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1. What are the basic living units of all plants and animals?

- A cell is the basic living units of all plants and animals. It is the smallest and
most basic from of life. In all life forms, including bacteria, plants, animals,
and humans, the cell was defined as the most basic structural and functional

2. Contains the cell’s hereditary information.

- Hereditary information is contained in genes, located in the chromosomes of
each cell. Each gene carries a single unit of information. All organisms inherit
the genetic information specifying their structure and function from their
parents. Likewise, all cells arise from preexisting cells, so the genetic material
must be replicated and passed from parent to progeny cell at each cell

3. What do you call a group of similar cells and the materials surrounding them?
- A group of similar cells performing similar functions is known as tissues. It is a
cellular organizational level between cells and a complete organ. A tissue is
an ensemble of similar cells and their extracellular matrix from the same
origin that together carry out a specific function.
4-7 Name the four (4) primary tissue type.
- The four primary tissue type are connective tissue, epithelial tissue, muscle
tissue, and nervous tissue. The connective tissue underlies and supports other
tissue types. The epithelial tissue creates protective boundaries and is involved in
the diffusion of ions and molecules. The muscle tissue contracts to initiate
movement in the body. Last but not the least, the nervous tissue transmits and
integrates information through the central and peripheral nervous systems.
8. What is Homeostasis?
- Homeostasis is a property of cells, tissues, and organisms that allows the
maintenance and regulation of the stability and constancy needed to function
properly. Homeostasis is a healthy state that is maintained by the constant
adjustment of biochemical and physiological pathways.
9-18 Name the organ systems of the body.
- The 11 organ systems include the integumentary system, skeletal system,
muscular system, lymphatic system, respiratory system, digestive system,
nervous system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, urinary system,
and reproductive systems.
- The integumentary system protect against environmental hazards, provides
sensory information, and regulates body temperature. The skeletal system
provides support and protection, store calcium and other minerals. The
muscular system provides movement, generates heat that maintains the body
temperature. The nervous system directs immediate responses, coordinates
or moderates activities of other organ systems, provides and interprets
sensory information about external conditions. The endocrine system adjusts
metabolic activity, controls structural and functional changes during
development. The cardiovascular or circulatory system distributes blood,
water, dissolved materials including nutrients, waste products, and oxygen.
The lymphatic system defends against infection and disease. The respiratory
system provides O2 to bloodstream, removes CO2 from bloodstream. The
digestive system processes and digests food and breaks down food and
absorbs nutrients. The urinary system rids body wastes. The male
reproductive system produces male sex cells (sperm) and hormones. The
female reproductive system produces female sex cells (oocytes) and
hormones. It also supports developing embryo from conception to delivery,
provides milk to nourish a newborn.

19. What do you call an organization of 2 or more organs and associated tissues
working as a unit to perform a common function or set of functions.
- An organ is a structure that is composed of at least two or more tissue types and
performs a specific set of functions for the body. Many organs working together to
accomplish a common purpose is called an organ system.
20. A group of cells cooperating in a particular function is a TISSUE. (TRUE OR
- TRUE. Tissue is a group of cells that have similar structure and that function
together as a unit. A nonliving material, called the intercellular matrix, fills the spaces
between the cells.

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