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Will+ (Simple)
Will+ (Continuous)
Will+ (Perfect Tense)
What is “will”?
Will is a modal verb that means “akan”.
The modal verbs are; will, would, shall, should, can, could, may, might and must.

All modal verbs are auxiliary verbs, which means they can only be used with a main

I will  not a sentence

I will eat.  sentence
You will  not a sentence
You will …

They will  not a sentence

They will …

She will  not a sentence

She will …
As a modal auxiliary verb, will has several different functions and meanings.

• Will+ (Simple)
• Will+ (Continuous)
• Will+ (Perfect Tense)
1. The Simple Future tense (Will+ (Simple))
We use ‘’will + V1/infinitive’’ when we went to express:

• A speculation, expectation, opinion or assumption . These may be introduced by

verb such as: think, believe, expect, hope.
e.g. I think it will rain tonight.

• A condition as in future
e.g. if I drop this glass it will break.
Adverbs of time that accompany this type of sentence include: next week,
tomorrow, in ten years, a month later, in 2055, and others.

• I think I will study harder next time.
• My little brother will eat the veggies.
• I believe that you will get a better score later.
(-) I … (not smoke) cigarette ever
(?) …

He … (change) his attitude

(-) …

(-) They … (not turn off) the music

(+) Mother won’t tolerate any lying
(Will+ (Simple)) in a Dialogue
• A: “What are you doing?”
• B: “I’m working on the agenda for tomorrow’s meeting.”
• A: “What will you do tomorrow?”
• B: “I will meet Sue for lunch to discuss the contract.”
• A: “That’s interesting. What contract will you two discuss?”
• B: “We are working in the garden most of the weekend. So we are planning to
make a business about the interior of small garden in urban city.”
• A: “So exciting! I hope that your plan will go well.”
• B: “Thank you!”
(Will+ (Simple)) in a Dialogue
• A: “Emily, how was the meeting?”
• B: “It went well. But I’m afraid I need to leave for London. I need to discuss with the manager of our
restaurant there.”
• A: “How long will you be away?” (pertanyaan future tense karena belum terjadi)
• B: “I won’t get back until Friday night or Saturday afternoon, at least.”
• A: “Can you please try to come home on Friday? Our son is turning 1 next Friday.”
• B: “Oh my God! I really forget about his birthday! Sure, I will try to come home before Friday.”
(mengindikasikan niat untuk pulang sebelum hari Jumat)
• A: “Well you work too hard that your forget your own son’s birthday.”
• B: “I work for you and our son. For us.”
• A: “I know it. Will you also buy something for him as a present?” (kalimat pertanyaan future tense
terkait rencana will mencari kado ulang tahun)
• B: “Of course. I look for something food in London before I come home.” (jawaban atas pertanyaan
future tense)
• A: “That’s great. He will be very happy.”
2. The future continuous tense (Will+ (Continuous))

• We use “will be + verb –ing ” to talk about activities that will be in progress at a certain
time in the future.

(+) Subject+ will+ be + V-ing
(-) Subject+ will+ not+ be + V-ing
(?) Will +subject+ be + V-ing

• At 9 a.m. on Saturday, I’ll be sitting in Dr. Holland’s seminar
• I’ll be working all evening so I won’t be able to see you.
- Menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung pada suatu waktu di masa yang
akan datang menggunakan keterangan waktu yang spesifik.

– at 8 o’clock in the morning
– at 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon
– at seven o’clock tonight, etc
(+) When you come out of school tomorrow at 11 o’clock, I will be boarding a
(-) …
(?) …

(+) Try to call before 8 o'clock. After that, we'll be watching the match.
(?) …

You can visit us during the first week of July. I won't be working then.
(-) …
(Will+ (Continuous)) in a Dialogue
• Tony : Hi Brian, i start thinking about the plan for the party next week.
• Brian : What sort of party Ton? You haven’t told me yet, have you?
• Tony : Ooh yaa I forget to tell you that I’m going to have a party next week for my
• Brian : Lucky you Ton, I wish my parents would give me a present as well. What
will you be doing on the party next week?
• Tony : There will be several activities Brian. I will be dancing of course and I will
be singing. How about you, what will you be doing at my party?
• Brian : I won’t be dancing at that time because I can’t dance but I’ll be making
some beverages for all.
• Tony : That’s awesome Brian. Thank you so much.
3. Will+ (Perfect Tense)
It used to express any action or an event that will have completed at some point in
future, telling us that the events will already have happened at a certain time in
Here we have to understand the two aspects
• The action contains a sense of completion.
• Indicates the time of completion of action in future.
Formulas of “Will+ (Perfect Tense)”
The structure of the sentence:
(+) Subject + will+ have+ V3+ specific time
(-) Subject + will+ NOT+ have+ V3+ specific time
(?) Will+ subject+ have+ V3 + specific time in future

We can use phrases like by or by the time (meaning 'at some point before') and in
or in a day's time / in two months' time / in five years' time etc. (meaning 'at the
end of this period') to give the time period in which the action will be completed.
• Example 1:
(+) Shena will have finished her work by tomorrow morning.
(-) Shena will not have finished her work by tomorrow morning.
(?) …

Example 2:
(+) Agil will have published ten papers by the time he finishes his master degree.
(-) …
(?) …
Example from a text

Ms. Sonia is a teacher. In April 2020, she will have completed 22 years working as a
teacher. She teaches Economics for the higher secondary students. She is also a guidance
counsellor. By the time she reaches school, students are already waiting for her. She will
have spoken to most of them before she takes her regular classes. Ms. Sonia will have
handled most of her counselling sessions for the day by lunch time.
(Will+ (Perfect)) in a Dialogue
• Peter: Hi mate, what’s up? How’s your project going?
• Savior : I’ve designed the project but still hasn’t counted the budgets.
• Peter: When will you have finished it?
• Savior : I will have finished it until the owner pays the drawing. It needs a long
process to draw and make a concept for those buildings.
• Peter: Well, good luck mate. The dates are around the corner.
• Savior: As i said, i won’t have finished it before they pay in advance. Peter : OK.
Keep up the good work mate.
1. We use ‘’will + V1/infinitive’’ when we went to express a speculation,
expectation, opinion or assumption . These may be introduced by verb such
as: think, believe, expect, hope. Or it can use for a condition as in future.

2. We use “will be + verb –ing ” to talk about activities that will be in

progress at a certain time in the future.

3. We use “will have + verb 3” for an event that will have completed at
some point in future, telling us that the events will already have happened
before another completed action or at a certain time in future.
Contoh Soal
• I … (meet) you at the airport tomorrow.
• I … (attend) a seminar in Yogyakarta next week.
• When I get up tomorrow morning, the sun … (shine) and the birds … (sing).
• Tomorrow at 7:10, I … (have) dinner.
• By the time he gets work, he … (drink) three cups of coffee.
• they … (marry) for two weeks by the January 31st.
Latihan Soal
(Fill the blank space with the suitable verb. Pay attention to the use of Will+
(Simple), Will+ (Continuous) , and Will+ (Perfect Tense)
1. I think the test … easy.
2. Your teacher … proud if you win in the contest.
3. If you write the letter for me, I … (reply) it.
4. Tonight at 6 PM, I … (eat) dinner.
5. You are still … (wait) for her when her plans arrives.
6. At 9 PM tonight, John … (wash) the dishes.
7. The movie … (start) by the time we get home.
8. By next January, I … (receive) my promotion.
9. By the time next year, I … (graduate) from my university.
10. I … (take) ten tests by the time I finish this course.
Keep studying and prepare for the quiz next week. I will provide this
material file into LMS. Please check it later.
"If you can’t stand the fatigue of learning, then you have to hold the
pangs of ignorance."

-Imam Syafi'i.
Thank You
Have a great day!

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