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Introduction literature 1
What is meant by physiology
It is the science that deals with the normal
.functions of living organisms and their parts
?How is the body organized
The body is formed of multi organs*


It is the smallest unit of an element of matter
It is more than one atom
Smallest unit of life
It is the association of cells with the same
general structure and function
Association of tissue with the same general
structure and function
The human body is consist of different organs
each organ has a specific function and they
work all together in harmony
When we respire we use our respiratory system
to deliver oxygen to the body which to be
taken by the circulatory system to be
disturbed allover the body
Different organs of the body
Digestive system
It is the organ responsible
for taking and
processing of food
Muscular system

Which is responsible for

movement and
locomotion, it consist of
muscles and bones
Nervous system
It is responsible for
generate, modulate and
transmit information
between all the
different parts of the
human body
It is consist of central (brain and spinal cord)and
peripheral (motor and sensory)
Endocrinal system
The endocrine system is
made up
of organs called glands.
Glands produce and
release different
hormones that target
specific things in the
Excitatory system
The human excretory
system comprises of the
following structures: two
bean-shaped kidneys,
two ureters, one urinary
bladder, and one
urethra. Kidneys are the
main organ of the
.human excretory system
?What is the components of the cell

The cell is the smallest form of any organ

: The cell components
Plasma membrane)1
The outer layer of the cell*
is called a cell membrane
which is remarkable
structure. It made of
. lipids and proteins
It is semipermeable :*
allowing some substance
to pass through it and
excluding others
It’s function to protect the cell from outside*
Other organelles are surrounded by a*
It is made of protein and lipids*
All cells have a cytoskeleton which is a system*
of fibers that not only maintain the structure
of the cell but also permit it to change shape
.and move
It is made of microtubules, intermediate*
filaments and microfilaments
It is a sausage shaped structure , made of outer
and inner membrane that is folded to form
It is the power generating units of the cell*
It is mostly plentiful in parts of cells where*
energy requiring processes occur
It is large , irregular structure , contain variety*
of enzymes which a digestive system for the
exogenous substance which attack the cell will*
be surrounded by a vacuoles which merge
with lysosome
The nucleus controls and regulates the activities
of the cell (e.g., growth and metabolism) and
carries the genes, structures that contain the
hereditary information
The nucleolus is the largest structure in the
nucleus .It is most prominent and numerous in
growing cell. It is the site of synthesis of
Endoplasmic Reticulum)7
It is a complex series of tubules in the*
cytoplasm of the cell
It serves multiple functions, being important*
particularly in the synthesis, folding,
proteins modification, and transport of
Golgi apparatus)8
is composed of flattened membrane-enclosed
.sacs (cisternae) and associated vesicles
functions as a factory in which proteins *
received from the ER are further processed
and sorted for transport to their eventual
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