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1. The video discusses three things that, if we let them, will lead us in the right direction. The first
section discusses getting to know the true self, who you are, and what you desire in this world. Even
though we don't know what will happen in the future, we must have a sense of direction in our lives.
Second, when we pursue a job that we are enthusiastic about, we must have a sense of service and
purpose. When we provide service to others, we must make it meaningful, and in this way, success will
follow. Third, doing the right thing is always simple, even if it is difficult to do; even if others do not
recognize the right things we do, we do not let it affect us.

2. The video encourages us to be strong and fearless in every situation that may arise, and to always be
prepared. We must have the vision and mission in ourselves in order to be efficient in our time, as it
serves as a guide to a tranquil and prosperous existence. Respectful and truthful, we must always do the
right thing and be true to ourselves, and we must respect the lives of others and refrain from passing
judgment. We must always think of the finest ways to help us define ourselves through innovation and
adaptation because we all have strengths and shortcomings. Make the most of the skills we have to
define who we truly are. Finally, we must love and devote ourselves to the service we want to be
associated with importance in order to be serviceable.

3. In my own life, I've been enticed by bad decisions, and to be absolutely honest, I've made decisions
that have had a negative impact on my life. There was a time when I attempted to court someone at a
young age. I honestly regretted making that decision since I've discovered there's more to me than
putting in more effort for someone else. I've reached a moment where I've recognized I need to focus
and invest in myself because I'm still young and have a lot of time to grow as a human being. When
Ma’am Winfrey said “When you are not in the driver seat or the driver of your car, life will drive you”, I
felt that. We must be the protagonists of our own stories, and we must not allow others to dictate our


1. Have the Eagle Mindset, a mindset where actions are more valuable than words. A mindset where
you have a vision. A mindset where you fear nothing and are a risk-taker. This really enlightens us for it
shows that we must stay focused on our goals and that we must not let distractions affect us from
reaching our goals. It depicts the eagle that is not afraid to take risks despite its outcomes. In this way,
we will be stepping away from our comfort zone and it will be for the betterment of ourselves.

2. This video tells us to be Valiant, to not fear the outcomes that will be presented, and instead, use it as
a lesson learned to be carried on in the future. Face our weaknesses and improving our strengths is a
way to step away from our comforts in life. Becoming efficient in ourselves, to make the best of our own
self, to have character development as well our intelligence. Using our mind and heart in the right way
will create an eternal life wherein peace and success is present. It also teaches us to become truthful, to
do as we speak, to act as we say, we should take into consideration that actions speak more than words,
in becoming true to what we say and having the power to do so.
3. Since the pandemic, I’ve been consistent in making myself active every day. There were times when I
felt the urge to stop it, but thankfully, my mindset didn’t let me quit from what I’m doing. It was
honestly a big step for me to work out and do cardio every day even if there are school days. After
months, I haven’t realized that I was already improving in myself because motivation is nothing
compared to discipline. “Everything happens for a reason”, just like what Einstein said “In every
reaction, there is an equal and opposite reaction”. Even if you feel like it is not the best thing that
happened, there is a reason for that.

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