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ground, a security guard should be hands on with guarding the

people who enter the school.

Lastly, the respondents also answered that they often

notice that security guards checks every room. The respondents
which happen to be the ABM students are aware of what the
security guards are doing.

Table 2
Attitude Variable for Security Services
Weighted Verbal
b.Attitude Mean Interpretation

b.1 The guards are honest and Often

3.84 1.5
accommodating to the visitors.
b.2 The guards are always Often
3.84 1.5
b.3 The guard are always alert. 3.64 Often 2
b.4 The guards are patient and not Often
3.54 4
b.5 The guards are polite. 3.56 Often 3
General Weighted Mean 3.68 Often

As reflected in the table in the Table 2, the responses of

the respondents about the attitude gathered a general weighted
mean of 3.68 which means that they often look for the general
situation and concept of the statements given by the researchers.

Firstly, the respondents answered that they notice that

security guards are often honest and accommodating to the
visitors. According to Sterling Protective Services (2013) a
security guard must be honest. They are responsible for securing
access to buildings and accommodating to the visitors. If the
security guards are not honest, he might put the school at risk.

Moreover, the respondents answered that they often aware

that the security guards are always approachable, a good thing to
improve the security guards, students and workers connection.

Lastly, the respondents answered that they notice that

security guards are often notice that the guards are patient and
not aggressive. According to Sterling Protective Services (2013)
a good security guard knows how to communicate effectively both
verbally and emotionally. Thus, the security guards control their

Table 3
Skill Variable for Security Services
c.Skill Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation
c.1 Security guards are clever and Often
3.58 4
possesses an active mind.
c.2 Security officers ensure that Often
3.9 1
school policies are maintained.
c.3 The guards are always active Often
3.68 2
in doing their assigned duties.
c.4 The security guards carefully Often
3.6 3
noticing problems or of danger.
c.5 The security guards are Often
skilled in handling adverse 3.4 5
General Weighted Mean 3.63 Often

As reflected in the table in the Table 3, the responses of

the respondents about the skill gathered a general weighted mean
of 3.63 which means that they often look for the general
situation and concept of the statements given by the researchers.

Firstly, the respondents answered that they notice that the

security officers often ensure that school policies are
maintained. Meaning security guards are doing their job well
because students are aware that they can handle the pressure of
being a security guard.

Lastly, the respondents answered that they are aware that

security officers are often skilled in handling adverse
situations. Thus, security guards are trained properly by the
authority of the school and they can handle any situation with
proper actions.

Table 4
Equipment Variable for Security Services
d.Equipment Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation
d.1 The security guards are using Often
logbook to get the list of people 3.26 4
who are entering the university.
d.2 The security guards have Often
complete tools like whistle, 3.58 2
flashlight, hand gun and etc.
d.3 The security guards uses Often
barricade to monitor the cars that 3.52 3
are entering the campus.
d.4 The security guards uses radio Often
3.78 1
to communicate with each other.
d.5 The security guards uses Sometimes
police baton when checking the 3.1 5
students’ bags.
General Weighted Mean 3.44 Often

As reflected in the table in the Table 4, the responses of

the respondents about the equipment gathered a general weighted
mean of 3.44 which means that they often look for the general
situation and concept of the statements given by the researchers.

Firstly, the respondents answered that they notice that

security guards often uses radio to communicate with each other.
According to Blake, I. (2011) some security officers need
surveillance equipment. When patrolling a large group or area,
this equipment includes radio. Thus, radio can help to maintain
the peace and order in the school.

Lastly, the respondents answered that they notice that

security guards sometimes uses baton when checking the students
bags. Thus, the security guards must use baton so the students
can feel safe when entering the school.


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