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NSS: NIS: 40 001 1 NPSN: 10604739
Jl. Prof. Ir. Sutami No.0176 Telp. (0735) 320409 Fax. (0735) 320409 Baturaja
Website : E-Mail:


A. Tehnik Penilaian
1. Penilaian Pengetahuan : tes tertulis yang diberikan kepada peserta didik
2. Penilaian Sikap : melalui rubrik pengamatan selama proses
pembelajaran dan observasi jurnal guru
3. Penilaian Keterampilan : membuat percakapan pendek tentang taking
simple phone message
B. Bentuk Penilaian
No Aspek yang dinilai Waktu Penilaian
1 Sikap
a. Terlibat aktif dalam
pembelajaran Selama pembelajaran
dan Jurnal
b. Bekerjasama dengan dan saat bekerjasama
c. Berani mencoba
2 Pengetahuan
Menganalisis dan
menjelaskan fungsi sosial, Pengamatan
Selama pembelajaran
struktur teks dan unsur dan tes
kebahasaan taking simple
phone message
3 Keterampilan. Selama Pembelajaran
Membuat percakapan dan Penyelesaian tugas
dan tes

C. Instrument Penilaian
1. Tes tertulis (Aspek Pengetahuan)
I. Answer the correct answer by crossing a, b, c or d!
1. Sahara : Good afternoon. Its Sahara calling. May I talk to Saputra?
Receptionist : Hold the line, please. I’ll try to put trough to Mr. Saputra
at his office.
The underline sentence show …
a. Asking the caller to wait
b. Asking the caller’s name
c. Giving informations to Mr. Saputra
d. Taking call the custumer
2. Receptionist : Good Morning. What I can do for you?
Guest : I’d like to talk to the Personal Manager, Please?
Receptionist :...
The suitable sentence to complete the dialogue . . .
a. Could you call him later?
b. Have you met him before?
c. May I know your name?
d. Have youmade an appointment?
3. Caller : Hello, Can I speak to Mrs. Rahayu
Receptionist : I’m sorry, she is out. Can I take a message?
Caller : Sure, tell her that the meeting with the manager will be
The underline senences show . . .
a. Making a phone call
b. Giving information to receptionist
c. Taking a call to Barakuda CV
d. Taking a phone message
4. Caller : hello, Could I speak to Mr. Rahmat, Please?
Dani : I’m sorry, he is out. Could you call back after lunch?
Caller : All right. Thank you . . .
The underline sentence show . . .
a. Tell the phone problems
b. Making a call
c. Conneting the caller
d. Giving negative information
5. Carroline : Good morning, I’m Carroline
Sarah : Good morning, Nirvana Hotel, how may I direct your
Carroline : I would like to speak to Mss. Ranti, please
Where the diologue took place . . .
a. At hotel
b. At café shop
c. In the restaurant
d. In the office
6. Custumer Service : Customer service. Good morning. This is Linda
Arda : Good morning. I’m Arda. I want to activate online
banking on my handphone.
Customer Service : Could I have your number?
Arda : Sure. 088865742345
How is the situation illustrated in the dialogue above?
a. Informal situation
b. Formal situation
c. Formal and Informal situation
d. At the hotel
7. Here some expression show informal situation by phone, except . . .
a. Who is this?
b. Nadia speaking?
c. Do I know you?
d. May I know who is this?
II. Match the folowing expression with the suitable responses!
Expression Responses
8. I’m sorry she is in a meeting a. Hold the line please, I’l try to
now. Could I take a message? connect
9. May I know who is speaking? b. Yes, sure. What is that?
10. I need some information about c. I’m Personal Manager of
the product. Could you put me ABC Company
trough to Doni?
Kunci jawaban:
1. A 6. B
2. C 7. D
3. D 8. B
4. B 9. C
5. A 10. A

Nilai masing-masing elemen = 20

Nilai maksimal = 100
Skor Prolehan
Nilai perolehan = × 100
Skor Maksimal
2. Penilaian Sikap
Skor (1-4) Jumla
No Nama Nilla
BS JJ TG DS h Predikat
. Siswa i
Keterangan :
BS : Bekerja sama
JJ : Jujur
TG : Tanggung jawab
DS : Disiplin
1. Aspek perilaku dinilai dengan kriteria :
100 = sangat baik
75 = baik
50 = cukup
25 = kurang
2. Skor maksimal = jumlah sikap dikalikan jumlah kriteria = 100x4= 400
3. Skor sikap = jumlah skor dibagi jumlah sikap = 275:4=68,75
4. Predikat:
91,01-100,00 = Sangat baik (SB)
83,01-91,00 = Baik (B)
75,01-83,00 = Cukup (C)
50,00-75,00 = Kurang (K)
3. Penilaian Keterampilan
Peserta didik diminta membuat percakapan pendek mengenai taking
simple phone message secara berpasangan kemudian mepraktekannya di
depan kelas.
III. Please make a short conversation about taking simple phone
message between two people, then practice infront of your class!
D. Rubrik Penilaian Writing
Aspek Yang
Excelent Good Poor
Ide (25) Ide ditulis sesuai Ide ditulis kurang Ide ditulis tidak
dengan tema, sesuai dengan sesuai dengan
orisinil, dan tema dan kreatif, tema, tidak orisinil
kreatif tetapi masih dan kurang kreatif
Struktur Teks Struktur teks Struktur teks Struktur teks tidak
(25) lengkap kurang lengkap lengkap
Tata Bahasa Tidak ada Terdapat 1–5 Terdapat lebih
(20) kesalahan dalam kesalahan dalam dari 5 kesalahan
tata bahasa tata bahasa dalam tata bahasa
Pilihan Kata Menggunakan Menggunakan Menggunakan
(15) kosakata yang kosakata yang kosakata yang
sesuai, benar, dan kurang sesuai tapi kurang sesuai,
tepat dan mudah tidak kurang tepat, dan
dipahami. mempengaruhi arti sulit dipahami
Tanda Baca Tidak ada Terdapat 1 – 5 Terdapat lebih
(15) kesalahan dalam kesalahan dalam dari 5 kesalahan
tanda baca tanda baca dalam tanda baca

E. Rubrik Penilaian Speaking

Asspect of Scoring Low Average Good
(45-59) (60-75) (76-100)
1 Pronunciatiation
2 Intonation
3 Fluency
Total Score
Keterangan :
Nilai maksimal = 100
Skor Prolehan
Nilai perolehan = × 100
Skor Maksimal

Baturaja, Oktober 2021

Guru Pamong Mahasiswa PPLK

Nurleny, S.Pd. Eny Erianti

NIP.198102052005012007 NPM. 1823005

Kepala Sekolah

Drs. Arief Basuki, M.T

NIP. 1964091219890310005

WAKTU : 20 Menit

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
 Peserta didik mampu menganalisis dan memahami fungsi sosial, struktur
teks dan unsur kebahasaan dalam taking simple phone message.
 Peserta mampu membuat percakapan singkat mengenai taking simple
phone message
B. Direction
 Do the following questions carefully
 Pray before answer the questions
 Chosee the correct answer a, b, c or d!
 Don’t forget to check the answer, give your name before submited!
I. Answer the correct answer by crossing a, b, c or d!
1. Sahara : Good afternoon. Its Sahara calling. May I talk to Saputra?
Receptionist : Hold the line, please. I’ll try to put trough to Mr. Saputra
at his office.
The underline sentence show …
a. Asking the caller to wait
b. Asking the caller’s name
c. Giving informations to Mr. Saputra
d. Taking call the custumer
2. Receptionist : Good Morning. What I can do for you?
Guest : I’d like to talk to the Personal Manager, Please?
Receptionist :...
The suitable sentence to complete the dialogue . . .
a. Could you call him later?
b. Have you met him before?
c. May I know your name?
d. Have youmade an appointment?
3. Caller : Hello, Can I speak to Mrs. Rahayu
Receptionist : I’m sorry, she is out. Can I take a message?
Caller : Sure, tell her that the meeting with the manager will be
The underline senences show . . .
a. Making a phone call
b. Giving information to receptionist
c. Taking a call to Barakuda CV
d. Taking a phone message
4. Caller : hello, Could I speak to Mr. Rahmat, Please?
Dani : I’m sorry, he is out. Could you call back after lunch?
Caller : All right. Thank you . . .
The underline sentence show . . .
a. Tell the phone problems
b. Making a call
c. Conneting the caller
d. Giving negative information
5. Carroline : Good morning, I’m Carroline
Sarah : Good morning, Nirvana Hotel, how may I direct your
Carroline : I would like to speak to Mss. Ranti, please
Where the diologue took place . . .
a. At hotel
b. At café shop
c. In the restaurant
d. In the office
6. Custumer Service : Customer service. Good morning. This is Linda
Arda : Good morning. I’m Arda. I want to activate online
banking on my handphone.
Customer Service : Could I have your number?
Arda : Sure. 088865742345
How is the situation illustrated in the dialogue above?
a. Informal situation
b. Formal situation
c. Formal and Informal situation
d. At the hotel
7. Here some expression show informal situation by phone, except . . .
a. Who is this?
b. Nadia speaking?
c. Do I know you?
d. May I know who is this?
II. Match the folowing expression with the suitable responses!
Expression Responses
8. I’m sorry she is in a meeting a. Hold the line please, I’l try to
now. Could I take a message? connect
9. May I know who is speaking? b. Yes, sure. What is that?
10. I need some information about c. I’m Personal Manager of
the product. Could you put me ABC Company
trough to Doni?

III. Please make a short conversation about taking simple phone message
between two people, then practice infront of your class!

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