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DEIR. Book Five. Confidence.

Touching the Supreme

I again welcome you, dear readers. We have been waiting for this meeting - and here she was.
We are together again. However, after examining the four previous stages of DEIR, you
understand that we not only when the talk by the book. We constantly feel the energetic
support of each other when needed.

You consistently and persistently follows the path of liberation, the path of mastering the new
features - and many courses on the practical development of DEIR. You deserve respect and
gratitude. You are slow, but very significantly change the destiny of the world.

Cultivating these changes have already sprout here and there. The outside world has changed
little. But in terms of change is subtle and realistic. They have appeared thanks to you. You
nurtured these seeds in ourselves, within the soul and conscience - and they began to stretch
up, to grow, to change the world around you. Thank you.

I thank you for those letters that you sent me. I thank you for your impatience in waiting for a
new, fifth book.

Now is the time the book arrived. The situation was ripe for its emergence. Ripe and you, my
readers and followers. Are you ready to continue the path? I know that you are ready. Then -
go! And let God be with us.

A for those who first met with the system further energy development only in the pages of this
book, I strongly recommend to refer to previous books - «Liberation», «Formation», «Effect»,
«maturity». Without reading it, without the development of techniques outlined in them, you
will be hard to deal with the material in this book and you can not accidentally apply the
technique - which is already fraught with troubles.

What is the fifth stage? I know the question you are interested. In fact, it would seem, all that
is possible, we have already done. We went to a new evolutionary step. As they say, what
more? What else to dream?

Yet most of us feel: that's not all, are not yet the end of the road. Yet something was
missing ... And maybe the most important. Important to move forward on their own lives, free,
relaxed and cheerful, go on forever, and not stray from the path, and not to seek support from
other people and be confident, happy and united with the world when the whole universe with
love break you always helps you, supports you, glad you and before you disclose all of its roads,
which have stelyutsya you down ...

What do we lack? There is a lack of comprehension of the laws that need to know the person
has already overcome the barriers of human evolution and physical limitations of customary

The fifth stage is entirely devoted to the interaction of such person with the world around us - a
world of animate and inanimate nature, and the world of higher force.

You will see that between these worlds there is no separation. They really are united. Because
the world in all its manifestations, is constantly subject to the laws of higher order. So,
speaking of the «inanimate nature», we rather just follow the tradition, because in fact this
expression is wrong. There is natural beauty! All around us, including the so-called non-living
things actually are constantly changing, interacting with each other, including in a single,
coherent process of life the universe, where everything naturally, where there are no
coincidences. No accidents - there are laws. The laws on which the lives, breathes, changes,
included in the various processes of the entire world surrounding us. Unprepared people are not
able to see these laws - he sees only a messy and, as it seemed to him a set of meaningless
coincidences. Trained person is able to not only embrace simultaneously all the characteristics
of life processes of all living organism universe, but also to influence these processes. Any one
of us is able to influence the so-called accident and, if necessary, convert them to their benefit.
We can even more - we can call the desired peace for our event. And we will do so without
violating the laws of the world - of the objective laws on which the universe exists. We will do
this, well to write on these laws. We do this for the sake of peace, and not to harm him.

We can work around obstacles, to distinguish them even before the emergence of reading
information from the future. To do this, we do not even have to do it at the level of
consciousness - this information from the subconscious of the human senses, and gave itself
rights of obstacles without his strong-willed efforts. Subconscious knows what course we need
to move to our path led us to the purpose, among prolegaya did not occur despite everything
obstacles. We can change the probability of events around us.

You already can do, though, can be themselves and not even guess about it. Even a little bit,
and you will be able to do so in practice. In understand these opportunities, in particular, and is
the fifth stage. Believe me, for you it's just very simple. And then everything will be easy and

But the fifth stage, if its whole is much broader. It includes the experience of interaction with
the world trends - Out on the interaction with the higher force - God.

In this book, much less attention is paid to the energy of interaction, the energy conversion
techniques themselves. We are faced now with a much thinner layer of our world and ourselves
- the higher layers of hyperfine information. Energy methods were far below. The time has
come for the development of aerobatics.

All this together is quite a large amount of information. Therefore, the fifth step, we divided
into two stages. And the book you now hold in their hands, is dedicated to the first phase of
development of the fifth stage DEIR.

But - all in order. Still, we have quite a long time have not met on the pages of the book. So
for the re-entry into the fifth stage would require some raskachka, the mood on the continuation
of the work, while retaining and knowledge covered in the new stage of development. And this
new stage has come for you - you have confirmed it, since after the fourth book. It is for your
consolidation at this stage and needed this break.

But now it is time to remember everything and then go on a journey. So, for the work. Fresh
in memory theory.

Chapter 1.
Freedom, success, influence and maturity

Background of the new phase of human evolution

At present, humankind has come to a critical phase in its development. The world clearly
overcrowded. It is time to admit that, no matter how inhuman anyone or appear similar
conclusions. But the fact remains.

Destroyed irreplaceable natural resources. Nature to cause irreparable damage. Land stonet
under the aggressive onslaught of humanity. It seems there is already a single corner of a wild
nature, not a gross invasion of the profane, who recently called himself her master. This
<host> was extremely unwise. He defiled the holy of holies and zapakostil - their home, their
land, without which he himself is unable to survive.

It seems a bit more, even a little bit - and the land, the statute tolerate rough tread divisive
around the mud and ruin <host> is simply skinet it somewhere far away, in the nothingness,
and finally free to sigh:

Our challenge to you - do not be among those who will be off, dropped ravaged Earth from its
surface. And we have quite a lot done to avoid this sad fate. And in that very many will be
dropped, no doubt. And if you understand the meaning of the ongoing worldwide catastrophe,
it is already guess that this process has begun.
This is inevitable. And naturally. Humanity has reached in its development to the full
absurdity. It started just szhirat itself. In fact, what obstacles, challenges, barriers, we often
encounter in your life? With those that created by nature or, for example, the intervention of
aliens? Of course not. Basic everyday difficulties associated with barriers created by the human

Imagine that you have decided to settle with his family somewhere in nature, away from the
dusty city for good - to build a small house somewhere in the quiet pretty village, set up life, so
that enough food and drink, and warmth for the children and relatives. Perhaps this?
Theoretically - yes. In theory - there is nothing easier, nothing more natural! Build a house -
so with this problem easily resolved generations and generations of our ancestors!

But: that's the whole point, that in our time from nowhere vylezli like cockroaches from the
cracks, tens and hundreds of small and ugly <but>.

Build a house? A value of the land? A building materials? And taxes? And where will I work?
And what do we live?

And so ad infinitum. As a result, you dream about a house on the couch in the village, stay
away the age of opostylevshem city, казенной panel mnogoetazhke.

Meanwhile, even some hundred years ago with similar problems and помине was not. This, in
fact, an illusion - that since then life has become better, life has become more fun and generally
freer and happier. This is a misconception that we in childhood persist vkonopachivali in the
brains thoroughly ideological history books.

We will not deal with the global historical events - to compare how he lived a simple man in
Russia in the mid-nineteenth century, and how he lives now. We will do it objectively and
impartially and drop presentation gleaned from textbooks emasculate stories.

We all remember that in 1861 in Russia was abolished serfdom, and all of us are accustomed to
believe that it was a step towards progress, towards freedom, towards a new beautiful life.

But look at how he lived a peasant serf, whom the spare, take the poor unhappy slave.

This <hapless office> had its own house and put on the earth. He lived as a full person, a
family - usually great. And for the house and land gentleman paid only one-tenth of the harvest
- one tenth. In addition, he was obliged to work in the fields barsky (corvee) and once a year to
bring the owner of goods and money (quitrent).

To the wedding of his adult children, all village helped to build their house. Wood for building
was mined in the nearby woods, and put the house in the village. And anyone notice, does not
come to mind that the building materials and land to pay.

Surplus crops grown on their own land, a farmer could bring to the market, they sell or
exchange them for the necessary things to him. When an adequate level of income in this way,
there is a real prospect of redemption of the will. In doing so, again, no one comes to mind that
part of the money he should give other people's uncles in the form of tax.

And it is - a serf peasant life, which still can not serve as an ideal, as well as the lack of
freedom is the absence of freedom. Free segments of the population, respectively, had more
rights and opportunities. However, as we know, and serfs peasants often did not рвались free.
They were comfortable with the life of <under wing> gentleman. And the gentleman, as we
now know, have not always been lyutym monster, as portrayed in his instructive books of our
childhood. Most of the time it was a completely normal person.

And now compare with the life of a serf peasant life of modern man. Hey, in whose favor the
comparison? I do not want to back there, there, in this very serfdom?

If you understand the modern man is essentially a serf to a much greater extent. He is forced
to work at least eight hours a day. He had to give the State a very decent portion of their
earnings (income tax plus a contribution to the pension fund, plus insurance, etc.). In addition,
the portion of the State and the employer pays more, thus increasing the value of its products
and rising prices in the market and the real value of wages has become even smaller.

Lodging in our time is worth so much that its price is much higher than the amount of earnings.
Therefore, in a close apartment yutitsya often two or three families. (Where are we up to the
individual's own home hapless serf peasant!) And in the old man, though he had all his life
properly paid taxes, can count only on their own meager savings to help so children who are
also from the last forces pulled his straps.

In addition, the changed relative prices. For example, if in the last century in Russia to a silver
ruble can buy products for the whole family for a whole month - and now by a corresponding
amount unless you buy 4-5 kg of meat. On industrial goods prices rose less. This suggests
another Grozny symptoms - running out of food resources. From food business we have now
the situation is considerably worse than our ancestors. They ate a really useful food, healthy,
natural, environmentally friendly. We are forced to scratch chemicals, synthetics.

Do not think that the so-bad state of affairs in Russia. So - in the world, with minor variations.
Note that in some countries, the state does not guarantee a person in old age, even a minimum
pension, which is paid to our elderly! So we still have some luck.

So, what side is the current situation from what it was before 1861?

Do not think that blame the government, politics, power, failed to create normal living
conditions for us. No, this is not the case, it is only a consequence rather than the cause. The
reason is so disappointingly situation is much deeper.

It is that society doros to the ugly, monstropodobnyh forms and began to devour its members -
the ordinary people. In fact, devour itself. This is a sign of degeneracy, a sign that the
monster-izzhil society itself.

But once society was born just for good people to provide them with greater comfort and
safety. People have created a market economy, to share food production. People built the city
to ensure their safety. Socium served to humans.

Now everything is the opposite. Man serves the society. It turns out that a person is born and
lives to work for the State to serve in the army, pay taxes: It is the raw material for the
existence of society. Man nowhere to go from all this, it is impossible to hide, to escape from
society, imposing a heavy burden on him. Remember pre-position with the companies where
workers were forced to work, pay fines, purchase necessary to the bench, which contains the
owner (vtridoroga on account of salary), and so on, which only increased his debt. It was a
dream manufacturer. And today? Those dreams have come true. Socium enslaved of their
members. Man has become a resource for the existence of the society - and, if in a
concentration camp, soon all will be given a number. If you continue the process will continue
in the same spirit, the people will simply faceless and powerless appendage ugly social monster,
agamic ants, giant cell tumor, erodes the Earth's body.

Fig. 1. Filling society of limited ecological niche

This process will sooner or later must be stopped. Because we are faced with a choice -
continue to go through the evolution of an individual or a subordinate, dissolved in the emerging
community, painfully resembling community of insects. It is not in vain, some biologists believe
that in the case of anthills or Roy we are not even with the community, and with a single

And now we have to choose: to be part of the tumor, which is about us sozhret, or get rid of
the monster of power and begin to live independently.

Survive in the same as the one who made that choice in favor of personal future, the future, a
founder. This is the essence of the coming evolutionary leap. Old leaves, otzhivshee ill,
parasitic on health. Will a healthy, renewed, brighter.

But why would I say to you? After all, for you, as for many other people, studying the system
DEIR, bonded status of customary rights - long-distance stage.

Further energy Development gives us just needed a chance, bringing people to the brink, for
which mechanisms are forcing people removed.

You've already made that choice, my dear readers. You've already made the transition to a
new level. You already know that the path of transition to a new level is to free itself from the
straitjacket, no longer dance to tune of society, and his humor to break the invisible bonds,
shackled hand and foot man - a freedom-loving and reasonable nature of the substance.

And now we are ready to go further, to open new horizons, to the attainment of power over the
circumstances and contact with the higher spheres. But first, as usual before the long journey,
it is useful to look at the path traversed.

The initial stages of DEIR: from freedom - Maturity

The point is that humanity enslaved giant energy structures that are a byproduct of human
existence - energy parasites. These invisible energy parasite control each member of the
human community. They tend Witch circles, deep ingrowing mycelium in the soil, penetrating
invisible tentacles of energy in people's minds.

Energy parasites - is that still occasionally referred to as egregorami. Each community of

people shared ideas, creates egregor - energy structure with the appropriate properties. A large
group of people, thinking about one, willy-nilly to an energy plan of energy parasitic structure.
This structure does not seem to be doing - it is simply there, feeding on human energy,
podminaya for themselves more and more people grow and gaining strength. And new people,
a result of the impact of this structure (but can do so by subconsciously engage in the
appropriate direction), get opinions and thoughts characteristic of this egregora, for those
people who originally created it. So the mere egregor begin to manage people.
Fig. 2. Energy parasite, similar to jellyfish, keeps on a leash, thousands and
thousands of people, getting from one - the program from others - and using the
energy of the Earth for their own purposes all the

There egregor communism. It then took power, people are often already advanced age, the
protesters with red flags and portraits of past and present <Chiefs>.

There egregor war. It turns people into cannon fodder, using them to their goals.

There egregor revolution. What caused the rise, we know. We all have felt the experience an
excellent example of the emergence, flowering and death of the revolution in Russia. Well know
as encouraging the class struggle has led to the innocent blood, and mass terror, and to
manifestations of popular heroism: And eventually all this goodness is not terminated or for
whom - including the Bolsheviks themselves. However, some benefit is still remained. Namely:
the energy parasite, one's heart popivshy human blood, and for many years successfully
<rulivshy> consciousness of millions of people.

And so on. Energy a lot of parasites, as well as a lot of diverse ideas, "muddle in the air>. By
the way, what a wonderful word turnover (about ideas that's in the air), is not it? In fact, it
fully reflects the real situation of parasitic energy structures.

Because of the influence of these structures are up to seventy percent of the time of his life
spent not on themselves, not to achieve their true goals, but on something they really really
unnecessary - just bring up their energy an expanding energy parasites. As a result, these
parasites have people only grief and suffering.

There are egregory, more help for people - for example, egregory communities of people that
contribute to people held in the profession. The most well known religious egregory, they
protect the adherents of the religion. But in the process of human development, it is desirable
to go from under the power of even these egregorov to go further, to greater freedom. Too
politicized religion in our time.

We were able to build the defense, interrupted the impact energy of parasitic structures. We
were able to acquire their own power, by ceasing to share it with the energy monster. Due to
this we have become stronger, calmer, more confident. We were able to regain control of his
consciousness, took power over the energy of the parasites. Our environment is organized in
such a way that it does not create obstacles to us, but on the contrary, in every way help us.
We are united in a common structure of the soul, mind and body is essential, allowing us access
to new sources of energy, the intuitive, by creativity.

All this has brought us to a new evolutionary stage of development, while most people around
us remained at the previous stage.

And now we are ready to move on to new horizons. By gaining power over the circumstances
and contact with the higher spheres. We have come to a new level of comprehension.

First of all, we managed to reach Liberty

It was a very necessary stage of evolution, because people in the development of civilization
have lost their freedom. Modern humanity internally non-free.

Most people do not understand how they are not free. They yell about their imaginary freedom
at each corner. They do not know that to realize the extent of this lack of freedom can be freed
only in the present.

As long as people unfreedom, he did not understand that he unfreedom.

How do we still managed to break free and realize the extent of lack of freedom the rest of
mankind? Very simply, naturally and with the inevitable. Reflect milestones process.

Prior to the passage of the first stage DEIR, we often met in his life the idea, concept or object,
for inexplicable reasons, which seemed to us extremely interesting and intriguing. But time
passed, the interest poostyl, and then disappeared altogether. Even after some time we have
marvel: and how we can deal with such nonsense? The most interesting thing is that, as then it
turns out, is at the same time, this same subject and interest of many of our friends. They, like
you, inexplicably inflamed interest in the subject, and then as rapidly cooled. Remember if an
outbreak of mass interest is to <gerbalayfu>, then aerobics, then therapeutic starvation, by
hobby diets: Yes There is still massive <psychoses> suddenly learning the knowledge of large
groups of people.

Here it is the impact of energy parasites.

That impact caused you to lose time to spend money on something you do not need, and take
the time and the money from their own families and their lives.

And that's the most friendly and harmless versions. And what if the energy impact of the
parasite cause unreasonable mother to send her son to another war? Yes, the war will bring a
lot of money to the authorities the warring countries. War brings a lot of food energy parasite.
And unhappy mother, she just takes his son, who had nothing and no one returns.

Any reasonable person understands the dangers inherent for us in the existence of energy
parasites. DEIR system has all the vulnerability of these parasites. They are vulnerable in that
they involved human chakras. If we know how it is connected to our energy parasites, then we
can easily understand how to disable them.

Disabling energy parasites from their chakras, we have excluded themselves from the energy
webs, which they braid the millions and millions of people. And deleting themselves from the
web, we have a conscious access to only the most normal and natural for human sources of
energy - the energy of Earth and Space Energy produced in the human body through the central
energy flows that pass the energy along the spine of man.

To do this, we have closed our chakras, creating a protective shell around his body, which is
well off of us from the tentacle of energy parasites. Thus we became free. Thus, we achieved
internal peace. Thus we come to a new world outlook.
Fig. 3. Thanks to the shell you are free from influences from outside. You have no
control over the energy parasites. You were free. You restore the health of

this time we ceased to exist such formidable foes as the evil eye, damage and other energy
defeats. We simply turned them.

Close the energy shell, it was certainly not easy - for that was required to develop a set of
skills. There is a sense of the field, aura vision, joining the harmonizing, the reference state,
the ability to feel the flow of central and manage. We need to not just imagine all this in the
form of some images, not just to understand the level of logic, namely, to find in their own
feelings, to raise consciousness on the surface of a deep layer of feelings - so it was really easy.

We learned all this. For you, those who have mastered the material previous four books, all
the difficulties are already behind. You become free and independent. You have become
stronger and yet more sensitive, more receptive than other people. A recent face-to-face
courses were in the possession of special facilities to receive a huge effect on energy support.
You have escaped from the tentacle of energy parasites and these were different from the vast
majority of people.

So, we have entered a new evolutionary stage, winning a valuable gift in the world - freedom.

And then before us a new road stretches. On the new road had to learn how to make the most
of all, not expecting support from the public (read: energy parasites). This phase is described
in detail in the book <Becoming>.

The transition to this stage we are again confronted with difficulties. In fact, it turned out that
we, the people who have become free, came from under the constant surveillance of parasitic
structures, very, very lacking independence. The most ordinary of autonomy, which, as we
thought before, we have fully learned in childhood.

But there it was. We got rid of the invisible control of energy parasites, their tentacles are
connected to our chakras, and their ideas, as the wires that are connected to our brain. And
then it turned out that without this we can not live, so that to live - even the simple move from
place to place. Just as the majority of the population of the former Soviet Union lost when
disappeared <unostentatious> party control over all spheres of life - just as it was lost and we
are deprived of constant insinuation parasites surrounding us from childhood.

Yet the result to the first phase, initially was amazing - comfort, emotional stability, lack of fear
for the future. The body of typed energy, health improves. But the beautiful background of all
of a sudden things started to alarm any thinking person.

It turns out freedom - challenging a gift. Being in good mental condition, for some reason we
could not begin to go somewhere further. Indeed, a move that is, when and so well? Maybe
the truth is not necessary?

No. <It is necessary, Fedya. It must be!> - As the famous kinogeroy. Do you know what
happens to people in countries with abundant and full of well-being? Correct: continuous drug
use and suicide. What happens to countries that bathing in the natural abundance? They did
not develop, remaining <banana republics>. Why? Because the nature and so it had, it was
worrying, it would seem, and to anything. They are so good! And the sad result.

You want to become a poor <Banana Republic>, which, with great promising potential, and
nobody and nothing left? No? Then, you need to develop further. It is necessary, even if not
for this the necessary incentives for most people, like fear, insecurity, the need to defend
themselves. All this we do not nasheptyvayut energy parasites. So, you had to learn to grow
without their support, being free, not afraid to push development and to choose the path of
development of informed, freely and voluntarily.

If you attend a course, you know that between the first and second level must be three weeks -
it is necessary to get used to live in a new world for you. And in those three weeks careless
reader and student saw the risk of dying from a comfortable idleness - and realized the need to
move forward, like Odysseus escaping from the country people in the sweet bliss enjoy eating

So you need to come to the second stage of further development of energy.

In the second stage, we have made of himself - Formation

Ways to master these skills as time and disclosed in the book <Becoming> - the second book
of DEIR.

We are with you hand in hand and passed this stage. Remember: it consisted of four phases.

Step one: we had to get hold of good fortune and luck that had previously been supplied
directly to the subconscious of our energy parasites. Naturally, when it was profitable energy
parasite, but not to us. Then we have committed any act and take any decisions, guided by
vague ourselves unconscious impulses, because it is the first received signal energy from the

To cite an example from the life story of my family. In this case, the story is a perfect
illustration of this situation.

During our youth with her sister when the sister just moved to 9 th grade high school, it
suddenly started happening is something strange. However, the process is very typical of young
girls' transition age. Above the living, active, cheerful girl, she suddenly sad, became silent and
pensive, and even stopped to read the book - and in fact before it happened, the book does not
otorvesh. For some time she remained in this state than most troubled parents: not much
happened there with that poor child? Sister to the questions are not answered, just silent and
stared at the floor.

But after some time in her condition suddenly a sharp and unexplained change again. She has
been actively engaged in Komsomol work in school. Again ozhila, poveselela become self-
confident - the truth, appeared in her voice some unpleasant peremptory notes, and received -
some armored tank. But the parents calmed down a bit: this is still better than the unclear
origin of black melancholy.
Meanwhile, the sister is so deep, so to speak, she left with her head in Youth work, through its
turbulent activity <rose at the district level>. And after graduation, as if by magic, turned out
to be one of the posts in raykome committee. Exhilaration of that time has passed again, and
the former vitality and immediacy, it was no longer - but still stately pace, menacing look, and
apparently growing megalomania.

We have the whole family perplexed: she would never think of such a career.

But soon, we sighed with relief: not passed and a few months, as the sister left the hard-won
place in raykome. Then again, she immediately poveselela, ozhila dropped silly mask factitious
importance, and again became a nice and natural, what was before.

It took another few years. The sister has been present case, taking up psychology. And now
with the professional point of view as a psychologist, decided to figure out what it is it was.
After all, this is her biography remains a mystery even to her own! The theme of her research
in the student's scientific community is just the motives of human behavior. Here it is, and
decided to look into these motives lead by example.

And what emerged? Using the latest technique of psychoanalysis to itself, the sister was
surprised to discovered that the reason for its tolknuvshey Komsomol turbulent activity, was,
first, the envy of komsorgu schools - a beautiful strong girl, the former is always in focus, and
secondly, a desire poluosoznannoe like a boy in the class (at the level of consciousness, it does
not even recognize herself, that she likes it!), and thirdly, just boredom of the school routine, it
is absolutely unacceptable to the nature of such activities, as my sister.

But this is - in terms of psychology. These reasons for this behavior sisters, as you know, lie
deeper. A cause of these arose in the subconscious, which has been attacked by parasites of

Energy parasites usually activated when we zatoskuem, lost, want something else from life but
about one-third of the cases themselves induce the condition. Sister zatoskovala, does not
understand the reasons for their sadness - and energy is like a parasite then, presented it on a
plate a ready solution: Go in a groove, feed egregor committee - and there you will and power,
and glory, and money: Here it is, and lost God knows how long their precious lives to achieve a
completely unnecessary to the goal.

And here it is necessary to note one interesting feature: the fact is that at this the wrong way
to her sister unusually lucky. Because you understand that райком committee in those days,
people from the street just is not allowed. She got there with little work. Why? Because the
ideas embedded in her mind energy parasite, have been processed from the root to the upper
layers of unconscious, conscious. And the mind in unity with enormous energy and information
capabilities unconscious sister took the shortest and efficient way on the path to favorable
energy parasite, but totally alien to her own.

We are the first step DEIR become free - have lost control and support of the energy parasites.
Now we have to shape their ideas and their ways of further movements in their own minds.
Then we have to implement these ideas into the unconscious - because otherwise they are not
know. Indeed, what a joy? Consciousness thinks very few words and images (remember that
in the first half or two years of life when our mind is formed, the words we do not know and do
not want to know), but thinks subliminal images, feelings, lokomotornymi schemes: Older
parasite whisper their sweet deceptive words directly <ear> subconsciousness. Now we
ourselves have to nasheptyvat unconscious, we have required, rather than parasite things.

Fig. 4. Man freed from the influence of parasitic essence, free from the influence of
the parasite Programming
Then we had to learn to check our goals and ideas for the truth and learn to introduce them not
only to consciousness, but also in its energy structure.

We had to master the programs on their luck, and luck to restore unity between consciousness
and subconsciousness subconscious and allowed us to continually lead the way to achieve the
necessary only for us, truly, freely chosen goal. Now, we should only choose a target and align
it with its deep essence, as we immediately begin to not spending any work quietly moving
closer and closer to the goal.

They regained control of our own is about one-third. More was needed next step.

Step Two: Now we need to be brought to our goals of other people, learning of the
performance of their own actions.

Previously, due to the fact that we are being influenced from outside the parasites, our ideas,
thoughts and goals were, in principle, the same as all other people. Everyone wants to do at
the institute - and we want to. Everyone wants to rest in the south - and we too. Everyone
wants shubu, car, summer house - hence, we need to. In general, the originality of thinking,
we do not mind. But now - a different matter. Now our goals were just ours. Now we do not
look at the majority opinion. Now we are doing only what we need, what we really want to do.
And we are absolutely indifferent to attempts by social pressure. As the saying goes, the dog
barks and the caravan goes on. In so doing, we are confident that our caravan was moving in
the right direction, what would they say around him. Because our goal - it is freely chosen by
the goal of free consciousness.

Yet with all this we are still in society. We can not depend on society, but fit into it, we have
to, because we have very few goals that can reach alone. Everything in our world is the result
of the interaction of many. And we need to interact with others, and ability to attract other
people to achieve their goals - is also a special art.

Previously, we did not need to master this skill. Previously, when we reach the goals of energy
parasites, all social structures helped us to achieve these goals. Generally speaking, you have
come to the store to buy some goods and the goods in store in abundance, and all sellers at
once ready to serve you - just take! Now, you likened the man who are looking for a unit, as
they say now, an exclusive product, and anyone in general light, it is no longer needed. And
thus, the shop is not brought, and the sellers of it slyhom not slyhivali.

What remains to do? Nothing is to invest only in the minds of suppliers and retailers the idea
that they just need to put in the store this product in a single copy, and simply need to sell it to

Here are just that, and we had to do, learning to spread its influence on others. Ambient
started willy-nilly to penetrate, charged by your ideas, not even dogadyvayas that they are
yours, and not their own. In the end, you've done good work for these people: because you are
partially freed them from the influence of energy parasites. By helping you, the people at least
do not engage in energy-feeding parasite.

So, we have mastered the programs for effectiveness, and people to help us achieve our goals.
So we restored the two-thirds of control over their own merits, while preserving freedom. There
remained only one last step.

Step Three: Now we had to take under its administration its confidence in itself. This is,
perhaps, the most the restive feeling. A normal person, it is entirely under the control of
energy parasites.

In the meantime, think about how much in life it depends on confidence. Yes it can be said
without exaggeration - nearly everything, if not all.

Remember though to his youth. You probably learned in school and may, in college or even
university. Continuous examinations, tests, disturbances due to ratings. And the result
depended on which the exam, remember? Of course, remember: most often not to the level of
your training, but by how confident you are kept in the exam. You know that the best
assessment are usually those who know how to make sure, and even brazen kind of bear full
nonsense. Teachers, like any ordinary person, hypnotizing, this belief, his subconscious
responds as follows: once such a strong - that is the truth and all knows. While we are certain
you know that this is actually not always the case. Even more often not.

Nevertheless, the confidence - the pledge of victory. But during the examination, we rarely
managed to create in themselves the feeling of his order. Want to be sure - but fails. So it?
For ordinary people - like that. So to them by itself is confident and makes a victory, but it is
unclear where suddenly disappears, leaving the man in full impotence.

After the second stage DEIR has been mastered, you will, of course, is well understood that the
self-confidence all depend. If it's not, then the most true desire of the most talented plan, the
most noble impulse disappear without trace, never materialized in our world. How many
miracles did not happen just because their creators did not have confidence in yourself!

Self-confidence - a sense of depth. And it is the key to the integrity of our energy being. If we
captured them, then our subconscious allows us to produce on the surface of all of our energy
reserves. It is thanks to the confidence we gain strength and wisdom.

And you, my dear readers, have made it. You have mastered the program for the self-
confidence, and thereby fully regained control over it.

From this moment we have gained a full true freedom. We completely eliminated the impact of
energy parasites on your mind and at the same time, successfully overcame all the obstacles
posed by the lack of control by us from the outside. Because we are, on their own, removed
from the helm of his consciousness of energy tentacles monsters themselves, on their own, took
on the administration itself.

Even this, my dear readers, we are different from most people who inhabit our planet. We
have found the integrity of the free. In addition to strength and freedom, obtained at the first
stage of further energy development, we took possession of a controlled - and this is in itself a
more serious than the end of the school and the institution together!

But during the second stage we are still faced with the need to resolve two problems. Namely:
the problem of karma, and health problems.

And we started with the problem of karma, as one of the most urgent problems of modern

Oh, that mysterious word <Karma>: Who is not only scares us to them. With just do not mean
by this word. There are only recommendations for its correction does not provide:

Just say: most of those who today talks about karma, deliberately palter. It is now I want to
shed the truth on this issue and finally open your eyes to the true causes of karma. Earlier on it
was premature to say - you were not ready. Therefore, even on a second book about karma, I
say this only hints. But now the time has come. It is time to clarify for themselves where the
lies and the truth about karma. First, it was early, and then it will be too late, because the
misunderstanding of karma now we can be very damaging.

So, a false opinion, that if the karma is a punishment for some sin. A mistake to view that
karma is the result of aggressive actions of the world in relation to man.

You can if you want to know the truth by reading the original teachings of karma, which was
established for several millennia before our era, a great work <Mahabharata>. And then you do
not have to take at face various allegations of commentators karma.

In fact, the true cause of karma set deep inside the individual. For studies conducted in the
U.S., have clearly shown that people suffering from karma, that is, repeating events, it can
choose its own path, not realizing that it would lead him to frustration. There is no such thing
as karma of the family, and may not be the case that your karma will make your loved ones to
suffer. But the true reason lay in the subconscious, no controlled human features of his
personality. In the structure of rights laid down the program, which he did not commit those
acts, which he needs. And he inherited the program from a man whose soul belongs to him
now. He commits any act which he does not need, this leads to the appearance of his guilt.
This is the only cause of karma (see Fig. 5 a, b).

But how can learn not to commit acts that you do not want? This you already know well: You
should learn to check their validity to the truth. That you already know how. But there is
another great tip, which allows us to distinguish the true behavior of neistinnyh. Here it is:
when we do what we do not need, we are always in one way or another feel guilty. Sometimes
it almost unconsciously, sometimes the very people trying to kill him. It is not necessary to do
so. Always listen to yourself: Is there not a dark sense of guilt? If there are - refuse to act,
which it raises.

It's simple: do not do this to feel a sense of guilt, and in the next life you will not suffer from
the effects of karma.

But there is, unfortunately, yet another way that you can create in their souls such a program.
The sense of guilt in itself carries serious risks: the point is that if we test it for any reason, then
it is itself rebelled in the matrix of our soul as a separate program (see Fig. 5). So what should
be most careful to treat people trying to create in our soul a sense of guilt - but not afraid of
them. Afraid of - then had to yield to them. A yield to them - then go to a direct path to the
aggravation of their karma. We have nothing to fear. There is no internal reason for the
feelings of guilt. We have confidence in themselves and in their actions. So, how would they
have tried to impose on us a sense of guilt, so they are unlikely to succeed.

Fig. 5.
Yes. Wrong way - was the primary act and false, it is contrary to the request and
generated a sense of guilt. The program remains in the soul.
b.. The consequences of guilt. Wish it was raw and real, but the action taken to the
other side - and has the misfortune.
into. Instillation renunciation of their true desires. Morality is another's sense of guilt for their
true actions. The program remains in the soul.

Who is trying to inculcate in us a sense of guilt? People who try to impose on us their moral
standards. This sin, and various commentators karma. They often seek to provide readers with
its morality, to begin to manipulate their consciousness. Even the Bible says about the danger
to the soul, resulting from false teachers velerechivyh. And we have all the people, interpreting
karma, and only try, which put in place in the consciousness of readers and listeners a sense of
guilt and give them their artificial moral standards (the arm of this type and they are dangerous
to a free man described in detail in Chapter <School> next book ).

But remember: your morality - it is just your domain, set up your soul and God in it. Do what
is appropriate and will not listen. No one has the right to judge you. Remember the biblical
truth: <Do not judge, but not tried to>. Understand its deepest sense: if you do not judge, that
is good and what is evil to others, if to do so as set the heart, and not judge, and not feel guilt,
even God will not judge you.
After the second stage we fully freed from the evil legacy of the previous carrier of life - from
those programs that have been laid in previous incarnations the soul. Especially well done to
those who held full-time education. We have learned to translate their problems into the
language of karma and the subconscious to hear the language, understand it, though there is
not words. We removed the true cause of the effects of karma in itself, namely
predkarmichesky complex, and after the second stage is fully freed from the scourge brings
trace previous life. This gives effect ten times greater than the self-improvement.

We also worked with his health - so far as this is possible using energy methods. First, we
learned to remove the feeling of pain and thus normalized tissue reflexes involved in the
process of inflammation, trigger the development of functional diseases, and further progress of
organic lesions. Then we learned how to analyze the state of your body, following the
peristalsis of the bowel, kidney and liver feeling, bronchial tree and lung tissue, heart, and
ureter. We have learned a wonderful method of recruitment of energy - the energy post.
Finally, we have mastered the programs on the health - the energy matrices, which enable us to
keep the body healthy and hinder the development of disease.

And it was very correct, because only God has been shown to change the reality that we can
only guide the process, already reaching the world. The least traumatic methods of care for
your health - Methods of power. Energy techniques may help in treating illnesses when they
are combined with the methods which give the highest chance of success, namely, the formal
methods of medicine. They increase the chance of success in treating a few times!

So, at the second step we improve our health. After that, we just have to get acquainted with
some methods which increase the chances of achieving their goals.

Yes, we become free and strong, yes, we learned a lot - but still in society remained pockets of
resistance to our advance.

Exit was one: to continue to weaken the influence of parasites on the energy surrounding
people, to achieve the highest efficiency when dealing with them. We need to be achieved with
a new level of understanding, able to transfer to other their intentions and desires.

We were like an ancient creature, praprapradeda all walking on the ground, out of the sea on
dry land and found that the land already occupied by dense rows of plants, though facing a
much lower evolutionary ladder, but it came sooner. You had to learn to actively develops
habitat for themselves.

We are in desperate need of a third stage DEIR - Influence

Of all the stages of this DEIR, as described in the third book - "The influence of>, is for many
people the greatest number of disputes and concerns (and at the same time she gives her man
mastered the maximum social benefits over the other). I want to stop the very root cause of
disputes, and therefore let's talk a little about the ethics of a free man.

Yes, in the third book describes the programming of the other. About neslovesnom impact on
their minds and thoughts on transfer intentions and desires. And, many frightened. Because of
the different books to read that this is bad, do not, and it worsens the karma.

Indeed, as is not scared! Can subtle energy applied to the programming of other people when
everywhere is written that you can not? This means affect your karma!

The correct answer is: you can and even should be. And reason why I give such a response.
First, we would not have been given such ability, if it were contrary to the universe. And if the
ability is, you can not develop them is not to fulfill its vital mission. Secondly, this effect is
carried out at us constantly, and a free man should be anything to oppose the continuous
aggression of society. And thirdly, if we abandoned their possible benefits, and they need us,
we have committed a crime in front of all those we road - in front of their family and friends,
those about whom all the laws of nature need to worry. "Fourthly, if we decided something did
not know because someone told us that supposedly it's bad, it means that we have presented
part of his life that have shaped our way instead of us.
Those who held full-time teaching in our school, understand the difference between knowledge
and its use. Be aware - not to apply their knowledge to the right and left, which means to store
it in memory until such time as the knowledge needed to act for the good. And now I will
explain my thoughts a bit.

Let us look into the eyes of truth. Remember Lenin, Gandhi, Disraeli, Hitler, Washington,
Stalin, Cicero. They have that in your opinion, is not programmed people? It is programmed.
Remember the seller something Overseas <panacea> lectured you absolutely unnecessary
products. And he, you think, and did not want to program you? Yes, he just does it. The work
he has this! Think any of my friends who constantly inspire people around the truth about what
is good and what is bad. Programming surrounds us! And it often evil programming.

Sorry, but you should know the enemy's face. And we should be able to speak his language. If
all the terms of our programs, we should at least know how to do it. We should be able to
detect such attempts. We should be able to clear them. Otherwise, how can we facilitate the
movement of the world on the path of goodness, if there is a worldwide уроды and nelyudi that
vershat evil, and we do not know how to recognize and render?

What is the problem of man, like any other living creature? She is a person most fully realize
their potential, bringing maximum benefits to yourself, your family and then all the rest. Only
then can take that life a success. A man must all learn to know and all their deeds to determine
who he is. We are given the ability to break beyond his own body, to direct contact from
consciousness to consciousness! Unsubscribe from this? Much less is sad to give up the ability
to speak!

The next argument is very simple. Our world is for good, or rather, seeks to go to it. But it
should be done? Meanwhile, that everyone will take cases all, or that everyone will go about
their business? Of course, the second way, because the first path leads to a senseless for a
single substance Ant Colony, where the law only one who stands on top. The nature has given
us the parents, spouses, children and friends. Who will care for them, if not ourselves? And
they in fact better than the best of us. His attempts to appear <clarified> those for profit
persuaded us to abandon its benefits, we make friends who depend on us. As rightly pointed
out M. Bulgakov, the destruction will not, if it does not allow each individual in his own home.
For example, many children have died from hunger in the civil war, because their parents
voluntarily gave recently (or not hid vital) to feed growing tumors Bolshevism. Remember this.

And the last argument. The Bible says: <had not done himself idol>. And this commandment
we have not only in terms of faith, but also in human terms. Kumir - a person who is trying to
control others through their moral and ethical. It is no coincidence that every sect
bogoprotivnaya based on moral and ethical postulates, read personally founded the sect. Now
many people around us, broadcasters, like governors of God on earth, that you can and what
can not be that the alleged damages karma and destiny. And we, with our new understanding
of energy the world can realize the danger inherent in such a seemingly selfless desire to teach
others the good and evil.

Fig. 6. Magistral consciousness infecting their moral and ethical principles of the
other, the breed in their brains, creating a favorable environment thousand toughened
After all, people - this is the essence of energy, not just the body. We - this is essentially our
consciousness, and consciousness while still alive, and we are still alive. A consciousness of our
acts of domestic schemes, especially schemes moral and ethical, using information from the
world. We all understand that podonok and holy, having the same information about an event,
behave completely different way. If we have succumbed to alien hypnosis and let other
people's ethical principles in their minds, if we do not have developed them based on their
vision of the world, we have lost ourselves. Our brain is thriving, brazenly taking advantage of
our information and the vital forces, as if zhiruyuschy and soryaschy their worm eggs, bunch of
other people's ideas about good and evil, living bunch of other people's consciousness. He does
not belong to you, as the conscience of others, reproduce in this way. It devours your brain
resources and time of your life.

Therefore, anywhere and never on a single classroom school DEIR you do not hear a word
about what is good and what is bad. It would be unfair in relation to our listeners. After all, we
all should be free to make decisions, guided only by its own experience and feeling of God in the

Know everything you need in the world, but to do or not do - to deal with your free will,
otherwise, no evolution and no progress is possible. We should all live so that our every move
was dictated by our true essence, so as not to feel guilt. All others from evil.

Well, enough of this. You, my readers, no doubt, have already decided for themselves the
problem. We need a little more in detail about the third stage of those who began the study
DEIR with this book.

And it gives the possibility of a truly extraordinary, previously considered to be heritage items.

For example, one of the standard exercises third grade school DEIR. The experiment was
carried out two. One man sits at the table, at which dozens of the most diverse subjects.
Another sits with his back to the table, nothing special is not thinking. According to the first
team member, he should turn and take off the table, one of the ten subjects - all which he will
want to take.

And the result: the first party to control the selection of a second - he takes off the table is the
object which he thought was commanded to take the first (on the third day of classes in courses
such as in this experiment was the result: 11 effective exposures of 14 attempts. Items were 8,
but in general is a professional working with such a technique are unlikely to allow two or three
failures in a hundred attempts).

Miracles? If so, it wonders, that in our courses, anyone can learn. Much more important than
another - because our readers there is nothing easier, as podslushat thoughts of another, to
guess what to order. It is even not interested. Here the difficulty is that people do not
<listening> and just takes a subject. Trained people can even <to> untutored, hinting to him
the decision. But let's say, directly, if the second stage passed successfully, then the need
arises quite often, because these skills is to apply only when faced with people who are under
very strict management of energy parasites. And their only five percent of our society.

Such examples in passing the third step of many. But I will say more, revealing yet another
important point. In the process of mastering the techniques of the third stage of open minds of
people towards each other. And we begin to communicate in new, previously not accessible to
any level. We are beginning to feel each other. Mastered the third stage of beginning to share
information directly from consciousness to consciousness, passing the word.

In the course of training at tertiary level, we studied the mechanism of thinking. Visiting course
recall the classical chain schematic showing the process of thinking: I heard - understood - set -
considered - basic desire - to push starter. They have mastered many skills: learn to
temporarily cut off the controlled energy from the human parasite tentacle managers, freeing
him, making it beyond external influences at least for the time, forcing him to meaningfully
open to new ideas and information from the objective world, rather than on energy parasites.

We have found for themselves, as its central focus upward flow in such a way as to enable
them to invade the consciousness of another person, destroying, or increasing the brake
emerging ideas there, including the energy evoked by parasites, and keep him from the rash

We learned how to transfer and absorb the push start, run processes of thinking and acting

We were able to learn <listen> to another person and send him their intention - the intention,
rather than image, because images lie.

We learned how to feel the desire of another person, as to convey to him his desire.

In short, we just learned to freely transfer information from consciousness to consciousness,

passing the word, even passing thought.

We did it - and looked around. And we saw that the social barriers that stand in the way of our
evolution is no longer left. We are truly free, and even in the social framework can almost

Our fate for the time change. Many have found another and more suitable for a job. Many
harmonized privacy. And it turned out that we are no longer obstacles.

Before we - really do not. But within us: Yes, now we have to continue to work to transform
itself from within.

Therefore, we urgently needed fourth step.

At the fourth grade, we made a new creature

You have to understand how important was this step. It was there we were - neither more nor
less - an entirely new creature.

What problems we encountered, which, actually, and it took the fourth stage, set out in the
fourth book - <Maturity>? Those readers who have read all the books and the same went for
the course, remember it well: this time we were in front of the barrier energy of our body.

In its previous condition, we were unable to comply with the energy levels, which we have
achieved. The body simply can not withstand such powerful energy! Features its been so
scarce for the stage that it was difficult to fully be in the works, to gain access to intuitive
information and even to maintain health. In general, we are faced with the problem of its own
limitations. The problem is, and to other people, but they do not understand this. We доросли
to understand. In fact, who doros who confessed to their own limited, there is a chance to
overcome it and go further.

And we go further. We understand the reasons for this scarcity. And the reason is the lack of
integrity of the ordinary person. All it <constituent parts> separated. There is a body of air,
but it is firmly linked to the physical body and has nothing to do with soul. There is a soul - a
source of creativity, but our consciousness is not aware of it, and the body does not feel. There
is a consciousness, but it is divorced from the soul and the body of the air and depends only on
the life of physical body, along with that and die.
Fig. 7. In humans, a lot of bodies, but only one soul

Coznanie, soul and body is not essential were connected together. Therefore, the body was
weak, the soul - unconscious, and consciousness - death. After his death people forgot
themselves, in spite of the immortality of the soul. The soul wander somewhere in thin worlds

Combining soul, essential body and mind, we become truly immortal. We are creative, spiritual
people with great intuition and a healthy, living, moving body.

Fig. 8. Radio body, mind and soul - only their combination can give immortality

We take the lot. But achieved much.

We have learned that this sense of <, I am>. We learned how to find it in yourself. We
already know, feel what it is. We already know that to find it - does not mean <submit in your
head with a ball> (so I heard from many vpavshih deceiving people). Sense <I am> - it is a
feeling, rather than visual images. The feeling is not dependent on the mechanisms of
consciousness, of his logic and perception of images. We have mastered the skill of the sense
of movement in all three space available man: in the space of objective reality, subjective
reality of space and space for the Soul - internal virtual space. We can build this sense of his
creative zone: how many people then began to draw or easy to learn foreign languages. We
can visit the guest of consciousness entirely different substance - for example, cats or dogs. We
have done our consciousness for a few tens of consciousness, existing simultaneously.

But the main thing - we have forced our minds to discover and recognize their soul and merge
with it together.

We split our sense <I am> on the two components by placing them in a central entry point
flows in the power of flames formed our extreme chakra Sahasraroy and Muladkhara. This gave
us access to this energy flow and allowing the central kill indiscriminately <chatter> thought to
include the full power of the voice of intuition.

Finally, we completed the merger, forcing our extreme chakra dissolved in air television,
making us totally free, because now my body broadcasting bears and consciousness, and soul,
and, above all, it does not depend on the physical body!

This condition is stable and reliable. It gives us energy, intuition and creativity. It would
seem, what more to wish?

Yet we still have that wish.

There is something that we have not been seriously considered. Yes, we fully escaped from the
nets, which catch in humanity. We are now not afraid of any energy parasites, nor their own

And now, when our eyes became clear and nezatumanennym, we suddenly saw the world.

We looked at the sky without distorting vision muddy glasses, put on the eyes of most people.
And we saw the majestic process of the inner life of the universe.

And here we are, confused, struck an unprecedented spectacle. We see the universe - the
world body. We feel endless mysterious power, living in the body - the soul of the world. We
are ready to extend their hands to it - the eternal and incomprehensible soul of the world.

That which we call God.

Touching the Supreme: This is why we need a fifth step DEIR.

Chapter 2

Programming your luck and luck

Good luck and luck is not random

Most people believe their luck and luck matter of blind chance. Lucky so lucky, there is no way,
think they are, and nothing would not be helped. They do not know that our good fortune and
luck can and should fully rely only on ourselves. To do this just to get rid of the influence of
energy parasites (which you already know how) and learn how to apply to a program for luck
and luck (that we will now learn).

But first investigate in detail the situation: which determines the human luck and bad luck, luck
and unsuccessful?
People tend to think that life is striped like the zebra: the black stripe, white stripe, and then
again black, white again, and so on. Thus, until recently, and you probably thought.

But you have mastered the first stage of DEIR and understood: something in the well-known
system has changed. Where is it, the traditional life of striation, where podevalas? The
alternation of black and white stripes as it shifted, does not it? Gone былая clarity of their
rotation. For a black stripe now you will not necessarily be white, but white - black. If you have
black bars disappeared altogether, this could mean that you have moved to self very far and
you have virtually nothing to learn. But you are unlikely to have occurred. This case is
extremely rare, if not impossible, for those who have mastered only the first step of DEIR.
Much more likely the other: in your life now is not the case any serious setbacks, either special
luck and all the time is a solid gray line, betwixt and between, neither happiness nor misery in
general, skuchischa one. This is - the most common choice for all those who have mastered the
first step DEIR, but not yet proceeded to the second.

Why did it happen? It is because before you were under the influence of energy parasites, and
is now installed in their own protective energy shell, impervious to them. The black stripe in the
life - it is nothing but a time when you live and act under the dictation of energy monster.
Because the parasite is interested in the destructive processes in the society, and in person - as
has been repeatedly stated, it feeds on negative energy. For example, a man trying to succeed
in any case, but it does not laditsya not laditsya. Why? Because man was originally connected
to the case of energy octopus per failure.

Why, in this case your life has not been a continuous black stripe, then a black band all
followed the same white? Yes, because the parasite, naevshis temporarily let you at will, and
you do wake, for a time to come to himself, grabs his head (<What is it I make balls?>) And a
time to live their own Sensibly, in accordance with your true desires, and not to the wishes and
intentions of the parasite. And where you follow the true desires - they are guaranteed success
and a white stripe in life. But ordinary people after a short white stripes again takes captive
energy parasite. People are not free in their actions, so expect all the time on the case and
luck. We are with you - free, so we will have to become masters of their luck and their luck.

You are now disconnected from an external source of a call to action - and encourage you to
him from the outside is energy parasite. You are no longer exposed to programming from the
outside. But why in such a case, you have a solid gray line? Yes because you still do not know
how to live according to their own programs. Do not own these programs, which would provide
you a solid white stripe. Yes, you are now free, but freedom without inner discipline, without
any commitments (especially to themselves), freedom is not regulated, - this is not freedom but
anarchy. What we have, by the way, and now see the example of the situation in our country.
Previously, we have all managed from outside the state - dictate how to live, how to earn, how
to own property and where to go on vacation. Now the state, so to speak, to release all at will.
People have lost control from the outside, but by themselves do not learn to manage. The
result - a complete lawlessness in the country and the hurly-burly of human souls.

But like all simple: to be free - it does not mean go with the will of the waves, the raid on the
reefs, the escape from pirates. To be free - it means to make his <navigate> manageable,
paving in the life of its own course, the one who needs it to you, and not the good uncle of the
government and not grumpy aunt of ZhEKa. The course, following which you can feel safe and
more - to get on the road to a maximum of pleasure.

You now have not yet learned to manage themselves, so long as you are like a small child, who
left the kindergarten, and was one on the street without their parents and caregivers. Yes,
nobody shpynyaet not forced to eat gruel mannuyu not sent forcibly to sleep in broad daylight,
but no one nurse, and did not lisp, are not protected from cold, hunger and other troubles of
life. A man in such a situation, losing orientation in space and time, does not understand what
to do. Exit one - rather mature, begin to orient themselves in life and to know himself what to
do to survive - so not just to survive but to live in security, prosperity and joy.

How to learn to manage themselves so good luck and luck you will not leave? The task
unbearable for the ordinary person. For you the same - it is achievable now.

Here are three reasons for which you have in life so far is a solid gray line:

- Lack of the desires, suggestible externally;

- Lack of incentives for action by the surrounding people;

- Lack of action to encourage a combination of circumstances.

All this is due to the fact that on these three parameters you have ceased to affect external
energy parasites. And now, according to these three reasons you face three challenges:

- To produce their own wishes;

- Encouraging people to help those around you;

- To attract into your life you need set of circumstances.

Analyze in detail each of these tasks.

The role of the true desires

Humans tend to get bored. And 90 per cent if the man nobody imposes no desires, he falls into
apathy and indifference, because it itself could not understand what it actually needs, and waits
only to someone it is suggested. A well-wishers willing to suggest, as long as you want. It was
in previous years, such a joke: we live in the country of Soviets - we all love each other advice
to give. Councils in the sense of authority is not long, but the country's councils, we seem to be
going for a long time. We are sometimes unable to understand even in their own lives, but all
for some reason, it is good know how others should live. When people do not know what he
wants, he is easily the advice of strangers - and sometimes spoil yourself this life.

Recall at least by example, how often you are capable of these false desires suggestible. We all
finished school, all of us get up a choice: what to do next? Go to work or study? If you work,
then who? If you study, where? In schools, in college, at the institute? Recognize yourself
honestly: you are at school to know exactly what you want to do in life, and went to study or
work is there, where they wanted? Or for you all decided cases (read: energy parasite, or
implanting false desire from the outside)?

At one time in our country was a real culture of higher education. It was believed that the
Institute should proceed at any cost - and no matter what, just to get a diploma, if only a piece
of paper, because <without a scrap of paper you're an insect>. And now boys and girls, not
even despite everything to his 17 years to determine their own desires and needs, were trapped
in the early universities: a place where little competition, or to where my mom ordered, or for a
company with a girlfriend. In engineering universities by birth, in accordance with their true
desires, got one. So where are these boys and girls, who are already under forty, or even more?
Yes mainly at the labor exchange. Complain about life and government. But they do nedosug
examine their own lives and understand that in this situation, they brought themselves, because
life is not doing what they would really like to, but that society imposed upon them with his
views on the pathological prestige of higher education need to make a career and so on.

Incidentally, many of these people is the current troubled situation in their lives leads to the
fact that they all be determined with their true desires. One engineer-loser, my friend's wife left
without work, suddenly remembered: <And I'm dreaming of since childhood valenoks roll!
Maybe now would be the best craftsman in Russia:> And what do you think? Threw it to go to
labor exchange , felt boots began to roll and gradually strengthened, so that opened a small
private studio. Valenoks are in demand, and it is now, if not the best artist in Russia, and not
the worst. Another friend of the woman for twenty years worked as an engineer metallurgical
production, then it was dismissed for redundancy, and educator, she went to kindergarten. And
only then realized that twenty years was not concerned with his own business. Now she is
happy because at last found himself.

Prestige, career - this is the false notion, imposed by society. For happiness is not so. For
happiness is not necessarily that the work was prestigious - to the happiness have to work it to
your in line with your true desires.

These examples we have cited repeatedly. Let's be learned in the first book of the history of
one well-known artist today, which in his youth was an actress-neudachnitsey: felt drawn to the
stage it is not a true desire, and false desire to be known by one in the community, be visible to
all, etc. False desire to lead her on a path of self-destruction. But as soon as she began to
follow the true desire, the life of a tune up for the most vivid colors.

The trouble is that the mechanism for determining the true desires of the modern man almost
atrophied. Because a lot of false desires is imposed from the outside, people spend a lot of time
and effort to the implementation of these are not his desires, he had virtually no opportunity to
hear the voice of their true desires and help implement it. However, if only to free themselves
from the yoke of false dreams, making it easier to light! If you now think that you do not want
to - it is very good. This means that you get rid of externally imposed desires. It does not have
any dreams, than be false.

My neighbor on the testimony of Marusya each year to enjoy in the Crimea, in the same place
where she loved. She always came back well rested. But one day her friend went to Spain and
began to persuade her to go there, I'm convinced that there is much better than in the Crimea.
Yielded ground, a woman won the money in debt, sold some valuables, and bought a ticket to
Spain. Note: Purchase voucher worth her great efforts, had to strain severely in order to obtain
the necessary money - and this is a disturbing sign: the true wishes are always carried out
easily and only require a false mass force and energy. The trip immediately began to trouble:
do not call it a taxi, and a woman only narrowly missed the plane did not, and then only
because the flight for some reason was delayed. She nanervnichalas on the road to the airport
that no expectancy far Spain it is not happy. Arriving at the famous Spanish resort, she was
very disappointed: all the coast is completely built on the same type of buildings, which housed
numerous restaurants and shops along the quay have a continuous stream of cars - and nothing
like it so beautiful Crimean beauty! She immediately zatoskovala for family, loved since
childhood places. Disappointed and hotel: travel agency it would seem, simply deceived,
because it promised three-star hotel and not smelled. The room had curtains with holes and
dirty walls, just like in the Soviet hands of the average holiday home. Yes, and abroad, is
superb! And the money it had paid a great deal. In addition, the neighboring hotel room
settled American students, who all night vociferate songs, so that the tourist was not long
before sleep.

In the crown on the fourth day of the rest, she fell and broke his arm. And because health
insurance has not been, all her money had to pay for medical care, which the West is very
expensive. About the swimming, tanning, and tours had to forget: all the remaining days she
lay in bed in a hotel room, and shed bitter tears of a howl of American students for the wall.
This was a trip. Here's what it means to yield a false will.

For women it was a good lesson. Incidentally, this incident brought her to the DEIR: the hand
bone is not knit, on the recommendation of friends a woman came to me. I helped her
understand the situation and advised to apply in practice the system DEIR. As soon as she
realized that got to the bait of false desires and ignored the desire of a true, once she has
decided never more so than I do - hand sroslas very quickly.

When a person has no false desires (even if he had not yet determined their true desire), it is
immune from such troubles. True, he may bored, because the false desire not to impose more
adventures on his head. One of my students, having mastered the first stage of DEIR, suddenly
realized that he did not know what to do with his release. By the Black Sea does not want, to
the Mediterranean - the same, although the means seem to allow friends to call the mountain -
that is not drawn. But earlier it wanted both, and the third. <I am not interested to live, -
began to complain about it. - I do not want to! Here's to making your system has brought.
Boring me!>

His apathy is, fortunately, lasted long. With the help of DEIR, we identified his true desire. It
turns out that he had always wanted a little time to undertake on their own plot of land - in a
dacha in the garden. Here then he bought the garden plot, built a small house. I started
messing about from morning to night with flowers and bushes, not even noticed, as the holiday
has passed. Now every weekend rushing there, all the time it buys рассаду, the fertilizer, is
studying some books on horticulture. <Never before - said - I am such a busy life not lived.
Friends purchased new, the family is not нарадуется in general - full kaif!>

So, first of all you need to develop a mechanism to determine their true wishes. To do this you
should consider and decide: first - what you need, and second - why do you need this. Last -
the criterion of truth will. That is, it is necessary to understand: your desire - what is it?
Simple whim or vital necessity? The practical result of the implementation of a true desire is
always vital. As is known, the practice - the criterion of truth. If you wish to have no practical
effect - it neistinno. If you want to get a particular profession and your desire is true, then you
are not only easily teach this profession, but also easy to find your place of work, and this work
will provide you the material. If you are unappreciated genius (still in a field), which you create
masterpieces are not fed - hence, the desire to produce these masterpieces is not true. We
need to understand when and how that desire was imposed on man from outside.

To cite an example. One quite reasonable and far from talentless middle-aged man vozomnil a
writer. But his works were not published, no publisher, but he would have knocked any
thresholds of editorial offices. In his literary institute is not accepted. And he found himself in
such a non-genius, who will be able to assess properly unless distant descendants. In doing so,
he half-lived, dressed as a tramp past. He went out one after the other two wives - could not
bear such a life. Eventually he found himself in the hospital bed with extreme nervous
exhaustion, and signs of malnutrition.

When he appeared with me, we started to deal with it in the causes of the incident. It was not
so easy, because at first he did me misled his fanatical desire to write novels. His desire is false
sroslos with his essence, which is very like a real! To doubt the truth of his desire to me made
it the fact that it did not bring practical results, in no way changed for the better quality of life.
With a true desire that is not: it allows you to easily give the correct answer to the question:
<Why do I need it?> A correct answer is only one: if you need to ensure a sense of
completeness of life, a sense of satisfaction, for happiness, happiness, satisfaction, financial
well-being Finally - hence, the desire is true. If the question you answer anything in such a
kind: <This is me, to be no worse than others, that I loved and respected around:> - or: <This
is me, because this is all because well accepted in this society,> - and you know: your desire
neistinno it imposed on society, other people, that is, ultimately - energy parasites.

Having concluded that the desire to write novels in the failed writer is neistinnym, we started
with him to understand where and when this desire <pick>. He had to remember where this
thirst for writing came to him first. It turned out that it started back in school, during the so-
called transitional age. Once a teacher of literature in front of the class ridiculed his essay,
which he seemed to get a very original and talented. But the teacher do not think so. She
quoted the whole sentence, and they laughed at his speech engine. In conclusion, she said
scornfully: <Also, I, a writer!> Class laughed along with it. Then he very обиделся - still would
be, because in the class was a girl, he was passionate about, and this girl laugh all the louder.
Bated Then he was deeply offended and said to himself: <I will show them all! Here I Grow,
will become a famous writer - even then try to laugh!>

Since then he has been all his life and trying to prove something and the teacher, and a girl.
Given that he has long been forgotten and that and the other, but subconsciously, all continues
and continues to fulfill that laid once the program. This desire, of course, is not true - because
people do not what exactly you want him to be happy and well-being, and tries to provide
anyone any proof of its consistency.

Realizing the origins of his desire, he himself came to the conclusion that he needs to stop
writing novels. But, given that literary ability he really is, we decided that it makes sense to try
yourself in journalism. He tried - to get. Now working in a large urban newspaper, earns
decently. His name has become quite famous - some of his articles made a splash in the city
where he lives. Married, and his wife live together. Recently, I met him - tastefully dressed,
good looks. The former refers to a way of life in one word: <dur>. On Writing and forgot to
think, as well as diseases and empty pockets.

I now proceed to a specific methodology for determining the true desires.

Step 1. Identification of the true wishes of

To do this step, you have to remember the reference condition. The fact that it is and how to
enter this state, described in detail in the first book, and readers should be in this stage of its
development to learn this very well. In any case, recall: in a state that can be mistaken for the
standard, each of us was at least once in their lives, and they should be restored to the memory
of this moment. Reference condition - it is a state in which you are satisfied with everything:
you feel fine physically, you will easily and happily, you are surrounded by beautiful scenery and
beautiful people around only pleasant smells and sounds, and to crown it all, you're going to do
something very good, following their true will. There is no concern, no worries, no gnetet, no
gravity on the heart and soul. Recall that the state at the level of pain, you can always play it in
its entirety.

So, you go in the reference state and from the attempt to analyze their current life situation.
Suppose you want to earn money. Ensure that there is the desire to enter into dissonance with
reference to your condition. If you do not enter if the prospect you just pleased, but not
discouraged - hence, the desire is true. If, however, when one thought about it there is a
heaviness and anxiety in the soul, then, to defer the execution of this desire, at this stage of
your life you enough and the money that you have, and they should be aware of this and learn
yet small enough. Indeed, in this case, if you will persist in their desire to earn the money,
most likely, would not you preserve, and from such works will do more harm than good.

If you wish to earn proved true, analyze the facts further. Suppose you offer a place in one
firm, and you are inclined to agree. Look at it from the reference condition. You really want to
do this? You will be pleased? This will not break your reference condition? Or, you know, there
you will be bad, but go to the victims for the sake of money? In this case this is not your
option. (Think how often, while on vacation, lying on the beach - the reference is or is almost
onom, let us - you disgust suddenly remembered that soon at work. So, do not you go back to
such a service if it is a reference state seems abhorrent.) Look on the sides better - and you will
probably find that there are other, more pleasant ways of earning money. You need to choose a
way of getting wealth, you like! You need to choose the method that is easier to give you
everything. That's the whole secret. It's that simple! And if your desire to make true, this
method will be found.

Maybe you're disappointed - you think, what I propose is something too simple? Nevertheless,
I repeat and insist on this: you do what you like, what you are pleased, that did not violate the
standard of your condition, and that at the time you get the easiest. Your mind can resist this
truth because we are a long time has raised a very different spirit: suggested that the life - the
struggle, one must always overcome the difficulties, etc. But now you are free from society and
can be easily disposed of the head and those Such foolishness. You are - a free man, but then
you've earned the freedom from any coercion by violence against them. Most of the people all
his life by creating a hardship, so that their own and overcome. You are spared from this. You
have the right to do it (and only then) that you like what you want, that you are pleased to do.
Realize this and take this step is not easy, because very often escapes our consciousness, does
not notice these very simple and pleasant way of life - society louse, it is constantly looking for
challenges and obstacles. But to make this step necessary. After all, we learn not so different
as management of their own destiny. Agree, the game worth the candle.

Only such a desire, which is pleasant to have its own process of realization is very much your -
is not taken under pressure of circumstances, but most grow out of the depths of your
personality. Why does the desire to implement a pleasure? Because of its implementation - it
is something that rightfully belongs to you, what you deserve, what you do not need to win -
and they should be quietly taken what was originally yours. Only neistinnoe desire requires
effort and overcoming difficulties. It is - not you, it is - strange, but if you infringe on someone
else's, for it had to pay dearly.

Once I talk to Dvornikov, which is sweeping staircases in my house. I saw what hatred he does
it as fiercely and irritably gun broom, a grimace disgust written on his face.

- Why you are doing work that hate? - I asked.

He looked at me as an enemy.

- A child who will be fed? - Threw it wrong. - Where to now find another job?

- But there are probably some lessons, which do you like? - I asked amicably as possible.

- I like to tinker with flowers. - He was a little softened. - Irrigate, fertilize, dig in zemelke.
But this accounts for your dirt revenge. What should I do?

We had a man with a little work. Explain to him that not such a hopeless situation to him. It
turned out the field of energy brought me to him is not by chance, namely to assist in the
realization of his true desire. In the hothouse of the Botanical Institute of the working time
required for cleaning. I helped him get there. He recently graduated from the correspondence
school gardeners and change their skills. Is now the main gardener in the greenhouse. Another
happy and satisfied man in life is greater.

This is very important - it is used to realize his true desire, no matter how it was initially
difficult and unusual. Indeed, to enable start of the entire range of programs for success,
confidence and luck, you need to include the underlying mechanisms of the subconscious, which
dwells in the heart of the merits of broadcasting rights. The Center is also reborn human,
during the transition in the next life, this is - the so-called dwelling immortal soul. The center is
fully operating and samorealizuetsya only when we play in the lives of their true desires. Only
then can we live fully and effectively perform their incredible life challenges.

I have already said that the implementation of a false desire to require tremendous effort and a
gigantic price for its implementation. Well, if a person is ready for the victims, he may, of
course, conduct and false desires in his life. Only in this case, you need to bear in mind two very
serious consequences. First: payments can be exorbitant, because that is the realization of
desires can not be No joy, but rather to make regrettable that it was. Second: the
implementation of a false desire inevitably aggravated karma.

So the false desire always leads only to undesirable consequences - especially undesirable for
us. So, be free from false desires. Listen only to their true desires! Only then you will save a
lot of time and effort, then all your actions and deeds will be effective only luck you will not

The inclusion of others in the realization of your desires

You got rid of false desires. You know exactly what to do you - your deep inner essence. For
example, you know exactly what you are looking for work. Are you going to do what you love,
that you are pleased that you like and it was good you get. (Note, incidentally, we always like
to do exactly what good we have it.)

But what to do - no you do not proposing such work. Nobody encourages you to this work
from the outside. What does this mean? After all, you do know that the will - is true, which
means that it must implement easily, but you do not even know in which direction to go, whom
to contact, in which the door knock, that desire fulfilled.

Before, everything was in a different way, is not it? Before you constantly stimulated to
something energy parasite. It stimulated not only you not one, but many people at once.
Numerous examples of such effects, by the way, can be found in the literature. (A very
interesting exercise - to read books and analyze the situation described therein from the
perspective of your new skills - I recommend, fascinating and very useful exercise though).
Let's be <The Adventures of Tom Sawyer> Mark Twain (it is very likely all read and remember).
Maybe, remember, as Tom Sawyer in the depression around the city and then met Joe Griffin,
who was in the same exact condition? What's the matter? Yes in that they were one and the
same ethereal flow modeled by the same energy parasite.

Try to remember and analyze: what you used to begin any business, whether the device to
work, travel on vacation or a major purchase? Most of the time all the cases that lead to
success as well to the defeat, began not with the fact that you sat down and thought: you have
to do the something, then buy something, go there, then. Started is often the case. Run with a
girlfriend, and declared the threshold: <Look, there is a hot ticket in the Adler! Go?> Or visit
his wife and said: <There carpets thrown in a department store! Colors so-so, but cheap.
Buy> Or call a friend and offered: <We want to institute employee. Little not your skills, but
nothing poduchishsya - and more. Chat with the Chief?>

When this happened with my friends and family, I closely watched the situation closely - did so
on the basis of their professional interests: I had to type as much as possible material for the
analysis of action of energy parasites. In the first case, a trip to Adler was a success - energy
sucker gave a reprieve to the woman to give up after a failure and it is exhausting work. At
work, broke out a desperate conflict, in which she was intimately involved, and she often
repeated: <If it were not for this trip to the Adler, I would now definitely not survive>. In the
second case, buy a rug, but his color was so heinous and so dissonirovala the interior
apartments, which a week later the hosts did not pass and lifted it from the wall. And even
then, with this deficit carpet carpet, strangely enough, to sell and have not been able to. We
had to bury it in the pantry, where he lay still, eaten molyu. And then the wife because of this
terrible pererugalis the carpet: he blamed her, and cursed himself that went on about it, the two
spared no money - in general, peace in the family can not quickly and with great difficulty. In
the third case, people settled there in the institute, worked well, but his involvement with the
project, which ultimately has a devastating impact on the ecology and the environment. And he
now pays for the injury - he lost all his savings, which were in his savings, and now live in
miserable pension.

So think yourself - well I get incentives from the better or do without them? Such a filing by
others, usually do not lead to the result that you want, but to the opposite.

Note: This filing triggered only when you already have a false desire, inspired from the outside.
And this false desire, and his support of others, and (here I anticipate a little) prompter action
set of circumstances - all these different aspects of directed and coordinated the impact energy
parasite. He is not inclined to do good, but simply uses the ignorant people for their own
purposes. I know one candidate for deputy of local authorities, who have pushed to participate
in elections, and he agreed only that: one's heart like trains on a black car. In the end, it
almost killed by the representatives of the competitors. And why should he do it? After all,
would poumnee, I bought myself a <Zhiguli> and went to the health.

If you are free from false desires, most of these flows from the outside, from others, simply do
not work for you. You can just skip all this by ear, because I did not feel in the stimulus to
action, but is only visible to someone's strange and alien to your imagination. If you know that
you do not want to Adler, there are no burning permit does not tempt you. If you are sure that
the rug you are looking for other colors, it would not compromise, the temptation of low price.
And at work, which offered even on the biggest drag, do not go if you have something in it
alarming and not very satisfied.

This does not mean that the surrounding people will never create the conditions you to realize
your true desires. To be where they denutsya - and even more actively than before, because
the true wishes of the fact and are true to the whole world helping you to implement them. But
there is one important detail that must be taken into account: the surrounding will be easy to
make filing for the realization of your true desires only on the condition that they will receive
from you for that energy boost. Typically, this gives them an incentive to energy parasite - that
they run to you with our suggestions for travel, work, and carpets. Now this process in others
you must learn to run independently. This is done as follows.

Step 2. Encourage others to help you

You clean - washed by false desires, to determine their true desire, but specific ways to
implement it until you see. To ensure that these paths appear, you need to energetically
explained the people around you to bring you new opportunities and a hint of realization of your
dreams. To do this you need to learn to radiate energy.

At the last stage DEIR you have learned to lock their own energy, so that extraneous energy is
available to you, being locked to your own. Now you have to open up a little for the impact
energy. This does not mean that you have to remove the protective shell - if it is firmly
established, mature and ottrenirovana, then withdraw it is almost impossible. Remove the shell
is not necessary, but must be open to the radiation. This can be done as follows.

Communicating with people, get used to them with the energy flow from Adzhna-chakra. If
you will be thinking about your desire or even talk about it out loud - companion gradually
proniknetsya your desire and will prompt you to possible approaches for its implementation. Do
not force the other person, behave yourself, freely and uninhibited, talk to him warmly and
gently. But remember: the warmer the conversation, the closer it is to the topic that interests
you - the stronger should be emanating from your energy flow. If the conversation leads to
another area, the lower the impact energy. A man in this situation is beginning to focus on you,
your energy, it gets under your influence. If before he falls under the influence of energy
parasite and ran to you with their incentives, but now you can, rather than energy parasite,
stimuliruete his energy, and the man was trying to please you reflexly. You just have to take
advantage of this.
One follower of DEIR is urgently needed - very sorry for the prose of life - money. Wish it was
true without any doubt: in the house washing machine broke down, and if there is a large
family, even the speech could not have been that the wash hand: a woman worked, and
besides, she learned to love and respect yourself and your spare time - Manual laundry is not
included in the number of true desires. Of course, buying a new car was really vital. On the
other hand, the money was simply nowhere to take. Sell the house, it was nothing - except
that the old picture, which hung on the wall from time immemorial. But the woman, researcher,
does not vary particularly practical in sales and was confident that the picture that nobody
needs. In general, the output, it would seem, was not. Suddenly itself podvernulsya case: it
has gone to the house of neighbor, the lady is very wealthy. Then, talking with a neighbor, a
woman began to apply the second step of the system described here, the truth of everything
that is not expecting, because this neighbor has been known that no one will never give money,
even in debt. The woman again said nothing about its need, talked about something else, but
sent a stream of talk Adzhna-chakra, with a clear mind when formulating a <request>: <I
urgently need the money, $ 500>. Suddenly the neighbor for no reason with this and said:
<Look, Anna, long time I look at your picture, so she likes me. Yes, behold all hesitate to ask:
can prodash? So do not prodash in fact, probably, the beauty of it and you need the most>.
Anna pretended that graciously agrees to consider, although inside it, of course, virtually all
pelo happy. The painting was it not too expensive, as well sell it and it is not wanted. The next
day, she led the evaluator, the picture is rated at 500 dollars. On the same day she was at the
hands of the amount required to buy a washing machine.

Would you like to achieve similar success? Trains. Start with small tasks, not just the serious
zamahivaytes purpose type of marriage to Princess, or the presidential seat. First, try this way
to obtain a desired thing or the amount of money. Success always comes.

Attraction in your life the right combination of


Under fortuitous circumstances, we will not realize that filing, which gives us around, and those
opportunities that are emerging around us as if by themselves. Previously these circumstances
for us to create energy parasite. But after the installation of a protective shell of energy,
isolation from the influence of energy you parasites, you will no longer obey their customizable
and created by a combination of circumstances that pushed you on the path to the realization of
false desires. So you every second encounter with the circumstances, someone trained for the
implementation of these false desires, but you are something they are not interested!

Previously, the parasite could, for example, blow your mind that you urgently need to buy a
goat (I have a little utriruyu), and then you have the testimony of animals lacking. Then, this
parasite will lead you straight to the subway station, where you are, in principle, never go, but
then for some reason had been, and you will see a man who stands and sells goats (from which
it is suddenly almost in the center of town?). Thus it was necessary to parasites - and you will
obey him and hapnuli this goat does not hesitate. Then thought: why is my goat?

In this case, energy parasite, of course, beats you on your abilities. He put the seller in
advance of goats near the subway (and the seller that in fact, maybe it does to anything that a
goat to sell, just like you buy), he and you are pushed directly to the seller goats. You, of
course, using only one of its energy from such a task does not handle - may not be able to
organize such a set of circumstances.

But in this case does not necessarily rely only on its strength and its energy. Recall that, in
spite of your protective shell, you are still washed by the ocean of energy, consisting of a
powerful energy flow - it is the individual pulses of energy surrounding and powerful streams of
energy parasites, and much more. You just need to pull out of the web desired nitochku leading
to the realization of your goal. That is not to take advantage of its own energy, and already
existing flows associated wind, as they say. To do this you will need a little bit slightly, to feel
these flows and, as deltaplanerist in the air, you want to catch. This should be done
consciously, and the easiest way to do it from the reference condition.

Step 3. Capture success - the introduction of the intentions

of the unconscious
Log in reference condition. Get inside it. Now, from the reference state, play in his
imagination, your current life situation and their true goals and desires. You feel like you have
the intention associated with realizing the goal. Pour with these intentions, let them in its
reference state. Get inside them, to admit to yourself how you can better. Then you can get out
of this state.

Want to know what you just did? You admitted in your subconscious to realize your goal. The
unconscious is now configured for this purpose. Now it will find itself energy flows, leading you
to the goal, it will be the sail, which only looks for favorable winds. Now, no doubt, your
subconscious self begins to move you to fit your circumstances, itself, without your conscious
interference, will search for opportunities for the realization of your dreams. There is no need to
only disturb him, we need to be attentive to their desires and instincts. If you suddenly
inexplicably wanted somewhere to go - not Resist that spontaneously aroused desire, it pushes
you in the right direction of your own subconscious, and not anyone or anything outside.

Maybe these spontaneously emerging desire to be very unexpected. Perhaps the reason they
will initially resist. But trust your subconscious and do not be afraid. In the end, you can not
afford to lose a minute and a walk. Unconscious after the work with him better than you know
what you need. It is better you know where you should go and what to do. It will send you to
the correct side of it when you need it.

There are many examples where people do not know why, suddenly felt that he did not want to
go fly in an airplane, although the ticket was purchased, and to abandon the flight seems to be
no reason. But the reluctance to fly was so strong that people stayed at home. A plane did not
doletal to the point, is broken. This - is also an example of how man saves his own
unconscious, programmed for survival, so it catches impending events, not told him to sit on
that plane. In our case, we learn to do the same, only better option: teach the unconscious not
only protect us from trouble, but also lead us to success and true purpose.

One of my students programmed their marriage. First, he understood for themselves that to
get married to him is really necessary that this desire - is true, because it is by nature in a way
that he needs a family, not because in this society welcomed the institution of marriage. And
he wanted to marry not only on whom, and for the girl of his dreams. What also speaks about
the truth of desire, because its purpose was not merely a family but a family in joy and
happiness with her, only he intended only a loved one.

Having laid this task itself into the unconscious, the young man began to quietly go about their
work, knowing that he was not worried as: the right moment comes, and the subconscious will
do everything itself.

Once, in the lunch break, he suddenly came into his head to go to the station that was nearby,
and there to buy a newspaper. Why is the station? And why should he suddenly need some
kind of newspaper? Any sane person, it would seem, certainly would have asked these
questions and possibly obey logic and common sense, would have felt this desire to absurd and
refused to carry it out. And to miss the happiness. But our young man had been prepared. He
knew: once something like - we have to do it. Once the unconscious so requires - it is not
without. He went to the station under the sneering remarks of my colleagues - it is, as always,
went to the buffet, where he walked daily in the lunch break. He came to the station and
started looking for this very newsstand, which led him so uncontrollably. Found at the kiosk
platform and walked over to him at the very moment when a newly arrived train left with two
suitcases and bags over his shoulder: It is. There was no doubt - this was exactly it, the girl of
his dreams. In such cases, the unconscious does not give the man a second doubted and even
literally calls: Come get acquainted. He came, bad reasons, that he does and what he wanted.
The most amazing thing is that she, too, at first glance: it is fate. The newspaper, they have
bought together. Title on front reads: <Council yes love!> These are the jokes sometimes jolt of
energy field. Now this is one of the happiest families I know.

Step 4. Application of the integrated program for the

success and luck

So you've met with all three steps of programming their luck and luck. Master method, trains -
and you will receive from the fate of all that you need (what you truly need), and you'll be good
luck, and luck, if you will, of course, again hit on the wrong goal, only complicating the lives and
cheat karma.

Summarize. What is boils down to the above program of luck and luck? One holistic
admission, which consists of:

- Determine the true wishes of the reference condition;

- Support the inclusion of others;

- The inclusion of finding ways to implement the desire of his own subconscious.

First mastering each step separately and sequentially, you will gradually get used to using them
at the same time as the three parts of one admission. To play in this one-two months, you will
notice how the unconscious itself started to implement the program on their luck, and luck,
even without your participation. All will be able by itself! But first learn to apply the program
deliberately. How to train in its use? Once you feel that the events become undesirable for
your traffic, or anything in the world up one's ears - adjust the situation by using three-step
program. Do so until the events begin to unfold automatically in your favor. On this, as I said,
would require a month or two. And for the year you reach full perfection in the management of
its success.

Even when the program starts to operate automatically and unconsciously, you will be able, if
necessary, and apply it locally, to achieve a particular goal. However, in this case, be careful,
because the method that I propose to you is very hard, because he, as you noticed, it is
concrete. From neprivychki and without proper training, you can accidentally, trying to manage
others, very tightly, and suddenly attack: on himself. Energy structure of the unconscious and
consciousness may not immediately notice autoagressii such as reacting to such things
somewhat slow. So what, you're in such a case, extract the appropriate lesson from the
situation and try not to do so more. With regard to your objectives, it is in this case would be
achieved, while even much easier than you expected, but not in the way, what you have set. In
this case, that's what happens: you zadeystvuete up its emergency supplies of energy and solve
the problem without the help of others, solely because of its internal reserves. The method is
extremely energozatratny and consumptive to recommend it for use.

As applied locally? Recommend the following steps.

1. Definition of goals and checking it for the true (whether it is in harmony with the reference
condition, or the reference condition for achieving this goal and think nasty?).

2,. Identification of ways to achieve goals (each step to achieve it checks the reference state
that, at all stages of achieving the goal, it was a pleasant process, appreciate the effort as well -
not overly whether, and possible side effects - do they need you?).

3. Fixing the goal on paper - this will help in the specification and implementation.

4. Integration of goals in the subconscious of - the introduction of the intentions of the

reference state.

5. Programming around you for help - for two or three interviews with the radiation from

Note: Paragraph 4 should be repeated daily for a week.

Try this with any local purpose (marriage, raising wages, improving housing conditions). Of
course, different objectives require different execution time - the subconscious can take time to
bring you to benefit emerging coincidence. But rest assured: you are doomed to success.

One of my students to master as set out in this chapter, the steps of DEIR, and all of her life
beginning to emerge as if by itself. All her wishes were carried out as if by magic. It began
with small things: a beautiful blouse wanted - and it is a bought. Wanted to go to Italy - gone.
More - more. Wanted to get acquainted with a man - met. And so on. But one stumbling block
in her life did remain, and there are no disappeared. The fact that she lived in a communal
apartment, and the issue with a separate apartment can not be resolved. What's the matter - it
was not clear. Like a true desire, and quite naturally, but not implemented. I invited her to use
the program for the success of locally - in relation to this specific purpose. She began to do so.
What is it all the time, alarming the reference condition - that is hampered with pleasure to
think about moving into a new apartment. They started to understand.

- Think about how to - say - that is still hampered by your desire to live in separate apartment
to become true. Something you still hold to the old apartment, not something you really want
to go from there:

It turns out everything is very simple: she had good friendly relations with the neighbor, and
subconsciously, she did not want to part with her and stay single for a new apartment. And
NEXT DOOR was a pity: it is not a separate dwelling of light, and who podselyat was still

- You know - I say - let's wait a little-ka to this desire. It seems that until you do not need a
new apartment.

The time for positive change in the lives of my students have continued. First, she got
promoted, but because she did research work, and now she had a lot of work at home, to which
the conditions of communal flats is not very available. Secondly, she was married. There is
already finalized, it became clear that a separate apartment needed.

She re-start the local application programming for the apartment. A much better, but some
splinter of the reference condition is still being felt. It turned out <splinter> all the same -
neighbor: She went to a neighbor. Talked with the use of radiation from Adzhna-chakra.
Neighbor suddenly agreed that they both need some room. Agreed: if razedemsya still going to
go together to visit, we will be friends. Neighbor suddenly remembered that she had to work is
employee whose communal resettled some company and gave all the families in a separate
apartment. Promised to find out about the firm. The next day came happy: the company is
continuing to settle communal and only makes that is looking for a suitable apartment. Less
than a month, both women have lived in two separate apartments, but still got money in the
bargain, because of their old apartment was very expensive in the old fund. By the way, my
student, and Neil Simon's girlfriend has to learn the system DEIR. In the end, and that too
happily married and has found a new, more lucrative work.

Starting to practice this programming, you will soon discover that this new way of life is
fundamentally different from that to which you are accustomed to switching to a new stage of

Previously, because the circumstances or other people all the time you are forced to do
something that you do not very much was pleasant. Previously the sake of a cherished an
increase in pay every time you have to rape you and gibbosity beyond all measure - then do a
report for the boss, then stay for overtime work, then make some senseless paper.

Now, for the same allowances you are doing only what you do easily and pleasantly.
Everything is like it is and has not fatigue and oskominu, but only joy. So it should be. This is
the norm. Norma, from which humanity moved away very far.

Therefore, only people and firmly to each other: <Life is complicated, it can not be one of joy:>
Once again, stupidity and foolishness. Life is easy and pleasant, it can and should be a joy.
Here's to such a rule must be pursued. I say this with full responsibility. If life hard and bleak,
it says only that you are far from perfect, that to false goals and do not belong to me. As life
begins to perfection to bring joy, not distress.

The normal pattern of human life is this: now there is a desire, now have the possibility, that
the process has gone, that's all done. You can go further, the next goal for the next phase. A
man with such a lifestyle does not exhausts itself, not tires, does not come to life deadlock, like
most people, but on the contrary, grows, develops, improves their quality of life, enriching
themselves spiritually - in general, continuously evolving.

This is the true result of the programming themselves for success and luck.
Chapter 3

Program on the effectiveness of their own actions

If you are firmly learned, than the difference between the true desire and purpose of the false,
if you understand what it means to follow the only true desires - then you can congratulate you:
you have a much easier life.

Most ordinary people do not understand that by providing false desires, they doom themselves
to subsequent pain: an adverse chain of events resulting from the implementation of the false
desires can reach a very long time, poisoning the man literally his entire life. People are not
aware of this and then complain about: <Oh, what am I suffering? What I have provinces? Oh,
how unfair it is:> And even in the same spirit can be heard from them. These people do not
understand nor want to understand that the only blame themselves, that they pay for their own
false desires.

You are now free from this blindness. You can now examine their lives, to draw conclusions
from their past mistakes, that do not repeat them (a mistake they have all without exception,
because before you knew nothing about how to distinguish false from true desire). In keeping
with its only true If you wish, you'll see that life began to flow easily and smoothly, without
problems, obstacles and small troubles that chased you earlier, at each step. In addition,
learning to follow the true desires, you can manage with a sense of disorientation and confusion
plaguing everybody who does not know what he really wants. I assure you, those who do not
know what they really need, among the majority of people!

Now you do not run outside or other people or society, nor the energy parasites. No one is
forcing you to its programs, desires and goals. And wonderful! This is exactly what you need to
do is - freedom. Now you live in accordance only with their own desires and goals.

Still, to get rid of the false desires - that's not all. You should probably feel it. Perhaps even
getting rid of false desires, you continue to feel within himself some vague anxiety, irritation,
frustration. In addition, you still may think that something in your life you do not.

The reason for such a condition exists, and it is defined. Yes, you started to follow your true
desires, but you continue to live in the same society, to communicate with all the same people
you go through the same streets, live, most likely in the same family. And even if we start with
the development of DEIR in your life have been such great changes that you have changed and
the family, and the city, and place of work (and this happens, but usually only with those who
have mastered the entire system DEIR perfectly ), then you've still not left nor to the moon or
on Mars, you were a man, and besides being, living in society. Here are some of these ordinary
and everyday relations with society as a time and a something that you are terribly annoying,
and even be out of yourself. What's the matter?

And that person has completed the development of the first stage DEIR, as a society would
cease to notice. Such a person becomes a society as if transparent. I have already cited the
example of my friend - a composer and performer of pop songs. Remember? And his
successes and failures suddenly stopped noticing and the public and the press. The reasons for
this phenomenon need to understand and be able to overcome, because it is nothing but one of
the obvious and encouraging freedom of expression. You fought for it - and you have it.

Freedom of handouts, freedom from whipping

The fact that this happens to you, it is not surprising. Because you no longer live under the
laws of the human community. You now live in other laws - the laws of their energy essence.
You fell out of the scheme, for which there is the whole of society. But left out of the scheme,
and fell out of sight of the society, have become invisible to him.

On the one hand, it is wonderful. It's freedom. This means that you are no longer bound by a
thousand chains with pathologically-oriented society. But on the other hand, all this is
accompanied by some undesirable effects: you will certainly have noticed that most actions that
you have previously committed automatically, which are also automatically receive a response
in the desired result, and now suddenly became totally useless.
Habitual actions were always effective, suddenly ineffective! You with your actions (note: the
actions associated with the relationship with society) really like it, no one notices. Please note:
in this case we are not talking about karma relationship, not about the violation of cause and
effect relationships that are relevant to the karma. Karma is at the present stage of your
development as a time are becoming more strained and demonstrated: the effects of
undesirable acts, due to false targets (and this is nakrutka karma), it was not slow to say. On
this we will talk in detail in the following chapters. But now - not about karma, but the most
ordinary, everyday your behavior, which suddenly started to remain without consequences.

Before you know exactly: if you do a good job, the chief you praise and give a prize. Late for
work - get a reprimand. Take some kind of mistake - everyone will blame you, or maybe vice
versa, you will empathize. So everything was simple, clear and natural. Now you can make
any mistakes or anything, instead, seek what you want success - to others as if you do not,
they do not see, do not notice any mistakes or successes. All this goes in vain as water in the

Some of my students even physically felt, as proved in a vacuum, in which a vacuum that the
elastic ligaments, which previously went from them to other people, now ceased to exist. When
these ligaments, no, man, although there is among other people, but it is still separated from
them, he granted himself, it is a separate island in the human ocean.

A snap off those power chords with others and with society in general, just your new protective
shell of energy, to establish that we have learned in the first book. These links have been
nothing more than nitochkami for which society pulled you like puppet. Now, these ligaments
do not.

Analyze in detail all the events - as the left so that the society has lost sight of you?

Imagine our society as a giant mechanism - for example, the conveyor for the production of
any details. Only in our case, this line is not similar to conventional production - because it is
run energy parasite. Screws, wheels and other parts of the line - people, ordinary people are
not able to escape from the painful slavery, in which society holds them. Made in line details -
it is also people. All actions (of course, critical) are programmed in advance and provide energy
parasite. This is treated parts supplied to the working area. Here are the top die is lowered,
has a piece on the right pressure, and gives it the desired shape. Here with the help of the
capture element taken from the working platform and comes forward for further processing.
And so on. For each part of a certain cycle of movements of different mechanisms for the
conveyor, the details come through a strictly defined time intervals. All clear, all coordinated,
there is nothing to violate the process and results are pre-programmed.

But imagine this: on the line suddenly from nowhere a spare part - is not the right time and not
at the right place! Her appearance has not been provided, it is outside the system, it in itself.
It was either before, or later than necessary. Of course, it does not provide a single cycle of
movement mechanisms conveyor. So stamp strikes on the empty canvas, capture cross-cutting
in a vacuum, and the detail of swim past, and left untreated.

Want to know what kind of extra detail on the canvas conveyor running energy parasite? Do
not guess? Yes, it's you - you, personally, dear reader, you - after mastering the first stage of
DEIR. You, like this piece, in violation of all plans and programs of energy parasite.

Maybe you are not pleased with this circumstance? Maybe you want to back to the familiar line
of stamps and capture beats accurately and without misses? No problem: if you wish - you can
come back. But I warn: this is not the happiness you bring. I would like to offer you a much
more pleasant and joyful future. I would like to invite you to become the organizer and
coordinator of the huge line, but only such a conveyor, which, unlike the energy parasite, will
work for the benefit of you, and ultimately - to the benefit of other people vyryvaya and also
from the paws of energy parasites .

You have to understand that extra detail on the assembly line violates the machinery running
energy parasite. It may even bring down the entire conveyor. Or you can become a detalkoy,
which destroys the pathological structure. Do not forget that you are in the process of
development of DEIR become one of the precursors of the future of mankind. And the future of
humanity should be spared from the parasitic energy structures, otherwise people do not
survive. You start a virtuous work for the release of humanity right now.
As happens in real life fallout of human learning system DEIR, from a field of view of society,
and how his involvement with the collapse of pathological structures, I show you a konkrentnom
an example.

One of my students worked in a prestigious and successful organizations. It was a very

remarkable man. It always used to be the center of attention - but without the attention it did
not leave because she was not only an excellent officer, but also an interesting woman. For
some time it has suffered from the stalking of attention, but on the other hand, it is lstilo. Since
it was a good worker, it is often praised, celebrated its very merits. In addition, men with the
end fell to compliment her beauty, and women, respectively, envied. When she came out of
leave, a male part of the team always freezes in tetanus: <tan you, Lyudochka, atomic!> (This
really cannot be adopted in this team, I am sorry, that called for a quote). When she went to
drink coffee in the buffet, it lasted a whole posse of admirers. When you had someone to send
to the prestigious conference report - sent it. And so on.

But, I should say, and misses it were visible. And though they were rare, but it does not
forgive them - does not forgive that easily came to the hands of another, less visible to staff:
the slightest delay, the smallest gaps. In general, at work, she could not afford to relax or for a

But once she has mastered the first stage of DEIR, the Service has begun strangeness. She
noticed these strange just before the holidays. She came to the Chief a statement, in the
expectation that it will, as always, will be to persuade her not to go on holiday now, will speak,
as without it hard to cope with the bulk of the work as it is an indispensable employee. She
even in anticipation of such a call, prepared a bunch of arguments to convince the chief of all
the same to let it rest.

But the chief - for the first time in her work - signed a statement without saying a word and did
not even look at it. She came out of his office very, very disappointed and at great loss. But
the next day, to his astonishment, she found her name in the list of duty - Chief, appointed her
to the duty during the period of leave, as if forgotten that just signed her statement. But before
he had not been such inattention. She had come to him in the cabinet: <Ivan, I was in the
twentieth of the story of why the schedule of duty, my surname> - <What about you? - His
voice sounded very indifferently. - Sorry, wrong>. He again did not even looked at her.

<Maybe he was not in the spirit. Houses anything> - it was agreed and left to rest in the hope
that after all ustakanitsya and return to their own circles.

But there it was. She returned from leave, as always, an amazing tan. But: no one even
looked at her side, no one uttered a single compliment. No usual admiration she had met - all
viewed as if through it and pass by. As for the buffet table, she sat alone. A little later learned
that at the next Conference a report on her topic will be doing the other fellow.

To me it just does not burst into tears:

- What's the matter? I fell out of favor? I became a bad employee? I postarela, podurnela?
Why me all of a sudden everything turned?

- Calm down - I say. - You are young and well as ever. And their ability to do you can hardly
nervous. The thing is that you become a superfluous element in this mechanism. So be aware:
your praises organization, like any other - just a thoroughly pathological structure, and, of
course, she began to reject you, as soon as you become a free and harmonious human being.

- So what do I do now? - She asked, somewhat calmed down.

- Do not disturb dilapidate pathological structure. Do not interfere with die fact that its already
otzhilo. You are alone with their presence already raskachala this boat - you are a free man, to
some extent destroyed the plans for energy parasite, seized your organization. You break a
program that people - screw the system, that is why they will not notice. Do not worry, they do
it subconsciously, to ourselves in this report does not give, they do not realize that a change in
attitude to you. They feel in danger you measured your livelihood, that's run away. Continued
as before, and nothing do not worry - everything is going according to plan. Use the program
for effectiveness. And when the structure collapsed on the ground there is a new, harmonious,
your actions will begin to have a result and they will begin to respond other people - only this
will be the actions that are required for you, rather than energy parasite, and the results you

Ludmila heeded my advice and continued to work more gradually to its privyknuv
<Transparency>. Over time, she appreciated the freedom, which is <transparent> gave. She
learned how to use it. Now she is not nervous before, if you feel that is late for work - knows
that this is unlikely to pay attention. If it were necessary, it can not come to work the next day
to make sure that the staff did not notice this. But before most of its short-term absence was
enough to start yelling: <Where is it? Why is it not? It must be here!> Now, it can safely go
and not to whom nothing to report. In doing so, no one raised any question to it. But the
salary she paid to continue. And the situation is gradually beginning to make it.

Soon it began to occur of certain events. Has begun auditing. And officials have been engaged
in financial grubbiness. It appeared that all the work performed by the organization, was
virtually useless, as the allotted money settled in somebody's pockets. The organization was
close to bankruptcy. It was discovered more mass abuse. All top sletela nasizhennyh from
their seats. It turned out as I had assumed that office completely projected and my student
was there almost the only honest person, not involved in any fraud.

Now it's time to act it. She has mastered a program on the effectiveness of their own actions.
As a result, she became the new leader of the organization. It has almost completely changed
the staff and took on the work of many of his friends on the courses DEIR. Now, the
organization under her leadership has become, perhaps, the only fundamentally new to our
society structure which does not depend on energy parasites and is a very important and
necessary thing, by and large - is the future of mankind.

This is what we have: that Lyudmila initially adopted for its failures, it was not failure, but the
beginning of future success - it was actually just a consequence of the lack of support energy
parasite. The chain of events that provided energy parasite, simply ceased to include Lyudmila,
as a man free and independent. As a result, all its actions and deeds have begun to fade away
as have ceased to receive support from others, ceased to grow the environment and cause a

Keep in mind that this amp? Roughly it can be compared to a lot of arming, of слабенькой to
a very powerful spring - just kachnetsya one, and immediately work the other three: The
process has begun. You can also result in the example relay station: it received the signal,
picked up his heightened and reinforced already radiates it into space. So people pick a
program of energy parasite, encourage her own words and actions and pass the baton to
others. This happens in the community, serves the energy source of energy for the parasite,
which is society itself once generated.

You opt-out of these parasites, you will no longer depend on them, of you do not pump out the
energy, you are no external programs. But your actions are no longer growing, not catch
anyone from the outside - your actions fading, decay, remain unanswered.

At first, it hard, because people throughout their lives accustomed to the fact that certain
events occur as if by themselves, automatically. When these events occur suddenly stop, the
man is lost, it violated its relationship with society.

Imagine a human condition in the house who suddenly broke down the phone. So he has
turned off, and then suddenly not quite connecting. The apartment potek Crane, the man calls
the crash, and falls in a cinema, a clinic, then in someone's apartment. It was at the door
lomitsya bully, he gets 02, while in the tube hears: <16 hours Moscow time>.

What happens to a person starting to learn the system DEIR, it is very similar to this <game>
in the damaged phone. You are someone cursing, but he did not respond, although previously
always обижался. You do good work, but none of this does not respond - thanks not wait. Do
you offer superior new project that will lead your company to prosperity, but the chief did not
hear, think about something else, you with your project does not notice. And you thought your
project would cheer, move up, your shares will increase, you will raise wages. But the chief as
if eclipse was. You and him both, and edak benefits all signs - zero emotion. He had something
else in mind, it is not up to you. Either option - it accepts the draft, but never appreciated your
In fact, all this is understandable and natural. After all, what do you suggest the boss does not
need energy parasite. You have new goals that were not provided energy parasite. You with
your project rushite all his plans. You will not find yourself in a phase called for this parasite,
hence the feeling that you are doing out of place. Your actions energy octopus does not have a
response on the part of society.

But if you do not have done if you are an independent person and will continue to flex their
line, you will eventually destroy the whole mechanism, running energy parasite. In order to
become masters of the situation.

The man who fell out of sight of society, like a fairy tale about the hero's hat-invisible. Put on
this magic hat, he is lost among the huge crowds of people - no one sees. But what a
tremendous freedom to receive this invisible man! We are too similar to the man in a cap-
invisible. And we just need to learn how to use this freedom.

But it must be remembered that our hats to you invisible, there is one feature: as soon as we
start to use it correctly, it loses all of its properties. We again instantly becomes visible, it is
again included in the pathological network established energy parasite, beginning dance to his
tune and become one of the components of the giant conveyor society. So remember that
freedom - this is not permissiveness. And try to avoid temptation (although this temptation is
great!), Taking advantage of its <invisibility> start to perform a lot of empty, false desires.

So, we have a problem: a taste of all the benefits of freedom, not burdened his karma, and
acting only for the benefit and themselves, and others, as well as to make their actions
effective, obtain from them the desired result and we support others.

To do this, you need to learn how to use energy - and its own people and others - for peaceful
purposes. After all, how much of its energy to give these people every second of energy
parasites - it simply does not bring the Lord! All you need - is to intercept some of this energy,
and most learn to control these energy flows. This does not mean that you yourself must now
этаким become a parasite of energy - you do not succeed, even with all the desire, because you
do not have such a truly boundless energy. But you have to learn to use it, in fact, the same
mechanisms that use energy octopus.

But do not worry: you will not in the slightest degree do not need to identify parasites. In fact,
originally a mechanism used by the parasite to push people to action, was intended not for the
parasite, but for the people - for a truly free people, that this mechanism has been granted over
a field of energy. It just cut off people - he was usurped by self-motion total energy, ie energy
parasite. So I suggest you only to regain what rightfully belongs to you.

As soon as you return the mechanism itself, you will immediately receive a huge advantage
over ordinary people. Normal people spend a lot of energy to ensure that its actions are
effective and benefit him personally, but it is still used, it still substitutes, he pays a prohibitive
fee for energy services in support of the parasite for its actions, and it still confuses in the
events, and still he often does not achieves the desired result. You, on the effectiveness of
learning programs, will always receive exactly what you need. But you, of course, but will have
to rely only on themselves.

Programming efficiency

Now the essence of most methods of programming for effective action. To get started,
remember the previous chapter - the place described as provide assistance to surrounding
himself with the realization of the true wishes. You'll learn to use the radiation from Adzhna-
chakra. And if you have learned well the contents of the first book, it is easy to understand that
while you have been used predominantly upward flow of energy - it radiates through Adzhna-
dyed chakra severe emotional energy impact.

Now you will have to absorb more impact by using the downstream flow. Top-down flow, as
you may remember from the first book, has actually programing impact.

Just do not be afraid of speech <programming>. I'm not going to teach you some zombirovat
or have on the surrounding any harmful effects. Think about it: if you're a person free,
harmonious, off of pathological relationships, unless you can radiate pathological program? You
simply do not and can not be any such programs. And what is not, and it is impossible to
transfer to another. All of your desire - the truth, that is, they are in full compliance with your
internal harmony, harmony with the free human being, and therefore beneficial. This means
that all those programs that you will be able to radiate, will directly or indirectly, only for good,
to bring harmony to achieve liberty for as many people as possible, to overcome the
pathological effects of energy parasites.

Once you learn to apply simultaneously both types of radiation - emotional (upward flux) and
programmed (down stream), you can easily learn the whole mechanism of launching an
effective action. It is through these two streams will include support of others and ensures the
effectiveness of any action. First, programming is carried out. This process can be likened tab
of fuel in the furnace. And then sculpting spark emotional impact. So uprising flame, and starts
running mechanism. So your harmonizing program starts to spread to others.

Before you learn to apply this method in practice, I want to acquaint you with some general
rules for its use.

Rule first. Do not attempt to use verbal program to improve the basic efficiency of their
actions, ie, do not try to influence others through words (given effect by means of programming
can be achieved, but more on that - on the management of people - in this third book). There
is no need to talk, suggestion, studies and other educational methods, with the aid of verbal
effects. This will cause only a sharp protest from the others. The reason is simple: as soon as
you express your intention aloud - energy parasite with the help of your interlocutors to begin
to try to curb your intentions, because they do not coincide with his plans. Therefore, no talk
and remember: people do not have to guess about your plans. Only when you begin to
influence people without words, they perceive your program quietly, as something natural, and
even begin to consider them their own.

A similar effect can be seen most clearly when dealing with children. Please note that any direct
verbal nurturing the child usually has the opposite effect. You tell your child: <Do not whistle!>
And he begins to whistle even louder. You tell your child: <Come to dinner!> And hear in reply:
<I do not want to!> But if the whole family sits down to dinner, and the child is not pozovut -
make sure it pribezhit himself. Parent program of hunger and desire to eat will start to affect
him, and he will ask for food, knowing that it is his own wish.

This is a subconscious desire to do the opposite characteristic, not only for children. Since
childhood it was acting all his life. It directs human energy parasite, used to use as fuel energy
components of human protest against any claim, expressed in words.

Second Rule. Running the program on the effectiveness of action, do not try to achieve too
much at once. Stop first at one end. Do not seek to immediately implement a new project, and
get a new post, and to lead a scientific direction, and write a book, and become a popular
singer, and go to zagrankomandirovku, and to marry a citizen of the Principality of
Liechtenstein. In all of this at once you just do not have enough energy - I repeat: you are not
energy parasite with its enormous energy potential.

In the example I described in my student Lyudmila goal was declared, only one: to create a
new team that will operate under the laws of energy fields and to the benefit of every member
of this team, as well as all potential partners and customers. In the end, turned out and the
staff and managerial positions and high salaries, and zagrankomandirovki, and new scientific
direction. So the limit as a single, and it is possible that you will get much more than

Third Rule. Your program must be formulated in a positive manner. That is the wording of the
program should not be a particle <not> and words denoting undesirable phenomena.
Otherwise, the program will be negative. <I do not want to hurt> - This is an example of
incorrect programs. <I want to be healthy> - example of the correct program. In the first case,
the person dooms itself to the disease - in fact the very notion of <ill> present in the
formulation of the program starts and works with its performance. <I want to be healthy> -
real programs on health.

Before you read further, make sure you really understand these three rules and they have
learned very well. Only then you can consider yourself ready for the development of the
Step 5. Technique of application programs on the
effectiveness of their actions

The essence of technology is that you have to slightly <move> parasite energy, replacing it
with their own programs. This is a - good deal, because you are pushed out by a devastating
parasite of energy and replacing it with creative programs. Do not hesitate, and that you have
the strength. Fact, the programmer impact energy parasite, by and large, and not so much - the
parasite is not by force but a wide scope and duration of exposure. It operates on the principle
<drop a stone tochit>. Your influence may not be as widespread and comprehensive, but more

Now, the actual technique. Of what you'll be carried out, consists of three phases.

The first phase: the creation of the program in their minds.

Second phase: the introduction of the program in its own broadcasting body that she started
emitted through your chakras.

The third phase: to ensure proper programming impact - the impact the program.

Investigate in detail each of the three phases.

Step 5a. Creating a program in their minds.

To provide a quality program in your mind, you will again have to recall the reference
condition. Actually I should say that the reference state can be truly unlimited. It is a universal
method to solve very many problems. Try to get to this method and use it creatively in a
variety of life situations. Reference the state does not interfere anywhere, ever.

At any time through re-entry into the state of reference, you can become much stronger and
more collected than usual. The ideal - it's when the reference state becomes your normal
standing state. Strive to enter in the reference state as often as it can, so that over time this
condition has been continuous.

Note that from the moment when you have a protective shell, you become able to master all
the stronger and stronger energy. This is because you are gradually getting all the access to
large reserves of energy. Perhaps you have noticed that some of your problems such as bad
mood, complex relationships with others, even the manufacturing difficulties associated with
people who have already dealt with as if by themselves, you should only enter into the
reference condition - you have almost no accounting method applied to getting rid of the evil
eye, damage and other alien introductions. All the alien energy fly off by itself, only when you
go to the reference condition. This shows you the increased power, that your energy is far more
powerful than before. On the small problems and you are coping hike, almost without noticing

When I was just beginning to learn the system itself, in practice, in my surroundings was very
strong (as I thought then) vampire. After even a short dialogue with him, I feel broken, I
started terrible headaches, mood deteriorated sharply. I needed a minimum, an hour of time to
bring itself to rule. And for this it was necessary to retire in a quiet room, turn off your phone
and alert the home that I was not disturbed. Great difficulty and great cost the concentration
found in his air television defeat left vampire, and delete them.

As I develop the reference condition and trained to enter into it, to rebuild itself after exposure
to vampire take me less time and effort. After the establishment of a protective shell vampire
was powerless in front of me - to break the shell of the first times he could not. This angered
him terribly. He began to act a little more <sophistication>: hysterical screaming, which
affected my emotions, just pierce my eyes - and at some point he managed to be prisosatsya.
Following this communication, I was driving home, adjusting to the forthcoming long-term work.
Already in the bus I began to enter the reference state. What is it, my surprise and joy when,
in a minute vampiricheskaya sucker to fall off by itself and I felt that my back has become a
shell of solid, strong and very big - much more than before. A little later, I learned an effort of
will for a second to reset the whole bunch of powerful vampires - regardless of where I am at
this point was: even in the bus, even on a busy street, even at a scientific symposium. Yet
after a while neither vampire nor under what circumstances could not prisosatsya to me, as it
may bear malice, and however hard they tried.

Any work better manage the reference condition. Scientists have achieved amazing results,
people create art masterpieces. Some clients I have the athletes to learn to responsibly start to
enter the reference condition - the results dramatically improved. In fact, the reference state - it
is a state when mind, and body, and soul of most people interact harmoniously, when all the
organs and systems - and the physical and energy - are working with utmost efficiency.

So, you have clearly made a positive program. For example: <I want to write a book> or even:
<I am writing a book>. Or: <I put into production, my project>. And so on, depending on the
scope of your interests. To bookmark program you are interested in their own minds, you must
first enter in the reference state. Now, from this state, you must be a limit to the clarity and
specificity in detail and submit the details of the sort of situation in which you want to be a
result of their effective action.

Consider the simplest option: you want to get a new post, want to become a supervisor. But if
you act normal human ways - to buck the parent, to seek the post himself, - you do not
succeed, because in the energy plans of the parasite is not providing you with a new post.
Therefore, you are acting in another way, the method of DEIR: Entrance to the reference state,
and imagine that you already occupy a new position that you have a Chief. Here you come to
the workplace. Sit down at the table, ustavlenny phones. Ask the secretary to invite
subordinates to a meeting. They come, sit in your office. You open the meeting, telling of their
plans, the proposed new project. And so on. The more you have vivid imaginations and the
specific details and the details of your future activities at the Head - the better.

Particular attention should be paid to all phases of activity in the new position - you know what
you like about this position is needed not only for the fact that the new chair to sit. You must
be explored in her imagination all the stages desired for your event - and these steps should be
a single entity, be part of a single process, each subsequent phase would result from the
previous one. Here you have the chief, that the organization under your leadership, has
launched a new project, the project has now borne fruit, the work gives a pronounced practical
result, your company dramatically stepped up revenue, increasing staff salaries, there are now
subsidiaries: This is, of course, only an approximate scheme you should give it specific only to
your content.

It is desirable that you specifically have imagined all those people that you really need to
implement the goals. At the same time as the events in your imagination, you should feel the
state which is accompanied in achieving its goals. That is the whole picture of your
achievements, you have to imagine not merely speculative, and emotionally - to enjoy their
successes, and rejoice in the achievements. It's very simple: you've probably more than once
in his life dreaming of something pleasant, and noticed, as with your lips wander blessed smile.
Here and here as well - dream of one's heart's content and happy.

And now - the main thing. Here you are <otmechtali> all my program have been from the
beginning to the end of the desired situation, in his imagination. Now, note how this has
changed since your condition. And your inner world, if you are done correctly, will certainly
change. This change necessarily for the better: a joy, confidence, satisfaction of achieved - in
general, the mood has to be very positive.

Your task: to remember this feeling - the feeling of changing the internal conditions. It is an
integral sense of the subconscious and is the equivalent of your program. That's the way you
feel the program when it is entered into your brain. This feeling has all the necessary
components of your program - there, in that sense, you have already written and the events
and their outcomes, and information about potential assistant. The person that gave the feeling
in their minds, enough to get the slightest impulse to action - and the program itself will strive
to be implemented fully and without remainder.

Well, actually you have a program - created and embedded in consciousness. Now you need to
lay it in your own body is essential to it as the filter, necessary to transform the radiation of
your lower chakras and emitted through them in the surrounding space.
Step 5b. Implementing the program in its own broadcasting

Once you are well remembered and preserved integral sense of the changes of their own
condition as a result of detailed work on the desirable situation, it is possible to withdraw from
the reference condition. But, even leaving it, do not lose the feeling received.

Now you will work directly with that feeling. Concentrating on it and provide it themselves as a
bunch of energy. Your feeling should not be just a feeling, and energy education. Fill his
energy makes him a lot of energy - and now your new sensation you accept as a powerful local
energy education, which is focused somewhere in the depths of your being.

By the way, try to determine exactly where <cluster> - in what part of your physical body,
which part of your ether body, your energy substance - Place this bunch of energy. Feel like
there comes pulsation, heat, power. This force - the ISP.

Now your task is this: you created an enhanced and concentrated lump of energy you need to
move around the level of mid-body, that it is located in the area of Manipur and merge it with
the top-down flow of energy.

Concentrating on the sensation of top-down flow of energy. As you may remember from the
first book, top-down flow brings with it the energy space, which nourishes the human mind.
Passing through the upper chakras, the flow is saturated with programs written in the human
brain, - his thoughts, attitudes, ie, elements of the specific characteristics of this consciousness.
Going down to the level of chakras Svadhistany and Manipur, the flow starts to pull up out
through these two chakras, both through the original window. And vyryvayas outside influences
of other people - they transmit the same recorded in the program of consciousness. But most
people do it unconsciously, and, worse still, through the lower chakras as any debris is thrown
out of programs, namely: the pathological settings that vbyly in their head society. Therefore,
most people have a negative impact, transferring them to their negative, pathological program.
Your task is quite another: knowingly transmit surrounding its positive and beneficial program.

You have already written down in his brain and the consciousness of such a program, you have
arranged it in the form of sensations, which has become a powerful form of energy bunch, you
arranged this bunch at the level of Manipur. Now you should merge this bunch top-down flow of
energy to power clot smoothly potek along with top-down flow. Do not be afraid that the bullet
forever, that it all spilled out, along with the flow - if you are quite satisfied of its energy, the
bunch (ie your program) was, in essence, your second <I>, that is until he actually
inexhaustible the moment when the entire program will not be realized fully.

Fig. 5. The flow of space forces, through the consciousness of man, makes out of his
mind reflections - programs that can subdue the other.

Fig. 6. How long you do not need to explain - an internal lever in the lower abdomen
allows you to manage traffic flow downstream.

So you've joined the resulting energy bunch top-down flow. Now we need to lay the foundation
for its impact around. Concentrate on one of the lower chakras - eg Svadhistane. Remember
how the first book you will learn to give the energy through the lower chakras: for this purpose
may be to imagine that at Svadhistany is a little rotating arrow you can rotate the tip to the side
where you need the energy. We need to look to the impact of energy - and turned the arrow
next pochuvstovali as Svadhistana started work on the impact of energy outside. However, do
not necessarily use the arrows - you can adjust on impact energy, as is convenient for you.
One can imagine the river flowing from Svadhistany for somebody energy can be in the form of
air flow, for someone in a spotlight beam. Either way, you should concentrate on feeling the
energy flow, tried to escape from your lower chakras.

Now you executed in the energy program clot realized spills out and is ready to introduce into
the environment. Now, in the external energy flux, until now controlled only the powerful
radiation of energy parasites present a clear structure of your consciousness, to realize your
dreams. What it might have been - the desire to be promoted, an apartment, to love, make
money, always look beautiful, have a say-so, a desire in the form of a finished software package
and is aimed at programming around. But to start the program to influence others in full force,
you will have a special way to configure it. Only then will it begin to penetrate the
consciousness of other people.

Step 5c. Providing the programmer impact - the impact the


How to configure the program to others, so that your chakras are provided to the programmer

After a first degree course DEIR and install a protective energy shell, you reflexly rose from the
energy of interaction with other people. You can now clearly feel the energy of the impact and
prevent them on the vine. But in order to remain in complete isolation, so that your actions
were effective and had the results, some still avoid contact essential. Because your programs to
catch other people, you have to look to the impact of these programs to other people. And the
impact of programs are always accompanied by the impact energy. You want to get a favorable
result for you, but you must pay for it, because, as you know, free of charge in our world is only
the cheese in the mouse. And you will pay nothing more than its own energy.

But do not worry, it will not obessilit and no exhaust. We know that not giving oskudeet hand.
Therefore, learned to give of their energy to people, you soon make sure that instead of getting
a lot more than the yield!

You may notice that the greedy, stingy, miserly people are ultimately more often than not lose
all that they have accumulated. In our country, it emerged very clearly - thousands of people
all his life savings on the essentials, do not allow either myself or my family to live fully and
enjoy the material benefits that might be available. They will never spend money on gifts, the
flowers, the beautiful thing - they keep themselves and loved ones in a black body and kopili for
a rainy day. When you expect a black day, he is sure to come (it is also a kind of program:
man himself is programmed for a rainy day - that he had not slowed to come). Black day for
these men showed themselves as they are least expected: lost all their savings in savings.
Here's what causes the reluctance to give, that is what causes the desire to only receive and
save the good life.

And there are other people - cheerful and zhiznelyubivye bessrebreniki who have never been
richer, but never thought of money - to spend on the last gifts to the reception or at any
приглянувшуюся them, but impractical thing. These people have generously shared with
others, without compunction razdarivayut their belongings the family and friends. Here they are
- this balovni fate. Note that they miraculously comes with all necessary for life, because other
people with them too generous.

This law applies equally to money, and energy. The man who divided his power with others, in
response, receiving from them a hundred times more energy. Please note: individuals who only
require the other to be loved, respected, surrounded by his warmth and care, usually remains in
the cold. If the person himself, first, without waiting for the impact of others, reckless shares
his love, his warmth - a man is always loved, he is always in focus, those surrounding him have
his good sense, that is, its energy. Anyone who does not skimp on the impact energy, and he
gets a powerful stream of energy in response.

So, you, I hope, understand that you can not compare этакому stagnated pond, which is so
afraid of losing their water, and rot that slowly turns into a swamp. You should be clean lake in
which water (read: energy) circulates all the time, up to date. To that end, the portion of
energy all the time escape - then opened up to start affluent clean, fresh, renewed energy.

Here you create a program and put it in the area of the lower chakras, attaching to a source of
energy, which is down stream. Now you can go to the people, can be opened.

Talking with people, open the flow of energy from the lower chakras. Experience - that the
flow is pulling out of your lower chakras, so he goes into space, as would be void, here is
another person, but begins to be absorbed by them. At this point you have a much sharper
sense of his interlocutor.

You will understand his feelings, you begin to understand him as yourself - you like vzhivetes,
vchuvstvuetes it, look at the world around his eyes. And feel that a miracle happened: you
understand the other person! In life, most people, this happens very rarely. People zatsikleny
for themselves, they do not see beyond their nose, they can not <get into the skin> of another,
and understand it. But it is very easy. We need only to look to the impact of energy to another
and feel as it consumes. More details about this will be discussed in the third book devoted to
the development of the third stage of DEIR.

You feel the other person to feel the feedback. But abusing this feeling do not need it, give it a
few seconds - otherwise it will bug you. Too penetrate feelings and thoughts of another person
is dangerous: it is possible to lose oneself. And so, sensing that link, just cut it off.
Continuation of this context would mean that you are too open.

Continue to focus on the radiation emanating from your lower chakras, - let the other person
continues to absorb this radiation, but the process of absorption of greater control is not
Learn to enter into this state, any contact with anyone. Just go and radiates! You will see as
relevant to you other people has changed dramatically for the better. People will begin to reach
you, they will feel in your power, feel a powerful custom programming and positive energy,
which you are willing to share. They will be interested in you, value your advice, appreciate
your call. Because the majority has no conscious programs emitted in the surroundings, the
majority do not have such a powerful energy. In fact, what you do, this is the formation of
charisma. You are a charismatic personality, which can affect the others, may lead them to
share with them their energy and get energy from them.

Do not forget only to continue to refrain from verbal impact of verbal transmission of its
program. You can talk about trifles, about the weather, tell jokes, but people will still always be
ready to listen you will cherish your every word. Transfer them to your program when this
happens subconsciously, without words.

Once you are accustomed to this state as soon as the process of your program of radiation and
absorption of other people becomes a permanent and continuous, this means that the program
is configured. Now you take some time, that it worked. How long will it take? Not so much as
think: maybe weeks, maybe months, to a maximum of - year. It depends on how complicated
your program, and how many people it employs. It is clear that the more complex the
program, the more time it takes.

But with human beings - the situation is paradoxical: the more people involved in the program,
the quicker it will be realized. Because, as you remember, people <infect> each other with
their programs, they strengthen the program in each other, and, passing from person to person,
the program only increases their power. Eventually she begins to grasp everything and all in its
path, mchas at full gallop, as the express train.

Typically, the program began, requires seven to ten days. Numerous observations show that
the program is fully implemented for six months and involve the participation of twenty-thirty
men, demands for raskachku and the beginning of eight days. That is an eight-day passes from
the time when man begins to emit a program of outside, before the first event in the program
unfolding in the real material world.

One of my students a year do not receive payment for your business. He lived a very poor,
almost a half-but continued to work. Starting to master the system DEIR, it is at some point
realized that sufficient progress in improving himself and became a man who could and should
live in dignity. He laid in my mind the program for material wealth, and it worked very well in
his imagination. I started it with that presented in their hands large sums of money, then the
imagination prompted him to turn the picture into the cash desk at his business, and gone-
gone: he saw in the imagination of the company prosperous, smiling people in the workplace,
and himself at an expensive suit, sitting behind a huge table in the renovated room. At first he
thought that the imagination can not measure Razgulyai, but also transformed the image of the
company stood before my eyes brighter than the other one. In his imagination, appeared about
twenty or thirty employees, each of whom he had seen a prosperous, happy and working for a
well equipped work place.

One week he radiated outside the program and saw how people reacted to his new status.
Ambient feel his positive attitude and felt a burst of hope. As if to begin to dawn some light at
the end of the tunnel, everything seems people are not so bleak and hopeless.

On the eighth day came the news from Moscow: the company is changing the owner. The
program began its work in this way, and what did not, my disciple! Even a few days resigned
former supervisor, claiming that the new owner is not satisfied. The collective sigh of relief: this
year the head of a people fed <breakfasts> promise is about to attract investment, but
investors did not appear. From Moscow came a new manager. One month later, all the staff
were repaid debts on wages. After another month potekli investment. Wages have increased
and have to pay all of its regularly and on time. The building is made repairs, replaced furniture
and equipped with modern technology jobs. Then began staff changes. Some of the workers
had been dismissed, a part of - is increased in the post. Among the remaining high and were
the twenty or thirty people, which my student represented himself in his imagination. He was
promoted to chief of a large unit. Now he sits in a beautiful office and is expensive suit - and
prompted him to his imagination in the program tab. Exactly six months after the company
became profitable and beginning to thrive. The program is fully implemented. What can one
person, if he has a powerful, clean energy, and owns the laws of energy fields!
I would like to once again emphasize that in this case there has been no transformation of the
objective world (that is a system of techniques that will be studied by us in the fifth book), and
the chain of events caused by the subconscious actions of people - who knows why the chief in
fact refused to of the post? Perhaps his subconscious has not been able to get on with it frankly
contradictory programs, just the message of the team after the intervention of my student?
Well, not caught, not a thief: But it was precisely the case.

So, the principle of you caught. A little bit of training - and you, the reader can feel mastered
the program for effectiveness. But at the end of this chapter, I want to make you a small gift:
train <aerobatics> in the field of programming. This is something that will help save you a lot
of time and effort. Aerobatics - the use of their goals outside of existing programs. Or -
supplement programs around their interests.

Step 6. Supplement programs around

You've already taught my subconscious guided many surrounding us from the outside of energy
flow, select the appropriate - to capture, so to say, a fair wind, which brings us to fit our goals.
The same can be done with existing external programs, pristraivayas to them and using their
energy for peaceful purposes.

You know very well that the energy of parasites exist everywhere and always accompany any
social process (from production to the Revolution). These programs have tremendous power.
So, maybe you can use this energy for their own purposes, obmanuv energy parasite? And in
the wake of its energy is not moor to where you need it, as to where you need it?

It is possible - not only possible but also necessary. After all, so you once again undermines
the power of energy parasite subtilty forcing him to work and spend their energy on you, what it
really is not interested.

There is a tale about snake Gorynycha and Ivanushki-idiots, which seems to be simple, Ivan
was pushing all the time so that the Serpent willy-nilly forced to work for him. Snakes angry
spew flames and Ivanushki-idiots and the fact it: he has long intended to demolish the ruinous
shed, so all hands are not income, and then the serpent by the way it and slept. Snakes think
what would have stuff to do, is starting to fell the trees - and thus opened the road between two
villages. Residents of these villages have long dreamed of the way - now they can safely walk
to each other to stay with us. In the end, the serpent, seeing that you can not even harm the
artfully Ivan, accept, establish fool his master and he begins to serve.

Each tale is truth. After all, the people component tales have always essentially been wise, he
could feel what the real world device - and the laws of energy in a hidden field and image as
reflected in folk tales. Snakes Горыныч - this is nothing more than an allegorical picture of
energy monster. I invite you, reader, I myself become a fairy-tale characters who could obhitrit
snake and put it himself at the service.

We already know that the energy of the monsters are always aimed at the destruction.
Remember, as a revolutionary movement began - and how it ended. First, there are a few
heads (embodied energy monster, which at the time of its inception is nothing but a concurrent
power in the direction of the aspirations of society - the collective unconscious) seems to be a
good idea to reorganize the society and improve people's lives. Then these ideas are capturing
more and more human heads, grows to gigantic proportions, then those ideas are beginning to
seem the only right people, people start to fight with anyone who does not share these ideas,
and now terror, war, blood.

Your challenge - to catch a segment, a piece of external programs, the general direction of
which can even be destructive, and use this patch in their creative use.

But how to do this - this whole art. History knows many examples when people <follower> to
such a process inspired from outside, receive great benefits. I want to warn you of this
<primazyvaniya> - the path may be blocked, it is not for us, it puts too much commitment, and
often aggravated karma. You'll see all of the following examples: among those <follower>, for
example, those police officers who have learned to use his official position for personal gain.
They not only extorted bribes from detainees, but also stealing their wallets.
So it's not worth <wriggle> to the process, to obey him - in this case, you can expect a payoff
if you do not dock in this life, then set zamorochek karma in the next life or the lives of
descendants. All you need - is to take advantage of the energy pulse from the energy parasite,
and to the momentum in the desired direction to establish a branch that would be alien to you
of energy, which potechet there, where they need you. Because energy Gorynycha Snake also
was clearly alien to Ivan, but was forced to act this negative energy into positive use.

Very important: this alien energy can not be used to implement large-scale and long-term
goals. Otherwise, this energy can escape from under your control - you can not still forget
about its nature. This way you can perform only very specific and local desires, using very
limited number of people. In this contrast of this method to the full effectiveness of the
program outlined above.

Another important nuance: this method can perform the desire to fit well in a process that is
happening outside. If you hang around a bulldozer, clean everything in its path, you are
unlikely to be able to use its energy to build a new house. This is clearly not your desire to fit in
the process. But just to clear the site for construction of a new home with the help of the
bulldozer can try.

Remember how many companies went up in the early 90's. There was little hungry, po2lki
state stores were empty, the most appropriate products to be issued coupon, and then in the
minimum quantity. That is, the country was clearly a destructive process, running energy
parasite. It is then very quickly rose to their feet firms that signed contracts with foreign
suppliers and started to deliver to the country then, what was the biggest demand, as follows:
sausage, tea, coffee and, of course, alcohol. What did the leaders of these firms? They did very
wisely: the parasite picked up momentum and energy in running them through the process
have created a branch that led to positive results. About this kind of processes just say: a
blessing in disguise.

A little later, in the country have rich people, the so-called "new Russian>. What caused the
irritation, they all at first: he said, rich neznamo as profit from people's misery, robbing ordinary
people: While most of the so-ahalo and ohalo most razvortlivye and smekalistye consistent: if
there were people who have a lot of money - then they certainly will spend the money. And
they need to help! At that time, and there were expensive hairdressers and beauty salons,
sports complexes with expensive equipment, there are travel companies and supermarkets. In
general, a network of services for which there is a demand from the rich. How many people got
through this job and improved their welfare. Even if most of these rich nazhili early foul their
money (a negative process of running energy parasite), then spent their money through honest
business grew and prospered, people mainly lived very modestly (positive process, emerged
from a branch of the energy energy parasite).

Try it when the case is already emerging to take advantage of circumstances for their own
purposes - make sure that it is very profitable, because all the software energy parasite begins
to work for you and you get such a performance, which could not dream.

I can not offer you a specific recipe for using external programs, because it is one of the most
difficult topics, even if direct - but try. Believe me, the experience will come - you should
already understand this, experienced by the many methods of DEIR, to express that I did not
have the words of Russian, because the events described are simply not think. But personal
experience in all previous cases, you come to the rescue. So will this time.

So, you have mastered the programs for effectiveness and can now fully rely on the fact that
your conscious actions will swoop around and make the greatest impact. Use of health! And do
not forget that these programs are applicable to all spheres of life, not only to business and
Very many of my students and students of my students (I am currently almost no driving
courses - it makes my face from my students who receive special certificates, depending on the
extent of their art), for example, once complained neskladyvayuschuyusya privacy. Before
meeting with me, they went to every sorcerer magam and psychics, who allegedly shot them
<crown celibacy "and producing other magical manipulation - all useless. In most cases, it
turns out that it does not <crown celibacy>. Just man himself could not identify their true
purpose and make their actions more effective.
Once I had the Thirty woman who for several years suffered from lamblike love and could not
even think that to marry someone other than the object of this secret passion. Men look at her,
the bridegroom was not even the potential, despite the fact that it was by no means plain girl.
With the help of DEIR very quickly became clear that the desire to marry a man chosen by it
was false. The most interesting happened next: as soon as she began to doubt the truth of his
love interest of a man unexpectedly (for the first time in seven years) assigned to her visit and
invited him to his guests. She could not go - all the same for so long, she was waiting for this
moment. But coming to his home, she immediately realized that the one whom she so much
loved and painfully, in fact, a foreign and totally uninteresting to her people. It turned out that
he was her only annoying, and it turned out that they even speak little or no about. Eventually
she went home, frustrated and: sight. It perplexed, as was the seven best years of my life
spent on such foolishness - to dream of a completely unnecessary to the person.

But pessimism is not left her: she was sure that her age to marry is no longer possible. I
advised her to wait with the conclusions of at least six months and during this time learn how to
use the program for effectiveness.

A week after the favorite program on a successful marriage around her began to buzz just men.
Incidentally, it turned out that she has a lot of work to unmarried men her age, but before any
of it or they do not notice. Now, she suddenly felt a bride - and turned out to be the focus of
the potential bride, every day more horosheya. In the next week she received two invitations to
the theater, one - in a restaurant. After another week, just three sentences followed by hands
and hearts. In general, there was not a penny, so suddenly Altin. But my patient suddenly
became legible bride. In fact, it just did not feel a true desire to marry any one of these

All agreed the case, which occurred a couple of months (it must be understood that the
unfolding program, being transferred to the chain, stimulates the subconscious reaction
unbelievable number of people who are not necessarily those people are in terms of direct
communication initiated the program). At the company where he worked, my patient, the U.S.
delegation arrived. One of the overseas experts immediately drew attention to blown and
pohoroshevshuyu our heroine. And she understood at once: it is he. All of it - from appearance
to behavior to communicate - in line with it the subconscious, the deep expectations. Learn
how it happened by itself, and beyond everything went like clockwork: the wedding, the move
to America, the birth of their first child, then the second. Now she lives very well in all respects.
And do not forget their home - all the family from time to time they come here, literally blinded
by his friends and relatives happy smiles.

Follow the true wishes, to use the program for effectiveness - and for you nothing is
impossible. Numerous examples from the life described in this book, I hope to give you the
optimism and faith in their abilities.

Chapter 4

Programs for health and self -

Following the issuance of the first book I started to get a huge number of letters from readers.
The contents of these letters is different - from the admiration and gratitude to the most
monstrous of invectives. All this is perfectly natural - the information presented in the book is
too new and unusual for most people, and so many it simply is not yet ready. Thanks all the
same was higher - and I in turn thank all the readers who write to me, regardless of content
their letters, thank you and please forgive me for what I can not reply to all. And the course of
my students is quite limited and can not reach everyone. To solve the problem will help further
my book - you will receive from them all the answers to any questions you may have.

I drew attention to the fact that so many letters contain the same complaint: after the first
study of the book is not particularly better health! Yes, there is a distinct change for the better,
and new diseases do not appear, but something as old-sitting, and sitting! What are you, dear
author, promised us deliverance from the ailing, and they tell a fib goes?

No, dear readers, I am in no way you will not be deceived. Yet you are right: After the first
stage of the disease DEIR still in no hurry to apply to the mass exodus. I do know very well
both on their own experience and from experience of my colleagues, friends and patients.
The reason is that our physical body is inert, it is very slowly gets rid of their old habits, slowly
gaining the energy necessary for complete health. In this - the root of the remaining problems
with your well-being. Well, try in this chapter address the physical health and help the body to
gain long-desired physical comfort.

You will certainly notice that your health, although not fully recovered, but still noticeably
stabilized to the point where you begin to master the system DEIR. The condition is fairly
smooth, though not ideal. You do not dump down fever and began radiculitis not torment
hypertensive crises and acute appendicitis - acute anything in your condition is not observed.
But the old sores such as the slowly warm, do not come in the form of low-unpleasant. Old
osteochondrosis as nyl, and noet - thanks, that did not come to the hospital. Throat as in the
past first, and first, and the nose slightly pohlyupyvaet, but the cold, this did not start. What a
shovel kolnet, the pressure rises slightly. In general, your state is such that doctors called
"practically healthy>.

In all other respects, too, feel quite smooth. No more mad tired in the evenings, as it
happened earlier, but also has no special lightness. No more gravity in the head in the
morning, but we can not say that you brought up out of bed with a large hunting. Do not you
think? Perhaps it may even cause you concern because you are accustomed to the fact that the
state should change during the day.

Do not worry. Your stable state due to the fact that protective shell, mounted on the first stage
DEIR does not allow you to connect to external energy flows, which are circulating in the human
community. That is, on the one hand, you have ceased to pump your energy, but on the other
hand, stopped to pump up your energy alien to you and program you are using it for anything.
In addition, you no longer are subject to such customary for the human community events, as
evil eye and damage. In addition, on its own protective shell, a powerful and energy-rich,
already allows to interrupt a number of diseases.

It would seem that people who received such power over its own essential body, entitled to a
dramatic and significant improvement in health. But this does not happen. The reason, as we
have said before, the slow reaction of the body. Loss of energy dropped, but the body gets the
energy to replace the lost is not as fast as we would like. Think about how many years you
have lost power as a result of suckers, breakdown and other injuries? That is so, how old you
are, that is all his life since birth.

Body for many years, accustomed to such a reduced level of energy. So now it might happen
one lapse: privyknuv sit on starvation rations, it can get a certain amount of energy and on the
rest, deciding that it is enough. In fact, this energy is not sufficient for recovery, but the body
is not accustomed to luxury, it has set for itself understated the level of energy and believes
that this is the norm. If the body does not help unless you show him that in fact his power
ceiling is much higher, so it will be satisfied with leftovers. This is the first reason is too slow

The second reason is that in the body (as you may remember from the first book), there are
pathological internal power connection - something like the energy loops, or knots, between
several bodies, where one entity becomes a vampire in relation to another, forming a kind of
vicious circle exchange energy. I recall that in the normal human body, each body is fueled by
the energy only flows from the central, rather than from each other. In normal organs
energetically with one another are not linked, and if there is communication - that means

In the first book you have already learned to get rid of such pathological chains but this is only
the beginning, only the first steps of a gigantic work to normalize the energy body. Remember
how you found pathological ligament in organs and eliminated them. What you've done - it is
very good and correct, but now I can tell you that by this stage of your development you will
thus eliminate the only local lesions. Your energy, strength and experience are simply not
enough to detect and neutralize scale, extensive pathological context, including how energy, as
well as physiological components affecting the whole system and even a number of systems

In my practice, I had to, for example, faced with such a pathological chain: reduced energy
caused liver energy guy from the stomach, which in turn led to a shortage of so-called Castle's
factor (ie, a substance which provides absorption of folic acid). As a result - a deficit of folic
acid - anemia - a complete failure of energy circulating blood - diffuse energy deficiency of bone
marrow - as a result suffers spleen, and the vicious circle closes again on the liver, the recipient
is not broken erythrocytes for the synthesis of bile. Here are two bodies, seemingly unrelated
overall energy range - the liver and spleen, but nevertheless are affected indirectly because of a

Such a vicious circle without the correction can only lead to death, because the authorities
constantly deplete each other gonyaya round all over the depletion of energy, yet it does not
lose at all. And in this case, the energy correction connection liver - stomach will not give any
results, since the energy deficit is in the blood and suffering of the spleen, and thus, the liver
will still be impressed. And we have all the same sad outcome. So it is not so easy, and even if
you removed the link between two adjacent bodies, this does not mean that you have coped
with the disease completely.

Yield is only one: you must complete the normalization of energy the body and uplift the level
to normal - until the present rules, and not to the point that takes the norm used to goloduhe
body. I invite you to specific practical way to do it - now you are quite ready to use. But first -
a little theory.

The final normalization of the body energy. Theory

Pay attention to the important point, it is necessary to ensure that in future you can get rid of
their own illness and desire to maintain the desired level of energy and well-being. Do you have
that opportunity, but it does get used to independent action and not be afraid of the process
itself, which I will describe below.

The point is that for the normalization of the level of energy and speed up its recruitment to the
rules, you first have to learn: to lose energy. Yes, do not lose it under the influence of external
and self-provoking in their own loss of power and keep the process under control.

Why do we need it? What do you think, should be therapeutic fasting? True to clear the body
of toxins, to release him for the necessary nutrients that are of zashlakovannosti simply stopped
learned. For the same need to learn and to dismiss their energy - to get rid of the perverse
energy ligament-parasite between bodies. The only way to escape from the above vicious
vicious circle. To do this, you just have to lower the limit to the level of energy throughout the

See for yourself that this will happen. Organism protocol - this means that the liver is not able
to delay from the stomach, as he himself at the energy zero. Circulatory system - in the same
position. Spleen reduce the level of destruction of red blood cells, liver, and lost the substrate
for the synthesis of bile, but in this case is irrelevant, because the liver is still at zero! Having
lost power, authorities immediately stop drawing it from one another, and the status of the
energy they need to keep the hunger until they do not eat otvyknut one at the expense of

You may ask, does not mean there is a full power reset is nothing but death? My answer: if
you do so knowingly and control the process, there's nothing wrong with you did not happen.
There is a difference between fasting and hunger strike, is not it? There is a difference between
starvation treatment and forced starvation, from lack of food? What we will do - is therapeutic
fasting, not a famine, which leads to starvation. Is the post may lead to malnutrition? Never:
on the contrary, from the post man is hard and the recovery is gaining energy.

Since the energy of the power is restored, too - and not just restored, but decuple form. The
body, suspended the energy begins to greedily gain it, is only to allow him to do so, and reflexly
increases its level. So, learning to reduce to a minimum level of its energy and kept some time
in this state, you decide to just two goals: get rid of pathological ligament and its udesyaterite

And now, to closely monitor my thoughts. If the energy range of occurrence of energy will be
slow, the pathological connection can recover in time. But if the recovery energozapasov are
fast and powerful, the level of energy is increasing at the same time in the whole body, and the
worst, he is growing it in the body, which previously suffered from a lack of energy. This
energy level is aligned at the same time all the bodies and the pathological is not able to

That is your second task, after the dumping of energy - learn to dramatically increase the
inflow of energy and maintain the highest levels of power for some period of time.

With each cycle of these activities increases the body of its energy until it reaches a maximum
and the optimum level for itself. As a result, the full recovery will take a few months.

As is the local removal of relatively small units of pathological relationships, you can still apply
the method described in the first book. This will help you maintain the required background-
being and health. In addition, this method is ideal for rapid diagnosis and correction of the
initial phase of establishing a pathologic ligament.

You, of course, remember that it does mentally explore all her body, the organ of the body and
in each organ, where you will feel the tension, energy compaction, or, conversely, failure to
undertake necessary correction. Sometimes it is powerful enough power washing body and the
whole organism, it is sometimes necessary to mentally break the power chords as if they were
ordinary nitochki, sometimes you need to delay the pathologic node mentally or using your
hands. This efficient method, but, I repeat, not a panacea for all illnesses. If he helped you to
a tee - this means that there was no serious abnormalities. If the health leaves much to be
desired - move on to the next phase: removal of energy - a set of energy. So, to the case.

Step 7. Local removal of energy

I recommend starting with the removal of local energy that you first used to the feeling that
the departure of energy from the body and subsequently, the development of general
recruitment and retention of energy, do not be afraid of that. In addition, the local method
allows to get rid of the pain, remove the acute illness and exacerbation of chronic diseases,
helping wherever the disease is not gone too far and not hit the whole system.

To delete a local energy method recommended her stretcher in the space (at extra language
this method is called <unreeling>). The space will not suffer, but you can get rid of a very
unpleasant feeling in his physical body.

To use the method you need to go through several stages.

Step 7

Experience pathological ligament in the body or system in the form of tension, compression,
power <hole> or any other foreign object into the energy your body (every human feeling can
be an individual, but you should know that the body of the patient is always a feeling of
discomfort), it is possible try to feel the disease - its deployment, density, color, size, it might
be some way associated with the disease (one of my patients with sore throat with the words
<angina> immediately seen in the area of the neck it has the red five-pointed star that burns it,
and plague).

Step 7b

Feeling the disease pathology or merely a pain in the form of a power of education, try this
little education poupravlyat (for example, move a little bit of this <star> <ameba> <ink stain>
Energy bunch - no matter that it is the image and form depend on your individual
characteristics of perception).

Step 7b

When you feel that energy alien object inside your body is your disease to manage, moves and
shifts in your will, you can attach the object to air over the body of an object outside world.
Well, if this is a moving object, distance from you: train, plane, car (you can just imagine these
objects in their minds, not necessarily run to the airport or train station), you can connect their
illness to any lamppost, but then you have to remove it quickly enough. Some practice psychic
connection to the energy vampires - not recommended, it is not too ethical.

Step 7g

Once you connect to a sense of delay in the energy of your body - from the area where the
disease is localized.

Step 7D

In this state, you need to stay as long as required - no need to deliberately stop the leakage of
energy and try to start typing: this method does not imply a set of energy phase, because it
occurs naturally, by itself, after all the pathologic Energy coil unwind with your patient's body
and the disease leaves the body.

Very efficient, this method for removal of any pain, even if you do not know why. Only
headaches poostorozhnee - method unreeling energy may cause dizziness, which, incidentally,
in this case is quite natural. And the blood pressure in this way was an excellent and without
side effects - I know it does, as it was once a hereditary hypertension, and began to fight the
disease that way. Now from past hypertension no trace, although doctors do not believe in this:
they say if both parents are hypertensive, the child required that heredity should occur. For
doctors it is dogma, and nothing else, they do not want to hear. But people ovladevshy
management of its energy, and lives on other laws - on which it just did not know our official
medicine. So the trains - and you become a mystery and wonder of nature for our doctors.

By the way, the members of my family in such a way to completely eradicate from chronic
tonsillitis and allergic rhinitis. So Be gladly to flying past the aircraft, trains and automobiles
volant: perhaps they unesut with any your illness? Do not worry, those modes of transport for
passengers painful, your energy does not cause harm, because the plane (train, car) really
unwind it in space, rather than absorbed. And much more denetsya your pathology? This is
really, as they say, to whom God sends. Who has similar pathological program - that is, of
course, can pick your byaku itself. Well, what, and it has a reason to think about self-

But most likely, your disease will be dispelled without a balance of space and no harm.

General program management and a set of energy - the

energy post

Having mastered the local method, you can move on to the general program of disposal and a
set of energy. This method has a different name: the energy post. It was discovered
accidentally in the course of the work of our group psychics-siloviki: wanted by the method of
increasing the level of individual energy without exhausting the use of posts and other
inconvenient and unsuitable for modern rhythm methods.

The challenge was that there was some of the barriers associated with the purely physical laws,
- a barrier that prevents the direct and rapid recruitment of the energy reserves of human
organism. The point is that the momentum of energy - all, including those designed to recharge
the human body - can be a tough and powerful, but short or long, but not too strong. To
achieve the golden mean is virtually impossible - this is the very nature of the energy with
which we deal. Either way, in another case, the potential impact is not too large: in fact if the
work is the product of force at the time of impact, but we have a force, then the time left
wanting more, the potential remains, in both cases at the same level, does not increase.

Ideally, the exposure of humans to be effective, the energy should be sufficiently strong and at
the same time come for a long time. In this way, you can launch the natural mechanisms of a
set of energy and the normalization of all systems and organs of human body (and, of course,
to achieve those objectives before the psychics in the project psihotronnogo weapons).

In finding a solution to this seemingly intractable problem and was discovered a unique
method, called the energy post. Humanity is now mostly abandoned by post (not the energy,
the usual) - it does not follow the modern way of life. It is a pity, because our ancestors
eliminated many problems with his health only through periodic income limits for food. Annual
series of posts is so, to bring as much benefit and soul of man, and his body. Note that the post
will not be for a period of intensive agricultural activities where the person requires a large
amount of energy. Fasting is always used when the body needed to rest from physical labor, to
gain new force.

Only through the posts our ancestors did not know and tenth of those diseases that we now
suffer. After all, a great number of diseases occur from overeating or from indiscriminate
organism loaded with food - that is, from the proceeds of the body of excessive quantities of
gross energy from which the body is unable to cope. So this energy and is stuck in the human
body in the form of pathological clots, stops normal circulation, gives rise to disease. Post and
healing the soul - the abstinence from food requires some effort on a strong-willed, some bodily
suffering, which are known to have a shower only cleaned and becomes stronger.

Energy post - a method no less, and even more effective, while more convenient in practical
application. Allows you to have on the body heals the general effect.

Classes DEIR second stage, we provide training enhanced version of the energy - and making
learning a truly incredible results.

Step 8. Technique of the energy of the

Holding the post of energy consists of eight phases, each of which I will describe separately.
We strongly advise, first as a theory should be familiar with all phases of the method, make
sure that you understand and learn, and only then apply the method in practice.

Step 8a. Check the central flow and strengthen the

protective casing.

First and foremost, you must once again recall the ascending and descending flows of energy,
focus on the feeling of flow in his body and explore them as outlined in the first book, that is,
increase the upward flow through inhalation, descending - with the help of breath and as long
as possible to retain a sense of both streams at the same time. The flow should be strong and
continuous, as well as moving without slowing down, with good speed. If something prevents
this - normal - stream flows, identify the cause and fix it by using methods described in the first
book (it is possible that you are exposed, and evil eye, and damage, and vampirism -
prodiagnostiruyte themselves and bring in a rule) .

Make sure your streams flowing normally in the air and the body has no foreign deployments,
once again worked to establish a protective shell of energy, as described in the first book.

The shell you certainly have had quite a long time, but you must approve it again in his place
and make sure that it is intact and unharmed, and safely protects you.

Step 8b. Stopping power of central revenue streams.

Now the focus alternately on the upper Chakra - Sahasrare and the lowest Chakra -
Muladkhara. And now attention: a very important point.

Before you face a major challenge: focusing on these chakras and feelings occur in these
streams, you must stop the flow of both - as the ascending or descending! Yes, you are
temporarily shuts off itself as the energy of the Earth and energy from the cosmos, you are
deliberately depriving itself of the natural recharge - and do it for your own good, to cleanse
their energy.

Slow flow, as you recall, it is possible using the delay of breath. This method can help you
today. This does not mean, of course, that you should stop breathing altogether and become
non-living lifeless body. We need only a few times to hold your breath, while listening to the
sensations in the upper and lower chakras, until you stop the flow of feeling. This can continue
to breathe normally while keeping the flow, that they had not yet started to flow again. The
process of stopping the flow of and follow-up for the launch should proceed under the full
control of your consciousness.

So, you have made the stop flow. What happens after that? Energy both stopped the flow of
energy headed your shell and begin to merge with it and dissolve it.

You become, in a way, a closed system, within which circulates the energy is not going out. In
this case, your energy shell begins to take on new responsibilities - they compare the closed
loop, which provides among all organs and systems of the body forward and backward linkage
energy: the energy circulates in a circle, and again passing through the weak and the sick place,
correcting them, forcing the body again and re-develop all of their pathology.

Step 8B. Stopping the flow of control.

Again, concentrate on the upper and lower chakras, to check whether the flow does not leak
out. Now in these chakras need to be put to you a kind of power plugs, so that the flow is not
broken. Can you imagine that you will stop dead in its air holes television usual bottle caps, you
can use another image - you prevent the leakage of energy through corks used in the bath, so
that it will not escape from the water. You can not draw concrete images, but just imagine
<zamurovat> chakras bunch own energy. Make sure that they were <zamurovany> closed and
the diversion of energy does not happen.

Step 8G. Conservation status of the stop flow.

Now your task - staying in this state.

Let's see, that turned out as a result of the above events. Even if you stop the flow, the energy
in your body does not instantly dub (it would be almost fatally). She very slowly and gradually
melts away, continuing to circulate in the envelope. While the shell remains in power, it
supports the <jams>, which closed the upper and lower chakras, and does not break new
energy revenues.
Fig. 7. Zamknuv complete upper and lower chakras, you reach the absolute
isolation. All the negative will be processed within this shell.

Once the body feels that energy is not catastrophic enough, it will automatically switch to
enhanced mode of circulation of energy in the internal organs and systems. That is work
<alarm system>. All bodies will be increasingly hard to absorb energy and provide it. And you
just that and should. In fact, circulation of energy is accelerated, and all organs are subjected
to intense and in-depth power washing. Pathologic chains and nodes in this situation simply
cease to exist.

A body, a little pogolodav, is preparing to absorb the new portion of the net energy of space
and Earth, which is broken through the Well <jams> (and they will be broken as soon as energy
inside the shell forever really).

On the internal sensations that accompany this process, we can not say that they should be
very pleased. But, sorry, and therapeutic fasting, and even the Post is not always pleasant
procedures. No problem, facing, it is necessary for your benefit, and if the deal with the
unpleasant sensation, and at the same time to strengthen their faith.

As for the sensations, they are: in the body of a certain weakness, and at the same time, ease
- all it is as if you were sitting on the strict diet. Yet there is something resembling a state of
weightlessness - though here again, each can be yours. Submariner dive this recall, fans rides
in ЦПКиО - <toboggans>. I personally like what is the state of free flight in the jump in the
water with desyatimetrovoy towers: the whole body from the outside as if raspiraet, spread into
parts, head to one side, the legs of another, but deep inside, in the center of the body while on
the contrary, felt a certain heaviness and sdavlenie. may appear and dizziness, but this is a
temporary phenomenon. Do not panic, do not worry. Just try to refrain during this period of
heavy physical and mental work.

Step 8d. Completion of post itself and the transition to an

accumulation of energy.

How do I determine how much time you need to be in a <plug> the top and bottom of a
position? And you do not define it. Everything happens by itself, automatically. Prepare only
the fact that as soon as all the energy circulating inside the envelope you, forever, the shell will
be broken with you. You will not lose consciousness and, moreover, is not going to die - do not
have time: together with the shell will be disrupted and broken power plugs, plug chakras and
the energy of the cosmos and the Earth's Well to you with a bang, again creating your shell and
sating its strong clean energy .

This is always very sharp, jerks, usually in the morning - hours in eight or nine. The body
completely loses power for a few minutes and immediately transferred to the accumulation of
powerful energy. I repeat: this time is not dangerous and totally painless, but always clearly
distinguishable. You will find that you case.

Evidence: the time it is very pleasant. And even more: it is comparable except that the second
birth. In fact, this is a new birth - the birth of power: in fact you are completely upgraded its
energy structure. You become a man like the new skin. And this is better than a new suit! You
become a new man, what about yourself, make sure to practice. When with me for the first
time this has happened, for me it was a real shock. For the first time in many years, my mood
was perfect, I just flew, without touching the ground, and my staff to fully serious argued that
see me behind the backs of two white wings. Yes, I myself felt as if they really exist!

The whole time the dumping of energy and subsequent recovery will take two to three days.
Want a truly colossal own power, that it lasted after stopping the flow in your body longer. So
the best option - the energy to start the post on Friday that by the next work week has all been
completed. The ideal would be if these days you leave somewhere out of town, on the
environment. In extreme cases you can simply hold this weekend at home. This is important
because at the time of collapse of a shell, you should be in a calm and balanced state, it is
desirable not to test the power of foreign pressure - then a fresh supply of energy, which is Well
in your body will be clean and not zamutnennym external energy.

Step 8e. Restoration of the envelope and the normalization

of energy.

Once the hull was restored and you feel the influx of energy, your task is to once again ensure
the smooth functioning of your energy system.

To do this you need to re-check whether all in the central flow, if necessary, rinse them and
strengthened. Since this requires a local method (described in the first book) to delete nodes,
and pathological ligament, where they have remained, as well as eliminate the extraneous
programs and implementation, if they have already updated zaletet your energy.

After all this, you will feel a real new man - feel how much more you become energy, with a
lightness solved before seemingly difficult problem, and how all the strange, foreign and
unnecessary fly off of your powerful energy itself.

Step 8zh. Re-strengthening the protective casing.

Once you poured new energy and you are immediately cleared it from there and then
naletevshih extraneous matter, you obviously have to re-establish its protective sheath.

Do you know how it is, and has been done (ie the closure of energy and cut themselves from
the external energy). At this stage, your energy has increased, so you can easily do it yourself.
Please note only that the shell should be set no later than four to five hours after the collapse of
the old shell, and in any case it must be done before the start of the working week, but if you're
out of town, before returning to the city.

Step 8z. Additional control of their own state.

After the establishment of a protective shell again carefully examine its broadcasting body,
checking to see if there something extra, extraneous and disturbing. If there is - remove and
return to normal.

That's it! But be warned: once to hold such a cycle and thus can not relax. Once will not be
enough. Carry out energy as they should, at least once a month - especially at first. Then,
when you already reach a powerful reserve of energy can and porezhe, but in any case, do so
regularly until you feel that your condition is stable and perfect, nothing could disturb him under
any circumstances.

I draw particular attention to two points. First: when the energy of the undesirable eating
meat and drink alcohol. These products can cause you harm, because in this period, people are
naturally very vulnerable - because of his energy on giving. Second: if you have serious health
problems come with the utmost care to the procedure for the post. Imagine yourself in these
days that most either have a greenhouse environment. The best, if you're going to matins in
the church. The shell, as I said, usually breaks down in the morning, and you better if it
happens in the church. The powerful energy of Orthodox faith (or any other faith - the one to
which you belong by birth or you are close) to support your body during this critical time.

The method of the energy after a few conversations helps absolutely everyone, though in
varying degrees - depending on the severity of lesions and the power of energy. Side effects or
unintended consequences, I never met. My 65-year-old relative of one year of applying the
method to completely eradicate severe hypertension, doctors noted a drastic and unbelievable
for a man of such age, facilitating the flow of ischemic heart disease. If an elderly sick person
has made such results, then what about the 30-40-year-old people: they are easy to base is
from radiculitis, gastritis, cholecystitis, and even asthma. There is a case where persistence has
led to the use of a cure, even this is considered to be incurable diseases, as diabetes! The man
- indeed, is far not known substance, and its underlying ability, even at one per cent is not
considered science.

Step 9. Flash range of energy

In addition to the above, you want to recommend another method to help themselves in the
fifth phase of the post. This is a special method of recruitment of energy.

Energy, as you already understood, is pumped into the body after the collapse of the shell
automatically. But if you want an enhanced set of power, if you want to pump a maximum of
renewed energy, the method can be used for emergency dialing.

It is recommended to use with a special mode for passing the energy positions. Special
treatment is as follows: a man after normalization retains its power to raise two or three days,
then transferred to the post, then once again provides a respite for two or three days and has
done so five times.

The method is complicated and requires considerable strength of will power. But it is
indispensable - for example, in the performance of any particular challenges that require the
most powerful energy. Group of psychics, for example, has applied this method to the
responsible work in the infectious hospital during the epidemic. As a result, no one infected. So
that I can responsibly say that this method will provide you with ruddy health and well-being
than anywhere else - at least in the spaceship with the maximum overload, even in the source
of cholera. This method allows very fast and as efficiently as possible to recruit the maximum
possible for you to power capacity.

So, a special method of recruitment of energy in the fifth phase of the post is as follows. The
efforts of ascending and descending flows of energy, making them smooth and strong currents,
you begin to fill streams in the region of the solar plexus with the aid of their own hands. To do
this, put your hands with your palms parallel to the stomach at the navel, hands, feeling their
own field - remember how you learned to do so in the first book: a sense of their own field of
elasticity, heat, individually and can be interpreted in another way - but in any case, palm note
the change of sensations, in contact with its own field. Having a field, remember how you
learned to give the energy arm. Now with his own hands, you will be given power over the
body in the vicinity of the navel, nakachivaya its sheath. To start this measured breathing, with
every breath through the fields of their own hands as if zakachivaya energy in your body.

The energy body through the air this instantly harden. That this really happened, you will not
only be able to feel directly, but also to see the reaction of others: in the eyes of vampires,
you'll see the confusion and fear in the eyes of friendly-minded people - greater love and
Fig. 8. You create a feedback in his ether body, reinforcing its infinite energy.

After pumping power immediately restore the protective sheath, is not waiting four or five
hours, as is the case with the traditional method.

Now it will do everything itself. You do nothing other than a body accustomed to a higher level
of energy. Now, the body knows what it can, and does not confine itself to the hungry energy
rations, and after the pick of the reflex is the amount of energy to it sooner and not have
dreamed. Once again, you help your body gain energy and then go back to the office, in a few
cycles reach the level of energy, a truly incredible to modern man. You will surprise those
around her adamantine excellent health and well-being.

In the past year as part of a group of specialists, I was at a seminar in the United States. Can
you imagine what it is: many hours grueling flight, restless night, the change of climate and
time zones, and then report at the conference - very difficult to understand and requires
maximum concentration and mobilization of all forces in order to gain an audience. Then
followed a full cultural program, well then we will, as usual (which bear much of sin), nicely our
statement noted the successful delegation - it was already the second restless night. As a result
of the following day all of my colleagues have spent in their rooms in a disabled state and, of
course, missed the plenary session. Attempts to raise someone from the bed had been a
hopeless undertaking.

Only two members of the delegation fully recover for two hours of sleep, at 8.00 has already
committed the traditional morning scamper, then floated in the pool, and after a light breakfast,
once again took part in the seminar. Who were these two? The author of this book, and his
colleague - one of the psychics, the power with which the day before departure to America, we
suffer from the above described method of dialing an emergency energy. The other members of
our delegation to the conference podtyanuvshiesya just beyond noon, pale and sleepy, when
they saw us in excellent shape, only his hands were divorced: <Well, you guys give! Twin or

The following day a seminar on saturation are in no way inferior to the first. Need I say that on
the way back to the cabin of the aircraft was friendly snoring. Only we two, fresh and rested, as
if nothing had happened were lively conversation. Our colleagues from time to time prodiraya
eyes and saw us in a viable state, tried to turn the finger at the temple, but on this they did not
have enough forces: they <cut down> again.

Naturally, on his return had to share a secret with everyone. And blame us sprinkle: <Well,
you were silent before? Sami something like pickles, but we all, the living corpses should be?
Oh, where is your conscience, guys:> I had to accept the reproaches: What do not we have the
right to make the method available to the public, not previously tested it on myself, not sure
that it does not bear any negative consequences.

Now - another thing, the method has been tested, not only in practice: he was a serious
scientific expertise from leading specialists in different fields of medicine and science. Now I
feel I can recommend the method for everyone.

Weight of evidence: energy increases so that a few sleepless nights are no problem and does
not affect the health, any work in any extreme conditions with maximum physical and mental
fatigue loads gives no more than an easy walk in the fresh air. Not to mention that the very
existence of the doctors and the drug tested the method on a long-forgotten.

When you learn the general program of disposal and a set of energy, you will only learn how to
use the programs to maintain health. This is not difficult, as you acquire a higher level of
energy in itself is very salutary, and you will learn how to send it to solve specific problems
specific. In this case the problem is solved as efficiently as possible, because if you have all of
its increased power to transmit the decision of one issue, such an effect much power with
nothing - not with the impact of the steep psychic, nor the most effective modern drugs.

I suggest you two options for health programs - the latest!

Step 10. The overall program for health

So, you have scored the maximum possible for your body energy level through the energy
post, you broke the pathological links between the nodes and organs, and your mood
dramatically improved. But suppose you have any specific health problems, some specific
diseases that you have not yet been able to get rid of. In this case, you must use a specific
program of healing, which I would like to offer you. Indeed, it is not even a program, and
something like an energy pattern, the matrix of health, you are placed on the patient body or a
group of bodies, and which itself starts very quickly normalizing the state of energy.

The application program includes four steps.

Step 10a

Examine your body through pain and focus on all the organs and systems, in turn, feel the
pockets of pathology in the form of energy units (as described in the first book).

Step 10b

Break the pathological ligament, normalize the status of energy by means of correcting the
energy flow (for this, again recall the contents of the first book - there we learned to create an
ideal state of a program of energy of all organs and systems, and impose it on your body and
live in a state of normal boundaries of bodies, the normal flow energy in them). Spend
correction until the state does not feel comfortable in a body subject to correction.

Step 10B

Get inside the state of the normal flow of energy in all organs and systems throughout the body
as a whole.

Now, imagine, create off his air mask your body with the body normally circulating energy -
provide a mind-eyed in front of himself (his physical body) with a normal operating margins of
all organs and systems. Imagine this picture as much as possible visually.
Step 10g

Now you have a simple and effective method for the elimination of any ailments. As soon as a
sore is evident - you can immediately go to the reference condition, to cause the energy you
created a template, a cast of an ideal state, and put it on my body broadcasting. Was in this
state until the problem disappears.

Now your task is as follows: enter the reference state and draw in this state is an ideal mask
his body. Not necessarily the reference without the needs to merge with the cast - just leave it
next to one another, so that it always was, so to speak, under sideways.

Everything! With your increased energy to do this, you will be very easy, a lot of effort is
needed, and efficiency - almost hundred percent.

Step 11. Program for Health: option 2

I must say that although this option is more attractive and comprehensive, but it requires a
higher level of energy.

Step 11a

Sign in reference condition.

Step 11b

In the reference condition between palms of hands to create a powerful energetic bunch, mind
and imagination in imagining how it incorporates all the features of your reference condition - all
of its harmony, optimism, beauty and health.

Step 11B

Now this bunch energy, constituting the quintessential master of the state, you should put in
their body at the level of the heart. That's it! May withdraw from the reference condition.

In your heart is now settled by the energy of health, harmony and optimism. This bunch of
energy will work itself - itself automatically, start to detect pathology, and to correct them, to
heal and cure. Your body was a powerful energy pattern, which he can always check and adjust
themselves. Let this instinctive: it is now very aware that to do.

But remember: you have the energy embodied clot is not eternal, it has to be updated about
once a week is better - double, in the morning and evening. Click for this one day a week when
you do so, for example, Saturday, and bring their actions to automaticity: morning, he rose
from bed, go to the reference state and forming clot, and then the same thing done the evening
before bedtime. All: until next Saturday to lead a quiet life.

Having mastered described in this chapter, the program for the rehabilitation and healing, keep
in mind: so you do not deal with health problems when they have the karma or genetic nature.
To correct the genetic program, you need knowledge of the fifth stage of DEIR. From the
karmic nature of disease we will have to learn to get rid of this book. All the rest <sores> after
mastering the material of this chapter shall be lost forever.

Chapter 5

Program for self and self-sufficiency

So, you have learned to follow the true desires, you know how to make their actions effective
normalized their physical health. What seemed to be still necessary? If you think that anything
more than you need, you can safely close this book. However, this would not mean that you
have no more problems - it is simply you are not yet ready to understand them. Understanding
will come later, and then you will return to the system described here.

For those who have not yet reached a state of nirvana, and who continues to torment
something uncertain (as such, I am sure the majority), continue.

What hurts you, what you do not have enough? If you try to look into themselves and examine
their condition, it's easy to determine that the lack of strong feelings, those vivid emotions of
those tumultuous tides of energy that had previously accompanied your life and if not pushed to
the deeds, the actions and deeds. Not enough of the most powerful energy bursts, which in
humans are called emotions and confidence in themselves and that contribute to success in all
our endeavors.

Investigate in detail.

Domestic tranquility - unusual condition

As you already understand your level in all respects the state due to the fact that you stopped
by the impact - you do not impose on other people's programs that do not like the evil eye and
damage. Therefore, your health, your desires, your mood does not depend on someone or
something outside, but depends only on you. Hence the lack of bursts of emotions, which we
just talked.

Nothing from the outside world does not spoil your mood level, but nothing in particular and it
does not improve. This initially might even create a sense of some of your insensitivity. But
this, as we said in the first chapter, did not insensitivity - it's just their inability to manage their
emotions and sentiments: because you used to depend on external influences and are not
accustomed to depend on themselves. This need to learn. Especially if the state precipitate you
into apathy, which happens quite often. Yes, no programs, not turning into zombies, but no one
pushes for action on the feats and generally to self in this world.

Recall, again, examples from literature. In fact, most of all loved and well-known literary
characters committed their glorious cause, under the influence of outside! D'Artanyan came
from Gascon in Paris, because all of its creature longed feats, but, having arrived, he began to
do? Wait incentives respectability to the outside! Someone insulted - now and ready response.
Remember that his famous voyage to England pendants for the queen, he has committed only
for the beautiful eyes of Mrs. Bonase. These eyes have caused the very powerful surge of
energy through which our famous hero acted in fact as a zombie, as programmed biorobot who
does not pay attention to the obstacles and sweep everyone who was on his way. We all love
this childhood hero, but the cold, the right becomes a shame for him: it is uncommon strength,
power, energy, bravery, and reckless of human life serving someone else, someone else always
turns it into an instrument to implement their own plans.

By the way, if you carefully read the Dumas, then remember that life D'Artanyana was a period
when no one from outside is not encouraged him to exploit. And what? He postarel,
poskuchnel, turned into an ordinary inhabitant. That was until the new circumstances have
pushed him to new adventures, that is, until a new energy parasite does not catch it again in
their hands, did not consider it appropriate to use.

Being D'Artanyanom may be, and pleasant, in spite of everything: for he is still famous because
of the noble qualities of his extraordinary life, he gained immortality in the pages of Dumas
novel. More often it is all much sadder - the personalities of such magnitude as D'Artanyan
slightly. Most people explained from the outside, with an incredible energy solve a bunch of
problems that later turned out that they were pursued for a myth or a chimera, and their efforts
went in vain. Podvig failed! It happens in a different way: a man spends a lot of energy to
provernut any case, and when the result is already close to - suddenly falls into a depression
(the energy pulse on giving) and engulf everything. Podvig again failed.

In addition, stimulation of the leads to emotional reinforce false desires, and this, as you
already know, has only a set of negative karma. After all, people are not any, and only the
strong wishes of those who backed up emotionally! Compare the situation: <You can, in
principle, to marry "and" You want to marry a>. <Two big difference> is not it?
Here's an example from the literature is not, as of life. One young girl loved to sing. She was
a young man, whom she also loved (and he her, probably not very). But it was quite an
overbearing desire to marry him to you. And then he said: become a pop star - marry. Notice
how powerful the energy boost it gave her! She started to act like a tank, sweep everything in
its path: the third time was in music school, graduated from it, then start trying vybitsya on the
big stage. A young man on it eventually got married. And what? At the stage to break it and
could not. Not a star, or even a little star, she never became. Career is not a singer. Works no
money, too. Her husband beats her and generally be bullied over it, both morally and
physically. A young woman cries, repent and madly suffering - the fate of works, which
established themselves, with their own hands.

Fully and completely devoid of emotional impact of such third-party people (which is now you,
dear reader) initially easily falls into apathy and confusion. After all, you are accustomed to for
his entire life to combat the effects of external stimulation of a drug! Only pomanila a love of
high position, fame and popularity - and now you knee-deep sea, have you mchites full speed,
only the dust from under the hoofs. That was you thrills, the fullness of life. And now?
Somewhere suddenly disappeared, and vanity, and a healthy self-esteem, no longer wants to
pursue for a career, post, fame, power, love: For most people a life without this mad chase
seems to matter very dull and unattractive. From the boredom they spivayutsya and
ignominious away from the stage of life.

How to avoid this sad fate?

Regulation of their own emotions - the need for self-


Let us say at once: does not have a powerful stimulation of the energy to act in this world do
not. This is indeed lead to depression. But once we no longer get that stimulation from the
outside, only one way: to learn independently at their own request, to produce a powerful burst
of energy, giving the necessary inspired confidence and the strength of your behavior.

Winged people truly capable of miracles, but these are just elated that usually arises under the
influence of somebody's words and some circumstances. Warn honestly: to keep inspired and
operate with confidence, regardless of anyone's words and any kind of circumstances would be
difficult, especially at first.

Why? Perhaps you have noticed in myself that people who took the path of energy
development in their essence, beginning to feel all the emptiness and lack of ordinary human
desires. You already know, and not only know but feel that all my being, your essence and the
essence of the world - energy that the material world is secondary and secondary, that
everything that happens in it, generally speaking, it is not important. You are not so important
what is important for ordinary people: family, career, money, power, etc. Your happiness and
emotional balance do not depend on this. This means that you, by and large, it does not matter
what do, what to achieve in this material world. After all, it is irrelevant to your true essence.

For someone who has reached perfection, and feel themselves part of a unified energy field, in
fact, becomes indifferent to be poor, or billionaires. He is happy no matter what. The whole
thing is that people have ceased to depend on wealth, just gets them in abundance. That is, we
are with you and learn - do not depend neither of which, and to receive everything.

However, having lost all sense of the importance of what can be achieved in the material world,
and not getting to these achievements the stimulus from the outside, to feel a powerful energy
recovery, is necessary for the practical achievement of which any case, it is very difficult,
indeed, without the necessary training and not impossible.

Modern man, in this case accounts for much more difficult, because it, unlike the ancient man,
as a rule, do not push forward or hunger, nor fear nor danger. Food was no need to extract the
hunt in pursuit of wild beast through the impenetrable jungle - just visit the nearest
supermarket. From the cold and danger do not need to escape from poorly equipped for life
caves - our services comfortable shelter with electricity, gas, telephone and elevator.

We can say that in biological terms of modern man is full - it does not have to fight for survival,
all you need is given on a plate with a blue kaemochkoy, and, by and large, it is nothing but
love from the opposite sex, is not required. Yes and women do not want to fight, go after it in
the same jungle, beat a mighty and fierce competitor who does not like to deprive you of life,
only to have the most female.

So it turns out that the modern human eye even as the fire burning desire just as he is young,
before marriage (marriage) and then fade - and the man holds the rest of his life in an easy
chair and house slippers, softly podremyvaya front of the TV when This zhuya inlaid teeth soft
pap. Subliminal simply refuses to make anything - and what to pursue something, and when so
softly, a warm and cozy? That is why most people believe that the best time of their lives - so
young, because they remember that when they wanted something, some were bursts of
emotion, energy, which leads them to act. They do not know what people can and should stay
alert for all life, activity, full of force - indeed, with the age level of energy must increase.

But people do not deal with them, they come to a standstill false desires, do not develop their
energy essence - and eventually to fall into Flora, the purely physiological stagnation and full of
spiritual degradation. Do not forget that we are humans, not plants (though now researchers
have found that even in plants is a primitive consciousness). Let us live as befits a people who -
following a genuine desire, maintaining a high energy level, acting boldly and confidently, by
deeds, worthy of human dignity.

To this end, we will learn how to support their own desires, which can not be realized without a
strong energy recovery, without overpowering neunichtozhimogo and outside the movement of
soul, which gives confidence and effectiveness of our actions.

This is one of the most difficult moments, even for the courses, not to mention the self-
understanding. But the game worth the candle, in addition, approximately 20% of people are
talented enough to have enough books and materials.

Learning to do this, you will become completely self-sufficient person, you go into a fascinating
voyage alone - and was surprised to find that, if not the whole world, all your surroundings are
now focused on you, now you - of trend, you will pave the way to others, instead of to go for
those who lead you by the hand to where you need them.

Self-confidence and health - two sides of same coin

We do not casually talk about the programs on self-confidence and self-sufficiency after the
chapter on health. Open to you a little secret: health - this is the flip side of self-confidence!
After all, you understand that people who do not want, which does not receive energy incentives
to confidently and victorious action, gradually losing a sense of meaning in life. A person loses
a sense of meaning in life, will inevitably lose, and health.

Remember the least well-known examples from history where the people are very bright and
keenly feel, albeit for a short time, the meaning of life, the meaning of their behavior and
actions are no longer sick. Known, for example, that the siege of Leningrad residents covered
by the common desire to not surrender to the enemy, to confront and defeat the odds, no pain
or cardiovascular, disease or even cold! And all just because they were confident - confident in
the righteousness and truth of his goal! Yes, they suffered from hunger and scurvy, but they
have not had any angina, or high blood pressure! That means that a powerful impetus to the
strong sense of energy - it is this energy operates ozdoravlivayusche!

This phenomenon, incidentally, involves the so-called "Afghan syndrome> <Chechen

syndrome>. The man, accustomed to the conditions of war, to the hour of danger, the
emotional high, and therefore energy background, can not do without this constant doping, to
trigger powerful bursts of energy, he wants to return to war, or at least in terms of similar
military. No fighting chahnet and he is sick, without receiving the necessary energy to recharge
everyday civilian life. After all, most people do not know that filling a power does not need a
war that heals powerful energy pulses can be created in himself alone, regardless of external

There are other examples: during the execution of an important task of the person being held
cold, cough, fever. We artists are often at the time of responsible speech, the scientists - at the
time of thesis. But the moment passes, the sense of meaning and fullness of life is lost - and
what? All the disease returned, and sometimes even new attached.
Technique generate an emotional, energy pulse, you are simply required. Indeed, it is
necessary not only for the desire - it is akin to his own energy recovery technology, and hence

Nature needs a man force. If a person is inactive, it becomes useless, and thus disposes of
nature so that a person loses health, and quietly leaves. In the great wisdom of Nature. If a
person acts for the sake of energy parasite on his health for the time being take care of energy
parasite, the person he wants, until it's time to throw it in a landfill as the waste slag. We will
not act on energy parasites. So, now need to learn to act for the sake of nature, that is the
basis of the foundations - energy field. As a result of the work that will benefit ourselves, our
ultimate essence of energy, which ultimately will benefit and in the whole of mankind.

So, where do we take this salutary emotional impulse, the inner fire, giving luster eyes,
confident walk, constant inspired pushing for beautiful, effective and efficient actions, and
actions? If you already feel like this is necessary, then, of course, deal with the problem. For
this purpose, the system DEIR is, as always, a number of very specific techniques.

Step 12. Short tab full of self-confidence

This simple admission for a specific task, which necessarily must be resolved with a maximum
degree of self-confidence, when the slightest internal fluctuations should not be allowed.

For example, your program on the effectiveness of actions brought you to the point where you
have to make some choices, perform some act without which the program will not go further: I,
for example, to visit the employer, posvatatsya to my girlfriend or dislodge an important
business contract.

It is not excluded that some part of your substance, you will nasheptyvat that all this is
irrelevant, you can live without so much easier and safer just to stay home. But keep in mind,
rather than the action - the action, which pushes you to your own true desire, your own
program effectiveness - rather than the action, you will betray himself, his energy did not follow
the essence and the tasks for which you came to this world. As a result - you will inevitably
become an inactive degraded slowly amoebas.

So, your task - did give birth to a desired energy boost to confidently act to charge itself at the
battle, waiting for you at this particular time. To do this, commit the following steps.

Step 12

Focus on the ascending stream, Feel it as it should, and slowly, through the breath, begin to
strengthen it, to fill the energy to do extremely strenuous. Do feelings of maximum saturation,
power, speed and strength of bottom-up flow.

Step 12b

Without losing a sense of flow, log in to the reference condition and "drag> it to the task that
you will perform. (Let me remind you again: if the problem does not correspond to the true
desire, you will not be able to combine it with the reference state, in this state, it will disturb
you, torment you, and hurt, like splinter, so this method is suitable for only the true wishes. Do
not forget to check each his desire to the truth, before you rush to implement it.)

Step 12B

Do not leave the reference state, imagine how you will feel when your task is already done.
Imagine that this has happened, imagine this picture in every detail: nafantaziruyte imagine in
detail the stage performance of your tasks. If the task you truly need, while you will certainly
give a very pleasant feeling of joy and satisfaction.

Focus on the pleasure, on this Kayf, on joy, Get inside the feeling of victory, joyous achieve
desired, the confidence with which you reach the desired. Enjoy this fun in a bright, glowing
light clean bunch of energy. Now put this bunch of bottom-up flow and bottom-up flow is
literally soaked in this bright light, which concentrated all of your emotions. Perhaps you feel
physically, how to change the color of your energy flow, how he became a bright, shining, filling
the space with light.

Step 12g

Now concentrate on the area of your body, below the navel. Build now in this field energy
bunch, absorbed all the joy of victory, satisfaction and confidence. Focus on that feeling and
feel as the bunch (you can submit it to me in the form of a lens - is not only transparent but
bright and glowing, radiating energy and force) entrenched in the way of ascending flow. It -
<Filter>, which will be all the time to set your upstream flow appropriate way imbue its desired
energy success.

Step 12d

Get out of the reference state. All. Are you ready for action. You can confidently go directly to

This method works very well even when your mind is not quite sure how to perform an action.
The mind at all inclined to fluctuations. If the task is checked for veracity by means of
combining the reference state, then can not take into account the mind, not listen to his
hesitation, and boldly apply the above step.

In this case, as practice shows, there is a striking effect: the person ceases to be guided by
hesitant and uncertain mind, it leads directly to the unconscious, which is always better than the
mind knows that we truly need. And the person behaves in an unusually confident, even if
logically this belief can not justify itself.

People who practice this method often say: <me as if someone had>. Or: <I like someone
suggest what to do and what words to say>. A man in this case, inevitably doomed to success.

One of my girls, Nadia, the person is quite shy and not very self-confident, is programmed to
search for suitable work. Wish it was true, the program on the effectiveness of the early work,
and in accordance with the program, the circumstances have so that she had the opportunity to
go for an interview in a very prestigious company. But in this company, she has long wanted to
work! But to implement this vision will not be solved: the mind hesitant, doubt girl myself,
suffered from uncertainty. Yes, and detractors tried to zavistnikami: where, they say, you are
in a certain organization - too simple and something found: Fortunately, she was trained on the
system DEIR and before going to the employer, used the above appointment. As a result, for
an interview, she was without a shadow of doubt, confidence and joy - as if their feet are held.
The questions answered boldly, clearly and confidently looking into the eyes of the employer,
and so clearly and smoothly, which itself can only wonder: how my words are these?

The work took her immediately. Later, her new colleagues told her that she has made all the
impression is very self-confident, active, human activities. One of the leaders of the
organization say not without admiration: <Well, cheeky girl! Well done! Cost me know>.
Probably, it is these workers valued the company. She learned about this recall, was surprised
beyond all measure: no one and never talked about it these words. All considered it a quiet and
modest. But since then she began to practice this quite often receive - and indeed became
confident! A former shyness and no longer remembered.

As you can see, admission is simple, but very effective. And yet, I advise you to use it more
often - every time you will feel all the more self-confident, and, increasingly, you'll notice that
around and do just that serve your wishes. At the same time - the key to a state of invisible
environmental management, the principles set forth in the third book of this series.

This admission is simple and convenient, but it has one disadvantage: if you have to deal with
in their lives, many tasks that customize themselves for each task separately would be very
Can you make sure that the energy boost needed to win, there is automatically created when
needed sub that is not every time consciously <pump> himself? Can. For this purpose I
recommend the following technique.

Step 13. Receiving a bookmark own sense of rightness

This method is based on the subconscious and its essential sense of the body's own right. The
sense of his own righteousness starts to act real, constant and unfailing confidence in the
program itself, does not require additional <podkachek>.

The sense of his own right - something extremely valuable. But I stress: it is valuable and
useful only for fairly sophisticated soul! In undeveloped human sense of rightness usually
occurs not from the knowledge of the real world, not of the truth of the goals and desires, but
only a limited and dullness, and it only leads to the realization of false desires. Then, as the
perfect person's own sense of righteousness leads to the support of the energy field, which
forms a strong support for the energy flows.

If you still are not completely perfect person, it is actively moving towards perfection, but it is
very, very much. Therefore, you have every right to use the recommended my inbox, even
though the mandatory use of safety precautions. One of these measures is as follows: that
sense of rightness does not increase you in the direction of the true desires, you must accustom
<remove> themselves from this feeling before you enter the reference state in order to verify
the desires and goals to the truth.

Be serious about this precautionary measure, otherwise you may lose a sense of reality and
himself to deceive, hitting a prisoner of illusory goals. And one more suggestion: first in an
excellent reception osvoyte first caught the very feeling of confidence that he will give you, get
used to this feeling. And only then can begin to use the second admission.

A second reception, as well as the first, includes several steps. Warns: receive really easy,
using it is easy to lose on an error, so the very watch all those caveats, I providently provided a
description of the reception.

Step 13a

Do not be afraid and do not be surprised: you have to remember (or maybe for the first time to
learn) that nebezyzvestny Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) called the party's philosophy. No, I
do not want to agitate you for the communists, as well as for any other party, the policy I was
not interested and concerned only with himself in his reception of the psychological (and only
psychologically, but in no way ideological) aspect. Indeed, the name <party philosophy> data
reception Lenin, and the reception, as such, though never named, existed long before him.

Admission is to clearly separate their own interests (in the case of Lenin - the party, in this
case with you - the true interests of our personality) of the interests of others. This is done
consciously at the level of reason and logic, based on a clear assessment of their interests, and
analyzing the situation from the point of view of how your interests match the interests of

Caution: The reception could not be applied strictly and consistently to all situations of life
without discrimination. In principle, this is a poor method of solving problems, and we need it
only to using it a couple of times, remember the self arises as a result of his own sense of
rightness. I repeat: we are not interested in technique as a way of solving problems, but the
feeling that he provides. Remember the feeling you can (and should) discard the method of the

Here are examples of situations in which you can train in the use of the method and experience
a sense of his own rightness. Situation One: You - the head of department and supervisors to
impose your new employee. In this appeal to your better feelings, beat on emotions tell how
good this potential employee, as he needs work, as he loves you and your department. Before
you succumb to the feelings and give way, soberly assess the situation. Disconnect from the
emotions that you imposed on the program, from the head and ask yourself: and if my
interests, so that the officer was in the department? It may be that the arguments <to>
greater than <to>: do you know this man as podhalima and tape, the same what you have in
the department placeman bosses? You need to find yourself with the right employee.

Thus, to assess their interests, and separating them from the interests of the Chief, you can
safely say <no>. You know exactly what you want, but that is not necessary, and no impact on
your feelings than you sobyut somebody.

Situation two: someone invites you to work for free, once again appeals to the conscience, for
friendship, etc. Before you succumb to the feelings, ask yourself: why would you believe it?
Maybe you do not pay money, but pay something else - will have the desired service, for
example, then you can accept. But if such a downright selfish way to invite you to the role of
disinterested altruist and the kind of genius, and your interests are not taken into account - feel
free to refuse. At a <friendly> help, you only spend time in vain, and your <one> would only
become stronger in his selfishness.

Let not these exactly, but certainly a similar situation arose and you have more than once,
because all around us is always a lot of people who wish for our account to solve their problems.
Such people will appear in your life until you're not feeling proniknetes own right, did not learn
to follow their interests and speak firmly <not> all, who wants you to shoot your way.

Caution: this reception is not suitable for constant practicing, because it disables clean
conscience. As a result of receiving the application may be absolute and unlimited sense of
their own righteousness, which the man not stuck, it is suitable only for sophisticated and, is
deity. You are not a deity, and as soon as zarvetes in its absolute right, nature, rest assured, it
is very tough and unmerciful put you in place. There is no need to take risks and incur trouble.
Let us know best. Otherwise we risk getting bogged down in the pride and finally rolled on an
inclined plane. Remember, what led by Lenin and comrades of all continuing their cause
permanent adherence to the principle of party philosophy: the degradation, the total collapse
and massive damage to the state.

Man is by nature should not constantly feel absolutely right. It should be flexible, because
flexibility and plasticity - a condition of survival of all, and all on Earth. Be flexible - is able to
recognize their wrong. Being able to do the principles, if you like, and I never knew how and
did not allow the Bolsheviks. Therefore, and went so ignominious to the historical scene.

So, memorize only the very sense of righteousness that we have learned from the
implementation of the risk acceptance. And includes it only when we need to achieve the true
goal. What looks like this feeling?

This is an emotional recovery, accompanied by condensation of the entire body of air,

expanding the limits of power containment, the increased intensity of luminescence of this shell.
However, it appears the feeling that you are firmly standing on legs that you walk confidently
on the ground, not hovers somewhere in the clouds, you are very clear and accept the world
around us. Remember all this is at the level of sensations. Thus lets you feeling right at a very
deep subconscious level.

This is necessary because the only writing his own sense of right at this very deep level,
subconscious will be able to give full support to the conscience, when you need to make
progress in this sense. And what is the self-confidence, if not full support of sub consciousness
and the absence of any internal vibrations? Penetrated deeply into the unconscious, this
rightness becomes true, it is worth it just to make any life situation.

Step 13b

Now you should create an alternative reference state. A reference state of your long-
established and consistently used - it is full of some specific images and sensations, what
exactly is your business. Maybe, in your reference is able to birds singing, spring forest, the
smell of lily of the valley, might, sea surf and the taste of pineapples, it may be something else.
So, at this point it is constantly used and the usual reference state, leave you alone, do not
touch it, remove a little bit to the side. If you remember, we talked about that when you have
to join the reference state to dismiss with a sense of rightness that does not fall into the captive
false targets. So leave your old, habitual reference condition and for this purpose, too - there
you will include among other things, and even then, to reset its rightness or check it for validity.
Now you need another alternative reference state, where you can record and appear on your
sense of rightness. Former reference state that will not spoil. Create new. It's easy: add a
reference to us in a habitual state of any new object or changing the old facility to another. For
example, it was the sea, and pineapple - add palm and tap castanets. It was spring, and lily of
the valley - my summer and strawberries. And remember that these new features are related
not to the main and the alternative reference state. They will guide you to log into it.

Now entering a new reference state, and take it with a sense of rightness in its entirety - with
the emotional lift, a feeling of stability, seal the envelope and so on - each may have their own

Step 13v

Do not leave the state of reference, to implement this sense of a bunch of energy - directly into
the brain, in its center, and at the top chakra, where the imaginary control the rising flow. Feel
like upward flow dramatically increases, and the whole organism, to the smallest cell, is filled
with pleasant feelings and positive emotions.

Step 13g

You felt like streams from that embedded in the bottom-up flow of positive mood has spread
through the body, and now make them more, feel like they are filled with all your protective
energy shell form that we learned when developing the first stage DEIR.

Step 13d

When a sense of occupancy of the energy shell positive mood will be quite clear, you can leave
the reference state.

Repeat this procedure should be as often as required, as follows: for any unstable moods, in all
variations, and each time a feeling of insecurity.

What happens next, when you learn to perfect reception? Will the following: any situation that
arises in the outside world, it will subconsciously monitored and evaluated at the level of your
energy, and energy, gained from experience a feeling of confidence and righteousness, then
prodiktuet subconscious how to behave in order to resolve the situation with maximum positive
effect. this will manifest itself this way: should arise requiring immediate settlement of any
situation, how do you respond immediately the feeling of emotional recovery, confidence and
willingness to act. More will only trust the subconscious, which is impeccable precision suggest
that it is and how you need to do to achieve absolute success.

This method is ideally suited to overcome and prevent depression, as well as exit from the
crises and setbacks of life.

It was my student, who seemed to have made some progress in the development of the first
stage of DEIR, but suddenly suddenly disappeared. After six months I had her parents with a
desperate request: help at least something, the daughter of discord. Lies on the couch, looking
at one point, said that he does not want to live. It lasted for several months. A girl only 22
years! But nothing you can not distract her from gloomy thoughts, interest, even though the
girlfriend at the dance, the theater its name. But it did not.

We had to go to her own. I do not know his former student: do not express the extinct eyes,
drift into the shoulders of the head, circles under the eyes, vyalye movement. It was found
that: in the training system DEIR girl was a student of the Pedagogical Institute. Now she has
graduated from an institution and became a teacher at the school. It seems that she wanted to
do it, but trouble: the case of something not immediately zaladilos. The class got a difficult
teacher turned out to be extremely inattentive, did not help a young teacher, but she did not
have the experience and character. As a result, the discipline on its lessons - just go, children
are bullied over it in every possible way, bring to tears, it is not capable of such a situation no
one to teach anything, does not fit into the program, for which it terrorized the director, working
at each meeting.
Female disappointed in myself and in life, decided that she was talentless, good-for-nothing
man, and fell in the terrible and dangerous apathy, turned into depression. She hated school,
the lessons were how to Golgotha with only one thought: rather, it would be all over. It seemed
to think about changing professions, but no other work it is not interested. It turns out that it is
nothing in life is not like life has lost meaning, and the evenings after work, as well as on
weekends, and she only did that lay on the couch, staring at one point.

It took several hours to return the girl to reality and to ensure that in its eyes appeared a
glimmer. Seeing that she at least came out of the insane of the state and can hear me, I said:
<Well what are you, darling, threw our classes at the most interesting place? Indeed, the most
remarkable - ahead!> It is a little livelier, but then again for a: <I have no one to help:> And
then I told her about the second stage of DEIR. <And do you know that I can teach you to
control your destiny? And do you know that you only want to be, and your students will behave
as you need? Yes, and the director of the school will do only what you want!>

She initially did not believe. But I have seen something that her subconscious just craves for
podbroshenny catch me a chance. A few I have used techniques - and her subliminal
consciousness is fully seized, and finally the girl say: <Yes, I want to live, I want to learn, want
to control their destiny>. Female ozhila! Parents do not know how to thank me, but it was still
far from being all the way to overcoming depression is just beginning.

First of all, we agreed that every lesson in school, it will be taken as a lesson of their own
development and improvement, as a small experiment in the development of skills of self-
confidence and control the situation. We agreed that it would not require either of itself or of
the students too much, will not wait for instant change for the better, will treat their work
exactly as for the experiment, where a negative result - the same result, from which one can
draw conclusions. So tune, it was quite easy, because to lose it anyway, it was nothing, the
situation is at its worse had learned nowhere.

To get started, I told her every morning to apply the lessons of the first of the programming
techniques described here for a conviction. It is understood that each school day for it - this
fight, which should strive to win, whereas before it simply surrendered without a fight.

Changes began in the first day. Programming your confidence, the girl worked the state in
which it is encouraging to advocates of the board, as the class listens, open mouths and
vytyanuv neck. Remember the feeling of victory, enjoying, Kayf, made it to the reference
condition. And further - trust the subconscious, having decided to drop all plans and class

The lesson was devoted to the poetry of Pushkin (she taught literature). Disciples -
chetyrnadtsatiletnie adolescents, the most difficult age, the most difficult class. Already
included in the class, she felt suddenly tremendous emotional recovery, elated, strength and will
to win. Then she told me that feeling fighters barricades, which is in his last fight and who have
nothing to lose. Gait suddenly became confident, look - hard, and has metal in his voice, which
had not been in помине. She wanted them to win, there is a desire, a strong emotion, desire to
win, but there was nothing before, one of apathy and indifference.

Class noticed changes right away - children are very sensitive, they are not obmanesh, they
are always different and a real confidence because of shoddy and grandstanding. Class of silent
surprise, someone has not stripped the language logged habitual rudeness, someone's sarcastic
snicker broke on semitone: They looked at her brand new eyes, with unconcealed interest. And
suddenly she felt unable to pronounce the state, faceless words from textbooks and methodical
literature for teachers - not just language turned. Instead, start reading poetry - its most
beautiful, is not included in school curricula: <I do not sleep, no fire, darkness everywhere, and
sleep annoying. An hour just monotonous distributed near me:> <When, flushed with love and
negoy, kneeling in silence before you, I looked at you and thought: you, my - you know, dear, I
wish to fame:>. It is encouraging to read, with a genuine sense of wonder and herself, where
she has this actor's gift.

The children listened in silence, zavorozhenno as a namechtala in his imagination. But I think
whether it is that so daring dream (as it then seemed) so quickly become a reality! And that's
what turned out: the teacher had won a class of its energy, force and power which it is the first
time used consciously. She succeeded! Help and intuitively selected poems: they were so
energetically powerful that, as well, emotionally and meaningfully read aloud, had a very high
impact, literally mesmerized by the class.

Then she talked with students about love and the glory, the passions of Pushkin and his
donzhuanskom list on why Vladimir Vysotsky sang: <Who lives tragically ended, the true poet>
as to why there are so cruel to us the closest people betray your favorite and why, about
whether contempt or respect for Natalie: Children were not something stupid, just a boring
teacher had them dokonat its formal approach to the case, but as soon as they saw instead of
tedious and forever blubbered grymzy lively and attractive young a person with a glitter in the
eyes and body language alive - alive and have taken a great interest.

Then each lesson brought her some small victory. Later, we have substantially improved the
development of the second reception - an entry in the unconscious sense of his own rightness.
Now depression, as has happened, life crisis over. As a young teacher of the class now is not
how to fight, but as the stage on a high chair, which she could say a lot - with a sense of the full
right to do so, and absolute confidence. Gone constraint in dealing with students, it is no longer
lost in the response to the rudeness and jokes, she learned to adequately respond to, learn to
put into place is very raspoyasavshihsya only one phrase or even a glance. Where did she learn
this - she herself could not say. He said, as if inside there is another person who knows exactly
how to behave, what to do, what to say in different situations, and that all the time telling her
style and details behavior. Previously, she was embarrassed, nenahodchivoy not glittering wit,
but now the word does not go into his pocket, and even the Otpetye hooligans have become
afraid of her sharp tongue. It has returned the joy of life, returned a lost meaning.

Here's a story. The program outlined in this chapter - this is the proper program for the eternal
self-confidence, including a mechanism for emotional support of their own desires, and
automatically provides stimulation of the subconscious. This is one of the powerful keys control
their own emotional state to cope with low mood, apathy, depression.

Here we come to a very important moment of our books. It is in this chapter, in connection
with the programs on the confidence that we have to solve the problem, which may seem to
you before too difficult or even impossible - the problem of meaning in life. Now you are quite
prepared to resolve the problem, not only philosophically, but in practical terms. Now you
should be clear: the meaning of life (I stress this - that man, as he in his body, and not moved
to a new life) is to fulfill their true desire, acting proactively and receive positive emotions, joy
and satisfaction from their actions. That's it! Yes, that's because everything really easy. And it
will be for the actions, what goals you will achieve what it desires to carry out - not the
substance is important. You've already learned that the person feel a part of energy fields, no
effect in the material world is more important than any other action. What are you going to do
- is not important. Meaning - in a process and not as a result, to gain pleasure from the
process, to strengthen its energy real and successful.

So you can find deep and true meaning to all - all, without exception, whatever you do, even in
the inherent details. If your actions - it is your actions, rather than imposed from outside, if it
was your conscious choice, if they meet your true essence - that you will receive a maximum of
joy, even from everyday activities such as washing dishes or okleyka walls with paper.

Try it - make sure: life bloom with new colors, you'll see a lot of truly wonderful moments,
hidden in the most ordinary things, you have not noticed, pass the eyes and ears. You feel that
have learned to enjoy every moment.

In addition, if at this point you follow the true desires and doing what you really want, you
actually lengthen their lives, because every minute of your life you will experience a range of
pleasant sensations, which have not previously received and for the year. Each day will begin
at saturation equal to at least the month of life, and even more!

You will not now empty and meaningless days spent to comply with somebody's somebody
else's will and do what you do not need, but to someone else. You have to start real life - a life
that is just and has the right to be called human life. Most people, unfortunately, deprived of
this happiness, their lives are meaningless pastime and the chaotic pile of externally imposed
events in which people simply sinks, unable to razgresti all this chaos, remove from the life of
unwanted junk.
We - the owners themselves and their lives. No one can force us to turn from our ways, no one
can subjugate us to imagine. We carry out the tasks that we dictate our nature - our true task,
we do what we really need, we live in accordance with their true desires and enjoyment of
everyone blinks when we realize their true wishes, where we operate when we reach the goal.
This is a happiness to which instinctively seeks, but which can not possibly understand, much
less to reach the majority of modern people.

So, you have learned the nature and mechanism of action programs on self-confidence, learn
how to create a bursts of energy needed for active, learn to manage their emotions and come to
the question about the meaning of life. You just introduce you to a couple of very useful
techniques that will make your program even more effective confidence.

Step 14. Increasing energy to the overall stimulation of

In order to bring themselves into a state in which you are not completely irresistible, it is
necessary to combine the above admission to the reception improve their energy potential.
Better to do it directly in the recovery phase of the energy post. I recommend the following

Step 14a

Upon entering the fifth phase of the energy of the detail described in the previous chapter, find
the time for reconciliation of this phase of the program on self-confidence. First, remember the
feeling of his own right, worked your way <party philosophy> - Get inside this feeling, focus on
it in its entirety, in all details.

Step 14b

Sign in to an alternative reference condition - the same that you combined with a sense of his
own rightness.

Step 14B

Using a set of emergency power as set out in the previous chapter, should be inflated as its
central stream.

Step 14d

Outside the reference state, can perform any action, which only want to. (In accordance with
the true desires, of course - I hope you do not need reminding of this? Because of other actions
and desires for you simply does not exist.)

The state in which you enter through to these four steps are called psychic state <astral tank>.
Imagine a tank? At a subconscious level, the surrounding will respond to you as if actually
seen a tank. And there is no barrier for the tank!

One of my students, a fragile and delicate girl, in a state of <astral tank> was on the street. It
was nearing evening, dusk, and she lived on the edge, where just at the time of day on the
street out various criminal elements. Actually, because the girl and used the method of the
tank, that madly afraid of bandits and hooligans. So, its easy graceful gait (apparently no
reminding tank) it was on the street and, coming nearer to his home, suddenly saw his way to
the shady companies - a group of apparently intoxicated men, who were dirty cloth, and are
very aggressive. And it must be said, in a state of <astral tank> a man of such powerful
energy that even fear can not penetrate it. Female <do> not scared - which itself was
surprised - and continued to calmly approach the men. They are silent, looked at her side, and
their views do not bode well sulili, one of them even managed to make polshaga meet her,
when suddenly: An unexpected: rasstupilis guys, someone threw: <hit!> The girl calmly
proshestvovala past. More it the company near her home has not seen.
Miracle? No. Extended scene from the life of a person engaged in the development and
improvement of its energy.

Now mastered another useful reception, which will help you instill confidence not only in
ourselves but in others, and at the same time to configure them for help and support in relation
to you.

Step 15. Bunch energy desires

Honestly, I now run a little bit more: the harmonization of environment and socio-emotional
support of others will be entirely devoted to the third book. But to realize the desired this
method will not interfere now.

Psychologists long ago determined that all men are by nature into two categories: the extrovert
and introverts. Extrovert - a man whose energy is directed outward, outside, talk about these:
<full of themselves>. Introvert, on the contrary, "all of a> is a private, closed person. With
the development of fourth grade DEIR you will no longer depend on natural features, makes you
extrovert or an introvert, you can at will, depending on the circumstances, be so, and others.
But so far that this classification applies to you - nothing to do, this is a reaction to the world of
cell structures of the unconscious, head of the so-called Stein reactions. While you are on these
structures no control, and if you are an introvert, there is less need for support from others, but
if you are extrovert, then the support you need more. To aid you in this transitional phase of
your development, and developed this technique.

Step 15a

Namette in his surroundings person whose support you need. How to pump energy to the
central stream, and log into their own right. Extend this feeling to the central flow, let it into
their body of essential and protective energy shell, that it was thoroughly soaked, and rife with
its own right.

Step 15b

You will be separated from a piece of their own energy, rife with its own sense of rightness.
Something like you did when eliminated from the damage (this event is described in detail in
the first book), but then you are displaced from their ether body clot alien power - now they will
have to soak a fragment of its own. So, in the same way as for the removal of damage,
separate piece of its energy (in any location where you prefer - you will not ubudet the shell you
have a very powerful and inflated, and if feel weak, you give yourself the norm ) - produce a
field of rejects fragment, and then pushes it out. If you can see on the astral level (what you
learned in the first book), then see how your aura away from the shining sphere.

Step 15B

Now you need to convey the scope of this air over the body of the person in whose care you
need. Do not worry, you do not harm humans cause it, however, will be very happy, because
you give him a powerful energy recharge, delicious food, a powerful piece of its own energy.
This piece is very well rise to the level of heads of your comrades - if you see an aura, a notice,
as the scope is shining in his body and is essential in the home.

Step 15g

Now you need to revive, awaken to life and make you work a piece of embedded energy. It's
enough to lightly touch it flow from their Adzhna-chakra. After this shining sphere starts.

Step 15d

From this moment, each touch of the beam from your Adzhna-chakras to introduce clots will
send a wave of confidence in your case in the subconscious of your interlocutor. The stronger
you the finger, the stronger will be the wave. Response support not force yourself to wait.
Step 15d (optional)

There is another version of this method - you can touch the bunch vypleskom from their lower
chakras. This will launch the program on the confidence in your companion to complete the
course. Now he will act independently, working on your overall business, will become an ally,
even without your leadership.

It remains to add that, in carrying out this method, you do not do anything supernatural. It
was this move, not knowing about it and not aware of this, unconsciously committed people
involved in some common cause. This is the way to create a team-minded people: one person
handing over power, charged confidently of victory, another one - the next, and so on .
Postignuv energy mechanism of this phenomenon, you'll now be able to create team-minded
people consciously and purposefully. Mastered this admission, this succeed, even people who by
nature are not leaders. But in a sign of a leader and is known for its energy, rife with self-
confidence and a sense of their own righteousness - and generously shares this energy with
others. Because to him and dragged people, because it leads them to. Now for you there is
nothing unachievable. Feel free to become a leader - and let people come up to you.

By this stage in the second stage of DEIR you really were already a very extensive training and
have achieved very much. Do you now, there should be no problems with self-doubt,
depression and low mood. You gradually takes control of all features and advantages of the
new phase of evolution. If you faithfully perform all the steps and techniques described here,
and go strictly followed by the author, it surely noticed that you was to carry, your actions are
effective, you are healthy and always believe in yourself. And others, of course, this feeling -
they feel in your inner strength, power and confidence, they noticed something in you, which is
not in them, and instinctively began to treat you with respect. Your strength and power grow
with every passing day, becoming happier to live - so it should be, you are on the right track!

But this is not all. You should feel that in yourself there are still some serious obstacles. These
constraints are called cryptic word <Karma>.

Karma, as we have said, manifests itself in the form of undesirable chain of events, different
zamorochek with whom you can not cope, despite all the tricks that you have already learn.
Yes, you have already escaped to freedom, yes, you are already owners of their own destiny -
and karma all the stretches and stretches followed. Using allegory, you can remember the story
about the Pioneer, ran away from pioneer camp, which we already have in this book. He
escaped to freedom, but imagine that it will be linked, say, a maniac. And how far the child or
flee from the former slave life to a new, free, continue to haunt him. Or karma.

But in your situation, there is one very significant advantage over ordinary people. You are
cleansed and consolidated their power, you have cleaned the scope of their desires, goals and
actions. You became a man in harmony, and on this background are incomplete, incorrect, that
is in you, all problems appear very easy to become visible to the naked eye. Now all your
karmic issues - both on the palms. The fact that you still continue to fret - this is karma. It
emerged against a background of purified your energy, she is naked and loudly asserting itself.

Therefore, you should have no problems with the diagnosis of karma. You do not need to refer
to many specialists now appeared on karma, most of them quack - you can do yourself. Your
karma is naked, and you can see it yourself - do not need specialists who polezut deep in your
subconscious and unknown, which they make balls. Your karma itself emerges from the
subconscious, you just need to know how to fix it and identify.

In the next chapter we will investigate, as there are karmic issues, how they cope, how to work
the most difficult of them.

You've just learned to control their own destiny, all the processes and flows, but now learn to
work more with the causes of a particular fate. As experienced captains in the stormy sea,
you'll easily navigate between melyami, lovya fair wind, and in order to just see you on the
paradise islands misty horizon. Enjoy your trip!

Chapter 6

Diagnosis and correction of karma links

Karma - One of the most mysterious topics raised in modern literature. Some authors speak of
karma as something immutable law, which can not be overcome - they explore the events
associated with the development and testing of karma, but take no action to alleviate the plight
of people suffering from karma causes. Others dedicate giant works councils to manage and
develop karma.

Our system allows you to do what nobody has been able to yet. Following DEIR system, you
will be able to achieve unique results in the correction of his karma. Judge for yourself what a
unique situation you are. Because you already know the mechanism of karma works and know
how to circumvent it: karma creates false desires, and you've already got rid of them. So you
do not dial the new karma. Now you can only identify and overcome the old, well-established in
the past - and this is for you not to submit a particular difficulty, because karma, as we have
said in your current state emerges and makes its presence felt in myself.

So, what is karma? The most appropriate at this point is a definition of karma: that the
realization of the false aspirations, printed from a previous life in the structure of consciousness.

Stress: in the form of karma in the structure of consciousness is recorded only deviation from
the true aspirations - that is, pursuit of false goals. Previously, you were wrong desire - now
they do not exist, but traces of the past, of course, is making its presence felt, the events
caused by the karmic causes are continuing, because those reasons are still sitting very deep
inside you.

I give an explanation, because you inevitably have to raise questions: how old printed these
events and where they actually recorded? You already know that your body has a certain air
configuration space. Your protective shell of energy also has a certain form. The same
structures of consciousness have their configuration - it is simply more subtle matter than the
air the body and the energy shell. Structures of consciousness belong to a higher level of
energy fields and are located in relation to the physical body and the air in another dimension.
The consciousness of every human being has the inherent only to the unique configuration.
Once a person deviates from the true purposes, begins to pursue false goals and to commit
fraudulent acts - that is to generate karma - his mind under the influence of erroneous and
improper acts (they are a bitter conflict with the sub) changes its configuration. It appears
pathological outgrowth or holes, hollows. These pathological education themselves do not
disappear, do not go - people with lives and dies. And even pererozhdayas takes the form of a
new body for the next life, he inherits the defects resulting from past life. Most importantly,
these defects in mind, the outgrowth and the holes are the property of the programmer: they
continue to program rights to enter into the same style of relations that have occurred in the
past, they continue to push people to the wrong purposes, to deviate from the true path and ,
respectively, are forced to get all the negative consequences of such acts.

Imagine: a new life a person has no reason to obey the previous false targets, and he
continues to follow them beyond their will and can not stop this process. False goals are
implemented automatically, a person does not commit any act for his involvement in their
realization, sees them as something foreign and irritating. But what lies in their previous life in
the consciousness of this life into the unconscious and seeks to achieve in whatever is - no
matter how absurd and untimely for the person it may be. It is karma.

Very often, karma masquerades as a normal external circumstances, which allegedly come
from somewhere outside and does not depend on the person. But it is not. In fact, it is karma,
and adjusts these facts - indeed, it pushes you to your subconscious to external developments,
which are needed for the implementation of karma. Most often, these events are unnatural for
you, but you are forced to participate. Karma is strong, because a false goal, it gives rise,
almost always supported energy parasite. The whole focus is that in this life you have left the
sphere of influence of the parasite - but the false desire, inherited from the old life remains.
Moreover, even consciousness, reason and logic you can understand that this desire is
meaningless, absurd, and destructive to you, but nothing to do with this you can not.

This explains the cases where a woman that has been married to alcoholics, although each time
the mind realizes that anything good she is not promising, but I can not do - evil karma simply
delaying it in these marriages are in addition to its will. The same thing with a fine or a punk
thief who wants to step on the path of righteousness, but it can not cope with it: some kind of
power again pulls him to steal, and then condemns serve time in prison. If the old man was a
thief of life and karma not completed, he did not repent, did not realize all of its existing
unrighteousness of their conduct, the old karma will again and again to program it for the
unrighteous acts (which are not necessarily stealing - would have been stimulated in the same
sense guilt and danger) in this life.

Karma can be obtained not only in the past. Karmic reasons for your troubles may be inherited
from ancestors. The most common karma is transferred from mother to child transmission of
the portable and grandfather to grandson (the cause of the latter pattern is not yet entirely
clear, but it is clearly evident).

Karmic reasons for their effects

Now investigate in more detail at what lies behind the words <karmic reasons>. I want to
present you our classification compiled karma expressions describing the effects caused by
them. In other words, now you know what events and events of your past life can weigh down
your karma, and how to recognize the manifestations in this incarnation, what karmic reasons
you have.

1. Unfinished business, and important for your personal

spiritual development in the past.

In other words, you must have a genuine desire to follow, but not followed, would have to
commit acts, dictated by those true desires, but did not commit them. You rolled in, and
omissions were not available for your stage of development in the past. You are degraded,
rather than grow. Subliminal record this deviation.

In the current life of this kind of karma is manifested as follows: you constantly, feverishly and
chaotic than their will to engage in some quite unnecessary you do, resulting in only tolerate
failure. This is because you are subconsciously trying to compensate for inaction in the past,
but your karma does not allow you to focus on the true purpose and true deeds, and pushes all
the time for false.

Such people often engage in violent public work - they create some organizations, making
initiatives ever nosyatsya with ideas, often delusional and empty - but from more noise and cod,
as the case. By this, a serious, focused work of these people are not capable, but slyvut
actively and effectively, because the skill positions and creates the appearance of turbulent
activity. Behave differently, they can not, even if you wanted to. One such woman slyla the
best in professional public relations firm with many pleased to invite her to imagine, but: very
soon dismissed for a full breakdown of work. Nevertheless, the following companies are pleased
to once again took it to work - so the woman was convinced of their own possibilities, and so
steady was the image of active individuals. But, in fact, she was very unhappy man, as well as
continued to weigh down his karma, and eventually lost, and work and their image.

2,. Slavish position or desire to abide in the past.

Such people are not again made their true desire - to serve the desire of others, and himself
sacrificed. They refused to implement its own purpose in life, from the tasks that they should
have been resolved in this incarnation. Such persons in fact refused to himself, committing
unforgivable substitution starting to bend themselves whims and desires of another. Even the
Bible recognizes that a great sin (remember: <not made a idol>.) If a person in past life had
been a slave or serf of his social status, his mistake that he not only apparently disobeyed his
master - he disobeyed him internally, became a slave at heart, not only according to social
status. This man, even if released, he still returns to the slaveholders, and would lick his heels -
only to take back. A truly free man will be internally feel free even in the status of a slave,
because his soul and conscience, no one can subdue.

In the current life of this karma is manifested that the people suffer slabodushiem, easily falls
into dependency on each and every one. They can control anyone, it is called, you can twist the

Very often it is men, easily falling under the influence of women - is a type of weak spineless
men. This man suffers from this, trying to escape, trying every way to hide this shortcoming
from the others, but without success. One young man simply hated his nachalnitsu - a strong,
domineering woman, but that it depended madly. Trying to escape from this dependence, he
fulfilled all of its orders <accurate to the contrary "and has been very self, trying to prove
himself and that in fact he himself an independent person. But the more he did, it became clear
to others that he has under the heel. In the end, this nachalnitsa: zhenila it for yourself. As he
resisted, as he ran from it, the poor. And then - humbled. After all, it provided him peace,
comfort and well-being, and his karma just programmed it to hide behind someone's back from
the general life of adversity, to submission, to become a slave.

3 of. The availability of past life energy dependent

(permanent vampire in the face, such as their own child or
another relative).

The man who all his life vampire fed up, again served another instead of themselves, given
their power to implement other people's goals and desires, and stumble in this way from their
goals and objectives.

The current of life is evident in the painful effort to help others, even when none of the
requests. Such people will always choose someone else's problem, as if they did not have his.
Very often the person to lead it from the outside: around all the time winds one or more
bothersome halyavschikov that donors shove him his job. Remember the movie <Autumn
Marathon>? One of the heroines of this film, talentless translator (which performs the role of
Galina Volchek) all the time, forcing the hero (Oleg Basilashvili) to assist it in its work. And he
has a murmur all her work - to the detriment of themselves, their time, their interests. The
same case!

Very often it is mothers, grandmothers, who did not give the children and grandchildren a step
to step independently, all the time trying to substitute their own hands, podstelit straw, to
assume all the difficulties and problems of the child. Suffer from this and the children - grow up
as helpless, dependent. Suffer themselves These mothers and grandmothers: when the children
grow, they begin to feel redundant and useless, until the complete loss of meaning in life. What
is the meaning of life? True, in the performance of their true desires, and not the wishes of
children and grandchildren. You see now, what error of caring fathers, mothers, grandfathers,
grandmothers? You see now how wrong those who believe: the meaning of life - for children!

Leave the children of their own meaning of life. As for the live, in accordance with his.

4. A strong fear, or fear in the past.

Fear - the result of poor energy and inattention to their energy essence. Remember: we have
already said that a strong energy environment fear does not penetrate. If people fear Breaks in
past life and nestle in its structure - this means that a person does not meet the challenges that
stood before him, was unable to consolidate his power shell to such an extent as to cope with
fear. For now and pay - it depicted the trends continue to exist, although no longer maintain
their own conscience!

In this life, this kind of karma manifest constant anxiety, or the presence of torturers and
tyrants, who do not normally live, tortured and bullied both physically and morally.

One of my patients the fate of past life very similar to the fate of the girl-witch of the same
name by Olesya Kuprin (remember the movie <witch> involving Marina Vladi). Her tear Brutal
crowd. In this life the girl is already born with the fear of people, especially the crowd. She
grew dikarkoy was unsociable, and were among a large number of people all the time tried to
hide in a corner, as if wanted to hide, to make invisible. In high school it was very hard,
because over there all the time scoffed classmates. The parents moved her from one school to
another - for ten years, it has replaced the four schools, but the pattern was repeated
everywhere: it became a target, which flew the most flagrant mockery, insults, abuse. One
time she staged a lynching, fault to a trifle, beat almost all classes in the school yard. The
happiness that shedshaya by the teacher intervened to prevent the massacre. In general, the
picture of the past again and again. The girl received treatment at the psychotherapist - has
not helped. After high school, the same problem and started to work: it changes one job after
another, and nowhere to stay, because it always have to start a conflict, and declared her a

Now we are engaged with the development of this karma. The girl was very talented person -
she has demonstrated psychic ability. And I know it all will be fine.

5. Hypertrophied fear death, amounting to a deep horror.

Death is afraid only person who does not know what the true essence of his energy is immortal.
Death is afraid of someone who essentially considers the physical body. This karma develop a
person who is not on the path of evolution of its energy essence and cares only about the body,
that is, again, does not perform real tasks.

The effect of this karma are varied: it may be a propensity to wanton depression, amounting to
suicide, but this may be pathological and inflexibility, "upertost> on one goal, the inability to
adjust to life and circumstances. Such a person because of their inflexibility easily broken. This
was karma, for example, one of the candidates for deputies of local authorities, who went to his
goal as a bulldozer, and under no circumstances wanted it back. It turns out that the power
subconsciously associated him with immortality. In the past life he was a prisoner on death
row, has experienced the horror impending execution. His fate then disposed of the Governor
of the city. Now, in his subconscious etched: get power - will the authorities and to the life and

There are other instances when the karma is manifested in the form of fear of a fast time,
before the coming age. Often, these people no sense of time - they did not finish all the time
somewhere late. They can also be very weak, not able to make choices that change their
destiny. Subconsciously they feel that any decision brings them to death. They are afraid of
looking to the future, afraid to plan their lives. The best way they feel, as though you are
beyond time and space.

This was one of my patients, who sat for years without work, because it could not choose any
one of several options offered to him. He remembers how it could give, for example, a phrase
the employer who spoke on conditions of work: <a pension will be able to go, earning twenty-
five years of experience>. It scared a certainty, it seemed that this work will bring him to a
pension, and therefore to death. He gave up a prestigious high-paying jobs.

6. Hatred of other people.

It is not causeless hatred, and hatred caused by the very real sins and atrocities rights.
Moreover, this hatred was aware of its object. The most striking example: a man, загубивший
lives. This karma of Stalin and tyrants like him.

In the present life, the karma is manifested in such a way that humans do not literally live
everything surrounding it, people. Because subconsciously they feel that this person owes a lot
more people, that he was to blame for them. Here they are and stick to it all the time,
something required, offer, interest - ride in a word. One such person (who in past life was a
tyrant of scale much smaller than Stalin) surrounding people literally put to death from a heart
attack. His wife is constantly pilila for what he earns little money at work all the chiefs of both
gave a lot of mutually exclusive and impossible tasks, many friends all the time, asked for a
debt, demanded that he helped them build houses, to organize the funeral tetushek, make
children school, and wives in the hospital - and in fact, not because he had some influential
person, but they felt that he was not able to reject (because he was programmed to work out
their karma), but because all do. Finally the moment when he should have been read
simultaneously in four locations, three more cases demanded that he remained at work, the five
chiefs of shouting over the ear, each on his phone breaks, and all he demanded something
required: In addition , he disappeared expensive trip to a sanatorium, where he was unable to
travel because of the numerous forced him to worry, but there was no time to sell (because of
the same concerns). At this point he was told that someone had set fire to his cottage. This
was the last straw. The man had a heart attack, a day after he died in intensive care. This now
refined payoff for past trespasses.
7. The sense of guilt, has appeared as a result of awareness
of sin.

The feeling of guilt - this is not a sign of redemption of sin. When redeemed sin, and no sense
of guilt. A sense of guilt, has appeared as a result of awareness of sin, not only did not expiate
the sin, but in itself creates a new karma.

It happens, and so that was a sin and no guilt, because sin is not understood. This sin has not
yet been embodied in the interest shown by karma and is not subject to testing, and

The sense of guilt, which the people lived in a past life, manifested in the existence of intrusive
ideas and the inclination to fanaticism. Such a person all the time clinging to others, if he wants
to please, to compensate the subconscious feeling of guilt. Ambient remain to him cold and

This type of karma is observed from a famous contemporary political figures. He always
performs with insane intrusive ideas and wants to win the love of others, but it is not. In the
past life he was a fraud fine, deftly durivshim people to empty their wallets - while aware of
unrighteousness, and their behavior at heart muchilsya a sense of guilt.

8. Much love the unjust.

Unrighteous love - is this love that is born not of the true desires and needs of human beings,
but only a blind frenzy of passion.

In this life it shows a tendency to change jobs and frivolous attitude to life. Moreover, such a
person is hated around. Such people are concerned - he was always looking for something,
perhaps, that their former love. It levity because, apart from love, he has no other values in
life. Others he did not like it is their levity, and plays the role of unconscious envy of - many in
the depths of the soul would be in such a vicious passion, but they are not given. I knew a man
who as a result of such karma in this life, too, was a victim of fatal passion - but the other:
game cards. He wheels around the country, dissipate all the cash and, in general, rather poorly

9. Greed in the past.

Greed - is the inability to share his energy. This is the phenomenon of stagnation in the energy
system, energy ceases to circulate, it solidifies and is gradually depleted. A person who is not
able to give, and get stops. Because he ceases to be the same running system where a single
pipe stems, while others flow.

And in this life is manifested in such a way that people can not get what he needs. He was
always hampered by external circumstances. He could not achieve its goals: on the approach to
a goal from nowhere, all the time, there is overpowering obstacle.

A woman who lives in the past suffered a greedy (and she was stingy, not only for money, but
also on feelings), the current life circumstances did not give marriage. The first suitor to change
the decision of marrying under the pressure of parents, the other ran away from her almost
from the crown to another woman, the third day before the wedding accident fatalities. We
have time to work with its karma, because the progressive deterioration of the situation could
lead to its demise.

10. Drunkenness in the past.

Drunkenness - is also a departure from the true objectives and goals of life. Man refuses to
evolve, it becomes powerless over their lives and prefer reality drunk groove, resulting in
In this life for this kind of karma appears that people can not assemble, concentrate, and at
least something in life to reach - all the events all the time out of his control. This disorder,
people, and even if they are in this life do not drink, they have such a view, as if they always fly
slightly under. Very uncollected, unkempt appearance, scattered, all forgotten, always and
everywhere there are amiss, and where they are needed, they do not exist.

The institute where I worked, was an accountant. As a result, the staff of the Institute were
forced themselves to monitor all processes related to payroll, because without a problem, and
very serious, it is not treated. Cashier institution was in full disarray, he almost brought the
institution to financial ruin because of their disorder. And man it was good. We had a good
shake him and say: <Listen, buddy, or we work with your karma, or are you flying to the post
without further employment>. Help.

11. Energy overheating in the past.

It is a way of life, which leads to energy depletion. Most common in those who had been living
in the last magician Koldun - those now referred to as psychic. People did not know the safety
rules, work wear, generously shared his energy with patients and as a result of completely
losing power.

In this life karma is manifested in a tendency to drunkenness. The point is that such people
are born already weak energy in the future to once explained himself on the vital activity,
beginning to use alcohol as doping. At first, helps, and then sustains and leads to alcoholism.

In the group of psychics with whom I worked, there were several such people. More precisely,
they became psychic after a great work done with the clean-up of karma, to normalize the
energy potential. It is now a teetotaler and a very strong staff.

12. Suicide in the past.

One of the most dreadful of sins, and that recognizes the church. Committed suicide, the
person refuses to comply with facing life's challenges in front of him - he simply sbegaet of
them in the other world. But the challenges of life so just do not decamp - they still nastignut
person in the next life, in more severe form. Life - a school, and if you ran away from the
classroom, you will be left for the second year, again makes it all go same.

A man who committed suicide in the past, expects tremendous amount of difficulty. But if
karma not completed, it will continue to strive to escape from difficulties, he starts to hate, and
these difficulties and the need to overcome them. If you do not work with karma, this again
can lead to suicide.

One of my patients was able to literally save the hinges on which it expected in the near future.
It navalivalis trouble, but he just lay on the couch and not even tried once to solve their
problems. He lost his work, left without a livelihood and a family climbed into some insane
debts, but was unable to pay, he threatened: <Sell apartment!> In the end, left him a wife, a
child was a drug addict - and he just fell prostrate, stared blankly at the ceiling and already
preparing for a new journey into eternity. To work with his karma, he was able to get rid of
intrusive programs vstryahnulsya, slowly razgreb their problems. Son delivered himself
corrected its financial position, got out of debt, got married again. Now a normal person.

So, you have learned the basic karmic manifestations. In addition to all the above
consequences, karma, and can cause disease. How do you determine that the illness has
karmic origins? It's very simple: the disease is usually characterized by some strange, namely:
it is unusual for a person of the sex and age and the circumstances of his life. So why would a
rich man sytogo - TB? In adults - mumps? A model family man - gonorrhea? In addition, such
diseases are not treated by conventional means, and sit in the body much longer than they rely
on nature, their course is not in conformity with what is written in medical textbooks. Represent
a severe angina that lasts two months? And such was the case. In pure karmic disease.

Now, when we had a complete classification, you can talk about what really to do with karma.
Warn at once: get rid of karma for only one life, you are unlikely to succeed. The point is that
the karma of being felt, not all at once, but gradually. We can only work with those that are
already evident. It is possible that some karmic program simply doze in the structure of your
consciousness, and broadcasting the body - in slow motion as mines disguised as part of the
soul - and will be a very long nap until the next life. Such a program, you simply can not
detect, and therefore work.

Yet you have a chance now to clear his karma significantly. The person who masters degree
DEIR, the progress is very fast and, consequently, quite quickly awake and appear slept until
then karmic program. Usually this happens as follows: As soon as sleeping karma is ready to
wake up, people begin around specific events - the so-called code developments are reminiscent
of the events of the past life that accompanied the set of karma. Under the influence of code
events subconscious remembers that it happened before in similar circumstances - karma
comes alive, expose, emerges at the surface of the soul and consciousness. And here the most
important time of <catch> work, not to again deploy undesirable events in the previous

If a karmic reason has emerged, came into work, it is easily removed!

Before we talk about techniques, a few words about that, is not whether the application of
these methods, something unethical and undesirable. Anticipate that such doubts may arise
among some readers. The thing is that nature provides a natural mechanism for improvement
of karma. In other words, nature was conceived so that people should practice karma
throughout their lives, if not a life, he must pay for their unjust acts and false desires suffering,
hardship, deprivation, and so village (say, the suffering purifies the soul - this is here). Most
people both live and now they do not understand why they have to suffer and fret, commonly
blamed in the surrounding, while the fault only to their own karma.

There are cases when a person able to work out the karma of one life, but it makes the price
very high losses and suffering. It was a case where a woman to 38 years of terrible misfortune
pursued: it is too early lost their parents, then in 17 years was one in a foreign city without a
roof over your head, without family, without work. It is hungry, homeless person was living,
resulting in sick, according to doctors, incurable. It struck her were almost all at once the body
organs and systems. It does not get out of the hospital several times was on the verge of life
and death. This all lasted for twenty years! But one day a miracle happened to save her. After
many years of disease and the ordeal the woman once again was in the hospital - this time with
the terrible contamination of blood. All set to cross it. But once in the House, where she lay,
looked a prominent medical luminary. Luminary saw pity dying nischenku - and something in
his heart trembled. Convened the best experts, using the best medicine. The woman

After six months she was married to an Italian and went to Italy. My husband loves her, and
she never had a cola or any court, now has its own house, a villa on the beach, car, boat,
earrings with diamonds, etc. You say, fairy tale, it could not be? Even as it is, it turns out. The
woman worked great suffering karma, earned forgiveness.

This is an example of how karma worked naturally. Before, humanity, and there was no other
way. But now we find ourselves in a critical situation. We very quickly sliding into an abyss.
We simply do not have time for the development of the karma for the entire life and so many
more lives to be saved, modern man had to get rid of karma zamorochek very quickly. That is
why we now have access to another method of karma - the methods that can be applied
consciously, and very quickly. Information about these methods is obtained directly from the
energy field of the universe. Mankind in this difficult situation, given the <good> for the
application of these methods. At this stage of our development application is not contrary to
the highest standards of ethics.

So, when the karmic problem already surfaced and manifested, we can get direct access to it,
but it turned out that direct access, we can simply remove the problem of the structures of the
mind and soul. By the time it will take no more than three minutes, and for your future of this
would be tantamount to a natural testing karma. In the above example, the woman would not
have had to be cut up for twenty years, if they had access to this method! But, as they say, to
each his - everyone gets access to only the information that he is ready. You, dear reader, are
already quite ripe for the method of karma, which I am going to introduce you. Otherwise, you
just do not get to the hands of this book.
Now specifically to the method.

Step 16. Identifying the causes of karma

Got acquainted with the above classification of the manifestations karma you have, in general
terms familiar to the type of karma, which may be relevant to you personally. But this is not
enough. You should know that emerged pop-up and ozhivshie karmic causes are always in your
life any event. It is by the presence of events in your life, you can identify the causes of these
events, it is found that your karma ozhila and is ready for testing. For this kind of events can
be attributed, and karmic diseases, of which we have already said.

So, there are several types of situations in which once you have every reason to suspect that
your karma is eager to light and deep.

1. Do you have (or had in the past) any undesirable tendency that you submit in addition to
their will.

For example, you always miss the all important meetings - is not clear why it is trying not to
miss: but then the alarm does not work, the operations fail, then something else. These are the
same, and the propensity to drinking and gambling, and had not been hampered by the periodic
urge to give his wife, and generally all the negative tendencies of your nature, from which you
can be, and would like to, but can not get rid of.

2,. In your life, similar events are occurring constantly, bringing you ever become a victim.
You are always stepping on the same rake. Where would you come to work - you are fired from
the scandal, all of these scandals are like each other as two drops of water. Or do you ever fall
on level ground and at a frequency of once a year, then break your arm, the leg. Or some
ambal begins near the entrance to take your purse with the money. Or stolen in transport.
Either you are being betrayed. Well, and so on.

3 of. The victims of these very similar recurring events can be not only you but also the
members of your family - it also could indicate a worsening of your karma.

4. You in your life all the time, had some very similar to each other people. You are gradually
sucked into a similar relationship with the same people. For example, when you get on the train
long distance, the neighbor on the coupe is always a military sailor. Or occupation of most of
your friends for some reason connected with the music, although they are all strangers to each
other, and you're music has nothing to do with. Or do you ever change husbands, but they all
appear on one and all as one has, the young lovers. Or complete range of unmarried women,
but you have novels for some reason, only married. Sometimes it is that in general the same
people all the time gets you noticed in the most unexpected places - wherever you go, see it
everywhere. With such a man you clearly links the issue of karma.

5. You suffer from the disease, rare for people your age, sex, marital status, social status,
race, state, etc. The disease occurs without apparent reason, spontaneously, it is sticky and
protracted, ill-treated, if not impossible to treat.

Now note: Here's a way to help you check for sure whether your problem is karmic combination
of circumstances or otherwise.

You go to the reference condition. It was in all the circumstances, accompany your unwanted
situation. If these circumstances the reference condition are you sharp discomfort - anger,
sadness, fatigue, frustration, confusion or other negative emotions - it means that you are
dealing with the karmic events.

If not, then karma is nothing to do with it, and you are likely to be dealing with the causes
nekarmicheskogo nature. Look for these reasons in the recent past: the desire to check their
veracity, Adjust the program for success on effectiveness, on conviction, to health.

In case you noticed that happening with you the events are karmic in nature, you can begin to
remove unwanted karma. I emphasize: this does not necessarily hold technique reincarnation -
you do not have to penetrate the past and determine what has caused it works karma. Such
techniques exist and are used by specialists - but using them without adequate training is not
recommend that: they can be dangerous. Especially since, again, to remove karma to know its
specific causes are not necessarily. According to the above classifications, you can roughly
determine what kind of your karma. Know the specific events for the development of the past
life karma, there is no need. Your karma in this life is manifested in the form of concrete,
tangible energy structures. Enough to detect and remove them - and the karma will be

Step 17. Removing karma structures

Karmic structures affect the nature of our energy is very deep. Therefore, to remove them you
will need to work on three levels, or a positive result is not guaranteed.

Incidentally, in the classroom removal causes karma is carried out in close collaboration with
the teacher, because the self-selection karmic reasons for the inexperienced person can be quite
complex. You will need to limit concentration.

First level: The removal of structures from their own karmic field.

Second level: The correction of the field structure - laying on the counter opened up a new
power structure to the previous configuration is not itself defective.

Third level: correction program behavior - old karma you pushed for a certain type of behavior,
and now you have enough new, corrected for this program for the self-confidence and

Now details about each of the three levels of work that you will perform.

Step 17. The first level. Removing the actual karmic


Warning: if you are pursuing a number of chains of various events of karma, then you have
demonstrated several types of karma, which should be adjusted individually. Practice these
chains in turn, do not put everything into one pile.

1. Log in reference condition. Call to mind the events of your current life that you have
identified using the above method, due to karmic reasons. Once again I repeat: this should be
an event of only one semantic number. If in life you have several such chains: and you fall all
the time and money you steal, and go get married just for alcoholics - no need to reference a
position to provide all this at once. Start with something one example of scampish husbands.
Focus on this aspect of your life. Get inside those unpleasant feelings that this procedure will
cause. Tolerate is needed to revive the karmic structure, pulling her from the depths of the soul
and conscience, as near as possible to the surface of your ether body. Then it will be easier to

2,. Now carefully examine all of its broadcasting body (these methods, see the first book of
DEIR). Inspect it carefully and thoroughly - the karmic structure should be here. Determine
the location of the unpleasant sensations that arose when you first receive the performance of
this method. Where is air in your body, your energy shell is this pain, fear, grief, despair, etc.?

Remember, we said that the problem of changing the configuration of the karmic field - it is as
an outgrowth of a hole. Puller In this structure, the level of broadcasting body, it can
subjectively be perceived as a solid lump of alien power, as the tumor, as a lump of something
viscous or, alternatively, a lump of something solid, as the site of pathological relationships to
authorities, etc. This is where all your lies and heartache caused by the karmic cause. Imagine
the color, size and shape of this structure.

It is possible that even at only one touch to the mental structure that you have a spontaneous
emotional response - tears, hysterics, sobbing. There may be other reactions, less turbulent:
frost on the skin, trembling, chills. Very good - so starts to go the karmic structure. Just try not
to allow themselves to capture the hysteria, keep control over it, look at their tears as if by
hand, as a necessary medical procedure and not as an excuse mourned and spare yourself. You
are in fact the reference state - here and see the suffering of their suspension, not the intake of
its reference state.

3 of. In several cases described above, admission may be enough karmic structure ceased to
exist. If you narydalis one's heart, it is likely no longer: your emotional reaction created a
powerful energy surge, which helped to dissolve the karmic structure. In any case, you have to
check the level of pain, there is a structure or it is no longer the case. It is likely that she was
still in place, and if there is no emotional reaction was not, then the structure will not exactly
gone. Therefore proceed to the next stage - extracting it from its broadcasting body.

You can use a variety of ways from those described in the first book in this series. You can
come with karmic structure as well as with pathological node links in the body: pulled him
through the hand, which pump energy as the pump (do not forget after that how to wash your
hands under running water!). It is possible to do both with the corruption (if not forgotten, the
Council reiterated to the first book). In general, do as you prefer, and how do you think will
outperform. You have enough trained people to exercise their own creativity and initiative. You
can burn the karmic structure of the laser beam, can shoot it from the flame, you can crush a
stone, and to displace parts of the pump can pump or vacuum cleaner brush away. In general,
do anything you want - to destroy the karmic structure in any way, but so that the air in your
body it may have no trace, no crumbs or droplets. And do not forget that all this time you are
in a position to master!

4. Now you have to do the final phase of work: every effort to ascending and descending flows
(that take all the remains of pathological structures, if they exist), then check again to adopt a
protective shell, the maximum energy to pump it. Make sure that there were not holes and
humps. If there are any, fill them with energy.

Step 17b. Second level: The correction of the field


I draw your special attention: the transition to the second level is carried out immediately after
the first, without interruption, and without leaving the reference condition! Karmic structure
stands, and consciousness is inertia. And if you let a pause, the consciousness may
automatically revert to the usual pathological configurations and karmic structure quickly again
take habitual. In place of liquidated you may be born of the same new, if you do not quickly fill
the space occupied by the new configuration. To do this, and receptions are the second level of
this work.

1. You are still the reference condition. Using techniques first level you have freed themselves
from the unpleasant sensations and images that caused you to picture a chain of events karma.
Do not go more to these events and feelings, do not remember them, and immediately begin to
create the opposite image, images, and sensations. Create your perfect picture - what you
would like to have instead of a chain of events karma? You have a wonderful husband who does
not change you, you have wonderful new friends, you will be invited to future work, you still
give gifts, you mirites to your favorite, you're playing a wedding, you will in time come to an
important meeting?

Great! You understand that you must create an image in your soul, the opposite of the
undesirable situation in which you are being driven karma. Draw yourself in the minds and
thoughts like this can be brighter than the diametrically opposite situation, imagine that it has
already implemented, make it, focus on their good feelings.

2,. Now those happy feelings to re-establish a bunch of energy that you satiates pleasant
sensations. Implement this clot directly into my body broadcasting. If necessary, repeat this
operation several times. Not bad would happen if you leave this positive clot in his reference
condition forever, laying the body in the air at the level of the heart, as we did with the laying of

Step 17B. Third level: correction program behavior.

Former karma prompted you for a certain type of behavior, it created a stereotype of your
reactions to the world to which you are accustomed to, and others. For example, a man whose
karma prompts depend on women, with a strong power of women once a guilty expression,
pathetic smile, as drawn in the neck shoulders. As it is trying to appear confident and look like
superman, it is still possible that in her presence, he begins to suffer an inferiority complex, said
ingratiatingly, kept shackled and looking upwards, even if it is higher than its growth. When old
karma removed, nothing prevents such a person to correct this behavior. In fact, there are no
more structure, which programmed it for this behavior - then they should be enough new model
of behavior and how to ottrenirovat it.

1. Penetrates own sense of right (see previous chapter). Feel more confident, stable, my
energy is strong and powerful. Lets in this sense of a new model of behavior, opposite the
former. Imagine how we communicate with the same woman: look her straight in the eye, to
speak on equal terms, the voice of a smooth, confident, relaxed posture, free:, etc. Each draws
a picture, depending on their circumstances and the specific results that he wants to replace the
karma zamorochek.

Then circumstances will compel you to train yourself in the new behavior until it becomes
natural to you, and organic. Man described above, for example, life will be constantly
podkidyvat with new options for communicating with these women, from whom he had
previously relied, until finally they will learn to be independent and confident, yet these new
skills will not be communicated to automatic and it does not have to control their condition.

2,. There is one difficulty: the surrounding people are accustomed to your style of behavior
continues, and break the stereotype perception of others is very difficult. If you just for fun to
play with any man role idiots, then you are unlikely to convince him that you are really smart
and serious man. People react to each other on the same, once and for all laid down
stereotypes, which occurs at the first meeting. In the future, people will not notice the changes
that have occurred with another person, and continue to treat it the same way as if he had
continued to remain the way they saw it for the first time. Your new friends will you have
already seen quite differently, but the old problems may arise. Your task - to break the
stereotype on which you are accustomed to perceive the surrounding. You must teach them to
your new image at any cost - even though it will cause at any time of shock and hostility to your

For this purpose very well work program for the effective action, which we described in a
previous chapter. Adjust your program to view your new state. Good also welcome to apply
<bunch energy willingness> of the previous chapters to provide support to others. Anything
else will make the time - and life. Will be situations where you have time and again to
demonstrate a new, practice new behaviors.

In my practice, was an interesting case. A modest woman at work all the time affects young
perky staff, laugh at it, create intolerable conditions. The woman was silent and lamblike - all
know, here and allow yourself poizdevatsya enjoy their imaginary superiority. When a woman
has adjusted karma (fear, tried in the past life, made her the victim of abusers), its behavior
and even appearance changed drastically. She was bold, confident, but the staff at work is not
noticed and continued to behave with her to continue. Unexpectedly for itself and it has brutally
cut next <run> very presumptuous of obidchits using, to his surprise, the most sophisticated
abusive lexicon - and made it loud, clear, firm voice, while maintaining icy calm. The office has
experienced a shock. Attitudes towards women in that time has changed. She became
respected and even rather afraid. And now she wondered why had not done so before, why so
long tolerated these nahalok could not put them in place: because it was so easy!

That's all you have mastered all three levels of work on the removal of karma. How are you
feeling? Much better? No doubt. If you have not yet all right - repeat their work several times,
until all fail. If done correctly, you will notice, as all previously disturbed you just go and
dissolve somewhere far away.

I congratulate you: you are now in the hands of a powerful tool for correction of karma, and
you can make your own, without outside help to break out of its paws! As of karma you can
eliminate it. After all, you're already on a new stage of evolution, and man, came to this stage,
should not fret nor energy parasites, or karma.

There is another way of karma, but it is - to fans. If you think that the above method is too
simple, if you still want to experience suffering first, to cleanse the soul, if you're interested to
know where zavedet your karma, if not remove, if you want to draw a lesson with the help of
evidenced karma before it eliminated - well, what, you can try to work out the karma. To do
this naturally does not suggest - may take polzhizni, if not all of life, moreover, it is a very big
risk: What if she does not survive? But <play> in the adjustment of the karma in a way that
the laboratory - can be very curious, especially for people with a powerful creative imagination.
For them, specifically - method of karma.

Step 18V. Development of the karma.

Method of karma indeed to understand, as it has, it will let you turn in real life as she wants.
One of my students, for example, увлекшись this practice, found that karma leads him straight
to suicide. Then practice it is not wanted, he quickly corrected her. And now imagine, and live
happy lives. But this method has helped him to become almost a visionary - he learned to look
to the future and assist in the others.

The first level of work. Indeed, practice of karma

1. Included in the basic reference state, and then created from the reference state of the
alternative method, referred to in the previous chapter (the main reference condition you to
anything to spoil the pictures unfolding of karma).

2,. Reconstructed in the imagination plague you karmic events. Admitted to the reference
state of the associated feelings. Experience, as we have said, will not pleasant.

3 of. I now accept the decision not to get rid of these unpleasant sensations, but on the
contrary, you (as is done in real life, most people) will be guided in their real actions by these
feelings and sensations. Analyzed their feelings from this point of view: what they are you
pushing? What actions, actions, reactions? For example, you again hit another man - you have
resentment and sorrow. What are you pushing? How will you respond?

4. Get inside now more and imagine that you decide to implement that act, which is pushing
you to your negative feelings. What do you do? Pozhaluetes to the police? Cause her husband
back? Leaves the house? Or, to accept his fate, leave everything as is and will continue to
suffer the humiliation? As can be brighter than in his imagination, draw a picture of your
possible actions. Imagine that you are in reality carried out the action that you want to
accomplish. How does this happen? What will you feel with this? Warning: you imagine
yourself only to those actions, which allows your subconscious easily. If you are trying to
imagine how her husband beats an ax, and all you have inside that resists and subconscious
shouts: <No> - not necessary, and submit. Imagine only what is natural for you, that you
really could do.

5. Come on. Sense: to lead by what you do? It is logic, common sense and their own
intuition. You did hit her husband's ax - and all of a sudden blow was fatal? Or do you seriously
injured? What do you do? Flee for a doctor? Go to the police? Or do you just went away from
home - and that? Come face where the eye? Sleep at the station? By girlfriend? To the
parents? Imagine yourself as you can to brighten the situation vzhyvaju in the role, spare no
paint. Perhaps it <game> will be accompanied by the real manifestations of emotion: Do not
worry, weep, laugh, goryuyte, rejoice - even a sense of manifest spontaneously, as they want.
In some cases, this has a beneficial healing effect and helps to develop karma. After losing
situation in mind, you'll save yourself from repeating it in reality.

6. Analyzed the situation where you were in his imagination, and entered feelings, her
attendants. You sit at the station in tears and sorrow, and the policeman leads you to picket?
You are saving a friend, but here a furious rush husband? Recalls: Your imagination must come
only from real parcels - if your husband does not so evil, that you find a friend at night for the
sole purpose to bring the assault began before the finish, it is unlikely that the latter picture is
plausible. Adhere to the logic and reality of what could happen in reality with you - that you,
not with the hero of a horror film.

7. Again, provided all the consequences. Put them in the space of a reference state. Keep the
chain of events until it did not come to its logical conclusion. After all, you need to know what
all this might end up! Therefore, go to your imagination until the final result can be brighter
and higher imagining all the pictures that way. It may be that this result will be positive: here
you are at home with their parents with a child, and happy that her husband hated not close - in
addition to your already woo a neighbor, a wonderful man, nothing similar to your previous
благоверного. Well, in this case, using the method of refining karma you have found the best
way out of your situation, and now you have to do is implement it in their lives. It is likely that
your karma in the end.

8. Entered will get a result as can be better absorbed in all the sensations associated with it.
Analyzed the results - where you come from? You have to go? You there good or bad?

9. And now, regardless of the result turned out positive or negative, you need to store it at the
level of sensations. That's all. You spent karma, you have lived it to the imagination. You can
withdraw from the alternative reference state that does not go back there ever, unless you want
to work again karma.

10. Now you must go back to the first reception of the method of disposal of karma structures
and to check on the spot there is still the karmic structure with which you are working. In some
cases, method of karma makes it possible to eliminate the karmic structure, and then there is a
guarantee that a number of events, experiences you have in mind, do not happen again in your
life. If the structure is still in place, we strongly recommend that all the same to get rid of it by
the removal of structures karma. To do this, you should inspect your body is essential, deletion
of the structure if it is there, and after removal (if there is no structure there, it immediately)
strengthen their power by means of revitalizing the central flow, satisfy energy broadcasting

11. Now approve the protective shell and fill it up to a maximum energy.

The second and third level of the work being done along the same lines as that provided for the
removal of karma structures. Do not forget to be sure of the work the second and third level -
is finally out of your soul and mind all the consequences of undesirable karma.

Using this technique there - decide for yourself. Work easy, requires great mental strength and
emotional costs. If you are inquisitive explorer, if you're wondering what could happen to you
in the future (although in reality this never happens), if you want to understand the essence of
clairvoyance (a picture of future faced by your inner eyes, this is not that otherwise, as the
sight!), if you want to help other people, they suggest ways out of karma chains - then this
method is for you! If so, it is great: you have a truly extraordinary person.

That's all: you are armed with a very efficient, powerful and effective method of working with
karma. Live happily ever after, do not be afraid of difficulties, do not be afraid of life
zamorochek suffered by all people - you are now is not terrible, you can easily cope with any
trouble. And work for themselves, improving themselves, my friend. Fun of this activity, I
assure you, there is nothing in the world. A fee will not force himself to wait. For only by a new
person comes to the prosperity of the third millennium.


Here we reach the end of the second book. Let summary.

If the first book was focused on how to withdraw from its previous hibernation as an active,
strong, full rights, as feel energy being, as to learn to live in this world consciously - the second
book takes you on a new, higher quality : you learn, has already realized itself as a powerful
energy creature to live and work in the real world. The second book should help you avoid the
mistakes many vysokoduhovnyh and developed with the energy point of view of people who are
so-called "white crow>, go to your inner world and cease to communicate with people. This is -
the wrong position. We have said that nature needs a man of action, especially now, at the end
of the millennium.

Little to become balanced - we have all of its existence, all the behavior and action affect the
world around us, to change it, to facilitate its harmonization. Only when each of us - people
who have entered a new stage of evolution (as we still are very few) - will be their strong
influence on the behavior of the world, only then will we start the chain reaction of mass
harmonization of other people, then humanity has a chance survive. Only then you can feel this
harmony, joy and satisfaction from life.
You - the smallest grain of sand, which runs a powerful and far-reaching process of
crystallization. It is around you starts to form one of the cells of the future of mankind.
Gradually, from these small cells prevail whole cells - a new harmonious world where all people
will live happily and cloudless. In the meantime, both are only one - and you, dear reader,
already one of them!

So, what you have achieved? Can you identify their true desires and cut off the false. This is
very important: because you do not develop new karma. Karma - it is nothing more than an
exercise of false desires. False desire has always run counter to the laws of energy fields that
correspond to those laws only true desire. This means you are guaranteed from the troubles to
which we inevitably false desires.

You have learned to incorporate the program on their luck and luck - this is obviously true
because the desire is doomed to succeed by following them, you are always lucky. You learned
to work with its sub, manage it - and this is a huge breakthrough, because for most people, the
unconscious - it is a dark forest where the animals live unknown, which only hinder a person to
live. Your subconscious is your best friend, you can safely trust him, it leads you only to the
most favorable results of your actions, only to implement the best options for your future. You
know how to manage their own destiny! Is it can at least присниться most well-known to you

You have learned to run to the outside world of effective actions that destroy all the plans for
energy parasites and turn the situation in the direction you need, rather than parasites. Note: if
all your wishes true, it means you are acting under the laws of a unified energy field of the
universe, you will contribute to deploy such events, which are in agreement with the harmony of
the world! Actions that run energy parasites, are aimed at the destruction of the harmony. In
its existence, you garmoniziruete the whole world!

You have mastered the programs for recreation and self, you have increased its power, and
thus become an even brighter star in the sky energy universe. You - an example to follow, you
will subconsciously reach people who want to improve, and disharmonious, aggressive, bearing
the evil and destruction will simply bounce off you, as the walls of pea, split on your powerful
energy, failing to cause you any harm. All of them will fly off the aggression from you and
return them back to beat their own. Their subconscious will be screaming that you do not need
to touch, or else will be hurt!

You learn to manage your emotions, you become confident in yourself, everything you do - you
are making a strong and courageous. Your confidence - this is not self-zarvavshegosya squirt,
this quiet, worthy of the confidence man who knows the truth about the world and of himself,
knows what he wants, how to do it and what the meaning of his actions and deeds.

You are beginning to assume the inner strength to determine (if you have not noticed) around.
Remember, people are living unconsciously, they do not know what was happening, their
natural and senseless acts, and circumstances surrounding the play as they want. Against this
background, you - an independent person, the owner of his feelings and actions, knowing how
to live, what to do and why - this is truly a giant, titan, a hundred heads towering above a mass
of senseless hustle-bustle of people.

Again I repeat: I say this not to amuse your self-esteem and awaken to a life of arrogance.
Both are for you to remain in the distant past. Pride only return you to the camp of the ordinary
people, will reduce you to their level. I say this so that you have learned to respect myself for
that level of development, which you can achieve that you have gained self-esteem. Your self-
esteem - a quiet, smooth feeling you Anything fussy self, because you already know your price.
You have enough power, but because you can afford to forgive the weaknesses and
imperfections, and to other people and himself. Do not look down on others. Better to help
those who need help.

One of the most important outcome of the methodology described in the book: you got an
answer to a question about the meaning of life. You can find meaning in everything you do - all
without exception. This is not surprising: after all, you only follow true desires, and all actions
related to the true desires, full of great meaning - not only for you but for the entire universe!
Living in accordance with the true wishes of every moment of your life, you get immense
pleasure from it. Otherwise, there can not be: living in accordance with the true desires always
bear the pleasure, because nature intended. Judge for yourself: what people enjoy most? From
sex, from the delicious food, of sweet sleep, from the warm bath: Well, everything. Short, is
not it? Bednovata their lives for pleasure. For you as life itself - in all its diversity - a
continuous, ongoing, never-ending source of delight. Same rate as you are rich. Spare other
people: they are just poor in comparison with you.

Finally, you learned how to work with karma. Maybe you have a question why such an
important case, as the work of karma, we approached this book as a last resort, because it is in
the origins of karma causes too many problems - and you are prevented as long as you are not
eliminated. My answer: with karma - is the work of a very high level, it is only available for
humans, the past is already a serious training. Just mastered the previous material first and
second books, you are prepared to work with karma.

Without karmic purity unthinkable man the third millennium. Without karmic purity can not be
health, or spiritual or physical. And the key is in your hands. Are you ready to make progress
and move forward giant, The Leap.

Acquainted with the contents of books in this series, you can make a very important
conclusion: the very man, in his soul and conscience, in its essence of energy lies everything
you need to live, grow, improve, helping himself to cope with their problems. Yes, every man is
created in such a way as to be able to help himself. People do not know, they do not believe in
their forces, they fled to magam, witches, psychics, doctors and other professionals, not all of
them good and qualified. Taking advantage of this human weakness, developed the hum of
thousands charlatans. All they drum up prospective customers call: we'll help you, free you
from what you want, just Bring money!

I responsibly declare: there can be no real relief, except for self-help! If people can not help
themselves, it does not help anybody and never. But everyone can really help themselves. We
should not spend money on aggressive healers and psychics. Have you had enough reasons to
reading our two books to see this on their own experiences. In fact, my system - a system of
self-help. And this, in particular, its uniqueness, not only for Russia but for the whole world. I
write not in order to attract customers (I do not practice, because I believe: the best care - this
should be the information acquired by a person help himself). I am writing not to make the ads
themselves, and achieve popularity. I want people reading my books and believe in
themselves, in their strength, that he did not want anyone else to solve his problems that he
could himself. If the book is not sufficient, then you can help the system DEIR courses
conducted by my students (note: they all have degrees, allowing them to teach it). Registration
for courses can be on the phone. (812) 219-12-45 or write to the address: Russia, St.
Petersburg, 198103, Lermontovskiy Ave, 44/46, PO Box 123, Titov KV

From a psychic, even very good or good, against any mage, even that not to have white, you
are sure to reach the painful addiction. Even if you do help, solving your problems, while it will
give you a new one can be much more serious problem: mesh of its energy from which escape
is both difficult to cover. Only a system of self-help guarantee you from such troubles. Only a
system of self-help make you a truly strong and independent person.

Well, if you have mastered the material of this book - in front of you is waiting for a new phase.
We can say that you can have a special mission: you are now able to provide the most
beneficial and harmonizing effect on the others. Yes, "the process of crystallization> has already
begun: you're only one fact of its existence, has already changed for the better the situation
around you, you're already a target for people . Disharmonious people such as yourself
eliminated. And those who stretches to harmony, are concentrated around you. The next book
we will learn how to make the process a conscious, controlled and powerful.

You already have to begin to guess who, like you, began to master the DEIR. This is - your
friends, such as free people, which you can rely. In addition, you have to be fully aware of what
a great help to you has a focus on the words of a common word that brings your personal
energy with the same as you, people, develop a new evolutionary step.

All of your affairs, thoughts and feelings is harmonious, they are dictated by the energy field
and conform to the harmony of peace - but now people all around the same time and again cut
out of place in your running processes, prevent them harmonious flow. What should I do? The
answer to this question will focus on next, the third book. In it I will tell you how to harmonize
your environment. After all surrounding life and know how to spoil you, and ourselves! How
can I prevent this? How to turn their energies in the right direction? How to draw it for the
good? How can I make you no one will no longer impeded, and the only help? This and many
other things you learn from the third book.

See you later!

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