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TRƯỜNG ĐH SƯ PHẠM TP.HCM Họ và tên thí sinh: ...............................................................

KHOA/TỔ: ANH Mã số sinh viên :………………………/ Lớp:…………

(Đề thi gồm có 4 trang) Mã HP: ENGL143404
Ngày thi: ………………../ 2022
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút (Không kể thời gian phát đề)

Số báo danh Họ tên và chữ kí của Số phách

(do thí sinh ghi) Cán bộ coi thi thứ 1 Cán bộ coi thi thứ 2 (do Hội đồng chấm thi ghi)

Điểm kết luận của bài thi Họ tên và chữ kí của Số phách
(do Hội đồng chấm thi ghi)
Bằng số Bằng chữ Cán bộ chấm thi thứ 1 Cán bộ chấm thi thứ 2

- Thí sinh được sử dụng tài liệu khi làm bài.

- Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm.
- Thí sinh đạt 0.2 điểm cho mỗi câu trả lời đúng.

For questions 1–10, match the classroom activities with the main activity aims listed A–L. There are
two extra options which you do not need to use. Write your answers in the numbered boxes provided.
Main activity aims
A. to practise functions of offering, accepting and declining
B. to focus on the form of the present perfect
C. to give controlled practice of subordinate clauses
D. to focus on imperative forms
E. to give freer practice ofthe third conditional
F. to practise the sounds at the beginning or end of a syllable
G. to infer the speaker's attitude
H. to review vocabulary
I. to recognise coherence
J. to practise writing a text for a communicative purpose
K. to practice deducing meaning without using dictionaries
L. to recycle lexis in freer practice of speaking
Classroom activities
1. Learners join mixed up sentence parts in a table to form complex sentences.
2. Learners listen to a radio show and work out the opinion of the speakers.
3. Learners role play a restaurant dialogue between a waiter and a customer.
4. Learners write a quiz for their partners by using the words that they have learned.
5. Learners tell their partners about past situations that cannot be changed, e.g. I would have studied art if my
parents had allowed me to.
6. Learners look through a text and underline the examples of the structure 'have+past participle'.
7. Learners listen and repeat the teacher's modelling of consonant clusters.
8. Learners try to work out unfamiliar words from their context in a paragraph.
9. After discussing the benefits of eating fruit and vegetables, learners produce a poster promoting healthy
10. The teacher cuts a story into different pieces and asks students to work in pairs to put the pieces in the
correct order.
Write your answers here.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
For questions 11–16, complete the statements with the correct option (A, B or C). Write your answers
in the numbered boxes provided.
11. The purpose of a timetable fit in a lesson plan is to identify
A. which of the teaching resources will be included in a lesson.
B. how the lesson connects to the last lesson or the next one.
C. how the lesson fits into the scheduled one hour class time.
12. The purpose of including possible solutions in a lesson plan is to help the teacher to
A. plan some actions to deal with anticipated problems.
B. understand how to grade her own language.
C. prepare some schemes for class activities in the next lesson.
13. The purpose of including subsidiary aims in a lesson plan is to
A. help teachers make lesson main aims clearer and more detailed.
B. help teachers include all learners in the planned tasks.
C. help teachers decide what other things the learners may need to learn besides the main lesson aim.
14. The purpose of including interaction patterns in a lesson plan is to help the teacher to
A. focus on promoting student autonomy in class.
B. make his lesson more varied and student-centred.
C. decide the time to be spent on different stages of the lesson.
15. The purpose of including assumptions in a lesson plan is to help the teacher to
A. discover the group's learning styles.
B. think of what learners already know in relation to the lesson aims.
C. make predictions on what problems will happen in the class.
16. The purpose of including timing in a lesson plan is to help the teacher to
A. ensure the students finish the tasks before they start the next stage.
B. ensure the lesson is neither too long nor too short.
C. ensure the time is sufficient for each stage of the lesson.
Write your answers here.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

For questions 17 - 23, match the teachers' instructions with the most likely main learning skills listed
A-H. There is one extra option which you do not need to use. Write your answers in the numbered
boxes provided.

Main learning skills

A. scanning and skimming text
B. note-taking
C. summarising
D. observing using senses
E. recording results
F. measuring
G. planning
H. drafting, writing and editing
Teachers' instructions
17. You need to briefly recap what types of packaging materials are recyclable.
18. If you can't find the formula for calculating radius, have a quick look in the unit summary or the index.
19. Write down all your ideas, then in pairs select the three best ones that you can use in the report you will
write tomorrow.
20. List all the conditions needed for seeds to germinate, then reorder your sentences according to the
21. Some of these household materials conduct electricity, some don't. Use your circuit as a tester to
determine which materials are conductors or insulators.
22. After the experiment we'll put the findings in the spreadsheet.
23. Some of the test-tubes contain sulphur; you might be able to tell by the distinctive odor.
Write your answers here.
17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

For questions 24-30, match the different activities with the most suitable interaction patterns listed A,
B and C. Write your answers in the numbered boxes provided.

Interaction patterns
A. individual work
B. pair work
C. whole-class work
24. Students write a paragraph about their hobbies.
25. Students do choral drills to practise intonation.
26. Students ask each other questions to complete an information-gap task.
27. All the students perform a song and dance act for the teacher.
28. Students begin a role-play between a shop assistant and customer.
29. Students do a grammar test.
30. Students repeat a few words aloud to practise pronouncing final sounds.
Write your answers here.
24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

For questions 31-35, match the classroom situations in which students make mistakes with the most
appropriate correction technique listed A, B and C. You will need to use some options more than once.
Write your answers in the numbered boxes provided.

Correction techniques
A. peer correction
B. ignoring the mistake
C. finger correction

Classroom situations
31. Two elementary students talking together are both having some difficulty with irregular past tense verbs,
but this does not affect communication.
32. Students work in small groups re-drafting a piece of writing.
33. A student's spoken English sounds unnatural because she forgets to use contractions.
34. An adult student is giving an oral presentation to the class when he mispronounces a proper name. The
other students do not seem to notice.
35. Students exchange essays and scan for spelling mistakes.
Write your answers here.
31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
For questions 36-40, match the ways a teacher gives feedback on students' written work with the
reasons listed A-F. There is one extra option which you do not need to use. Write your answers in the
numbered boxes provided.

Feedback on written work

36. The teacher uses a correction code to note errors down the side of the page instead of correcting
individual mistakes.
37. The teacher only comments on the arguments and supporting details students have provided in their
38. The teacher only marks errors related to the use of past tenses.
39. The teacher uses smiley faces and positive comments to identify examples of excellent language use.
40. The teacher corrects students' essays. He also gives them an example of a previous student's essay that
received very high marks.

A. to inform students of their general mid-term progress in writing
B. to provide students with a model for similar written work in the future
C. to ensure students are aware of language that they are using accurately and appropriately
D. to develop the ability of students to identify incorrect language in their own writing
E. to encourage students to focus on improving a specific language point
F. to direct students' attention to content rather than use of language
Write your answers here.
36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

For questions 41-45, match the teacher activities with the teacher roles listed A, B, C and D. You need
to use some options more than once. Write your answers in the numbered boxes provided.

Teacher roles
A. monitor
B. planner
C. assessor
D. manager

Teacher activities
41. The teacher prepares a lesson on vocabulary for shopping.
42. The teacher awards marks for oral presentations.
43. The teacher listens to students doing a role-play.
44. At the end of the unit, the teacher gives students a vocabulary test.
45. The teacher divides the class into two teams for a quiz.
Write your answers here.
41. 42. 43. 44. 45.

For question 46, write a brief answer (100-150 words) to the following questions:

46. Is it always a good idea to write a lesson plan? Why (not)?


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