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Properties of Matter

Part I. Properties of Liquids and Water

Read and answer the following queries in more than two sentences. Justify and underline your
sentences and/or paragraphs (5 points each; 25 points over-all).

1. Arrange ice, liquid water, or water vapor according to their decreasing strength of
intermolecular forces. Explain why are they arranged like that.

Ice's decreasing intermolecular forces have the most potent intermolecular force. It was followed by liquid
water and water vapor. Due to the reasons, the higher the temperature, the lower its intermolecular forces. Ice has
a stronger bond, dipole-dipole intermolecular force, as evident than liquid water. Yet, it exhibits a lower
temperature. On the other hand, water vapor indicates the weakest intermolecular forces. However, it is high in

2. What is an amphiphilic substance? What special properties do they have that strictly polar or
strictly nonpolar substances lack? Give three examples of amphiphilic substances.

Amphiphilic molecules contain two distinct covalently bonded components with different solvent affinity in
the same molecule. One party has a strong affinity for polar solvents (such as water), and the other has a strong
affinity for nonpolar solvents (such as hydrocarbons, ethers, and esters). Amphiphilic compounds include
surfactants, polymer amphiphiles, and specific lipid molecules with hydrophilic and hydrophobic components.
Examples are stated: Surfactants (surface active agents), sometimes known as soaps, are among the oldest
compounds known. This kind of molecule is currently used in various applications, including cleaning goods,
cosmetics, and medicines. Moreover, In aqueous solutions, lipids, copolymers, and proteins may create various
structures that can vary as the solution circumstances change, such as the ionic strength, type of ions in the
solution, pH, or temperature.

3. During your camping trip at Baguio, you notice that you took lesser time to boil water (95 0C)
than you did when you were at your house in Metro Manila (100 0C). How is it that boiling in
places at high altitudes are faster?
Water has a boiling point of 212 degrees Fahrenheit or 100 degrees Celsius. However, this is true at sea
level and is susceptible to vary depending on the conditions. A shift in altitude is one of those conditions. Air
pressure is lower at higher elevations. To simply put, when we rise higher into the atmosphere, there is less air
pressing down on us. In correlation, boiling water necessitates the application of energy in the form of heat. As
energy is transmitted to the water molecules, the bonds that keep them together begin to dissolve. When the
internal vapor pressure of water matches the pressure exerted by the atmosphere, it will boil or convert to vapor.
When this happens, bubbles develop, and the water begins to boil. Moreover, getting water to the boiling point
takes less energy when air pressure is lower, such as at a greater altitude. Because less energy implies less heat,
water will boil at a lower temperature at a greater altitude.

4. Whenever we perspire or take a bath, we use towels mostly made up of cotton to dry
ourselves up. How do the towels absorb the liquids on our bodies?

Towels are made up of numerous tiny fluffy fibers composed of a water-attracting substance, such as
cotton. Because of this, the vast surface area of these tiny threads, you can get much water attached to a towel
instead of yourself. Water, on average, moves from places of high concentration to areas of low concentration. A
wet body contains a high quantity of water. When this is applied to a towel, the vast surface area of the towel fabric
spreads the water molecules over a considerably larger surface area, resulting in a lower relative concentration. As
a result, the water is pushed from the greater concentration on your skin to the lower concentration on the towel.
In other words, Capillary Action takes place.

5. While there is nothing wrong in using room temperature or cold water to wash and rinse dishes
and utensils, how is it that using hot (but not really boiled) water effectively removes the grease
and stains attached to the dishes and utensils?

In comparison to gases, molecules in liquids are loosely packed, according to particle theory. There is a
significant intermolecular attraction. When the temperature rises, the energy level of liquid molecules rises, as does
the distance between them. It lowers viscosity by decreasing intermolecular attraction between molecules.
Simultaneously, as the liquid's temperature rises, so does the molecular interchanging between fluid layers, which
is comparable to what occurs in a gas. Viscosity is increased via interlayer interactions. However, the natural
consequence is that the viscosity of a liquid reduces as the temperature rises. Therefore, hot water (high
temperature) effectively removes the grease and stains attached to the dishes and utensils.

Part II. Properties of Solids

Complete the table below by naming the elements and classifying them according to their metallic
identity (2 points each; 40 points over-all).

Metallic Metallic
Symbol Element Symbol Element
Identity Identity
1. I Iodine Nonmetal 6. Mg Magnesium Metal
2. K Potassium Metal 7. Ni Nickel Metal
3. O Oxygen Nonmetal 8. Si Silicon Metalloid
4. S Sulfur Nonmetal 9. Ti Titanium Metal
5. Cl Chlorine Nonmetal 10. Zn Zinc Metal

Complete the table below by identifying the intramolecular force present in the compounds and
classifying their crystalline structure when they solidify (2 points each; 40 points over-all).

Intramolecula Crystalline Intramolecula Crystalline

Symbol Symbol
r Force Structure r Force Structure
1. F2 Covalent Covalent 6. ZnS Ionic Ionic
2. KI Ionic Ionic 7. CH4 Covalent Covalent
3. SiC Covalent Covalent 8. NH3 Covalent Molecular
4. HCl Covalent Covalent 9. MgCl2 Ionic Ionic
5. NiO Ionic Ionic 10. Ti atoms Metallic Metallic

Phase Changes

Complete the table below by identifying the phase change, phase conversion, and type of reaction for
each physical change. The first example is done for you (2 points each; 90 points over-all).

Situation Phase Change Phase Conversion Type of Reaction

1. drying of clothes Liquid to Gas Evaporation Endothermic
2. grease cementing
Liquid to Solid Freezing Exothermic
on plates
3. frost formation on
Gas to Solid Deposition Exothermic
car windshields
4. wax dripping from
Solid to Liquid Melting Endothermic
lighted candles
5. water vapor
transforming to Gas to Liquid Condensation Exothermic
6. curdling of cooking
Liquid to Solid Freezing Exothermic
7. lava hardening to
Liquid to Solid Freezing Exothermic
solid rock
8. ice caps thawing
due to climate Solid to Liquid Melting Endothermic
9. dew appearing on
leaves every Gas to Liquid Condensation Exothermic
10. air fresheners
scenting your Liquid to Gas Evaporation Endothermic
11. dry ice smoking in
Solid to Gas Sublimation Endothermic
12. fogging of
Gas to Liquid Condensation Exothermic
bathroom mirrors
13. rain puddles drying
up when exposed Liquid to Gas Evaporation Endothermic
under the sun
14. undigested
biological fats
Liquid to Gas Evaporation Endothermic
stored in adipose
15. naphthalene balls
disappearing when
Solid to Gas Sublimation Endothermic
inhaled by
16. dehumidification of
Domex cleaner
Liquid to Gas Evaporation Endothermic
after mopping the

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