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Name: … Date: …

English III - Class # … Teacher: Jimena Rivadeneira

Remember to submit this worksheet on SIDWeb until Tuesday 23h59.


 Work at home and complete all the exercises below.

 Get ready for a mini-quiz next class.

PART A - Topic: Vocabulary_Unit 7B_Verbs and Prepositions

Exercise 1
a. Take a look at this interactive presentation in the platform of Cambridge:
Resources_Language Check_Unit 7B: House and home_Vocabulary: Verbs and prepositions

a. Complete the activities on PAGE 2 , take a screenshot and paste it below.

b. Complete the activities on PAGE 3 , take a screenshot and paste it below.

Exercise 2
a. Match the words in the box with the prepositions.


1. _____with someone

2. _____with something

Think about something

3. _____about something
4. _____about something
5. _____about something

Pay for something

Wait for something
6. ______ for something

7.______ in something

8. ______ in doing something

Rely on someone/something
9. ______ on someone/something

10. ______ to someone

PART B - Topic: Grammar_Unit 7A_Modals of Deduction

Exercise 1
b. Take a look at this interactive presentation in the platform of Cambridge:
Resources_Language Check_Unit 7: House and home_Grammar: Quantifiers

c. Complete the activities on PAGE 5 , take a screenshot and paste it below.

Exercise 2
b. Go over the next explanation about Quantifiers
c. Underline the correct quantifier in each sentence.

Exercise Answers

1. no
2. …
3. …
4. …
5. …
6. …
7. …
8. …
9. …
10. …
d. Complete the sentences so that they mean the same as the first sentence.


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