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AE392/393/480 LESSON PLAN

Organizer/Cover Sheet
Name: Kara Marie White

School: St Thomas More High School

Date: FA21 (November 2, 2021)

Cooperating Teacher: Jodi Brezenski

College Supervisor: Andrea Skyberg

Title of Unit/Lesson: Creativity Warm Up

Grade: High School


Rationale: Learner & Context

These learners are enrolled in a Design class. They are high schoolers aged 15 or above. There
are six students in the course. The class is in the middle of a project where students are
rethinking everyday household objects and making then out of paper. This project is an exercise
in creativity, where students will work on trust and risk-taking. They are quiet and not very
social. When working collaboratively it encourages social interaction. These students come from
a variety of financial and ethnic backgrounds. None of the students have IEPs, though there is a
color blind student and a student who is deaf in one ear. To accommodate, no color will be used
in the activities and a typed instruction hand out will be passed out.

National Standards:
Creating VA:Cr2.1.Ia Engage in making a work of art or design without having a preconceived
VA:Cr1.1.Ia Use multiple approaches to begin creative endeavors.
Connecting VA:Cn10.1.IIa Utilize inquiry methods of observation, research, and
experimentation to explore unfamiliar subjects through artmaking

Enduring/BIG IDEA: Creativity

Meaning Making: How will students make meaning through this lesson?
This activity is a support to a bigger lesson. The lesson itself requires the students to think
outside of their normal realm of comfort. Students also practice working collaboratively, risk
taking and trust.
Students are likely to feel vulnerable when sharing their artwork so closely with other students.
They have to trust themselves, their creative process and their classmates to respect their work.
With limited time working on each activity, students will also be learning to move on after
making mistakes.

In what ways will students have opportunities to make choices?

Students are encouraged to create, they are able to create anything they want for parts of the
exercise, making it as realistic or abstract as they wish.
Student Learning Goals for Learning Segment (group of lessons), Unit, or Lesson:
Students will be able to rethink how they picture everyday household objects.

Instructional objective(s) [Cognitive, Affective, Social, Physical]: (LWBAT)

LWBAT work collaboratively with other students’ work
LWBAT work within a time and space restraint
LWBAT transform present images into new visuals
LWBAT create a unique image
LWBAT Break down household objects into basic shapes
LWBAT explore exercises in creativity
LWBAT work intuitively

Essential Questions:
What does it mean to be creative?
What are some ways we can work on thinking outside of the box?
What environment do we need to do our most creative thinking?
How can curiosity play into creativity?
How can we take play and directly create a product that can function in society?

Materials Needed: (WI Teacher Standard #3)

- 7 Print out of 3-minute circles

- 7 Print out imagination workout worksheet

- 7 Print out of Creativity test worksheet

- 7 Print out of office supplies worksheet

- 7 Print out of kitchen supplies worksheet

- 14 Blank sheets of paper

- 7 Black markers

- 7 Pens, pencils, or other drawing supply of choice

Total Time Needed for Lesson_____82 minutes________

- Journal (5 minutes)
- Introduction (5 minutes)
- Pass out (5 minutes)
- 3-minute circles (3 minutes)
- Imagination workout & creativity test worksheets (14 minutes)
- Swapping squiggles (10 minutes)
- Rotating work (20 minutes)
- Kitchen worksheet & Office worksheet (10 minutes for both worksheets)
- Clean up and reflection (10 minutes)

Introduction (MOTIVATION): Ms. B introduced the Household Objects project. Can

anyone remind the class what we are doing for that project? Today’s class we are going to be
doing some fun activities that will hopefully help you come up with some ideas for what objects
you could create. And we are going to work on some creativity exercises that will hopefully help
you make your objects more unique.
Steps for instruction
___ We are going to start by filling out the worksheets with all the circles in it. We are going
to have 3 minutes to fill this out. You can fill the circles with textures, patterns, little scenes,
household objects, something abstract, anything you want as long as it is school appropriate. Try
to make sure you fill all the circles. I will let you know when we are down to one minute.
We are going to get up and walk around to take a look at everyone’s work.
What did you notice? Does anyone want to share one or a few of their circles that they think
turned out well? Was this process difficult for you? What do you think made it easy or hard?
___ Next up is the two worksheets called imagination workout and creativity test. You will
have about 15 minutes to turn these squiggles and random marks into images. Again, no
limitations on what the images are other than appropriate for a school setting. I’ll let you know
when we are about halfway done so you can have an idea of when you should be switching to the
other sheet if you have not already.
We are again going to look around at everyone’s work.
What sort of images did you come up with? Was there a lot similarities? Did anyone have any
really unique images?
___ Okay now we are going to a similar idea as the last two sheets. This time you are going
to take one of the blank sheets of paper, your marker and add your own squiggle, shape, line, or
group of lines. I will give you all a moment do that before explaining further.
Now that we have those down, you’re going to hand them all to me. I am going to hand you back
a sheet, it could be someone else’s it, could be yours. You are now going to create an image
based on what is on the paper in front of you. You will have just under 10 minutes to work on
this, develop your image as much as possible within these 10 minutes
Does anyone want to share?
___ Alright, pull out your other sheet of blank paper. We are going to spend a total of 20
minutes on this one. Go ahead and just start drawing a picture, any picture you want. There are
no restrictions other than be school appropriate, it is completely up you what you decide to draw.
You will have 3 minutes to start on this drawing, then we are going to pass the work to a
Okay now Pass your paper clockwise, continue creating based off of what is already there. You
can try to continue what you think the person before you was trying to make or take what is there
and move it into a completely different direction.
Rotate again, handing your paper to same person you handed to before.
(Repeat until all students have received each of the drawings.)
Let’s see all of these art pieces that everyone came up with.
What do you think this exercise has to do with your household objects project?
___ lastly we are going to fill out the two sheets with the boxes on them, which should be
your last two pieces of paper. One should be kitchen items and one should be office supplies.
These will help you with some brainstorming some of your options for what you can be making
out of paper next week. We will spend 10 minutes of these, you can do one at a time or both as
you have ideas, switching back and forth. I will let you know when there is 5 minutes left to
work on these. Think about how you would break down these objects into simpler shapes. If you
were to make them out of paper for the project, what shapes would you use to make it
What are some objects that everyone came up with?
If you are missing some of these and want to jot them, down feel free.
How do these compare t some of the forms you have made out of paper in class last week?

Closure: As part of your reflection in your sketchbooks today, I would love if you could
also give me some feedback about what you did today. What do you think that you will apply
from this activity on creating your forms for this project? Why do you think I had you work
collaboratively with other students? Please let me know if you have any questions

____Assessment of Learning (WI Teacher Standard #8)

Creativity Warm Up

Rubric Components
3 2 1

Piece has
Create a Piece was not
Unique unique, did
Work Collaboratively aspects, built
Collaborative not build off of
off of other
Piece other students
students work
Objects do
Breakdown objects were
not visually
household drawn, but not
Break down represent
objects into broken into
basic shapes simple
Work within a
Filled out only Did not
time and
Time Management some of the complete all
boxes/circles worksheets

Student Self-Assessment:

Teacher Assessment:

Strategies for students requiring additional assistance: (WI Teacher Standard #3)
Students will receive a hand out and verbal instruction,
No colored imagery involved.
Let me know if you have any questions at any point

1. Find the worksheets with all the circles in it. You will have 3 minutes to fill this out. You
can fill the circles with textures, patterns, little scenes, household objects, something
abstract, anything you want as long as it is school appropriate. Try to make sure you fill
all the circles. We are going to get up and look at everyone’s work and discuss it.

2. Find the two worksheets called imagination workout and creativity test. You will have
about 15 minutes to turn these squiggles and random marks into images. Again, no
limitations on what the images are other than appropriate for a school setting. We are
going to get up to look at everyone’s work and discuss it.

3. Take one of the blank sheets of paper, your marker and add your own squiggle, shape,
line, or group of lines. (Similar to how it appeared on the last two worksheets.)
Hand your paper to me
I am going to hand you back a sheet, it could be someone else’s it, could be yours.
You are now going to create an image based on what is on the paper in front of you. You
will have 10 minutes to work on this, develop it as far as you can get within the time

4. On the next sheet of blank paper, Go ahead and just start drawing a picture, any picture
you want. There are no restrictions other than be school appropriate, it is completely up
you what you decide to draw. Start creating right away. Don’t spend a lot of time
planning. You will have 3 minutes to work on this drawing. We are going to switch
drawings. Pass your paper clockwise, continue creating based off of what is already there.
You can try to continue what you think the person before you was trying to make or take
what is there and move it into a completely different direction.
We will rotate again, handing your paper to same person you handed to before.
We will continue to rotate papers until everyone has worked on every piece

5. Share any of the work you have done if you want to.

6. Lastly, fill out the two sheets with the boxes on them, which should be your last two
pieces of paper. One should be kitchen items and one should be office supplies. These
will help you with some brainstorming some of your options for what you can be making
out of paper next week. We will spend 10 minutes of these, you can do one at a time or
both as you have ideas, switching back and forth. Think about how you would break
down these objects into simpler shapes. If you were to make them out of paper for the
project, what shapes would you use to make it
We are going to share some of our objects
If you are missing some of these and want to jot them, down feel free.

7. As part of your reflection in your sketchbooks today, I would love if you could also give
me some feedback about what you did today. What do you think that you will apply from
this activity on creating your forms for this project? Why do you think I had you work
collaboratively with other students? Please let me know if you have any questions

1. The rationale is clearly articulated and addresses all five points.

2. The focus of the lesson is indicated and consistent with the design of the plan.

3. The ‘big’ idea and the goal are clearly and simply stated and student-oriented. Big ideas
and Goals are not usually measurable.

4. Opportunities for meaning making and choice are clearly articulated and are visible in the

5. The standards reflect one or more of the following: Creating, Presenting, Responding,

6. The objective(s) is/are clearly drawn from the goal. The objective(s) is/are
a. Observable and student-oriented.
b. Stated using a verb based on Bloom’s taxonomy
c. Show the quality of what is being learned

7. The materials to be used are listed in detail

8. Academic Language is planned for and explained.
9. There is a well-planned, relevant motivational aspect.
10. The procedures are listed logically and sequentially and focus on what the students will do.
11. The time frame is laid out.
12. The closure is designed to capture the essence of the lesson.

13. The assessment is linked to the goals and objectives and in keeping with the lesson design.

Post-teaching Self-Assessment-

after each lesson, respond to each question and upload after teaching

1. Was/were the goals/objectives met? Explain.

2. Did you modify your original plan? If so, how did you adapt the plan and why.

3. If you were to teach this lesson over, what would you do differently?

4. To follow up on this lesson, what would you teach next?

5. What worked best in your lesson?

6. What did you do to motivate learners? Explain. Consider communication and social
interaction skills. (Refer to Social Interaction Abilities)

7. What did you find most difficult about teaching this lesson? Explain. (Refer to Social
Interaction abilities)

8. What insights do you have about student learning from the assessment?

9. How did you use the cooperating teacher's expertise in planning this lesson?

10. What teaching ability or skill will you work on next time?

11. What planned supports would you add if you taught this lesson again?

12. How would you adjust the use of Academic Language to make the lesson stronger?


AE392/393/480 NON-OBSERVED LESSON PLAN (circle one)

Cooperating Teacher Comments Regarding Lesson Plan and Implementation of Lesson – the
cooperating teacher uses this form for the lessons that only she/he observes; the Triadic Assessment
form is used for the lessons that both the cooperating teacher and college supervisor observe.
Cooperating teacher: The student should share his/her lesson plan with you prior to teaching it. Please
indicate when the student shared the lesson plan with you.

The field student shared the lesson plan with me prior to teaching it.

The field student did not share the lesson plan with me prior to teaching it.

(Cooperating Teacher Signature) (School) (Date)

Student: Lesson Title:
Date: Grade Level:

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