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First Summative Test

NAME :____________________________________________ Grade Level :_______Strand: __________

Direction: Read and understand each question then choose the letter of the best answer on the space

_____ 1. Who are the target readers of an academic essay ?

a. parents , workers , and teachers c. students ,out of school youth and gov. officials
b. teachers , students and academic community e. none of the above
_____ 2. What are the purpose of doing an academic writing ?
a. to settle, to negotiate and to inform
b. to defend , to challenge and to question
c. to inform , to persuade and to argue a specific point
d. to guess , to hypothesize and to make conclusion
_____ 3. Writing academic papers requires deliberate, thorough and carful thought. Therefore what
should one do to achieve a well-crafted academic essay ?
a. one must depend on his/her opinion alone.
b. one must conduct a topic at hand.
c. one must not consult the internet for unsure sources.
d. one must depend highly on the internet for easy information.
_____ 4. An academic essay must use appropriate vocabulary words but not too pretentious, highfalutin
Words. Which among these words is the simplified version of the term,
a. beautiful ; pretty c. extraordinarily good ; wonderful
b. exquisite ; one of a kind d. hardworking ; industrious
_____ 5. What are three main parts of an essay ?
a. The book, the main idea and the conclusion
b. the introduction , the main idea and the conclusion
c. The topic sentence , the body and the conclusion
d. all of the above
_____ 6. This is the purpose of the topic sentence.
a. to give coherence to the paragraph
b. to help with the flow of sentences
c. to help the reader understand what the paragraph is about
d. none of the above
_____ 7. What is “academic writing” ?
a. A technique to write balance , accurate and professional assignment.
b. It is an old fashioned way of writing.
c. It is how university professors write.
d. The writing you find and read in textbooks.
_____ 8. Choose three words to describe academic writing :
a. talented , stylish , inspiring c. decisive, divisive, derisive
b. precise , clear , objective d. subjective , obscure , vague
_____ 9. What is true about the introductory paragraph ?
a. ends with the thesis c. starts with the hook
b. introduces a big idea of the essay d. all of the above
_____ 10. This is the correct sequence of an essay.
a. introduction , body paragraph , body paragraph , conclusion
b. body paragraph, introduction , conclusion, body paragraph
c. introduction , body paragraph , conclusion , body paragraph
d. conclusion, introduction, body paragraph, body paragraph
_____ 11. The term “very often” may be improved using a more appropriate academic word which is
a. frequently b. rarely c. seriously d. stubbornly
_____ 12. “To write academically” , what does this mean ?
a. to write in order to pass the final exam c. to write using proper English language
b. to write paper for scholar d. to avoid copy pasting from the internet
_____ 13. When do we use the formal language?
a. in an academic essay c. when we write a text message
b. when you talk to s friend d. in sending emails
_____ 14. What is an academic language?
a. is a set of vocabulary terms used in schools
b. comes as a second nature to native speakers but is difficult to ELLs to acquire
c. is the linguistic register that students are expected to use in school subjects
d. all of the above
_____ 15. “Information on the internet is free”. Anyone can use it without having to reference it.
a. true b. false
c. it depends on how important the assignment is
d. you only need to reference authors’ work on the internet.
_____ 16. Choose the right one.
a. It’s bowl’s empty. c. Its’ bowls’ empty.
b. Its bowl’s empty. d. It’s bowls empty.
_____ 17. Which is correct?
a. They were effected badly by the incident. C. They were affected badly by the incident.
b. The incident effected them badly. d. The effects of the incident were bad.
_____ 18. What is the correct example?
a. However, the main reasons are time, money, and cost.
b. However, the main reasons , are time, money , and cost.
c. However, the main reasons are time money and cost.
d. However, the main reasons, are time money, and cost.
_____ 19. Contractions are
a. Narrowing a word c. opposite word
b. to composed a word d. a shortened form of word
_____ 20. As long as you know your tutor, you don’t need to use a formal style of writing. It’s good to be
a. Some tutors like you to be formal but some don’t mind as long as you do the work.
b. You need to be formal in exams, not regular coursework.
c. It’s good to be friendly but always use formal English when you write assifnment.
d. Formal English is too old fashioned these days.

Choose the best strategy to use in the following conditions.

_____ 21. Determine what you think will happen in the next.
a. visualize b. predict c. connect d. clarity
_____ 22. Create mental images of the settings, characters , and events in the text.
a. connect b. visualize c. clarity d. evaluate
_____ 23. Stop and ask questions to see if the text make sense.
a. clarify b. evaluate c. questions d. predict
_____ 24. Think about what you already know about the text. Find ways to relate the text to
yourself, other text and the world around you.
a. predict b. visualize c. clarify d. connect
_____ 25. Think about the text as a whole and form opinions about what you read.
a. evaluate b. question c. predict d. connect
_____ 26. Stopping when you are confused to reread or look up a word you don’t know.
a. connect b. clarify c. evaluate d. predict
_____ 27. When you give your opinion of a book or story, you are using the _____ strategy.
a. question b. evaluation c. summarize d. clarity
_____ 28. Making pictures in your mind as you read is an example of _______.
a. predicting b. connecting c. visualization d. clarifying
_____ 29. Wondering about why the character acted in a certain way is using the comprehension skill of
a. visualizing b. summarizing c. predicting d. questioning
_____ 30. “This story reminds me of something I heard on the news,” is an example of which strategy?
a. visualizing b. connection c. clarifying d.summarizing


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