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Name: Ocbina, Hannah Isabela S. Yr.

/Sec: 12 – STEM

Check-in Activity 2.2

Answer these:

1. For a storm surge hazard, which is more important to minimize, a building’s

exposure or its vulnerability? Explain.

For a storm surge hazard it is more important to minimize a building's exposure

than its vulnerability. And when the building is directly below the surrounding areas with
a high chance of a possible storm surge, these houses will certainly be washed out of
existence in the twinkling of an eye along with the family dwelling underneath them.

2. What does 0 vulnerability to landslide hazard mean? Cite examples of structures

or communities in your locality.

Zero vulnerability to landslide hazard means that this particular landslide did not
cause any damage or, in other words, "NO LOSS". For example, Intense rainfall in the
air community is triggering landslides. So, our vegetation is preserved, and structures
like piles and retaining walls are built.

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