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Title: Cody Heart Postmortem July

Date : 6th August 2021

Time: 4.00 pm
Attendance: Service Trainers (except Mary & Daniel)
Objective: 1. To get feedback from trainers
1) Attendance
Agenda: 2) Training Report
3) Feedback from all EDU
1) EDU Bangi

Attendance: 19 pax
- Most of absent candidates because they have appoinment for vaccine

'1. AS roadblock topic better run in the morning

2. Add pictures in AS slide to make it more interesting
3. Put example of error code in AS slide
4. Add video of how to reset bi-metal so that cody/st can get the idea

2) EDU Ampang

Attendance: 10 pax
- cody/ST absent due to they have appoinment for vaccine

1. AS roadblock better run in the morning

2. Amend AS slide at overcooling (remove bi-metal part)
3. Add more pictures in the AS slide for better understanding because some of
cody/st never have the experience of AS issues

3) EDU Butterworth

Attendance: 42 pax

1. Received good feedback for power consumption (cody/st more confident how to
explain/calculate power consumption to customer)
2. AS roadblock topic better run in the morning
3. Add on more pictures and videos in AS slide to have better understanding so
that cody/st can imagine how it works
4. Simplify AS slide

4) EDU Johor Bahru

Attendance: 22 pax
- All cody/st that join Cody Heart training must complete Cody Care first (namelist
from Cody Care training)

1. Better run top AS topic in the morning

2. Good feedbacks for power consumption (interesting topic)
3. Add on more pictures in AS roadblock slide (pictures of AS issues)
4. Put bi-metal video in AS slide

Branch Feedbacks: 5) EDU KT

Attendance: 17 pax
- Most Cody/ST cannot join training because they have others matter

1. EDU KT run AS roadblock in the morning (it is better run in the morning because
AS topic more to theory)
2. Receive good feedbacks from managers and cody/st that Cody Heart topic was a
good topic for cody/st
3. We received feedback that AS slide bit complicated/confusing for cody/st to
4. Add on more pictures and videos in AS slide
5. AS slide is hanging (no solution)
6) EDU Damansara

Attendance: 16 pax

1. Suggest to run AS topic in the morning

2. Class more fun when run power consumption in the evening
3. Received feedback to add on more products (others product) for power
4. AS roadblock slide too much wording (maybe can add pictures / videos)
5. Tips/videos on how to reset bi-metal


Attendance: 12 pax
- 1 absent due to have personal matter

1. Received feedbacks from candidates that power consumption is a good topic

(how to estimate electricity bill)
2. Add on more pictures because too much wording
3. Rearrange AS topic (better no water supply as first issue then follow with no hot
or cold water)


Attendnace: 28 pax
-1 branch request to postpone to next month

1. Add more pictures and video in AS slide

2. Rearrange AS slide so that it more simple for cody/st to understand

1) Tya planning on power consumption 2.0 where focusing on others product &
suggest others trainer to conduct power consumption topic as open class to
organisation. Tya prefer service team to conduct AS slide.

2) Diana suggest to invite technical trainer to conduct AS topic for Cody Heart

3) Ira agreed to invite technical team to conduct AS topic

4) Tya prefer service team to conduct AS slide

5) Ainaa prefer service team to conduct AS slide so that we can improve our
technical knowledge

6) Chris prefer service team to conduct AS slide to improve technical knowledge

7) Bella & Farh agreed if technical team conduct AS topic because they have
experience and knowledge in that topic

8) Alifah prefer service team to conduct AS slide bacause Cody/ST will prefer us
and it is important for trainer to have at least basic knowledge about AS

9) Some of them suggest to invite technical team to do TTT regarding AS slide so

that service trainers can learn how technical team deliver the topic

1. Will discuss with Diana on how to improve AS slide

2. AS topic will be conduct in the morning while power consumption in the evening

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