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Two Kinds

I Play video games to escape my past but certain times It catches up to me. I wonder what

else I can do? I tried sports and it worked for a little bit but I got injured so I stopped playing. My

only way to escape my emotions was playing video games or just going outside and playing

basketball. My emotions builded over the years so I couldn't control it when I broke down. I try

not to but it just happens sometimes mainly because of my childhood. If I didn’t get treated how

I did as a child I wouldn’t act how I did, I play basketball and stuff to hide them but sometimes

during school I’ll let my emotions get to me and I can’t control it. My childhood was rough but I

pulled through. As much as I hate how my childhood was I couldn't handle it because of deaths

and how I was treated. As the years went on it got worse and I was in a state of depression for

awhile but I pulled through it, never have I thought about causing harm to myself because why

would i do that?

I deal with this stuff daily but I overcome it thanks to my friends and how funny they are

but at the end of the day I just go home and play my game. Playing some type of game or just

going outside and playing basketball helps me get calm. I'm a smart kid with a lot of stuff on his

mind, I'm stressed out and school is making it no better because of all the work we’re getting and

my grades start to get low but I'm able to improve each time during the report card time. I’ve

dealt with some stuff in my childhood and I hate how I went through all of it. Sometimes late at

night i’ll get emotional because of how he treated me as a child. He may think it didn’t hurt me

as a child but it actually affected me deeply. I hated him over the years and I hated how he
treated me. He always called me names and lied on me to my parents. I couldn't handle how he

treated me, so my emotions were all over the place, I couldn't control them. I improved with my

emotions but they’ll still come back to me at random moments.

I strive to complete all my high school years and become happier than how I have been

these past years. My health has been better and I plan on playing sports and trying to become

professional in the league. I’ve been successful in school and I'm an A and B student. My mental

health has become better and I've been succeeding with my school work and I've been making

many more friends.

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