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Chào em, thầy Khôi đây!

Trong những kỳ thi gần đây, “Culture” nổi lên như là một topic thường gặp trong
IELTS WRITING Task 2. Là một chủ đề rộng, những đề bài thuộc topic này yêu cầu
người viết cần có một vốn từ vựng phong phú liên quan đến các vấn đề văn hóa. Vì
thế, hôm nay thầy gửi tới các em bộ “Từ vựng Task 2 chủ đề Culture + Bài mẫu
band 9” để các em có thể ôn luyện.

Nội dung chính của tài liệu bao gồm:

✓ 85 từ vựng thuộc chủ đề “Culture”.

✓ 5 đề IELTS WRITING Task 2 thuộc chủ đề “Culture”.

✓ Bài mẫu Band 9.0.

Cách sử dụng:

✓ Đọc ví dụ của từng từ vựng để nắm rõ hơn cách dùng từ.

✓ Đọc kĩ từng bài mẫu để hiểu cách phân tích và các ý chính cần viết ở từng đề.

✓ Sử dụng các từ vựng đã học để viết lại bài essay của riêng mình.

Đặc biệt:

✓ In bộ tài liệu này ra bản cứng để tiện cho việc học và ôn luyện, hơn thế nữa em
còn được nhận voucher 200.000 VNĐ nếu mang tài liệu đã in và học đến ABIT đó

✓ Join group “HỘI IELTS ABIT” để nhận được các tài liệu IELTS khác từ thầy cũng
như có cơ hội chia sẻ quá trình học với các bạn khác.

Hy vọng bộ tài liệu này sẽ giúp ích cho em trên con đường chinh phục IELTS.

Thầy Khôi.


1. cultural insights: sự thấu hiểu về văn hóa

By paying attention to these cultural insights, marketers can offer messages that
anticipate changing consumer attitudes.
2. a thrilling experience: một trải nghiệm kịch tính, nhiều cảm xúc
It is a thrilling experience of sliding down the snow on skies.
3. abstract: trừu tượng
Fabre explains that his metaphors are simultaneously real and illusory, physical and
abstract, living and dead.
4. concrete: cụ thể, thực tế
The material home represents the concrete expression of saving for a home of our
5. move someone to tears: làm cho ai đó phát khóc
His story moved us to tears.
6. get relaxed and entertained: cảm thấy thư thái và khuây khỏa
Whenever this cheerful song plays, I get relaxed and entertained.
7. venue: địa điểm diễn ra sự kiện
The winner will also get a support slot in Holborn Street live music venue on the
night of their choice.
8. has its value: có giá trị
Every minted toy has its value but once you open it, it loses its value.
9. inspiration: cảm hứng
Fine artists would give inspiration and stimulus and craftsmen would give practical
10. scope of knowledge: phạm vi kiến thức
Hillman also felt meditation was beyond his scope of knowledge and at a loss for
words to compare the two.
11. spread knowledge: truyền đạt kiến thức

If I'm spreading knowledge to anyone or educating anyone, it's by way of the story
12. lasting artistic works: những tác phẩm nghệ thuật sống mãi với thời gian
His greatest legacy is these lasting artistic works.
13. abstruse: khó hiểu
We are talking about design and visual culture here, after all, not abstruse aspects of
14. break with old customs: phá bỏ truyền thống
We decided to break with old customs and have fish for Thanksgiving dinner.
15. carry down from generation to generation: truyền từ đời này sang đời khác.
This traditional dance is carried down from generation to generation.
16. entertainment: sự giải trí
This show is guaranteed to provide a night of pure enjoyment and entertainmen.
17. be different from: khác
For all these reasons we have a business cycle that is quite different from the rest of
18. direct experience: trải nghiệm trực tiếp
Fieldwork can give us direct experiences that challenge our preconceptions.
19. echo: vang lại, dội lại
Gunshots echoed through the forests, quickly absorbed by the trees surrounding the
20. satiate people's psychological demands: đáp ứng những nhu cầu tâm lý của
con người
In order to increase sales, marketers have to make their products able to satiate
people's psychological demands.
21. attach more importance to: cho rằng thứ gì đó quan trọng hơn
Both her parents attach more importance to education.
22. spiritual enhancement: sự phát triển về mặt tinh thần
In a matter of decades, schooling and other forms of socialisation have led to the
population's familiarity with the pool environment facilitating enjoyment and mental
and spiritual enhancement on multiple levels with people seeking comfort and
physical enhancement.
23. a mirror of: sự phản ánh rõ ràng
Athletes are a mirror of society, even if sometimes their images are blown out of
24. determinant: bản ngã, cách thức
Soil and climate are the main determinants of how land is used.
25. eclipse: nhật thực, nguyệt thực
Two weeks ago, South Africans saw a partial solar eclipse.
26. contribute to: góp phần gây nên
Smoking contributed to his early death.
27. a sense of cool and satisfaction: cảm giác thoải mái
Putting on this Gucci coat gives me a sense of cool and satisfaction.
28. pastimes: trò giải trí, tiêu khiển
Target shooting is one of my favourite pastimes - as long as the target is not a living
29. nurture imagination: nuôi dưỡng trí tưởng tượng
Unfortunately, in some rural areas, parents do not really care about nurturing their
children’s imagination.
30. meditation: thiền
It is good to have regular practice at something - meditation , at the very least.
31. instructive: mang tính chất hướng dẫn
It is instructive to compare Dawson's version of a song with that of a more highly
regarded singer.
32. edification: sự phát triển về tâm hồn, trí tuệ
On the other hand, he's observed you're not with any children or anything… so that
means you came here alone, for your own edification.
33. arouse one’s curiosity about something: kích thích sự tò mò của ai đó
His expression really aroused my curiosity about his secret.
34. Enrich one’s knowledge: mở rộng vốn kiến thức
His lesson has truly enriched my knowledge.
35. value of knowledge: giá trị kiến thức
The value of knowledge has always been a central topic within epistemology.
36. cultural differences: sự khác biệt văn hóa
We have outlined a few examples of cultural differences in communication and how
they become apparent in the workplace.
37. time is fleeting and art is long: đời người thì ngắn ngủi, nhưng công trình nghệ
thuật thì tồn tại mãi mãi
As I've gotten older, I've been painting more because I know that time is fleeting and
art is long.
38. cultural diversity: sự đa dạng văn hóa
Cultural diversity has increased, exposing kids to new tastes and experiences.
39. cultural treasures: bảo vật văn hóa
Some cultural treasures, e.g Native American artifacts, have religious and cultural
associations for the area from which they were taken.
40. cross-cultural communication: Sự giao tiếp liên văn hóa
Good cross-cultural communication clarifies values and beliefs all around.
41. Cultural reconstruction: tái cấu trúc văn hóa
A gigantic task of cultural reconstruction awaits us.
42. heritage: di sản
But he finally passed on the wretched fiction as a heritage of his descendants, to
cause untold woes in the 15th century.
43. achievements of art: thành tựu nghệ thuật
That blind man is famous for his achievements of art.
44. tear down: dỡ bỏ
That old house should have been torn down years ago.
45. preserve the cultural sites: bảo tồn cổ vật văn hóa
It is significant that the authority should take measures to preserve the cultural sites.
46. blueprint: bản vẽ thiết kế
Before tackling any upgrades, work with an architect or designer to develop a
47. skyscraper: tòa nhà chọc trời
Tall skyscrapers loomed above us and a million cars drove in all different directions.
48. high-rise office building: tòa nhà văn phòng nhiều tầng
The company has recently acquired a new high-rise office building in central Boston.
49. city construction: xây dựng thành phố
The fund has been used largely to finance the city construction.
50. well-structured: có cấu trúc chắc chắn
We have hired the best architects to make sure the building is well-structured.
51. crystallization: kết tinh
This syrup is used in baking to prevent the crystallization of sugar.
52. visual enjoyment: sự thưởng thức về mặt thị gác
I thought blossom was all about visual enjoyment until I was introduced to the idea of
cooking with it by my friend Claire Ptak of Violet Cakes in Hackney.
53. driving force: người hoặc vật có đủ khả năng làm nên chuyện gì đó
women are definitely a driving force in the industry, she said.
54. reconstruct: tái xây dựng
What must be done now is to expedite efforts to reconstruct the country and restore
security there.
55. destruct: phá hủy có chủ ý
What he wanted to do was destruct and destroy things, that was his way of
interacting I suppose.
56. architectural industry: ngành kiến trúc
Nowadays, companies working in architectural industry of offers graduates a lot of
well-paid positions.
57. map out: vạch ra
We mapped out a plan of action
58. city designing: thiết kế thành phố
The process of city designing has been speeded up.
59. beautify our life: làm đẹp cho cuộc sống của chúng ta.
There are numerous of Youtube videos that give us tips to beautify our life.
60. human civilization: nền văn minh nhân loại
I still wonder what it was like when human civilization reached its pinnacle?
61. cradle of culture: cái nôi của văn hóa
If the cradle of humankind delves into where we came from, the cradle of human
Culture reflects how we became what we are today.
62. mainstream culture: văn hóa đại chúng

Assimilation is the process by which different cultures are absorbed into a single
mainstream culture.
63. cultural traditions: tập tục văn hóa
The solidarity of race or family was expressed in the cultural tradition reflected in
64. national pride: lòng tự tôn dân tộc
National pride is another factor and the players admit to feeling they have let their
countries down if they do not play well.
65. local customs and practices: tập tục địa phương
Personally, I try to adhere to local customs and pracites whenever possible.
66. attract people’s eyes: thu hút ánh nhìn
Her sudden appearance on the stage attracted people’s eyes.
67. artistic taste: gu nghệ thuật
Undeveloped artistic taste cripples my career, and it is extremely frustrating.
68. cornerstone: nền tảng, cơ sở
All of these factors are important, but the cornerstone of any preservation system is
the ability to say no to demolition.
69. be closely interrelated with: có mối quan hệ mật thiết với
However, these activities are often closely interrelated with renewable energy
70. adhere to the tradition: tuân thủ truyền thống
Those American chefs are more likely to tweak than adhere to the tradition.
71. architectural vandalism: phá hủy kiến trúc
Despite it heritage and historic value, it is now under threat from a fourth attempt at
architectural vandalism by its owners.
72. carry forward: tiếp tục thực hiện
His successor was hoped to carry forward his work.
73. cultural needs: nhu cầu văn hóa
Cultural needs can be influenced by a range of factors such as where the person
lives, their gender and their language.
74. reputation: danh tiếng

The German publishing house Taschen has earned a reputation as a purveyor of
upmarket coffee table erotica.
75. maintain the world peace: duy trì hòa bình thế giới
According to the Charter, the General Assembly can make recommendations on the
general principles of cooperation for maintaining the world peace.
76. artistic reflection: sự phản ánh nghệ thuật
The novel is an artistic reflection of the lives of people in the American countryside.
77. give publicity to: công khai
Don't give publicity to anything or you'll sink the case.
78. burden: gánh nặng
The burden of establishing that the cost was unreasonable.
79. cause irreversible damage: gây ra tổn hại không thể đảo ngược
Amazon wildfires set to cause irreversible damage.
80. national identity and value: bản sắc và giá trị quốc gia
Her country's lack of an explicit national identity and value.
81. remove prejudice and misunderstanding: loại bỏ định kiến và hiểu lầm
His heroic action last night removed their prejudice and misunderstanding of him.
82. symbol: biểu tượng, hình tượng
They are green and white, and they carry their national symbol , the star and
crescent, silvery bright and shiny.
83. artistic standards: tiêu chuẩn nghệ thuật
When choreographing a dance, you have to consider some artistic standards.
84. enjoy great popularity: nhận được sự yêu thích đông đảo
Both products have been introduced to the market and enjoy great popularity.
85. cultural devolution: sự thoái hóa văn hóa
The book presents a provocative argument which suggests that cultural devolution
preceded and indeed forced political change.


1. It is inevitable that traditional cultures will be lost as technology

develops. Technology and traditional cultures are incompatible. To

what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

Some people believe that technological developments lead to the loss of

traditional cultures. I partly agree with this assertion; while it may be true

in the case of some societies, others seem to be unaffected by

technology and the modern world.

On the one hand, the advances in technology that have driven

industrialisation in developed countries have certainly contributed to the

disappearance of traditional ways of life. For example, in pre-industrial

Britain, generations of families grew up in the same small village

communities. These communities had a strong sense of identity, due to

their shared customs and beliefs. However, developments in transport,

communications and manufacturing led to the dispersal of families and

village communities as people moved to the cities in search of work.

Nowadays most British villages are inhabited by commuters, many of

whom do not know their closest neighbours.

On the other hand, in some parts of the world traditional cultures still

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thrive. There are tribes in the Amazon Rainforest, for example, that have

been completely untouched by the technological developments of the

developed world. These tribal communities continue to hunt and gather

food from the forest, and traditional skills are passed on to children by

parents and elders. Other traditional cultures, such as farming

communities in parts of Africa, are embracing communications

technologies. Mobile phones give farmers access to information, from

weather predictions to market prices, which helps them to prosper and

therefore supports their culture.

In conclusion, many traditional ways of life have been lost as a result of

advances in technology, but other traditional communities have survived

and even flourished.

(266 words, band 9)

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2. Most people have forgotten the meaning behind traditional or

religious festivals; during festival periods, people nowadays only

want to enjoy themselves. To what extent do you agree or disagree

with this opinion?

Some people argue that we no longer remember the original meaning of

festivals, and that most of us treat them as opportunities to have fun.

While I agree that enjoyment seems to be the priority during festival

times, I do not agree that people have forgotten what these festivals


On the one hand, religious and traditional festivals have certainly become

times for celebration. In the UK, Christmas is a good example of a festival

period when people are most concerned with shopping, giving and

receiving presents, decorating their homes and enjoying traditional meals

with their families. Most people look forward to Christmas as a holiday

period, rather than a time to practise religion. Similar behaviour can be

seen during non-religious festivals, such as Bonfire Night. People

associate this occasion with making fires, watching firework displays, and

perhaps going to large events in local parks; in other words, enjoyment

is people’s primary goal.

However, I disagree with the idea that the underlying meaning of such

festivals has been forgotten. In UK primary schools, children learn in

detail about the religious reasons for celebrating Christmas, Easter and

a variety of festivals in other religions. For example, in late December,

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children sing Christmas songs which have a religious content, and they

may even perform nativity plays telling the story of Jesus’ birth. Families

also play a role in passing knowledge of religious festivals’ deeper

significance on to the next generation. The same is true for festivals that

have a historical background, such as Bonfire Night or Halloween, in the

sense that people generally learn the stories behind these occasions at

an early age.

In conclusion, although people mainly want to enjoy themselves during

festivals, I believe that they are still aware of the reasons for these


(296 words, band 9)

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3. Some people think the government funding should not be used for

supporting art and culture, others think supporting cultural activities may be

beneficial for the population and the culture. Discuss both views and give your

own opinion.

With the scarcity of government funding, wise choices need to be made to allocate

the money. A segment of the population believes that spending on art and culture

will be advantageous to the citizens, whilst others hold a contrarian view. I take the

view that the government should only spend minimal amounts on art and culture,

and allocate their funds to more important causes.

Some believe that art and culture should be supported by the government to ensure

the nation’s heritage and identity are protected. Although preserving the nation’s

heritage and identity does not directly impact the nation’s economic well-being, doing

so would improve the population’s sense of togetherness and belonging and boosts

patriotism. For example, the government of China spends large amounts of money to

re-acquire works of art lost during its Cultural Revolution in order to provide its public

a meaningful repository of art and culture to appreciate.

On the other hand, others believe that government spending should not be used to

support art and culture as there are more important needs for the funds. For

example, healthcare and education would more directly impact on the lives of the

population, with the funds spent in these areas directly benefiting the population

through better health, and improved skills with which to compete globally. This in turn

may boost the livelihood of the people, and eventually grow the net revenues of the


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In summary, I hold the view that whilst governments need to support art and culture

in order to reach a larger population of people, the bulk of government spending

should be made on more pressing needs of the people suchas health and education.

Spending on more important priorities would also enable the government to improve

the lives of the people and their revenues, which is a self-perpetuating cycle of then

having more funds with which to spend on art and culture.

(315 words, band 9)

4. In many countries, traditional dress and costumes are considered ef ective

ways of maintaining links with the past. How ef ective can traditional costumes

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be, in this sense? What other ways exist to help citizens connect with a

country’s past?

Most people would agree that preserving connections with our past is an admirable

objective, especially as the world evolves so rapidly. I feel that traditional costumes

are one part of doing this, but they are by no means the most important, as we shall


Admittedly, historic dress plays a key role in social events such as religious rituals or

military parades, and these events are helpful in transmitting social memes such as

public duty and self-sacrifice. Traditional costumes also remind us of the origins of

cultural traditions and mythologies, for instance the historic Swiss national dress

which evokes their medieval independence.

However, it must be said that costumes are an accessory in these situations, and do

not appear to constitute the central message. It is the ceremonies themselves which

convey the cultural norms that help to maintain the fabric of society. In this sense,

the costumes are of secondary importance. Furthermore, it seems that there are in

fact much more powerful ways in which culture is conserved and handed down

between the generations. Most countries have a rich heritage of legends and folklore

about the birth and development of their nation, some of which are mythological and

some being grounded in truth (as we see in the English stories about Robin Hood or

George and the Dragon, for example.) These stories are a cultural inheritance which

embodies important symbols and concepts far more effectively than dress. Similarly,

we must remember the significance of art and music in passing on our traditions, in

forms ranging from fine art to handicrafts, and from opera to traditional shanties and

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dirges. The presence of visual or linguistic messages in these media make them

more effective than costumes, which convey no language.

Overall, we must recognise and welcome the use of traditional dress in helping to

maintain our cultures. However, the forms of story, art and music would appear to be

the driving forces in this invaluable process.

(324 words, band 9)

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5. Some people think that it is good for a country’s culture to import foreign

movies and TV programmes. Others think that it is better to produce these

locally. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

People have different views about whether it is better for a country to purchase

foreign movies or to create domestic ones. While importing movies from other

countries can have some advantages, I would argue that producing local movies is a

much better option.

On the one hand, there are some clear benefits of buying movies from other

countries. Firstly, when a country imports movies that are produced overseas, it can

help its people learn about other cultures in a much easier and more effective way.

This would help its citizens to be more knowledgeable. Secondly, individuals can

learn the good things of other more civilised societies and alter the way they behave.

For example, the habit of queuing is a nice thing in many Western countries, and

people from Vietnam can learn and copy this action when watching foreign movies.

On the other hand, I believe it is better for countries to produce movies domestically

because of some reasons. The first one is that movies made by local people would

help to preserve the traditions and customs of their own cultures. For instance, many

Vietnamese TV programmes remind young generations of how people celebrate

Lunar New Year, which is the most important public holiday in some Asian countries.

If young people only watch foreign movies, the traditional values might be gradually

forgotten. Another reason is that the film industry often create jobs such as actors,

directors or cameramen. Therefore, it is necessary to invest in producing movies in

order to provide more employment opportunities for local people.

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In conclusion, while purchasing foreign movies is beneficial for a nation’s culture to

some extent, it seems to me that making local ones is a much better choice.

(285 words, band 9)

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