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NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


Assignment - 2


Number of questions: 10 Total mark: 10 X 2 = 20


Sample data with a sampling rate of 0.4 kHz for a voltage signal, v(t) = 10sin(100πt+100) + 0.1
sin(300πt+100) V are provided in the table below. Compute the phasor for the 1st window data as marked,
using 1-cycle DFT. The corresponding phasor will be

Instant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sample (V) 5.83 -1.79 -8.22 -9.77 -5.83 1.79 8.22 9.76 5.83 -1.79

Window 1

(A) 10∠100 V (B) 7.07∠1000 V (C) 7.07∠550 V (D) 10.1∠100 V.

Correct answer: (B)

Detailed Solution: N = 8

vn cos (2πn/N) sin (2πn/N) vn cos (2πn/N) vn sin (2πn/N)

-1.79 1 0 - 1.79 0
-8.22 1/√2 1/√2 - 5.81 - 5.81
-9.77 0 1 0 - 9.77
-5.83 - 1/√2 1/√2 4.12 - 4.12
1.79 -1 0 -1.79 0
8.22 - 1/√2 - 1/√2 - 5.81 - 5.81
9.76 0 -1 0 -9.76
5.83 1/√2 - 1/√2 4.12 - 4.12
∑( ) = −6.96 ∑( ) = −39.39

𝑉𝑊1 = [−6.96 + 𝑗39.39] 𝑉 = −1.23 + 𝑗6.96 𝑉 = 7.07∠100° 𝑉 (B)
NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


Sample data for a 50 Hz voltage and current signals are provided in the table below at a sampling rate of 0.4
kHz. Find the angle of current phasor with respect to voltage phasor, using 1-cycle DFT for possible usage
in directional relaying.

Instant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Voltage Sample (V) 0.93 -0.76 -2.00 -2.08 -0.93 0.76 2.00 2.08
Current Sample (A) 1.00 0.33 -0.50 -1.03 -1 -0.33 0.50 1.03

(A) 380 kA (B) 360 kA

(C) -420 kA (D) -380 kA.

Correct answer: (D)

Detailed Solution:
Like the solution table for Question , proceed with the available samples.
Voltage phasor computed using 1-cycle DFT (V) = 1.56∠65.070 V
Current phasor computed using 1-cycle DFT (I) = 0.78∠26.890 A

∠I - ∠V = -380  (D)
NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


A 50 Hz voltage signal data are provided in the table below, sampled at a rate of 0.4 kHz. During steady
state operation, what is the expected phasor at 10th instant (like the situation, in case of missing samples in a

Instant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Sample (V) 70.71 70.96 29.65 -29.03 -70.71 -70.96 -29.65 29.03

(A) 54.21∠22.750 V (B) 45.34∠67.250 V (C) 54.21∠67.250 V (D) 45.34∠-112.750 V

Correct answer: (C)

Detailed Solution:

Using 1-cycle DFT, phasor computed with the 8th sample, as the latest one, is 54.21∠-22.750 V
In case of steady state the signal will advance in periodic manner.
Phasor advances by (3600/8) = 450 for each next instant.

So, the phasor computed at 10th instant will be 54.21∠(-22.750 + 900 ) V = 54.21∠67.250 V
NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Sample data are obtained by an overcurrent relay for a 50 Hz current signal during fault with a sampling
rate of 1 kHz. What will be the ratio of phasor computed at 24th to the phasor at 23rd instant? Given:
Current phasor calculated at 23rd instant using 1-cycle DFT is 0.607∠00 A.

Instant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Sample (A) 0.228 0.390 0.514 0.588 0.604 0.561 0.463 0.321
Instant 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Sample (A) 0.146 -0.042 -0.227 -0.389 -0.513 -0.588 -0.604 -0.561
Instant 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Sample (A) -0.463 -0.321 -0.146 0.041 0.631 1.396 2.262 3.142

(A) 0.70∠180 A
(B) 1.30∠180 A
(C) 0.77∠-180 A
(D) 1.43∠-180 A

Correct answer: (B)

Detailed Solution:

√2 𝑗
𝐼24 = [𝐼23 + (𝑖 )
− 𝑖4 ] 𝑒 𝑁
𝑁 24

I23 = 0.607∠00 A, i24 = 3.142 A, i4 = 0.588 A, N = 20

I24 = 0.788∠180 A
= 1.30∠18° (B)
NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


For the window 1, the computed phasor of a 50 Hz voltage signal using 1-cycle DFT is 41.5∠240 V. What
will be the phasor for window 3 with a sampling rate of 0.6 kHz considering steady state operation of the

(A) 41.5∠1140 V (B) 41.5∠-60 V

(C) 41.5∠840 V (D) 41.5∠600 V

Correct answer: (C)

Detailed Solution:
Number of samples in a cycle = (600/50) = 12
Computed phasor advances by an angle of (3600/12) = 300 with every new sample.

Phasor computed for window 3 = 41.5∠(24+60)0 = 41.5∠840 V  (C)

NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


Sample data for a 50 Hz voltage signal (V) is provided below with a sampling rate of 0.6 kHz.

Instant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sample (V) 1.29 -1.30 -3.54 -4.83 -4.82 -3.52 -1.26 1.33 3.56 4.84

Window 1 Window 3
Window 2

The signal model is considered in the form of AX = m for least square based phasor estimation in this
problem. What will be matrix A for window 1 data as the method processes. In the formulation m is the
𝑉 cos 𝜃
measurement sample matrix and 𝑋 = [ ]
𝑉 sin 𝜃

0 1 0 1
(A) [ 0.5 0.866] (B) [ 0.5 0.5 ]
0.866 0.5 0.866 0.866
0 1 0 1
(C) [0.866 0.5 ] (D) [0.707 0.707]
0.5 0.866 1 0

Correct answer: (A)

Detailed Solution: Time difference between two samples (∆t) are = (1/600) s.
w = 100π
t0 = 0, t1 = t0 +∆t, t2 = t0 +2∆t,
sin(𝑤𝑡0 ) cos(𝑤𝑡0 ) 0 1
𝐴 = [sin(𝑤𝑡1 ) cos(𝑤𝑡1 )] = [ 0.5 0.866]
sin(𝑤𝑡2 ) cos(𝑤𝑡2 ) 0.866 0.5

 (A)
NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


Sample data for a 50 Hz voltage signal (V) is provided below with a sampling rate of 0.6 kHz.

Instant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sample (V) 1.29 -1.30 -3.54 -4.83 -4.82 -3.52 -1.26 1.33 3.56 4.84

Window 1 Window 3
Window 2

What will be the phasor for window 1 using least square based approach.

(A) 3.53∠150 V (B) 2.75∠1650 V (C) 3.53∠-1650 V (D) 2.75∠-150 V

Correct answer: (C)

Detailed Solution: Time difference between two samples (∆t) are = (1/600) s.
w = 100π
t0 = 0, t1 = t0 +∆t, t2 = t0 +2∆t

AX = m

sin(𝑤𝑡0 ) cos(𝑤𝑡0 ) 0 1 −1.30

𝑉 cos 𝜃
𝐴 = [sin(𝑤𝑡1 ) cos(𝑤𝑡1 )] = [ 0.5 0.866], 𝑚 = [−3.54], 𝑋 = [ ]
𝑉 sin 𝜃
sin(𝑤𝑡2 ) cos(𝑤𝑡2 ) 0.866 0.5 −4.83

[𝑋] = [𝐴𝑇 𝐴]−1 [𝐴]𝑇 [𝑚] = [−4.83]


Vrms = 3.53 V, ɵ = tan-1(-1.30/-4.83) = -1650

 (C)
NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


For the 50 Hz signal with 0.6 kHz sampling, the per unit magnitude response of the cosine filter for 20 Hz
frequency input will be

(A) 0.42 (B) 0.33 (C) 0.24 (D) 0.38

Correct answer: (B)

Detailed Solution:

Sample No. Delays cos (∆θ) sin (-∆θ)

0 11 1 0
1 10 √3/2 -1/2
2 9 1/2 -√3/2
3 8 0 -1
4 7 -1/2 -√3/2
5 6 - √3/2 -1/2
6 5 -1 0
7 4 -√3/2 1/2
8 3 -1/2 √3/2
9 2 0 1
10 1 1/2 √3/2
11 0 √3/2 1/2

1 √3 10 1 1 √3 6 √3 4 1 1 √3 0
Hc(ω) = 6 [1𝑧11 + 𝑧 + 2 𝑧9 + 0 × 𝑧8 − 2 𝑧7 − 𝑧 − 1𝑧 5 − 𝑧 − 2 𝑧 3 + 0 × 𝑧 2 + 2 𝑧1 + 𝑧 ]
2 2 2 2

Substitute, z = ejw∆t ; ∆t = (1/600)s, for the case of f= 20 Hz, w = 2π*20 = 40π

1 √3 1
𝐻𝑐 (40𝜋) = 6 [1 × (−0.67 + 𝑗0.74) + × (−0.5 + 𝑗0.866) + 2 × (−0.31 + 𝑗0.95) + 0 ×
1 √3 √3
(−0.1 + 𝑗1) − × (0.1 + 𝑗1) − × (0.31 + 𝑗0.95) − 1 × (0.5 + 𝑗0.866) − × (0.67 + 𝑗0.74) −
2 2 2
1 1 √3
× (0.81 + 𝑗0.59) + 0 × (0.91 + 𝑗0.41) + 2 × (0.98 + 𝑗0.21) + × (1)] = -0.28 –j0.18
2 2

|𝐻𝑐 (40𝜋)| = 0.33  (B)

NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


Sample values are provided below for the 50 Hz current signal with 0.6 kHz sampling rate.
Instant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sample (A) 26.20 32.12 34.85 33.59 28.60 21.16 13.20 6.79 3.59 4.40

Window 1 Window 3
Window 2
Obtain the A matrix considering decaying DC in the model for window 1. Consider the signal model to be in
the form of AX=m, m is the measurement sample vector, for the current signal of 𝑖𝑛 = 𝐼 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜔𝑡𝑛 +
𝐼 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃
𝑡𝑛 𝐼 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃
𝜃) + 𝑘0 𝑒 − 𝜏 and corresponding [𝑋] = 𝑘0
[ 𝜏 ]

1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0
0.866 0.5 1 −1/600 0.5 0.866 1 −1/600
(A) [ ] (B) [ ]
0.5 0.866 1 −2/600 0.866 0.5 1 −2/600
0 1 1 −3/600 1 0 1 −3/600
0 1 −1 0 1 0 1 0
0.707 0.0.707 −1 1/600 0.707 0.707 1 −1/600
(C) [ ] (D) [ ]
1 0 −1 2/600 0 1 1 −2/600
0.707 −0.707 −1 3/600 −0.707 0.707 1 −3/600

Correct answer: (B)

Detailed Solution:

Time difference between two samples (∆t) are = (1/600) s.

w = 100π
t0 = 0, t1 = t0 +∆t, t2 = t0 +2∆t, t3 = t0 +3∆t

sin(𝑤𝑡0 ) cos(𝑤𝑡0 ) 1 −𝑡0 0 1 1 0

sin(𝑤𝑡1 ) cos(𝑤𝑡1 ) 1 −𝑡1 0.5 0.866 1 −1/600
𝐴= [ ]= [ ] (B)
sin(𝑤𝑡2 ) cos(𝑤𝑡2 ) 1 −𝑡2 0.866 0.5 1 −2/600
sin(𝑤𝑡3 ) cos(𝑤𝑡3 ) 1 −𝑡3 1 0 1 −3/600
NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


Sample values are provided below for the 50 Hz current signal with 0.6 kHz sampling rate.
Instant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sample (A) 26.20 32.12 34.85 33.59 28.60 21.16 13.20 6.79 3.59 4.40

Window 1 Window 3
Window 2
The current signal is modeled in the form of 𝑖𝑛 = 𝐼 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜔𝑡𝑛 + 𝜃) + 𝑘0 𝑒 − 𝜏 . For window1 data, determine I
and θ associated with the fundamental component of the signal using least square based approach. The
values are

(A) 10, 220 (B) 12, 360 (C) 18, 640 (D) 15, 520

Correct answer: (D)

Detailed Solution:
Time difference between two samples (∆t) are = (1/600) s.
w = 100π
t0 = 0, t1 = t0 +∆t, t2 = t0 +2∆t, t3 = t0 +3∆t

AX = m

sin(𝑤𝑡0 ) cos(𝑤𝑡0 ) 1 −𝑡0 0 1 1 0 32.12 𝐼 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃

sin(𝑤𝑡1 ) cos(𝑤𝑡1 ) 1 −𝑡1 0.5 0.866 1 −1/600 34.85 𝐼 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃
𝐴= [ ]= [ ], 𝑚 = [ ], 𝑋 = 𝑘0
sin(𝑤𝑡2 ) cos(𝑤𝑡2 ) 1 −𝑡2 0.866 0.5 1 −2/600 33.59
sin(𝑤𝑡3 ) cos(𝑤𝑡3 ) 1 −𝑡3 1 0 1 −3/600 28.60 [ 𝜏 ]

[𝑋] = [𝐴𝑇 𝐴]−1 [𝐴]𝑇 [𝑚]

𝐼 = 15 𝐴, 𝜃 = 52.16° (D)

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