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Supporting Lecturer : Rohman, M.A.

Arranged by :

1. Nana Fathiatul Liana (201230082)

2. Juhrotul Aini (201230085)
3. Erin Windy Ayuni (201230105)


2021 M / 1442 H

Thank to Almighty God who has given His bless to the writer for finishing the English paper
assignment entitled “Speed Reading”. We also wish to express his deep and sincere
gratitude for those who have guided in completing this paper.

The compiler is fully aware that this paper is very far from perfect, for that we are very
expecting constructive criticism and suggestions for the perfection of this paper. Finally the
compiler said thank you and Hopefully, this paper can help the readers to expand their
knowledge about “Speed Reading”.

Cilegon, 16th of November 2021




TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………………………ii

CHAPTER 1 ................................................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................

Background ................................................................................................................................. 1

Problem Formulation................................................................................................................... 1

Purpose Of Writing ..................................................................................................................... 1

CHAPTER II................................................................................................................................... 2

DISCUSSING ...................................................................................................................................

Definition of Speed Reading ....................................................................................................... 2

Speed Reading Techniques ......................................................................................................... 2

Speed Reading Models ................................................................................................................ 4

Factors Affecting Reading Speed ................................................................................................ 5

How to Improve Your Speed Reading ........................................................................................ 6

CHAPTER III ................................................................................................................................. 7

CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................

A. Conclusing .............................................................................................................................. 7

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................... 8



A. Background

Modern humans seem to be unable to separate themselves from the media of

communication. One of the communication media that many people face is written
media, both textbooks and mass media. In the era of globalization, reading activities
have become commonplace in the lives of some people. Reading is not a natural activity,
but a set of components that are mastered personally and gradually, which are then
integrated and become automatic.
But in today's fast-paced era, when without our will the demands of life increase, the
reader is no longer allowed only as a bringer of pleasure, but as a means of achieving
acceleration itself. This means that people are obliged to pursue all the information. He
must have the skills to collect data quickly and correctly, and here speed reading is the
main way. No one can read quickly because of talent, so it must be understood that speed
reading is not reading quickly and immediately finishing a book. Speed reading is how a
person can read with better comprehension in less time and remember it well. In this
paper, we will describe speed reading techniques, speed reading models, and steps in
speed reading.

B. Problem Formulation

1) What is speed reading?

2) What are the techniques in speed reading?
3) How are the models in speed reading?
4) What are the factors that affect reading speed?
5) How to Improve Your Speed Reading

C. Purpose Of Writing

1) To know the meaning of speed reading.

2) To know the techniques of speed reading.
3) To find out the models in speed reading.
4) To find out the factors that influence speed reading.
5) To know the tips to Improve Your Speed Reading



According to Nurhadi (2008:123) Reading is a complex activity that involves various factors that
come from within the reader and external factors. According to Tarigan (2008:7) reading is a
method used to communicate with oneself and with others. According to Faridah (2007: 203)
reading is an interactive process, in that process the reader uses codes, context analysis, prior
knowledge, and understanding control strategies.
So, reading is an interactive process that uses code, context analysis, prior knowledge, and
understanding control strategies by involving various factors from outside the reader and internal
factors that the reader uses to communicate with himself and others.

A. Definition of Speed Reading

According to Nurhadi (2016:162), speed reading is reading at high speed to get a high
understanding by fulfilling the purpose of reading and the integrity of the reading material.
Meanwhile, according to Soedarso in speed reading (Gramedia print II, 2004) speed reading
is a kind of exercise to quickly process the process of receiving information.
From the two opinions above, it can be concluded that speed reading is reading at a
high speed to get a high understanding and process the receipt of information quickly.

B. Speed Reading Techniques

Not everyone is immediately proficient at speed reading, this skill requires practice that
may be repeated so that someone can master the right techniques in speed reading. These
exercises are considered important to do because usually someone who is just learning to
read speed for the first time will experience several problems that can become an obstacle in
speed reading. The main requirement to be able to read quickly is to know exactly what
material you are looking for, this can be achieved by doing a quick scan. To be able to read
quickly does require certain techniques.

According to Nurhadi (2008:114-122), there are several techniques in speed reading, namely:
1. Scanning Technique
Scanning reading technique is reading an information where the reading is read jumping by
involving imagination, so that in understanding the reading one can connect one sentence
with one's own words. So, in this technique, not all words/sentences are read, but directly to
the keywords.

2. Skimming Technique
Skimming reading technique is reading in outline (at a glance) to get an overview of the
contents of the book. After that, track the information you want to know in depth. To
expedite the process of skimming techniques, it can be done first by reading the table of
contents, preface, introduction, title and conclusion.

According to Hamzah (2012:110), in addition to scanning and skimming techniques, there is

one more technique in speed reading, namely:
1. SQ3R technique
The SQ3R technique is a speed reading technique by going through several stages. These
stages are:

a. Survey
Scan the table of contents, introduction, introduction and summary sections to get an
overview of the book's contents. The goal is to speed up capturing meaning, knowing
important ideas and making it easier to remember more and easier to understand reading.

b. Question
At this stage, the reader makes a list of questions related to the material being searched for.
The number of questions depends on the length of the text, and the ability to understand the
text being studied. If the text being studied contains things that are already known, it may
only be necessary to make a few questions. On the other hand, if the background knowledge
is not related to the content of the text, it is necessary to arrange as many questions as

c. Read
The third step is to read actively in order to find answers to the questions that have been
arranged. In this case, active reading also means reading that is focused on paragraphs that
are thought to contain answers that are thought to be relevant to the questions that have been
compiled in the second step.

d. Recite
The fourth step is to mention or retell the answers to the questions that have been arranged.
As far as possible, try without opening the answer notes as written in the third step. If a
question is not answered, try to continue to answer the next question. And so on, until all
questions, including those that have not been answered, can be resolved properly.

e. Review
After remembering, then the material obtained is reviewed again, this action can be done by
rereading the description in the book, developing notes or discussing it with others.

C. Speed Reading Models

For some people reading must be done with high concentration. By focusing we can
improve our reading comprehension. However, how can you concentrate if the time available
is only a little and not enough, while there is still a lot of reading to be read. So, the solution
is that we have to read quickly. According to Nurhadi (2004: 120) there are several models
that are commonly used by experts to read quickly. Those models are reading with the line
by line model, reading the model, and reading the spiral model.

1. Reading line by line

This is done by reading sequentially from the first line to the last line. This model is usually
used for those who read solid readings, there are many foreign terms, or for reading that is
still relatively new for readers. We often experience this when we are still in elementary or
junior high school, because students who are new to new reading materials must be worried
about the possibility of missing readings or information if they read quickly.

2. Reading by model
This model is done by searching for keywords. Readers can read randomly to find key words
in a passage in order to understand the essence of the reading. language, use reason and logic
to relate it. This model is usually used for light reading such as newspapers, magazines, and
so on.

3. Reading with a spiral model

This spiral method is done by not reading all the existing readings, but by reading zigzags
like a spiral. Sentences that are read are indeed not connected perfectly, but it is the reader's
creative process to find connecting words according to our ratio and thinking. This will allow
us to conclude for ourselves the information obtained.

D. Factors Affecting Reading Speed

Reading is not an easy learning activity. The success of students in reading depends on
the mastery of reading techniques. There are many reading techniques that can be applied to
achieve good reading achievement, one of which is reading speed.
Speed reading activities are very beneficial, every reader should pay attention to
various factors that affect reading speed in order to gain an optimal understanding of the
contents of the reading. The speed of reading in modern life and the rapidly growing
globalization is increasingly needed because not many people have free time in their daily
lives. Speed reading models and techniques with complete understanding are aspects that
should be emphasized in today's reading activities
Reading speed will occur if the reader pays attention to various factors that affect
reading speed. Influencing factors can refer to a person's ability that is specific, which
includes the development of vocabulary concepts, word analysis skills and others.

Nurhadi (2005:35) argues that reading comprehension depends on a combination of
language knowledge, cognitive style, and reading experience. This means that to achieve
reading comprehension, the reading factor plays a central role. In addition to the three factors
above, reading speed can be influenced by several other factors. These factors, they are :

1. Difficulty concentrating
Difficulty in concentration can be caused by several things, such as physical and mental
fatigue, boredom or having things to think about. Difficulty in concentration makes the mind
wander somewhere, in reading concentration is very important because it determines your
ability to capture and understand the contents of the reading. Especially when you read fast,
good concentration will ensure that the reading speed matches the comprehension.

2. Low motivation
The next inhibiting factor is motivation, this disorder is usually experienced by students
when they want to read thick text books that they don't like. Low motivation will appear
when you want to read a book but do not understand the things discussed in the book, then
you will tend to read lightly and do not really intend to read with a good understanding.

3. Worries about not understanding the reading material

Sometimes there are some people who feel inferior first when they just see the book they are
about to read, they think that the book is too heavy and can't be understood later, this worry
will come true if you continue to be late and think about it. For that, get rid of all these

4. Make bad habits in reading

Speed reading for ordinary people or someone who does not get special training makes them
feel tired in reading because they are slow at reading. This is reinforced by the existence of
bad habits in reading. According to Nurhadi (2004:31) bad habits in reading, namely:

a. Vocalization
Vocalization or reading aloud is one of the things that can hinder reading speed in speed
reading. If someone reads aloud, then he does two jobs at once so that it will hinder the speed
of reading as well as the understanding obtained.

b. Move lips
Moving your lips while reading will slow down your reading speed, it's the same as reading
with your voice. According to Soedarso (2002: 77) the speed of someone who reads aloud or
moves his lips is only a quarter of the speed of someone who reads silently.

c. Move head
Moving the head while reading is a bad habit that arises in childhood. This habit arises
because the reach of our eyes when we were young was not sufficient.

d. Pointing with finger
Reading activities by pointing fingers or other tools is also a reading habit that is brought
from childhood. In the past, we applied this to keep no words missed. However, as adults, of
course, our reading skills will increase, but this habit is still carried out because it has become
a habit. In fact, reading by pointing with a finger can hinder our reading speed.

E. How to Improve Your Speed Reading

Here are some more tips to help you:

• Avoid distractions. Create an environment where there are as few interruptions and
distractions as possible, to allow you to focus
• fully on the words in front of you.
• Go easy. Read an uncomplicated novel or a simple online article to get a feel for
which technique is going to work best for you. Gauge how much you've remembered
or understood, and set a timer to see how much faster you are now reading.
• Cover words that you've already read. This helps you to stop your eyes flitting
back to earlier words and slowing down your reading.
• Know what you want from the text. This can be useful if you are using the
skimming method, as it primes you to pay attention when you see relevant words,
sentences or phrases. You can then slow down at these points, or circle them for
emphasis, but otherwise move across the page quickly.
• Benchmark your progress. This way you can tell whether your practice is paying
off. There are many free speed reading assessments online
• Practice, practice, practice. You have to practice speed reading to get good at it.
The more you train yourself, the more natural it will feel.



A. Conclusing

Speed reading is reading at a high speed to get a high understanding and process the
receipt of information quickly. To be able to read quickly, certain techniques are needed, namely
scanning techniques, skimming techniques, and SQ3R techniques. Skimming technique is
skimming or not entirely to get an overview of the contents of the book. While the SQ3R
technique is a speed reading technique that is carried out in several stages. The stages in the
SQ3R technique are survey, question, read, recall, and review.
Before practicing speed reading, we need to understand several models of speed
reading because understanding is the goal in speed reading. There are three models in speed
reading, namely the line by line model, the circular model and the spiral model. The line by line
model is reading sequentially, meaning that it reads information from the first line to the last line,
usually this model is applied when the information uses absorption words a lot. The circular
model is reading by looking for keywords in an information, in other words, not all of the
contents are read. The spiral model is reading by reading things that are important (not
comprehensive) in an information.


Soedarso.2002.Sistem Membaca Cepat dan Efektif. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustka Utama.

Soedarso dalam speed reading (gramedia cetakan II,2004).
Nurhadi.2008.Membaca Cepat dan Efektif.Bandung: Sinar Baru Algesindo.
Nurhadi.2004.Bagaimana Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca (cetakan kedua).Bandung: Sinar
Baru Algesindo.
Nurhadi.2005.Bagaimana Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca (cetakan ketiga).Bandung:
Sinar Baru Alesindo.
Tarigan,Henry Guntur.2008.Membaca Sebagai Suatu Keterampilan Berbahasa.Bandung:
Farida.2007.Dasar-Dasar Keterampilan Membaca.Bandung: Angkasa.
Hamzah,Nurdin Muhammad.2012.Belajar Dengan Pendekatan PAILKEM.Jakarta: Bumi Aksara

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