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Câu tường thuật

I. Định nghĩa: Câu tường thuật, hay còn gọi là câu gián tiếp, là câu được dùng khi chúng ta
muốn thuật lại hay kế lại một câu mà người khác đã nói.

Có 2 loại câu tường thuật:

- Tường thuật trực tiếp
- Tường thuật gián gián

II. Tường thuật trực tiếp

- Wind says: “The rainbow appears after the rain stops.”
- The doctor said to his patient: “You will be fine soon.”

Đặc điểm nhận dạng:

- Có dấu : và “ ”
- Có động từ tường thuật say, tell, introduce,… được chia thì phù hợp với ngữ cảnh
- Thì của nội dung tường thuật (trong dấu “ ”) được giữ nguyên, không thay đổi, tường thuật
lại y lời người kể.

III. Tường thuật gián tiếp

- Wind says (that) the rainbow appears after the rain stops.
- The doctor said to his patient (that) she would be fine soon.

Đặc điểm nhận dạng:

- Không có dấu : và “ ”
- Có động từ tường thuật say, tell, introduce,… được chia thì phù hợp với ngữ cảnh
- Thì của nội dung tường thuật được giữ nguyên, không thay đổi hoặc lùi thì tùy vào thì của
động từ tường thuật.

+ Giữ nguyên thì khi: động từ tường thuật ở thì hiện tại
Ex: “It is raining outside”, say they.
→ They say it is raining outside.

+ Lùi thì khi: động từ tường thuật ở thì quá khứ.

Ex: “It is raining outside”, said they.
→ They said it was raining outside.

Khi lùi thì cần chú ý:

1. Khi lùi thì, chỉ lùi 1 thì.

Ví dụ:
Hiện tại → Quá khứ
Tương lai → Tương lai trong quá khứ
Quá khứ → Quá khứ hoàn thành
2. Hướng dẫn lùi thì động từ:

Tense Direct Speech Reported Speech

I like ice cream She said (that) she liked ice cream.

I am living in London She said (that) she was living in London.

She said (that) she had bought a car OR She said

past simple I bought a car
(that) she bought a car.

past I was walking along She said (that) she had been walking along the
continuous the street street.

I haven't seen Julie She said (that) she hadn't seen Julie.

I had taken English She said (that) she had taken English lessons
past perfect*
lessons before before.

will I'll see you later She said (that) she would see me later.

would* I would help, but..” She said (that) she would help but...

I can speak perfect

can She said (that) she could speak perfect English.

I could swim when I

could* She said (that) she could swim when she was four.
was four

shall I shall come later She said (that) she would come later.
I should call my
should* She said (that) she should call her mother

might* I might be late She said (that) she might be late

I must study at the She said (that) she must/had to study at the
weekend weekend

* doesn’t change

3. Đổi các đại từ và tính từ sở hữu:

Trong câu trực tiếp Trong câu tường thuật

I He, she
Đại từ nhân xưng We They
You I, We
Mine His, hers
Đại từ sở hữu Ours Theirs
Yours Mine, Ours
My His, her
Tính từ sở hữu Our Their
Your My, Our
Me Him, her
Tân ngữ Us Them
You Me, us

4. Đổi các trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn và thời gian thích hợp nhất khi biến đổi sang câu tường thuật

Câu trực tiếp Câu gián tiếp hay câu tường thuật
This That
These Those
Here There
Now Then/ at the time
Today That day
Yesterday The day before/ the previous day
The day before
Two days before
Tomorrow The day after/ the next day/ the following day
The day after
Two days after/ in two days’ time
Ago Before
This week That week
Last week The week before/ the previous week
The week after/ the following week/ the next
Next week

Tường thuật câu hỏi: Có 2 dạng câu hỏi: Wh-questions và Yes/No questions


Đặc điểm nhận dạng: Có các từ để hỏi như what, who, when, why, how,…
Công thức:
S + asked (+Object) + What/ When/… + Subject _ Verb

Ex:Rose said: “When do you visit my hometown again?”

→ Rose wanted to know when I visited her hometown again.

Yes/No questions
Dùng để tường thuật câu hỏi Yes/No hoặc câu hỏi có nhiều lựa chọn.

Công thức:
S + asked (+Object) + whether/if + Subject _ Verb + (or not).


• Mr. Jones asked: “Are you a new student?”

→ Mr. Jones asked whether/if I were a new student (or not).

• Hoa asked: “Do you like oranges or apples?”

→ Hoa asked me whether/if I liked oranges or apples.

IV. Một số động từ tường thuật:

Từ Công thức Ví dụ
Invite + someone + to + V + O
Invite She threatened to kill me.
(nơi chốn)
Regret Regret + Ving She regretted having stolen money.
Invite Complain about + Ving/noun She complained about her job.
Thank + O (someone) + for +
Thank She thanked him for his help.
Criticise + O (someone) + for + The boss criticized me for having
Ving/Noun made that mistake.
Call Call + O (someone) + a/an noun He called me a liar.
Suspect + O (someone) + of + She suspected me of stealing her
Ving pencil.
Offer Offer + to + V She offered to take me home.
John reproached me for not doing my
Reproach Reproach + someone + for + Ving
Blame Blame + someone + for + Ving She blamed me for taking her money.
She prevented me from being a good
Prevent Dream from + Ving
Tom refused to lend her any more
Refuse Refuse + to + V
Deny Deny + Ving She denied having stolen from me
Admit Admit + Ving She admit stealing from me.
Accuse Accuse + someone + of + Ving She Accese me of stealing her money.
Welcome + O
Welcome (Someone/something) + to + O They welcomed me to their house.
(nơi chốn)
Congratulated+ O (someone) +
She congratulated me a beautiful car.
Congratula a/an+ adj
te Congratulated + O (Someone) + She congratulated me on winning the
on + Ving game.
Wish + O (someone) + (a/an) +
Wish She wished me a happy birthday.
(adj) + noun
Exclaim Exclaim + that + S + V (Mệnh đề)) She exclaim that it was ugly.
Threaten + someone + (not) + to
Threaten She invited me to come to her place.
+ V + O (nơi chốn)
She advised me to take an English
Advise + someone + to + V
Advise The staff advise that you carry water
Advise + (that) + clause
at all times.
Advise + against + verb-ing I'd advise against leaving early.
Agree + to + V She agreed to help me fix my house.
Agree I agreed that the children could do
Agree + (that) + clause
their homework later.
She Decided to help me fix my
Decide + to + V
They Decided that they would go to
Decide + (that) + clause
the cinema.
She promised to help me fix my
Promise + to + V
Promise + (someone) + (that) + I promised him that I wouldn't do it
clause again.
Apologise + (to someone) + for She Apologised for destroying my
Ving house.
Apologise + (to someone) + for +
She apologised for the delay
Encourage Encourage + someone + to V She Encouraged me to work harder.
Explain The teacher explained that the course
Explain + that + S + V (Mệnh đề)
was finished.
Explain + noun + to + O She explained the grammar to the
(someone) students.
Explain + từ wh (wh-question) + John explained where to find the
to + V restaurant.
Explain + từ wh (wh-question) + S We explained what the exams would
+ V (Mệnh đề) cover.
Insist/Persist + on + Ving He insisted/persisted on paying.
Persist Insist/Persist + that + S + (should)
He insisted that we sit down.
He recommended visiting the British
Recommend + Ving
Recommen Museum.
d Recommend + that + S + (should) I recommend that you visit the British
+V Museum.
Remind + O (someone) + to + V She reminded him to take his keys.
Remind Remind + someone + (that) + S + They reminded me that there is a
V+O party tonight.
Suggest + Ving I suggested leaving soon.
Suggest I suggest that you come as soon as
Suggest + that + S + (should) + V
you can.
Warn + someone + (not) + to V I warned them not to go in the water.
Warn + someone + about + She warned us about the dangerous
Warn Noun/(not) Ving roads.
Warn + someone + against + She warned us against the dangerous
Noun/(not) Ving roads.

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