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TOPIC: International tourism is becoming the world’s biggest industry.

Unfortunately, it often creates tension rather than understanding between people

from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Đề khó => Phải brainstorm ví dụ thật hay để minh hoạ. 

1 - Hiểu đề: du lịch sang nước ngoài nhiều sẽ gây ra xung đột văn hoá hay tăng cường
hiểu biết lẫn nhau. 

2 - Xử lý theo hướng: Strong opinion 

3 – Brainstorm ideas: 

Reason 01: Du lịch quốc tế giúp xoá bỏ định kiến (kiếm ví dụ như chỉ khi đi du lịch
đặt chân đến tận nơi bạn mới hiểu đc bản chất của những tập tục mà bình thường bạn
nghĩ là quá phức tạp, ví dụ: Ramadan) 

Reason 02: Du lịch quốc tế giúp tăng cường trao đổi văn hoá giữa các nước. (ví dụ 2
chiều- các nhà hàng Tây xuất hiện ở các nước phương Đông và ngược lại để phục vụ
khách du lịch => kích thích hứng thú tìm hiểu văn hoá lẫn nhau)

Từ vựng hay được sử dụng trong bài:

1. Global tourism development

2. cross-border cultural exchange: sự trao đổi văn hóa quốc tế, giữa các quốc gia

3. a strong link between AA and BB: mối liên hệ chặt chẽ giữa….

4. growing resentment: sự gia tăng bất mãn

5. experience sth firsthand: experience sth yourself

6. direct exposure to foreign cultures: sự tiếp xúc trực tiếp với văn hóa nước ngoài

7. erasing cultural prejudices: xóa bỏ định kiến văn hóa

8. an antiquated ritual: Nghi lễ lạc hậu

9. the core values: giá trị cốt lõi

10. contradicting values: những sự đối lập / giá trị gây mâu thuẫn

11. ease cultural conflicts: xoa dịu mâu thuẫn, xung đột

12. boost cultural exchange: tăng cường trao đổi, giao lưu văn hóa

13. more open and receptive attitudes: thái độ cởi mở và tiếp nhận hơn

14. a distinct absence 

15. Culinary delights = Good food

16. traditional performances / practices: Các phong tục truyền thống

17. fashion trends and architectural styles 

18. (be) conducive to growing understanding: thuận lợi cho sự gia tăng thấu hiểu

19.  culturally sensitive: nhạy cảm văn hóa

20. tolerant of differences: vị tha / chấp nhận sự khác biệt

Global tourism development is believed to promote cross-border cultural

exchange worldwide. I am convinced that there is a strong link between this trend
and increased mutual understanding rather than growing resentment among the
international community.

Firstly, direct exposure to foreign cultures through trips is one way of being
instrumental (=important) in erasing cultural prejudices. Certain religious
practices, such as daytime fasting (nhịn ăn) during Ramadan, for example, can be
experienced firsthand and better understood as more than simply an antiquated
ritual but perhaps as a chance for self-reflection and calmness. It is then justifiable
to say that only when tourists experience the local cultural, economic, and natural
conditions of a nation can they understand the core values and the way of life of the
local community. This allows contradicting values to be understood and accepted so
as to ease cultural conflicts among nations.

Secondly, in a two-way process, global tourism can also boost cultural exchange and
better understanding, promoting more open and receptive attitudes among tourists
and local people alike. To illustrate this point, in the past, there was a distinct
absence of Asian culture and influence in Western countries and vice versa.
However, flocks of Western tourists visiting Asia and vice versa over the last few
decades have stimulated further interest in international cuisine and helped restaurants
of all varieties mushroom globally. Along with culinary delights, more Eastern
values including traditional performances have been welcomed in the Western
world, while Western fashion trends and architectural styles have been spread to the

In conclusion, international tourism has increasing cross-border interactions which

are conducive to growing understanding among nations. Global communities now
tend to be more culturally sensitive and tolerant of differences for tensions to be
eased rather than aggravated (worsened / exarcerbated)

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