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Ferdinand College
S.Y. 2021-2022
LC 2: Beginning, Middle and End of Music
Name: ________________________________________________________ Grade & Section: ________________

Melody and Form

Each person likes a certain kind of music. An individual may prefer to listen to songs with slow rhythm and soft beat.
Another may enjoy songs with fast rhythm and strong beat.
The musical quality that makes a sound pleasing is referred to as the melody.
What is Melody? Melody is a rhythmical succession of single tones with different pitches. It is also an arrangement of
musical tones that are form a pleasing tune.
What is Form? Form is the whole arrangement of a musical composition. It is how a musical piece is organized into different
musical lines.
Musical Lines
A musical piece is composed of different musical lines that are written in a specific way. These lines help shape the form of
a song. Every musical piece has several musical lines.
Musical line is a group of notes that makes a musical sentence. A curved line is the symbol used to show a musical line. It
looks like a rainbow. Refer to your book on page 46 to understand better the musical line

Beginning, Middle and End of Music

What does beginning, middle or end melody mean?
Music has beginning, middle and ending melodies. Beginning melody is the first group of notes that can be heard in a music
piece or song. The middle melody is a next group of notes. The ending melody is the last set of notes. Refer to your book
on page 47-48 to understand the difference of the beginning, middle and end.

Almost all songs have parts that are repeated throughout the entire composition.
Repetition is playing or singing musical lines over and over. Repetition makes a musical composition easy to learn and
memorize. Visit the link below. Listen and observe the repetitions in music.
After watching, answer this question:
1. What are the words or phrases repeated in the music?
Direction: Read each statement. Choose True if the statement is correct and False if it is not. Write your answer on the
space provided.
_____1. Musical line is a group of notes that makes a musical sentence.
_____2. Similar music lines are exactly the same in pitch, rhythm, and length.
_____3. The end part is usually a variation of the beginning part.
_____4. Melody is the whole arrangement of a musical composition.
_____5. Routine is the series of actions that are repeatedly done every day.
Answer your book on page 51 "Think and Learn". Take a photo of your assignment and send in messenger (Princess Ann Resureccion

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