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University of San Agustin


Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Taking the Business Course as ABM Senior High
School Students in the University of San Agustin

A Research Paper Presented to

The Senior High School Department

Of the University of San Agustin

In partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For Research

Presented by:

Clavel, Christanelle

Doctora, Marie Antonnette

Estorque, Rexsten

Lamis, Jose Ember

Valtoribio, Ella Louise


Ma. Cielo G. Mirasol

March, 2017

University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City

Table of Contents

Chapter Page


Background of the study

Statement of the Problem

Significance of the Study

Scope and Delimitation of the Study


Review of Related Literature

Review of Related Studies

Theoretical Framework

Definition of Terms


Research Design

Instrument of the Study

Respondents of the Study



Presentation of Data

Interpretation of Data

University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City
Chapter Page







University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City

Chapter 1


Chapter 1 is divided into four parts: (1) Background of the Study; (2) Statement of
the Problem; (3) Scope and Delimitation of the Study; (4) Significance of Study. Part one,
Background of the Study, Confers the reasons why the study has been conducted, it contains the
General Description. Part two, Statement of the Problem, Describes the Problems of the Study.
Part three, Scope and Delimitation, Enumerates the Different Beneficiaries and the Benefits that
can be derived from the Results of the Study. Part four, Significance of the study, Identifies the
Scope and the Limitation encountered during the Conduct of the Study. It also Represents the
Variables, subjects’ research design and statistics Design used in the study.

ABM stands for Accountancy, and Business Management. If the students are
planning to take up a Business course after Graduation then ABM strand would be the Best

The Researchers notice that the People who Graduated with their Specific Course
that haven’t Worked yet they proceed in having a Business because in Business you don’t need a
Degree to have one and in order to Succeed in this they must become wiser in what you do, take
risks, not being afraid to fall and have all the experiences to learn from.

The Researchers also chose the ABM Senior High School Students for the
Preparation of their chosen Strand. This is for them to get ready for their Future Career Path. It is
also for them think longer and be sure of their Choice. They say Youth is our Future.

The Researchers also chose this topic because the researchers want to know how
the ABM Strand can also be fit or to know what the weaknesses of the students are. In this study,
we have to discuss how the ABM or Business course Find out what are the Advantages or
disadvantages of the ABM or the Business course.

University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this Study aims to discover The Advantages and Disadvantages of

taking the Business Course as an ABM senior high school Students in the University of San
Agustin of ABM strand for Senior High School students that will take up the Business course.

Specifically, this study would like to find the answer of the following questions:

 What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of ABM strand?

 Is ABM Strand effective for business Course?
 What are the Benefits of ABM strand in Business Course?

University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City

Scope and Delimitation

This study will focus on Senior High School students of University of San
Agustin S.Y. 2016-2017 who will take Business Course. In this study, the Students who are
willing to take Business as their Course and to find out for Advantages and Disadvantages of the
effectiveness of ABM strand for the Business Course. The Researchers will conduct Interview
whether the Respondents will take Business Course and the Researchers will pick 5 Senior High
School Students in the University of San Agustin who will take the Business Course and will be

University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City

Significance of the Study

The Importance of this study is to help the students from Senior High School of
University of San Agustin who is willing to take Business as their Course. This study can also
open the eyes of the Students to see the Strength and Weaknesses of ABM Strand in Dealing
Business as their Course.

This study will be beneficial to the following:

1. Students who will take Business Course

2. Students taking the ABM strand
3. Students from Junior High School to help decide what Strand to get
4. Undecided Students who has not yet chosen their Strand
5. Students whom has not yet decided what Course to get

University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 is divided into 4 parts: (1) Review of related Literature; (2) Review of
Related studies; (3) Theotrical Framework; (4) Definition of Terms. Part 1, Review of Related
Literature, confers the Senior High School or the Academic Track & what are the subjects can fit
the Business courses. Part 2, Review of Related Studies, Enumerates how are the Business/ABM
Strand can be effective to enter business courses. Part 3, Theotrical Framework, The Researchers
are Looking forward on what are the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Business Courses or
the ABM Strand. Part 4, Definition of Terms, The Researchers Explained what are the important

Review of Related Literature

A.B.M. (Accountancy, Business, & Management) Track

The ABM Track or Accountancy, Business and Management is for those who
plan on taking up Economics, Business Administration, Accountancy and Marketing in college.

The Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) strand would focus on the basic concepts
of financial management, business management, corporate operations, and all things that are
accounted for. ABM can also lead you to careers on management and accounting which could be
sales manager, human resources, marketing director, project officer, bookkeeper, accounting
clerk, internal auditor, and a lot more.

One of the significant features of the K to 12 systems is the integration of

specialized tracks designed to help students in determining their respective career paths. These
four tracks—academic, technical-vocational, sports, and arts and design—are aimed at
enhancing a student’s ability based on what he wants to do after graduation.

The technical-vocational, sports, and arts and design tracks will allow students to
join the workforce immediately upon graduation while the academic track prepares students for
further studies.

University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City

The academic track consists of courses that will make college life easier to adjust
to in terms of subject variety and, to a certain degree, difficulty. This does not mean, however,
that if you take the other tracks, you cannot go to college. If a student chose the arts and design
track, for instance, nothing is stopping him from taking up Fine Arts or Interior Design in college
instead of working right away. It would still depend on the student. The academic track is simply
the track that prepares students for the most common college courses such as business
management, engineering, and the sciences.

Upon choosing the academic track, students can choose from four different
strands: General Academic; Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics; Accountancy,
Business, and Management; and Humanities and Social Sciences. Students may choose their
strand in the same way that they decide a course in college. Aside from the 15 core subjects,
these strands will add 16 subjects composed of different contextualized and specialized subjects
based on the track and strand that will be spread out in grades 11 and 12.

The academic track is the most familiar one because students usually apply to
colleges upon graduation from high school. The only difference is that the subjects are now
highly specific and specialized. These are but some of the changes brought about by the K to 12

The Researchers are looking for the advantages and disadvantages about the
ABM Strand. The ABM Strand has specialized subjects which are Applied Economics, Business
Ethics and Social Responsibility, Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 1
Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 2, Business Math, Business Finance,
Organization and Management, Principles of Marketing, and Work Immersion/Research/Career
Advocacy/Culminating Activity.

In this Study, we should know what the competencies or contents which it will be
determined by the circumstances of the students in which these students are most likely to enroll
the ABM Strand.

University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City

The idea of “one size fits all” has been abandoned by the DepEd. A lot of space is
given to the SHS Students, since the main reason that the 2 years are added to BED and to
prepare the tertiary level or their own future goals/life. It makes no sense to force a student to
follow a predetermined the curriculum if she/he has something else in their own perceptual

In the University of Cordilleras, A First year College student takes Accounting

101, a one unit course that is a General introduction to Accounting. The 2 specialized subjects in
Senior High School (Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management) said there will
be no longer be need for this Business Course. There will be no need for him/her to take the
following subjects.

Actually, these subjects are now in the k to 12 Curriculum and have been rightly
removed from GEC (General Education Curriculum). Oral Communication, Reading & Writing,
Komunikasyon at Pananaliksik sa Wika at Kulturang Pilipino, Pagbasa at Pagsuri ng Iba’t ibang
Teksto tungo sa Panananliksik, general mathematics, physical science are the core subjects of the
abm strand. Meaning, the removal of duplication of those specialized subjects in the curriculum
is one of the major advantages of the k-to12 reform.


Business management is a broad field that trains people for managerial roles in
technology, retail, education, government and other sectors. Business management degrees
enable you to acquire a mix of technical and soft skills. Technical skills in business management
include learning the principles of accounting and finance, business law, operations management
and information systems. Soft skills are equally important in business management and could
include learning about leadership, negotiations, teamwork and employee motivation.

Business courses can take you from the reception desk to the executive lounge,
and anywhere in-between.

University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City

A business qualification enables you to get work, trade up, or strike out on your
own. The Business/Management/Commerce prepares you for a career in accounting, banking,
financial management, information systems and management. Compulsory courses in the degree
build a solid foundation of business skills that you will apply to many decisions and issues in the
contemporary business environment. These core skills are then further developed in your second
and third years as you specialize by undertaking one or two majors. The majors are in
accounting, business information systems and finance.

Completion of this courses degree with the accounting major, for example, allows
students to apply for associate membership of the professional accounting bodies. The
combination of core skills and specialist knowledge learned in the Bachelor of the
Business/Management/Commerce will ensure you can adapt effectively to the ever-changing
business environment and as a result be in high demand with employers.

The Bachelor of Commerce degree is designed to provide students with a wide

range of managerial skills, while at the same time building competence in a particular area of
business in the most universities. Therefore, plan the degree such that in addition to their major,
students are exposed to general business principles, taking courses in accounting, finance,
business management, human resources, (business) statistics, marketing, and economics; some
programs also require (introductory) calculus and information systems. For a comparison with
other business degrees, see Business Education.

One of the advantages of pursuing a business school degree is career

advancement. If you get a master’s degree in the business field, for instance, or a master’s in
finance or even a traditional Masters of Business Administration, it is going to aid your career
progression especially if you enroll in a good school.

The business courses can help you to prove yourself, grow your network, and re-
brand yourself, and also expand your knowledge. The advantages of a graduate’s degree in the
field of business can always be argued but when it comes to its accessibility, business courses

University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City
offers more choices than a network of job offers.

It always feels good to apply to a position via an online campus interview that in
most cases is inaccessible even when calling up the high powered alumni for assistance. For the
case of an MBA, sometimes it doesn’t have much power. Its advantage is that it creates a basis to
guide you in a positive direction.

University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City

Review of Related Studies

Factors Affecting Course preferences of Senior High School Students of Iloilo City National
High School
(USA researchers, batch 1999-2000)

On related studies, we discuss how the students of Iloilo National High School are
needed to enroll at the University of San Agustin, College of Commerce, and Accountancy. The
students must aware of the most important factors in the choice of career.
The respondents of the researchers should ranked the interest first, second, the
parental influence, third, the teachers’ influence and fourth, friends’ influence. The Iloilo
National High School has a great number of graduating high school students, school year 1999-
2000 preferred commerce as there course. The most students are also influences by their parents,
friends, and teachers.
The very foundation of democratic education is the requirement that every person
should be given the opportunity to develop as fully as possible the powers given him by nature.
The fundamental aim of education is the training of free minds to give the power to examine
critically the social and political structure of our lives, to evaluate the work or our fellow citizens
and to enable the young to find their places of activity in our complex social and political
structure. Parents must give importance to education, parents also should sure our children are
well educated. An educational program should be designed to prepare children to guard, to live
in, and develop a free society.
One of the most vital decisions in life of a young student is confronted with
pertains to choose his college course. Sadly, not many of them have been guided properly into
making the right decision. Many parents either make decision for them or give them freedom of
choice without raising certain details necessary for making an informed decision.
The family affects the students’ relationship in school. Often what he/she learns
and practices at home, he/she does in school. It is from the family that the student learns the
attitudes towards hard work and determination.

University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City

Through these attitudes, he/she is being molded into an active citizen who
contributes to the betterment of his society, his country and the rest of the world. In guiding the
students in the choice of their vocation, it is the function of the school to help the students in
selecting on their own vocation. Proper guidance should be given during the difficult period of
making a decision.
The Problem of guiding the students in the choice of a vocation is classified in
three factors. First, the student, which is the counselor, would help the student to gain some
knowledge of their own abilities and interests. Most often the student does not know enough of
himself to recognize his fundamental interests and abilities. It is therefore, the responsibility of
the counselor to supply the student with an inventory of his/her ability aptitudes, and as they
relate in occupational availability. Next, the occupation; the school help the student to gain some
knowledge of the different occupations and the opportunities they offer. Every efficient guidance
office should have in hand literature describing the different vocations or professions. Lastly, the
act of choosing or counseling; presuming the counseling is the end the road to guidance. The act
choosing is most difficult to handle.
The school should help the student in selecting a vocation. The act of choosing
must be guided by the philosophy of service to society and to the nation. In other words, service
to society should be held as a key factor.
In their survey, the most respondents choose commerce as their course because of
the belief that this course can land them to a stable job immediately after graduation. Which
states that the preferences of the high school students in relation to their age according to the
persons who are helping or influencing their choice of course. The persons who influenced the
respondents of the researchers in their choice of a course are parents, friends, teachers, and
Therefore, this study states how the Iloilo City National High School senior
students decide their own opportunities. That the respondents of the researchers are always gives
priority to the suggestions of their parents. The researchers also chose this because of the lack of
decision making of the students in choosing their own paths or assigned course.

University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City
Theotrical Framework

Profiles of interviewer were the ABM Analysis of the data through:

students of the USA will be  Gathering of Data through

interviewed about who will take the interview
business course.

 Age
 Gender
 Strand

Advantages and Disadvantages

 Advancement of the strand

 The strength and weaknesses
of the strand
 The effectiveness of the strand

University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City

Definition of Terms

In this study, the accountancy is major course of the commerce or business
course. Which is the accountancy is one of the most popular course in the University of San
Agustin. Accountancy also known as Bachelor of Accounting, is the principal
academic degree in accountancy in several countries, and is often the only
(undergraduate) degree recognized for subsequent practice as a professional accountant


In this study also, the business courses is a program of study offered at

universities and colleges that focuses on business theory, practices and management. An example
of business administration is a class on the principles of accounting.

In this study, covers the education of business. It is also a course provided by an
educational establishment such as a university, which teaches skills concerning
the management of a company, business, etc.

ABM Strand
In this study, the ABM strand is one of the Academic tracks. This means
Accountancy, Business, and Management. This track also is for those who plan on taking up
Economics, Business Administration, Accountancy and Marketing in college.

In this study, economics means the branch of knowledge concerned with the
production, consumption, and transfer of wealth. The economics is also one of the specialized
subjects of the ABM strand.

University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City

BED (Basic Education Department)

In this study, it is also a formal education occurs in a structured environment
whose explicit purpose is teaching the students. This program contains K-1 and K-2, Grade
school, Junior High School, and Senior High school.

SHS Curriculum

In this Study Covers the last two years of the K to 12 program and includes
Grades 11 and 12. In SHS, students will go through a core curriculum and subjects under a track
of their choice. SHS curriculum has 4 Tracks, Sports Track, Arts and Design, Technical-
Vocational Livelihood and Academic track. The ABM strand is part of Academic Track.

University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City

Chapter 3


This Chapter consists of three parts: (1) Research Design, (2) Respondents of the
study and (3) Instruments of the study.
Part One, Research Design, describes or confers the research design and the
variables of the study.
Part Two, Respondents of the Study, a person who gives a response or answer to a
question that is asked especially as part of the interview.
Part Three, Instrument of the Study, are measurement tools (for example,
questionnaires or scales) designed to obtain data on a topic of interest from research subjects

Research Design
This qualitative research will conduct an interview to gather the perception of the
respondents. The selected respondents will be interview by the questions provided by the

The researchers will conduct an informal interview with guide questions and
documentation of pictures, videos, voice record. The data collected will come from the answers
of the respondents.

University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City

Respondents of the Study

The study will use some respondents from University of San Agustin. The
respondents of this study are the ABM Senior High School Students.

The researchers chose the students as their respondents using the purposive
method which is a type of non-probability sampling technique that focuses on the unit that are
investigated based on the judgment of the researcher.

The respondents were classified according to their age, gender and section. As to
gender, the respondents were grouped as male and female; as to age, the respondents were
grouped from 17-18; as to section, the respondents were grouped as A,B, and D.

Instruments of the Study

The instrument used to collect the data is through the interview which is classified
as informal. The informal interview will be composed of open ended questions related to the
research problem which is to determine the Advantages and Disadvantages of taking the
Business course as ABM Senior High School Students in the University of San Agustin. The
interview is divided into two parts: Profile and Perception (Negative and Positive)

The question provided was made for the convenience of the respondents in order
for them to understand easily the thought. The interview was divided into parts to give a step by
step process in the knowledge of respondents.

University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City

Chapter 4

Presentation of Data

The researchers conducted an informal interview with ABM Senior High School
students at the University of San Agustin, whether the respondents will be taking up business as
their course when they graduated Senior High School and asked them some of the advantages
and disadvantages of taking up this strand.


University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City

Name Arah Mae Orciso

Maria Irish Pillo

Rosalene Davila

Jun Raymond Bernas

Vina Palmitos

Age 17





Gender Female





Section (ABM D)





University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City

The guided Questions and Answers

 Why did you take the ABM - Because ABM Strand offers subjects that are related to
strand? my dream career.

- I take the ABM strand because it's related to the

course that I want to take up in college.

- I choose ABM because I think its easier than other


- I took ABM Strand because I’m good in numbers and

I can improve my business skill.

- For basic education and to proceed college.

 •Are you choosing the business - Yes, I’m going to take Business Management as my
management as your course? course.

- Yes, Business or Accountancy.

- Yes

- Istill don't know because I'm planning on taking

nautical course.

- Yes

•How can this strand help if you will - This strand will help me by teaching me all the basics
take business as your course? of the course I intend to take.

- Yes, Business or Accountancy.

University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City
- Yes. It can help me alot because of the subject that I
take up . Like economics, entrepreneur and also the
specialization of the subject that I chose . It's all related
to business. We need to study this first in order to be a
successful entrepreneur someday.

- To gain more knowledge about business

- Through the lesson that the school will offer related to

the course.

• As an ABM student, what are the - The benefits I can gain are the early lessons I learn
benefits of the strand that can help you from this strand, the companionship from my fellow
in taking business courses? business minded classmates and the knowledge I gain
from the curriculum of Senior High School.

- The benefits of this strand, I can enrich my knowledge

about business.

- As an Abm student, it is a benefit to me to take this

strand because Someday when I'll take up my college
course, i have already a background in terms of
business because of the subjects that we have today and
also of the specialization. i woudnt take a hard time to

- It can help a lot because they teaches us some basics

about businesses.

- It will teach us basic parts of the lesson that we will

take when we go to college

University of San Agustin
What are the advantages of the strand?
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City

• Is the business course in demand? - 5 of the respondents answered Yes.

• Is it beneficial for the students who -All of the respondents agreed to this question.
takes the strand?

 Is it affordable for the parents? - 4 out of 5 answered Yes, the other said that it depends
in the income of the parents or the people who pays
their tuition.

• Is the strand suited for the business - All of the respondents agreed to this.

• Will the strand be effective in the - All of the respondents agreed to this.
business course?

• What is your plan after you graduate - Proceed to college as a a double major and hopefully
Senior High School? survive.

- Go to college.

- Proceed to college related to commerce.

- Pursue Accountancy

24 to college.
University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City

What are the disadvantages of the strand?

 Is ABM Senior high school expensive

Universityinof -San
some who are not well off in life. It is quite
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City
- 4 of the respondents answered Yes.

• Is the strand still in process for trial and error? - My opinion is that we are the guinea pigs in
What’s your opinion? this experimental batch and we will determine if
it will be successful or not.

- There are some error in the schedules.

- We’re human and we should not be the one to

test the K-12 curriculum.The education is so
important.Time, money and hardships are the
things that’s wasted. They must be sure first
before we will proceedbecause we are the one’s
who will suffer. We we’re about to drown
because of the many things that are tasked. The
budget of the government is not enough. Our
parents have nothing left.If ever they’ll consider
and have mercy on us.

- University of San Agustin is equipped with

professors who are suited to teach the ABM
Strand students. So in my opinion, Senior high
school in University of San Agustin is doing

• Can the capacity of the students be enough? - It depends, because all students are different in
their own ways and we adapt to school in
different ways.

- No

- 2 of the respondents answered Yes.

- Maybe, with all the hectic projects and

schedule who knows?
University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City

This study aims to determine the different perceptions of some of the ABM
Senior High School students in the University of San Agustin. The researchers asked some
respondents a few questions regarding the advantage and disadvantages when taking up the
ABM Strand. As we can see the table above, the respondents agreed more to the following
advantages question that disadvantages. The respondents all agreed that ABM Strand is the right
strand to choose if you are going to take business as your course after graduating Senior High
School. The respondents will also proceed to college after they graduated and most of the
respondents will take up business as their course.

Most of the respondents are sure of their decisions in having ABM as their strand
because this can help, give them more idea and enhance their knowledge about the course they
are going to take after graduating Senior High School. Also, the disadvantages they gave is not
only the problem of the ABM students but all of the Senior High School. The researchers
conclude that there are not much disadvantage in taking up the ABM Strand if you will proceed
in getting the business course because this strand will help you a lot.

Therefore, there are more advantages than disadvantages choosing ABM Strand if
you take business as your course after you graduate.

Chapter 5


This study deals on the factors that influence students in majoring management in
the business field. It seeks to answer the problem: What is the most important factor that
influences majoring management?

There is a significant difference between the academic track and the business
course such as the teachings of the teachers. Where the topic in college is too mainstream, while
the ABM strand is to study and learn the discussion of Accountancy, Business, Management, and
also Economics.

The investigation used as descriptive type of search and utilized a questionnaire

University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City
on business courses and academic track based by the researchers’ observations and experiences.
The investigation also tells how the ABM strand is truly effective in Business field. The
researchers also are looking forward about the influential needs of the students by deciding their
own career paths and ideas to be enrolled in the field of business.

The data and observations gathered were analyzed by the researchers, and looking
the solution of the problem about how the ABM strand is effective in Business course.

University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City


First of all, the researchers would like to give their sincere grateful gratitude to
our Lord God Father Almighty for giving the researchers strength and inspiration to finish this
study with his given strength for us to determine from creating the title of the study to

To Mrs. Estorque, Mrs.Bernardo, Mr. and Ms. Flores, Mrs. Clavel, Mrs. Doctora,
Mrs. Layson, Mr. and Mrs. Soriano, and of course To Mr. and Mrs. Valtoribio. The researchers'
ever supportive and ever loving parents for supporting and providing the researchers their
necessary needs for the study from financial support to moral support and warm words to
motivate and inspire the researchers with their study. The researchers would not get this far
without your help the researchers is very thankful to have you as their dear parents.

To the researchers teacher Mrs. Maria Cielo G. Mirasol, your patience motivated
and gave the researchers hope to finish the study through understanding and giving us more
ideas, you also defended and fought with the researchers battle for their rights the researchers are
indeed very thankful because you are their teachers, you have been a big help for the researchers
study and the researchers lives where you give the researchers more easy option to deal with the
subject matter. The researchers couldn't do this far without you help.

To the researchers classmates and friends who help to make things possible
through helping and been with the researchers all throughout the study even with the hectic
schedule you are still there to support and understand the researchers. For the entire person
behind the success of the study the researchers are very thankful to all the support and all the
help that you have offer you all have been a big part to the researchers’ lives.

University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City


Based on the findings of the study, the researchers recommend that deciding your
own course is not easy.

The researchers recommend that choosing or the students should decide their own
decision early as possible. The researchers also recommend the students that they would aware
of choosing their course and choosing their own courses positively.

The teachers are also the most important factor to teach the students on how they
look forward on what degree should be taken up of the students. The teachers also should help
the students on how the ABM strand is can be fit in Business course. Also the USA is teachers
have a good work on teaching the students.

Business firms or corporation are also made to carry on what students have been
made. For their special knowledge in business, corporation will hire them to carry on their
business for the improvement and everlasting employment like Chinese style and employment
processes. In demand of industry about business graduation also support for student needs of job
employment process.

University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City


Based on the findings of the study, some of the respondents is looking forward on
what course they should take either marine or business administration.

The students of the ABM strand are grouped according to their age and gender. It
is shown that the time management is the only reason to disadvantage the effectiveness of the
ABM strand and also the problem is the lack of decisions to decide what course would be taken
up under the business field. It is also shown that students should have a greatly influenced or
motivated them to major management.

The students have an influential factor which is the business current trend because
of the business firms in the world and contribute in improving family business.

Therefore, the researchers conclude, that the advantage of the business

course/ABM strand is to expand your mind in business skills like making a business in the
future. Also the disadvantage of the business courses/ABM Strand is lack of expenses such as
tuition, and the time management of the school.

University of San Agustin
Gen. Luna st., Iloilo City


USA library (Thesis section)


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