштування, типи суден, будова судна тощо);
 може вирішити більшість проблем під час перебування за кордоном;
 може просто і зв’язно висловитись на знайомі теми або теми особистих
 може описати досвід, події, сподівання, мрії тощо.
Програма навчальної дисципліни «Англійська мова (за професійним
спрямуванням)» складена на основі Типової програми АМПС –English for
Specific Purposes (ESP) (2005 р.), у відповідності з Загальноєвропейськими
Рекомендаціями з мовної освіти (2001 р.) і вимогами ІМО модельного курсу
3.17 (Maritime English), а також згідно з положеннями правил IIІ/1, ІІІ/2 та
IIІ/3 Розділу А Конвенції ПДНВ 78/95 (STCW-коду) для старших механіків та
других механіків суден з головною руховою установкою потужністю від 750
до 3000 кВт згідно з положеннями правил IIІ/6 та IIІ/7 Розділу А Конвенції
ПДНВ 78/95 (STCW-коду) для суднових електромеханіків та електриків.
Методичні рекомендації до виконання контрольних завдань
для студентів заочної форми навчання І курсу
Правильне виконання контрольної роботи передбачає глибоке вивчення
наступних тематичних циклів:
- морська освіта;
- англійська мова для моряків;
- погода в морі;
- подорож на кораблі;
- загальний устрій судна;
- обов'язки членів команди.
Виконання контрольної роботи потребує знання таких граматичних форм та
структур: Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect Tenses, Active and Passive Voices,
Conditional Sentences, Countable and Uncountable Nouns, Prepositions,

Вимоги до виконання контрольних робіт

Контрольні роботи мають бути виконані на аркушах формату А4, усі завдання
треба чітко пронумерувати. До заліку/іспиту студент допускається тільки після
усної співбесіди за змістом контрольної роботи.

Студент повинен
1. Уміти читати тексти загально морського змісту з метою отримання
2. Знати стандартні фрази при прийманні та здаванні вахти.

3. Володіти навичками спілкування з екіпажем на теми загального

(побутового) та професійного змісту.
4. Продемонструвати навички соціального спілкування на англійській мові
(проходження митниці, подорож літаком тощо).
5. Уміти використовувати лексико-граматичний матеріал для складання
монологічного висловлювання за темами, що вивчаються.
Зразок оформлення титульної сторінки контрольної роботи. (Додаток 1, 2, 3)

Питання до заліку

1. Your friend is going to enter KSMA. Since you have already studied here he
comes to ask you about this Academy.
2. Your friend wants to become a seaman. You are a cadet of KSMA and that’s why
he comes to you to ask about seaman’s life. Speak to him and say what is good or
bad in this profession. Give him a piece of advice.
3. Your group-mate has some problems with English. He says that he makes all his
efforts but his progress is slow. Give him a piece of advice as for mastering the
English language.
4. A friend of yours has received a certificate of AB, and now he’s looking for a job.
He called some crewing agencies and they told him to bring his documents. You
heard some unpleasant information about this agency. Explain to your friend what
crewing agencies are good from your point of view and what documents are
usually required.
5. Compare crews of a cargo vessel and a passenger liner.
6. The Bosun brought you to the paint locker. He wants to be sure that you know the
types of paints used on board as well as the instruments and tools used for
7. You have repair works at home. Tell your friend what you did and what
instruments were used.
8. You met your friend in a port in France. You are working aboard the tanker and
your friend aboard the bulker. Tell him about peculiarities of working on your
9. You have come to a crewing agency. You are asked about your family background.
10. What is STCW 78/95? What are its requirements in terms of your competence?
11. Compare a container ship and a bulker. Where are different parts of the ship
situated? What do a container ship and a bulker have in common? How do they
12. You have to find a company that can provide you with shipboard training. Where
will you go and why? What are other alternatives to find a job?
13. You have to prepare a surface for painting. Describe your actions.
14. You have shipboard training. The Chief Engineer/Bosun wants to be sure that you
can work safely. Show your competence and tell him about personal protective
equipment should be worn while working in the oxygen deficient areas.
15. Your friend is going to the interview. He wants your advice on how to behave and
what to wear.
16. You work on a passenger liner. Your relative has come to visit you. Familiarize
him with the accommodations and the other ship spaces which can be of interest
to him.
17. Safety on board is very important. What are your responsibilities on this matter?
18. You are going to work on small cargo ship. How many crewmembers do you
expect to work within your department? What are they responsible for?
19. Having received a certificate of AB/motorman/electrician your friend is looking
for a job. Unfortunately, he has lost the list of documents. Help your friend: tell
him what documents are usually required at the crewing agencies.
20. You have shipboard training. Your parents are worried about you and want to
know what you do there. Tell them about sailor’s typical working day.
21. You work on a multi-purpose ship. A group of visitors has come on board your
ship. Familiarize visitors with the accommodations and the other ship spaces.
22. A pilot has come on board your ship. Discuss all the dimensions of your ship with
23. You have the chance not to study English. Will you take the chance? What
language would you study? Why do seamen study English?
24. Speak about types of packages and their use. What is the best package for sugar,
cotton, timber, tea, wine, chemicals, and electrical goods?
25. You work on board a container ship. It’s January. Your ship is leaving Oslo,
Norway to carry the cargo to Lagos, Nigeria. To what load line should the ship be
loaded in Oslo? How will the draught change between the port of departure and
the port of destination?
26. What ship dimensions do you know? Explain what they mean and name the units
they are measured in.
27. You’re going to assist Bosun with some operations on deck. What safety clothes
will you put on?
28. Speak on how you see yourself in 10 years (your position, your status etc.)
29. The Bosun wants to be sure that you can work safely. Show your competence and
say what personal protective equipment you know and how to use them.
30. You have shipboard training. Your parents are worried about you and want to
know what you do there. Tell them about watchkeeping procedures.
6. Рекомендована література
6.1 Основна література
1. Soars Lizand John. Headway. Elementary. Student’s Book. Third edition. –
Oxford Univ. Press, 2001. – 160 p.
2. Soars Lizand John, Wheeldon Sylvia. New Headway. Elementary:Workbook
with keys. Thirdedition. – OxfordUniv. Press, 2001. –89p.
3. Ивасюк Н.А., Мороха Н.В., Цобенко О.В. English for Maritime Cadets:
Учебное пособие. –Одесса: Феникс, 2005. – 208 с.
4. Кудрявцева В.Ф., Бобришева Н.М., Бохан Ю.В., Мороз О.Л., Петровська
Ю.В., СорочинськаО.О., Чернікова В.О. Welcome Aboard:Student’s Book.
Видання п’яте, доповнене і перероблене. – Херсон: ТОВ «ВКФ «СТАР»
ЛТД». - 2014. – 238 с.
5. Blakey T.N. English for Maritime Studies. Second edition. – Cambridge Univ.
Press: Prentice Hall, 1987. – 288 p.
6. MARPOL. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
7. SOLAS. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974
8. STCW. International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and
Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1995 (amended in 2010).

6.2Додаткова література
9. Ануфриева Л.Н., Стрелков А.Ю. English for Engine-Room Matters/
Английский для машинной команды судна: Уч. пособие. – Владивосток:
Мор. гос. ун-т, 2004. – 149 с.
10. Голіцинський Ю.Б. Граматика: Збірник вправ. – К.: Арій, 2008. – 544 с.
11. Кущ Т.Ю., Воловник М.С. Основы английского языка для студентов
электриков: Уч. пособие. - Одесса: Феникс, 2004. - 68 с.
12. Малецкая И.А. Practical English (for maritime cadets): Уч. пособие. - Одесса:
Феникс, 2004. - 68 с.
13. Сморочинская Е.А. Interview Questions. – Херсон: ФОП Грінь Д.С., 2011. –
56 с.
14. Beaumont D., Granger C. The Heinemann ELT English Grammar: Учебное
пособие. –К.: Методика, 2000. - 352 с.
15. Misztal M. Tests in English. Thematic Vocabulary. – Warszawa: Wydawnictwa
Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, 1997. – 351 p.
16. Misztal M. Tests in English. Thematic Vocabulary. – Warszawa: Wydawnictwa
Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, 1996. – 176 p.
17. Misztal M. Tests in English. Word-Formation. – Warszawa: Wydawnictwa
Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, 3rd ed., 2008. – 232 p.
18. Murphy R. Essential Grammar in Use. A self-study reference and practice book
for elementary students of English. – Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1990. – 254p.
19. Murphy R. Essential Grammar in Use. A self-study reference and practice book
for intermediate students of English. – Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1988. – 272p.
20. Taylor D.A. Introduction to Marine Engineering. Second edition. – Elsevier
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2003. – 383 p.




Варіант №

студента ______________________________________________________
(прізвище, ініціали)
Група ____


Дата надходження: __________

Дата перевірки: __________

Оцінка: ___________________

Підпис викладача: _________

Херсон – 2016
I. Read the text.
Depending on the principle of a ship's organization and type of power plant, the
engine department with the chief engineer at the head can include assistant
engineers, electrical engineers, refrigeration engineers, motormen - oilers, wipers,
turner, welder and electricians. Most of those staff keep engineering watches,
others work a day shift.
Engine department personnel operates, maintains and repairs internal
combustion engines, boilers, steam turbines and main propulsion transmission.
Refrigeration and air conditioning system, as well as maintenance and repair of
machine shop equipment also are their responsibilities. Engine department
personnel participates in emergency repair parties when damage control activities
are carried out.
The Chief Engineer is in command of the engine department and engineering
personnel. He is responsible for all ship's machinery and control systems
(excluding electronic navigational aids and external communications equipment).
He must ensure proper operation, maintenance and repair of the machinery,
equipment and control systems.
The 1st Assistant Engineer (or Second Engineer Officer) is the officer next in
rank to the chief engineer. He is responsible for daily activities of the engine room
personnel. He supervises maintenance and repair work, maintains preventive
maintenance records.
The 2nd Assistant Engineer (or Third Engineer Officer) is a watchstanding
officer in an attended engine room or duty engineer in a periodically unattended
engine room. His additional duties include responsibility for the prime engines of
the generating sets - gensets, fuel fill, storage and transfer system, air compressors,
air conditioner and refrigerating plant. He is usually assigned to the function of the
person in charge of bunkering operations.
The Electric Staff install, maintain and repair alternators, electric motors,
searchlights, general lighting and power distribution system. They trace and repair
defects in wiring using electrician's hand tools and electrical measuring

II. Give the definition to the words from the box:

welder oiler wiper responsible electrician
maintenance watch personnel engine room
department The Third Engineer

1. The position is one of the most junior crewmembers in the engine room of a
ship. He oils the machinery.
2. The most junior crewmember in the engine room of a ship. His duty consists of
cleaning the engine spaces and machinery, and assisting the engineers as
3. Term is a tradesman who specializes in welding materials together.
4. A tradesman specializes in electrical wiring of buildings, stationary machines
and related equipment.
5. Dependable, reliable; accountable, liable
6. Upkeep, repairs; livelihood, means of support.
7. Crew or persons on duty.
8. Staff, work force; team, crew.
9. An organizational unit aboard a ship that is responsible for the operating,
maintaining and repairing the propulsion systems and the support systems for
crew, passengers and cargo. It is also responsible for repairing and maintaining
other systems on ship.
10.A licensed member of the engineering department on a merchant vessel. He is
usually in charge of boilers, fuel, auxiliary engines, condensate and feed

III. Find the wrong information and write the correct variant.
1. Because of Chief ngineer s responsibility for all ship s machinery he is in
charge of electronic aids and communicative equipment.
2. After graduating from the academy a man is ready to take position of the
Second Engineer.
3. Usually Electric Engineer is assigned to the function of the person in charge
of bunkering operations.
4. Maintenance and repair alternators, electric motors, searchlights, general
lighting and power distribution system are the wiper s responsibilities.
5. Engine department personnel never participates in emergency repair parties.
Navigators take part in all repair parties alone.

IV. Make a plan of the text "Duties of the engine room personnel" and retell

V. Copy the sentence without a spelling mistake.
1. Engine department personnel participates in emergency repair partys when
damage control activities are carried out.
2. The engine department included refridgeration engineers in the past.
3. Engine, boilers and main propalsion transmission are operated and
maintained by engine department personnel.
4. The Chief Engineer is in comand of the engine department and engineering
5. The Third Engineer is usualy assigned to the function of the person in charge
of bunkering operations.
6. The Third Engineer additional dutys include responsibility for the prime
engines of the generate sets, fuel fill, storage and transfer system, air
compressors, air conditioner and refrigerating plant.
7. The Chief Engineer must ensure proper operation, maintenance and repair of
the machinery, ekwuipment and control systems.
8. The engine department with the chief engineer at the head can include
assistant engineers, electric engineers, refrigeration engineers, motormen -
oilers, waipers, turner, welder and electricians.
9. Engine department personel operates, maintains and repairs internal
combustion engines, boilers, steam turbines and main propulsion
10.Refridgeration and air conditioning system, as well as maintenance and
repair of machine shop equipment also are their responsibilities.

VI. Put a verb in brackets into correct form. Write down the completed
sentence into native language.
1. Usually the Second Engineer ..... the ship log. (keep).
2. In winter the deckhands ......all decks from snow and ice. (clean).
3. I .......just a can of oil over the floor. (spill)
4. The cargo in holds 1 and 2 ......already to starboard. (shift).
5. Fire aboard! All personnel .......the watertight doors by hands. (open).
6. The Chief Engineer ......the steering gear at the moment. (exam).
7. Once a month the motormen ......fuel oil and lubricating oil. (not, check).
8. Motormen .......machinery space ventilation this month to ensure their
smooth rapid closing. (grease).
9. The ships which arrived today ......the Atlantic. (cross).
10.Look out!. The cargo .......right now. (fall).

VII. Make the sentences Passive. Copy them in Passive and interpret in native
1. The Bosun repairs deck machinery.
2. Skippers ran the vessels.
3. The burning fuel transferred the heat to the metal.
4. Scavenging air obtains the rotary motion.
5. During launching the superintendant will verify all equipment and
conditions aboard.
6. The engine usually makes two revolutions.
7. At the bottom of the cylinder there are scavenging ports.
8. The piston products the combustion.
9. The thermostat directed greater part of the water to the cooler.
10.The four strikes comprise two complete revolutions of the crank.
VIII. Fill in the gaps from the reference list.

will be able to (2) may (2) must(2)

can (2)
shall be built could mustn’t

1. The vessel .......... leave the port on Monday.

2. ……… I take a multimeter? I ........... measure the voltage.
3. My father .......... show us his ship next Sunday.
4. A cadet Electrical Engineer ............ check the circuit for continuity.
5. He ............ measure the insulation resistance with a megohmeter.
6. Under the contract the new ice-breaker ............. next year.
7. This man ............ swim well many years ago.
8. ......... I go to the navigating bridge? – No, you ..............
9. The electrician ............. always connect a voltmeter in parallel with the circuit
when measuring voltage.
10. The electrical engineer ........ carry out required preventive maintenance.
IX. Make questions starting with the word in brackets.
1. The Third Engineer is usually assigned to the function of the person in
charge of bunkering operations. (When?)
2. Electric engineers trace and repair defects in wiring using electrician's hand
tools and electrical measuring instruments. (When?)
3. Engine department personnel participates in emergency repair parties when
damage control activities are carried out. (When?)
4. Chief Engineer must ensure proper operation, maintenance and repair of the
machinery, equipment and control systems. (What?)
5. The engine department with the chief engineer at the head can include
assistant engineers, electrical engineers, refrigeration engineers, motormen -
oilers, wipers, turner, welder and electricians. (What positions?)
6. The 2nd Assistant Engineer (or Third Engineer Officer) is a watchstanding
officer in an attended engine room or duty engineer in a periodically
unattended engine room. (How often?)
7. The Second Engineer supervises maintenance and repair work, maintains
preventive maintenance records. (What?)
8. He is responsible for all ship's machinery and control systems (excluding
electronic navigational aids and external communications equipment). (What
9. Depending on the principle of a ship's organization and type of power plant,
the engine department with the chief engineer at the head can include
assistant engineers, electrical engineers, refrigeration engineers, motormen -
oilers, wipers, turner, welder and electricians.(How many?)
10.His additional duties include responsibility for the prime engines of the
generating sets - gensets, fuel fill, storage and transfer system, air
compressors, air conditioner and refrigerating plant. (What?)

X. Write a CV according to plan.
General layout of a curriculum vitae/resume
Family name.
First name.
Address, telephone number, E-mail address.
Date and place of birth.
Civil status.
Education and training (where and when, mention degree(s) and certificates that
you have acquired).
Present position and employer (with details about work, time of entry etc.).
Key qualifications.
Transferable skills (skills similar to the job you are applying for).
Language skills.
Additional skills.
Membership organizations.
References available on request.
XI. Write a cover letter.
*Cover letter is a letter that you send with something to explain about what you
are or to give more information about yourself.


I. Read the text.
You have got an interview for a job in a famous Shipping Company - it is
good. Now for the hard work. First of all you have to prepare the personal profile.
This outlines the personal characteristics, e.g.:
" An experienced Chief Officer, English language and computer proficient.
Quick to learn and skilled at work with people and initiating appropriate actions,
capable, evaluating critical and conflicting situations." " A well-organized reliable
deck officer with extensive knowledge of good sea practice and experience gained
on board large and small vessels. Hardworking and trustworthy, English language
and computer proficient."
The career profile statements concentrate on career highlights. e.g.:
"A highly competent the Second Engineer with a through knowledge,
understanding and proficiency in engineering, ship operation and bunkering and
specific experience in refrigerating shipping. A successful engine room officer
with a proved track record in shipboard practice."
In career objectives you have to state what position you are going to receive. "
Newly chartered Chief Engineer with 10 years experience on board Bulgarian
cargo vessels as the Second Engineer looking for a position of Chief Engineer
where knowledge, qualifications and skills will contribute towards the company's
Nowadays all manning companies, establishments and organizations have their
own application forms prepared, which applicants are to fulfill legibly and clearly.
General application forms contain three main sections: education, qualification,
employment history and personal information. Employment application forms for
ship personnel differ from the general ones in that they contain more sections,
namely: personal particulars including family members (next of kin), S.T.C.W.
courses certificates, basic academic qualification, summary of experience, on
board what ship and engine, equipment worked with, details of previous sea
service, name of type of ship and engine, DWT, rank, period of service, name of

II. Give the definition to the words from the box:

next of kin application form DWT position
proficient experience manning company career
evaluate personnel
1. Person's nearest relative.
2. Profession; fast run.
3. Knowledge obtained by doing; something that one has lived through
4. Expert, having superior knowledge of a certain field; adept, skilled;
5. Blank, act of applying; request; implementation; persistence, diligence.
6. Post, job.
7. Appraise, judge the worth or quality.
8. An expression of a ship's carrying capacity, including the weight of the
crew, passengers, cargo, fuel, ballast, drinking water, and stores.
9. Crewing agency, employment office.
IІI. Find the wrong information and write the correct variant.
1. It is not accepted to state what position you are going to receive.
2. In a personal profile one concretes his own career interests and goals.
3. mployment application forms for ship personnel doesn’t include
information about seaman s personal profile.
4. If you fulfill personal profile, write your CV and application form, you
may not attend the interview with the employer.
5. A man hunting his job doesn’t specify his employment history, the
employer is interested in you now only.
IV. Make a plan of the text "Job hunting" and retell it.

V. Copy the sentence without a spelling mistake.

1. Chief Engineer contributes his nowledge, qualifications and skills towards the
company's goals.
2. Employment application forms for ship personnel differ from the general ones
in that they contain more sections, namely: personnal particulars including
family members (next of kin).
3. Nowadays all maning companies, establishments and organizations have their
own application forms.
4. A wellorganized reliable deck officer with extensive knowledge of good sea
practice and experience gained on board large and small vessels.
5. Employment application forms for ship personnel includes family members
(next kin), S.T.C.W. curses certificates, basic academic qualification, summary
of experience, etc.
6. You have got an intervew for a job in a famous shipping company - good.
7. Newly chartered Chief Engineer with 10 years expeerience on board Bulgarian
cargo vessels as the Second Engineer looking for a position of Chief Engineer.
8. Chief Officer, English language and computer profishient.
9. He is quick to learn and skiled at work with people and initiating appropriate
actions, capable, evaluating critical and conflicting situations.
10.You have got an interview for a job in a famous sheepping company - it is

VI. Put a verb in brackets into correct form. Write down the completed
sentence into native language.
1. Look, Chief Engineer! The exhaust temperature one cylinder.
2. Crewmembers ......seldom......every five pushbuttons alarms, a different one
during each test. (test)
3. The multi-deck vessels loading in the port ...........the Suez Canal today.
4. The chief mate .........the radar at the moment. (watch).
5. Usually the chief engineer ...........responsible for bunkering operations.(be).
6. The cook always ......ashore for supplies. (go).
7. I need helping hands. A fuel pump piston ......... (leak).
8. Some very long stroke engines .......a max speed of around 80revs/min.
9. Often cargo vessels ......the superstructure on the bow. ........the holds already, inspector? (inspect).

VII. Make the sentences Passive. Copy them in Passive and interpret in native
1. The ferry reached Madrid.
2. The sailors will elaborate the mooring equipment.
3. The Master ensures safe operation.
4. The piston products the combustion.
5. Oil cooled the piston of the engine.
6. The engineers performed the loop scavenging system in MAN engines.
7. The air flows into the cylinder and pushes the exhaust gases out.
8. The donkeymen will repair the ship.
9. Entering the port master calls for the pilot.
10.The motormen will use sea water for cooling oil.
VIII. Fill in the gaps from the reference list.
can will be able to will have to may mustn’t had to can
are able to shouldn’t must

1. Protective means ............... protect an Electrician from electric shock hazard.

2. The vessel ............. leave the port on Monday.
3. I’m afraid we ............. wait for loading too as the port is overcrowded.
4. ........ I go to the navigating bridge? – No, you .................
5. Our ship ............ stay at the port longer than it was planned.
6. .......... you help me to find out the trouble and to eliminate it?
7. He ........... measure the insulation resistance with a megohmeter.
8. The electrician ............. always connect an ammeter is series with the circuit
when measuring current.
9. The electrical engineer ................. carry out required preventive maintenance.
10. You ............. use this tool for turning screws.
IX. Make questions starting with the word in brackets.
1. First of all you have to prepare the personal profile. (What?)
2. The Second Engineer with 10 years experience on board Bulgarian cargo
vessels is looking for a position of Chief Engineer (What type?)
3. Nowadays all manning companies, establishments and organizations have their
own application forms prepared, which applicants are to fulfill legibly and
clearly. (How?)
4. A successful engine room officer with a proven track record in shipboard
practice. (Where?)
5. A well-organized reliable deck officer with extensive knowledge of good sea
practice and experience gained on board ore bulkers. (What ship?)
6. Newly chartered Chief Engineer with 10 years experience on board Bulgarian
cargo vessels as the Second Engineer looking for a position of Chief . (How
7. The career profile statements concentrate on career highlights. (What?)
8. General application forms contain three main sections: education, qualification,
employment history and personal information. (What sections?)
9. There are three main documents for appliance for a job - the personal profile,
the career profile statements, the career objectives. (How many?)
10.Nowadays all manning companies, establishments and organizations have their
own application forms prepared, which applicants are to fulfill legibly and
clearly. (What?)

X. Write a CV according to plan.

General layout of a curriculum vitae/resume

Family name.
First name.
Address, telephone number, E-mail address.
Date and place of birth.
Civil status.
Education and training (where and when, mention degree(s) and certificates that
you have acquired).
Present position and employer (with details about work, time of entry etc.).
Key qualifications.
Transferable skills (skills similar to the job you are applying for).
Language skills.
Additional skills.
Membership organizations.
References available on request.
XI. Write a cover letter*.
*Cover letter is a letter that you send with something to explain about what you
are or to give more information about yourself.


I. Read the text.
Merchant ships are designed to carry cargo. The cargo which they carry may be
divided into two basic types - bulk cargo and general cargo. The former consists of
a single cargo which is usually carried loose. The latter consists of variety of goods
packed separately Bulk cargo is carried in specially designed vessels. Bulk cargo
presents a lot of problems with their stowage, because each item is different in
shape and size, has its own type of packaging and characteristics.
Cargo carried in bulk may be divided into liquid or dry bulk cargo. Liquid bulk
cargo is carried in tankers. Most are designed to carry crude oil or its refined
products, such as fuel oils. Dry bulk cargo is carried in bulk carriers. The cargo,
which includes grain, iron-ore, coal, sugar is carried in self-trimming holds.
General cargo can be divided into containerized, non-containerized and
refrigerated cargo. Cargo which is non containerized presents a lot of problems
with their stowage, because each item is different in shape and size, has its will
taint delicate odour as tea or rice. own type of packaging and characteristics.
Goods may be in bales, drums, bags or cases. Individual pieces of machinery that
are large and awkward may not be packed at all. Cargo with a strong odour, as
tobacco and rubber. Dusty cargo such as cement or fertilizer, leave a residue
behind them. Heavy cargoes must not be stowed on the top of fragile ones.
To solve this problem many types of cargo are now being put into container.
They are stowed above and below the deck. Perishable cargo are transported in
refrigerators. Refrigerated cargo is stowed in the same way as general cargo.

II. Give the definition to the words from the box:

liquid stowage fertilizer refrigerator
general cargo container perishable bale
fragile bulk
1. A tanker (or tank ship or tankship) is a ship designed to transport liquids in
bulk .
2. A large standard size metal box into which cargo is packed for shipment
3. A marine term referring to loading freight into the ships' holds.
4. A large bundle bound for storage or transport
5. Easily broken,
6. Expendable; spoils rapidly
7. Organic or chemical substance added to soil to enrich it
8. A cargo ship or freighter is any sort of ship or vessel that carries cargo,
goods, and materials from one port to another.
9. A refrigerator (or reefer) ship is a type of ship typically used to transport
perishable commodities which require temperature control.
10.Сargo shipped in loose condition and of a homogeneous nature. Cargoes that
are shipped unpackaged either dry, such as grain and ore, or liquid, such as
petroleum products.


III. Find the wrong information and write the correct variant.

1. Bulk cargo is carried and packed separately.

2. The ship owners prefer to manage the transportation of non-containerized
3. Because of a strong odour it is not convenient to use containers aboard.
4. When ship carriers fragile cargo, its items are taken place in cabins.
5. Cement, fertilizer and grain are perishable goods, stowing in the holds.

IV. Make a plan to the text "Types of cargo"

V. Copy the sentence without a spelling mistake.

1. Bulk cargo presents a lot of problems with their stovage, because each item is
different in shape and size, has its own type of packaging and characteristics.
2. Likwuid bulk cargo is carried in tankers.
3. Perishable cargo are transported in refridgerators.
4. The general cargo consists of varyty of goods packed separately.
5. Each item is different in shape and size, has its own type of pakaging and
6. Merchant ships are designed to cary cargo.
7. Cargo carried in bulk may be divided into liquid or dry bulk cargo. Liquid
bulk cargo is carried in tankes.
8. The cargo, which includes grain, iron-ore, coal, shugar is carried in self-
trimming holds.
9. Dusty cargo such as cement or fertilaizer, leave a residue behind them.
10.The containers are stowed abow and below the deck.


VI. Put a verb in brackets into correct form. Write down the completed
sentence into native language.

1. Often cargo vessels ………..the superstructure on the bow (have).

2. That guy as usual ……..all cranes, hatches and other ship's mechanisms.
3. As a rule the propulsion machinery ……….the boilers, the propulsion
turbines, the condensers, the reduction gears, the pumps and the blowers
etc. (include)
4. Usually the Chief Engineer ………..responsible for all bunkering
operations. (be)
5. The container …………….the goods from pilfering. (protect)
6. I …………….. just a can of oil over the floor. (spill)
7. The crewmembers ………………..fires with some fire extinguishers
already. (put out)
8. The cargo in holds 1 and 2 ………………. to starboard. (shift)
9. ……………. you the holds already, port inspector? (inspect)
10. The Chief ngineer …………………..the steering gear at the moment.


VII. Make the sentences Passive. Copy them in Passive and interpret in native
1. The electricians examine the electrical equipment every day.
2. Many ships visit the port of Kherson.
3. Admiral Makarov built the ice-breaker Jermak in 1899.
4. The doctor examined the seaman on board a ship yesterday.
5. The quantity of electricity measures the capacitor of the conductor.
6. An axial flow pump uses a screw propeller to accelerate the liquid.
7. He checked and adjusted the valve.
8. I will find the trouble and eliminate it.
9. The 3rd Engineer opened the air cocks vents one minute ago.
10.An adjustable relief valve protects the pumps against excessive pressure.


VIII. Fill in the gaps from the reference list.

can’t may could must(2) will
have to
will be able to is able to shouldn’t is to
had to

1. I .......... find out the trouble. .............. you help me?

2. I wanted to work on board a dry cargo vessel but I ............ work on board a
3. You ........... wait a little. The customs officers will come only in 2 hours.
4. I’m afraid we ............. wait for loading too as the port is overcrowded.
5. My father .............. show us his ship next Sunday.
6. The cadets .............. attend the classes regularly.
7. Our company .............. overcome the measuring instruments in time.
8. The electrical engineer .............. carry out required preventive maintenance.
9. The electrical engineer ............... be under the supervision of the chief engineer.
10. Our ship ............ stay at the port longer than it was planned.

IX. Make questions starting with the word in brackets.

1. Bulk cargo presents a lot of problems with their stowage, because each item is
different in shape and size, has its own type of packaging and characteristics
2. Cargo carried in bulk may be divided into liquid or dry bulk cargo (How?).
3. The refers are stowed above and below the deck (Where?).
4. Liquid bulk cargo is carried in tankers (Where?).
5. General cargo can be divided into containerized, non-containerized and
refrigerated cargo.
6. The cargo, which includes grain, iron-ore, coal, sugar is carried in self-
trimming holds (Where?).
7. Cargo which is non containerized presents a lot of problems with their
stowage, because each item is different in shape and size, has its will taint
delicate odour as tea or rice. own type of packaging and characteristics.
8. Dusty cargo such as cement or fertilizer, leave a residue behind them. (What?)
9. Heavy cargoes must not be stowed on the top of fragile ones.(Where?)
10.Refrigerated cargo is stowed in the same way as general cargo (How?).


X. Write a CV according to the plan.

General layout of a curriculum vitae/resume

Family name.
First name
Address, telephone number, E-mail address
Date and place of birth
Civil status
Education and training (where and when, mentioned degree, certificates that you
have acquired)
Present position and employer (with details about work, time of entry, etc)
Key qualification
Transferable skills (skills similar to the job you are applying for)
Language skills
Additional skills (computer skills)
Membership of organizations
References available on request

XI. Write a cover letter*.

*Cover letter is a letter that you send with something to explain about what you
are or to give more information about yourself.



I. Read the text.


Merchant Shipping Regulations require employers to ensure that every man
aboard who may be at risk from a specified work process is supplied with suitable
protective clothing and equipment.
Overalls, gloves and suitable footwear are the proper working dress for most
about the ship, but they may not give adequate protection.
Protective cloths and equipment does nothing to reduce the hazard, it merely
sets up a frail barrier against it. Defective or infective equipment provide no
defence. They should b maintained at all times, should be kept clear and should be
disinfected for health reasons.
A responsible officer should inspect protective equipment at regular intervals
and in all cases before and after use. He should ensure that it is properly stowed in
a safe place. All personnel who may use protective equipment should be trained in
its use and advised of its limitations.
Personal protective clothing and equipment can be classified as follows: Head
protection (safety helmets against falling objects or abnormal heat or crushing,
bump caps against bruising, abrasion and minor knocks, hair net and hard caps
against hair entrapped in the engine machine); Hearing protection (ear plugs,
disposal and permanent ear muffs); Face and eye protection (goggles, facial shields
to protect when gas or electric welding, exposure to chemicals and foreign bodies);
Respiratory protective equipment (dust respirators, cartridge type respirators,
canister type respirators, breathing apparatus), Hand and foot protection (gloves –
leather, heat resistance, safety boots to protect against impact, slipping, heat and
crushing); Body protection (safety belts, harness (belt with shock absorber), aprons
to protect against contaminating or corrosive substances); Protection against
drowning when there is a risk of falling or being washed overboard (lifejackets,
buoyancy aids and liferafts).

II. Give the definition to the words from the box:

liferaft, goggles, gloves, ear muffs, lifejacket, ensure,
facial shield, safety harness, shock absorber

1. A small, rigid or inflatable boat carried for emergency evacuation from a

2. The forms of protecting eyewear usually enclose and protect the area
surrounding the eye to prevent particulates, water or chemicals from striking
the eyes.
3. The garment designed to cover the whole hand.
4. The objects designed to cover the ears for protection from noise.
5. A type of personnel floating device to keep a person airway clear of the
6. To make sure or certain, to make safe or secure.
7. A device serves to protect one's face from potential impact hazards,
chemical splashes or possible infectious fluid.
8. A form of protection equipment designed to protect a person.
9. A mechanical device designed to smooth out or damp shock impulse.
10.A type of helmet protect the head from injury by falling objects, electrical
shock, debris.


III. Find the wrong information and write the correct variant.

1. You don’t need special protective clothing and equipment any time.
Overalls, gloves and suitable footwear are the proper working dress.
2. To know how to use any protective clothing and equipment a sailor need
read the instructions only.
3. During cargo loading a seaman has to wear a hard cap.
4. It is quite possible to wear goggles when you are welding.
5. A cook wear an apron on board the ship only.

IV. Make a plan of the text "Protective clothing equipment" and retell it.

V. Copy the sentence without a spelling mistake.

1. Facial shields are used to protect a person when he works with gas or
electric welding and kemicals.
2. Wear gluves to protect against impact, slipping, heat and crushing).
3. To protection against drowning when there is a risk of falling or being
washed overboard – use lifejackets, buoyancy aids and life crafts.
4. Overalls and suitable feetwear are the proper working dress for most about
the ship.
5. All personnel who may use protective equipment should be trained in its
use and adviced of its limitations.
6. Safety helmets are used against falling objects or abnormal hit or crushing.
7. Goggles can be used to protect against chemicals and foreign bodys.
8. Head protection includes safety helmets, bump caps against bruising,
abrasion and minor nocks, hair net and hard caps.
9. Merchant Shipping Regulations require employers to ensure that every man
aboard who may be at risk from a specifyed work process is supplied with
suitable protective clothing and equipment.
10. Safety boots are used to protect against impact, sleepping, heat and


VI. Put a verb in brackets into correct form. Write down the completed
sentence into native language.

1. Often cargo vessels ………..the superstructure on the bow (have).

2. That guy as usual ……..all cranes, hatches and other ship's mechanisms.
3. As a rule the propulsion machinery ……….the boilers, the propulsion
turbines, the condensers, the reduction gears, the pumps and the blowers
etc. (include)
4. Usually the Chief ngineer ………..responsible for all bunkering
operations. (be)
5. The container …………….the goods from pilfering. (protect)
6. I …………….. just a can of oil over the floor. (spill)
7. The crewmembers ………………..fires with some fire extinguishers
already. (put out)
8. The cargo in holds 1 and 2 ………………. to starboard. (shift)
9. ……………. you the holds already, port inspector? (inspect)
10.The Chief ngineer …………………..the steering gear at the moment.


VII. Make the sentences Passive. Copy them in Passive and interpret in
native language.

1. The electricians examine the electrical equipment every day.

2. Many ships visit the port of Kherson.
3. Admiral Makarov built the ice-breaker Jermak in 1899.
4. The doctor examined the seaman on board a ship yesterday.
5. The quantity of electricity measures the capacitor of the conductor.
6. An axial flow pump uses a screw propeller to accelerate the liquid.
7. He checked and adjusted the valve.
8. I will find the trouble and eliminate it.
9. The 3rd Engineer opened the air cocks vents one minute ago.
10. An adjustable relief valve protects the pumps against excessive pressure.

VIII. Fill in the gaps from the reference list.

had to (2) can must will have to may (2)

mustn’t could can’t should be earthen
1. Our ship ................ stay at the port longer than it was planned.
2. ................ you help me to find out the trouble and to eliminate it?
3. All the electrical equipment ..............
4. We ............. wait long for unloading yesterday.
5. You ............. wait a little. The customs officers will come only in 2 hours.
6. I’m afraid we ............... wait for loading too as the port is overcrowded.
7. ............ I go to the navigating bridge? – No, you ...............
8. I wanted to work on board a dry cargo vessel but I ............... work on board a
9. I .............. find out the trouble. ................. you help me?
10. The electrician .................. always connect an ammeter is series with the circuit
when measuring current.

IX. Make questions starting with the word in brackets.

1. A responsible officer should inspect protective equipment at regular intervals

and in all cases before and after use. (Who?)
2. Protective equipment should b maintained at all times, should be kept clear and
should be disinfected for health reasons. (What?)
3. Merchant Shipping Regulations require employers to ensure that every man
aboard who may be at risk from a specified work process is supplied with
suitable protective clothing and equipment.
4. (Why?)
5. Head protection includes safety helmets against falling objects or abnormal heat
or crushing. (When?)
6. Hair net and hard caps are used to prevent hair entrapped in the engine
machine. (Why?)
7. To protect from drowning or a risk of falling or being washed overboard
crewmembers use lifejackets, buoyancy aids and liferafts. (What?)
8. Respiratory protective equipment is divided into dust respirators, cartridge type
respirators, canister type respirators, breathing apparatus. (What types?)
9. All personnel who may use protective equipment should be trained in its use
and advised of its limitations. (What?)
10. Facial shields are used to protect when gas or electric welding, exposure to
chemicals and foreign bodies (When?).


X. Write a CV according to the plan.

General layout of a curriculum vitae/resume

Family name.
First name
Address, telephone number, E-mail address
Date and place of birth
Civil status
Education and training (where and when, mentioned degree, certificates that you
have acquired)
Present position and employer (with details about work, time of entry, etc)
Key qualification
Transferable skills (skills similar to the job you are applying for)
Language skills
Additional skills (computer skills)
Membership of organizations
References available on request

XI. Write a cover letter*.

*Cover letter is a letter that you send with something to explain about what you
are or to give more information about yourself.



I. Read the text.

In order to ensure the safety of the ship's personnel it is necessary that all
members of the ship pay attention to and strictly observe the rules and regulations.
First of all the crewmembers should observe the rules of safe movement on
board ship. Where necessary for safety, on decks it should be delineated by painted
lines and indicated by pictorial signs. Spillage of oil or grease should be cleaned up
as soon as possible. Temporary obstacles can also be dangerous and if they are to
be there for some time their presence has to be indicated by appropriate warning
signs. Litter and loose objects, e.g. tools, should not be left lying around. Wires
and ropes must be stowed and coiled so as to cause least obstruction. Lighting has
to bee reasonably constant and arranged to minimize glare and dazzle. Any
hatchway open for the purpose of handling cargo or stores through a person may
fall down should be closed as soon as all operations are finished. Suitable hand-
holds are provided at the top and at any intermediate landing place of all fixed
ladders. No one should attempt to pass through a watertight door when it is closing
or the warning bell is sounding. The aim of safety net is to minimize the risk of
injury arising from falling between the ship and the quay or between the quay and
the deck. No access equipment should be painted in such a way as to conceal any
cracks or defects. A rope ladder must be used only for the purpose to access
between the ship with high freeboard and the ship with low freeboard or the ship
and the boat.
Transit areas should have slip-resistant surfaces. When at sea any gear or
equipment stowed to the side of a passageway or walkway should be securely fixed
or lashed against the ship's movement.
Safety signs, which include hazard warnings, should be used whenever a
hazard or obstruction exists.
Maintenance of ship's powered vehicles and powered mobile lifting
appliances should be undertaken in accordance with manufacturers' instructions by
a person authorized to operate them.

II. Give the definition to the words from the box:

hatchway hazard freeboard coil glare

spillage fixed ladder observe slip-resistant
1. A situation that poses a level of threat to life, health, property or
2. The loss of production output.
3. A vertical gangway mounted permanently fly to a structure.
4. The height of ship's deck above the water level.
5. To wind or gather into loops or to be formed in such loops.
6. A passage or an opening leading to the hold.
7. To shine intensely and blindingly.
8. To become aware of rules, especially through careful and directed
9. Opposite to tending to cause sliding.
10.Damage or harm done to or suffered by a person or thing.


III. Find the wrong information and write the correct variant.

1. It is important the lamps at night give their shine intensely on decks.

2. After loading the sailors leave hatchways opened to air.
3. Approaching to any port Master orders to use a rope ladder.
4. It is necessary to produce slip-resistant surfaces only in holds to prevent falling
5. After mending sailors leave their tools nearby windlass, they need them
tomorrow morning.


IV. Make a plan of the text "Safety aboard" and retell it.


V. Copy the sentence without a spelling mistake.

1. No one should attempt to pass through a water tight door when it is closing or
the warning bell is sounding.
2. Transit areas should have sliping resistant surfaces.
3. A rope lader must be used to access between the ship with high freeboard and
the ship with low freeboard or the ship and the boat.
4. Speelage of oil or grease should be cleaned up as soon as possible.
5. Wires and ropes must be stowed and coiled so as to cause leest obstruction.
6. The aim of safety net is to minimize the risk of injury arising from falling
between the ship and the quey.
7. In order to ensure the safety of the ship's personel it is necessary that all
members of the ship pay attention to and strictly observe the rules and
8. Any hachway open for the purpose of handling cargo or stores through a
person may fall down should be closed as soon as all operations are finished.
9. Maintenance of ship's powered vehicles and powered mobile lifting appliances
should be undertaken in accordance with manufacturers' instructions by a
person othorized to operate them.
10.No access equipment should be painted in such a way as to conceal any kracks
or defects.

VI. Put a verb in brackets into correct form. Write down the completed
sentence into native language.
1. The container ……… the goods from pilfering. (protect)
2. Odorous cargoes ……fumes. (give off)
3. The fleet already……… in the left river branch. (accommodate)
4. The Third ngineer lately ……..all defective hoses. (replaced)
5. I need helping hands. A fuel pump piston……. (leak).
6. Do you hear? The pistons in the starting in the starting air distributor ……..
7. The Chief ngineer …….. the steering gear at the moment. (examine)
8. All deckhands …….. lifeboats right now. (paint)
9. Once a month motormen …………. fuel oil and lubricating oil. (not check)
10.About 99% of modern ships ……… diesel reciprocating engines. (use)


VII. Make the sentences Passive. Copy them in Passive and interpret in native
1. The ferry reached Madrid.
2. The sailors will elaborate the mooring equipment.
3. The Master ensures safe operations.
4. The Bosun repairs deck machines.
5. The donkeymen will repair the ship.
6. Skippers ran the vessels.
7. The Second Officer marked points on chart.
8. Fresh water cooled the piston.
9. The burning fuel transferred the heat to the metal.
10.Sea water cooled the scavenging air.

VIII. Fill in the gaps from the reference list.

can’t may could must(2) will have to will be

able to
is able to shouldn’t is to had to

1. I …….. find out the trouble. ……. you help me?

2. I wanted to work on board a dry cargo vessel but I …… work on board a bulk-
3. You ……. wait a little. The customs officers will come only in 2 hours.
4. I’m afraid we ……… wait for loading too as the port is overcrowded.
5. My father …….. show us his ship next Sunday.
6. The cadets ……. attend the classes regularly.
7. Our company …….. overcome the measuring instruments in time.
8. The electrical engineer …….. carry out required preventive maintenance.
9. The electrical engineer …….. be under the supervision of the chief engineer.
10. Our ship ……. stay at the port longer than it was planned.

IX. Make questions starting with the word in brackets.

1. Wires and ropes must be stowed and coiled so as to cause least obstruction.
2. Any hatchway open for the purpose of handling cargo or stores through a
person may fall down should be closed as soon as all operations are finished.
3. Suitable hand-holds are provided at the top and at any intermediate landing
place of all fixed ladders. (Where?)
4. No one should attempt to pass through a watertight door when it is closing or
the warning bell is sounding. (When?)
5. A rope ladder must be used only for the purpose to access between the ship
with high freeboard and the ship with low freeboard or the ship and the boat.
6. Safety signs, which include hazard warnings, should be used whenever a
hazard or obstruction exists. (What?)
7. When at sea any gear or equipment stowed to the side of a passageway or
walkway should be securely fixed or lashed against the ship's movement.
8. Temporary obstacles can also be dangerous and if they are to be there for
some time their presence has to be indicated by appropriate warning signs.
9. No one should attempt to pass through a watertight door when it is closing or
the warning bell is sounding. (Who?)
10.The aim of safety net is to minimize the risk of injury arising from falling
between the ship and the quay or between the quay and the deck. (Why?)


X. Write a CV according to the plan.

General layout of a curriculum vitae/resume
Family name.
First name
Address, telephone number, E-mail address
Date and place of birth
Civil status
Education and training (where and when, mentioned degree, certificates that you
have acquired)
Present position and employer (with details about work, time of entry, etc)
Key qualification
Transferable skills (skills similar to the job you are applying for)
Language skills
Additional skills (computer skills)
Membership of organizations
References available on request


XI. Write a cover letter*.

*Cover letter is a letter that you send with something to explain about what you
are or to give more information about yourself.



I. Read the text.


The main part of a ship is the hull. The hull is divided into a number of
watertight compartments by decks which divided the ship horizontally and
bulkheads – vertical steel wall going across the ship and along side.
The hull contains the engine-room, cargo space and a number of tanks. In dry
cargo ships the cargo space is divided into holds, in liquid cargo ships it is divided
into tanks.
At the fore end of the hull there are the forepeak tanks and at the after end
there are the afterpeak tanks. They are used as a dry buoyancy space or as ballast
The end of the vessel that enters the water is called the bow and the other end
is called the stern, the part in between is called amidships.
The lowermost part of the hull is called the bottom. A double bottom is the
space between the holds and the bottom of the hull and is used for storing water
and fuel and as a ballast.
As the ship moves ahead when looking in the direction of her motion, that
side of the ship to the right hand is called the starboard side and that to the left is
called the port-side.
In order to keep any moving vessel on a steady course, it is necessary to
provide her with a rudder rotated by means of a steering gear.
The chain locker is used for storage of the anchor chain and cargo handling
facilities for loading and unloading cargo.
Vessels used for carrying cargo must have large holds and cargo handling
facilities for loading and unloading cargo.
In case of special kind of cargo such as fruits, meat and other perishable
goods, special refrigerating holds are made for stowing it.
All ships have means for anchoring and mooring, life-boats and means for
hoisting and lowering them.
In order to improve seaworthiness and provide additional accommodations
nearly all ships have superstructures – housing above the main deck. The
watertight superstructures erected at the extreme forward and after end of a ship
are called the forecastle and the poop. The topside structure built above amidships
is called the navigating bridge.
The instruments and equipment in navigating are placed in the wheel-house
and the chart-room which are located on the navigating bridge.
very ship has the ship’s machinery. The machinery is housed in the engine-

II. Give the definition to the words from the box:

hull bulkhead bow stern bottom

steering gear
deck watertight port-side poop

1. The outer covering of a ship.

2. The floorlike covering of the horizontal sections, or compartments, of a ship.
3. The metal wall that extends from one side of a vehicle to the other.
4. Compartment which not allowing water to pass in or out.
5. The bending or rounded part of a ship forward.
6. The after or rear end of a ship or other vessel, or of a boat; the part opposite to
the stem.
7. The part of a ship which is ordinarily under the water.
8. A deck raised above the after part of a vessel; the hindmost or after part of a
vessel's hull; also, a cabin covered by such a deck.
9. The left-hand side of the ship looking forward, toward the bow or stem.
10. The gear which turns the rudder and thus steers the vessel.

III. Find the wrong information and write the correct variant.

1. The main body of a ship is called the bulkhead.

2. Forepeak and afterpeak tanks are usually used for storing water and fuel and as a
3. You know that the space between the bow and stern is called a double bottom.
4. Different types of ships can carry and stow on board special kind of cargo such
as fruits, meat and other perishable goods.
5. Every ship has the navigating bridge. It is housed above the engine-room.

IV. Make a plan of the text “Description of a Ship” and retell it.

V. Copy the sentence without a spelling mistake.

1. The watertigt compartments is divided the hull.

2. The end of the vessel that doesn’t enters the water is called the sten.
3. The forepeak tanks and the afterpeak tanks are used as a dry buyancy space or as
ballast tanks.
4. As the ship moves ahed when looking in the direction of her motion, that side of
the ship to the rigt hand is called the starboard side.
5. The stering gear is necessary to keep any moving vessel on a steady course.
6. There are special refrigerating hollds on board of ships for stowing special kind
of cargo such as fruits, meat and other perishable goods.
7. There are cargo handling facilitys on vessels for loading and unloading cargo.
8. All ships have means for anchoring and moring, life-boats and means for
hoisting and lowering them.
9. The navigating bridge is the topside stracture which is built above amidships.
10. Superstructures are built to improve seawothiness and provide additional

VI. Put a verb in brackets into correct form. Write down the completed
sentence into native language.

1. Look, Chief Engineer! The exhaust temperature one cylinder.

2. Crewmembers ......seldom......every five pushbuttons alarms, a different one
during each test. (test)
3. The Chief Engineer ...... the steering gear at the moment. (exam).
4. The chief mate .........the radar at the moment. (watch).
5. Usually the chief engineer ...........responsible for bunkering operations.(be).
6. The cook always ......ashore for supplies. (go).
7. Look out!. The cargo ....... right now. (fall).
8. Some very long stroke engines .......a max speed of around 80revs/min.
9. Often cargo vessels ......the superstructure on the bow. ........the holds already, inspector? (inspect).

VII. Make the sentences Passive. Copy them in Passive and interpret in native

1. The Bosun repairs deck machinery.

2. Skippers ran the vessels.
3. The burning fuel transferred the heat to the metal.
4. Scavenging air obtains the rotary motion.
5. During launching the superintendant will verify all equipment and
conditions aboard.
6. The engine usually makes two revolutions.
7. At the bottom of the cylinder there are scavenging ports.
8. The piston products the combustion.
9. The thermostat directed greater part of the water to the cooler.
10.The four strikes comprise two complete revolutions of the crank.
VIII. Fill in the gaps from the reference list.

can’t may could must(2) will have to will be

able to
is able to shouldn’t is to had to

1. I …….. find out the trouble. ……. you help me?

2. I wanted to work on board a dry cargo vessel but I …… work on board a bulk-
3. You ……. wait a little. The customs officers will come only in 2 hours.
4. I’m afraid we ……… wait for loading too as the port is overcrowded.
5. My father …….. show us his ship next Sunday.
6. The cadets ……. attend the classes regularly.
7. Our company …….. overcome the measuring instruments in time.
8. The electrical engineer …….. carry out required preventive maintenance.
9. The electrical engineer …….. be under the supervision of the chief engineer.
10. Our ship ……. stay at the port longer than it was planned.


IX. Make questions starting with the word in brackets.

1. The main body of a ship is called the hull. (What?)

2. The hull is divided into a number of water-tight compartments by decks. (How?)
3. The hull contains the engine room, cargo space and a number of tanks. (What?)
4. The instruments and equipment in navigating are placed in the wheel-house.
5. The chain locker is used for storage of the anchor chain. (Why?)
6. All ships have superstructures – housing above the main deck. (Where?)
7. Tanks are used as a dry buoyancy space or as ballast tanks. (What?)
8. Different types of ships can carry and stow on board special kind of cargo.
(Which cargo?)
9. The hull is divided into a number of watertight compartments by decks which
divided the ship horizontally. (How?)
10. The end of the vessel that enters the water is called the bow. (What?)

X. Write a CV according to plan.

General layout of a curriculum vitae/resume

Family name.
First name.
Address, telephone number, E-mail address.
Date and place of birth.
Civil status.
Education and training (where and when, mention degree(s) and certificates that
you have acquired).
Present position and employer (with details about work, time of entry etc.).
Key qualifications.
Transferable skills (skills similar to the job you are applying for).
Language skills.
Additional skills.
Membership organizations.
References available on request.

XI. Write a cover letter.

*Cover letter – is a letter that you send with something to explain about you, what
you are or to give more information about you.



I. Read the text.


The tools and equipment placed on board the ship are put there for a purpose.
As a member of a crew you should know something about their use and care.
Practically all tools are designed and built to do a certain job, such as: the hammer,
the screwdriver, the pincers, the screw tap, the flat-nose pliers, the cold chisel, the
hack saw, or the pipe wrench, etc., but to do their jobs the tools must be kept in
good condition and they must be handled properly. Hand tools are fair simple in
construction and their safe and effective use requires only that a person exercise
reasonable care.
The following suggestions should be carefully considered:
- Keep all tools clean;
- Select the right tool for the job – never use a makeshift;
- Use only tools in good condition;
- Keep cutting tools sharp; store them safely when not in use;
- Use wrenches of a right size for a job;
- Never use any tool in such a way that you will be injured if it slips.
The source of electric power on a ship usually consists of two or more a. c.
generators or alternators arranged for parallel operation. They supply electric
current to the main switchboard and from his point the power is distributed to the
secondary distribution points – various control panels, the emergency switchboard
and general lightning.
The engine room auxiliaries (pumps, compressors, blowers, centrifuges, etc.)
are fitted with electric drivers.
There are also measuring instruments, different automatic control systems and
alarm signaling systems in the engine room.


II. Give the definition to the words from the box:

screw tap screwdriver generator flat-nose pliers

chisel hammer pipe wrench pincers measuring
instruments pump

1. A tool for driving screws or bolts with special slots usually having a handle of
wood, plastic etc.
2. A tool with a sharp metal edge that is used to shape and cut wood, stone and
3. A hand tool consisting of a heavy usually steel held transversely on the end of a
handle, used for driving in nails, beating metal.
4. A tool is used for turning soft iron pipes and fittings with a rounded surface.
5. A tool that bored the ridges on the interior of a screw.
6. A hand tool used to hold objects firmly, for bending, or physical compression.
7. The engine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy by
electromagnetic induction.
8. Subjects to varying degrees of instrument error and measurement uncertainty.
9. An hydraulic machine, variously constructed, for raising or transferring fluids,
consisting essentially of a moving piece or piston working in a hollow cylinder or
other cavity, with valves properly placed for admitting or retaining the fluid as it is
drawn or driven through them by the action of the piston.
10. A hand tool having two lever-handles and two jaws working on a pivot.

III. Find the wrong information and write the correct variant.

1. Only electrical engineer should know something about the use and care of tools.
2. The tools must be kept in good condition and they must be handled properly by
the captain of the ship.
3. As a member of a crew you can select some tool for the job.
4. The source of electric power on a ship usually consists of a. c. generator or
alternator arranged for parallel operation.
5. There are only measuring instruments and automatic control systems in the
engine room.

IV. Make a plan of the text “Tools and Equipment” and retell it.

V. Copy the sentence without a spelling mistake.

1. All tools are desined and built to do a certain job.

2. The tools and equpment placed on board the ship are put there for a purpose.
3. Hand tools are fair simple in constrution and their safe.
4. Mechanics store cuting tools safely when not in use.
5. Mechanics should use wrenche only of a right size for a job.
6. The source of electric pover on a ship consists of two or more a. c. generators or
alternators arranged for parallel operation.
7. The engine room auxiliary are fitted with electric drivers.
8. There is elarm signaling systems in the engine room.
9. You shouldn’t use any tool in such a way that you will be ingured if it slips.
10. Generators supply electric current to the main switchboard and from his point
the power is distributed to the secondary distribution points – various control
panels, the emergency swetchboard and general lightning.

VI. Put a verb in brackets into correct form. Write down the completed
sentence into native language.

1. Motormen .......machinery space ventilation this month to ensure their

smooth rapid closing. (grease).
2. That guy as usual ……..all cranes, hatches and other ship's mechanisms.
3. As a rule the propulsion machinery ……….the boilers, the propulsion
turbines, the condensers, the reduction gears, the pumps and the blowers etc.
4. Usually the Chief ngineer ………..responsible for all bunkering
operations. (be)
5. The container …………….the goods from pilfering. (protect)
6. I …………….. just a can of oil over the floor. (spill)
7. The crewmembers ………………..fires with some fire extinguishers
already. (put out)
8. The cargo in holds 1 and 2 ………………. to starboard. (shift)
9. ……………. you the holds already, port inspector? (inspect)
10.Fire aboard! All personnel .......the watertight doors by hands. (open).

VII. Make the sentences Passive. Copy them in Passive and interpret in native

1. The electricians examine the electrical equipment every day.

2. Many ships visit the port of Kherson.
3. The 3rd Engineer opened the air cocks vents one minute ago.
4. . I will find the trouble and eliminate it.
5. Admiral Makarov built the ice-breaker Jermak in 1899.
6. The doctor examined the seaman on board a ship yesterday.
7. The quantity of electricity measures the capacitor of the conductor.
8. An axial flow pump uses a screw propeller to accelerate the liquid.
9. He checked and adjusted the valve.
10.An adjustable relief valve protects the pumps against excessive pressure.

VIII. Fill in the gaps from the reference list.

will be able to (2) may (2) must(2) can (2) shall be

built could mustn’t shouldn’t

1. The vessel …….. leave the port on Monday.

2. …….. I take a multimeter? I …….. measure the voltage.
3. My father …….. show us his ship next Sunday.
4. A cadet lectrical ngineer ……. check the circuit for continuity.
5. He ……. measure the insulation resistance with a megohmeter.
6. Under the contract the new ice-breaker ……. next year.
7. This man …….. swim well many years ago.
8. ……. I go to the navigating bridge? – No, you ……. .
9. The electrician …….. always connect a voltmeter in parallel with the circuit
when measuring voltage.
10. The electrical engineer …….. carry out required preventive maintenance.


IX. Make questions starting with the word in brackets.

1. The tools and equipment placed on board the ship are put there for a purpose.
2. Tools must be handled properly. (How?)
3. Screwdriver is used for driving screws or bolts with special slots. (What?)
4. The source of electric power on a ship usually consists of two or more a. c.
generators or alternators. (How many?)
5. There are also measuring instruments, different automatic control systems and
alarm signaling systems in the engine room. (Where?)
6. A. c. generators or alternators are used for parallel operation. (Why?)
7. We need keep all tools clean. (What?)
8. Generators supply electric current to the main switchboard. (Where?)
9. Hand tools are fair simple in construction and their safe. (What?)
10. Practically all tools are designed and built to do a certain job. (What?)

X. Write a CV according to plan.

General layout of a curriculum vitae/resume

Family name.
First name.
Address, telephone number, E-mail address.
Date and place of birth.
Civil status.
Education and training (where and when, mention degree(s) and certificates that
you have acquired).
Present position and employer (with details about work, time of entry etc.).
Key qualifications.
Transferable skills (skills similar to the job you are applying for).
Language skills.
Additional skills.
Membership organizations.
References available on request.

XI. Write a cover letter.

*Cover letter – is a letter that you send with something to explain about you, what
you are or to give more information about you.


I. Read the text.

Ship is one of the oldest and most important means of transportation. Every
day, thousands of ships cross the oceans, sail along seacoasts and travel on inland
waterways. Trade among countries depends heavily on ships.
All ships are divided into two main groups: naval ships and merchant vessels.
According to the area of navigation all ships are divided into sea-going vessels and
river boats.
There are many different types of ships of merchant service, namely:
passenger ships, cargo ships, tankers, research ships, trawlers, tugs, floating cranes,
barges, floating docks, etc.
Each type of ship is designed for a special function.
On one hand, all cargo ships are divided into 2 types: dry cargo ships and
tankers. On the other hand, cargo ships may be divided into universal ships
designed to carry principal different types of cargo and specialized ships designed
to carry one type of cargo (bulk cargo, timber, refrigerated goods, oil etc.) such as
bulkers, timber-carriers, reefer ships, tankers.
Nowadays three kinds of specialized ships are very popular: cargo carriers, ro-
ro ships and container ships.
There are specialized ships designed for carrying different kinds of cargoes
(OBO ships, PROBO ships, CONBULKERs etc.). They are called combined ships.
New development is multi-purpose ship combining features of both universal
and specialized ships.
According to cargo handling method used dry cargo ships are divided into
LO-LO (lift on/lift off) which use derricks and cranes for loading and unloading;
RO-RO (roll-on/roll-off) where cargo is rolled on and rolled off cargo through
cargo ports or doors on the bow, stern and sides of a ship and FO-FO (float on/float
off) vessels where dock lifting cargo method is used. But there are also vessels
with combined methods of cargo handling.
Today, ships are as important as ever to a country’s prosperity and strength.
All the great trading nations try to have a large merchant marine. A merchant
marine consists of the commercial, or merchant, ships of a country.
The difference between a ship and a boat is chiefly a matter of size. Large
oceangoing vessels are called ships. All other craft are celled boats.


II. Give the definition to the words from the box:

universal ship research ship specialized ship tug
tanker container ship cargo ship dry cargo ship
passenger ship trawler
1. Ship or boat carrying people.
2. Ship designed to carry principal different types of cargo.
3. A sort of ship or vessel that carries cargo, goods, and materials from one port to
4. Vehicle designed to transport liquids in bulk.
5. A fishing ship that uses a trawl net or dragnet to catch fish.
6. A powerful small boat designed to pull or push larger ships.
7. A merchant ship specially designed to transport unpackaged bulk cargo, such as
grains, coal, ore, and cement in its cargo holds.
8. A ship designed and equipped to carry out research at sea.
9. Ship designed to carry one type of cargo (bulk cargo, timber, refrigerated
goods, oil etc.).
10. A vessel designed to carry standard intermodal containers enabling efficient
loading, unloading and transport to and from the vessel.

III. Find the wrong information and write the correct variant.

1. Large oceangoing vessels are called boats.

2. Multipurpose ships are designed to haul either ore or oil.
3. Dry cargo ships are designed to haul different kinds of liquid cargo, such as
petroleum and liquid natural gas.
4. Tankers can carry only solid cargo such as grain, salt and ore.
5. Specialized ships are designed with refrigerated space for foods that spoil
easily, tank space for liquid cargo and a deck for automobiles.


IV. Make a plan of the text “Types of Ships” and retell it.

V. Copy the sentence without a spelling mistake.

1. Thousands of ships cross the oceans, sail along seacoasts and travel on inland
2. Many ships and boats have been designed to do particular jobs to help ships and
3. Tankers were among the first ships designed to carry only one kind of cargo –
4. New development is multi-pupose ship combining features of both universal and
specialized ships.
5. Tugs tow bages along canals and rivers and guide huge passenger liners and
freighters in and out of harbors.
6. Ro-Ro ships haul cars, buses, house trailers, trucks and any other cargo that can
be ralled aboard.
7. There are specialized ships designed for carring different kinds of cargoes.
8. Dock liftin cargo method is used on FO-FO (float on/float off) vessels.
9. Container ships eliminate the individual haches, holds and derricks of the
traditional general cargo vessels.
10. All the great trading nations try to have a large merchent marine.
VI. Put a verb in brackets into correct form. Write down the completed
sentence into native language.

1. The ships which arrived today ......the Atlantic. (cross).

2. Odorous cargoes ……fumes. (give off)
3. The fleet already……… in the left river branch. (accommodate)
4. The Third ngineer lately ……..all defective hoses. (replaced)
5. The Chief ngineer …….. the steering gear at the moment. (examine)
6. All deckhands …….. lifeboats right now. (paint)
7. Once a month motormen …………. fuel oil and lubricating oil. (not check)
8. About 99% of modern ships ……… diesel reciprocating engines. (use)
9. I need helping hands. A fuel pump piston……. (leak).
10.Do you hear? The pistons in the starting in the starting air distributor ……..

VII. Make the sentences Passive. Copy them in Passive and interpret in native

1. The burning fuel transferred the heat to the metal.

2. Many ships visit the port of Kherson.
3. The thermostat directed greater part of the water to the cooler.
4. At the bottom of the cylinder there are scavenging ports.
5. The quantity of electricity measures the capacitor of the conductor.
6. An axial flow pump uses a screw propeller to accelerate the liquid.
7. The piston products the combustion.
8. I will find the trouble and eliminate it.
9. The 3rd Engineer opened the air cocks vents one minute ago.
10.An adjustable relief valve protects the pumps against excessive pressure.
VIII. Fill in the gaps from the reference list.

can will be able to will have to may mustn’t had to can

are able to shouldn’t must

1. Protective means ……. protect an lectrician from electric shock hazard.

2. The vessel …….. leave the port on Monday.
3. I’m afraid we ……… wait for loading too as the port is overcrowded.
4. ……… I go to the navigating bridge? – No, you …….. .
5. Our ship …….. stay at the port longer than it was planned.
6. …….. you help me to find out the trouble and to eliminate it?
7. He …….. measure the insulation resistance with a megohmeter.
8. The electrician …….. always connect an ammeter is series with the circuit when
measuring current.
9. The electrical engineer …….. carry out required preventive maintenance.
10. You …….. use this tool for turning screws.


IX. Make questions starting with the word in brackets.

1. Ship is one of the oldest and most important means of transportation. (What?)
2. Every day, thousands of ships cross the oceans, sail along seacoasts and travel
on inland waterways. (How often?)
3. All ships are divided into two main groups. (How many groups?)
4. Large oceangoing vessels are called boats. (What?)
5. New development is multi-purpose ship combining features of both universal
and specialized ships. (What features?)
6. There are many different types of ships of merchant service. (How many?)
7. All cargo ships are divided into 2 types: dry cargo ships and tankers. (How many
8. Ro-Ro ships haul cars, buses, house trailers, trucks and any other cargo that can
be rolled aboard. (What?)
9. FO-FO (float on/float off) vessels are used dock lifting cargo method. (What
10. Today, ships are as important as ever to a country’s prosperity and strength.

X. Write a CV according to plan.

General layout of a curriculum vitae/resume

Family name.
First name.
Address, telephone number, E-mail address.
Date and place of birth.
Civil status.
Education and training (where and when, mention degree(s) and certificates that
you have acquired).
Present position and employer (with details about work, time of entry etc.).
Key qualifications.
Transferable skills (skills similar to the job you are applying for).
Language skills.
Additional skills.
Membership organizations.
References available on request.

XI. Write a cover letter.

*Cover letter – is a letter that you send with something to explain about you, what
you are or to give more information about you.



I. Read the text.


To provide Merchant Marine with qualified and trained personnel there are
some special institutions that give maritime education to people who want to
devote their lives to the sea.
Every nautical institute offers tuition by correspondence. The curriculum of
the correspondence department is the same as that of the full-time department. But
it covers a longer period of training.
Nautical institutions also operate extension/refresher for serving sea-
going/ship personnel. Every five years each officer in the merchant marine is to
take a refresher/up-dating courses.
The training scheme of the Marine Engineering Faculty includes
engineering/technical subjects such as:
 Computer Technique and Programming;
 Machine Components;
 Ship’s Theory and Construction;
 Ship’s Internal Combustion ngines;
 Ship’s Steam Generating Plants/Units;
 Ship’s Turbine Plants/Installations (Refrigerating Plants).
A great attention is paid to such problems:
 Safety of Life at Sea;
 Rule of the Road at Sea;
 Fire Prevention;
 Prevention of Marine Pollution;
 International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea;
 Merchant Marine Operation;
 Structure and Rights of IMO (International Marine Organization);
 Life-Saving Equipment;
 Labour Legislations.
The curriculum of any faculty includes compulsory and optional hours. The
training course covers classes, practicals/laboratories, tutorials, lectures and
In accordance to Direction of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № of 540-
r dated 15.06.2011 and Order of the Department of Education and Science, Youth
and Sport of Ukraine № 616 dated 23.06.2011 on the base of the Higher
educational institution "Kherson State Maritime Institute" which will be liquidated
the new higher educational institution of Kherson region Kherson State Maritime
Academy (KSMA) is created.
At present, Kherson State Maritime Academy is a higher educational
institution of the ІVth accreditation level, which prepares specialists of complete
spectrum of seagoing and shipbuilding specialities.
II. Give the definition to the words from the box:
faculty training scheme subject academy lecture
refresher course correspondence course maritime education
curricular seminar

1. The process of educating connected with the sea.

2. A course that reviews and updates a topic for those who have not kept abreast

of developments.

3. A course offered by a correspondence school.

4. A systematic plan for a course of education.

5. A group of related courses, often in a special field of study.

6. An exposition of a given subject delivered before an audience or a class, as

for the purpose of instruction.

7. All members of a learned profession.

8. A small group of advanced students in a college engaged in original research

or intensive study under the guidance of a professor who meets regularly with

them to discuss their reports and findings.

9. Topic or branch of studies.

10. Institution of higher learning, research, or honorary membership.

III. Find the wrong information and write the correct variant.
1. The curriculum of the correspondence department differs from that of the full-
time department.
2. Every six years each officer in the merchant marine is to take up-dating courses.
3. A great attention is paid to only such problem: Safety of Life at Sea.
4. The curriculum only of electro-engineering department includes compulsory and
optional hours.
5. All ship and shore personnel who wish to continue their studies take a refresher

IV. Make a plan of the text “Maritime Education” and retell it.

V. Copy the sentence without a spelling mistake.
1. The curiculum of any faculty includes compulsory and optional hours.
2. Marine institutions give maritime education to people who want to devote
their lives to the sea.
3. Nautical institutions operate extension/refresher for serving sea-going/ship
4. Every nautical institute ofers tuition by correspondence.
5. Kherson State Marytime Academy is created in accordance to Direction of
the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
6. Maritime Academy prepares spesialists of complete spectrum of seagoing and
shipbuilding specialities.
7. The curriculum of the corespondence department is the same as that of the full-
time department.
8. A great attention is paid to such problems as Sefety of Life at Sea, Rule of the
Road at Sea, Fire Prevention and others.
9. Kherson State Maritime Academy is a higher educational institution of the ІVth
acreditation level.
10. The curriculum of the correspondence department coves a longer period of

VI. Put a verb in brackets into correct form. Write down the completed
sentence into native language.
1. In winter the deckhands ...... all decks from snow and ice. (clean).
2. The cargo in holds 1 and 2 ...... already to starboard. (shift).
3. The ships which arrived today ...... the Atlantic. (cross).
4. I ....... just a can of oil over the floor. (spill)
5. Fire aboard! All personnel .......the watertight doors by hands. (open).
6. The Chief Engineer ...... the steering gear at the moment. (exam).
7. Once a month the motormen ….... fuel oil and lubricating oil. (not, check).
8. Motormen ....... machinery space ventilation this month to ensure their
smooth rapid closing. (grease).
9. Usually the Second Engineer ....... the ship log. (keep).
10.Look out! The cargo ....... right now. (fall).
VII. Make the sentences Passive. Copy them in Passive and interpret in native
1. The electricians examine the electrical equipment every day.
2. Many ships visit the port of Kherson.
3. The burning fuel transferred the heat to the metal.
4. An adjustable relief valve protects the pumps against excessive pressure.
5. The piston products the combustion.
6. 3. Admiral Makarov built the ice-breaker Jermak in 1899.
7. 4. The doctor examined the seaman on board a ship yesterday.
8. The quantity of electricity measures the capacitor of the conductor.
9. An axial flow pump uses a screw propeller to accelerate the liquid.
10.I will find the trouble and eliminate it.

VIII. Fill in the gaps from the reference list.
had to (2) can must will have to may (2) mustn’t
could can’t should be earthen must

1. Our ship ……. stay at the port longer than it was planned.
2. ……. you help me to find out the trouble and to eliminate it?
3. All the electrical equipment …….. .
4. We …….. wait long for unloading yesterday.
5. You ……. wait a little. The customs officers will come only in 2 hours.
6. I’m afraid we …….. wait for loading too as the port is overcrowded.
7. …….. I go to the navigating bridge? – No, you ……. .
8. I wanted to work on board a dry cargo vessel but I …….. work on board a bulk-
9. I ……. find out the trouble. ……. you help me?
10. The electrician …….. always connect an ammeter is series with the circuit
when measuring current.


IX. Make questions starting with the word in brackets.

1. Maritime education is the process of educating connected with the sea. (What?)
2. Every five years each officer in the merchant marine is to take refresher courses.
(How often?)
3. Kherson State Maritime Academy is created in accordance to Direction of the
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (How?)
4. The training scheme of the Marine Engineering Faculty includes
engineering/technical subjects. (What subjects?)
5. Kherson State Maritime Academy (KSMA) was created in 2011. (When?)
6. The curriculum of any faculty includes compulsory and optional hours. (What
7. Cadet of electro-engineering department have their electro-assembling training
at the workshops. (Where?)
8. There are a lot of qualified teachers at Kherson State Maritime Academy. (How
9. The training course covers classes, practicals/laboratories, tutorials, lectures and
seminars. (What?)
10. One of the most interesting subject for cadets is Ship’s Theory and
Construction. (What subject?)
X. Write a CV according to plan.

General layout of a curriculum vitae/resume

Family name.
First name.
Address, telephone number, E-mail address.
Date and place of birth.
Civil status.
Education and training (where and when, mention degree(s) and certificates that
you have acquired).
Present position and employer (with details about work, time of entry etc.).
Key qualifications.
Transferable skills (skills similar to the job you are applying for).
Language skills.
Additional skills.
Membership organizations.
References available on request.

XI. Write a cover letter.

*Cover letter – is a letter that you send with something to explain about you, what
you are or to give more information about you.



I. Read the text.


Depending on the principle of a ship's organization and type of power plant,

the engine department with the chief engineer at the head can include assistant
engineers, electrical engineers, refrigeration engineers, piping-system engineers,
motormen - oilers, wipers, firemen - repairman, turner, welder and electricians.
Most of those staff keep engineering watches, others work a day shift.
Engine department personnel operate, maintain and repair
internal combustion engines, boilers, steam turbines and main propulsion
transmission. Refrigeration and air conditioning system, as well as maintenance
and repair of machine shop equipment also are their responsibilities. Engine
department personnel participate in emergency repair parties when damage control
activities are carried out.
The Chief Engineer is in command of the engine department and engineering
personnel. He is responsible for all ship's machinery and control systems
(excluding electronic navigational aids and external communications equipment).
He must ensure proper operation, maintenance and repair of the machinery,
equipment and control systems.
The 1st Assistant Engineer (or Second Engineer Officer) is the officer next in
rank to the chief engineer. He is responsible for daily activities of the engine room
personnel. He supervises maintenance and repair work, maintains preventive
maintenance records.
The 2nd Assistant Engineer (or Third Engineer Officer) is a watchstanding
officer in an attended engine room or duty engineer in a periodically unattended
engine room. His additional duties include responsibility for the prime engines of
the generating sets - gensets, fuel fill, storage and transfer system, air compressors,
air conditioner and refrigerating plant.
The 3-rd engineer officer is usually assigned to the function of the person in
charge of bunkering operations.
The 3rd Assistant Engineer (or Fourth Engineer Officer) is included in the
engine department staff of our merchant ships as a watchkeeping engineer. He
usually has the auxiliary boilers and waste-heat boilers in his charge. He is also in
charge of the sea-water sanitary system, galley and laundry mechanical equipment,
and of some other items. His watchkeeping hours are 4 to 8 a.m. and 16 to 20
The Electric Staff install, maintain and repair alternators, electric motors,
searchlights, general lighting and power distribution system. They trace and repair
defects in wiring using electrician's hand tools and electrical measuring

II. Give the definition to the words from the box:

engine department welder steam turbine boiler air

compressor motorman electrician maintenance
participate chief engineer

1. The senior engineer officer responsible for the satisfactory working and

upkeep of the main and auxiliary machinery and boiler plant on board ship.

2. A man who controls a motor.

3. Person who installs or maintains electrical equipment.

4. An organizational unit aboard a ship that is responsible for the operating the

propulsion systems and the support systems for crew, passengers and cargo.

5. Routine actions which keep the device in working order or prevent trouble

from arising.

6. To take part in something.

7. A strong metallic vessel, usually of wrought iron plates riveted together, or a

composite structure variously formed, in which steam is generated for driving

engines, or for heating, cooking, or other purposes.

8. A compressor that takes in air at atmospheric pressure and delivers it at a

higher pressure.

9. A device that extracts thermal energy from pressurized steam and uses it to do

mechanical work on a rotating output shaft.

10. One who welds, one who unites or fuses metal by means of heat.
III. Find the wrong information and write the correct variant.

1. The additional duties of Third Engineer Officer include responsibility for daily
activities of the engine room personnel.
2. The Electricians maintains and repairs only electric motors and general lighting
3. All members of a crew must keep engineering watches.
4. The 3rd Assistant ngineer isn’t in charge of the sea-water sanitary system,
galley and laundry mechanical equipment.
5. The 3-rd engineer officer is the officer next in rank to the chief engineer.
IV. Make a plan of the text “Duties of the Engine Room Personnel” and
retell it.

V. Copy the sentence without a spelling mistake.

1. The 3rd Assistant Engineer usually has the axiliary boilers and waste-heat
boilers in his charge.
2. The Chief Engineer must ensure proper operation, meintenance and repair of the
machinery, equipment and control systems.
3. The 3-rd engineer officer is assigned to the function of the person in charge of
bankering operations.
4. The Electric Staff trace and repair defects in wiring using electrician's hand
tools and electrical measering instruments.
5. The Chief Engineer is in command of the engine department and enginering
6. Second Engineer Officer is the officer next in rank to the chif engineer.
7. The 2nd Assistant Engineer is responsibly for the prime engines of the generating
8. Second Engineer Officer is responsible for daily activityes of the engine room
9. The Chief Engineer is responsible for all ships machinery and control systems.
10. The engine department with the chief engineer at the head can include


VI. Put a verb in brackets into correct form. Write down the completed
sentence into native language.

1. I .......just a can of oil over the floor. (spill)

2. Often cargo vessels ………..the superstructure on the bow (have).
3. That guy as usual ……..all cranes, hatches and other ship's mechanisms.
4. As a rule the propulsion machinery ……….the boilers, the propulsion
turbines, the condensers, the reduction gears, the pumps and the blowers
etc. (include)
5. Usually the Chief ngineer ………..responsible for all bunkering
operations. (be)
6. The container …………….the goods from pilfering. (protect)
7. I …………….. just a can of oil over the floor. (spill)
8. The crewmembers ………………..fires with some fire extinguishers
already. (put out)
9. ……………. you the holds already, port inspector? (inspect)
10.The ships which arrived today ......the Atlantic. (cross).
VII. Make the sentences Passive. Copy them in Passive and interpret in native

1. Skippers ran the vessels.

2. The piston products the combustion.
3. The four strikes comprise two complete revolutions of the crank.
4. The burning fuel transferred the heat to the metal.
5. Scavenging air obtains the rotary motion.
6. The Bosun repairs deck machinery.
7. The thermostat directed greater part of the water to the cooler.
8. During launching the superintendant will verify all equipment and
conditions aboard.
9. The engine usually makes two revolutions.
10.At the bottom of the cylinder there are scavenging ports.

VIII. Fill in the gaps from the reference list.

had to (2) can must will have to may (2) mustn’t

could can’t should be earthen must

1. Our ship …… stay at the port longer than it was planned.

2. …… you help me to find out the trouble and to eliminate it?
3. All the electrical equipment …….. .
4. We …….. wait long for unloading yesterday.
5. You …….. wait a little. The customs officers will come only in 2 hours.
6. I’m afraid we ……. wait for loading too as the port is overcrowded.
7. …….. I go to the navigating bridge? – No, you ……...
8. I wanted to work on board a dry cargo vessel but I …….. work on board a bulk-
9. I …….. find out the trouble. ……. you help me?
10. The electrician ……. always connect an ammeter is series with the circuit
when measuring current.


IX. Make questions starting with the word in brackets.

1. The engine department can include assistant engineers, electrical engineers,

refrigeration engineers, piping-system engineers, motormen. (Who?)
2. Engine department personnel participate in emergency repair parties when
damage control activities are carried out. (When?)
3. The Second Engineer Officer is the officer next in rank to the chief engineer.
4. The Chief Engineer is in command of the engine department and engineering
personnel. (Where?)
5. The Second Engineer Officer supervises maintenance and repair work,
maintains preventive maintenance records. (What?)
6. The 3rd Assistant Engineer watchkeeping hours are 4 to 8 a.m. and 16 to 20
hours. (What time)
7. The Electric Staff trace and repair defects in wiring. (What?)
8. The 2nd Assistant Engineer is a duty engineer in a periodically unattended
engine room. (How often?)
9. The Fourth Engineer Officer is included in the engine department staff of our
merchant ships. (Where?)
10. He is responsible for all ship's machinery and control systems (excluding
electronic navigational aids and external communications equipment). (What


X. Write a CV according to plan.

General layout of a curriculum vitae/resume

Family name.
First name.
Address, telephone number, E-mail address.
Date and place of birth.
Civil status.
Education and training (where and when, mention degree(s) and certificates that
you have acquired).
Present position and employer (with details about work, time of entry etc.).
Key qualifications.
Transferable skills (skills similar to the job you are applying for).
Language skills.
Additional skills.
Membership organizations.
References available on request.

XI. Write a cover letter.

*Cover letter – is a letter that you send with something to explain about you, what
you are or to give more information about you.



Шифр №
Реєстр №

Методичні рекомендації
до виконання контрольних завдань
з дисципліни «Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням)»

Факультет Суднової енергетики

Ступінь вищої освіти бакалавр
Галузь знань 27 «Транспорт»
Спеціальність 271 «Річковий та морський транспорт»
Спеціалізація «Експлуатація суднових енергетичних установок»
Курс,форма навчання Vз заочної форми навчання
(на основі повної загальної середньої освіти)

Херсон – 2016
Методичні рекомендації до виконання контрольних завдань для
студентів заочної форми навчання з дисципліни «Англійська мова (за
професійним спрямуванням)» розробили у відповідності з робочою
навчальною програмою, ІМО модельного курсу 3.17 (Maritime English), за
спеціальністю 271 «Річковий та морський транспорт», спеціалізація
«Експлуатація суднових енергетичних установок» Літікова О.І., к. пед. н.,
доц., Огородник Н.Є., к. пед. н., доц., Соловей Г.С., к. філол. н, доц.,
Афанасієвська І.О., викл.

Методичні рекомендації розглянуто на засіданні кафедри

03 вересня 2015 р. протокол № 1.

Завідувач кафедри _______________ к.п.н., доц. Літікова О.І.

Начальник навчально-методичного відділу ______________ В.В.Черненко

Мета і завдання дисципліни

Дисципліна «Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням)» у

комплексі з іншими спеціальними предметами посідає одне з головних місць
в освітньо-професійній підготовці бакалаврів морського флоту та є
невід’ємною частиною загальної підготовки висококваліфікованих фахівців
для морського флоту України.
Мета навчання англійської мови професійного спрямування полягає у
формуванні та вдосконаленні англомовної комунікативної компетентності
майбутніх морських інженерів у професійно орієнтованому спілкуванні задля
ефективного вирішення ними своїх професійних задач.

Завдання курсу:
 виявити та винайти шляхи та способи ефективного запровадження
компетентнісного підходу у формуванні англомовної професійно
орієнтованої комунікативної компетентності майбутніх морських
 забезпечити різноманітність методів, форм та видів навчальної
діяльності на занятті, що сприятимуть результативності навчального
 вдосконалювати прийоми та засоби комунікативної організації
навчання морської англійської мови у ході виконання професійно
орієнтованих завдань;
 розробити номенклатуру сфер та ситуацій професійного спілкування у
межах означеної спеціалізації та укласти перелік комунікативних
професійних компетенцій, що формуватимуться у них;
 забезпечити тісну співпрацю викладачів мови та спеціальних предметів
задля успішного засвоєння морської та вузькоспеціалізованої
інженерної лексики у максимально наближеному до природного
професійному контексті;
 запропонувати варіанти організації процесу навчання з урахуванням
особливостей спеціалізованих компетентностей та різних рівнів
кваліфікацій фахівців для повноцінного відтворення професійного
 забезпечити поступове засвоєння компетентностей за рівнями (від В1
до В2) згідно з Загальноєвропейськими рекомендаціями та з
урахуванням принципу модульної організації навчального курсу;
 забезпечити творчий підхід до засвоєння англійської мови через зміст
фахових дисциплін шляхом моделювання реальних професійних
ситуацій, що становитимуть опору для подальшого ефективного
вирішення проблемних ситуацій у професійній діяльності;
 забезпечити інтерактивний характер навчання для розвитку творчих
здібностей та професійно-орієнтованих умінь курсантів під час
співробітництва і спілкування, спрямованих на спільне розв'язання
проблем, здатність виділяти головне, ставити цілі, планувати діяльність,
розподіляти функції, бути відповідальними, критично міркувати тощо.

 розширювати фаховий кругозір майбутніх морських інженерів шляхом
формування у них професійних компетентностей засобами англійської
мови, що відповідатимуть конкретним кваліфікаційним
характеристикам спеціалістів інженерного профілю;
 сприяти розвитку психологічних чинників успішності навчання -
комунікативних здібностей, пам’яті, уваги, логічного мислення, а також
особистісних і вольових якостей, пов’язаних з досягненням прогресу у
навчанні, таких як комунікабельність, здатність до співробітництва та
компромісів тощо;
 готувати студентів до міжнародного та міжкультурного спілкування на
основі використання своїх професійних знань, умінь і навичок та
практичного досвіду;
 знайомити курсантів із специфікою їх майбутньої професійної
діяльності, своєрідним побутом, традиціями та звичаями на борту
 формувати уявлення курсантів про кар’єрне просування морських
інженерів, знання та досвід, необхідні для виконання посадових
 активізувати і розвивати у курсантів увесь спектр їхніх пізнавальних
 допомагати курсантам у формуванні загальних компетентностей,
сприяти розвитку здібностей до самооцінки та здатності до
самостійного навчання упродовж усього життя.

 формувати та вдосконалювати у курсантів загальні та професійно
орієнтовані комунікативні мовленнєві компетентності для забезпечення
успішного англомовного спілкування у навчальному, соціально-
побутовому та професійному середовищі, у відповідності до норм і
культурних традицій в умовах прямого й опосередкованого
 забезпечити досягнення бакалаврами вихідного рівня володіння
англійською мовою професійного спрямування В2 (Незалежний
користувач) відповідно до європейських стандартів;
 формувати у курсантів англомовні мовленнєві компетентності у
професійно спрямованих аудіюванні, говорінні, читанні і письмі на
рівні В2 незалежного користувача;
 удосконалювати мовні компетентності курсантів, а саме їх уміння
коректно користуватися мовним матеріалом – фонетичним, лексичним
і граматичним, адекватно ситуації спілкування, цілям і намірам,
соціальним і функціональним ролям партнерів по спілкуванню;
 формувати у курсантів лінгвосоціокультурну компетентність як
здатність до англомовного професійного спілкування з національно-
культурною специфікою;
 сприяти формуванню комунікативних стратегій курсантів, розвиваючи
їхні уміння моделювати свою мовленнєву професійно орієнтовану
поведінку згідно ситуації спілкування.

Місце дисципліни в структурі основної професійної програми

Дисципліна «Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням)»

належить до циклу професійної підготовки. Загальна кількість кредитів ECTS
8,5 кредитів, 306 академічних годин, з яких 54 години відводяться для
практичних занять, 252 години – для самостійної роботи.
Вивчення «Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням)»
здійснюється упродовж ІІ-Vз курсів. Для засвоєння курсу «Англійська мова
(за професійним спрямуванням)» необхідно мати рівень володіння
англійською мовою В1, який характеризується як рубіжний між
елементарним і незалежним користувачем мовою та передбачає такі вміння:
 може розуміти основний зміст чіткого нормативного мовлення на
загальні соціально-побутові теми (сім'я, навчання, особисті інтереси,
дозвілля тощо), загальні морські теми (морська освіта,
працевлаштування, типи суден, будова судна тощо);
 може вирішити більшість проблем під час перебування за кордоном;
 може просто і зв’язно висловитись на знайомі теми або теми особистих
 може описати досвід, події, сподівання, мрії тощо.
Для опанування навчальним матеріалом з курсу «Англійська мова (за
професійним спрямуванням)» необхідним є, як уже зазначалося, володіння
англійською мовою у межах програми для загальноосвітніх навчальних
закладів на рівні В1- незалежного користувача, а також попереднє засвоєння
курсу «Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням)» із загальною
морською тематикою упродовж І курсу навчання в ХДМА.
Програма навчальної дисципліни «Англійська мова (за професійним
спрямуванням)» складена на основі Типової програми АМПС - English for
Specific Purposes (ESP) (2005 р.), у відповідності з Загальноєвропейськими
Рекомендаціями з мовної освіти (2001 р.) і вимогами ІМО модельного курсу
3.17 (Maritime English), а також згідно з положеннями правил IIІ/1, ІІІ/2 та
IIІ/3 Розділу А Конвенції ПДНВ 78/95 (STCW-коду) для старших механіків та
других механіків суден з головною руховою установкою потужністю від 750
до 3000 кВт згідно з положеннями правил IIІ/6 та IIІ/7 Розділу А Конвенції
ПДНВ 78/95 (STCW-коду) для суднових електромеханіків та електриків.
Зміст дисципліни для V курсу заочної форми навчання
1 ПЗ Safe Watchkeeping in Engine Room: STCW 4
Designators for engine room team. Performance of
engine room watch. Watch turnover procedures.
Watchkeeping Flowchart (STCW III).
Saturday routine. General safety requirements to
work in ER. Mastering the engine room watch
keeping procedure.
2 ПЗ Ship Maintenance and Repair: Maintenance of 4
Pumps. Diesel Engine Maintenance 2-stroke and 4-
stroke engines. Auxiliary Machinery Maintenance.
3 ПЗ Main Critical Machinery: Main machinery 2
components. Ship watchkeeping engineer duties
regarding main stand-by machinery. Most frequent
failures. Auxiliary Critical Machinery: Auxiliary
machinery components. Ship watchkeeping
engineer duties regarding auxiliary stand-by
machinery. Most frequent failures.
4 ПЗ Engine Room Paperwork: Making entries into 2
the engine room (ER) log-book. Maintenance
Requests: Filling in requests for maintenance of
5 ПЗ Marine Business Letters: note-taking, drafting 2
business letters. Vocabulary useful for business
6 ПЗ Marine Pollution Prevention. Pollution 2
Prevention Documents: MARPOL regulations,
MARPOL summery flowchart. SOPEP
regulations, SOPEP summery flowchart.
Всього 16

Питання до семестрового екзамену для курсантів Vз заочної форми


1. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to maintain a

reciprocating pump. What must you know about the construction and destination
of this pump? How would you maintain it?
2. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to start the
diesel engine. What do you know about a compressed air starting system? What
steps would you carry out?
3. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to introduce
all main and auxiliary machinery layouts, peculiars of propulsion machinery
arrangement, all working systems in the engine room to a new cadet. How would
you do this?
4. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to maintain
boiler mountings. What must you know about their destination and construction?
What maintenance works would you carry out?
5. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to introduce
to a cadet the main troubles with pumps and tell about their possible remedies.
How would you do this?
6. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to maintain
an air compressor. What are the main parts of a compressor? Can you tell what
actions you would carry out during maintenance?
7. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to tell a
cadet the principle of oily water separator operation. What would you tell him
about its construction and parts to be maintained periodically?
8. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to take part
in bunkering operation. What must you know about necessary safety equipment
and the main steps of this operation?
9. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to monitor
the regulation of refrigeration unit operation. Why must you use a thermostatic
expansion valve? What must you know about its parts and principle of operation?
10. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to
maintain a diesel engine. What must you know about its moving parts and possible
troubles which may happen to them?
11. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to ensure
the proper operation of diesel engine fuel system? What must you know about fuel
treatment onboard and the direction of its flow?
12. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to ensure
the proper operation of diesel engine fuel system? What must you know about fuel
treatment onboard and the direction of its flow?
13. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to
provide tests and inspections on rotary pump. What must you know about their
frequency and kind of works to be carried out?
14. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to ensure
the proper operation of diesel engine lubrication system. What must you know
about the type of your luboil system, its mountings and devices and their
15. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to
explain a cadet a crank mechanism destination. What must you tell him about the
peculiars of crank mechanism device for trunk and crosshead engines?
16. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to serve
refrigeration plant onboard a ship. What must you know about a refrigeration cycle
and interconnected devices which maintain uninterrupted cyclic refrigeration?
17. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to
maintain electrical equipment on the ship without a marine electrician. What
SOLAS requirements to electrical onboard equipment must you know? What
works must you be capable to carry out?
18. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to start a
boiler. What boiler system devices are engaged in this process? What main actions
would you carry out for this?
19. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to
maintain a cooling system onboard. What must you know about the main
mountings and fittings of this system, their maintenance? How would you handle
some troubles in its operation?
20. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to work
with a reaction turbine. What must you know about its destination, the principal
parts of a turbine and an amount of work for their maintenance?
21. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to do
some electrical works on the ship without a marine electrician. What protective
wear must you use? What protective measures must you keep to? What safety rules
must you apply in case of electric shock?
22. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to
explain to the cadet advantages of uniflow scavenging in two-stroke engines. What
other methods of scavenging do you know? Explain a cadet also if uniflow
scavenging possible for four-stroke engines.
23. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to serve
the boiler system. What must you know about the scheme of simplified boiler
arrangement? What devices are engaged in steam generation in this system? How
it operates?
24. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to
monitor the operation of marine control systems onboard the ship. What marine
control systems do you know? How would you monitor such system? (Show on a
certain example)
25. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to
maintain devices of a refrigeration plant onboard. What do you know about the
construction of these devices? What maintenance works would you carry out?
26. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to
recharge batteries for emergency use. What do you know about types of such
batteries? What protective wear must be used? What maintenance works must be
carried out by you about these batteries after then.
27. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to
monitor the operation of oil mist detecting system. Why is this system of so
greatest importance on a ship? What must you know about the principle of its
28. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to restore
lighting in case of blackout on a ship. What do you know about the main reasons of
blackout? What actions would you produce to restore electric power on a ship?
What machinery may be started after this?
29. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to work
with fuel oil separator. What must you know about its construction and the main
working modes of operation? What must you know about the principle of its
operation and procedures for maintenance?
30. Describe possible solution of onboard situation: you are designated to serve
as two-stroke, as four-stroke diesel engines. What must you know about the
difference of their working cycles? What processes would you watch on separate
strokes of a four-stroke diesel engine?

Основна література
1. Кудрявцева В.Ф., Бобришева Н.М., Бохан Ю.В., Мороз О.Л., Петровська
Ю.В., Сморочинська О.О., Чернікова В.О. Welcome Aboard: Student’s
Book. Видання п’яте, доповнене і перероблене. – Херсон: ТОВ «ВКФ
«СТАР» ЛТД». - 2014. – 238 с.
2. Кудрявцева В.Ф., Бобришева Н.М., Богодист Т.Я., Літікова О.І., Мороз
О.Л., Чичян О.О., Чуприна К.Л. Seven Seas Ahead: Student’s Book.
Видання четверте, доповнене і перероблене. – Херсон: ТОВ «ВКФ
«СТАР» ЛТД». - 2013. – 280 с.
3. Кудрявцева В.Ф., Літікова О.І., Гузь А.М., Токарєва О.В., Філіпов Ю.В.
Ship’s Heart: Student’s Book. Видання друге, доповнене. – Херсон:
Видавництво Борисфен. - 2014. – 176 с.
4. Кудрявцева В.Ф., Дениченко І.М., Дягилева О.С. та ін. Chief ngineer’s
Tips. Students Book. Видання перше./ В.Ф. Кудрявцева, І.М. Дениченко,
О.С. Дягилева, .І. Ляшенко,С.В. Пильщик, О.В. Токарева, А.Ю. Юрженко.
– Херсон : Грінь Д.С. – 224 с.
5. Літікова О.І., Кудрявцева В.Ф., Огородник Н.Є., Пильщик С.В., Соловей
Г.С. Smart Control.Student’s Book. Видання перше.-Херсон: Видавництво
Борисфен.-2015.-179 с.
6. Богомолов О.С. Английский язык для машинной команды транспортных
судов: Учебное пособие - Одесса: Тренажерный центр, 2005. – 208 с.
7. Ивасюк Н.А., Мороха Н.В., Цобенко О.В. English for Maritime Cadets:
Учебное пособие. –Одесса: Феникс, 2005. – 208 с.
8. Літікова О.І. Методичний посібник для підготовки до державної атестації
з дисципліни «Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням» для
студентів ІV і ІІ сп денного та V і ІІ сп заочного відділень факультету
суднової енергетики напряму 6.070104 «Морський та річковий
транспорт». – Херсон: Борисфен. – 2013. – 104 с.
9. Blakey T.N. English for Maritime Studies. Second edition. – Cambridge Univ.
Press: Prentice Hall, 1987. – 288 p.
10. Essential English for engineers.Учебное пособие с аудиокассетами. –
Базовый английский для судовых механиков.
11. MARPOL. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from
Ships (1973/78).
12. SOLAS. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974
13. STCW. International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and
Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1995 (amended in 2010).
Додаткова література
1. Ануфриева Л.Н., Стрелков А.Ю. English for Engine-Room Matters /
Английский для машинной команды судна: Уч. пособие. – Владивосток:
Мор. гос. ун-т, 2004. – 149 с.
2. Голіцинський Ю.Б. Граматика: Збірник вправ. – К.: Арій, 2008. – 544 с.
3. Кущ Т.Ю., Воловник М.С. Основы английского языка для студентов
электриков: Уч. пособие. - Одесса: Феникс, 2004. - 68 с.
4. Малецкая И.А. Practical English (for maritime cadets): Уч. пособие. - Одесса:
Феникс, 2004. - 68 с.
5. Николлз А.П., Потапова Ю.Б. Insight into Marine Engineering: Учебное
пособие для курсантов-судомехаников. – СПб.: Изд-во ГМА им. адм. С.О.
Макарова, 2010. – 84 с.
6. Пивненко Б. А. English for Maritime Studies for Engineer Officers / Базовый
ученик английского языка для инженеров-судомехаников. - Одесса: Студия
«Негоциант», 2007. - 352 с.
7. Писарева Л.П. Английский язык. Сб. текстов и упражнений: Учебное
пособие. – Петропавловск-Камчатский: КамчатГТУ, 2007. -100 с.
8. Сморочинская Е.А. Interview Questions. – Херсон: ФОП Грінь Д.С., 2011. –
56 с.
9. Beaumont D., Granger C. The Heinemann ELT English Grammar: Учебное
пособие. – К.: Методика, 2000. - 352 с.
10. Maritime Resource Management (MRM) Course. Student’s Workbook. Sweden:
The Swedish Club, 2007. – 25 p.
11. Misztal M. Tests in English. Thematic Vocabulary. – Warszawa: Wydawnictwa
Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, 1997. – 351 p.
12. Misztal M. Tests in English. Thematic Vocabulary. – Warszawa: Wydawnictwa
Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, 1996. – 176 p.
13. Misztal M. Tests in English. Word-Formation. – Warszawa: Wydawnictwa
Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, 3rd ed., 2008. – 232 p.
14. Murphy R. Essential Grammar in Use. A self-study reference and practice book
for elementary students of English. – Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1990. – 254 p.
15. Murphy R. Essential Grammar in Use. A self-study reference and practice book
for intermediate students of English. – Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1988. – 272 p.
16. Taylor D.A. Introduction to Marine Engineering. Second edition. – Elsevier
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2003. – 383 p.




Варіант №

студента ______________________________________________________
(прізвище, ініціали)
Група ____


Дата надходження: __________

Дата перевірки: __________

Оцінка: ___________________

Підпис викладача: _________

Херсон – 2016

1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What parts does a piping system consist of?
2. What accessories are used on piping systems?
3. What types of fittings connect pipe sections?
4. What foreign matter is retained by the strainers?
5. What corrective actions do the engineers have to do when working with
piping systems?
6. What repairs are usually made to pipelines and accessories?
7. Can you describe the functions of the a) bilge drainage system, b) fire-
main system, c) ballast system, and d) sanitary system?
8. How does the pressure tank work?
9. What did you learn about fresh water supply on board?
Ship’s Piping Systems
Since the maintenance and operation of all ship's systems is the responsibility
of the engine department, the engineer officers have to work with piping, fittings,
valves, and insulation. Each piping system consists of sections or lengths of piping,
fittings for joining the sections, and valves for controlling the flow of fluid. Most
piping systems also include other fittings and accessories such as vents, drains,
traps, strainers, relief valves, various gauges: vacuum meters, pressure gauges,
thermometers, and other measuring instruments. Piping sections of the proper size
and material are connected by various standard fittings including threaded, bolt-
flanged, welded, bend, and expansion joints. Strainers are fitted in all pipelines to
prevent the passage of debris, grit, scale, dirt, and other foreign matter. Such matter
could obstruct pumps, throttle valves, or damage machinery parts.
In order to make the machinery operate properly, the engineers must know
how to make minor repairs to insulation, repack high pressure valves, overhaul and
adjust valves, select the right packing and gaskets, and make permanent repairs to
pipelines. Working with ship's systems implies the following actions: maintaining
the systems in a condition of constant readiness and good working order at all
times; frequent examining of the lines; keeping all joints, valves and cocks tight;
eliminating any leaks at joints by tightening connecting bolts or packing nuts:
replacing gaskets or any defective parts; cleaning strainers at recommended
intervals, etc. Making repairs to pipelines and accessories implies doing such
corrective actions as: removal of strain on pipes; removal of pipe vibration;
keeping steel or iron piping properly painted and free from moisture; repairing
leaky pipes or fitting by welding; brazing; plugging blow-holes or stopping leakage
with clamps; renewing worn out or damaged parts; overhauling, repacking and
adjusting valves, etc.
The future marine engineer should be particularly acquainted with the
following piping systems:
1.The bilge drainage system, which is designed to collect drains from
compartments that cannot be drained overboard by gravity and to pump this bilge
water overboard. To prevent oil mixed with the bilge water from being pumped
overboard, the bilge water must first go to an oily water separator.
2.The fire-main system, which supplies seawater under pressure to all the fire
stations, and to the deck and anchor wash connections. The fire-main system is the
ship's first means of defence against fire. It is required no matter what other fire
extinguishing systems are installed.
3.The water ballast system, designed to loud and discharge the fore and after
peak tanks, and in some cases one or more deep tanks, with clean salt-water
ballast. The purpose of the system is to maintain the proper trim, stability, and
immersion of the vessel.
4.The sanitary and grey water drainage systems. The sanitary system flushes
toilet bowls and urinals. The grey water system is completely separate and drains
showers, sinks, laundry, and interior deck drains. Since the grey water is free of
harmful bacteria, it is drained directly overboard. No one should dump waste oil
down these drains since it will go directly overboard, causing oil pollution.
Sanitary sewage is collected in a special tank and then sent to a sewage treatment
plant. Sanitary discharges are equipped with an automatic non-return valve to
prevent water from passing inboard.
5. The fresh water system must be entirely independent of all other piping
systems; blank flanges, bypasses and other connections are illegal. Drinking and
washing water systems are often combined. The washing water system usually
utilizes several tanks located in the double bottom; it supplies fresh water to the
washing appliances and other consumers. Drinking water is used mostly in the
In the pressure system a pressure tank is located in the machinery space. This
tank is filled with compressed air in its upper part and water in its lower portion.
As water is pumped into the tank, the air is further compressed until a set pressure
is reached when the pump stops. This compression maintains pressure on the
system until the minimum point is reached when the pump is started again.
Hot water is supplied via a storage type water heater, which usually operates
automatically under the control of a thermostatic valve.
The supply of drinking water on board is limited, and it is common practice to
take water from shore side whenever practical. Most ocean-going vessels cannot
store enough fresh water for a voyage and must have the capability to make fresh
water. Fresh water is made from seawater by installations called distilling plants,
or evaporators, or fresh water generators.

2. Match the question in column A with correct answer from column B.

1. Who instructed you in the proper use a) In that drill I had to release №1 boat
of fire-fighting equipment? chocks.
2. What personnel protective equipment b) One drill was held every week.
did you use while doing your job?
3. What was your abandon ship duty? c) That was the emergency duty of two
4. What engine ratings assisted at CO2 d) In fire emergency, I was to come to
fire extinguishers? the engine control room.
5. How often were safety drills held on e) I used goggles, safety helmet, safety
your ship? shoes and gloves.
6. What was your fire station? f) Our fire instructor was the first
assistant engineer.
3. Put these words in the correct order to form a question.
1. the notified when ship's is agent?
2. he what notified is about?
3. radiogram a is to when the confirmation sent agent?
4. must in what the charge skills engineer have?
5. are fuel taken why samples?
6. to receipt who sign is bunker a?

4. Make these sentences passive.

1. He labels each sample with the necessary data.
2. The ship sends to the agent a confirmation radiogram.
3. The personnel in charge must take samples throughout the 'period of fuel
4. The engineer-in-charge gives instructions and signals to the attendants.
5. He must draw up the bunker receipts.
6. The chief engineer should obtain the fuel specification before taking
7. The chief engineer has to correct the discrepancy.
8. He shall make a full report of the circumstances.

5. Explain the meaning of the following items:

- piping system;
- bilge drainage system;
- water ballast system;
- fire-main system.

6. Make a list of actions performed (before taking bunkers) by:

• captain / chief engineer;
• person-in-charge of bunkering operations.
7. Make a list of actions performed by engine room personnel while
bunkering operations and after them.
8. Translate the text.

Marine Pumps
On board ship, pumps are used for a number of services. Pumps feed water to
the boilers, draw condensate from the condensers, supply sea water to the fire-
main, circulate cooling water for the main and auxiliary engines cooling system,
coolers and condensers, empty the bilges, transfer fuel oil, pump in and out ballast
water, discharge fuel oil to the burners and fuel injection valves, circulate lube oil
to bearings and gears of the propulsion plant components.
Every pump has a power end, which may be a steam turbine, a reciprocating
engine or an electric motor, and a liquid end where the liquid enters and leaves the
The suction head means the pressure of the liquid entering the pump, or the
difference in the level of liquid with respect to the level of the pump on the suction
side. The discharge head means the pressure of the liquid leaving the pump, or the
level of liquid with respect to the level of the pump on the discharge side.
Most marine pumps are of reciprocating, rotary, centrifugal, or jet type.
The reciprocating pump moves liquid or gas by means of a piston or plunger
which goes back and forth or up and down within a cylinder containing a suction
valve and a discharge valve. An adjustable relief valve is fitted to the discharge
chamber to protect the pump and piping against excessive pressure.
All rotary pumps work by means of rotating parts, which trap the liquid at the
suction side and force it through the discharge outlet. Classification of rotary
pumps is generally made according to the type of rotating elements: screw, gear,
vane, axial-plunger rotary pumps. Rotary pumps are particularly used for pumping
oil and other heavy, viscous liquids.
The centrifugal pump utilizes the throwing force of a rapidly revolving
impeller. The liquid is drawn in at the centre of the impeller and is discharged at
the outer rim of the impeller. Centrifugal pumps are widely used on board ship for
pumping nonviscous liquids. Fire pumps usually are single stage, double suction,
volute type either turbine-driven or motor-driven centrifugal pumps. Main feed
pump is a high-speed, multistage, turbine driven, horizontal or vertical pump.
The operation of the propulsion plant and of almost all auxiliary machinery
depends upon the proper operation of pumps. Pump failure may cause failure of an
entire power plant. Therefore, maintaining the pumps in good working order is a
very important task of the marine engineers. They are required to properly operate
and make minor adjustments and operational repairs to any pump. It should be
noted, however, that most marine pumps are designed for a long and trouble free
operating life with a minimum of maintenance.

1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. How is the heat generated in an engine?
2. What produces the greater portion of this heat?
3. How much heat is transformed into useful work?
4. How many percent of the heat must be removed from the engine by means
of cooling?
5. What types of cooling system do you know?
6. Describe both types of cooling system.
7. What fluids are utilized for cooling purposes in an engine?
8. What parts does the water cooling system of an engine include?

Engine Cooling Systems

A great amount of heat is generated within an engine during operation.
Combustion produces the greater portion of this heat; however, compression of
gases within the cylinders and friction between moving parts add to the total
amount of heat developed within an engine.
Of the total heat supplied to the cylinder of an engine by the burning fuel,
only one-third is transformed into useful work; an equal amount is lost to the
exhaust gases, and approximately 30 to 35 percent of the heat of combustion must
be removed in order to prevent damage to engine parts. The greater portion of the
heat, which may produce harmful results, is transferred from the engine through
the medium of water; lubricating oil, air, and fuel are also utilized to aid in the
cooling of the engine. All methods of heat transfer are utilized in keeping engine
parts and fluids (air, water, fuel, and lubricating oil) at safe operating temperatures.
The cooling system may be of the open or closed type. In the open system the
engine is cooled directly by salt water. In the closed system, fresh water, (or an
antifreeze solution) is circulated through the engine. The fresh water is then cooled
by salt water. In marine installations, the closed system is the type commonly
The cooling system of an engine may include such parts as pumps, coolers,
engine passages, water manifolds, valves, expansion tank, piping, strainers,
connections, and instruments. Design and location of parts may differ considerably
from one engine to another.

2. Match the question in column A with correct answer from column B.

1. Have you taken the pressure gauge a) The thermometer fitted after the
readings? cooler is reading 50 degrees centigrade.
2. What M.E. parameters did you b) There are no leaks on piping.
3. Are there any problems with fuel and c) I checked M.E. speed, pressures and
lube oil pipes, tubes or hoses? temperatures. All is normal.
4. What was the change air temperature? d) Yes, I have.
5. What is the sounding in the port fresh e) Explosion in M.E.
water tank?
6. What happened? f) Fresh water soundings is 7.5 metres.

3. Put the words in the right order to form a question.

1. many of percent is how heat lost?
2. may types the system be what cooling?
3. source an just heat of is one in the it engine?
4. the combustion portion does of produce heat this greater?
5. are of heat what methods the transfer?

4. Make these sentences Passive.

1. Combustion produces the greater portion of the heat.
2. The cooling system of an engine include pumps, coolers, water manifolds,
valves, expansion tank, piping, etc.
3. Some portion of the heat may produce harmful results.
4. Salt water cools fresh water.
5. The burning fuel supplies heat to the cylinder.

5. Try to explain the function of:

• instrument;
• cooler;
• expansion tank;
• pump;
• lubricating oil, air, fuel, water.

6. What is a basic distinction between the open and closed type cooling
7. Write a brief description of a “Supporting Systems of a Diesel Engine”. It
must consist of some paragraphs. Your description should answer these
• What systems support a diesel engine operation?
• What is the function of each of them?
• What parts does every system consist of?

8. Translate the following text.

Engine Maintenance
Keeping an internal combustion engine in good operating condition demands
a well-planned procedure of periodic inspection, adjustments, maintenance, and
repair. If inspections are made regularly, much maladjustment can be detected and
corrected before a serious casualty results. A planned maintenance program will
help to prevent major casualties and the occurrence of many operating troubles.
Routine maintenance must be performed as soon as possible; if repair jobs are
allowed to accumulate, the result may be hurried and incomplete work.
There are several general rules, which apply to ail engines, as regards their
They are:
1. Detailed repair procedures are listed in manufacturer's instruction manuals
and maintenance pamphlets. Study the appropriate manuals and pamphlets before
attempting any repair work. Pay particular attention to tolerances, limits, and
2. The highest degree of cleanliness must be observed in handling the parts
during overhaul.
3. Before starting repair work, be sure that required tools and replacements
for detective parts are available.
4. Detailed records of repairs should be kept. Such records should include the
measurements of parts, hours in use, and new parts installed. An analysis of such
records will indicate the hours of operation that may be expected from the various
engine parts. This knowledge is helpful as an aid in determining when a part
should be renewed in order to avoid a failure.
5. Detailed information on preventive maintenance is contained in the special
6. Certain operating checks and inspections are required as a normal part of
the regular watchstanding routine, such as hourly pressure and temperature checks
or routine oil level checks.

1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What moving parts have reciprocating motion?
2. What pans does a piston and road assembly include?
3. Can you describe the functions of the piston?
4. What additional function do the pistons perform in two-stroke cycle
5. What are the three functions of the piston rings?
6. What do we call the link between the crankshaft and crosshead?
7. Do the camshaft control the valves directly?
8. What is the role of the cam shape?
9. Can you explain the term “timing”?
10. By what means may the camshaft be driven?
11. What are the parts of a crankshaft?
12. How does lube oil reach the main and connecting rod bearings?

Moving Parts of a Diesel Engine

The moving parts may be divided into three groups: (1) the parts which have
only reciprocating motion (pistons), (2) the parts which have both reciprocating
and rotating motion (connecting rods), and (3) the parts which have only rotating
motion (crankshafts and camshafts).
The piston and rod assemblies include a piston, piston rings, piston pin,
connecting rod, and related bearings. The piston must be so designed and must be
made of such materials that it can withstand the extreme heat and pressure of
combustion. The piston aids in the sealing of the cylinder to prevent the escape of
gas and transmits some of the heat to the cylinder wall. A piston serves as a valve
in opening and closing the ports of a two-stroke cycle engine.
Piston rings perform three functions: seal the cylinder, distribute and control
lubricating oil on the cylinder wall, and transfer heat from the piston to the cylinder
wall. In trunk-type piston assemblies, the connection between the piston and the
connecting rod is usually the piston pin.
The connecting link between the piston and crankshaft or the crankshaft and
the crosshead of an engine is the connecting rod.
The camshaft is a shaft with eccentric projections, called cams, designed to
control the operation of valve, usually through various intermediate parts. The
cams are arranged on the shaft to provide the proper firing order of cylinders. The
shape of the cam determines the point of opening and closing, the speed of opening
and closing, and the amount of valve lift. All cylinders will be affected if there is a
change in timing. The camshaft is driven by the crankshaft by various means; the
most common are gears or a chain and sprocket.
One of the principal engine parts, which has only rotating motion, is the
crank-shaft. The crankshaft changes the movement of the piston and the
connecting rod into the rotating motion required to drive such items as reduction
gears, propeller shafts, generators, pumps, etc. The parts of crankshaft are main
bearing journals, connecting rod journals, counterweights, timing gear bolting
flange, lubricating oil holes, any flywheel dowel. The flywheel is a means, which
stabilizes shaft rotation.
An important group of engine parts consists of the bearings. Some bearings
remain stationary in performing their function while others move. Main bearings
which support the crankshaft are of the sliding contact, or plain type, consisting of
two halves of shell. The bearings used in connection with the piston pins are of
three types: the internal bearing, the sleeve bearing or bushing, and the needle type
roller bearing. The bearing in the bosses (hubs) of most pistons are of the sleeve
bushing type.

2. Match the question in column A with correct answer from column B.

1. Do you know the standard engine a) Fuel oil is still being transferred.
2. Is No.6 double bottom tank being b) No pumping at present.
3. Has fuel oil been transferred into c) They are Full/Half/Slow/Dead slow
service tank? ahead or astern; Emergency full ahead
or astern.
4. Is there any pumping in the engine d) Blackout in boiler room.
5. Have you called the motorman? e) No.6 tank discharged.
6. Is there any break down the f) I couldn’t find him. He probably had
machinery? left the engine room.

3. Make these sentences Passive.

1. The shape of the cam determines the point of opening and closing, the
speed of opening and closing, and the amount of the valve lift.
2. The crankshaft drives the camshaft by various means.
3. Piston rings perform three functions.
4. Main bearings support the crankshaft.
5. An important group of engine parts include the bearings.

4. Put the words in the correct order to form a question.

1. piston what must of be material made the?
2. are piston of three what rings functions the?
3. to camshaft is the designed what?
4. driven the by is camshaft how?
5. is the crankshaft of function what the?
6. may what be in pistons the bearing used?
7. consist of does parts it what?
5. What are the names of these objects?
A device used to:
• open and close the ports (in a two-stroke cycle engine);
• connect the piston and the connecting rod (in trunk-type piston
• control the operation of valves (through various intermediate parts);
• drive the camshaft (by means of gears, or a chain and sprocket);
• stabilize shaft rotation;
• support the crankshaft.

6. Try lo explain the function of each of these items:

- connecting rod;
- cams;
- crankshaft;
- piston rings.

7. Write a brief description of a «Centrifugal Separator». It must consist

of some paragraphs. The description should answer these questions:
- What is it used for?
- What are its main pans?
- What maintenance does it require?

8. Translate the text.

When taking over the underway watch, the engineer is considered the
oncoming watchkeeper and at such time he shall obtain all relevant information
from the engineer that he is relieving and that is called the offgoing watchkeeper.
That information regards the designated revolutions, special orders or instructions,
unusual occurrences and machinery defects. Both engineers shall make a joint
inspection round of the machinery spaces, note the condition of machinery,
equipment, piping and bilges, take fuel oil meter readings, and make standard
entries in the engineer's log.
During the watch, the fourth engineer will check a) operating pressures and
temperatures; b) liquid levels and flows; c) running machinery bearings for
overheating; d) piping for leakage; e) plant components for unusual (excessive)
noise or vibration; f) alarms and automatic control devices for proper functioning;
g) availability and operable condition of fire-fighting and safety equipment. The
watchkeeprs shall maintain cleanliness in machinery spaces, take precautions to
avoid fire hazard, clean strainers and filters, discharge separators, change-over
from running to stand-by machinery components. They shall promptly answer the
telegraph and telephone.
At the first indication of trouble, the engineer on watch shall notify the chief
engineer and take immediate steps to prevent damage to machinery. He must
report to chief engineer any change of the main engine speed or other important
orders from the bridge. In case of emergency or malfunction he shall speedily do
corrective actions. Grounds in electrical circuits, steam, air, oil or water leaks must
be repaired promptly. When any alarm or protective device is found defective, the
engineer on watch shall call the electrical engineer to repair or renew the defective
item immediately.
When the ship is manoeuvring, the engineer on watch devotes his primary
attention to complying with the orders from the bridge.
Before getting underway, the engineer on watch jointly with the officer of the
watch shall test the main engines with the necessary auxiliaries, the steering gear,
telegraph, telephones whistle and running lights. An appropriate entry shall be
made in the log.
The engineer on watch shall record required data in the log book including
any unusual occurrences and he shall sign the log upon the completion of his

1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What are intake and exhaust systems?
2. What is scavenging?
3. What is supercharging and how is it provided?
4. How is the supercharger driven?
5. What are the functions of the exhaust system?

Engine Air Systems

Parts and accessories, which supply the cylinders of an engine with air for
combustion, and remove the waste gases after combustion, are called intake and
exhaust systems.
In the intake systems of all modern 2-stroke cycle engines and some 4-stroke
cycle engines, a device, usually a bowler, is installed to increase the flow of air
into the cylinders. This is accomplished by the blower compressing the air and
forcing it into an air box or manifold (reservoir) which surrounds or attached to the
cylinders of an engine. Clearing the cylinder of the gases of combustion is called
An increase in air flow into the cylinders of an engine can be used to increase
power output, in addition to being used for scavenging. Since the power of an
engine is developed by the burning of fuel, an increase of power requires more
fuel; the increased fuel, in turn, requires more air, since each pound of fuel requires
certain amount of air combustion. Supplying more air to the combustion spaces is
called supercharging. In some 2-stroke cycle diesel engines, the cylinders are
supercharged during the air intake simply by increasing the amount and pressure of
scavenge air. The same blower is used for supercharging and scavenging.
Supercharging a 4-stoke cycle diesel engine requires the addition of a blower to the
intake system.
The system, which functions to convey gases away from the cylinders of an
engine, is called the exhaust system. In addition to this principal function, an
exhaust system may be designed to perform one or more of the following
functions: muffle exhaust noise, quench sparks, remove solid material from
exhaust gases, and furnish energy to a turbine-driven supercharger.

2. Match the question in column A with correct answer from column B.

1. I’m sure you know that safe operation a) The main engine of my last ship was
of the ship depends on observation of Sulzer. And what main and auxiliary
safety precautions by all personnel, engines do you have?
don’t you?
2. By what engine type was your b) Yes, I do. Nevertheless, I’d like to be
previous ship driven? instructed in safe working practices and
read on my own the safety regulations in
force on your ship. Where are the ship’s
bulletin boards located?
3. You haven’t familiarized yourself c) It seems to me that his cabin is on this
with the machinery spaces, have you? deck, on the opposite side of this
passageway. OK, I’ll go to him as soon
as possible.
4. Do you know where the second d) No, I haven’t visited the engine room
engineer lives? Go to his cabin and ask yet.
him to arrange for a familiarization
round of the machinery spaces.
5. When is the next training session on e) No, I haven’t been briefed on that
occupational safety? regulation.
6. Have you been briefed how to report f) Next training session will be on
when entering the engine room? March 12, after leaving port.

3. Put the words in the correct order to form a question.

1. supercharging is how provided?
2. blower is used the what for?
3. are intake and systems what exhaust for?
4. does engine supercharging diesel what require cycle a 4-stroke?
5. additional perform functions can an exhaust what system?
4. Change the verb from Active to Passive Voice. Keep the same tense.
1. They have machined the camshaft already.
2. The chief engineer will sign and seal the bunker receipt.
3. The fourth engineer jointly with an oiler maintained the fresh water
4. Does the off-going engineer report the existing troubles to the Bridge?
5. He always takes care of the boot engines.
6. Will that barge deliver the ordered lubeoil to us as well?
7. Didn't he finish the work the day before yesterday?
8. The bargeman was connecting the hose to the ship's fuel fill pipe.

5. Change the verb from Passive to Active Voice. Keep the same tense.
1. We were frightened by the terrible noise coming out of the reduction gear box.
2. That piece of equipment has been taken away by somebody.
3. The flow-meter readings were usually taken by the fourth engineer as well as
the barge captain.
4. The meals were served by an A.В. seaman.
5. At that moment, the refrigeration system was being recharged with freon by the
second engineer.
6. One copy of the invoice will he returned by the ship chandler.
6. Write a brief description of Engine Cooling Systems. It should
consist of several paragraphs. Your description should answer these
• What are they for?
• What systems are they divided into?
• What do they consist of?
• What is the function of each separate system?
• Where are the systems components located?

7. Try to explain the functions of intake and exhaust systems.

8. Translate the text.
Operating Mechanisms
In many cases, the mechanism, which transmits power for the operation of the
engine valves and blower, may also transmit power to parts and accessories, which
are components of various engine systems. For example, such items as the
governor; fuel, lubricating, and water pumps; and overspeed trips are, in some
engines, operated by the same mechanism.
The parts, which make up the operating mechanisms of an engine, may be di-
vided into two groups: the group, which forms the drive mechanisms, and the
group, which forms the actuating mechanisms. The source of power for the
operating mechanisms of an engine is the crankshaft.
A drive mechanism may be of the gear, chain or belt type. The gear type is the
most common. A combination of gears and chains is used as the driving
mechanism in some engines. A separate drive mechanism, which is used to
transmit power for the operation of engine valves is generally called the camshaft
drive or timing mechanism. Camshaft drives are designed to maintain the proper
relationship between the speeds of the crankshaft and the camshaft.
In order for the valves (intake, exhaust, fuel injection, air starter) to operate,
there must be a change in the type of motion. In other words, the rotary motion of
the crankshaft and drive mechanism must be changed to a reciprocating motion.
The group of parts, which causes the valves of an engine to operate, is generally
called the valve actuating mechanism. It may include the cams, cam followers,
push rods, rocker arms, and valve springs. In some engines, the camshaft is so
located that the need for push rods is eliminated. In such cases, the cam follower is
a part of the rocker arm.
There is a considerable variation in the design and arrangement of the parts of
operating mechanisms found in different engines. The size of an engine, the cycle
of operation, the cylinder arrangement, and other factors govern the design and
arrangement of the components as well as the design and arrangement of the

1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What occurs at the end of expansion?
2. What harmful results would a high temperature produce?
3. What is the temperature inside the cylinders during combustion of the fuel?
4. Why is cooling necessary?
5. What may the cooling medium be?
6. What has the lowering of temperature of engine parts subjected to
combustion temperature in highly rated engines made possible?
7. What is the temperature of the combustion chamber surfaces of cylinder
covers, piston crowns an cylinders liners?

The temperature inside the cylinders of diesel engines rises to approximately

2000 °C during combustion of the fuel and drops to approximately 600 °C at the
end of expansion. With temperatures in this range the metal of the cylinder covers
cylinder liners and pistons would quickly heat up to the point where, its strength
would be insufficient to withstand the cylinder pressures; also, no oil film would
be able to exist on the cylinder walls, and lubrication of the cylinder and piston
rings would break down. Cooling is necessary to maintain sufficient strength in the
parts and to preserve the oil film on the cylinder.
The cooling medium for cylinder liners and covers is a flow of distilled or
fresh water: the medium for cooling pistons is also distilled or fresh water or oil
from the crankcase system. The amount of heat extracted from the various parts
must be such that they operate at temperatures well within the strength limits of the
materials used. The coolant flow patterns must also be arranged so that the surfaces
of all parts are as near uniform temperature as possible to prevent large thermal
stress being set up.
With modern highly rated engines the temperatures of the parts subjected to
combustion temperature are much lower than in earlier engines. This has been
made possible by the availability of better temperature measuring devices and
research carried out by engine builders.
The temperature of the combustion chamber surfaces of cylinder covers,
piston crowns and cylinder liners varies between 200 °C and 350 °C in modern
highly rated engines. The variation in the temperature of different parts of the
surface of cylinder covers will be within 50 °C to 100 °C, and for piston crowns
the temperature variation will be 75 °C to 100 °C. Cylinder liners show greater
temperature variation throughout their length, but in the highly critical area at the
top of the liner the variation is kept to approximately 100 °C.

2. Match the question in column A with correct answer from column B.

1. When were you discharged from the a) My wages were eight hundred US
last ship? dollars.
2. How much did you they pay? b) Last time I signed off in May.
3. How many overtime hours did you c) It started at 8 in the morning and
have to work a day? lasted until 5 p.m.
4. In what spaces did you maintain d) The second engineer did all the
cleanliness? assignments.
5. Who assigned the engine department
e) They were main and auxiliary
personnel to work? machinery room, we call it engine room,
steering engine room, emergency
generator compartment, exhaust gas
boiler space and machine shop.
6. How long was the oiler’s working f) I had to work two or three additional
day? hours a day.

3. Put the words in the correct order to form a question.

1. must, the, materials, be, of, used, strength, what, limits, the?
2. if, 600 °C, the, approximately, does, fuel, of drop, at,
expansion, temperature, the, end, to?
3. cooling, employed, medium, is, what?
4. liners, throughout, does, temperature, length, cylinder, the, what, variation,
its, show?
5. extreme, engine, what, the, subjected, are, to, parts, heating, diesel?

4. Make these sentences Passive.

1. Engine builders carry out the research.
2. Forced air flow can cool small high-speed diesel engines.
3. Distilled or fresh water or oil may cool pistons, cylinder liners and covers.
4. It also preserves the oil film on the cylinder walls.
6. Oil films lubricate diesel engine bearings.
7. Cooling maintains sufficient strength in the parts.
8. The transfer pump discharges the fuel to a settling tank.

5. What are the names of these objects?

A device / arrangement used to:
• generate distilled water
• measure pressure
• measure temperature
• cool fresh water
• measure viscosity
6. Make a list of possible disturbances caused by the insufficient
cooling and methods of their elimination.
7. Write a description of “Scavenging”. The description should consist of
10-15 sentences, answer these questions:
• Name three methods of scavenging.
• Which of them has the advantages and what are they?

8. Translate the following text.

Fuel injection valve
The fuel injection valve, or injector, comprises basically of a nozzle holder
10 and injection nozzle 14 which is water cooled. It sprays finely atomized fuel
under high pressure with just the necessary amount for combustion into the
combustion chamber.
The injector is fitted in the cylinder head and connected to the high-pressure
fuel pipe via a fuel delivery tube 9.
The injector nozzle 14 is positioned by means of a dowel pin in order to ensure
that the respective holes for nozzle cooling water and fuel match up.
The nozzle needle 15, which is lapped into the nozzle, lifts at a pressure of
320 bar (for correct opening pressure, see the engine acceptance and control
records), thus allowing fuel to squirt through the nozzle holes. On reduction of
pressure the valve spring 7 pushes the nozzle needle 15 back onto the nozzle seat,
thus closing off the injector. The closing force of the valve spring 7 is transmitted to
the nozzle needle 15 via spring plate 6 and trust rod 11.
The injector nozzle cooling water enters through a hole in the cylinder head
just before the water inlet hole for the injector. From there it flows vertically
down through hole CWS to the nozzle and back up again through hole CWR,
from there it leaves the cylinder head through a horizontal hole. The rubber rings 8,
above and below the cooling water holes, act as seals.
The cup washers (Belleville spring washers) 4 protect the stud bolts which hold
down the injector from the oscillations caused by the combustion pressures.

1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. How is the diesel engine power expressed?
2. Why is some of the effective horsepower lost?
3. What are the characteristics of a slow-speed diesel engine (name the
cylinder bore, rpm, power output)?
4. What is the main advantage of slow-speed diesel engine?
5. What kind of engine is called a directly coupled engine (slow or medium-
6. In what kind of ships are medium-speed diesel engines applied? What are
their particulars/characteristics?
7. What structural parts does the engine frame include?
8. What portion of the frame is called the crankcase?
9. What do we call the reservoir that holds the lube oil collected in the lower
part of some engines?
10.Can you explain the term “dry sump engine”?

Different types of marine engine

There are four main types of marine engine: the diesel engine, the steam
turbine, the gas turbine and the marine nuclear plant.
Each type of engine has its own particular application.
The diesel engine is a form of internal combustion engine. Its power is
expressed as brake horsepower (bhp). This is the power put out by the engine.
Effective horsepower is the power developed by the piston in the cylinder, but
some of this is lost by friction within the engine. The power is now expressed in
kilowatts. Large diesel engines, which have cylinder nearly 900 mm in diameter,
turn at the relatively slow speed of about 145 rpm and less. They can be connected
directly to the propeller without gearing. Although higher power could be
produced by higher revolutions, this would reduce the efficiency of the propeller,
because the propeller is more efficient the larger it is and the slower it turns. More
and more of the larger merchant vessels are being powered by medium-speed
diesel engines. These operate between 150 and 450 rpm, therefore they are
connected to the propeller by gearing. They are the cheaper than slow-speed diesel
engines, and their smaller size and weight can result in a smaller cheaper ship.
The principal components of an internal combustion engine may be delivered
into two principal groups - parts and systems. The main parts of an internal
combustion engine may be further divided into structural parts and moving parts.
The frame of the modern diesel may include such parts as the cylinder block,
crankcase, bedplate or base, sump or oil pan, and end plates.
The engine frame part which supports the engine's cylinder liners and cylinder
heads is called the cylinder block.
The engine frame part, which serves as a housing for the crankshaft, is called
the crankcase. Since lubrication is essential for proper engine operation, a reservoir
for collecting aid holding the engine's lubricating oil is a necessary part of the
engine structure. The reservoir may be called a sump or an oil pan, depending upon
its design, and is usually attached directly to the engine. However, in some
engines, the oil reservoir may be located at some point relatively remote from the
engine; such engines may be called dry sump engines.
The cylinder assembly consists of the head, the liner, the studs and the gasket;
it provides a gas and liquid-tight space. Practically all diesel engines are
constructed with replaceable cylinder liners. The liners of bores must be sealed
tightly to form the combustion chambers. The space at the combustion end of a
cylinder is formed and sealed by a cylinder head, which is a separate unit from the
A number of engine parts, which are essential to engine operation, may be
found in or attached to the cylinder head. The cylinder head may house intake and
exhaust valves, valve guides and valve seats. Rocker arm assemblies are frequently
attached to the cylinder head.
The fuel injection valve is almost always in the cylinder head. Cylinder heads
of a diesel engine may also be fitted with air starting valves. Large diesel engines
generally have one cylinder head for each cylinder.

2. Match the question in column A with correct answer from column B.

1. I’m sorry again, but I have the a) No, I don’t. ach time I need to come
impression that this application form to a crewing agency I have to take a bus
was filled up with a shaking hand, and spend four and a half hours on the
wasn’t it? road.
2. So, you don’t live in Sevastopol, do b) It can be explained by the fact that I
you? filled the form up in the bus while going
to Sevastopol. I’m not a city dweller.
3. What crewing agency did you sign c) I’ll board her as soon as I’m required
with your last contract of employment? to.
4. Does the general employer hold d) I’m holder of two professional
interviews with all new personnel? certificates; the fitter’s certificate and
welder’s certificate.
5. What certificates of competency do e) Only officers are interviewed.
you have? Ratings are not, they deal only with the
agency inspectors and managers.
6. When will you be ready to join your f) That was Seastar agency.

3. Put the words in the correct order to form a question.

1. now is power what the expressed units?
2. advantage a the what diesel low-speed is main of engine?
3. main internal parts consist of an combustion what engine does?
4. by within lost some the power engine is friction?
5. is part crankcase what the called?
6. are engines what types there main of the marine?
7. may engines dry what be sump called engines?
8. sealed the bores or must be the liners tightly?
9. is fuel the almost injection head always where valve in cylinder the?

4. Try to explain the function of each of these items:

• crank case;
• cylinder block;
• cylinder head;
• fuel injection valve;
• gearing.

5. Using your knowledge of engineering make a list of:

• advantages of slow-speed diesel engines;
• disadvantage of a slow-speed diesel engines.

6. Write a brief description of a diesel engine on your ship. It must consist of

some paragraphs. Your description should answer these questions.
1. What is it used for?
2. What is its type according to construction, location of cylinders, propeller
3. What is the method of a diesel engine connection to the propeller?
4. What are the main particulars (cylinder bore, piston stroke, r.m.p, power
output, fuel consumption) of diesel engine installed on your ship?

7. Change the verb from Active to Passive Voice. Keep the same tense.
1. They have machined the camshaft already.
2. The chief engineer will sign and seal the bunker receipt.
3. He always takes care of the boot engines.
4. The fourth engineer jointly with an oiler maintained the fresh water
5. Does the off-going engineer report the existing troubles to the
6. Will that barge deliver the ordered lubeoil to us as well?
7. Didn't he finish the work the day before yesterday?
8. The bargeman was connecting the hose to the ship's fuel fill pipe.

8. Translate the text.

Fuel Oil Systems
Boiler fuel oil systems on board ship include oil tanks, fuel oil piping, fuel oil
pumps, and the equipment used for heating, straining, measuring, and burning the
fuel oil.
The fuel oil piping system includes (1) the fuel oil filling and transfer system,
and (2) the fuel oil service system. The filling and transfer system is used for,
receiving fuel oil and filling the fuel oil storage tanks, filling the fuel oil service
tanks, changing the list of the ship by transferring fuel oil between port tanks and
starboard tanks, changing the trim of the ship by transferring fuel oil between
forward tanks and after tanks.
In general, the filling and transfer system consists of large mains running fore
and aft, transfer mains, cross-connections, risers for taking on or discharging fuel
oil, fuel oil booster and transfer pumps, lines and manifolds arranged so that the
booster and transfer pumps can transfer oil from one tank to another and, when
necessary, can deliver oil to the suction side of the fuel service pump.
The fuel oil service system consists of a service main, manifold, fuel oil
service pumps, meters, burner manifolds and the burner lines.
Main Lubricating Oil Systems
Main lubricating oil systems on steam-driven ships provide lubrication for the
turbine bearings and the reduction gears. The system usually includes a filling and
transfer system, a purifying system, and separate service system for the propulsion
unit. On most ships, each lube oil service system includes three displacement
pumps (1) a shaft-driven pump, attached to and driven by either the propulsion
shaft or the quill shaft of the reduction gear, is used as the regular lube oil service
pump when the shaft is turning fast enough so that the pump can supply the
required oil pressure. (2) The turbine-driven lube oil service pump is used while
the ship is getting under way and is then used as standby at normal speeds. The
motor-driven lube oil service pump serves as standby for the other two pumps.

1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What parts does a piping system consist of?
2. What accessories are used on piping systems?
3. What types of fittings connect pipe sections?
4. What foreign matter is retained by the strainers?
5. What corrective actions do the engineers have to do when working with
piping systems?
6. What repairs are usually made to pipelines and accessories?
7. Can you describe the functions of the a) bilge drainage system, b) fire-
main system, c) ballast system, and d) sanitary system?
8. How does the pressure tank work?
9. What did you learn about fresh water supply on board?
Ship’s Piping Systems
Since the maintenance and operation of all ship's systems is the responsibility
of the engine department, the engineer officers have to work with piping, fittings,
valves, and insulation. Each piping system consists of sections or lengths of piping,
fittings for joining the sections, and valves for controlling the flow of fluid. Most
piping systems also include other fittings and accessories such as vents, drains,
traps, strainers, relief valves, various gauges: vacuum meters, pressure gauges,
thermometers, and other measuring instruments. Piping sections of the proper size
and material are connected by various standard fittings including threaded, bolt-
flanged, welded, bend, and expansion joints. Strainers are fitted in all pipelines to
prevent the passage of debris, grit, scale, dirt, and other foreign matter. Such matter
could obstruct pumps, throttle valves, or damage machinery parts.
In order to make the machinery operate properly, the engineers must know
how to make minor repairs to insulation, repack high pressure valves, overhaul and
adjust valves, select the right packing and gaskets, and make permanent repairs to
pipelines. Working with ship's systems implies the following actions: maintaining
the systems in a condition of constant readiness and good working order at all
times; frequent examining of the lines; keeping all joints, valves and cocks tight;
eliminating any leaks at joints by tightening connecting bolts or packing nuts:
replacing gaskets or any defective parts; cleaning strainers at recommended
intervals, etc. Making repairs to pipelines and accessories implies doing such
corrective actions as: removal of strain on pipes; removal of pipe vibration;
keeping steel or iron piping properly painted and free from moisture; repairing
leaky pipes or fitting by welding; brazing; plugging blow-holes or stopping leakage
with clamps; renewing worn out or damaged parts; overhauling, repacking and
adjusting valves, etc.
The future marine engineer should be particularly acquainted with the
following piping systems:
1.The bilge drainage system, which is designed to collect drains from
compartments that cannot be drained overboard by gravity and to pump this bilge
water overboard. To prevent oil mixed with the bilge water from being pumped
overboard, the bilge water must first go to an oily water separator.
2.The fire-main system, which supplies seawater under pressure to all the fire
stations, and to the deck and anchor wash connections. The fire-main system is the
ship's first means of defence against fire. It is required no matter what other fire
extinguishing systems are installed.
3.The water ballast system, designed to loud and discharge the fore and after
peak tanks, and in some cases one or more deep tanks, with clean salt-water
ballast. The purpose of the system is to maintain the proper trim, stability, and
immersion of the vessel.
6.The sanitary and grey water drainage systems. The sanitary system flushes
toilet bowls and urinals. The grey water system is completely separate and drains
showers, sinks, laundry, and interior deck drains. Since the grey water is free of
harmful bacteria, it is drained directly overboard. No one should dump waste oil
down these drains since it will go directly overboard, causing oil pollution.
Sanitary sewage is collected in a special tank and then sent to a sewage treatment
plant. Sanitary discharges are equipped with an automatic non-return valve to
prevent water from passing inboard.
7. The fresh water system must be entirely independent of all other piping
systems; blank flanges, bypasses and other connections are illegal. Drinking and
washing water systems are often combined. The washing water system usually
utilizes several tanks located in the double bottom; it supplies fresh water to the
washing appliances and other consumers. Drinking water is used mostly in the
In the pressure system a pressure tank is located in the machinery space. This
tank is filled with compressed air in its upper part and water in its lower portion.
As water is pumped into the tank, the air is further compressed until a set pressure
is reached when the pump stops. This compression maintains pressure on the
system until the minimum point is reached when the pump is started again.
Hot water is supplied via a storage type water heater, which usually operates
automatically under the control of a thermostatic valve.
The supply of drinking water on board is limited, and it is common practice to
take water from shore side whenever practical. Most ocean-going vessels cannot
store enough fresh water for a voyage and must have the capability to make fresh
water. Fresh water is made from seawater by installations called distilling plants,
or evaporators, or fresh water generators.

2. Match the question in column A with correct answer from column B.

1. Who instructed you in the proper use a) In that drill I had to release №1 boat
of fire-fighting equipment? chocks.
2. What personnel protective equipment b) One drill was held every week.
did you use while doing your job?
3. What was your abandon ship duty? c) That was the emergency duty of two
4. What engine ratings assisted at CO2 d) In fire emergency, I was to come to
fire extinguishers? the engine control room.
5. How often were safety drills held on e) I used goggles, safety helmet, safety
your ship? shoes and gloves.
6. What was your fire station? f) Our fire instructor was the first
assistant engineer.
3. Put these words in the correct order to form a question.
1. the notified when ship's is agent?
2. he what notified is about?
3. radiogram a is to when the confirmation sent agent?
4. must in what the charge skills engineer have?
5. are fuel taken why samples?
6. to receipt who sign is bunker a?

4. Make these sentences passive.

1. He labels each sample with the necessary data.
2. The ship sends to the agent a confirmation radiogram.
3. The personnel in charge must take samples throughout the 'period of fuel
4. The engineer-in-charge gives instructions and signals to the attendants.
5. He must draw up the bunker receipts.
6. The chief engineer should obtain the fuel specification before taking
7. The chief engineer has to correct the discrepancy.
8. He shall make a full report of the circumstances.

5. Explain the meaning of the following items:

- piping system;
- bilge drainage system;
- water ballast system;
- fire-main system.

6. Write a brief description of a diesel engine on your ship. It must consist of

some paragraphs. Your description should answer these questions.
1. What is it used for?
2. What is its type according to construction, location of cylinders, propeller
3. What is the method of a diesel engine connection to the propeller?
4. What are the main particulars (cylinder bore, piston stroke, r.m.p, power
output, fuel consumption) of diesel engine installed on your ship?
7. Change the verb from Active to Passive Voice. Keep the same tense.
1. They have machined the camshaft already.
2. The chief engineer will sign and seal the bunker receipt.
3. He always takes care of the boot engines.
4. The fourth engineer jointly with an oiler maintained the fresh water generator.
5. Does the off-going engineer report the existing troubles to the Bridge?
6. Will that barge deliver the ordered lubeoil to us as well?
7. Didn't he finish the work the day before yesterday?
8. The bargeman was connecting the hose to the ship's fuel fill pipe.

8. Translate the text.

Fuel Oil Systems
Boiler fuel oil systems on board ship include oil tanks, fuel oil piping, fuel oil
pumps, and the equipment used for heating, straining, measuring, and burning the
fuel oil.
The fuel oil piping system includes (1) the fuel oil filling and transfer system,
and (2) the fuel oil service system. The filling and transfer system is used for,
receiving fuel oil and filling the fuel oil storage tanks, filling the fuel oil service
tanks, changing the list of the ship by transferring fuel oil between port tanks and
starboard tanks, changing the trim of the ship by transferring fuel oil between
forward tanks and after tanks.
In general, the filling and transfer system consists of large mains running fore
and aft, transfer mains, cross-connections, risers for taking on or discharging fuel
oil, fuel oil booster and transfer pumps, lines and manifolds arranged so that the
booster and transfer pumps can transfer oil from one tank to another and, when
necessary, can deliver oil to the suction side of the fuel service pump.
The fuel oil service system consists of a service main, manifold, fuel oil
service pumps, meters, burner manifolds and the burner lines.
Main Lubricating Oil Systems
Main lubricating oil systems on steam-driven ships provide lubrication for the
turbine bearings and the reduction gears. The system usually includes a filling and
transfer system, a purifying system, and separate service system for the propulsion
unit. On most ships, each lube oil service system includes three displacement
pumps (1) a shaft-driven pump, attached to and driven by either the propulsion
shaft or the quill shaft of the reduction gear, is used as the regular lube oil service
pump when the shaft is turning fast enough so that the pump can supply the
required oil pressure. (2) The turbine-driven lube oil service pump is used while
the ship is getting under way and is then used as standby at normal speeds. The
motor-driven lube oil service pump serves as standby for the other two pumps.

1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What occurs at the end of expansion?
2. What harmful results would a high temperature produce?
3. What is the temperature inside the cylinders during combustion of the fuel?
4. Why is cooling necessary?
5. What may the cooling medium be?
6. What has the lowering of temperature of engine parts subjected to
combustion temperature in highly rated engines made possible?
7. What is the temperature of the combustion chamber surfaces of cylinder
covers, piston crowns an cylinders liners?

The temperature inside the cylinders of diesel engines rises to approximately

2000 °C during combustion of the fuel and drops to approximately 600 °C at the
end of expansion. With temperatures in this range the metal of the cylinder covers
cylinder liners and pistons would quickly heat up to the point where, its strength
would be insufficient to withstand the cylinder pressures; also, no oil film would
be able to exist on the cylinder walls, and lubrication of the cylinder and piston
rings would break down. Cooling is necessary to maintain sufficient strength in the
parts and to preserve the oil film on the cylinder.
The cooling medium for cylinder liners and covers is a flow of distilled or
fresh water: the medium for cooling pistons is also distilled or fresh water or oil
from the crankcase system. The amount of heat extracted from the various parts
must be such that they operate at temperatures well within the strength limits of the
materials used. The coolant flow patterns must also be arranged so that the surfaces
of all parts are as near uniform temperature as possible to prevent large thermal
stress being set up.
With modern highly rated engines the temperatures of the parts subjected to
combustion temperature are much lower than in earlier engines. This has been
made possible by the availability of better temperature measuring devices and
research carried out by engine builders.
The temperature of the combustion chamber surfaces of cylinder covers,
piston crowns and cylinder liners varies between 200 °C and 350 °C in modern
highly rated engines. The variation in the temperature of different parts of the
surface of cylinder covers will be within 50 °C to 100 °C, and for piston crowns
the temperature variation will be 75 °C to 100 °C. Cylinder liners show greater
temperature variation throughout their length, but in the highly critical area at the
top of the liner the variation is kept to approximately 100 °C.

2. Match the question in column A with correct answer from column B.

1. When were you discharged from thea) My wages were eight hundred US
last ship? dollars.
2. How much did you they pay? b) Last time I signed off in May.
3. How many overtime hours did you c) It started at 8 in the morning and
have to work a day? lasted until 5 p.m.
4. In what spaces did you maintain d) The second engineer did all the
cleanliness? assignments.
5. Who assigned the engine department
e) They were main and auxiliary
personnel to work? machinery room, we call it engine room,
steering engine room, emergency
generator compartment, exhaust gas
boiler space and machine shop.
6. How long was the oiler’s working f) I had to work two or three additional
day? hours a day.

3. Put the words in the correct order to form a question.

1. must, the, materials, be, of, used, strength, what, limits, the?
2. if, 600 °C, the, approximately, does, fuel, of drop, at,
expansion, temperature, the, end, to?
3. cooling, employed, medium, is, what?
4. liners, throughout, does, temperature, length, cylinder, the, what, variation,
its, show?
5. extreme, engine, what, the, subjected, are, to, parts, heating, diesel?

4. Make these sentences Passive.

1. Engine builders carry out the research.
2. Forced air flow can cool small high-speed diesel engines.
3. Distilled or fresh water or oil may cool pistons, cylinder liners and covers.
4. It also preserves the oil film on the cylinder walls.
5. Oil films lubricate diesel engine bearings.
6. Cooling maintains sufficient strength in the parts.
7. The transfer pump discharges the fuel to a settling tank.

5.What are the names of these objects?

A device / arrangement used to:
• generate distilled water
• measure pressure
• measure temperature
• cool fresh water
• measure viscosity

6. What is a basic distinction between the open and closed type cooling
7. Write a brief description of a “Supporting Systems of a Diesel Engine”. It
must consist of some paragraphs. Your description should answer these
• What systems support a diesel engine operation?
• What is the function of each of them?
• What parts does every system consist of?

8.Translate the following text.

Engine Maintenance
Keeping an internal combustion engine in good operating condition demands
a well-planned procedure of periodic inspection, adjustments, maintenance, and
repair. If inspections are made regularly, much maladjustment can be detected and
corrected before a serious casualty results. A planned maintenance program will
help to prevent major casualties and the occurrence of many operating troubles.
Routine maintenance must be performed as soon as possible; if repair jobs are
allowed to accumulate, the result may be hurried and incomplete work.
There are several general rules, which apply to ail engines, as regards their
They are:
1. Detailed repair procedures are listed in manufacturer's instruction manuals
and maintenance pamphlets. Study the appropriate manuals and pamphlets before
attempting any repair work. Pay particular attention to tolerances, limits, and
2. The highest degree of cleanliness must be observed in handling the parts
during overhaul.
3. Before starting repair work, be sure that required tools and replacements
for detective parts are available.
4. Detailed records of repairs should be kept. Such records should include the
measurements of parts, hours in use, and new parts installed. An analysis of such
records will indicate the hours of operation that may be expected from the various
engine parts. This knowledge is helpful as an aid in determining when a part
should be renewed in order to avoid a failure.
5. Detailed information on preventive maintenance is contained in the special
6. Certain operating checks and inspections are required as a normal part of
the regular watchstanding routine, such as hourly pressure and temperature checks
or routine oil level checks.

1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What moving parts have reciprocating motion?
2. What pans does a piston and road assembly include?
3. Can you describe the functions of the piston?
4. What additional function do the pistons perform in two-stroke cycle
5. What are the three functions of the piston rings?
6. What do we call the link between the crankshaft and crosshead?
7. Do the camshaft control the valves directly?
8. What is the role of the cam shape?
9. Can you explain the term “timing”?
10. By what means may the camshaft be driven?
11. What are the parts of a crankshaft?
12. How does lube oil reach the main and connecting rod bearings?

Moving Parts of a Diesel Engine

The moving parts may be divided into three groups: (1) the parts which have
only reciprocating motion (pistons), (2) the parts which have both reciprocating
and rotating motion (connecting rods), and (3) the parts which have only rotating
motion (crankshafts and camshafts).
The piston and rod assemblies include a piston, piston rings, piston pin,
connecting rod, and related bearings. The piston must be so designed and must be
made of such materials that it can withstand the extreme heat and pressure of
combustion. The piston aids in the sealing of the cylinder to prevent the escape of
gas and transmits some of the heat to the cylinder wall. A piston serves as a valve
in opening and closing the ports of a two-stroke cycle engine.
Piston rings perform three functions: seal the cylinder, distribute and control
lubricating oil on the cylinder wall, and transfer heat from the piston to the cylinder
wall. In trunk-type piston assemblies, the connection between the piston and the
connecting rod is usually the piston pin.
The connecting link between the piston and crankshaft or the crankshaft and
the crosshead of an engine is the connecting rod.
The camshaft is a shaft with eccentric projections, called cams, designed to
control the operation of valve, usually through various intermediate parts. The
cams are arranged on the shaft to provide the proper firing order of cylinders. The
shape of the cam determines the point of opening and closing, the speed of opening
and closing, and the amount of valve lift. All cylinders will be affected if there is a
change in timing. The camshaft is driven by the crankshaft by various means; the
most common are gears or a chain and sprocket.
One of the principal engine parts, which has only rotating motion, is the
crank-shaft. The crankshaft changes the movement of the piston and the
connecting rod into the rotating motion required to drive such items as reduction
gears, propeller shafts, generators, pumps, etc. The parts of crankshaft are main
bearing journals, connecting rod journals, counterweights, timing gear bolting
flange, lubricating oil holes, any flywheel dowel. The flywheel is a means, which
stabilizes shaft rotation.
An important group of engine parts consists of the bearings. Some bearings
remain stationary in performing their function while others move. Main bearings
which support the crankshaft are of the sliding contact, or plain type, consisting of
two halves of shell. The bearings used in connection with the piston pins are of
three types: the internal bearing, the sleeve bearing or bushing, and the needle type
roller bearing. The bearing in the bosses (hubs) of most pistons are of the sleeve
bushing type.

2. Match the question in column A with correct answer from column B.

1. Do you know the standard engine a) Fuel oil is still being transferred.
2. Is No.6 double bottom tank being b) No pumping at present.
3. Has fuel oil been transferred into c) They are Full/Half/Slow/Dead slow
service tank? ahead or astern; Emergency full ahead
or astern.
4. Is there any pumping in the engine d) Blackout in boiler room.
5. Have you called the motorman? e) No.6 tank discharged.
6. Is there any break down the f) I couldn’t find him. He probably had
machinery? left the engine room.

3. Make these sentences Passive.

1. The shape of the cam determines the point of opening and closing, the
speed of opening and closing, and the amount of the valve lift.
2. The crankshaft drives the camshaft by various means.
3. Piston rings perform three functions.
4. Main bearings support the crankshaft.
5. An important group of engine parts include the bearings.

4.Put the words in the correct order to form a question.

1. piston what must of be material made the?
2. are piston of three what rings functions the?
3. to camshaft is the designed what?
4. driven the by is camshaft how?
5. is the crankshaft of function what the?
6. may what be in pistons the bearing used?
7. consist of does parts it what?
5. What are the names of these objects?
A device used to:
• open and close the ports (in a two-stroke cycle engine);
• connect the piston and the connecting rod (in trunk-type piston
• control the operation of valves (through various intermediate parts);
• drive the camshaft (by means of gears, or a chain and sprocket);
• stabilize shaft rotation;
• support the crankshaft.

6. Write a brief description of Engine Cooling Systems. It should

consist of several paragraphs. Your description should answer these
• What are they for?
• What systems are they divided into?
• What do they consist of?
• What is the function of each separate system?
• Where are the systems components located?

7. Try to explain the functions of intake and exhaust systems.

8. Translate the text.
Operating Mechanisms
In many cases, the mechanism, which transmits power for the operation of the
engine valves and blower, may also transmit power to parts and accessories, which
are components of various engine systems. For example, such items as the
governor; fuel, lubricating, and water pumps; and overspeed trips are, in some
engines, operated by the same mechanism.
The parts, which make up the operating mechanisms of an engine, may be di-
vided into two groups: the group, which forms the drive mechanisms, and the
group, which forms the actuating mechanisms. The source of power for the
operating mechanisms of an engine is the crankshaft.
A drive mechanism may be of the gear, chain or belt type. The gear type is the
most common. A combination of gears and chains is used as the driving
mechanism in some engines. A separate drive mechanism, which is used to
transmit power for the operation of engine valves is generally called the camshaft
drive or timing mechanism. Camshaft drives are designed to maintain the proper
relationship between the speeds of the crankshaft and the camshaft.
In order for the valves (intake, exhaust, fuel injection, air starter) to operate,
there must be a change in the type of motion. In other words, the rotary motion of
the crankshaft and drive mechanism must be changed to a reciprocating motion.
The group of parts, which causes the valves of an engine to operate, is generally
called the valve actuating mechanism. It may include the cams, cam followers,
push rods, rocker arms, and valve springs. In some engines, the camshaft is so
located that the need for push rods is eliminated. In such cases, the cam follower is
a part of the rocker arm.
There is a considerable variation in the design and arrangement of the parts of
operating mechanisms found in different engines. The size of an engine, the cycle
of operation, the cylinder arrangement, and other factors govern the design and
arrangement of the components as well as the design and arrangement of the


1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What are intake and exhaust systems?
2. What is scavenging?
3. What is supercharging and how is it provided?
4. How is the supercharger driven?
5. What are the functions of the exhaust system?

Engine Air Systems

Parts and accessories, which supply the cylinders of an engine with air for
combustion, and remove the waste gases after combustion, are called intake and
exhaust systems.
In the intake systems of all modern 2-stroke cycle engines and some 4-stroke
cycle engines, a device, usually a bowler, is installed to increase the flow of air
into the cylinders. This is accomplished by the blower compressing the air and
forcing it into an air box or manifold (reservoir) which surrounds or attached to the
cylinders of an engine. Clearing the cylinder of the gases of combustion is called
An increase in air flow into the cylinders of an engine can be used to increase
power output, in addition to being used for scavenging. Since the power of an
engine is developed by the burning of fuel, an increase of power requires more
fuel; the increased fuel, in turn, requires more air, since each pound of fuel requires
certain amount of air combustion. Supplying more air to the combustion spaces is
called supercharging. In some 2-stroke cycle diesel engines, the cylinders are
supercharged during the air intake simply by increasing the amount and pressure of
scavenge air. The same blower is used for supercharging and scavenging.
Supercharging a 4-stoke cycle diesel engine requires the addition of a blower to the
intake system.
The system, which functions to convey gases away from the cylinders of an
engine, is called the exhaust system. In addition to this principal function, an
exhaust system may be designed to perform one or more of the following
functions: muffle exhaust noise, quench sparks, remove solid material from
exhaust gases, and furnish energy to a turbine-driven supercharger.
2. Match the question in column A with correct answer from column B.
1. I’m sure you know that safe operation a) The main engine of my last ship was
of the ship depends on observation of Sulzer. And what main and auxiliary
safety precautions by all personnel, engines do you have?
don’t you?
2. By what engine type was your b) Yes, I do. Nevertheless, I’d like to be
previous ship driven? instructed in safe working practices and
read on my own the safety regulations in
force on your ship. Where are the ship’s
bulletin boards located?
3. You haven’t familiarized yourself c) It seems to me that his cabin is on this
with the machinery spaces, have you? deck, on the opposite side of this
passageway. OK, I’ll go to him as soon
as possible.
4. Do you know where the second d) No, I haven’t visited the engine room
engineer lives? Go to his cabin and ask yet.
him to arrange for a familiarization
round of the machinery spaces.
5. When is the next training session on e) No, I haven’t been briefed on that
occupational safety? regulation.
6. Have you been briefed how to report f) Next training session will be on
when entering the engine room? March 12, after leaving port.

3. Put the words in the correct order to form a question.

1. supercharging is how provided?
2. blower is used the what for?
3. are intake and systems what exhaust for?
4. does engine supercharging diesel what require cycle a 4-stroke?
5. additional perform functions can an exhaust what system?
4. Change the verb from Active to Passive Voice. Keep the same tense.
1. They have machined the camshaft already.
2. The chief engineer will sign and seal the bunker receipt.
3. The fourth engineer jointly with an oiler maintained the fresh water
4. Does the off-going engineer report the existing troubles to the Bridge?
5. He always takes care of the boot engines.
6. Will that barge deliver the ordered lubeoil to us as well?
7. Didn't he finish the work the day before yesterday?
8. The bargeman was connecting the hose to the ship's fuel fill pipe.

5. Change the verb from Passive to Active Voice. Keep the same tense.
1. We were frightened by the terrible noise coming out of the reduction gear box.
2. That piece of equipment has been taken away by somebody.
3. The flow-meter readings were usually taken by the fourth engineer as well as
the barge captain.
4. The meals were served by an A.В. seaman.
5. At that moment, the refrigeration system was being recharged with freon by the
second engineer.
6. One copy of the invoice will he returned by the ship chandler.

6. Make a list of actions performed (before taking bunkers) by:

• captain / chief engineer;
• person-in-charge of bunkering operations.
7. Make a list of actions performed by engine room personnel while
bunkering operations and after them.

8. Translate the text.

Marine Pumps
On board ship, pumps are used for a number of services. Pumps feed water to
the boilers, draw condensate from the condensers, supply sea water to the fire-
main, circulate cooling water for the main and auxiliary engines cooling system,
coolers and condensers, empty the bilges, transfer fuel oil, pump in and out ballast
water, discharge fuel oil to the burners and fuel injection valves, circulate lube oil
to bearings and gears of the propulsion plant components.
Every pump has a power end, which may be a steam turbine, a reciprocating
engine or an electric motor, and a liquid end where the liquid enters and leaves the
The suction head means the pressure of the liquid entering the pump, or the
difference in the level of liquid with respect to the level of the pump on the suction
side. The discharge head means the pressure of the liquid leaving the pump, or the
level of liquid with respect to the level of the pump on the discharge side.
Most marine pumps are of reciprocating, rotary, centrifugal, or jet type.
The reciprocating pump moves liquid or gas by means of a piston or plunger
which goes back and forth or up and down within a cylinder containing a suction
valve and a discharge valve. An adjustable relief valve is fitted to the discharge
chamber to protect the pump and piping against excessive pressure.
All rotary pumps work by means of rotating parts, which trap the liquid at the
suction side and force it through the discharge outlet. Classification of rotary
pumps is generally made according to the type of rotating elements: screw, gear,
vane, axial-plunger rotary pumps. Rotary pumps are particularly used for pumping
oil and other heavy, viscous liquids.
The centrifugal pump utilizes the throwing force of a rapidly revolving
impeller. The liquid is drawn in at the centre of the impeller and is discharged at
the outer rim of the impeller. Centrifugal pumps are widely used on board ship for
pumping nonviscous liquids. Fire pumps usually are single stage, double suction,
volute type either turbine-driven or motor-driven centrifugal pumps. Main feed
pump is a high-speed, multistage, turbine driven, horizontal or vertical pump.
The operation of the propulsion plant and of almost all auxiliary machinery
depends upon the proper operation of pumps. Pump failure may cause failure of an
entire power plant. Therefore, maintaining the pumps in good working order is a
very important task of the marine engineers. They are required to properly operate
and make minor adjustments and operational repairs to any pump. It should be
noted, however, that most marine pumps are designed for a long and trouble free
operating life with a minimum of maintenance.

Шифр №
Реєстр №

Методичні рекомендації
до виконання контрольних завдань
з дисципліни «Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням)»

Факультет Суднової енергетики

Ступінь вищої освіти бакалавр
Галузь знань 27 «Транспорт»
Спеціальність 271 «Річковий та морський транспорт»
Спеціалізація «Експлуатація суднового електрообладнання та
засобів автоматики»
Курс,форма навчання І-ІІІспз заочної форми
навчання (на основі ОКР «молодший спеціаліст»)

Херсон – 2016
Методичні рекомендації до виконання контрольних завдань для
студентів заочної форми навчання з дисципліни «Англійська мова (за
професійним спрямуванням)» розробили у відповідності з робочою
навчальною програмою, ІМО модельного курсу 3.17 (Maritime English), за
спеціальністю 271 «Річковий та морський транспорт», спеціалізація
«Експлуатація суднових енергетичних установок» Літікова О.І., к. пед. н.,
доц., Соловей Г.С., к. філол. н, доц., Афанасієвська І.О., викл.

Методичні рекомендації розглянуто на засіданні кафедри

15 жовтня 2015 р. протокол № 2.

Завідувач кафедри _______________ к.п.н., доц. Літікова О.І.

Начальник навчально-методичного відділу ______________ В.В.Черненко

Мета і завдання дисципліни
Дисципліна «Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням)» у
комплексі з іншими спеціальними предметами посідає одне з головних місць
в освітньо-професійній підготовці бакалаврів морського флоту та є
невід’ємною частиною загальної підготовки висококваліфікованих фахівців
для морського флоту України.
Мета навчання англійської мови професійного спрямування полягає у
формуванні та вдосконаленні англомовної комунікативної компетентності
майбутніх морських інженерів у професійно орієнтованому спілкуванні задля
ефективного вирішення ними своїх професійних задач.

Завдання курсу:
 виявити та винайти шляхи та способи ефективного запровадження
компетентнісного підходу у формуванні англомовної професійно
орієнтованої комунікативної компетентності майбутніх морських
 забезпечити різноманітність методів, форм та видів навчальної
діяльності на занятті, що сприятимуть результативності навчального
 вдосконалювати прийоми та засоби комунікативної організації
навчання морської англійської мови у ході виконання професійно
орієнтованих завдань;
 розробити номенклатуру сфер та ситуацій професійного спілкування у
межах означеної спеціалізації та укласти перелік комунікативних
професійних компетенцій, що формуватимуться у них;
 забезпечити тісну співпрацю викладачів мови та спеціальних предметів
задля успішного засвоєння морської та вузькоспеціалізованої
інженерної лексики у максимально наближеному до природного
професійному контексті;
 запропонувати варіанти організації процесу навчання з урахуванням
особливостей спеціалізованих компетентностей та різних рівнів
кваліфікацій фахівців для повноцінного відтворення професійного
 забезпечити поступове засвоєння компетентностей за рівнями (від В1
до В2) згідно з Загальноєвропейськими рекомендаціями та з
урахуванням принципу модульної організації навчального курсу;
 забезпечити творчий підхід до засвоєння англійської мови через зміст
фахових дисциплін шляхом моделювання реальних професійних
ситуацій, що становитимуть опору для подальшого ефективного
вирішення проблемних ситуацій у професійній діяльності;
 забезпечити інтерактивний характер навчання для розвитку творчих
здібностей та професійно-орієнтованих умінь курсантів під час
співробітництва і спілкування, спрямованих на спільне розв'язання
проблем, здатність виділяти головне, ставити цілі, планувати діяльність,
розподіляти функції, бути відповідальними, критично міркувати тощо.

 розширювати фаховий кругозір майбутніх морських інженерів шляхом
формування у них професійних компетентностей засобами англійської
мови, що відповідатимуть конкретним кваліфікаційним
характеристикам спеціалістів інженерного профілю;
 сприяти розвитку психологічних чинників успішності навчання -
комунікативних здібностей, пам’яті, уваги, логічного мислення, а також
особистісних і вольових якостей, пов’язаних з досягненням прогресу у
навчанні, таких як комунікабельність, здатність до співробітництва та
компромісів тощо;
 готувати студентів до міжнародного та міжкультурного спілкування на
основі використання своїх професійних знань, умінь і навичок та
практичного досвіду;
 знайомити курсантів із специфікою їх майбутньої професійної
діяльності, своєрідним побутом, традиціями та звичаями на борту
 формувати уявлення курсантів про кар’єрне просування морських
інженерів, знання та досвід, необхідні для виконання посадових
 активізувати і розвивати у курсантів увесь спектр їхніх пізнавальних
 допомагати курсантам у формуванні загальних компетентностей,
сприяти розвитку здібностей до самооцінки та здатності до
самостійного навчання упродовж усього життя.

 формувати та вдосконалювати у курсантів загальні та професійно
орієнтовані комунікативні мовленнєві компетентності для забезпечення
успішного англомовного спілкування у навчальному, соціально-
побутовому та професійному середовищі, у відповідності до норм і
культурних традицій в умовах прямого й опосередкованого
 забезпечити досягнення бакалаврами вихідного рівня володіння
англійською мовою професійного спрямування В2 (Незалежний
користувач) відповідно до європейських стандартів;
 формувати у курсантів англомовні мовленнєві компетентності у
професійно спрямованих аудіюванні, говорінні, читанні і письмі на
рівні В2 незалежного користувача;
 удосконалювати мовні компетентності курсантів, а саме їх уміння
коректно користуватися мовним матеріалом – фонетичним, лексичним
і граматичним, адекватно ситуації спілкування, цілям і намірам,
соціальним і функціональним ролям партнерів по спілкуванню;
 формувати у курсантів лінгво-соціокультурну компетентність як
здатність до англомовного професійного спілкування з національно-
культурною специфікою;
 сприяти формуванню комунікативних стратегій курсантів, розвиваючи
їхні уміння моделювати свою мовленнєву професійно орієнтовану
поведінку згідно ситуації спілкування.

Місце дисципліни в структурі основної професійної програми

Дисципліна «Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням)»

належить до циклу професійної підготовки. Загальна кількість кредитів ECTS
- 7 кредитів, 228 академічних годин, з яких 28 належить практичним
годинам, а самостійна робота становить 200 годин.
Вивчення «Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням)»
здійснюється упродовж I-ІІІспз курсів. Для засвоєння курсу «Англійська
мова (за професійним спрямуванням)» необхідно мати рівень володіння
англійською мовою В1, який характеризується як рубіжний між
елементарним і незалежним користувачем мовою та передбачає такі вміння:
 може розуміти основний зміст чіткого нормативного мовлення на
загальні соціально-побутові теми (сім'я, навчання, особисті інтереси,
дозвілля тощо), загальні морські теми (морська освіта,
працевлаштування, типи суден, будова судна тощо);
 може вирішити більшість проблем під час перебування за кордоном;
 може просто і зв’язно висловитись на знайомі теми або теми особистих
 може описати досвід, події, сподівання, мрії тощо.
Для опанування навчальним матеріалом з курсу «Англійська мова (за
професійним спрямуванням)» необхідним є, як уже зазначалося, володіння
англійською мовою у межах програми для загальноосвітніх навчальних
закладів на рівні В1- незалежного користувача, а також попереднє засвоєння
курсу «Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням» із спеціальною
морською тематикою упродовж навчання в морських освітніх закладах І
ступеня акредитації.
Програма навчальної дисципліни «Англійська мова (за професійним
спрямуванням)» складена на основі Типової програми АМПС - English for
Specific Purposes (ESP) (2005 р.), у відповідності з Загальноєвропейськими
Рекомендаціями з мовної освіти (2001 р.) і вимогами ІМО модельного курсу
3.17 (Maritime English), а також згідно з положеннями правил IIІ/1, ІІІ/2 та
IIІ/3 Розділу А Конвенції ПДНВ 78/95 (STCW-коду) для старших механіків та
других механіків суден з головною руховою установкою потужністю від 750
до 3000 кВт згідно з положеннями правил IIІ/6 та IIІ/7 Розділу А Конвенції
ПДНВ 78/95 (STCW-коду) для суднових електромеханіків та електриків.
Зміст дисципліни для Iсп курсу заочної форми навчання
№ Вид
Зміст дисципліни академічних
з/п заняття
Characterizes auxiliary machinery, focusing on their
1 ПЗ 2
functions and requirements to their use.
Characterizes types of pumps, concentrating on their
2 ПЗ 2
design and requirements to the use.
Characterizes propulsion auxiliary machinery,
3 ПЗ 2
describing their design and principles of work.
Names mountings and gauges of boiler, explaining
4 ПЗ 2
the rules of their safe operation.
Names the main stages of diesel engine work,
5 ПЗ 2
explaining their troubles and adequate remedies.
Names the main parts of diesel engine systems,
6 ПЗ 2
explaining their troubles and adequate remedies.
Всього 12
Зміст дисципліни для IIсп курсу заочної форми навчання
№ Вид
Зміст дисципліни академічних
з/п заняття
Explains destination of some electrical measuring
devices and rules of their use: ammeter, voltmeter,
1 ПЗ 2
ohmmeter, multimeter and wattmeter.

Names refrigeration cycle components - compressor,

2 ПЗ condenser, expansion valve and evaporator, 2
explaining the principles of their operation.
Names the components of ship systems, naming
3 ПЗ their working principles and preventive measures of 2
sea pollution by these systems.
Characterizes the type of automatic control system
4 ПЗ in engine room and explains the principle of their 2
Explains the operating principles of hydraulic and
5 ПЗ pneumatic control systems, describing their 2
Discusses safety rules when operating electrical, ref,
6 ПЗ 2
automatic, hydraulic and pneumatic systems.
Всього 12
Зміст дисципліни для IІIсп курсу заочної форми навчання
Зміст дисципліни академічних
з/п заняття
Speaks about the on watch duties and
1 ПЗ responsibilities of engine department members in 2
compliance with STCW.
Analyzes the watch keeper’s duties while taking
2 ПЗ 2
over and handing over a watch.
Explains safety measures for tools and measuring
3 ПЗ 2
instruments use.
Explains methods of minor, major and emergency
4 ПЗ 2
repair works.
Explains principles of main engine control systems
5 ПЗ 2
testing and preventive maintenance.
Names the main components of auxiliary critical
6 ПЗ equipment and explains the principles of their 2
testing and preventive maintenance.
Всього 12




Варіант №

студента ______________________________________________________
(прізвище, ініціали)
Група ____


Дата надходження: __________

Дата перевірки: __________

Оцінка: ___________________

Підпис викладача: _________

Херсон – 2016

1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What are the five actions performed by the fuel injection system?
2. What jobs must the engineer responsible for the main engine co to
maintain the fuel injection system in good working order?
3. What is ships fuelling station equipped with?
4. Where is the fill pipe connected to?
5. What is an overflow arrangement needed for?
6. Why is one of the tanks called the day fuel tank?
7. What are the functions of the transfer, pump, booster pump, centrifuge and
Fuel Systems
The equipment used on board a diesel-driven ship for handling and
controlling fuel oil belongs to separate systems.
Fuel injection system performs the following functions: (1) it meters the
quantity of the fuel required by the engine and maintains this quantity constant; (2)
it injects fuel at the correct point in the cycle at all engine speeds and loads; (3) it
begins and ends injection very quickly; (4) it injects fuel at the rate necessary to
control combustion: (5) it atomizes fuel in the chamber of each cylinder. The most
important devices of this system are high-pressure fuel pumps and fuel injection
The engineer who has the main engine in his charge is responsible for the
efficient operation, maintenance, adjustment and repair of the fuel injection
Fuel fill and transfer system has the necessary tanks, piping, valves and
pumps to receive fuel oil aboard, store and into the day tank. On either side of the
main deck there is a ship's fuelling station equipped with one or more fill pipes.
Special overflow arrangements are provided for this purpose.
In most ships, storage tanks are located in the double bottom. The tanks,
which are designed for heavy fuel oil (HFO), are provided with steam heating
Even day 3-rd engineer transfers the amount of fuel consumed in a day from a
storage tank to a settling tank by means of a fuel transfer pump. Water and
sediment contained in the HFO settle out to the bottom of the settling tank.
The fuel treatment system starts where a fuel service pump takes suction from
the setting tanks. HFO discharge by this pump flow through a strainer and fuel oil
heater. Heated HFO is centrifuged (purified) in order to remove impurities and
then it is pumped into a day tank. A booster pump takes suction from the day tank
and supplies it the high-pressure pumps through a filter.

2. Match the question in column A with correct answer from column B.

1. Be sure to familiarize yourself with a) The main engine of my last ship was
the Muster list as an English-speaking Sulzer. And what main and auxiliary
superintendent or port state control engines do you have?
officer may subject you to an
examination to check your knowledge
of such matters.
2. By what engine type was your b) Yes, I’ve just joined your ship. These
previous ship driven? are my documents. I’m going to serve as
an oiler, and I hear I’ll keep watches
with the 1st assistant engineer. By the
way what is his nationality?
3. You are a newcomer, aren’t you? c) It seems to me that his cabin is on this
What position are you appointed to? Let deck, on the opposite side of this
me see your papers: Seaman’s book, passageway. OK, I’ll go to him as soon
qualification certificate and the required as possible.
safety and medical certificates, please.
4. Do you know where the second d) No, I haven’t visited the engine room
engineer lives? Go to his cabin and ask yet.
him to arrange for a familiarization
round of the machinery spaces.
5. When is the next training session on e) I will certainly take your advice and
occupational safety? carefully learn emergency stations and
duties. Do you have both lifeboats and
liferafts? I think I’ll be issued with two
lifejackets – one to be kept in my cabin
and the other in the E.R. for
emergencies when on watch.
6. Have you been briefed how to report f) Next training session will be on
when entering the engine room? March 12, after leaving port.

3. Put the words in the correct order to form a question.

1. fuel what injection system functions does perform?
2. efficient the is adjustment to and injection maintenance repair of provide
system who operation fuel?
3. parts fuel and system what fill does transfer consist of?
4. are ships storage in located where tanks most?
5. heavy what coils the fuel tanks are with for oil provided?
6. tank to fuel responsibility is a transfer storage a from tank to settling whose
7. oil HFO through why strainer flow fuel a does and heater?

4. Make these sentences Passive.

1. Fuel injection system perform five functions.
2. Fuel fill and transfer system includes tanks, piping, valves and pumps.
3. Steam coils provides heating of HFO.
4. The 3-rd engineer transfers the fuel oil from a storage tank to
settling tank daily.
5. A fuel service pump discharges HFO.
6. A booster pump supplies fuel oil to the high-pressure fuel pumps.

5. Explain the function of these objects:

• piping;
• valves;
• tanks (storage, settling, day);
• pumps (transfer, booster, high pressure, fuel pumps);
• overflow arrangement;
• strainers and filters.

6. What maintenance do all above mentioned arrangements require daily,

weekly, monthly (use your knowledge of engineering and experience).

7. Write a brief description of “Internal Combustion Engine”. It must

consist of some paragraphs. Your description should answer these questions:
• What is it?
• What are its characteristics?
• What is the difference between cross-head and trunk-piston types engines?

8. Translate the text.

Fuel Oil Systems
Boiler fuel oil systems on board ship include oil tanks, fuel oil piping, fuel oil
pumps, and the equipment used for heating, straining, measuring, and burning the
fuel oil.
The fuel oil piping system includes (1) the fuel oil filling and transfer system,
and (2) the fuel oil service system. The filling and transfer system is used for,
receiving fuel oil and filling the fuel oil storage tanks, filling the fuel oil service
tanks, changing the list of the ship by transferring fuel oil between port tanks and
starboard tanks, changing the trim of the ship by transferring fuel oil between
forward tanks and after tanks.
In general, the filling and transfer system consists of large mains running fore
and aft, transfer mains, cross-connections, risers for taking on or discharging fuel
oil, fuel oil booster and transfer pumps, lines and manifolds arranged so that the
booster and transfer pumps can transfer oil from one tank to another and, when
necessary, can deliver oil to the suction side of the fuel service pump.
The fuel oil service system consists of a service main, manifold, fuel oil
service pumps, meters, burner manifolds and the burner lines.
Main Lubricating Oil Systems
Main lubricating oil systems on steam-driven ships provide lubrication for the
turbine bearings and the reduction gears. The system usually includes a filling and
transfer system, a purifying system, and separate service system for the propulsion
unit. On most ships, each lube oil service system includes three displacement
pumps (1) a shaft-driven pump, attached to and driven by either the propulsion
shaft or the quill shaft of the reduction gear, is used as the regular lube oil service
pump when the shaft is turning fast enough so that the pump can supply the
required oil pressure. (2) The turbine-driven lube oil service pump is used while
the ship is getting under way and is then used as standby at normal speeds. The
motor-driven lube oil service pump serves as standby for the other two pumps.


1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What are intake and exhaust systems?
2. What is scavenging?
3. What is supercharging and how is it provided?
4. How is the supercharger driven?
5. What are the functions of the exhaust system?
Engine Air Systems
Parts and accessories, which supply the cylinders of an engine with air for
combustion, and remove the waste gases after combustion, are called intake and
exhaust systems.
In the intake systems of all modern 2-stroke cycle engines and some 4-stroke
cycle engines, a device, usually a bowler, is installed to increase the flow of air
into the cylinders. This is accomplished by the blower compressing the air and
forcing it into an air box or manifold (reservoir) which surrounds or attached to the
cylinders of an engine. Clearing the cylinder of the gases of combustion is called
An increase in air flow into the cylinders of an engine can be used to increase
power output, in addition to being used for scavenging. Since the power of an
engine is developed by the burning of fuel, an increase of power requires more
fuel; the increased fuel, in turn, requires more air, since each pound of fuel requires
certain amount of air combustion. Supplying more air to the combustion spaces is
called supercharging. In some 2-stroke cycle diesel engines, the cylinders are
supercharged during the air intake simply by increasing the amount and pressure of
scavenge air. The same blower is used for supercharging and scavenging.
Supercharging a 4-stoke cycle diesel engine requires the addition of a blower to the
intake system.
The system, which functions to convey gases away from the cylinders of an
engine, is called the exhaust system. In addition to this principal function, an
exhaust system may be designed to perform one or more of the following
functions: muffle exhaust noise, quench sparks, remove solid material from
exhaust gases, and furnish energy to a turbine-driven supercharger.
2. Match the question in column A with correct answer from column B.
1. I’m sure you know that safe operation a) The main engine of my last ship was
of the ship depends on observation of Sulzer. And what main and auxiliary
safety precautions by all personnel, engines do you have?
don’t you?
2. By what engine type was your b) Yes, I do. Nevertheless, I’d like to be
previous ship driven? instructed in safe working practices and
read on my own the safety regulations in
force on your ship. Where are the ship’s
bulletin boards located?
3. You haven’t familiarized yourself c) It seems to me that his cabin is on this
with the machinery spaces, have you? deck, on the opposite side of this
passageway. OK, I’ll go to him as soon
as possible.
4. Do you know where the second d) No, I haven’t visited the engine room
engineer lives? Go to his cabin and ask yet.
him to arrange for a familiarization
round of the machinery spaces.
5. When is the next training session on e) No, I haven’t been briefed on that
occupational safety? regulation.
6. Have you been briefed how to report f) Next training session will be on
when entering the engine room? March 12, after leaving port.

3. Put the words in the correct order to form a question.

1. are intake and systems what exhaust for?
2. supercharging is how provided?
3. blower is used the what for?
4. does engine supercharging diesel what require cycle a 4-stroke?
5. additional perform functions can an exhaust what system?
4. Change the verb from Active to Passive Voice. Keep the same tense.
1. The third engineer takes soundings of the fuel tanks every day.
2. They have machined the camshaft already.
3. The chief engineer will sign and seal the bunker receipt.
4. He always takes care of the boot engines.
5. The fourth engineer jointly with an oiler maintained the fresh water generator.
6. Does the off-going engineer report the existing troubles to the Bridge?
7. Will that barge deliver the ordered lubeoil to us as well?
8. Didn't he finish the work the day before yesterday?
9. The Viartsila yard is building a RO-RO ship for that shipowner.
10. The bargeman was connecting the hose to the ship's fuel fill pipe.

5. Change the verb from Passive to Active Voice. Keep the same tense.
1. The flow-meter readings were usually taken by the fourth engineer as well as
the barge captain.
2. We were frightened by the terrible noise coming out of the reduction gear box.
3. That piece of equipment has been taken away by somebody.
4. Were the papers signed by him?
5. The meals were served by an A.В. seaman.
6. At that moment, the refrigeration system was being recharged with freon by the
second engineer.
7. One copy of the invoice will he returned by the ship chandler.

6. Write a brief description of Engine Cooling Systems. It should

consist of several paragraphs. Your description should answer these
• What are they for?
• What systems are they divided into?
• What do they consist of?
• What is the function of each separate system?
• Where are the systems components located?

7. Try to explain the functions of intake and exhaust systems.

8. Translate the text.
Operating Mechanisms
In many cases, the mechanism, which transmits power for the operation of the
engine valves and blower, may also transmit power to parts and accessories, which
are components of various engine systems. For example, such items as the
governor; fuel, lubricating, and water pumps; and overspeed trips are, in some
engines, operated by the same mechanism.
The parts, which make up the operating mechanisms of an engine, may be di-
vided into two groups: the group, which forms the drive mechanisms, and the
group, which forms the actuating mechanisms. The source of power for the
operating mechanisms of an engine is the crankshaft.
A drive mechanism may be of the gear, chain or belt type. The gear type is the
most common. A combination of gears and chains is used as the driving
mechanism in some engines. A separate drive mechanism, which is used to
transmit power for the operation of engine valves is generally called the camshaft
drive or timing mechanism. Camshaft drives are designed to maintain the proper
relationship between the speeds of the crankshaft and the camshaft.
In order for the valves (intake, exhaust, fuel injection, air starter) to operate,
there must be a change in the type of motion. In other words, the rotary motion of
the crankshaft and drive mechanism must be changed to a reciprocating motion.
The group of parts, which causes the valves of an engine to operate, is generally
called the valve actuating mechanism. It may include the cams, cam followers,
push rods, rocker arms, and valve springs. In some engines, the camshaft is so
located that the need for push rods is eliminated. In such cases, the cam follower is
a part of the rocker arm.
There is a considerable variation in the design and arrangement of the parts of
operating mechanisms found in different engines. The size of an engine, the cycle
of operation, the cylinder arrangement, and other factors govern the design and
arrangement of the components as well as the design and arrangement of the


1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What are the sources of the heat generated in an engine?
2. How much heat is transformed into useful work?
3. How many percent of the heat must be removed from the engine by means
of cooling?
4. What fluids are utilized for cooling purposes in an engine?
5. What parts does the water cooling system of an engine include?

Engine Cooling Systems

A great amount of heat is generated within an engine during operation.
Combustion produces the greater portion of this heat; however, compression of
gases within the cylinders and friction between moving parts add to the total
amount of heat developed within an engine.
Of the total heat supplied to the cylinder of an engine by the burning fuel,
only one-third is transformed into useful work; an equal amount is lost to the
exhaust gases, and approximately 30 to 35 percent of the heat of combustion must
be removed in order to prevent damage to engine parts. The greater portion of the
heat, which may produce harmful results, is transferred from the engine through
the medium of water; lubricating oil, air, and fuel are also utilized to aid in the
cooling of the engine. All methods of heat transfer are utilized in keeping engine
parts and fluids (air, water, fuel, and lubricating oil) at safe operating temperatures.
The cooling system may be of the open or closed type. In the open system the
engine is cooled directly by salt water. In the closed system, fresh water, (or an
antifreeze solution) is circulated through the engine. The fresh water is then cooled
by salt water. In marine installations, the closed system is the type commonly
The cooling system of an engine may include such parts as pumps, coolers,
engine passages, water manifolds, valves, expansion tank, piping, strainers,
connections, and instruments. Design and location of parts may differ considerably
from one engine to another.

2. Match the question in column A with correct answer from column B.

1.What is your certificate of a) Let me see, if I’m not mistaken, the
competency? safety training took place once a week.
2. Have you worked on a tanker b) The chief officer was a supervisor. I
operated by an English-speaking crew? also consulted with the chief engineer
on technical matters.
3. Which officer did you report to on the c) I’ve completed three contract periods
tanker? on tankers. One of them was operated
by a multinational crew. English was
used as the working language on that
4. How often were safety and damage d) I’ve two certificates of competency:
control drills held on your last ship? First Class Motorman and Pumpman
5. What were your wages under last e) The more agencies accept my
contract? application, the greater will be the
probability of being offered a decent
6.This is probably not the first agency f) My salary was eleven hundred USD.
with which you’ve placed your
application for employment, is it?

3. Put the words in the right order to form a question.

1. the combustion portion does of produce heat this greater?
2. source an just heat of is one in the it engine?
3. many of percent is how heat lost?
4. are of heat what methods the transfer?
5. may types the system be what cooling?
6. engine how is the cooled?
7. system parts does the cooling what include?

4. Make these sentences Passive.

1. Some portion of the heat may produce harmful results.
2. Combustion produces the greater portion of the heat.
3. Salt water cools fresh water.
4. The cooling system of an engine include pumps, coolers, water
manifolds, valves, expansion tank, piping, etc.
5. The burning fuel supplies heat to the cylinder.

5. Try to explain the function of:

• pump
• cooler
• expansion tank
• strainer
• instrument
• lubricating oil, air, fuel, water.
6. What is a basic distinction between the open and closed type cooling

7. Write a brief description of a “Supporting Systems of a Diesel Engine”. It

must consist of some paragraphs. Your description should answer these
• What systems support a diesel engine operation?
• What is the function of each of them?
• What parts does every system consist of?

8. Translate the following text.

My 85000 gt bulk carrier was on ballast voyage from Piraeus to Norfolk,
Virginia when the engine speed reduced on automatic control from the normal 80
rev/min. On entering the engine room smoke was coming from the underside
piston scavenge spaces. The main engine was examined and water found in the
scavenge space leaking from a fracture in way of №6 unit liner. The piston crown
had overheated and the ring grooves were distorted. The cylinder lubricators were
checked and found to be operational.
The engine was reassembled with a new liner, piston crown, guide ring and
ring set. The piston skirt was refitted to the piston assembly. On completion the
main engine was restarted and passage resumed.
The next day the main engine again slowed down automatically. The engine
was stopped and the turning gear engaged while investigation was carried out. The
piston rings in № 1 cylinder were all found to be broken and the piston dry. There
was no apparent damage to the liner but the skirt and guide ring copper rings were
damaged. Damaged parts were replaced and engine reassembled.
The engine was restarted and the speed slowly increased while observing the
engine pressure and temperature parameters. An hour later there was water leakage
from № 4 liner and the engine was stopped manually. Preliminary examination
through the ports found extensive cracking in the liner and evidence of the piston
In view of the deteriorating weather condition and lack of further spares the
Owner instructed the Master to isolate № 4 unit and divert the vessel to Lisbon and
the Lisnave repair yard.
At the yard examination was made jointly with a salvage surveyor and yard
manager. The broken parts of № 6 and № 1 units had been kept and the damage
On completion of repairs, all parts were locked in position in accordance with
the manufacturers' instructions and the vessel set sail.
The cause of this damage was attributed to crew negligence.

1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. How is the heat generated in an engine?
2. What produces the greater portion of this heat?
3. How much heat is transformed into useful work?
4. How many percent of the heat must be removed from the engine by means
of cooling?
5. What types of cooling system do you know?
6. Describe both types of cooling system.
7. What fluids are utilized for cooling purposes in an engine?
8. What parts does the water cooling system of an engine include?

Engine Cooling Systems

A great amount of heat is generated within an engine during operation.
Combustion produces the greater portion of this heat; however, compression of
gases within the cylinders and friction between moving parts add to the total
amount of heat developed within an engine.
Of the total heat supplied to the cylinder of an engine by the burning fuel,
only one-third is transformed into useful work; an equal amount is lost to the
exhaust gases, and approximately 30 to 35 percent of the heat of combustion must
be removed in order to prevent damage to engine parts. The greater portion of the
heat, which may produce harmful results, is transferred from the engine through
the medium of water; lubricating oil, air, and fuel are also utilized to aid in the
cooling of the engine. All methods of heat transfer are utilized in keeping engine
parts and fluids (air, water, fuel, and lubricating oil) at safe operating temperatures.
The cooling system may be of the open or closed type. In the open system the
engine is cooled directly by salt water. In the closed system, fresh water, (or an
antifreeze solution) is circulated through the engine. The fresh water is then cooled
by salt water. In marine installations, the closed system is the type commonly
The cooling system of an engine may include such parts as pumps, coolers,
engine passages, water manifolds, valves, expansion tank, piping, strainers,
connections, and instruments. Design and location of parts may differ considerably
from one engine to another.

2. Match the question in column A with correct answer from column B.

1. Have you taken the pressure gauge a) The thermometer fitted after the
readings? cooler is reading 50 degrees centigrade.
2. What M.E. parameters did you b) There are no leaks on piping.
3. Are there any problems with fuel and c) I checked M.E. speed, pressures and
lube oil pipes, tubes or hoses? temperatures. All is normal.
4. What was the change air temperature? d) Yes, I have.
5. What is the sounding in the port fresh e) Explosion in M.E.
water tank?
6. What happened? f) Fresh water soundings is 7.5 metres.

3. Put the words in the right order to form a question.

1. source an just heat of is one in the it engine?
2. many of percent is how heat lost?
3. may types the system be what cooling?
4. the combustion portion does of produce heat this greater?
5. are of heat what methods the transfer?

4. Make these sentences Passive.

1. The cooling system of an engine include pumps, coolers, water
manifolds, valves, expansion tank, piping, etc.
2. Some portion of the heat may produce harmful results.
3. Combustion produces the greater portion of the heat.
4. Salt water cools fresh water.
5. The burning fuel supplies heat to the cylinder.

5. Try to explain the function of:

• cooler;
• expansion tank;
• pump;
• instrument;
• lubricating oil, air, fuel, water.

6. What is a basic distinction between the open and closed type cooling
7. Write a brief description of a “Supporting Systems of a Diesel Engine”. It
must consist of some paragraphs. Your description should answer these
• What systems support a diesel engine operation?
• What is the function of each of them?
• What parts does every system consist of?

8.Translate the following text.

Engine Maintenance
Keeping an internal combustion engine in good operating condition demands
a well-planned procedure of periodic inspection, adjustments, maintenance, and
repair. If inspections are made regularly, much maladjustment can be detected and
corrected before a serious casualty results. A planned maintenance program will
help to prevent major casualties and the occurrence of many operating troubles.
Routine maintenance must be performed as soon as possible; if repair jobs are
allowed to accumulate, the result may be hurried and incomplete work.
There are several general rules, which apply to ail engines, as regards their
They are:
1. Detailed repair procedures are listed in manufacturer's instruction manuals
and maintenance pamphlets. Study the appropriate manuals and pamphlets before
attempting any repair work. Pay particular attention to tolerances, limits, and
2. The highest degree of cleanliness must be observed in handling the parts
during overhaul.
3. Before starting repair work, be sure that required tools and replacements
for detective parts are available.
4. Detailed records of repairs should be kept. Such records should include the
measurements of parts, hours in use, and new parts installed. An analysis of such
records will indicate the hours of operation that may be expected from the various
engine parts. This knowledge is helpful as an aid in determining when a part
should be renewed in order to avoid a failure.
5. Detailed information on preventive maintenance is contained in the special
6. Certain operating checks and inspections are required as a normal part of
the regular watchstanding routine, such as hourly pressure and temperature checks
or routine oil level checks.


1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What moving parts have reciprocating motion?
2. What pans does a piston and road assembly include?
3. Can you describe the functions of the piston?
4. What additional function do the pistons perform in two-stroke cycle
5. What are the three functions of the piston rings?
6. What do we call the link between the crankshaft and crosshead?
7. Do the camshaft control the valves directly?
8. What is the role of the cam shape?
9. Can you explain the term “timing”?
10. By what means may the camshaft be driven?
11. What are the parts of a crankshaft?
12. How does lube oil reach the main and connecting rod bearings?
Moving Parts of a Diesel Engine
The moving parts may be divided into three groups: (1) the parts which have
only reciprocating motion (pistons), (2) the parts which have both reciprocating
and rotating motion (connecting rods), and (3) the parts which have only rotating
motion (crankshafts and camshafts).
The piston and rod assemblies include a piston, piston rings, piston pin,
connecting rod, and related bearings. The piston must be so designed and must be
made of such materials that it can withstand the extreme heat and pressure of
combustion. The piston aids in the sealing of the cylinder to prevent the escape of
gas and transmits some of the heat to the cylinder wall. A piston serves as a valve
in opening and closing the ports of a two-stroke cycle engine.
Piston rings perform three functions: seal the cylinder, distribute and control
lubricating oil on the cylinder wall, and transfer heat from the piston to the cylinder
wall. In trunk-type piston assemblies, the connection between the piston and the
connecting rod is usually the piston pin.
The connecting link between the piston and crankshaft or the crankshaft and
the crosshead of an engine is the connecting rod.
The camshaft is a shaft with eccentric projections, called cams, designed to
control the operation of valve, usually through various intermediate parts. The
cams are arranged on the shaft to provide the proper firing order of cylinders. The
shape of the cam determines the point of opening and closing, the speed of opening
and closing, and the amount of valve lift. All cylinders will be affected if there is a
change in timing. The camshaft is driven by the crankshaft by various means; the
most common are gears or a chain and sprocket.
One of the principal engine parts, which has only rotating motion, is the
crank-shaft. The crankshaft changes the movement of the piston and the
connecting rod into the rotating motion required to drive such items as reduction
gears, propeller shafts, generators, pumps, etc. The parts of crankshaft are main
bearing journals, connecting rod journals, counterweights, timing gear bolting
flange, lubricating oil holes, any flywheel dowel. The flywheel is a means, which
stabilizes shaft rotation.
An important group of engine parts consists of the bearings. Some bearings
remain stationary in performing their function while others move. Main bearings
which support the crankshaft are of the sliding contact, or plain type, consisting of
two halves of shell. The bearings used in connection with the piston pins are of
three types: the internal bearing, the sleeve bearing or bushing, and the needle type
roller bearing. The bearing in the bosses (hubs) of most pistons are of the sleeve
bushing type.

2. Match the question in column A with correct answer from column B.

1. Do you know the standard engine a) Fuel oil is still being transferred.
2. Is No.6 double bottom tank being b) No pumping at present.
3. Has fuel oil been transferred into c) They are Full/Half/Slow/Dead slow
service tank? ahead or astern; Emergency full ahead
or astern.
4. Is there any pumping in the engine d) Blackout in boiler room.
5. Have you called the motorman? e) No.6 tank discharged.
6. Is there any break down the f) I couldn’t find him. He probably had
machinery? left the engine room.

3. Make these sentences Passive.

1. Piston rings perform three functions.
2. The shape of the cam determines the point of opening and closing, the
speed of opening and closing, and the amount of the valve lift.
3. The crankshaft drives the camshaft by various means.
4. Main bearings support the crankshaft.
5. An important group of engine parts include the bearings.

4.Put the words in the correct order to form a question.

1. piston what must of be material made the?
2. are piston of three what rings functions the?
3. to camshaft is the designed what?
4. driven the by is camshaft how?
5. is the crankshaft of function what the?
6. may what be in pistons the bearing used?
7. consist of does parts it what?

5. What are the names of these objects?

A device used to:
• open and close the ports (in a two-stroke cycle engine);
• connect the piston and the connecting rod (in trunk-type piston
• control the operation of valves (through various intermediate parts);
• drive the camshaft (by means of gears, or a chain and sprocket);
• stabilize shaft rotation;
• support the crankshaft.

6.Try lo explain the function of each of these items:

- connecting rod;
- cams;
- crankshaft;
- piston rings.

7. Write a brief description of a «Centrifugal Separator». It must consist

of some paragraphs. The description should answer these questions:
- What is it used for?
- What are its main pans?
- What maintenance does it require?

8.Translate the text.

When taking over the underway watch, the engineer is considered the
oncoming watchkeeper and at such time he shall obtain all relevant information
from the engineer that he is relieving and that is called the offgoing watchkeeper.
That information regards the designated revolutions, special orders or instructions,
unusual occurrences and machinery defects. Both engineers shall make a joint
inspection round of the machinery spaces, note the condition of machinery,
equipment, piping and bilges, take fuel oil meter readings, and make standard
entries in the engineer's log.
During the watch, the fourth engineer will check a) operating pressures and
temperatures; b) liquid levels and flows; c) running machinery bearings for
overheating; d) piping for leakage; e) plant components for unusual (excessive)
noise or vibration; f) alarms and automatic control devices for proper functioning;
g) availability and operable condition of fire-fighting and safety equipment. The
watchkeeprs shall maintain cleanliness in machinery spaces, take precautions to
avoid fire hazard, clean strainers and filters, discharge separators, change-over
from running to stand-by machinery components. They shall promptly answer the
telegraph and telephone.
At the first indication of trouble, the engineer on watch shall notify the chief
engineer and take immediate steps to prevent damage to machinery. He must
report to chief engineer any change of the main engine speed or other important
orders from the bridge. In case of emergency or malfunction he shall speedily do
corrective actions. Grounds in electrical circuits, steam, air, oil or water leaks must
be repaired promptly. When any alarm or protective device is found defective, the
engineer on watch shall call the electrical engineer to repair or renew the defective
item immediately.
When the ship is manoeuvring, the engineer on watch devotes his primary
attention to complying with the orders from the bridge.
Before getting underway, the engineer on watch jointly with the officer of the
watch shall test the main engines with the necessary auxiliaries, the steering gear,
telegraph, telephones whistle and running lights. An appropriate entry shall be
made in the log.
The engineer on watch shall record required data in the log book including
any unusual occurrences and he shall sign the log upon the completion of his
1. Read the text and answer the following questions.
1. What parts does a piping system consist of?
2. What accessories are used on piping systems?
3. What types of fittings connect pipe sections?
4. What foreign matter is retained by the strainers?
5. What corrective actions do the engineers have to do when working with
piping systems?
6. What repairs are usually made to pipelines and accessories?
7. Can you describe the functions of the a) bilge drainage system, b) fire-
main system, c) ballast system, and d) sanitary system?
8. How does the pressure tank work?
9. What did you learn about fresh water supply on board?
Ship’s Piping Systems
Since the maintenance and operation of all ship's systems is the responsibility
of the engine department, the engineer officers have to work with piping, fittings,
valves, and insulation. Each piping system consists of sections or lengths of piping,
fittings for joining the sections, and valves for controlling the flow of fluid. Most
piping systems also include other fittings and accessories such as vents, drains,
traps, strainers, relief valves, various gauges: vacuum meters, pressure gauges,
thermometers, and other measuring instruments. Piping sections of the proper size
and material are connected by various standard fittings including threaded, bolt-
flanged, welded, bend, and expansion joints. Strainers are fitted in all pipelines to
prevent the passage of debris, grit, scale, dirt, and other foreign matter. Such matter
could obstruct pumps, throttle valves, or damage machinery parts.
In order to make the machinery operate properly, the engineers must know
how to make minor repairs to insulation, repack high pressure valves, overhaul and
adjust valves, select the right packing and gaskets, and make permanent repairs to
pipelines. Working with ship's systems implies the following actions: maintaining
the systems in a condition of constant readiness and good working order at all
times; frequent examining of the lines; keeping all joints, valves and cocks tight;
eliminating any leaks at joints by tightening connecting bolts or packing nuts:
replacing gaskets or any defective parts; cleaning strainers at recommended
intervals, etc. Making repairs to pipelines and accessories implies doing such
corrective actions as: removal of strain on pipes; removal of pipe vibration;
keeping steel or iron piping properly painted and free from moisture; repairing
leaky pipes or fitting by welding; brazing; plugging blow-holes or stopping leakage
with clamps; renewing worn out or damaged parts; overhauling, repacking and
adjusting valves, etc.
The future marine engineer should be particularly acquainted with the
following piping systems:
1.The bilge drainage system, which is designed to collect drains from
compartments that cannot be drained overboard by gravity and to pump this bilge
water overboard. To prevent oil mixed with the bilge water from being pumped
overboard, the bilge water must first go to an oily water separator.
2.The fire-main system, which supplies seawater under pressure to all the fire
stations, and to the deck and anchor wash connections. The fire-main system is the
ship's first means of defence against fire. It is required no matter what other fire
extinguishing systems are installed.
3.The water ballast system, designed to loud and discharge the fore and after
peak tanks, and in some cases one or more deep tanks, with clean salt-water
ballast. The purpose of the system is to maintain the proper trim, stability, and
immersion of the vessel.
4.The sanitary and grey water drainage systems. The sanitary system flushes
toilet bowls and urinals. The grey water system is completely separate and drains
showers, sinks, laundry, and interior deck drains. Since the grey water is free of
harmful bacteria, it is drained directly overboard. No one should dump waste oil
down these drains since it will go directly overboard, causing oil pollution.
Sanitary sewage is collected in a special tank and then sent to a sewage treatment
plant. Sanitary discharges are equipped with an automatic non-return valve to
prevent water from passing inboard.
5. The fresh water system must be entirely independent of all other piping
systems; blank flanges, bypasses and other connections are illegal. Drinking and
washing water systems are often combined. The washing water system usually
utilizes several tanks located in the double bottom; it supplies fresh water to the
washing appliances and other consumers. Drinking water is used mostly in the
In the pressure system a pressure tank is located in the machinery space. This
tank is filled with compressed air in its upper part and water in its lower portion.
As water is pumped into the tank, the air is further compressed until a set pressure
is reached when the pump stops. This compression maintains pressure on the
system until the minimum point is reached when the pump is started again.
Hot water is supplied via a storage type water heater, which usually operates
automatically under the control of a thermostatic valve.
The supply of drinking water on board is limited, and it is common practice to
take water from shore side whenever practical. Most ocean-going vessels cannot
store enough fresh water for a voyage and must have the capability to make fresh
water. Fresh water is made from seawater by installations called distilling plants,
or evaporators, or fresh water generators.

2. Match the question in column A with correct answer from column B.

1. Who instructed you in the proper use a) In that drill I had to release №1 boat
of fire-fighting equipment? chocks.
2. What personnel protective equipment b) One drill was held every week.
did you use while doing your job?
3. What was your abandon ship duty? c) That was the emergency duty of two
4. What engine ratings assisted at CO2 d) In fire emergency, I was to come to
fire extinguishers? the engine control room.
5. How often were safety drills held on e) I used goggles, safety helmet, safety
your ship? shoes and gloves.
6. What was your fire station? f) Our fire instructor was the first
assistant engineer.
3. Put these words in the correct order to form a question.
1. the notified when ship's is agent?
1. he what notified is about?
2. radiogram a is to when the confirmation sent agent?
3. the speak should fluent engineer English?
4. must in what the charge skills engineer have?
5. are fuel taken why samples?
6. to receipt who sign is bunker a?

4. Make these sentences passive.

1. The ship sends to the agent a confirmation radiogram.
2. The personnel in charge must take samples throughout the 'period of fuel
3. He labels each sample with the necessary data.
4. The engineer-in-charge gives instructions and signals to the attendants.
5. He must draw up the bunker receipts.
6. The chief engineer should obtain the fuel specification before taking
7. The chief engineer has to correct the discrepancy.
8. He shall make a full report of the circumstances.

5. Explain the meaning of the following items:

- piping system;
- bilge drainage system;
- water ballast system;
- fire-main system.

6. Make a list of actions performed (before taking bunkers) by:

• captain / chief engineer;
• person-in-charge of bunkering operations.
7. Make a list of actions performed by engine room personnel while
bunkering operations and after them.
8. Translate the text.

Marine Pumps
On board ship, pumps are used for a number of services. Pumps feed water to
the boilers, draw condensate from the condensers, supply sea water to the fire-
main, circulate cooling water for the main and auxiliary engines cooling system,
coolers and condensers, empty the bilges, transfer fuel oil, pump in and out ballast
water, discharge fuel oil to the burners and fuel injection valves, circulate lube oil
to bearings and gears of the propulsion plant components.
Every pump has a power end, which may be a steam turbine, a reciprocating
engine or an electric motor, and a liquid end where the liquid enters and leaves the
The suction head means the pressure of the liquid entering the pump, or the
difference in the level of liquid with respect to the level of the pump on the suction
side. The discharge head means the pressure of the liquid leaving the pump, or the
level of liquid with respect to the level of the pump on the discharge side.
Most marine pumps are of reciprocating, rotary, centrifugal, or jet type.
The reciprocating pump moves liquid or gas by means of a piston or plunger
which goes back and forth or up and down within a cylinder containing a suction
valve and a discharge valve. An adjustable relief valve is fitted to the discharge
chamber to protect the pump and piping against excessive pressure.
All rotary pumps work by means of rotating parts, which trap the liquid at the
suction side and force it through-the discharge outlet. Classification of rotary
pumps is generally made according to the type of rotating elements: screw, gear,
vane, axial-plunger rotary pumps. Rotary pumps are particularly used for pumping
oil and other heavy, viscous liquids.
The centrifugal pump utilizes the throwing force of a rapidly revolving
impeller. The liquid is drawn in at the centre of the impeller and is discharged at
the outer rim of the impeller. Centrifugal pumps are widely used on board ship for
pumping nonviscous liquids. Fire pumps usually are single stage, double suction,
volute type either turbine-driven or motor-driven centrifugal pumps. Main feed
pump is a high-speed, multistage, turbine driven, horizontal or vertical pump.
The operation of the propulsion plant and of almost all auxiliary machinery
depends upon the proper operation of pumps. Pump failure may cause failure of an
entire power plant. Therefore, maintaining the pumps in good working order is a
very important task of the marine engineers. They are required to properly operate
and make minor adjustments and operational repairs to any pump. It should be
noted, however, that most marine pumps are designed for a long and trouble free
operating life with a minimum of maintenance.

1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What moving parts have reciprocating motion?
2. What pans does a piston and road assembly include?
3. Can you describe the functions of the piston?
4. What additional function do the pistons perform in two-stroke cycle
5. What are the three functions of the piston rings?
6. What do we call the link between the crankshaft and crosshead?
7. Do the camshaft control the valves directly?
8. What is the role of the cam shape?
9. Can you explain the term “timing”?
10. By what means may the camshaft be driven?
11. What are the parts of a crankshaft?
12. How does lube oil reach the main and connecting rod bearings?

Moving Parts of a Diesel Engine

The moving parts may be divided into three groups: (1) the parts which have
only reciprocating motion (pistons), (2) the parts which have both reciprocating
and rotating motion (connecting rods), and (3) the parts which have only rotating
motion (crankshafts and camshafts).
The piston and rod assemblies include a piston, piston rings, piston pin,
connecting rod, and related bearings. The piston must be so designed and must be
made of such materials that it can withstand the extreme heat and pressure of
combustion. The piston aids in the sealing of the cylinder to prevent the escape of
gas and transmits some of the heat to the cylinder wall. A piston serves as a valve
in opening and closing the ports of a two-stroke cycle engine.
Piston rings perform three functions: seal the cylinder, distribute and control
lubricating oil on the cylinder wall, and transfer heat from the piston to the cylinder
wall. In trunk-type piston assemblies, the connection between the piston and the
connecting rod is usually the piston pin.
The connecting link between the piston and crankshaft or the crankshaft and
the crosshead of an engine is the connecting rod.
The camshaft is a shaft with eccentric projections, called cams, designed to
control the operation of valve, usually through various intermediate parts. The
cams are arranged on the shaft to provide the proper firing order of cylinders. The
shape of the cam determines the point of opening and closing, the speed of opening
and closing, and the amount of valve lift. All cylinders will be affected if there is a
change in timing. The camshaft is driven by the crankshaft by various means; the
most common are gears or a chain and sprocket.
One of the principal engine parts, which has only rotating motion, is the
crank-shaft. The crankshaft changes the movement of the piston and the
connecting rod into the rotating motion required to drive such items as reduction
gears, propeller shafts, generators, pumps, etc. The parts of crankshaft are main
bearing journals, connecting rod journals, counterweights, timing gear bolting
flange, lubricating oil holes, any flywheel dowel. The flywheel is a means, which
stabilizes shaft rotation.
An important group of engine parts consists of the bearings. Some bearings
remain stationary in performing their function while others move. Main bearings
which support the crankshaft are of the sliding contact, or plain type, consisting of
two halves of shell. The bearings used in connection with the piston pins are of
three types: the internal bearing, the sleeve bearing or bushing, and the needle type
roller bearing. The bearing in the bosses (hubs) of most pistons are of the sleeve
bushing type.

2. Match the question in column A with correct answer from column B.

1. Do you know the standard engine a) Fuel oil is still being transferred.
2. Is No.6 double bottom tank being b) No pumping at present.
3. Has fuel oil been transferred into c) They are Full/Half/Slow/Dead slow
service tank? ahead or astern; Emergency full ahead
or astern.
4. Is there any pumping in the engine d) Blackout in boiler room.
5. Have you called the motorman? e) No.6 tank discharged.
6. Is there any break down the f) I couldn’t find him. He probably had
machinery? left the engine room.

3. Make these sentences Passive.

1. Piston rings perform three functions.
3. The shape of the cam determines the point of opening and closing, the
speed of opening and closing, and the amount of the valve lift.
3. The crankshaft drives the camshaft by various means.
4. Main bearings support the crankshaft.
5. An important group of engine parts include the bearings.

5. Put the words in the correct order to form a question.

1. piston what must of be material made the?
2. are piston of three what rings functions the?
3. to camshaft is the designed what?
4. driven the by is camshaft how?
5. is the crankshaft of function what the?
6. may what be in pistons the bearing used?
7. consist of does parts it what?
5. What are the names of these objects?
A device used to:
• open and close the ports (in a two-stroke cycle engine);
• connect the piston and the connecting rod (in trunk-type piston
• control the operation of valves (through various intermediate parts);
• drive the camshaft (by means of gears, or a chain and sprocket);
• stabilize shaft rotation;
• support the crankshaft.

6. Write a brief description of a “Supporting Systems of a Diesel Engine”. It

must consist of some paragraphs.
7. Write list of precautions which should be taken while bunkering

8. Translate the text.

Marine Pumps
On board ship, pumps are used for a number of services. Pumps feed water to
the boilers, draw condensate from the condensers, supply sea water to the fire-
main, circulate cooling water for the main and auxiliary engines cooling system,
coolers and condensers, empty the bilges, transfer fuel oil, pump in and out ballast
water, discharge fuel oil to the burners and fuel injection valves, circulate lube oil
to bearings and gears of the propulsion plant components.
Every pump has a power end, which may be a steam turbine, a reciprocating
engine or an electric motor, and a liquid end where the liquid enters and leaves the
The suction head means the pressure of the liquid entering the pump, or the
difference in the level of liquid with respect to the level of the pump on the suction
side. The discharge head means the pressure of the liquid leaving the pump, or the
level of liquid with respect to the level of the pump on the discharge side.
Most marine pumps are of reciprocating, rotary, centrifugal, or jet type.
The reciprocating pump moves liquid or gas by means of a piston or plunger
which goes back and forth or up and down within a cylinder containing a suction
valve and a discharge valve. An adjustable relief valve is fitted to the discharge
chamber to protect the pump and piping against excessive pressure.
All rotary pumps work by means of rotating parts, which trap the liquid at the
suction side and force it through-the discharge outlet. Classification of rotary
pumps is generally made according to the type of rotating elements: screw, gear,
vane, axial-plunger rotary pumps. Rotary pumps are particularly used for pumping
oil and other heavy, viscous liquids.
The centrifugal pump utilizes the throwing force of a rapidly revolving
impeller. The liquid is drawn in at the centre of the impeller and is discharged at
the outer rim of the impeller. Centrifugal pumps are widely used on board ship for
pumping nonviscous liquids. Fire pumps usually are single stage, double suction,
volute type either turbine-driven or motor-driven centrifugal pumps. Main feed
pump is a high-speed, multistage, turbine driven, horizontal or vertical pump.
The operation of the propulsion plant and of almost all auxiliary machinery
depends upon the proper operation of pumps. Pump failure may cause failure of an
entire power plant. Therefore, maintaining the pumps in good working order is a
very important task of the marine engineers. They are required to properly operate
and make minor adjustments and operational repairs to any pump. It should be
noted, however, that most marine pumps are designed for a long and trouble free
operating life with a minimum of maintenance.


1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What are the five actions performed by the fuel injection system?
2. What jobs must the engineer responsible for the main engine co to
maintain the fuel injection system in good working order?
3. What is ships fuelling station equipped with?
4. Where is the fill pipe connected to?
5. What is an overflow arrangement needed for?
6. Why is one of the tanks called the day fuel tank?
7. What are the functions of the transfer, pump, booster pump, centrifuge and
Fuel Systems
The equipment used on board a diesel-driven ship for handling and
controlling fuel oil belongs to separate systems.
Fuel injection system performs the following functions: (1) it meters the
quantity of the fuel required by the engine and maintains this quantity constant; (2)
it injects fuel at the correct point in the cycle at all engine speeds and loads; (3) it
begins and ends injection very quickly; (4) it injects fuel at the rate necessary to
control combustion: (5) it atomizes fuel in the chamber of each cylinder. The most
important devices of this system are high-pressure fuel pumps and fuel injection
The engineer who has the main engine in his charge is responsible for the
efficient operation, maintenance, adjustment and repair of the fuel injection
Fuel fill and transfer system has the necessary tanks, piping, valves and
pumps to receive fuel oil aboard, store and into the day tank. On either side of the
main deck there is a ship's fuelling station equipped with one or more fill pipes.
Special overflow arrangements are provided for this purpose.
In most ships, storage tanks are located in the double bottom. The tanks,
which are designed for heavy fuel oil (HFO), are provided with steam heating
Even day 3-rd engineer transfers the amount of fuel consumed in a day from a
storage tank to a settling tank by means of a fuel transfer pump. Water and
sediment contained in the HFO settle out to the bottom of the settling tank.
The fuel treatment system starts where a fuel service pump takes suction from
the setting tanks. HFO discharge by this pump flow through a strainer and fuel oil
heater. Heated HFO is centrifuged (purified) in order to remove impurities and
then it is pumped into a day tank. A booster pump takes suction from the day tank
and supplies it the high-pressure pumps through a filter.

2. Match the question in column A with correct answer from column B.

1. Be sure to familiarize yourself with a) The main engine of my last ship was
the Muster list as an English-speaking Sulzer. And what main and auxiliary
superintendent or port state control engines do you have?
officer may subject you to an
examination to check your knowledge
of such matters.
2. By what engine type was your b) Yes, I’ve just joined your ship. These
previous ship driven? are my documents. I’m going to serve as
an oiler, and I hear I’ll keep watches
with the 1st assistant engineer. By the
way what is his nationality?
3. You are a newcomer, aren’t you? c) It seems to me that his cabin is on this
What position are you appointed to? Let deck, on the opposite side of this
me see your papers: Seaman’s book, passageway. OK, I’ll go to him as soon
qualification certificate and the required as possible.
safety and medical certificates, please.
4. Do you know where the second d) No, I haven’t visited the engine room
engineer lives? Go to his cabin and ask yet.
him to arrange for a familiarization
round of the machinery spaces.
5. When is the next training session on e) I will certainly take your advice and
occupational safety? carefully learn emergency stations and
duties. Do you have both lifeboats and
liferafts? I think I’ll be issued with two
lifejackets – one to be kept in my cabin
and the other in the E.R. for
emergencies when on watch.
6. Have you been briefed how to report f) Next training session will be on
when entering the engine room? March 12, after leaving port.

3. Put the words in the correct order to form a question.

1. fuel what injection system functions does perform?
2. efficient the is adjustment to and injection maintenance repair of provide
system who operation fuel?
3. parts fuel and system what fill does transfer consist of?
4. are ships storage in located where tanks most?
5. heavy what coils the fuel tanks are with for oil provided?
6. tank to fuel responsibility is a transfer storage a from tank to settling whose
7. oil HFO through why strainer flow fuel a does and heater?

4. Make these sentences Passive.

1. Fuel injection system perform five functions.
2. Fuel fill and transfer system includes tanks, piping, valves and pumps.
3. Steam coils provides heating of HFO.
4. The 3-rd engineer transfers the fuel oil from a storage tank to
settling tank daily.
5. A fuel service pump discharges HFO.
6. A booster pump supplies fuel oil to the high-pressure fuel pumps.

5. Explain the function of these objects:

• piping;
• valves;
• tanks (storage, settling, day);
• pumps (transfer, booster, high pressure, fuel pumps);
• overflow arrangement;
• strainers and filters.

6. Write a brief description of Engine Cooling Systems. It should

consist of several paragraphs. Your description should answer these
• What are they for?
• What systems are they divided into?
• What do they consist of?
• What is the function of each separate system?
• Where are the systems components located?

7. Try to explain the functions of intake and exhaust systems.

8. Translate the text.
Operating Mechanisms
In many cases, the mechanism, which transmits power for the operation of the
engine valves and blower, may also transmit power to parts and accessories, which
are components of various engine systems. For example, such items as the
governor; fuel, lubricating, and water pumps; and overspeed trips are, in some
engines, operated by the same mechanism.
The parts, which make up the operating mechanisms of an engine, may be di-
vided into two groups: the group, which forms the drive mechanisms, and the
group, which forms the actuating mechanisms. The source of power for the
operating mechanisms of an engine is the crankshaft.
A drive mechanism may be of the gear, chain or belt type. The gear type is the
most common. A combination of gears and chains is used as the driving
mechanism in some engines. A separate drive mechanism, which is used to
transmit power for the operation of engine valves is generally called the camshaft
drive or timing mechanism. Camshaft drives are designed to maintain the proper
relationship between the speeds of the crankshaft and the camshaft.
In order for the valves (intake, exhaust, fuel injection, air starter) to operate,
there must be a change in the type of motion. In other words, the rotary motion of
the crankshaft and drive mechanism must be changed to a reciprocating motion.
The group of parts, which causes the valves of an engine to operate, is generally
called the valve actuating mechanism. It may include the cams, cam followers,
push rods, rocker arms, and valve springs. In some engines, the camshaft is so
located that the need for push rods is eliminated. In such cases, the cam follower is
a part of the rocker arm.
There is a considerable variation in the design and arrangement of the parts of
operating mechanisms found in different engines. The size of an engine, the cycle
of operation, the cylinder arrangement, and other factors govern the design and
arrangement of the components as well as the design and arrangement of the


1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What are the sources of the heat generated in an engine?
2. How much heat is transformed into useful work?
3. How many percent of the heat must be removed from the engine by means
of cooling?
4. What fluids are utilized for cooling purposes in an engine?
5. What parts does the water cooling system of an engine include?

Engine Cooling Systems

A great amount of heat is generated within an engine during operation.
Combustion produces the greater portion of this heat; however, compression of
gases within the cylinders and friction between moving parts add to the total
amount of heat developed within an engine.
Of the total heat supplied to the cylinder of an engine by the burning fuel,
only one-third is transformed into useful work; an equal amount is lost to the
exhaust gases, and approximately 30 to 35 percent of the heat of combustion must
be removed in order to prevent damage to engine parts. The greater portion of the
heat, which may produce harmful results, is transferred from the engine through
the medium of water; lubricating oil, air, and fuel are also utilized to aid in the
cooling of the engine. All methods of heat transfer are utilized in keeping engine
parts and fluids (air, water, fuel, and lubricating oil) at safe operating temperatures.
The cooling system may be of the open or closed type. In the open system the
engine is cooled directly by salt water. In the closed system, fresh water, (or an
antifreeze solution) is circulated through the engine. The fresh water is then cooled
by salt water. In marine installations, the closed system is the type commonly
The cooling system of an engine may include such parts as pumps, coolers,
engine passages, water manifolds, valves, expansion tank, piping, strainers,
connections, and instruments. Design and location of parts may differ considerably
from one engine to another.

2. Match the question in column A with correct answer from column B.

1.What is your certificate of a) Let me see, if I’m not mistaken, the
competency? safety training took place once a week.
2. Have you worked on a tanker b) The chief officer was a supervisor. I
operated by an English-speaking crew? also consulted with the chief engineer
on technical matters.
3. Which officer did you report to on the c) I’ve completed three contract periods
tanker? on tankers. One of them was operated
by a multinational crew. English was
used as the working language on that
4. How often were safety and damage d) I’ve two certificates of competency:
control drills held on your last ship? First Class Motorman and Pumpman
5. What were your wages under last e) The more agencies accept my
contract? application, the greater will be the
probability of being offered a decent
6.This is probably not the first agency f) My salary was eleven hundred USD.
with which you’ve placed your
application for employment, is it?

3. Put the words in the right order to form a question.

1. the combustion portion does of produce heat this greater?
2. source an just heat of is one in the it engine?
3. many of percent is how heat lost?
4. are of heat what methods the transfer?
5. may types the system be what cooling?
6. engine how is the cooled?
7. system parts does the cooling what include?
4. Make these sentences Passive.
1. Some portion of the heat may produce harmful results.
2. Combustion produces the greater portion of the heat.
3. Salt water cools fresh water.
4. The cooling system of an engine include pumps, coolers, water
manifolds, valves, expansion tank, piping, etc.
5. The burning fuel supplies heat to the cylinder.

5. Try to explain the function of:

• pump
• cooler
• expansion tank
• strainer
• instrument
• lubricating oil, air, fuel, water.

6. What is a basic distinction between the open and closed type cooling
7. Write a brief description of a “Supporting Systems of a Diesel Engine”. It
must consist of some paragraphs. Your description should answer these
• What systems support a diesel engine operation?
• What is the function of each of them?
• What parts does every system consist of?

8.Translate the following text.

Engine Maintenance
Keeping an internal combustion engine in good operating condition demands
a well-planned procedure of periodic inspection, adjustments, maintenance, and
repair. If inspections are made regularly, much maladjustment can be detected and
corrected before a serious casualty results. A planned maintenance program will
help to prevent major casualties and the occurrence of many operating troubles.
Routine maintenance must be performed as soon as possible; if repair jobs are
allowed to accumulate, the result may be hurried and incomplete work.
There are several general rules, which apply to ail engines, as regards their
They are:
1. Detailed repair procedures are listed in manufacturer's instruction manuals
and maintenance pamphlets. Study the appropriate manuals and pamphlets before
attempting any repair work. Pay particular attention to tolerances, limits, and
2. The highest degree of cleanliness must be observed in handling the parts
during overhaul.
3. Before starting repair work, be sure that required tools and replacements
for detective parts are available.
4. Detailed records of repairs should be kept. Such records should include the
measurements of parts, hours in use, and new parts installed. An analysis of such
records will indicate the hours of operation that may be expected from the various
engine parts. This knowledge is helpful as an aid in determining when a part
should be renewed in order to avoid a failure.
5. Detailed information on preventive maintenance is contained in the special
6. Certain operating checks and inspections are required as a normal part of
the regular watchstanding routine, such as hourly pressure and temperature checks
or routine oil level checks.


1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. How is the heat generated in an engine?
2. What produces the greater portion of this heat?
3. How much heat is transformed into useful work?
4. How many percent of the heat must be removed from the engine by means
of cooling?
5. What types of cooling system do you know?
6. Describe both types of cooling system.
7. What fluids are utilized for cooling purposes in an engine?
8. What parts does the water cooling system of an engine include?

Engine Cooling Systems

A great amount of heat is generated within an engine during operation.
Combustion produces the greater portion of this heat; however, compression of
gases within the cylinders and friction between moving parts add to the total
amount of heat developed within an engine.
Of the total heat supplied to the cylinder of an engine by the burning fuel,
only one-third is transformed into useful work; an equal amount is lost to the
exhaust gases, and approximately 30 to 35 percent of the heat of combustion must
be removed in order to prevent damage to engine parts. The greater portion of the
heat, which may produce harmful results, is transferred from the engine through
the medium of water; lubricating oil, air, and fuel are also utilized to aid in the
cooling of the engine. All methods of heat transfer are utilized in keeping engine
parts and fluids (air, water, fuel, and lubricating oil) at safe operating temperatures.
The cooling system may be of the open or closed type. In the open system the
engine is cooled directly by salt water. In the closed system, fresh water, (or an
antifreeze solution) is circulated through the engine. The fresh water is then cooled
by salt water. In marine installations, the closed system is the type commonly
The cooling system of an engine may include such parts as pumps, coolers,
engine passages, water manifolds, valves, expansion tank, piping, strainers,
connections, and instruments. Design and location of parts may differ considerably
from one engine to another.

2. Match the question in column A with correct answer from column B.

1. Have you taken the pressure gauge a) The thermometer fitted after the
readings? cooler is reading 50 degrees centigrade.
2. What M.E. parameters did you b) There are no leaks on piping.
3. Are there any problems with fuel and c) I checked M.E. speed, pressures and
lube oil pipes, tubes or hoses? temperatures. All is normal.
4. What was the change air temperature? d) Yes, I have.
5. What is the sounding in the port fresh e) Explosion in M.E.
water tank?
6. What happened? f) Fresh water soundings is 7.5 metres.

3. Put the words in the right order to form a question.

1. source an just heat of is one in the it engine?
2. many of percent is how heat lost?
3. may types the system be what cooling?
4. the combustion portion does of produce heat this greater?
5. are of heat what methods the transfer?

4. Make these sentences Passive.

1. The cooling system of an engine include pumps, coolers, water
manifolds, valves, expansion tank, piping, etc.
2. Some portion of the heat may produce harmful results.
3. Combustion produces the greater portion of the heat.
4. Salt water cools fresh water.
5. The burning fuel supplies heat to the cylinder.

5. Try to explain the function of:

• cooler;
• expansion tank;
• pump;
• instrument;
• lubricating oil, air, fuel, water.

6. What maintenance do all above mentioned arrangements require daily,

weekly, monthly (use your knowledge of engineering and experience).
7. Write a brief description of “Internal Combustion Engine”. It must
consist of some paragraphs. Your description should answer these questions:
• What is it?
• What are its characteristics?
• What is the difference between cross-head and trunk-piston types engines?

8. Translate the text.

Fuel Oil Systems
Boiler fuel oil systems on board ship include oil tanks, fuel oil piping, fuel oil
pumps, and the equipment used for heating, straining, measuring, and burning the
fuel oil.
The fuel oil piping system includes (1) the fuel oil filling and transfer system,
and (2) the fuel oil service system. The filling and transfer system is used for,
receiving fuel oil and filling the fuel oil storage tanks, filling the fuel oil service
tanks, changing the list of the ship by transferring fuel oil between port tanks and
starboard tanks, changing the trim of the ship by transferring fuel oil between
forward tanks and after tanks.
In general, the filling and transfer system consists of large mains running fore
and aft, transfer mains, cross-connections, risers for taking on or discharging fuel
oil, fuel oil booster and transfer pumps, lines and manifolds arranged so that the
booster and transfer pumps can transfer oil from one tank to another and, when
necessary, can deliver oil to the suction side of the fuel service pump.
The fuel oil service system consists of a service main, manifold, fuel oil
service pumps, meters, burner manifolds and the burner lines.
Main Lubricating Oil Systems
Main lubricating oil systems on steam-driven ships provide lubrication for the
turbine bearings and the reduction gears. The system usually includes a filling and
transfer system, a purifying system, and separate service system for the propulsion
unit. On most ships, each lube oil service system includes three displacement
pumps (1) a shaft-driven pump, attached to and driven by either the propulsion
shaft or the quill shaft of the reduction gear, is used as the regular lube oil service
pump when the shaft is turning fast enough so that the pump can supply the
required oil pressure. (2) The turbine-driven lube oil service pump is used while
the ship is getting under way and is then used as standby at normal speeds. The
motor-driven lube oil service pump serves as standby for the other two pumps.

Шифр №
Реєстр №

Методичні рекомендації
до виконання контрольних завдань
з дисципліни «Ділова англійська мова»

Факультет суднової енергетики

Освітньо-кваліфікаційний рівень спеціаліст
Галузь знань 0701 Транспорт і транспортна інфраструктура
Спеціальність 7.07010402 Експлуатація суднових
енергетичних установок
Курс V сз
Форма навчання заочна

Херсон – 2014
Методичні рекомендації до виконання контрольних завдань для
студентів заочної форми навчання з дисципліни «Ділова англійська мова»
розробили у відповідності з робочою навчальною програмою, ІМО
модельного курсу 3.17 (Maritime English), а також відповідно до галузевого
стандарту вищої освіти підготовки спеціаліста Огородник Н.Є., к.пед.н., доц.,
Літікова О.І., к.пед.н., доц.

Методичні рекомендації розглянуто та ухвалено на засіданні кафедри

від 3 вересня 2014 року, протокол № 1

Завідувач кафедри _____________ Н.Є. Огородник

англійської мови в судновій енергетиці

Завідувач навчально-методичного
відділу _____________ В. В. Черненко
Мета і завдання дисципліни

Дисципліна «Ділова англійська мова» у комплексі з іншими спеціальними

предметами посідає одне з головних місць в освітньо-професійній підготовці
спеціалістів морського флоту та є невід’ємною частиною загальної
підготовки висококваліфікованих фахівців для морського флоту України.
Мета навчання ділової англійської мови полягає у розвитку і
вдосконаленні англомовної професійно орієнтованої комунікативної
компетентності суднових механіків задля успішного виконання ними
функціональних обов’язків на рівні управління.

Завдання курсу:
 забезпечити ступеневе запровадження компетентнісного підходу у
вдосконаленні англомовної професійно орієнтованої комунікативної
компетентності суднових механіків на рівні управління;
 описати компетентності, що формуються у межах даної навчальної
дисципліни, уклавши так званий компетентнісний паспорт дисципліни;
 забезпечити взаємозв’язок англомовної професійно орієнтованої
комунікативної компетентності з фаховими компетентнісним вимогами
до 2-го та старшого механіка;
 вдосконалювати прийоми та засоби комунікативної організації
навчання морської англійської мови у ході виконання професійно
орієнтованих завдань управлінського характеру відповідно до вимог
МК ПДНВ 78/95 Правило ІІІ/3, Розділу А-ІІІ/3 та таблиці А- ІІІ/3
Кодексу ПДНВ;
 розробити номенклатуру сфер та ситуацій професійного спілкування у
межах означеної спеціалізації та укласти перелік комунікативних
професійних компетенцій, що формуватимуться у них;
 забезпечити тісну співпрацю викладачів мови та спеціальних предметів
задля успішного засвоєння морської та вузькоспеціалізованої
інженерної лексики у максимально наближеному до природного
професійному контексті;
 запропонувати варіанти організації процесу навчання – ESA (Engage,
Study, Activate) або Patch Work) з урахуванням особливостей
спеціалізованих компетентностей та рівнів кваліфікацій фахівців для
повноцінного відтворення професійного спілкування;
 забезпечити поступове засвоєння компетентностей за рівнями (від В2
до С1) згідно з Загальноєвропейськими рекомендаціями та з
урахуванням принципу модульної організації навчального курсу;
 забезпечити творчий підхід до засвоєння англійської мови через зміст
фахових дисциплін шляхом моделювання реальних професійних
ситуацій, що становитимуть опору для подальшого ефективного
вирішення проблемних ситуацій у професійній діяльності;
 забезпечити різноманітність методів, форм та видів навчальної
діяльності на занятті, що сприятимуть результативності навчального
 забезпечити інтерактивний характер навчання для розвитку творчих
здібностей та професійно-орієнтованих умінь курсантів під час
співробітництва і спілкування, спрямованих на спільне розв'язання
проблем, здатність виділяти головне, ставити цілі, планувати діяльність,
розподіляти функції, бути відповідальними, критично міркувати тощо.

 сприяти становленню та формуванню управлінської компетентності
курсантів - механіків експлуатаційного рівня шляхом розвитку у них
необхідних професійних компетентностей засобами англійської мови;
 сприяти розвитку психологічних чинників успішності навчання -
комунікативних здібностей, пам’яті, уваги, логічного мислення, а також
особистісних і вольових якостей, пов’язаних з досягненням прогресу у
навчанні, таких як комунікабельність, толерантність, здатність до
співробітництва та компромісів тощо;
 розширювати загальний і фаховий кругозір курсантів, готуючи їх до
міжнародного та міжкультурного спілкування на основі використання
своїх знань, умінь і навичок та практичного досвіду;
 формувати уявлення курсантів про повноваження та відповідальності
суднових механіків на рівні управління, а також знання та досвід,
необхідні їм для виконання своїх посадових обов’язків;
 активізувати і розвивати у курсантів увесь спектр їхніх пізнавальних
 допомагати курсантам у формуванні загальних компетентностей,
сприяти розвитку здібностей до самооцінки та здатності до
самостійного навчання упродовж усього життя.
 формувати та вдосконалювати у курсантів загальні та професійно
орієнтовані комунікативні мовленнєві компетентності для забезпечення
успішного англомовного спілкування у навчальному, соціально-
побутовому та професійному середовищі, у відповідності до норм і
культурних традицій в умовах прямого й опосередкованого
 забезпечити досягнення спеціалістами вихідного рівня володіння
англійською мовою професійного спрямування С1 (Незалежний
користувач) відповідно до європейських стандартів;
 формувати у курсантів англомовні мовленнєві компетентності у
професійно спрямованих аудіюванні, говорінні, читанні і письмі на
рівні С1 незалежного користувача;
 удосконалювати мовні компетентності курсантів, а саме їх уміння
коректно користуватися мовним матеріалом – фонетичним, лексичним
і граматичним, адекватно ситуації спілкування, цілям і намірам,
соціальним і функціональним ролям партнерів по спілкуванню;
 формувати у курсантів лінгвосоціокультурну компетентність як
здатність до англомовного професійного спілкування з національно-
культурною специфікою;
 сприяти формуванню комунікативних стратегій курсантів, розвиваючи
їхні уміння моделювати свою мовленнєву професійно орієнтовану
поведінку згідно ситуації спілкування.
Місце дисципліни в структурі основної професійної програми
Загальна кількість кредитів ECTS становить - 3, це 108 годин, з них
аудиторних 18 години, самостійна робота – 90 години.
Вивчення курсу «Ділова англійська мова» здійснюється упродовж Vcз
курсу. Для його засвоєння необхідно мати рівень володіння англійською
мовою В2 (Upper-Intermediate), який характеризується як незалежний
просунутий користувач мовою та є необхідним для фахівців, котрі працюють
у середовищі, де англійська мова є мовою спілкування. Даний рівень
передбачає такі вміння (на додаток до навичок і вмінь, набутих на попередніх
 володіння 2200 найпоширенішими загальновживаними і професійно-
виробничими лексичними одиницями - словами, термінами, фразовими
дієсловами, ідіомами та сталими виразами; а також синонімами і
антонімами до них;
 володіння складними граматичними структурами – складними
часовими формами, складними формами інфінітиву, складними
додатками тощо;
 розуміння основного змісту мовлення на загальні соціально-побутові,
загально-професійні та спеціалізовані професійні теми (морська освіта,
працевлаштування, типи суден, будова судна, головні та допоміжні
системи на судні тощо);
 здатність підтримати тривалу бесіду та вирішити більшість професійно-
виробничих проблем під час виконання своїх посадових обов’язків;
 здатність правильно розуміти загальний зміст інформації за фахом і
відповідно на неї реагувати;
 уміння описати та охарактеризувати власний професійний досвід, події
та різні види робіт на судні, супроводжуючи їх коментарями та
Програма навчальної дисципліни «Ділова англійська мова» складена на
основі Типової програми АМПС - English for Specific Purposes (ESP) (2005р.), у
відповідності з Загальноєвропейськими Рекомендаціями з мовної освіти (2001
р.) і вимогами ІМО модельного курсу 3.17 (Maritime English), а також згідно з
положеннями правил IIІ/1, ІІІ/2 та IIІ/3 Розділу А Конвенції ПДНВ 78/95
(STCW-коду) для старших механіків та других механіків суден з головною
руховою установкою потужністю від 750 до 3000 кВт.
Зміст дисципліни для заочної форми навчання


Вид Зміст дисципліни академічних

1 ПЗ Remote Control for the Main Engine 2
2 ПЗ Programming of Large Loads 2
3 ПЗ Control Systems for Deck Machinery 2
4 ПЗ Power Management System 3
5 ПЗ Propulsion Control Systems 3
6 ПЗ Cargo and Ballast control 2
7 ПЗ Electronic Automation. Bridge Maneuvering System 2
8 ПЗ Electronic Control System for Rotatable Thrusters 2
Всього 18

Питання до семестрового екзамену для студентів Vс курсу

1. Speak what knowledge and skills the Chief Engineer must have to manage the
operation of the propulsion plant.
2. Speak about the questions in which the Chief Engineer and the Captain are to
come to a clear understanding.
3. Speak about the periodicity of the Chief ngineer’s entries into the log book.
What information must they reflect?
4. Speak about the reports to be completed by the Chief Engineer and forwarded to
the Technical Superintendent.
5. Speak about knowledge and skills of the Chief Engineer necessary to promote
accident prevention on board the vessel.
6. Speak about the Chief ngineer’s supervision over competency-based allocation
of watch keeping duties.
7. Speak about the Chief ngineer’s proper actions in case of any malfunction or
failure in periodically unattended machinery spaces.
8. Speak about the Chief ngineer’s proper actions to ensure pollution prevention
9. Speak about the proper Chief ngineer’s actions in case of alarm sounding.
10. Speak what the Chief Engineer must know about manuals and planned
maintenance system to ensure satisfactory operation and maintenance of
11. Speak what the Chief Engineer must know about critical equipment and
systems proper maintenance.
12. Speak what the Chief Engineer must know about proper maintenance of safety
equipment and systems.
Speak about the engine maintenance report forms which the Chief Engineer must
monthly forward to the responsible Technical Superintendent.
13. Speak what the Chief Engineer must know to ensure proper treatment and use
of lube oil for different types of machinery.
14. Speak about the proper actions of the Chief Engineer in time of inspections of
Port State Control and Flag State.
15. Speak about knowledge and skills of the Chief Engineer necessary to ensure
avoidance of flood in the engine room when testing hold bilge and suction lines.
16. Speak about knowledge and skills of the Chief Engineer necessary to ensure
avoidance of crankcase explosions.
17. Speak what documents the Chief Engineer must prepare with Technical
Superintendent to prepare the ship for refit in dry dock.
18. Speak what data the Chief Engineer must reflect in repair lists and advices of
19. Speak about the Chief ngineer’s management of all engine room personnel
engagement in bunkering operations.
20. Speak about obligations of the Chief Engineer as for critical pressure gauges
annual checks.
21. Speak about the Chief ngineer’s supervision of machinery periodic checks.
22. Speak about the Chief ngineer’s skills of quick response in the situations
when calling the Chief Engineer is necessary.
23. Speak about measures of the Chief Engineer necessary to ensure adequate
maintaining of a safe engineering watch while in port.
24. Speak about the special responsibilities of the Chief Engineer.
25. Speak about proper actions of the Chief Engineer to provide adequate drug
and alcohol policy in engine room.
26. Speak the Chief ngineer’s participation in safety familiarization of a new
engine room crewmember.
27. Speak about knowledge and skills of the Chief Engineer necessary to arrange
periodic checks of main and auxiliary machinery.
28. Speak about knowledge and skills of the Chief Engineer necessary to arrange
adjusted actions between the engine room and the bridge.
29. Speak about knowledge and skills of the Chief Engineer necessary to arrange
accidents and deficiencies analysis with crew members.
30. Speak about knowledge and skills of the Chief Engineer necessary to arrange
timely detection and identification of machinery malfunctions.

Рекомендована література
1. Кудрявцева В.Ф., Бобришева Н.М., Бохан Ю.В., Мороз О.Л., Петровська
Ю.В., Сморочинська О.О., Чернікова В.О. Welcome Aboard: Student’s
Book. Видання п’яте, доповнене і перероблене. – Херсон: ТОВ «ВКФ
«СТАР» ЛТД». - 2014. – 238 с.
2. Кудрявцева В.Ф., Бобришева Н.М., Богодист Т.Я., Літікова О.І., Мороз
О.Л., Чичян О.О., Чуприна К.Л. Seven Seas Ahead: Student’s Book.
Видання четверте, доповнене і перероблене. – Херсон: ТОВ «ВКФ
«СТАР» ЛТД». - 2013. – 280 с.
3. Кудрявцева В.Ф., Літікова О.І., Гузь А.М., Токарєва О.В., Філіпов Ю.В.
Ship’s Heart: Student’s Book. Видання друге, доповнене. – Херсон:
Видавництво Борисфен. - 2013. – 176 с.
4. Богомолов О.С. Английский язык для машинной команды транспортных
судов: Учебное пособие - Одесса: Тренажерный центр, 2005. – 208 с.
5. Ивасюк Н.А., Мороха Н.В., Цобенко О.В. English for Maritime Cadets:
Учебное пособие. –Одесса: Феникс, 2005. – 208 с.
6. Літікова О.І. Методичний посібник для підготовки до державної атестації
з дисципліни «Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням» для
студентів ІV і ІІ сп денного та V і ІІ сп заочного відділень факультету
суднової енергетики напряму 6.070104 «Морський та річковий
транспорт». – Херсон: Борисфен. – 2013. – 104 с.
7. Blakey T.N. English for Maritime Studies. Second edition. – Cambridge Univ.
Press: Prentice Hall, 1987. – 288 p.
8. Essential English for engineers.Учебное пособие с аудиокассетами. –
Базовый английский для судовых механиков.
9. MARPOL. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from
Ships (1973/78).
10. SOLAS. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974
11. STCW. International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and
Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1995 (amended in 2010).




студента ______________________________________________________
(прізвище, ініціали)
Група ____


Дата надходження_____________
Дата перевірки завдання_______
Оцінка _______________________
Підпис викладача_______________

Херсон - 2015
I. Translate into English.
Цилиндровая крышка с трещиной, поврежденные запасные части,
удовлетворительная работа, предыдущая переписка, программа поставок,
номер чертежа, из предыдущих писем, избежать недоразумения,
воспользоваться услугой, подлежать ремонту.
II. Translate the text.
Reconditioning a worn engine component is frequently more economical
than buying a new one, average cost being only 40-60 %.
Parts such as exhaust valve housing and piston crowns are available on
an exchange basis. The return of the defective but repairable item is promised
and the operator is immediately supplied with a reconditioned component.
Among the components continually reconditioned are piston crowns,
cylinder covers, main bearings, crosshead bearings and injection elements.
Damaged exhaust valve seats of an engine are cut off from the valve housings
and are replaced by new hard-surfaced seat rings. The housing are measured and
the cooling water spaces are cleaned prior to the fitting of the rings which are
precisely aligned with the housing and welded in place using special electrodes and
heat treatment. Finally, the seats are subjected to crack detection and machined to
the original drawings.
III. Answer the questions according the text.
1. What engine components are available on exchange basis?
2. What detective parts can be reconditioned?
3. In what way are damaged exhaust valve seats replaced?
4. Must all the reconditioned items be presented to the classification
5. Can the parts of a piston be restored to original quality?
6. What are the advantages of reconditioning? Do you use this kind of
in your ship?
IV. Translate into English using Passive Voice.
1. Некоторые части двигателя поставляются на условиях обмена.
2. Поврежденные детали, которые можно отремонтировать,
заменяются восстановленными.
3. Постоянно восстанавливаются головки поршней, цилиндровые
рамовые и крейцкопфные подшипники, топливная аппаратура.
4. Поврежденные седла выхлопных клапанов вырезаются из корпуса
и заменяются новыми опорными кольцами.
5. Корпусы измеряются, а за рубашечные пространства очищаются
установкой седел клапанов.

V. Answer the questions.

1. What is the prime mover of the ship?
2. On what principle do the turbochargers operate?
3. In what way is the engine coupled to the propeller?
4. Will you say about its mcr and cruising range?
5. Under what conditions were Diesel oil consumption figures specified?


I. Translate into English.

Опорно-упорный двухрядный подшипник, лабиринтовые уплотнения,
воздушный клапан, сопловый аппарат, передние и задние саладки, масляный
шестеренчатый насос, насос перекачки котловой воды, насос заборной воды
охлаждения главного двигателя.
II. Translate the text.
Ships require the use of many types of cable and cordage both for their
own security and for the handling of cargo. Three main types are used: chain
cable, steel wires and rope cordage which may be of either natural fibre (e.g.
manilla, hemp, cotton or coir) or synthetic fibre (e.g. polypropylene - usually
called "polyprop" - nylon or terylene), or a mixture.
Chain cable is made of links of forged iron or steel, the separate lengths of
chain being joined together by special links called "shackles". Anchor cables are
normally made up in 15 fathom (go-foot) length. Each of these lengths is also
known as a "shackle".
Robe is made of fibre or strands, twisted into different lays. Lays commonly
found include hawser-laid, shroud-laid, cable-laid and braided.
Different lays are used for wire rope.
III. Answer the questions according the text.
1. What is chain cable made of?
2. What do the ships need for their own security and for the handling
3. What is "a shackle"?
4. What is rope made of?
5. What do lays include?

IV. Translate into English using Passive Voice.

1. Перед каждой выдачей топлива шланги проверяются воздухом на
рабочее давление.
2. Наши судовые технические средства исключают возможность слива в
вод содержащих нефть или нефтепродукты.
3. Для решения этого вопроса прошу взять пробу с поверхности
4. Наше судно оснащено системой для измельчения и
сточных вод.
5. Сброс нефтесодержащей примеси прекращается , когда содержание
в стоке превышает значения, допустимые правилами.
V. Answer the questions.
1. What is supercharging?
2. By means of what are all marine engines started?
3. What causes are dangerous surge on the moorings? Can you prevent the
4. Under what conditions were diesel oil consumption figures specified?
5. Can you enumerate the parts comprising the governor flexible linkage?

I. Translate into English.
Топливо подкачивающий насос, ваерный барабан, прибор для
определения содержания нефти, лояльный колодец, сборный танк, журнал
операций со сточными водами, универсальная установка для сжигания
отходов, запорная арматура, опреснительная установка, международное
свидетельство о предотвращении загрязнения сточными водами.

II. Translate the text.

Any ship of 400 tons gross tonnage and above shall be fitted with an oil-
water separating equipment or filtering system complying with the provisions of
paragraph (6) of this Regulation. Any such ship which carries large quantities of
oil fuel shall comply with paragraph (2) of this Regulation or paragraph (1) of
Regulation (14).
An oil discharge monitoring and control system shall be of a design
approved by the Administration. In considering the design of the oil content meter
to be incorporated into the system, the Administration shall have regard to the
specification recommended by the Organization. This system shall be fitted with a
recording device to provide a continuous record of the oil content in parts per
million. This record shall be identifiable as to time and date and shall be kept for at
least three years.

III. Answer the questions according the text.

1. What equipment should any ship be fitted with according to Regulation
2. Of what design should the system be?
3. What is the function of the recording device?
4. When does the monitoring and control system come into operation?
5. What is noted in the Oil Record Book?

IV. Translate into English.

1. Произвести работу цилиндро-поршневой группы с ревизией
поршня и
головного подшипника.
2. Заварить трещины и опрессовать цилиндровые крышки.
3. Изготовить втулку к головному подшипнику, пальцы, шестерни
4. Мы не несем ответственности за разлив топлива, потому, что
произошла через шланги судна-бункеровщика.
5. Судовой сливной трубопровод оснащен стандартным

V. Answer the questions.

1. What cargo are dangerous for transportation?
2. What are the principle requirement for carrying dangerous goods?
3. Explain the difference in arrangement of the bowl for oils separated.
4. What do you think is the function of the follow indicators and
thermometers in
this equipment?
5. How can you check the oil level?
I. Translate into English.
Эластичная арматура, фрикционная муфта, самоочищающийся
центробежный сепаратор с общим выбросом, насос заборной воды,
кольцо сальника, щит с контрольно-измерительными приборами, генератор
переменного тока, главный клапан на жидкостном трубопроводе, патрубок
для зарядки, кислородно-ацетиленовая сварка.
II. Translate the text.
The main propulsion comprises two sets of Lindholmenbuilt Pielstick
Diesel engines type 18PC 2.5V each with an output of 1 1.700 bhp at 520 rev/min.
The NCR at 90% mcr is 11.530 bhp at 500 rev/min. The trial speed at 90 % mcr
is approximately 19.2 knots and the speed with the ship fully laden at 90% mcr,
15% sea margin, being about 19 knots. The fuel consumption is 148 gm/hp plus
5% when burning fuel with a lower calorific value of 10.100 kcal/kg. The main
engine is designed to burn fuel oil up to 177 c/s at 50°C, which is equivalent to
1.500 sees fuel oil.
Fuel consumption is as follows:
19 knots fully laden - 67 t/day
19 knots 7.4 m draught - 55 t/day.
All these calculations are on the vessel burning fuel oil of 177 c/s with the
fuel heating by means of steam from the exhaust gas economizer or the auxiliary
boiler. The main engines are connected to twin screws through horizontally.

III. Answer the questions according the text.

1. What does the main propulsion comprise?
2. What is the trial speed?
3. What can you say about fuel consumption?
4. Where are the main engines connected to?
5. The main engine is designed to burn fuel oil up to 200 c/s at 50°C, isn't

IV. Translate into English.

1. Топливная система двигателя состоит из трубопровода общей
топлива, трубопровода высокого давления и слива.
2. Если для системы используется тяжелое топливо, его нужно подогреть.
3. Трубопровод обеспечивает впрыск топлива в цилиндр, находится
высоким пульсирующим давлением.
4. Избыточное топливо, подаваемое насосом, сбрасывается в
5. Невозвратный клапан изолирует насос от сливного трубопровода

V. Answer the questions.

1. What Nautical Publications shall all ships carry?
2. What duties of the members of the crew are enumerated in the Muster List?
3. On what occasion shall the Oil Record Book be completed?
4. What equipment shall any ship of 400 tons gross tonnage and above be
5. What fire-fighting equipment should cargo ships be fitted with?


1. Translate into English:

Сохранять гарантированный расход топлива, уменьшить трение наружной
обшивки в условиях без вахтенного обслуживания машинного отделения,
звуконепроницаемый центральный пост управления с кондиционированием
воздуха, составлять протокол о разногласия, брать на себя доставку.

2. Translate the text.

There are two principal forms of corrosion. One is direct chemical attack and
mainly occurs in superheaters due to the high metal temperature involved. It can
result in pitting or cracking in tube bores, or in scaling or flaking on the gas side of
tubes. This form of corrosion also occurs when loss of water circulation causes the
metal to overheat in the presence of steam.
The more common form of corrosion found in boilers is the result of electro-
chemical attack usually involving acidic water conditions in the presence of
dissolved oxygen.
General wastage of the boiler metal due to this form of attack has been virtually
eliminated by the use of chemical feed water treatment, but isolated pitting can still
occur if the treatment is not operated within the correct limits. It may be found
along the water level in the drum, generally as the result of poor shut-down and
storage procedures where the boiler is left partly filled with cold water. Pitting
along the roof of the drum can result from condensation.

3. Answer the questions according the text:

1) How many principal forms of corrosion do you know?
2) Where does the form of corrosion occur?
3) Boiler damage can be considered under five main heading.
Name them.
4) Where can the cracking take place ?
5) State the general precautions to be following by a watch keeper in charge of a
water tube boiler installation.

4. Translate into English using Indefinite.

1) В котёл дополнительно введены (добавлены) перегреватели, чтобы
увеличить его КПД (эффективность).
2) Главный стопорный (зазорный) клапан необходим, чтобы управлять
прохождением пара к машинам.
3) Для того, чтобы выпускать воду из системы, установлены спускные
4) Клапаны дозировки химикатов нужны, чтобы можно было добавлять
химикаты прямо в котел.
5) Для того, чтобы брать пробы воды, установите солемер.

5. Answer the questions:

1) Where shall the oil residues which cannot be discharged into the sea be
2) From what ships shall any discharge into the sea of oil or oily mixture be
prohibited while in a specific area ?
3) Where shall pipelines for the discharge to the sea of effluent be led?
4) Shall ballast water be carried in any oil fuel tank ?
5) In what cases shall Regulation 9 and 10 of Annex 1 not apply to the discharge
into the sea of oil or oily mixture ?

6. Describe in detail and the correct sequence the procedure for preparing the
main engine for sea. Assume the main engine is cold and detail the procedure
from this condition to full away. State the type of engine or plant and any
testing of alarms during this procedure.


1. Translate into English:

консистентная смазка (солидол)
калиберная пластинка для листового металла
перекачка топлива
измерение уровня жидкости в цистернах
дистанционно-управляемый двигатель
измерять раскеп коленчатого вала
устанавливать перемычку
дегазация (танков)
usyn для измерения зарядов

2. Translate the text:

Pumprooms constitute a hazard and therefore necessitate special precautions.
Pumprooms bilges should be kept clean and dry.
It is necessary to prevent the escape of petroleum products or hydrocarbon
vapour into the pumproom.
All pump seals valve glands drain cocks and mud boxes should be maintained in
good condition.
Before entering a pumproom, it should be thoroughly ventilated and the
atmosphere checked for petroleum gas.
In the event of fire dampers in the vent trunking must be operated.
Noticed should be displayed at the pumproom entrance prohibiting entry without
Breathing apparatus and resuscitation apparatus should be available in an
accessible location.
Prior to any operation or repair involving the opening of pumps, cargo vessels,
cargo piping or electrical equipment the following procedures should be observed.
- The atmosphere must be tested for hydrocarbon and toxic gas.
- Safe working conditions should be mainted at the work site.
- A work permit should be issued describing the safety precautions to be
observed and the work to be performed.
Fire and explosions in pumproom are usually the result of a combination of three
1) Malfunctions of machinery parts such as packing glands, hot bearing, other
points of excessive friction and temperature.
2) Leakage of petroleum products into the pumproom and collection in the
3) Insufficient ventilation.

3. Answer the questions:

1) What is used for plugging scuppers?
2) What liquid is used for flushing the cargo system through?
3) What valves should be closed at all times during cargo handling?
4) What is the content of a work permit?
5) When must the inert gas system be tested and why?

4. Translate into English:

1) Турбонагнетатели, приводимые в действие выхлопными газами,
работают по импульсивной системе или системе постоянного давления.
2) Насосное действие под поршневых плоскостей - это 2-я ступень сжатия
воздуха, поступающего в цилиндр.
3) Наддув, или зарядка цилиндров под давлением, увеличивает выходную
мощность двигателя.
4) Трубопровод, обеспечивающий впрыск топлива в цилиндр, находится
под высоким пульсирующим давлением.
5) Невозвратный клапан изолирует насос от сливного трубопровода

5. Answer the questions:

1) What does the main propulsion comprise?
2) Can you enumerate the parts comprising the governor flexible linkage?
3) when does the pressure in the servoactuator control chamber drop?
4) What deviced turn the servoactuator level towards fuel shut-off?
5) What is the purpose of the automatic boiler level control system?

6. Make a line diagram of:

a) the domestic fresh water system;
b) the sea water main circulating system.

I. Translate into English.
Цилиндровая крышка с трещиной, поврежденные запасные части,
удовлетворительная работа, предыдущая переписка, программа поставок,
номер чертежа, из предыдущих писем, избежать недоразумения,
воспользоваться услугой, подлежать ремонту.
II. Translate the text.
Reconditioning a worn engine component is frequently more economical
than buying a new one, average cost being only 40-60 %.
Parts such as exhaust valve housing and piston crowns are available on
an exchange basis. The return of the defective but repairable item is promised
and the operator is immediately supplied with a reconditioned component.
Among the components continually reconditioned are piston crowns,
cylinder covers, main bearings, crosshead bearings and injection elements.
Damaged exhaust valve seats of an engine are cut off from the valve housings
and are replaced by new hard-surfaced seat rings. The housing are measured and
the cooling water spaces are cleaned prior to the fitting of the rings which are
precisely aligned with the housing and welded in place using special electrodes and
heat treatment. Finally, the seats are subjected to crack detection and machined to
the original drawings.
III. Answer the questions according the text.
1. What engine components are available on exchange basis?
2. What detective parts can be reconditioned?
3. In what way are damaged exhaust valve seats replaced?
4. Must all the reconditioned items be presented to the classification
5. Can the parts of a piston be restored to original quality?
6. What are the advantages of reconditioning? Do you use this kind of
repairs in your ship?

IV. Translate into English.

1. Произвести работу цилиндро-поршневой группы с ревизией
поршня и головного подшипника.
2. Заварить трещины и опрессовать цилиндровые крышки.
3. Изготовить втулку к головному подшипнику, пальцы, шестерни
4. Мы не несем ответственности за разлив топлива, потому, что
утечка произошла через шланги судна-бункеровщика.
5. Судовой сливной трубопровод оснащен стандартным
сливным соединением.

V. Answer the questions.

1. What cargo are dangerous for transportation?
2. What are the principle requirement for carrying dangerous goods?
3. Explain the difference in arrangement of the bowl for oils separated.
4. What do you think is the function of the follow indicators and
thermometers in this equipment?
5. How can you check the oil level?

I. Translate into English.
Эластичная арматура, фрикционная муфта, самоочищающийся
центробежный сепаратор с общим выбросом, насос заборной воды,
кольцо сальника, щит с контрольно-измерительными приборами, генератор
переменного тока, главный клапан на жидкостном трубопроводе, патрубок
для заядки, кислородно-ацетиленовая сварка.

II. Translate the text.

The main propulsion comprises two sets of Lindholmenbuilt Pielstick
Diesel engines type 18PC 2.5V each with an output of 1 1.700 bhp at 520 rev/min.
The NCR at 90% mcr is 11.530 bhp at 500 rev/min. The trial speed at 90 % mcr
is approximately 19.2 knots and the speed with the ship fully laden at 90% mcr,
15% sea margin, being about 19 knots. The fuel consumption is 148 gm/hp plus
5% when burning fuel with a lower calorific value of 10.100 kcal/kg. The main
engine is designed to burn fuel oil up to 177 c/s at 50°C, which is equivalent to
1.500 sees fuel oil.
Fuel consumption is as follows:
19 knots fully laden - 67 t/day
19 knots 7.4 m draught - 55 t/day.
All these calculations are on the vessel burning fuel oil of 177 c/s with the
fuel heating by means of steam from the exhaust gas economizer or the auxiliary
boiler. The main engines are connected to twin screws through horizontally.

III. Answer the questions according the text.

1. What does the main propulsion comprise?
2. What is the trial speed?
3. What can you say about fuel consumption?
4. Where are the main engines connected to?
5. The main engine is designed to burn fuel oil up to 200 c/s at 50°C, isn't it?

IV. Translate into English using Passive Voice.

1. Перед каждой выдачей топлива шланги проверяются воздухом на
рабочее давление.
2. Наши судовые технические средства исключают возможность слива в
море вод содержащих нефть или нефтепродукты.
3. Для решения этого вопроса прошу взять пробу с поверхности
акватории порта.
4. Наше судно оснащено системой для измельчения и
обеззараживания сточных вод.
5. Сброс нефтесодержащей примеси прекращается, когда содержание
нефти в стоке превышает значения, допустимые правилами.
V. Answer the questions.
1. What is supercharging?
2. By means of what are all marine engines started?
3. What causes are dangerous surge on the moorings? Can you prevent the
4. Under what conditions were diesel oil consumption figures specified?
5. Can you enumerate the parts comprising the governor flexible linkage?

1. Translate into English:

Сохранять гарантированный расход топлива, уменьшить трение наружной
обшивки в условиях без вахтенного обслуживания машинного отделения,
звуконепроницаемый центральный пост управления с кондиционированием
воздуха, составлять протокол о разногласия, брать на себя доставку.

2. Translate the text.

There are two principal forms of corrosion. One is direct chemical attack and
mainly occurs in superheaters due to the high metal temperature involved. It can
result in pitting or cracking in tube bores, or in scaling or flaking on the gas side of
tubes. This form of corrosion also occurs when loss of water circulation causes the
metal to overheat in the presence of steam.
The more common form of corrosion found in boilers is the result of electro-
chemical attack usually involving acidic water conditions in the presence of
dissolved oxygen.
General wastage of the boiler metal due to this form of attack has been virtually
eliminated by the use of chemical feed water treatment, but isolated pitting can still
occur if the treatment is not operated within the correct limits. It may be found
along the water level in the drum, generally as the result of poor shut-down and
storage procedures where the boiler is left partly filled with cold water. Pitting
along the roof of the drum can result from condensation.

3. Answer the questions according the text:

1) How many principal forms of corrosion do you know?
2) Where does the form of corrosion occur?
3) Boiler damage can be considered under five main heading. Name them.
4) Where can the cracking take place ?
5) State the general precautions to be following by a watch keeper in charge of a
water tube boiler installation.

4. Translate into English.

1. Топливная система двигателя состоит из трубопровода общей
подачи топлива, трубопровода высокого давления и слива.
2. Если для системы используется тяжелое топливо, его нужно подогреть.
3. Трубопровод обеспечивает впрыск топлива в цилиндр, находится
под высоким пульсирующим давлением.
4. Избыточное топливо, подаваемое насосом, сбрасывается в
трубопровод перелива.
5. Невозвратный клапан изолирует насос от сливного трубопровода

5. Answer the questions.

1. What Nautical Publications shall all ships carry?
2. What duties of the members of the crew are enumerated in the Muster List?
3. On what occasion shall the Oil Record Book be completed?
4. What equipment shall any ship of 400 tons gross tonnage and above be
fitted with?
5. What fire-fighting equipment should cargo ships be fitted with?


1. Translate into English:

консистентная смазка (солидол)
калиберная пластинка для листового металла
перекачка топлива
измерение уровня жидкости в цистернах
дистанционно-управляемый двигатель
измерять раскеп коленчатого вала
устанавливать перемычку
дегазация (танков)
usyn для измерения зарядов

2. Translate the text:

Pumprooms constitute a hazard and therefore necessitate special precautions.
Pumprooms bilges should be kept clean and dry.
It is necessary to prevent the escape of petroleum products or hydrocarbon
vapour into the pumproom.
All pump seals valve glands drain cocks and mud boxes should be maintained in
good condition.
Before entering a pumproom, it should be thoroughly ventilated and the
atmosphere checked for petroleum gas.
In the event of fire dampers in the vent trunking must be operated.
Noticed should be displayed at the pumproom entrance prohibiting entry without
Breathing apparatus and resuscitation apparatus should be available in an
accessible location.
Prior to any operation or repair involving the opening of pumps, cargo vessels,
cargo piping or electrical equipment the following procedures should be observed.
- The atmosphere must be tested for hydrocarbon and toxic gas.
- Safe working conditions should be mainted at the work site.
- A work permit should be issued describing the safety precautions to be
observed and the work to be performed.
Fire and explosions in pumproom are usually the result of a combination of three
1) Malfunctions of machinery parts such as packing glands, hot bearing, other
points of excessive friction and temperature.
2) Leakage of petroleum products into the pumproom and collection in the
3) Insufficient ventilation.

3. Answer the questions:

1) What is used for plugging scuppers?
2) What liquid is used for flushing the cargo system through?
3) What valves should be closed at all times during cargo handling?
4) What is the content of a work permit?
5) When must the inert gas system be tested and why?

4. Translate into English using Passive Voice.

1. Некоторые части двигателя поставляются на условиях обмена.
2. Поврежденные детали, которые можно отремонтировать,
немедленно заменяются восстановленными.
3. Постоянно восстанавливаются головки поршней, цилиндровые
крышки, рамовые и крейцкопфные подшипники, топливная аппаратура.
4. Поврежденные седла выхлопных клапанов вырезаются из корпуса
клапана и заменяются новыми опорными кольцами.
5. Корпусы измеряются, а за рубашечные пространства очищаются
перед установкой седел клапанов.

5. Answer the questions.

1. What is the prime mover of the ship?
2. On what principle do the turbochargers operate?
3. In what way is the engine coupled to the propeller?
4. Will you say about its mcr and cruising range?
5. Under what conditions were Diesel oil consumption figures specified?

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