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Search for a research article online about Science curriculum.

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Research Title:

Implementation of integrated science curriculum: a critical review of the literature


 Nanang Winarno, S.Si., S.Pd., M.Pd ,

 Dr. Dadi Rusdiana, M.Si
 Dr. Riandi, M.Si.
 Dr. Eko Susilowati, M.Si,
 Ratih Mega Ayu Afifah S.Pd., M.Pd

Research Problem:
The goal of this study is to examine empirical research articles on integrated science
that were published between 1996 and 2019. This study was carried out to provide researchers,
lecturers, preservice science teachers, and science teachers with a comprehensive explanation
of integrated science. Another underlying reason for this research is that current learning
trends lean more toward interdisciplinary learning whih connects one discipline to another.

Research Method:
The research approach used was qualitative research design (Creswell, 2008). The
articles analyzed amounted to 36 articles published from 1996 to 2019. Most articles
were selected from Scopus indexed reputable international journals (not from seminar
proceedings); this is due to the high quality of Scopus-indexed articles.
Research Conclusion

Integrated science is a science that integrates a variety of different disciplines (Biology,

Chemistry, Physics, Microbiology, Ecology, Earth Science, and Astronomy). In 1967, the
first international symposium on integrated science education was held in Lausanne,
Switzerland. Since the international conference, there have been several follow-up
seminars held to introduce integrated science. The results of this study show that
integrated science has
been implemented in various countries. Nonetheless, the implementation of integrated
science did not prove out as successful as expected. Students find this method of
learning difficult, boring, uninteresting, and abstract. There are several issues in the
implementation of integrated science learning: the inconsistency of teachers'
educational backgrounds with integrated science, as well as underdeveloped textbooks
and curriculum. Learning with an integrated science approach is effective for improving
some student skills. Ten models can be employed in integrating science: cellular,
connected, nested, shared, webbed, integrated, sequenced, threaded, immersed, and

The development of integrated science textbooks can adapt several models as a basis
for integrating selected topics or themes. Also, models from the integrated curriculum
can be used in science learning. The implementation of an integrated curriculum must
consider the compatibility between the model and the topic. The compatibility needs to
be considered for each integrated curriculum model has strengths and weaknesses, and
each topic in science also has different characteristics.

Personal Reaction regarding:

Is the problem evident in your locality case? In what degree?

There are several problems related to the implementation of integrated science. One of the
problems is the limited information and sources of reference for integrated science. Science
education researchers have difficulty finding reputable journals because the number of publications
relating to integrated science is very limited. Based on interviews with teachers or lecturers on
science education in Indonesia, they lack an understanding of integrated science in depth

Is the method appropriate to solve/learn more about the problem? How can you say so?

The methods used solve all the problem and develop integrated science instruments. Some of
these studies are On the topic of energy explained in three subjects: Physics, Chemistry, and Biology
Integrated science learning media based on science-edutainment ) Integrated science learning tools
using a humanistic approach assisted with Inquiry-based integrated science worksheets and science
earning using Problem Base model in the lesson study . Also, there are several studies reviewing journal
articles on integrated science,That being said, the articles mentioned are the results are not compliant
to the current development of integrated scienc

Is the conclusion useful for you as a soon to be teacher? How can you say so?

Researchers were able to provide several suggestions to address problems related to integrated
science. Lecturers who teach integrated science courses has an expertise in integrated science.As soon
to be a teacher this study really helps me a lot as it integrate varieties of disciplines like booogy
,chemistry .Thouhg some may find it difficult and boring for me it really gives a lot exciting learnings and
infos about integrated science and this may also be used in my future career.

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