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Lesson Plan

Grade level: 8
Date & Time: April 14, 2021

At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:

1. identify the types of tools, equipment and paraphernalia;

2. classify the tools and equipment based on their uses.


Topic/ content: Utilize Appropriate Kitchen Tools, Equipment And Paraphernalia
 Internet
 Technology Livelihood Education-Grade 8, First Edition, 2020
 Curriculum guide, TLE_HECK7/8UT-0a-1
Materials: Double sided tape, Printed Pictures, net book


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

 Classroom Routine
 Opening Prayer
Let us start our day with our
opening prayer. Kindly all stand, student
A lead the prayer. (The students will stand and pray)
Lord, first of all I would like to thank for
this wonderful day that you gave for
us. For another life, food that we ate
everyday, and also for the good
health. I hope this day we learn new
things from every discussion we had.
In Jesus name. Amen
 Greetings:
Good morning Class!
Good morning Maam!

Before you take your seat, Please pick

those piece of trash under your chairs
and arrange your chair after picking the
Yes maam
(The students will pick the piece of
trash under their chairs and arrange
Okay you can take your seat their chairs)

 Checking of Attendance
Say present if your name is called
Student A (Student raise their hands)
Present maam
To those who are absent today,
please tell them to attend the
class next meeting
Yes Maam

 Review/Recall

Before we start our lesson. Let us

have a recap on our previous
topic. what is our last lesson all
(calls a student)

Very Good, glad to know that you

remember our last lesson

 Motivation

Now, I have a picture here, each has a

corresponding word for you to describe
or share your ideas and insight.

Very good It is all about kitchen and kitchen tools

class,let us give our self five claps for maam
completing the task

A. Activity
Now class I will split you into 8 groups.
count yourself up to 8 and arrange
yourself according to your group.This
envelop consist of cutting pictures. Here
are your task. Connect each pieces of
cut pictures to form something.
Categorize the picture whether it is for
Storage, Measuring, cooking, Cutting,
Heating, Baking, Frying and Whisking.
Post your output in one long bond paper
and name it. Each group will pick 1
representative to explain why you put
those in that category. Is that clear?

I will give you 5 five minutes to finish the Yes maam!

task, you may start now!

Times up, let us see if your works are



B. Analysis
Based on what we had, what did you
noticed about the pictures?

Thank you its almost there. Another Cooking tools ma’am!

who wants to answer?

Precisely! Our topic today is about Kitchen tools and equipment maa’am!
Kitchen Tools,Equipment and

C. Abstraction
By the way class what is paraphernalia?
Any idea?
the materials that can be seen around
Yes very good, the materials that can the kitchen.
be seen around the kitchen.
and what are this materials around the

Can you give some of those?

Very good, any other idea? Knives, saucepan,kettles

Very good, any other hands? Stoves, laddle

Very good, any other answer? Measuring cups, rolling pin, grater

Very good, other hands Kitchen scissors, rubber scraper

Very good, its nice to know that all of Spatula, dietic scale, strainer
you have familiarize the stuff inside your
kitchen. There are a lot of kitchen tools
and paraphernalia that can be found in
the kitchen, but how about the
equipment that can be found in the
Can you tell what are those?

Refigerator, stove, oven

Very good!
And all those tools and equipment that
found in the kitchen can be categorized
in different classification.
How about STORAGE?
What are those tools that belong to
Cabinets, refrigerator, cupboards for
storing tools and foods
Very good
How about in MEASURING?

Any idea? Measuring spoons

Yes, thats right, measuring cups,spoon cups/scales for measuring ingredients

and scale are belong to Measuring

What about in COOKING? what are the

equipment that can be used in

Very well said! saucepan, kettles,

Lets continue, how about in CUTTING?
What are those tools in the kitchen?

Very good. assorted knives, kitchen scissors

How about HEATING?
Who can give me the equipment use
under the classification of heating?

Very good! stove, electric heater

What about under the classification of

Very good! oven, baking pan

The classification under FRYING?
What are those equipment to be used?

Very well answer frying pan, electric fryer for frying foods
And lastly, how about WHISKING?

Very good class.. egg whisk

I am glad that you learned on our topic
for today.
D. Application
With that, lets have another activity.
Again formed your group and lets have
answer this, “FIND ME and DRAW ME”
In a long bond paper. Draw at least 5
different tools and equipment found in
your kitchen at home and be sure to
write its name and its uses..

I will give you 5 minutes to finish. and

you may start now.
All of you did a job well done class.

Did you enjoy our activity?


E. Generalization Yes maam!

To sum it up, Kitchen tools, equipment
and paraphernalia are one of the factors
to consider in kitchen preparation.
How these tools become the factors in
cooking preparations?

The success of cooking depends much

in the familiarization of tools and
Precisely! thus, before jumping into equipment and its uses
cooking session, you should identify
and classify kitchen tools, equipment,
paraphernalia based on its uses.

Now get ½ sheet of paper for our quiz

IV. Evaluation

In a one-half sheet of yellow paper, answer the following.

Name at least five (5) kitchen utensils, 5 kitchen equipment and name its uses.

V. Assignment:
Research the types of appropriate cleaning tools and equipment based on their uses.
write it in your activity notebook.

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