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 Dwi Lestari 1901008

 Ifah Kharimatul Ilmi 1901015
 Ika Lestari 1901016
 Nurul Islamiah 1901028
 Sitti Hajar 1901038



Nurses 1 and 2 ( ika and dwi ) : Assalamualaikum mom

Family 1 ( nurul ) : Waalaikumsalam Ners

Nurse 1 ( ika ) : Introducing mom, I’m Nurse Nurul who will do an assessment of the
situation of your sister’s condition, and introduce these nurses… as my friends who will also
help me.

Nurse 2 ( dwi ) : Good Afternoon

Family 1 ( nurul ) : Good afternoon. Oh yes ners, please come in.

Family 2 ( sitti hajar ) : Come on, Ners, I’ll take you to my sister’s room

Nurse Conversation 2 and Client

Nurse 2 ( dwi ): Good Afternoon Mrs. Ifah

Client (ifah) : yes Good Afternoon

Nurse 2 ( dwi ) : Okay mom, I’m nurse dwi, here I will do an assessment of the mother’s
condition, are you willing?

Client (ifah) : Yes, nurses, I am ready

Nurse 2 ( dwi ) : Okay mom, first how are you doing?

Client (ifah) : My situation is like this, ladies, I have a hard time holding my pee, and
this makes me very uncomfortable

Nurse 2 ( dwi ) : Okay mom, then when you want to pee, are you able to walk to the

Client (ifah) : sometimes I can if I can still hold it.

Nurse 2 ( dwi ) : who usually helps mom to the bathroom if she wants to pee?

Client (ifah) : My sister or nephew, nurses

Nurse 2 ( dwi ) : good mom. Maybe that’s enough for me to ask. Next, nurse ika will
assess the influence of the mother’s home environment on the mother’s condition

Client (ifah) : ok ners

Nurse 1 Conversation and Client’s Family

Nurse 1 ( ika ) : Okay mom, I want to ask if you can walk to the bathroom if he wants to
Family 2 ( sitti hajar ) : usually my sister or I help her to the nurse’s bathroom,

Nurse 1 ( ika ) : Then what if your sister is unable to hold her urine? Does your sister
usually pee in bed?

Family 1 (ifah) : if my sister is no longer able to hold her urine, she is forced to urinate on
the spot. And when he sleeps, he usually wakes up.

Nurse 1 ( ika ) : when you need to urinate in the middle of the night, is the lighting
around and in the bathroom good?

Family 2 ( sitti hajar ) : If in the middle of the night the lights go out, nurses, and
the bathroom has no lights.

Nurse 1 ( ika ) : Okay mom, then I recommend to continue to be around the client,
ma’am, also recommend doing Kegel exercises. If the client can’t stop urinating at all while
sleeping, help the older sister to put on an adult diaper. And for lighting, don’t turn off the lights
at bedtime, install lights in the bathroom that are often used by your mother and sister. And just
in case, put a handle in the bathroom for your sister to avoid falling.

Family 1 (ifah) : Good, nurses,

Nurse 1 ( ika ) : Okay mom, is there anything you want to ask me?

Family 1 and 2 : no nurses

Nurse 1 ( ika ) : ok mom, maybe it’s enough for our visit for today. Then maybe our
friends will replace us. If there is anything you want to ask, please contact us. We’re sorry,

Family 1 and 2 : Good Ners, Waalaikumsalam

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