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I. Activate

Classify the six macro skills mentioned as productive or receptive. Write

your answers in the box provided.

Productive Skills Receptive Skills

Speaking Reading
Writing Listening
Viewing Representing

Explain: Speaking and writing are known as the productive skills as they both require some
form of language output, while reading and listening are known as the receptive skills.
Alternatively, you may also find the productive skills referred to as the active skills and the
receptive skills referred to as the passive skills.
While representing is also part of productive skills it enables students to communicate their
ideas visually through a variety of media, including charts, posters, 
And viewing is receptive because it focuses on student communication of their
understanding of the meaning of communications from others.

II. Abstract

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

Language Keywords Description of Possible Lesson
Macro Skill the Skill Topics
Listening ‘’understand, Listen in order to Recognize and
interpret and understand, think distinguish
evaluate’’ critically respond sounds;
creatively recognize parts of
Speaking ‘’building and Speak with Use correct
sharing meaning’’ understanding, to vocabulary,
communicate pronunciation,
knowledge, ideas, grammar
Reading ‘’Draw meaning’’ Read with Decode by
and ‘’interpret understanding to recognizing parts
information’’ apply, analyze, of words,
evaluate, and to sentences
create new
Writing ‘’use symbols’’ Write to Form letters
communicate properly and
knowledge, ideas neatly; spell
experiences, words accurately;
goals use correct
Viewing ‘’perceiving, View in order to Recognize and
examining understand, think distinguish print
interpreting and critically respond and non materials
constructing creatively and be able to
meaning’’ critic the


II . Abstract

Describe a specific part Describe a specific Why do you

of the activity that part of the activity consider the
shows whole-to –part that shows part-to- activity as an
instruction. whole instruction. example of
balanced method?
Activity 1 The text contains Teachers select a Because teacher
Rhyming words or Big Book that is used different
patterns that are slightly above the method according
predictable for students. level of most the level of his/her
students. students.
Activity 2 The students will read the The teacher The teacher should
same book appropriate to prepares a check the
their reading level. comprehension comprehension level
check afterwards of the students if
they really
understand what
they read.
Activity 3 The teacher models a The class Give them the
range of skills like collaboratively guidance that they
grammar, phonics etc. creates a written need as a teacher
work. we are the facilitator
and the model of our

Learning Teaching Title of the Description of
Competencies Method Used Activity the Activity

Activity 1 MT2PWR-Iai- Write upper and Phonics and Writing

3.3 lower case Word
letters using Recognition
cursive strokes.
Activity 2 MT2OL-Ig-h1.4 Talk about Oral Language Speaking
famous people,
places, events,
etc. using
descriptive and
action words in


ADDIE Instructional Design

Lesson Planning Worksheet

Step 1: Analyze

1A. What are your goals for your lesson?

My goals are for them to really understand my lesson very well and to gain extra and more
knowledge about my lesson.

1B. What are the relevant characteristics of your learners that you will consider?

I will consider those students with lower thinking capacity because there are students that very
slow on analyzing the lesson easily, so we have to consider them as well.

Step 2: Design

2A. What are your specific learning objectives?

Content Standards
Grammar Awareness- Demonstrates understanding and knowledge of language
grammar and usage when speaking and/or writing.

B. Performance Objective

2B. How will you measure if students have achieved these objectives? What assessment tools and
processes will you use?
I will measure them by assessing them using quiz or oral recitation.

Step 3: Develop

3A: What instructional strategies will you use?

I will integrate ICT to my lesson so that they will easily understand my topic.

3B: What logistical issues impact your lesson?

So far there is nothing logistical issues on my lesson plan.

Step 5: Evaluate

5A: What feedback did you receive? What would you change about your plan?

I receive feedback about my time, since I consume so much time.

5B: What would you need to watch out for when you implement it?

I need to be very mindful about the time management

Factors Affecting Children’s Learning
Why every child learns differently?

 Preferred learning style - All young children learn through meaningful

hands-on experiences—through touching, doing, and moving. And children
also learn through seeing and hearing. As you observe your child, you will
begin to identify strengths and preferences that tell you something about your
child’s preferred learning style.

 Gender (male or female) - Studies show that boys learn differently than
girls. Brain scans tell part of the story. In general, more areas of girls' brains,
including the cerebral cortex (responsible for memory, attention, thought, and
language) are dedicated to verbal functions.

 Parents‛ education - Parents are also the most important teachers for their
children; Children learn the most from their parents. Children learn things that
their parents try to teach them that is why it is very important that parents
have at least knowledge on how to teach them properly such as how to count
numbers. Children also learn things just by watching their parents and
copying what they do.

 Language ability - When children learn a new language, they are introduced

to customs and values belonging to a different society. This encourages them
to think from a new point of view, improving cultural sensitivity. At a crucial
time in their development, exposing children to new ways of seeing the world
and appreciating where others come from can be character-defining.

 Special education needs - A child has special educational needs if they

have a learning problem or disability that make it more difficult for them to
learn than most children their age. They may have problems with schoolwork,
communication or behavior. Parents can get help and advice from specialists,
teachers and voluntary organizations.

 Family‛s economic status - Families affect children’s learning behaviors and

academic achievement in important ways, as they are the primary and most
significant environments that the children are exposed to.

 Health and nutrition status - Children who are unhealthy are at higher risk
for school problems than students who are free from medical
problems. Students with poor health have a higher probability of school
failure, grade retention, and dropout. The relationship between student health
and academic success is complex.
 Innate potential and capacities- Everyone learns differently. No two brains
are alike. The brain is made up of many different networks that help learning.
Some people learn better by seeing, others learn better by hearing and still
others need to do something in order to really learn new information.

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